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tv   World News in Full  PRESSTV  February 16, 2024 8:30pm-9:03pm IRST

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of the headlines, nearly dozen people are killed in an israeli air strike on gaza's southern city of rafa where the regime is preparing for a ground assault as well, warns that if israel keeps crossing the red lines by targeting lebanese civilians and will pay the price of its actions with blood. and the people of yemen have held mass rallies in several cities across the country in yet another show of solidarity with the people of palestine.
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hello and welcome everybody, it's 8:30 p.m. in here in the iranian capital tehrany, watching press tv's world news, our top story for this half hour, the gaza strip is reeling from israel's military campaign with the southern city of rafa witnessing a fresh air strike ahead of a looming ground offensive by the regime. nearly dozen palestinians were killed and number of others injured in the attack, targeting two residential buildings. rafa is hosting some 1. 5 million palestinians taking shelter from attacks in other parts of gaza. israel has intensified its air raids on the city while it's preparing for a ground assault as well. the planned attack has sparked fears of a wider tragedy in gaza where palestinians are already grappling with the dire situation. israel launched its war on gaza early october killing nearly 28, 800 palestinians, most of those killed are women and children. we demand sease fire. that's a
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message from a palestinian girl who lives as a refugee in the city of dar albalot. she told our correspondent that she wants to send her message to the world through press tv. let's take a listen to what she had to say. we live under continuous israel bombing and live in very harsh condition that we have never experienced before and didn't imagine that we would one day left. we are suffiring a luck of food and drink, we are in real femine, at first we though that this world like all other wars would last for a while and would end, but as you can see now is still there, the world's continuing, everyone is in great sadness because he has lost his loved one, his relatives and the home in which he lives, we demand a cease fire and we want to live like the rest of the world, hope this message reaches. palestinians say they
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will not leave rafa despite israeli threats of a ground attack on the city, they say that they'll stay in palestine even if it means that they'll eventually be killed. gaza is our pride, it's our home, we were born and raised in it. our egyptian brothers are hospitable, but our lives would be much harder than living in the gaza strip. it will be a difficult life that we are not accustomed. to the gaza strip is our people, our life, our country where we grew up, we cannot leave our home behind and go to sinai, how can we leave our country, how many times shall we get this place in our country so that we can stay in it? we refuse to go to any other faraway country, we want to stay in our country, we will accept staying here in the tents over living, no matter what, our country is precious to us, we're from gaza, from palestine. were the people of palestine,
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and no matter how much we get hurt and what they do to us, we will not migrate from our land. this is our land and we cherish it, its name is palestine. since the day we came to this earth, we were thought that this is palestine and its capital is the holy jerusalem, we will never migrate and leave it, we will continue to struggle onto the day of judgment for the sake of palestine. the israeli military has raided the main hospital in gaza's southern city. charity group, doctors without borders says an unspecified number of people were killed and injured. israeli troops storm. nasa hospital after
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laying siege to the facility for days. the hospital also hosted the displaced palestinians when the israeli military rated it on thursday, the regime said it believed the bodies of dead captain. were being held inside the facility, hamas has denied that. it said the rate shows the genocidal nature the israeli crimes in gaza. the un rights office also said the rate appears to be part of israeli attacks targeting life-saving civilian infrastructure in gaza, especially hospitals. the office said it is documented similar raids in other parts of gaza, describing the impacts on civilians as appalling. meanwile the palestinian red creson society says israeli forces have kidnapped 20 of its staff and patients at alamal, another hospital in hanyunis. malnutrition is threatening the lives of tens of thousands of children in gaza, that's according to the un agency for children,
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unicef says the number will continue to rise if the situation does not change. children. and among the cases we checked was this child who is 2 years and seven months old, before the war, before october 7, she waited 11 kilograms, she's now 7 kilograms, so she's suffering from malnutrition, her situation is difficult, she has complications, she suffers from dehydration and she needs help, we have heard the appropriate amount of nutrition supplements, we're trying our best to help her, we're referring her to hospital where she can get treatment, that's all we could... do so far, due to the conditions of the war in gaza, the health and nutrition situation for children have changed, it has become incomplete health system without vitamins, proteins or fats in the healthy amounts. children are relying on canned food which contains preservatives, all this along with
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the fact that the water is polluted, the sand, the living conditions here that can spread diseases and germs, all this causes malnutrition among children in displacement camps in r. there are 32500 children under the age of five who are risk of acute malnutrition. unicef expects that in the coming days and weeks there will be at least 10,00 children whose lives are essentially at risk if the situation does not change. this danger also comes as the health and drinking water systems face a complete collapse in the gaza strip contributing to the spread of diseases. this creates a deadly cycle because we know that if children who are mal-nourished contract disease, their lives are more at risk. the spokesman for hamas's military wings says palestinian resistance against israel will continue until the regime's last soldier leaves the gaza strip.
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abu ubida said the resistance fighters have already inflicted unprecedented losses on intruding israeli forces. the spokesman also stated that hamos has been trying to protect. captives its holding in gaza, but israel has ignored warnings about the threats to their lives. he added that casualties among the captives have increased greatly since the beginning of the israeli unslaught on gaza. hamas has announced the death of several captives in the regime's air strikes. abu reiterated that operation alafsa flood will mark the end of the oldest occupation in contemporary era and will be a turning point in the history of the palestinian nation. the inhumanity must be stopped, that's what brazilian president louisianaula de silva has said as he criticized rich countries for cutting funds to the palestinian refugee agency onrua. at the time when the palestinian people need support, the most
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rich countries have decided to cut humanitarian aid to the un agency for palestine refugees. the recent allegations against the agencies staff need to be properly investigated, but they cannot. paralyze it, palestinian refugees in jordan, syria and lebanon will also be left destitute. this inhumanity and cowardies must be stopped. enough of collective punishment, my government will make new contribution to anrua. we urge all countries to maintain and increase their contributions. called for a cease fire in gaza to allow for sustainable humanitarian aid into the palestinian territory, he was addressing an arab league meeting in egypt last month, the us along with dozen countries, mostly western states, suspended funds to enroa, they did so after tell aviv alleged that several of honor staff had helped hamas in its alaxa flood operation on southern israel on october the 7th. an investigation has been launched, but israel
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has offered no evidence for its claim. onroa has warned it will face cash crunch from march if it receives no funding. the agency provides assistance to palestinian refugees. in several locations, including syria, lebanon, gaza, and the occupied territories. our correspondent in dar albella and central gaz. explains what the consequences would be if onro is forced to stop its humanitarian operations in the territory due to the lack of funds. the entire population of gaza slept the 2.3 million palestinian civilians would face a real famine and this famine actually is uh is getting more clearer uh in the gaza city and even in the northern parts of gaza slip as it was reported that many palestinian civilians actually passed the... and died as they do not have anything eat over the last
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couple of days, so this is a real manifestation of the continuous israeli of the continuous israeli attack and this salvation that is used by the israeli incubation forces as a war weapon against the palestinian people, so it's highly expected that hundreds of the palestinian people would die, if this contin this condition and this situation. continues for so long time because we are talking about at least three consecutive weeks and the palestinian people there actually are out denied their basic humanitarian needs and they do not have anything eat and uh uh we are talking about at least 600 uh 600,00 palestinan civilians are still uh stranded and stuck in gaza city and in the northern parts and over these harsh conditions and catastrophic conditions the palestinian people there were enforced to use the animal foods. and we are talking about unprecedented conditions, what is going on is uh is insane, it's it's undescribable
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when it comes to the palestinian people and how they are striving and how they are facing a real famine on the ground, and apparently as you know that the israeli occupation forces uh systematically and deliberately attempting to deepen this kind of the suffering and all this kind of the antagonizing of the yonrua and the human. material rights, human rights organizations, all all all this kind of all these sorts of these actions taken by the israeli incubation forces against those organizations actually come in the context of the israeli of the israeli policy to turn gaza into an unlivable place.
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i think that the um drop economic activity, the the costs of the conflict, both military and uh economic uh on the israeli regime are fairly severe. because the workers in the technology sector mainly our reserves in this really are. welcome back, the leader of the hezwella resistance movement is slammed. israeli attacks on civilian areas in southern lebanon, he warned that the regime will pay with blood for such aggression, we always
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said that we cannot tolerate harm to civilians, the enemy must understand that they went too far in this issue, brothers and sisters, i tell you and to all those who are listening to the friend and the enemy, and children who were killed in these days in and elsewhere in the south in southern villages, the enemy will pay the price of spilling their blood and they will pay the price of this blood with blood. now warned israel that the resistance movement enjoys advanced missile capabilities, he said has weapons can reach. as far as the occupied city of ilot. that chief heiled the ongoing resistance operations against israel. he said the
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resistance front has shattered the myth of israel's invincibility and unmasked the regime. on another note. nasur allah slammed washington's unconditional support for israel in its genocidal war in gaza. he said us officials are responsible for every drop of blood spilled in the region. nasa said without american military support, the israeli onslot on gaza would stop immediately. he said despite the western. naid for israel, the regime has failed to achieve its stated goals in gaza and will continue to do so, an israeli air strike has hit a house in... southern lebanon on intense fighting between the regime and the lebanese resistance movement. at least three civilians were killed in the attack, separate israeli strike on southern lebanon killed a hezbulah fighter as well. also on wednesday, nearly dozen people, including six kids lost their lives in the regime strikes, targeting lebanese villages in the south. the latest
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developments come as the israeli regime at hezballah are engaged in fighting at lebanon's southern border areas. the fighting began on. over the 8th the day after israel attacked gaza, hezbulah says it aims to provide support to palestinian resistance fighters battling israel inside gaza. we earlier joined by our correspondents in berwood maria to get more details about the exchanges of fire between the israeli military and hezbollah. well, they're definitely have been very dangerous developments here in lebanon, especially with the fact that... many analysts are saying the israelis are definitely in a state of perplexion, they are are confused, they are a really cornered by the resistance, hizballah has maintained and has kept to the rule of military for military, whereas the israelis have gone further in that in last two days, we've seen basically massacre in the town of nabatiye, we saw also them
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targeting residential areas and residence, very obviously we have. three last marters, although they are considered members of the amal movement, but they are not a military uh movement that is, but they they are considered part of the civilian structure basically in the lubanese community, and so the israelis are attempting to lure the resistance in some way uh, however the resistance seems to be still calm, they're still sticking to targeting only military posts, military devices, military... soldiers and israeli soldiers, that is of course uh the israelis, although hasbullah has not claimed responsibility, people have once again taken to the streets in the yemeny cities of sana and sauda and it shows support uh for palestinians in the gaza strip. "the
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ameney protesters waved palestinian flags and chanted slogans against israel and its main supporter, the us, they've been holding rallies on friday since israel launched its onslot on gaza early october. the amaminies also held pictures of their leaders in a show of support for their pro-palestine operations. those operations have targeted israeli linked vessels in the red sea an effort to pressure the regime to stop the genocide in gaza. yemenis also voiced support for their army's operations against american and british. in response to their ongoing air strikes on yemen, the air strikes began in the wake of the yemeny military operations in the red sea. our correspondentifali was standing by at the rally in santa with more details. thousands of yeminies have gathered here in the capital sana, they are here to
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express their fall support for the palestinian people, they're here to praise the yemani army's operations. in the rean gulf of aden, we have also here people who came from the najran governorate in southern of saudi arabia, they said they came here to support the yemani army and to support the leadership in yemen, which is now facing the us and uk and israel, they are facing them for the sake of the palestinian people, people here uh said they are ready uh to uh or express their willingness to join the mn army to fight the uh people who uh have... uh made an aggression or launched an aggression against the palestinian people and also the ameni people. as you can see now we have thousands of people here in the yemini capital son and also in the mar and hudaida and saada and other cities. people come regularly here every week uh to uh express their support for the palestinian people which is will never be back down uh with
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time. they say that the us and the uk and israel they believe that the yemanies will get tired from coming to the seats. every week, but no, yemenis are not, they are here and you will see them in the next friday and the uh next week also. the lebanese people show their strong commitment to the values of resistance against these regime regardless of the price, they may have to pay. they say they're ready sacrifice whatever they have to protect their country. here are comments from people in the city of nabatian, southern lebanon. israel. "no matter how long israeli attacks lasts, we will indeed remain a stead fast and not be defeated. we will remain holding to our land, even if we stay under the rain. we will be studfast. and not abandon our country or our land, even if it turns into ashes. we want to relay message to the israeli enemy that we will remain steadfast here. as you have seen, they've
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targeted innocent unarmed civilians. they claim that the building houses objects affiliated to hezbullah. however, in a morning it was revealed that their claim is false, and all those targeted are innocent civilians, including children and women. unfortunately, this brutal enemy has been attacking innocent. two israelis have been shot dead and four others wounded in a palestinian retaliatory operation in a settlement near the city of rumlet and occupied territories are correspondent in the occupied west magmonal was with us earlier for more details. according to the israeli military. a palestinian arrived a bus station in the illegal settlement of kat malaki near asduod and asqalan in southern israel, the
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lands that were occupied in 1948, he had a gun, he opened a fire at israel's there, the israeli paramedics immediately said that three israels had been killed, three others had been wounded and they were in serious to... let's say between moderate and serious condition, but later the israeli police said that only six israels had been wounded, but and in less than 15 minutes from now, israeli paramedics and israeleli media outlets like israel, let's say and revealed that two israels had been killed and four others had been wounded, at least one of those four is in serious condition and that the man who carried out the shooting was shot and killed, he was shot and killed by an israeli settler
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there, an israeli civilian and not an israeli soldier or a police officer as the israelas revealed, the identity of this palestinian man is still unknown, people in jordan have taken to the streets in solidarity with palestinians and the siege gaza strip, they called for an end to the kingdom's export of produce to israel. the jordanian people feel ashamed that the government is allowing the land bridge to save the zionist entity and exporting vegetables and fruits to this entity, a time when our people are beseged in the gaza strip, deprived of water. food and medicine. this is the 19th consecutive week of such nationwide protests including in the capital amon, the demonstrators decide
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israel's atrocities in gaza hospitals and its massacre of civilians including women and children. they called for international intervention to stop the genocide and lift the blockade on gaza. earlier this week, jordan recalled its ambassador from israel and told the regime's ambassador to stay away. that was in protest that the relentless israeli. bombardment of gaza, pro-palestinian sentiment is wide spread in jordan, which shares a border with the occupied west bank and host some 2.4 million palestinian refugees. jordanians have been calling on the authorities to close the israeli embassy and scrap the unpopular 1994 peace treaty with the regime. iran's foreign minister says israely genocide in gaza will inevitably have adverse impacts on the security and stability of west asia. amid abdullah han made the remarks during a phone call with his saudi counterpart, he said such effects will occur if there is no immediate political solution. amid abdullahyan reiterated that tehran does
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not consider war as solution. iran's top diplomat also called for emergency ministerial meeting of the organization of islamic cooperation on gaza, faizal bin farhan welcomed the call. he also criticized israeli prime minister beniaman's defiance of international calls for a cease fire in gaza. that's a wrap for now, but stick around there's playing more to come here on press dvc in a bit, crisis, devastating wars. terrorism, the israeli lobby, crackdown, usraeli genocide
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against the people of palestine.
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how did zinis come from across the world to palestine to occupy a land belonging to another nation? how do they form their secret army, hagana? how do they grab lands belonging to palestinians? how did they build and expand their illegal settlements? israel's former. prime minister, goldomir answers these and more questions in this documentary.
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depressed coverage of this assination of bsimmani now entering its uh uh fourth day, we're looking at some uh
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"when the u.s. israel genocidal war against the gaza strip began, israel thought it could wrap up this aggression within a short period of time. over four months now, going into the fifth month, israel has realized that was just pipe drain, and it didn't anticipate the costs involved and how it's draining its purse. just a couple of the angles we'll be looking at in this edition of economic divide. taking look at some of the highlights of this program, israel's economic crisis. we'll break it down, there's been a credit downgrade by..." duties, also the budget deficit, and the gdp decrease, obviously all negative economic indicators for israel. then we will take a look a huge concern, and these are the mounting costs that are recurring for israel.