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tv   World News in Full  PRESSTV  February 25, 2024 2:30am-3:03am IRST

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your headlines on press tv 141 days after the start of the us israely genocide in gaza the killing and destruction. campaign against palestinians continues with the death toll nearing 30,000. iran's lead islam's west hypocracy regarding the ongoing bloodshed in gaza condemning the us for repeatedly violating un resolutions to stop the onslaught. and israel's aggression on gaza continues to cast the regime with more boycots, now four norwegian universities have cut size with israeli universities.
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hello everyone, you're watching press tv live from the studios in teran. thank you for joining us. gaza is reading from israel's genocidal campaign with several areas of the besieg territory witnessing fresh air strikes. the regime's helicopters bomb southern areas of deral balah, a city in central guard. israel war planes also pound the town near the southern city of khan unis. the city's nasa hospital is still on the israeli seige. according to doctors without borders, israeli forces do not allow the evacuation of patients from the hospitals buildings to transfer them elsewhere for treatment. other hospitals across gaza are either out of service or operating under die conditions. a palestinian child has died from starvation at kamal adwan hospital in the northern city of bait. are here, israel's
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genocidal war on gaza is now in his fifth month, over 29,600 people have been killed so far, most of them women and children. witnesses describe the latest israely attack in the city of rafat that left over two dozen people dead and many more injured. they say it is safe area, but we have people. being killed each day, we have daily shilling, where is the safe area? it is just words, is all nonsense, there is no safe place in all of the gaz strip, i felt this shilling in my ears while i was somewhat away from the house, we came and found bodies of women, girls, children, what is that? we did not find a member of the resistance, nor tank, nor plane, god is sufficient for us and he is the best disposer of affairs, may god strengthen our resistance, we were sitting peacefully, i was baking, my children were around. there was nothing and suddenly the
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house flew, i don't know who was targeted, it hit our neighbors, this house, i don't know, there are maybe 50 people sheltering in it, it is full, they are even sheltering in the storage of the building, god is sufficient for us and he's the best disposer of affairs. now this place palestinians in southern gaza are packed into a tiny area, intense and the israely threats to launch a ground operation in rafat, they said they have to deal with skyrocketing prices and shortage of drinking water is sick listen there are choking sky rocketing prices, it's terrifying, there is no source of income, the area is very overcrowded, the situation is disastrous in every sense of the word, we don't know what the situation would be next, we are five people, the situation here is difficult, the
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number of the displaced people has increased and it has become more difficult. there is also a drinking water shortage. we receive drinking water once every three days and when we get out to bring anything, there is no income, there is no income, there is nothing. we walk a long distance when we want to bring the simplest thing, this is not a life. the leader of iran's islamic revolution has lashed out at western.
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it has become evident that the west claims on human rights are lies, he noted that western governments kick up a fuss over the execution of a criminal while turning a blind eye to the killing of some 30... thousand innocent people in gaza. the leader said, the united states has shamelessly and for multiple times vetoed un security council resolutions on ending israeli bombardments of gaza. harmoni said this is the true colors of the western civilization and liberal democracy which embody politicians who have smiles on their faces, but are actually quote, rabbit dogs and blood thirsty wolves within. now heavy clashes between the resistance moving hesbollah and israel continue along lebanon's southern border. hezbollah says it has targeted several israely military sites. the attacks come in response to the regime's earlier missile and drone attacks hitting residential areas in southern lebanon. mariam saleh joined us earlier from bayroot for more
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details. the israeli shelling of course is not limited to one spec specific area or not only the bordering towns as it was in the past uh but today of course the bordering towns themselves have been subject to very heavy shelling, these israels are not only using artillery now very intensively, extensively actually, now we're talking about more uh air um air shelling, fighter jets uh destroying, even areas that uh they probably know are empty residential areas and uh civilian houses and still they are being targeted and almost completely destroyed today we had lot of destruction in the town of karakila uh for example, uh and there was a lot of rubble, we know that there are no human casualties as a result of that shelling specifically, but that is also that adds up to the continuous shelling that we saw also in daera and atasha, we also saw lot of shelling rashaya al fuhar, and that is one of the areas that is not usually uh under
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attack, but its outskirts are also uh some of the areas that are targeted by the israelis, now hazbullah has also launched a very heavy also operations, very significant. operation several areas, today the hill of al cobra uh, which is also a strategic place for gathering of soldiers, they targeted twice actually, once with two burkan rockets, another time they said there was a military mobilization there uh by the israeli soldiers, they also targeted that later in the day uh, but they also targeted another group of soldiers in the aldahaira uh post, the post which is facing the town of aldahira, we also had like you said you mentioned the ramia post. so today they targeted the zibdin post and post so are usually being targeted, we also have the ramim post being targeted by al burkan rocket and that ramim specifically is an occupied lebanese town uh called hunin
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and now it's time for the news review section. where we delf deeper into the day's or one of the day's top stories, so stay with us. now thousands of israeli protesters are vallied in tel aviv demanding the resignation of prime minister benjamin netanyahu. our government has failed, needs to go. we need new government, we need new people, new leadership, someone that counts us in, that thinks about us. not just about themselves, basically that's it, today in the israeli parliament, the knesset, i've been there few times each time, each time i'm there, i want to vomit, when i was young, the people there
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was people that i can be proud of them, now they took the shallow people, the i don't don't even have a word for what i see there very very low life people. protest has also demanded the release of israeli captives held by palestinian resistance groups. they call for holding snap elections. the premier has been under five for putting his political interest in gaza before the lives of the captives. netanyahu has been in hot water as he is embroiled in a c series of scandals, his charges amongst others include fraud and breach of trust. this has prompted protesters to take to the streets almost every weekend to call for his immediate resignation. now to talk more on this, we are joined by mr.
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anthony hall, professor of globalization from left bridge university in alberta, canada, and also mr. eves engler, author and political activist from montreal, again from canada. now gentlemen, welcome to the news review section. mr. hall, beginning with you. once again, israelis have taken to the streets demanding the resignation of their prime minister. they had already blamed netanyahu for what they called a... short a failure uh for the operation alaxa flood on october the 7th and right now they are more vexed over his handling of the israely captive so uh mr. hole, we've seen that netanyahu is not listening to the world uh call for a cease fire, not listening to some of his uh allies in some cases or as we are seeing not even his own people, so why is that after all, they're always uh boasting about their democracy, so where is it? well that's a good question, um, let's be clear that all these groups that are mobilizing to
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make netanyahu get out of the way or aust him, not one of these groups is really focused on some kind of decent peace settlement with the indigenous peoples of gaza and the west bank, and so the the the thing that seems to be key. in in power is with all the different factions, there seems to be a desire to eliminate palestinians, that seems to be very popular, so as we look at this whole smazel emerging, reemerging in in israel over benjam, benjamin netanyahu's leadership, we've got to remember that the discussion is very limited so far. it's not dealing with the issues that we would like to see addressed, the future of palestine, the
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future of self-determination in palestine, an end to the genocide and murder, that doesn't seem to be a real issue with the uh people, it's the captives, they want their captives out, but something is missing in this whole discussion. mr. hall, many are blasting him netanyahu for what they say prioritizing his political interest in gaza over the lives of the... so what do they mean by that? can you elaborate on how that works? well, we know that is, he's under criminal charges, it's corruption charges, i think is the biggest suspect about october the 7th, how much was he involved in actually setting it up and setting up the basis for this genocidal war, which is what he wants, there's 7 million. palestinians under the control of israel, there's seven million jewish israel, people
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are aware that the numbers of palestinians is overwhelming the number of is about to overwhelm the number of jewish palestinians, so this is this is an element of it, and so the the lust for palestinian blood, he does seem to be a good representative to channel that lust into action and... extermination and genocide with the backing of the americans, so i think that's what's keeping him in power. now, mr. hole, eliminating hamas and getting the captives back obviously by military means where israel's main goals in the ground invasion of gaza, so why do you think the regime has failed in achieving their goal so far? well, there is so much fraud in this, the idea that this was all about eradicating. mass: no, this is a genocidal war to eliminate the palestinian population in gaza, which is the biggest
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concentration of palestinians in the world, i think in in a very narrow place. that's right, we just lost mr. engler again, uh, we'll continue with you, mr. hall, now mr. hole, your assessment as well, do you think they will be able to defeat hamas and free the captives by military means they haven't so far up to now? not a single captive was retrieved by the regime, in fact they've managed to kill dozens of them uh with their indiscriminate uh bombings, the dumb bombs that they were using. well, well my point is the war on hamas is is kind of fake war, it should be noted that nahu has very old and close relationship with the mass, going back to the time he was elected in 1996, hamas has been seen as an adjunct of the... could party and uh so uh this idea of trying to defeat
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hamas, this is a lie, this is this is uh to seem to put veil in front of the real thing that is going on, which is to eliminate palestinians, which is to exterminate as many palestinians as possible, and then uh whoever survives, if any survive will be evicted uh and forced out of israel so that they can have their glorious jewish supremist country. without any sign of the palestinian inheritance of palestine, which they're trying to make into a place called israel, but as long as these palestinians are emids the... among them, it's a proof that the they have occupied, occupied palestine, and israel is an occupying power, and uh, that's something that if they eliminate all the palestinians, they don't have to deal with that. so, mr. hall, how do you see the future of netanyahu, uh, israel, the zanist regime? many are saying that it that because of him,
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the state of israel will never be the same again. well, let's face it. israel now is a priya state, the world has been watching on in awe, the most horrific uh assault a civilian population, especially women and children, it's not just bombing from land, see and air, it's starvation, it's encouraging plagues and sickness, it's uh holding back water, it's holding back the means of getting food and supplies into gaza, "anwa uh trying to kill anwa, it's destroying hospitals, it's destroying public places, masks, churches. it's a genocidal war, very sophisticated sort of new era genocide, the now israel is the most genocidal country on
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earth, it's the genocidal state of israel really, and thank you hamas and did, yeah, actually create the conditions by intervening so that october 7 would be kind of false flag and get the domestic population really upset, so he could go at his genocidal war, that is about reducing the, changing the demography, demography of israel. that's right, mr. hall, like many people, i've heard many people say that netanyahu needed hamas and needs hamas. to survive, yes, and it would be interesting if they are in some way still in contact, this is something i really did some research in going back into the origins of hamas, hamas and naked together on getting him elected, of course the purpose of hamas is to
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keep the palestinian people divided to keep the gaza people separated from the west bank by means and and keep the palestinian authority from claiming a full um jurisdiction throughout a palestinian and among the palestinians it's been a divide and conquer scheme and uh netanyahu has done that to prevent the basis for any negotiations because he can always say well who am i going to negotiate with they they're not united they and he does very much to keep them disunited. them for his own purposes, political purposes, that's right, mr. just before we let you go, with the icj uh case gaining momentum, what do you predict in the future and could we see the likes of netanyahu and his affiliates be tried and prosecuted for their crimes? well, that would be quite something to see, and it would be a great achievement for the international
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system to see the biggest war criminal in the world right now, by far bench. and netanyahu, the associated with the most public, horrific genocide uh the world has seen in modern times, to see netanyahu, the man who transformed israel from a place claiming victim status from the holocaust, to being the basis of a holocaust, to being a country associated with doing genocide, implementing genocide, so to see him on trial would be glorious, but let's uh, i, i'd like to see some of the western leaders actually hanging in the rubble of nasa, they're they're they're strung up, they're hanging and put them in the in the rubble, when we get some proof that there is some accountability for breaking the international law, and breaking it in in a very criminal, murderous, genocidal way, when we get some proof that
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there's some consequences that people are accountable for their war crimes, for their crime. against humanity for their genocide, then we can start to believe that there is a rule of law, an authentic rule of law, not just a law for one class and then all those above the rule of law are able to do what they want with impunity, without facing any punishment or accountability, that is getting very upsetting to the world and discrediting the idea of law altogether, we're living in a jungle, dog eat dog. environment and this is where it's led to this genocide, that's right, it seems that we have mr. engler online as well, mr. engler, glad you can make it, missler, your thoughts. about the recent uh demonstrations and protests against netanyahu in israel in tel aviv? well, i mean, i think it's a good thing, but we
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should be clear that this is not a movement that's saying stop the genocide, this is movement that's uh calling for a cease fire and structured around doing that to get israelis that are that are in gaza out. uh, and you look at this from any sort of internationalist humanist perspective, the israelis that are in in gaza are completely irrelevant compared to the slaughter that's taking place compared to the many many, many thousands of palestinians that are locked up in israely jails, um, so so it's good that there is protest within israel, it's good that there that netan yahoo is feeling some heat, but let's be clear, this is not a movement that's saying that israel is committing genocide, that israel's a state. based upon a partide, it is israel is a state that needs to concede to the legitimate demands of the popula population that they have been oppressing for many, many decades.
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eliminating khamas, getting the captives back uh where israel's main goals on with the ground invasion in gaza, why do you think the regime has failed in achieving their goals and will they be able to achieve their goals? i think they failed because uh there's obviously uh hamas is is better organized than many thought uh i think it's also because the palestinians in gaza are they are you know they're sympathetic to hamas they they they are they they back the resistance they they understand that there's this violent apartide uh siege imposing uh government that force. them from their homes 60-70 years ago that it's unleashing assault against palestinians and so they have
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sympathy for the resistance whether they agree with every political element of hamas um and and there's been you know hamas has been fought a gorilla warfare campaign fairly successfully and i think israel there's a lot of hubrus in israel right there's this idea that they are you know all all powerful, all dominant, and and and and i think that's shown to have have failed. now there is a, i do have doubt about whether netanyahu really believe that he could wipe out hamas and how much of that rhetoric is really designed to justify the ethnic cleansing and the, genocidal policies and that they by framing it as we're trying to get rid of hamas, you are in fact no knowingly... "this is something you know you can't succeed in doing, but you're trying to in fact just try to kill as many palestinians and make life as miserable as possible for palestinians in gaza as part of a uh maximalist zionist uh
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aim which is to you know depopulate uh uh the region of palestinians which is of course an objective of zionism going back you know a century a century um but but i think that also we have to be clear that the hamas fighters have have resisted uh in a in a val and and successful way, we only got a minute left, so your final thoughts sir, well my final thoughts that basically it's unbelievable that the canadian, us, british government are continuing to enable these horrors everyone is witnessing, it doesn't matter how many hospitals are attacked, how many... children we see killed, how many women, how much you know the misery of people not being able eat, and yet you have a government like my government in canada that
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continues to basically demonize those protesting this genocide, or in the case of the us that vetos un security council resolutions and continues to provide you donations of weapons in the canadian government perspective, what they've done since october 7th, as we see this... horror, what they've done is they've sped up the permits for arm sales uh to to israel, so canada has been, greatly increased its arms uh transfers to israel over the past four months, just unbelievable to witness this. mr. hold, just one minute, your final thoughts as well, yeah, it's good to see uh eve before uh, this uh zeroing in on the fact that these icj case has now leading to... uh internal processes within our countries, within the western countries, and that uh, i think it's very correct that we point out, we canadians, point out to our canadian
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government that... you, our government are making this country, canada complicit in genocide, and that's very disgraceful, and uh, so it's incuming upon us to put all pressures we can, and to publicize the war crimes that eve is is is is mentioning, the uh raising of military exports to israel during this time, it's a disgrace, it's a disgrace to that fraud uh, justin trudo, to melanie j, the foreign affairs minister, uh, you you do their leaders and be uh complicit in genocide, but we're telling you you're complicit in genocide, and you're offending us and we'll have to do something about it here in canada, because we've got to keep our country as clean as possible, in spite of our governments, in spite of our leadership, who betray us at every turn. thank you, mr.
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anthony. professor of globalization from leathbreid university, alberta, canada, and also glad you can make it mr. engler eves engler, author and political activist from montreal, again from canada. gentlemen, thank you for your time. and with that we come to the end of this uh news review section. thank you for being with us. لو وافق صدام على كل قرارات الامم المتحده وعلى كل ما تريده الولايات المتحده لكان قد اطيح به كان المفروض عندما يسقطون النظام يسلمون الدوله للمعارضه هم اسقطوا النظام والدوله معا وسلموا
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