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tv   World News in Full  PRESSTV  February 16, 2024 9:30am-10:03am IRST

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you press tv headlines of palestinian red creson says israeli forces have kidnapped nearly two dozen of its medical staff and patients at al-amal hospital in han uniss. a
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senior un official says israel is using hunger as a weapon to kill the civilians of gaza, warning over 25% of gazans are now dying of hunger, and a rights advocacy group says the 77 out of the 99 journalists who lost their lives last year were killed during israel's campaign of genocide in gaza. hello everyone, it's 8 a.m. in the bessieg gauza strip, you're watching press tv world news. now the gaza strip is reeling from israel's military campaign with the southern city of rafa witnessing a fresh air strike just ahead of a looming ground offensive by the regime. at least 10 palestinians were killed and number injured and the attack targeting two residential buildings. rafa is hosting some 1.5 million. palestinians that
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are taking shelter from attacks in other parts of gaza. israel's intensified its air raids on the city while it's preparing for a ground assault as well. the planned attack can spark fears of a wider tragedy in gaza where palestinians are already grappling with a dire situation. israel launch its war on gaza early october killing nearly 28,700 palestinians. most of those have been women and children. well palestinians say they will not leave rafa despite israeli threats of this looming ground attack, they say they uh stay in palestine, even if it means they will eventually be killed. gaza is our pride, it's our home, we were born and raised in it, our egyptian brothers are hospitable, but our lives would be much harder than living in the gaza strip, it will be a difficult life that we are not accustomed to. "the gaza strip is
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our people, our life, our country where we grew up, we cannot leave our home behind and go to senai. how can we leave our country? how many times shall we get this place in our country so that we can stay in it? we refuse to go to any other faraway country, we want to stay in our country, we will accept staying here in the tents over living, no matter what, our country is precious to us, we're from gaza, from palestine, people of palestine and no matter how much we get hurt and what they do to us, we will not migrate from our land. this is our land and we cherish it. its name is palestine. since the day we came to this earth, we were thought that this is palestine and its capital is the holy jerusalem. we will never migrate and leave it. we will continue to struggle onto the day of judgment for the sake of palestine. israel military has rated the main hospital in gaza's southern city of khan unist, the... group doctors without border
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says an unspecified number of people were killed and injured, israely troops stormed alasar hospital after laying siege to the facility. for days, the hospital also hosted displaced palestinians when the israely military raided it on thursday. regime said it believed that bodies of dead captives were being held inside the facility, something that hamas has denied, said the raid shows a genocidal nature of the israeli crimes in gaza. the un rights office also said raid appears to be part of israeli attacks targeting life-saving civilian infrastructure in gaza, especially hospitals. office said it's documented similar raids and other. parts of the besieg enclave,
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describing impacts on civilians appalling. this is really forces of kidnapped 20 of its staff and patients at alamal hospital. it's another one in hun, since the start of the ongoing israeli aggression on the gaza strip, medical staff have been subjected to systematic attacks by the israeli occupation forces. hundreds of individuals working emergency services across all hospitals and health facilities have been killed or injured while carrying out the rigid of evacuating palestinian civilians who are targeted by the israeli forces. every moment, i'm amen nasir, a paramedic working at alexa martius hospital, at 6:30, we were inform that there had been an air strike in derabala, we immediately moved with the ambulances to the location, once we reached the targeted area, the israeli war planes attacked nearby place,
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suddenly a large piece of sharpenel hit me causing severe bleeding, the next thing i knew i woke up in a hospital, the doctors told me that my... needed to be amputated and as you can see i lost my leg all across the world, the special class medical staff were provide them with the protection needed during times of wars and conflicts as guaranteed by international laws and regulations. however, the israeli occupation forces are accustomed to crossing allward lines, seizing every opportunity to target and dismantle the health sector in gaza, sector already suffering from years of inhumane siege by the israel we face lot of difficulties, we work with limited capabilities, the ambulances are obsolete, every time we go to evacuate the injured, we are targeted by the israeli forces. i have been targeted repeatedly by the israeli drones. even many of the people leading us to
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places attacked by israeli war planes have been targeted and killed. one of our ambulances was attacked by israeli tanks and is now out of service. the only thing. explains the systematic israeli attacks and the haver creaked in gaza's health sector is the policy that the israeli occupation has towards gaza, which aims to increase the number of palestinian casualities as mean of collectively punishing the people of gaza. the israeli genocide is still ongoing in gaza, in addition to targeting health facilities and hospitals, they target the medical staff. we are talking about 340 palestinian. medics and doctors intentionally killed by israeli forces with 99 individuals kidnapped and they are subjected to all sorts of brutal tortures like what happened to dr. muhammad abu salmiah the director general of the el shifa hospital who had his limbs
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fractured. therefore we demand all human rights organizations to fulfill their responsibilities and interven to stop this genocidal war. it's worth. mentioning that roughly 30 palestinan health facilities were put out of service due to the relentless israeli attacks that destroyed 134 ambulances. this has left the still functioning hospitals totally overwhelmed with the high number of casualities, while thousands remain trapped under the heaps of deprey caused by the seasless israel air strikes. the systematic attacks against the palestinian medical staff working to rescue the palestinian civilians come against the back drop of the. goal the israel regime is seeking, turning gaza into an unlivable place and ethnically cleansing the indigenous palestinians in the devastated strip pris tv, the central area of gaza strip. malnutrition
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is threatening lives of tens of thousands of children in gaza, that's according to the un agency for children. unicef says number will continue to rise if situation does not change. we have examined 200 children and among the cases we checked was this child who is 2 years and seven months old. before the war, before october 7, she weighed 11 kilograms. she is now 7 kgs, so she's suffering from malnutrition. her situation is difficult, she has complications. she suffers from dehydration and she needs help. we have heard the appropriate amount of nutrition supplements. "we're trying our best to help her, we're referring her to hospital where she can get treatment, that's all we could do so far. due to the conditions of the war in gaza, the health and nutrition situation for children have changed, it has become incomplete health system without vitamins,
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proteins or fats in the healthy amounts. children are relying on canned food which contains preservatives, all this along with the fact that the water is polluted, the sand, the living conditions here that can..." spread diseases and germs, all this causes malnutrition among children in displacement camps in rafa. there are 325,000 children under the age of five who are risk of acute malnutrition. unicef expects that in the coming days and weeks there will be at least 10,00 children whose lives are essentially at risk if the situation does not change. this danger also comes as the health and drinking water systems face a complete collapse in the gaza strip, contributing to the spread of diseases. this creates a deadly cycle because we know that if children who are mal-nourished contract disease, their lives are more at risk. this week on expose,
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mainstream media highlights the unprecedented scale of destruction and impact of the war on gaza as per reports by the united nations trade body. western broadcast media white washes zionist israeli crimes of destruction in gaza as excuse to hunt down what it called hamas terrorists. while print and digital media surprisingly argue that unless the israeli. regime changes course, it could be legally culpable of or mass starvation in gaza, and social media users express astonishment at how world leaders cannot see how unfair the calamity of the palestinian people is. expose a, the truth is just a revelation away. welcome back everyone, you're watching press
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tv world news. the un special repertoire on the right to food says israel is using hunger as a weapon to harm and kill civilians in gaza. michael fakhri said 25% of palestinians in the besieg enclave are dying of hunger. he added, people of gaza currently make up 80% of total persons facing famin or catastrophic hunger in the world today. fakh said more than 300. children under the age of five are risk of severe malnutrition in gaza, he noted israel is preventing the un or any other relief organization from delivering aid to the territory, he stress that the world has yet to witness such rapid and complete famon of civilian population since the second world war, un repertoire said his observations show israel's committing genocide against the palestinians of gaza. israel's campaign of genocide in gaza has led to mass displacement of palestinians as well, they been forced to
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take shelter in tents or severely damaged structures without any amenities. let's take a listen to some of the palestinians describing their dark conditions in the jabalya refugee camp. there's no food, water or medicine. i have lost a finger and i have no medicine. we haven't eaten bread for over three months as we like flour. as you can see. children bring this floor from under the rubble so that we can sift it as the livestock food that we used to eat is finished. you see, they go to death and bring us this from the rubble of destroyed houses and we sift it even though it is full of debris. the situation here is bad, we have no food or water and we don't even sleep well. we didn't have breakfast or lunch and i'm trying to prepare food from cheese with molo even 1 kilo costs six to seven shekel. we can't even... afford to buy one kilo of cheese with malo, we are displaced people and
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our children don't have food or clothes or blankets or electricity, just nothing, miserable life, we feel lifeless, un agency for palesting refugees says it will face cash crunch from march that will only get worse in the following month, the united nations relief and works agency onra warned a situation continue deteriorating, even funding that has been suspended by number of countries does not resume. unrachief said organization will hit negative cash flow starting next month. israel's accused number of unr employees of helping hamas in its october 7th operation, allegations prompted regime's western backers to suspend funding to the un agency. and now despite continuation of suspensions by some western countries, ireland's pledged 20 million euros to unra. honere is the backbone of
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humanitarian efforts and gaza. it is lifeline, as we've discussed, for 1.9 million people displaced by israel's military operations. there is no replacement for unraz work in gaza, not just humanitarian, but development and the provision of services such as education and health, and those that claim otherwise are simply not telling the truth, and these claims put the lives. of desperate people further at risk. i was deeply concerned that number of unrisk key donors suspended their funding based on allegations against the very small number of staff that have yet to be proven. our... partners in the european union and elsewhere, including the united states, must urgently resint this decision and resume funding. ireland support remains steadfast, and i'm happy today to announce funding of 20 million euro for unre for its operations in 2024.
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last year, more journalists lost their lives during us is really campaign of genocide in gaza than ever before, committee. to protect journalists says 77 out of the 99 journalists killed in 2023 died in gaza, 72 of them palestinians. the new york base committee said in its report that 2023 was the deadliest year for media in almost a decade, mainly due to israel's onslot. number of journalists killed in that year is the highest since 2015 and shows an increase of nearly 44% from 2022. committee said journalists in gaza are bearing witness on the frontline. and their loss will have a long-term impact on journalism both in the region and beyond. committee had previously slammed the persecution of journalists by the israelis. it is now proving whether journalists killed in gaza were deliberately targeted, which would constitute a war crime.
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over the past four months relentless israely air strikes and shelling have not only claimed innocent lives but destroyed gazah. vital infrastructure, including its electricity grid, and many palestinians have come up with novel ideas to make up for power shortages. we have been staying at home for months because of the total blockage of gaza and the outbreak of war. no jobs, does no income, no public electricity and the generators are running out of fuel, so many people here have invented other methods, some even turn electricity supply into a business, they have to do that because the family needs income, the... also people who use handhild iron cranks to generate electricity or ride bicycles to drive generators. for the first 20 days living in this tent, we had no electricity and therefore no lights. during the period, i had been thinking over the way to get electricity, so i went to the scrapyard and took home some fans. i assembled them, connected them to the wires and put the batteries and lights on the ends.
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it can be seen as one of my own inventions. fortunately, my experiment succeeded, at least now. people don't need to live in the dark in the tent. hope to expand the application of this invention so it could generate more electricity and hopefully light up the whole refugee camp. we set up a charging station mainly for the people who live in tense because they have no place to get power. dozens of devices can be charged at the same time here, most of which are mobile phones, batteries and radios so that people can at least hear news and know what is going on. there has been a... pover outage for more than 100 days since the war began. we have been longing for power, but so far we have not seen it. press tv and other several other iranian media outlets have been once again targeted by censorship on western media social media platforms. this time x, formerly known as twitter has removed the blue and
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gold check marks and it is. in addition to press tv, iran's arabic and spanish. language al alam and hispan tv news channels and some persian language outlets have also been targeted, number of russian outlets as well, and those belonging to yemen's and surla and lebanon's hezbulah resistance movements have also been affected. a move comes after a report by the tech transparency project, a non-profit watchdog group alleged that x is providing premium and paid services to individuals and groups sanctioned by the american government. netizens have accused. of taking the step under pressure from the pro-israeli lobby, nearly all the targeted outlets are critical of israel for its campaign of genocide in gaza. the owner of ex elon musk recently visited israely occupied territories, expressing his support for the regime's onslot on gaza. the islamic
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resistance in iraq says is carried out a fresh operation against the israeli regime in solidarity with gazans. iraqi resistance. satis fighter stage a drone strike against an israeli military site and occupy golen heights. it's in syria currently under the regime's occupation. same in it reaffirmed iraq's resistance commitment to continue attacks on zinius enemy strongholds. iraq's islamic resistance, umbrella group for the country's anti-us and anti-israely groups has conducted many operations against israel. it's also staged dozens of attacks against us front bases in both iraq and syria. in retaliation for washington's unflinching support for ongoing genocide of palestinians in his latest anti-american operation iraqi resistance attacked us run all military base. in syria. the brazilian president has deplored the israeli regime over its bloodshed of palestinians in gaza who are
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mainly women and children. israel's behavior has no explanation, with the pretext of fighting hamas, it is killing women and children, what i've never seen in any war i've ever known of. luis ignasio l silva made the comment in a joint press conference with his egyptian counterpart in cairo, brazilian president called for an immediate cease far to allow humanitarian aid into the blockaded gazo strip. in later address to the arab league, lula criticized some western states for suspending funding for the un agency for palestinian refugees. he announced new funding from his country for onra and call for more contributions from all countries. the brazilian head of state also stressed there will be no peace without the establishment of a palestinian state, he emphasized palestine should be recognized as a sovereign state and a full member of the united nations. and you can see what breaking
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news before that you go there on the bottom of your screen, at least three more people have been killed in israeli air strike a home in south lebanon. there's been uh clashes ongoing since october the 7th between the lebanese resistance group. uh hezbolah and uh the israeli regime along that southern lebanese border area and in the latest latest uh state of violence, the israelies have killed three people in a home all week the israelis been targeting that area and there have been at least a half dozen fatalities all of them civilians there in southern lebanon as soon as we find out more about this we'll get it to um up and going in your nest next to press tv news bulleting but for now everyone that's it for everything in this last hour here on press stay tuned and bye-bye for now.
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as hundreds of people have marched.
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the voice of the voiceless press tv.
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the press of coverage of this assassination of passammani now entering its uh uh fourth day, we're looking at some
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tonight on expose human rights advocates say the systematic destruction of gaza amounts to what researchers call domicide as the world's gaze moves on and forgets about the palestinian calamity. a un report states the israeli regime is using starvation of civilians as a method of warfare in the gaza strip, which amounts to a war crime. and a staggering 50% of american adults believe the israeli regime's military campaign in gaza has gone too far and must be stopped. welcome to expose, the show that leaves no stone unturn.