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tv   World News in Full  PRESSTV  February 16, 2024 10:30am-11:03am IRST

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top stories here on press tv: nearly dozen people are killed in an israeli air strike on gaza's southern city of rafa where the regime is preparing for a ground assault as well. israel forces raid anasar hospital. in the city of khan unis where displaced palestinians have sought shelter, and another un official says israel is using hunger as a weapon to kill civilians in gaza, warning that over 25% of gazans are now dying of hunger.
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hello everyone, it's nian 9 a.m. in the besieg gauza strip, you're watching press tv, world news. our top story, the gazo strip is reeling from israel's military campaign with the southern city of rafa witnessing a fresh air strike just ahead of a looming ground offensive by the regime. nearly dozen palestinians were killed and number of others injured in the attack targeting two residential buildings. gafa is hosting some 1.5 million palestinians that are taking shelter from attacks in other parts of gaza. israel is intensified as air raids on the city while it's supposedly preparing for a ground assault as well. planned attack has spark fears of a wider tragedy in gaza where palestinians already grappling with a dire situation. israel launched its war on gaza early october killing nearly 28,700 palestinians. most of the killed have been women and children. say that they will not
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leave rafa despite israels of this ground attack, they say they will stay in palestine even if it means they'll eventually be killed. gaza is our pride, it's our home, we were born and raised in it, our egyptian brothers are hospitable, but our lives would be much harder than living in the gaza strip, it will be a difficult life that we are not accustomed to, the gaza strip is our people, our life, our country where we grew up, we cannot leave our home behind and go to senai. how can we leave our country? how many times shall we get this place in our country so that we can stay in it? we refuse to go to any other faraway country, we want to stay in our country, we will accept staying here in the tents over leaving, no matter what our country is precious to us. are from
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palestine, we're the people of palestine, and no matter how much we get hurt and what they do to us, we will not migrate from our land, this is our land and we cherish it, its name is palestine, since the day we came to this earth, we were thought that this is palestine and its capital is the holy jerusalem, we will never migrate and leave it, we will continue to struggle until the day of judgment for the sake of palestine, the israel military is rated main hospital in gaza. the charity group doctors without border says an unspecified number of people were killed and injured. of of is really forces storm? anasar hospital after
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laying siege to the facility for days. the of hospital also hostted displaced palestinians when israely military rated it on thursday. now uh, the regime said it believed bodies of dead captives were being held inside that facility, something that hamas has denied. it said raid shows the genocidal nature of israeli crimes in gaza. un rights office also said raid appears to be part of israeli attacks targeting life-saving civilian infrastructure in gaza. especially hospitals office said it's documented similar raids in other parts of gaza describing impacts on civilians appalling. meanwhile the palestinian red crecent says israely forces have kidnapped 20 of its staff and patients at al-amal hospital, another one in han unis. joining us now from daraballa is moti abusavet press tv correspondent, hello moti hope you're safe and doing well. the latest
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if you can, please touch upon all the hospitals if you can, and the so-called impending incursion into rafa. yes, the israel agent. sidal war on the gaza strip is still persistent, these moments over the last night, the israeli war blianes destroyed at least two residental buildings and rafa city particularly in as shabura, refugee camp which is known as one of the most densely populated areas in rafa city, knowing that the city absolves at least one 1.5 million palestinian evacuees who were stranded. to the city over the continuous israel air strikes across all areas of gaza strip, at least 11 palestinian civilians were reporttedly killed, mostly women and children, while dozens are still trapped under the rubble of those destroyed destroyed houses and as a result of these continuous
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relentless israel air strikes against the city, the palestinian families were uh noticed and observed leaving the city and are stoked of of the uh, they are stoked by the continuous israel strikes and the harsh and catastrophic humanitarian conditions, as you know anexodus of the palestinian families were uh observed uh leaving the city and moving and hitting to the central area of gaza strip here in der balah city particularly which is uh which is already overcrowd in and overwhelmed with the palestinian civilians and the palestinian evacuees who uh were evacuated their residental buildings and neighborhoods in gaza city and the northern parts of gaza strip uh at the beginning of this onslot, so we are talking about more catastrophic conditions are yet expected to be to be to be experienced by the palestinian people uh
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whether the palestinian civilians who are living in the central area of gaz strip or those palestinian families who are leaving these movements and the fleeing. city uh so uh these uh conditions actually leaving the palestinian people uh uh alone in the con the confrontation with the israel occubation forces as you that the israel occubation forces are uh threatening to uh to to to conduct and to carry out a ground offensive against rafah city which is considered as another catastrophe uh would be uh and another massacer would be committed against the palestinian people there. uh and when it comes to khanuni city, as you know that the israeli incubation forces invadeduh nasa medical complex yesterday amid heavy gunfire and the bombardments of the israeli forces and the israeli tanks surrounding the hospital and they they they destroyed two
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ambulances and they crammed the palestinian paramedics and the palestinian injuries and patients in building inside the complex while the other buildings were subjected to heavy bombardments and the alphabetic department. and even the maternity department were subjected to heavy bombardents and they were targeted by the israeli shells, it's not worthy that that the palestinian that two palestinian women actually gave birth in these harsh conditions, these catastrophic conditions, so you can imagine how catastrophic it is for those palestinian women to b to to get to give birth in this in these circumstances they are deprived of their basic humanitarian needs and even we are talking about hundreds and of the palestinian paramedics and medical staff in addition to to the evacues and the palestinian injuries and patients they are deny their basic humanitarian needs in the medical complex and the israeli incubation forces are continuously opening their gun fire towards the buildings they are stranded
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inside so the israeli crime against the gaza's health sector is still continued these moments and this actually is a continuation the systematic attacks against the gaza's health. sector in order to deep the suffering the b, in order to deepen the suffering of the better senior people, and let me ask you this, um, unra just came out yesterday and said that they barely have enough funding due to those uh uh unfounded so far allegations by the israeli regime um that's basically force the hand of its uh allies to cut funding to unra, unra said they bare barely have enough money to provide services to the end of february, possibly a couple weeks. into march, what is that going to look like for the palestinian population in gaza once unra services cease to provide any relief aid for palestinians there? that means that the entire population of gaza slept the 2.3 million palestinian civilians would face a
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real famin and this famine actually is is getting more clearer uh in the gaza city and even in the northern parts of gaza slip as it was reported that many b'. and civilians actually passed away and died as they do not have anything eat over the last couple of days, so this is a real manifestation of the continuous israeli u the continuous israeli attack and this salvation that is used by the israeli incubation forces as a war weapon against the palestinian people, so it's highly expected that hundreds of the palestinian people uh would die if this uh contin this condition and this uh situation continues for so long time because we are talking about at least three consecutive weeks and the palestinian people there actually are are denied their basic humanitarian needs and they do not have a... things eat and we are talking about at least 600, 600 thousand palestinan civilians are
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still stranded and stuck in gaza city and in the northern parts and over these harsh conditions and catastrophic conditions the palestinian people there were enforced to use the animal foods and we are talking about unprecedental conditions what is going on is insane uh it's it's undescribable when it comes to the palestinian people and how they are. striving and though they are facing a real famin on the ground and apparently as you know that the israeli occupation forces uh systematically and deliberately attempting to deepen this kind of the suffering and all this kind of the antagonizing of the yonrua and the humanitarian rights human rights organizations all all all all this kind and all these sorts of these actions taken by the israel incubition forces against those organiz is actually come in the context of the israeli of the israeli policy uh to turn
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gaza into an unlivable place, they are using salvation and they are using this kind of famine against the palestinian people in order to deepen the suffering and to excessorp the humanitarian conditions in gaza strip. thank you, we'll talk to you soon, stay safe. over there joining us from daraaballah in gaza. st. louis ferguson, assassinations, they don't have nothing, they can't lose nothing, and i think the most dangerous person in the world, person don't have none to look. black americans looking for justice. "if this is a war, then we're going to have to deal with it with the strategies that people in war use. i saw his,
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i saw um, the never ending story, and welcome back everyone, you're watching press tv world news mal." nutrition is threatening the lives of tens of thousands of children in gaza, and that's according to the un agency for children. unicef says number continue to rise if situation does not change, have listen. we have examined 2000 children, and among the cases we checked was this child who is 2 years and seven months old. before the war, before october 7, she weighed 11 kilograms, she's now 7 kg. grams so she's suffering from malnutrition, her situation is difficult, she
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has complications, she suffers from dehydration and she needs help, we have heard the appropriate amount of nutrition supplements, we're trying our best to help her, we're referring her to hospital where she can get treatment, that's all we could do so far, due to the conditions of the war in gaza, the health and nutrition situation for children have changed, it has become incomplete health system without vitamins, proteins or fats in the healthy amounts. children are relying on canned food which contains preservatives. all this along with the fact that the water is polluted, the sand, the living conditions here that can spread diseases and germs. all these causes malnutrition among children in displacement camps in rafa. there are 325,00 children under the age of five who are risk of acute malnutrition. unicef expects that in the coming days and weeks there will be at least 10,00 children whose lives are essentially at
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risk if the situation does not change. this danger also comes as the health and drinking water systems face a complete collapse in the gaza strip, contributing to the spread of diseases. this creates a deadly cycle because we know that if children who are malnourished contract disease, their lives are more at risk. the... special reports for on the right to food says israel is using hunger as a weapon to harm and kill the civilians of gaza. michael fakri said 25% of palestinians in the besieg territory are dying. of hunger, he added, people of gaza currently make up over 80% of the total persons facing famin or catastrophic hunger worldwide. fakh said more than 330,00 children under the age of five years old are at risk of severe malnutrition in gaza, noting that israel is preventing the un or any other relief organization from
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delivering aid to the territory. he stress of the world has not witnessed such rapid and complete famon of a civilian pop. repression since the second world war. un reporter said his observations show israel's committing genocide against gazans. israel genocide in gaza has led to mass displacement to palestinians, they've been forced to seek shelter in tense or severely damaged structures without any amenities. so let's listen to some of the palestinians describing their dark conditions in the jabalya refugee camp in northern gaza. there's no food, water or medicine. i have lost finger and i have no medicine. we haven't eaten bread for over three months as we like flour. as you can see, the children bring this floor from under the rubble so that we can sift it as the livestock food that we used to eat is finished. you see, they go to death and bring us this from the rubble of destroyed houses
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and we sift it even though it is full of debris. the situation here is bad, we have no food or water and we don't. even asleep well, we didn't have breakfast or lunch and i'm trying to prepare food from cheese with malo, even 1 kilo cost six to seven shekel, we can't even afford to buy one kilo of cheese with malo, we are displaced people and our children don't have food or clothes or blankets or electricity, just nothing, miserable life, we feel lifeless, this inhuman. humanity must be stopped, that's what the brazilian president luis ignacio silva said as he criticized rich countries for cutting funds to the palestinian refugee agency, honora. at the time when the palestinian people need support the most, rich countries have decided to cut humanitarian aid to the un agency for palestine refugees. the recent allegations
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against the agencies staff need to be properly investigated, but they cannot paralyze it. palestinian refugees in jordan, syria and lebanon will also be left destitute. this inhumanity and cowardies must be stopped. enough of collective punishment, my government will make new contribution to anrua. we urge all countries to maintain an increase their contributions. lula called over sease firing gaza to allow for sustainable humanitarian aid into the palestinian territory. as he was addressing the arab league meeting and in cairo, egypt. last month, us, along with dozen countries, mostly western states, suspended funding to unra. they said they did so after tel aviv alleged several of under staff, it helped hamas in its alaxa flood operation and southern israel, in october 7th, investigation has been launched, but israel's offered no evidence to back its claim. unra
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has warned it will face cash crunch from march if it receives no funding. agency. provides assistance to palestinian refugees in several locations, including syria, lebanon, gaza, and occupy territories. last year, more journalists lost their lives during the us is really campaign of genocide in gaza than ever before. now, the committee to protect journalists says that 77 of the 99 journalists killed last year died in gaza, 72 them palestinians. a new york base committee said report that 2023 was deadliest year for the media and almost a decade, mainly due to israeli onslaught on gaza, number of journalists killed in that year is the highest since 2015 and shows an increase of nearly 44% compared to 2022's figures. committee said that journalists in gaza are bearing witness on the frontlines and their loss will have long-term impact on journalism
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both in the region and beyond. committee had previously slammed persecution of... by the israelis, it's now probing whether journalists killed in gaza were deliberately targeted, which would constitute a war crime. over the past four months, relentless is really air strikes and shelling have not only claim innocent lives, but destroy gaza's vital infrastructure, including its electricity grid. many palestinians though come up with novel ideas to make up for the power shortages. we have been staying at home for months because of the total blockage of gaza and the outbreak of war, no jobs, that's no income, no public electricity, and the generators are running out of fuel, so many people here have invented other met. some even turn electricity supply into a business, they have to do that because the family needs income. there are also people who use handheld iron cranks to generate electricity or ride bicycles to drive generators. for the
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first 20 days living in this tent we had no electricity and therefore no lights. during the period i had been thinking over the way to get electricity, so i went to the scrap yard and took home some fans. i assembled them, connected them to the wires and put the batteries and lights on. it can be seen as one of my own inventions. fortunately, my experiment succeeded, at least now people don't need to live in the dark in the tent. i hope to expand the application of this invention so it could generate more electricity and hopefully light up the whole refugee camp. we set up a charging station mainly for the people who live in tents because they have no place to get power. dozens of devices can be charged at the same time here, most of which are mobile phones, batteries and... radios so that people can at least hear news and know what is going on. there has been a power outage for more than 100 days since the war began. we have been
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longing for power, but so far we have not seen it. that's it for your latest here on present tv. everyone, thank you for joining us and goodbye for now.
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