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tv   In a nutshell An American war on Gaza in a nutshell  PRESSTV  February 17, 2024 3:13am-3:31am IRST

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if you take israel for what it is, an outgrowth of the united states in west asia.
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than the wars that the israeli military is fighting or america's by extension, and it is not just figurative thing to say, israel would not have survived in the past seven decades without american support. the united states has showered israel with billions in financial aid, military aid and other forms of support throughout its years of existence. israel would have been unable to survive without the us support throughout its short existence. in order to build these so... old iron dome weapon system alone, america offered a whopping $1.6 billion from 2011 to 2021. last year, the united states congress passed another $1 billion in funding for the apparently israeli system.
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in the ongoing war on gaza, the israeli regime has been gobbling up american money and weapons. since the start of the war, the pentagon has quietly ramped up military aid to israel, from more missiles for iron dome to laser guided missiles for apache helicopters, also us made to bunkerbuster munitions to military vehicles, according to an internal defense. department list, let's
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take a look at how america has been fueling the war on gaza in a nutshell. the latest war on gaza started on october the 7th after a multi-proged attack by hamas, the gaza base palestinian group, the scope of which caught the israeli regime by surprise. the israeli military then started the current bloody war, primarily with aerial attacks on the besieged gaza, then sent souls into the enclave. hours after the hamas raid on october the 7th, washington started sending warships and war planes into the region and prepared to give israel whatever it needed. israel also asked the us for iron dome interceptors while president joe biden said washington would quickly provide additional equipment and resources, including ammunition which would reach israel within days. wall street journal
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report says that the united states has given israel range of munitions, including so-called bunkerbuster bombs for its war in gaza. it said us arms shipments to israel since the start of the war included 15,000 bombs and 57,155 mm artillery shells mostly carried on c-17 military cargo planes. wall street journal says that some of the bloodiest israeli attacks on the gaza strip have involved use a big us-made bombs. another form of us assistance for israel of course comes in the form of diplomatic cover. the us has blocked several resolutions at the un security council that would have necescitated a ceasefire to have urgent humanitarian aid reach the hundreds of thousands of palestinians who have been displaced by the israeli war. when severely weakened version of that resolution passed recently. it passed with a us abstention. it
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is easy to imagine the israeli arsenal drying up in the ongoing all-out war on gaza. previous wars have lasted for. several days or weeks only, and america isn't hiding its near constant, near total replenishing of the israeli regime either, but if it is true that israel is fighting what is practically an american war with the american missiles and vehicles, guns and munitions, diplomatic cover and stone walling, what are the actual implications of the war over the united states, as the suffering... in palestine continues to grow, america as well as israel must be held accountable. every palestinian death caused by the israeli war on gaza is casualty of the united states war on the palestinian enclave too, and any tragedy yet to come is one of america's making as well.
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the united states lubricates the war machine, the israeli military fights, palestinians are killed and america accumulates shame. i think that the um drop economic activity, the the costs of the conflict, both military and uh economic uh on the israeli regime are
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fairly severe, because the workers in the technology sector mainly. the reserves and this really are.
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it speaks with me, the saint of the... roil from the blood and the ashes, it speaks with me the sound of the rain from the back and the victory, victory.
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oh palestine, i free you, oh palestine, i free you. oh palestine, i free you, oh palestine, i'm free, my every prayer is a cry to my enemy, and i cry out, cry out, cry out to the evil enemy, the flame within my heart will burn. you, i cry out, and the thunder in my voice will deafen you, i cry out, and the tornado within my soul, will rul you away,
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"my bleeding wound once felt those unforgotten but the aching sorrowing." me never gone, raise it with my anger and love, love of my land, anger at your dead, raise it with my anger and love. love of my land, anger as your dead, wounded by hatred, i'm
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breathing, breathing, breathing, the magic perfume of my homeland palestine, wonderd in love, my hands turn around the branches of the olive. seeking peace, seeking peace, but as long as the pillows of our children are drench in blood, as long as you have the thorn crown of evil force, i'm a flame and thunder and tornado. and i cry out, i cry
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out, oh my son, you, i pray you, i need you, oh my son, i pray you, this is my land and my country. it is not only the 1948 or 1967 borders from the sea to the river. i am not ready to let go of a centimeter. israel is here. like any for by the support of the europe, by the support of the united states, that's why they separate
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the land, well i was at the babel shams protest last week and i myself had my head banged against a bus by soldier. illegally on illegal stolen land and they are arresting us, the palestinian. this is historical palestine.
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this week's episode of iran tech is our special coverage of the 14th annual nanotechnology exhibition of iran, iran nano 2023 where... one proof to the worldwide ranks fourth globally and first in west asia nano science production. this is where 140 companies come together to showcase their latest achievements in nanotechnology. so join us as we take a look around and showcase the best that this exhibition has to offer.
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your headlines on press tv, the international court of justice has warned that was is taking place in the gaza strip could lead to untold regional consequences. hezbulah warns that if israel keeps crossing the red lines by targeting lebanese civilians, he will pay the price of his action with blood, and the ansarullah movement says the united states exposed this hypocrisy by his pro israel move to designate the yemani group as a terrorist.