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tv   World News in Full  PRESSTV  February 16, 2024 1:30pm-2:15pm IRST

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nearly dozen people are killed in an is really air strike on gaza's southern city of rafa. with the regime is preparing for a ground assault as well, israel forces raid anasar hospital in the city of khan unis and gaza where displaced palestinians are taking shelter and israely air strike a home in southern lebanon kills at least three civilians.
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hello everybody and thanks for tuning in to press tv world news. the gaza strip is ruling from israel's military campaign a southern city of ra now witnessing a fresh air strike just ahead of a looming ground offensive by the israeli regime. nearly dozen palestinians were killed and number of others injured an attack that targeted two residential buildings. europa is hosting some 1.5 million of palestinians taking shelter from attacks in other parts of the besieg gaza strip. israel's intensified his air raids on the city while preparing for a ground assault. the planned attack spark fears of a wider tragedy in gaza where palestinians are of already grappling with a dire situation. israel launched its war on gaza on october a the 7th. killing nearly 28,800 palestinians,
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most of them women and children. we demand seizfire, that is message from a palestinian girl who lives at a refugee, as a refugee, that is in the city of derabalah, and she told our correspondent earlier, all she wants is to send message to the world through press tv. here she is. we live under. continuous israel bombing and live in very harsh condition that we have never experienced before and didn't imagine that we would one day left here we are saffiring lock of food and drink we are in real find at first we in though that this world like all other wars would last for a while and would end but as you can see now it's still there the war's continuing everyone is in great sadness because he has lost his loved one his relatives and home in which she lives, we
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demand a cease fire and we want to live like the rest of the world. i hope this message reaches. position to say that they will not leave raffa despite israely threats of this eminent ground attack, they say they'll stay in palestine even if it costts them their lives. gaza is our pride, it's our home. born and raised in it, our egyptian brothers are hospitable, but our lives would be much harder than living in the gaza strip, it will be a difficult life that we are not accustomed to. the gaza strip is our people, our life, our country where we grew up, we cannot leave our home behind and go to senai. how can we leave our country? how many times shall we get displaced in our country so that we can stay in it? we refuse to go to any other faraway country, we want to stay in our country, we like... except staying here in
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the tense of our living, no matter what, our country is precious to us, well from gaza, from palestine, we're the people of palestine, and no matter how much we get hurt and what they do to us, we will not migrate from our land, this is our land and we cherish it, its name is palestine, since the day we came to this earth, we were thought that this is palestine and its capital is the holy jerusalem, we will never migrate and leave it, we will continue to struggle until the day of judgment for the sake of... the israeli military is rated a main hospital in gaza's southern city of han yunis, the charity group doctors without border says an un specified number of people were killed and injured. of
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israeli troops stormed anasar hospital after laying siege to the facility for days, hospital also hosted displaced palestinians when israely military rated it on thursday, regime said it believes bodies of dead captives were being held inside the facility, something the hamas has denied, the resistance group said the rage shows the genocidal nature of israeli crimes in gaza. the un rights office also said raid appears to be part of israely attacks targeting life saving civilian infrastructure, especially hospitals. office said that documented similar raids in other parts of gaza describing the impact on civilians as appalling, meanwile, the palestinian red crecent says israeli forces have kidnapped 20 of its staff and patients at al-amal to another hospital in khan unis. malnutrition is threading the lives of tens of thousands
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of children in gaza that, according to the un agency for children. unicef says the number will continue to rise if situation there does not change. we have examined 2,0 children and among the cases we checked was this child who is 2 years and seven months old, before the war, before october 7, she weighed 11 kilograms, she is now 7 kilograms, so she's suffering from malnutrition, her situation is difficult, she has complications, she suffers from dehydration and she needs help, we have heard the appropriate amount of nutrition supplements, we're trying our best to help her. we're referring her to hospital where she can get treatment, that's all we could do so far. due to the conditions of the war in gaza, the health and nutrition situation for children have changed. it has become incomplete health system without vitamins, proteins or fats in the healthy amounts.
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children are relying on canned food which contains preservatives. all this along with the fact that the water is polluted, the sand, the living conditions here that can spread diseases and germs. all this causes malnutrition among children in displacement camps in rafa. there are 325000 children under the age of five who are risk of acute malnutrition. unicef expects that in the coming days and weeks there will be at least 10,00 children whose lives are essentially at risk if the situation does not change. this danger also comes as the health and drinking water systems face a complete collapse in the gaza strip. contributing to the spread of diseases, this creates a deadly cycle because we know that if children who are malnourished contract disease, their lives are more at risk. israeli soldiers being killed during latest ground battles with palestinian
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resistance fighters in gaza. three israeli soldiers were also seriously injured, that according to the israeli media. they say four soldiers were from a reconnaissance unit operating in southern gaza. israel media says total of 2 233 soldiers have so far been killed since israel regime started its ground invasion of gaza in light late october. palestinian resistance factions however say the actual number is much higher. this say israel is hiding the true number of casualties as it already faces public backlash over its handling of the gaza war. this week's episode of iran tech is our special coverage of the 14th annual nanotechnology exhibition of iran iran nano 2023 where iran proves to the worldwide ranks
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fourth globally and first in west asia nano science production. this is where 140 companies come together to showcase their latest achievements in nanotechnology. so join us as we take a look around and showcase the best that this exhibition has to offer. welcome back everyone, you're watching press tv, world news. this humanity must be stopped, that's what the brazilian president, luis anacio de silva said as he criticized rich countries for cutting... funding to the palestinian refugee agency, unra at the time when the palestinian people need support, the most rich countries have decided to cut humanitarian aid to the un agency for palestine refugees. the recent allegations against the agencies staff need to be
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properly investigated, but they cannot paralyze it. palestinian refugees in jordan, syria and lebanon will also be left destitute. this inhumanity and cowardice must be stuck. lula called for seasfire in gaza to allow for sustainable humanitarian aid into the palestinian territory. he was addressing an arab league meeting in cairo. last month, the us along with dozen countries, most of them western states suspended funding to undra. they did so after tel aviv alleged several undra staff it helped hamas in its operation alax of flood on southern israel on october the 7th. a probe has been launched but is has offered no evidence so far to back its claim, unra has warned it will face cash crunch from
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march if it receives no funding. agency provides assistance to palestinian refugees in several locations, including syria, lebanon, gaza and occupied territories. our correspondent in central gaz explains what the consequences would be if unra is... forced to stop its humanitarian operations in the territory due to lack of funds. the entire population of gaza slept that 2.3 million palestinian civilians would face a real famine and this famine actually is uh is getting more clearer uh in the gaza city and even in the northern parts of gaza slip as it was reported that many palestinian civilians actually passed away and died as they do not... have anything eat over the last couple of days, so this is a real manifestation of
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the continuous israeli of the continuous israeli attack and this salvation that is used by the israel incubation forces as a war weapon against the palestinian people, so it's highly expected that hundreds of the palestinian people uh would die if this uh contin this condition and this situation continues for so long time because we are talking about and at least three consecutive weeks and the palestinian people there actually are out denied their basic humanitarian needs and they do not have anything eat and uh uh we are talking about at least 600 uh 600 thousand palestinian civilians are still stranded and stuck in gaza city and in the northern parts and over these harsh conditions and catastrophic conditions the palestinian people there were enforced to use the animal foods and we are talking about any pres "the conditions what is going on is uh is insane, it's it's undescribable when it comes to the
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palestinian people and how they are striving and though they are facing a real famine on the ground, and apparently as you know that the israeli occupation forces uh systematically and deliberately attempting to deepen this kind of the suffering and all this kind of the antagonizing of the yonrua and the humanitarian rights, human rights organizations, all all all. all this kind of all these sorts of these actions taken by the israel incubition forces against those organizations actually come in the context of the israeli of the israeli policy uh to turn gaza into an unlivable blaze. the un special reporter on the right to food says israel is using hunger as a weapon to harm and kill civilians in gaza. michael fkri said 25% of the... palestinians in gaza are dying of hunger now, he added, people of gaza currently make up 80% of total persons facing
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famin or catastrophic hunger in the world today. falkly said more than 330,000 children under the age of five are at risk of severe malnutrition in gaza, noting israel prevents the un or any other relief organization from delivering aid to the besieged enclave. he stressed the world has not witnessed such rapid and complete famon of a civil. population since world war ii. he also said that his observations show israel is committing genocide against the palestinians in gaza. israel genocide in gaza has led to mass displacement of palestinians. they've been forced to take shelter in tents or severely damaged structures with no basic amenities. let's take a listen to some of the palestinians describing their dire conditions at the jabalya refugee camp in northern gaza. "there's no food, water or medicine, i have lost a finger and i have no medicine, we
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haven't eaten bread for over the months as we like flow. as you can see, the children bring this floor from under the rubble so that we can sift it, as the livestock food that we use to eat is finished, you see they go to death and bring us this from the rubble of destroyed houses and we sift it even though it is full of debris. the situation here is bad, we have no food or..." and we don't even sleep well, we didn't have breakfast or lunch and i'm trying to prepare food from cheese with malo, even one kilo costs six to seven, we can't even afford. we are displaced people and our children don't have food or clothes or blankets or electricity, just nothing, miserable life, we feel lifeless and israely earth strike hit a home in southern lebanon and intense fighting between the regime and
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the lebanese resistance movement, hezbulah, at least three civilians were killed in the attack and separate israeli strike on southern lebanon. killed a hisbollah fighter as well. also on wednesday, nearly dozen people, including six children, lost their lives in the regime strikes, targeting lebanese villages in the south. the latest developments come as the israeli regime and hezbulah have been engaged in fighting along the southern lebanese border areas. fighting began october 8th, day after israel attacked gaza. hasbullah says aims to provide support to palestinian resistance fighters battling israel inside bessiege gazo strip. and earlier we were joined by a correspondent in bayroute, mady am so that to get some details about exchanges of fire between the israeli military and hezbollah? well there definitely have been very dangerous developments here in lebanon, especially with the fact that many analysts are saying the israelis are
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definitely in a state of perplexion, they are are confused, they are in a really cornered by the resistance. hezballah has maintained and has kept to the rule of military for military, whereas the israelis have gone further in that in last two days, we've seen basically massacer in the town of, we saw also them targeting residential areas and residence, very obviously, we have three last marters, although they are considered members the amal movement, but they are not a military movement that is, but they they are... considered part of the civilian structure uh basically in the lubinese community and so the israelis are attempting to lure the resistance in some way uh however the resistance seems to be still calm they are still sticking to targeting only military uh post uh military uh devices uh military soldiers and israeli soldiers that is of
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course uh the israelies although hisbullah has not claimed responsibility. lebanese people show their strong commitment to the values of resistance against the israeli regime regardless of the price they may have to pay. they say they're ready sacrifice whatever they have to protect their country. here are some comments from people in the city of nabatia in southern lebanon. no matter how long israely attacks lasts, we will indeed remain a steadfast and not be defeated. we will remain holding to our land. 'even if we stay under the rain, we will be stud fast and not abandon our country or our land, even if it turns into ashes. we want to relay message to the israeli enemy that we will remain steadfast here. as you have seen, they've targeted innocent unarmed civilians. they claim that the building houses objects affiliated to hezbullah, however in the
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morning it was revealed that their claim is false, and all those targeted are innocent civilians, including children and women.' unfortunately, this brutal enemy has been attacking innocent people because they are coward. nevertheless we are steadfast and victorious. protesters have taken to the streets in northern yemeny city of saada and yet another rally in support of the palestinians of gaza. yemany protesters wave palestinian flags enchanted slogans against israel and its main supporter the us. they've been holding rallies on friday since the gaza war broke out early october. the yemenis held pictures of their leaders in a show of support for the pro- palestine operations. those operations include targeting israeli link vessels in the red and arabian seas an
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effort to pressure the regime into stopping its campaign of genocide. yamany protesters also voice support for their army's operations against us and uk warships in response to their ongoing air strikes against yemen, air strikes began in the wake of the yemani attacks in the red sea. meanwile yemen has doubled down its stand since the support the innocent people of palestine who have been under israel's genocidal campaign. yemeni minister of information stressed that yemen's naval operations in the red sea will continue unabated until the israel regime stops its person for the yemani government and minister of information once again reiterated yemen stance that the us presence in the red sea and gulf of aiden poses a real threat to international maritime navigation
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by militarizing international waters. ashami stated that washington's presence under the predicts of protecting israeli vessels provokes the yemani army to continue its naval operations. america is the source of real threats to navigation in the red sea. in the gulf of aiden and the presence of its forces that came from a distance of 9,00 miles to launch an aggression against yemen under falls and bolaton justifications. they are to protect the ships of the israeli entity and support it economically and militarily and have nothing to do with securing international navigation. ami added that the us and uk have launched over 400 air strikes against the united territories resulting in the deaths of more than 40 soldiers. he asserted that neither western aggression nor the us designation of ansarullah as a terrorist group will hold human's naval operations in support of palestinians. the american designation of the
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ansera movement as a terrorist group is ironic. how can a terrorist classify those who defend themselves and their causes as terrorists? this designation shows us no longer has any steps to take to stop yemany operations in support of palestine. this classification. will not affect yemen's military operations, but maybe a provocation for greater escalation. earlier, the leader the ansarullah movement, abdul malik said that no israeli linked vessel has sailed through the red sea in the past weeks, describing this as major victory. he accused the us and uk of being the real terrorists for assisting the israeli regime in committing war crimes against the innocent people of the gaza strap. yemen's official is cleared, the yemani army rifle operations.
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carried out fresh operation against israel regime and solidarity with the people of gaza. iraqi resistance at its fighter stage. trone striked against an israely military site and occupy golen heights. the region belongs to syria, but is currently under the israel regime's occupation. the statement reaffirmed iraki resistance commitment to continue attacks on zionist enemy strongholds. iraq's islamic resistance, which is umbrella group for the country's anti-us and anti-israely groups, has conducted many operations against israel. it's also staged dozens of attacks against us run bases in both iraq and syria in retaliation for washington support for the ongoing campaign of genocide against palestinians. in this latest anti-american operation the iraqi resistance attack the us run al-omar military
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base in syria. and that's it for your latest here on press tv everyone. thanks for tuning in and bye-bye for now.
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this is my land and my country, it is not only the 1948 or 1967 borders from the sea to the river, i am not ready to let go of a centimeter. israel is here like any by the support of the europe, by the support of the united states. that's why the sibar the land
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well, i was at the babel shams protest last week and i myself had a my head banged against a bus by a soldier illegally on illegal stallen land and they are arresting us, the palestinians. this is historical palestine.
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i returned a few days ago from egypt, on the flight, i wrote a letter to the children of gaza, and i would like to close my talk with this letter. dear child, it is past midnight. i am flying at hundreds of miles an hour in the darkness, thousands of feet over the atlantic ocean. i'm traveling to egypt, i will go to the border of gaza at rafa. i go because of you. you have never been. a plane,
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you have never left gaza, you know only the densely packed streets and alleys, the concrete hovels. you only the security barriers and fences patrolled by soldiers that surround gaza, planes for you are terrifying, fighter jets, attack helicopters, drones, they circle above you, they drop missiles and bombs, deafining explosions, the ground shakes, buildings fall, the dead, the screams, the muffled calls for help from beneath the rubble, it does not stop, night and day, trapped under the piles of smashed concrete, your playmates, your schoolmates,
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your neighbors, gone in seconds, you see the chalky faces and limp bodies when they are dug out. "i am a reporter. it is my job to see this. you are a child. you should never see this. stench of death, rotting corpses under the broken concrete. you hold your breath, you cover your mouth with a cloth. you walk faster. your neighborhood has become a graveyard. all that was familiar is gone, you stare in amazement, you wonder where you are, you are afraid, explosion, after explosion, you cry, you cling to your mother
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or father, you cover your ears, you see the white light of the missile and wait for the blast, why do they kill children, what did you do, why can't anyone protect you? will you be wounded? will you lose leg or an arm? will you go blind or be in a wheelchair? why were you born? was it for something good? or was it for this? will you grow up? will you be happy? what will it be like without your? friends, who will die next? your mother, your father, your brothers and sisters, someone you know will be injured soon, someone you
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know will die soon, at night you lie in the dark on the cold cement floor, the phones are cut, the internet is off, you do not know what is happening, there are flashes of light, there are waves of blast concussions, there are screams, it does not stop, when your father or mother hunts for food or water, you wait, that terrible feeling in your stomach, will they come back, will you see them again, will your tiny home be next, will the bombs find you, are these your last moments? earth, you drink salty, dirty water, it makes you very sick, your stomach hurts, you are hungry, the bakeries are destroyed, there is no bread, you eat one meal a day,
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pasta, cucumber, soon, this will seem like feast, you do not play with your soccer ball made of rags, you do not fly, you have seen foreign reporters, we wear flack jackets with the word press written on them, we have helmets, we have cameras, we drive jeeps, we appear after bombing or shooting, we sit over a coffee for a long time and talk to the adults, then we disappear, we do not usually interview. children, but i've done interviews when groups of you crowded around us, laughing, pointing, asking us to take your picture, i have been bombed by jets in gaza,
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i have been bombed in other wars, wars that happened before you were born, i too was very very scared, i still have dreams about it. when i see the pictures of gaza, these wars return to me with a force of thunder and lightning. i think of you, all of us. who've been to war, hate war most of all, because of what it does to children. i tried to tell your story. i tried to tell the world that when you are cruel to people, week after week, month after month, year after year, decade after decade, when you deny people freedom and dignity, when you... humiliate and trap them an open-air prison, when you
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kill them as if they were beasts, they become very angry, they do to others what was done to them, i told it over and over, i told it for seven years, few listened, and now this, there are very brave palestinian journalists. 50 of them have been killed since this bombing began, they are heroes, so are the doctors and nurses in your hospitals, so are the un workers, almost hundred of whom have been killed, so are the ambulance drivers and medics, so are the rescue parties that lift up the slabs of concrete with their hands, so are the mothers and fathers who shield you from the bombs. "but we are not there, not
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this time, we cannot get in, we are locked out, reporters from all over the world are going to the border crossing at rafa, we are going because because we cannot watch this slaughter and do nothing, we are going because hundreds of people are dying a day, including over 100 children, we are going because this genocide must stop." we are going because we have children like you, precious, innocent, loved, we are going because we want you to live, i hope one day we will meet, you will be adult, i will be an old man, although to you i am already very old, in my dream for you, i will find you free. and safe and happy, no one will be
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trying to kill you, you will fly in airplanes filled with people, not bombs. you will not be trapped in a concentration camp, you will see the world, you will grow up and have children, you will become old, you will remember this suffering, but you will know it means you must help others who suffer. "this is my hope, my prayer, we have failed you, this is the awful guilt we carry, we tried, but we did not try hard enough, and we'll go to rapha, many of us, reporters, we will stand outside the border with gaza." and protest, we will write and film, this is what
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we do, it is not much, but it is something you will tell your story again, maybe it will be enough earn the right to ask for your forgiveness. thank you.
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today is our special coverage of iran's annual nanotechnology exhibition iran nano 2023 the 14th edition. of this exhibition, this is where iran proved to the world why it ranks fourth globally in a nano science production and the first in west asia region. this is where 144 companies in nanotechnology come together to showcase their latest advancements and achievements in their own respective fields, whether it's oil and gas production, nano coating, lab equipments, uh,
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nanop particle based drugs and so many more. so let's take a look around the halls and see what we can find. so the first booth that caught my eye was this one which works in the surface engineering field and what surface engineering essentially is is modifying parts
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used in heavy and high-risk industries to increase their operational lifespan and increase their durability to uh wear corrosion and erosion and even impact because uh in heavy industries when a part needs uh service or when it needs to be replaced, the whole production line or the manufacturing line or the extraction line needs to be put a standstill so that that particular part uh is either serviced or replaced, but by increasing the lifespan of these parts uh we can reduce lot on waste, energy consumption and uh basically inactivity of production, so uh this particular method, of surface engineering involves coating these parts, which we are seeing right here, so we're coating these different ports in high risk heavy industries with an with a sermit kind of material, sermit is a combination of ceramic nano particles and super alloy metallic met.