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tv   Expose SYSTEMATIC DESTRUCTION OF GAZA  PRESSTV  February 15, 2024 11:02am-11:31am IRST

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tonight on expose, human rights advocates say the systematic destruction of gaza amounts to what researchers call domicide as the world's of gaze moves on and forgets about the palestinian calamity. a un report states the israeli regime is using starvation of civil. millions as a method of warfare in the gaza strip, which amounts to a warcrime, and a staggering 50% of american adults believe the israeli regime's military campaign in gaza has gone too far and must be stopped. welcome to expose, the show that leaves no stone unturned.
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ladies and gentlemen, welcome to expose. now, the israeli occupations war on gaza has had an immense human cost with nearly 25,000 palestinians killed, 70% of them, women and children, but it has also destroyed residential areas numerous. historic and cultural buildings such as archaeological sites, museums, cultural centers, markets, ancient churches and masks. let's begin our exposition with fuad italian to showcase broadcast media productions covering the systematic zinust destruction of gaza. byzantine era churches destroyed, seventh century mosks bombed, doctors, lawyers and
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engineers, artists, writers and musicians killed. will gaza's cultural heritage survive the israeli regime genocidal war? will gaza ever be rebuilt? was the broadcast media able of to give excuses for this israeli regime's systematic destruction of gaza? let us hear what fuad itayim, our friend and writer at uh the uh cradle with us tonight to talk about the broadcast media, thank you for being here for what do you think about all the destruction, the systematic destruction that happen? happening: well, there's absolutely no excuse for wiping out an entire city. the israeli army is continuing to demolish everything in sight, whether it has anything to do with hamas or not. uh, western media has, there's no hiding it. western media has been forced to report on it, they've been forced, they've been compelled to report on the mass extermination across the strip. so here's some footage from the guardian news showing gaza city in the north of the strip uh, before and after being destroyed by israel. let's take a look. let's see that.
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that's terribly got wrenching for what you have also for us, sky news australia, that's right, they have a report titled much of gaza deemed uninhabitable uh following israel's assault, but when you watch the video report, you can see that israel's propaganda has been inserted into it as usual, so let's take a look, let's see that video, the idf had board us in to show us a tunnel network under a residential neighborhood, we walk down the dark passage ways 25 meters underneath the
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city, passing through different districts above us, the sound of fighting no longer audible. the israely military told us that they believe hamas leaders had been hiding down here, including yahya sinwa. it's certainly possible that we saw no evidence of that for ourselves. the palestine people here have paid and are paying an almighty price for this. they are, they are, so am i, i paid the price. look at it think you're also fighting us, you're ruining our lives, you're destroying our houses, there's nothing for us to come back to you, can you understand how that might be sureing opinion? do, and i think they should turn their rage towards hamas and rage towards, maybe may, maybe, maybe, maybe they will, maybe they will, at the end of the day it's will up the top, that's what down here, wow, what was that about, uh, so... guy news reporter asks the
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israeli army guy about the massive destruction in gaza and the suffering of the palestinians and how it should be understandable for them to feel angry towards israel and the guy looks at him and tells him they should direct their rages. against hamas, which i mean honestly is shameful for that even be included in the report, uh, the rest of the video, there's another part of the video that wasn't shown where they show a prison cell with a dirty toilet under the tunnels and they say this is where the prisoners were kept in, and again there's no evidence, no evidence to to support that, finally we have a sunday times report titled israels hamas leader in gaza's khan yunis, referring to yahya sinwar, so they show a propaganda video. released by the army, which shows them just ripping through khan junis, destroying, shooting, you can't see what they're shooting at. uh, remember the south of gaza was supposed to be safe haven for palestinians, when the war started in the first months of the war, they were saying uh, the people who the people can flee to the south and they'll be fine. well, the north has been destroyed, central gaza has been
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destroyed, the south is currently being destroyed, and all of these people are trapped in rafa, and that's, i mean, the israeli army says this is hamas's last stronghold, but they have no evidence where, they don't where... any of these hamas leaders might be. so what what do they wish to say with such a report? uh, mean, they're basically saying that israel's hunting hamas, we're hunting terrorists, so it's an excuse, it's okay, an
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entire city has been destroyed, it doesn't matter, and they have no evidence except hypotheticals, again, like i said, they have no idea where sinwat is or where any of these people are, so it's it's an excuse to say, we're looking for terrorists, and this is... goal to destroy gaza and make it uninhabitable and to genocide and who are they are supposedly going to find in those tunnels, yahya sinwar, marwan isa, muhammad def, and and they've never found any of the leaders so far, including yahya sanwar, muhammad def and absolutely not, and they claim they've destroyed entire battalions and that hamas is near defeat and it's nowhere near defeat as we can see, well i want definitely i want to thank you very much for your analysis of what kind of fake news or propaganda the western media is portraying for the public, thank you very much. uh for being with us, basically telling us this. now ladies and gents, let us move to digital mainstream media, new report from the united nations trade body highlighted the
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unprecedented scale of destruction and impact from the war in gaza. how was that handled by the mainstream media? julia, thank you for being with us, julia qasim, what do you have for us on that specific? matter: so surprisingly mara, a cnn interviewed richard kozel wright who is the director of globalization and development strategies at the un conference for trade and development, which was behind the un report, so his report stated that the level of destruction caused by the israeli entity bombing has rendered gaza uninhabitable, so the report states that economic activity has been grounded to a halt except for minimum health and food services, but it's really interesting that the organization was able to estimate this without any ground observers um and calculate the cost of rebuilding essentially given the fact that the war is still uh raging on, so they calculated everything without even stebbing foot inside of gaza, exactly. well, let's see that video together. yeah, i mean
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it's a difficult task, as you can imagine as the as the war is still ongoing, we we tried to and and you can't go in and make the necessary needs attachment assessment on the ground. so we've used satellite technology, energy use and some familiar economic tools to try and make the assessment, and and we've also used a parallel with the previous significant military operation in 2014, the assessment of that damage by the un team and the world bank at that time was 3.9 billion in terms of a cost of recovery, clearly the the the scale and intensity of this operation is much greater, so far something like 37 buildings have been destroyed or damaged, it was only 22,000 that were destroyed or damaged in 2014, and that figure of 37 is
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only till the end of november where we have reliable data, so we're talking probably something like four times so far, four times the scale of the of of the dem. the cost of recovery from from previously, so that's a figure in 15 to 20 billion, just just to recover from where we were in october, let alone the big question and it's a very big question about how this figures into uh uh issues around actually creating a state, the two state solution that is at least now back on the international agenda, so so it's a it's a huge task. uh, democracy now reported that the israeli occupation forces continue to severely restrict the delivery of humanitarian aid, food and medical supplies to millions inside the besieg territory in gaza, after four month of indiscriminate bombing and mass displacement, that uh basically moun to a genocide, so uh democracy now interviewed alex dewal who's an expert on
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the subject uh and serves as an executive director to the world peace foundations at tuffs university. dewal state that feminine gaza is inevitable, but such warnings have been deliberately ignored by everyone capable of stopping them, basically uh the zinus entity and its western allies. dewal is also other author of mass starvation, the history and future of famon, his piece for the guardian published last week is headlined unless israel changes. of course it could be legally culpable for mass starvation, so let's see what he has to say of relief operations, it is inevitable that sometime in the coming months and they said in in in beginning in in likely early february under the technical definitions gaza would be in famin, so that is fair warning, and the actions under taken by the government of israel and the war crime of starvation. is defined thus: using starvation of civilians as a method of warfare by depriving them of
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objects indispensable to their survival, including willfully impeeding relief supply, so the main element of the of the crime is destroying food, food stuffs, hospitals, medical care, sanitation, shelter, etc. unless that is all stopped, gaza will be infamin, wow! that was devastating, wasn't it? absolutely marwa uh the you can see here that the blockade of commercial imports means that there's no way to meet the basic needs the gazan population um and in northern gaza where infrastructure has been completely wiped out and there is no presence of uh humanitarian aid organizations uh the conditions are especially worse as compared to the rest of the strip uh so even the new york times reported about it earlier this month where they spoke to out of hussein. the world food program and i have said and i quote, i've been to pretty much any conflict,
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whether yemen, whether it was south sudan, northeast nigeria, ethiopia, you name it, and i have never seen anything like this, both in terms of scale, its magnitude, but also at the pace that it's unfolded, that just gives us a wide angle of how israel is using the israeli entities using starvation as means of war against the people in gaza, absolutely, and it's the... the israeli regime's policies that are directly creating this disaster, it's not me saying it, that's the human rights watch saying so in its conclusions that the zionist government is using starvation as a weapon of war, which is a war crime under the geneva conventions based its analysis of israeli government actions and official statements since october 7th, like such as the um very open statement by the zianist regime defense minister just days after october. 7th that there will be no food, water coming into gaza. that's the very heavy stuff. i want to thank you very much
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for uh this information, julia qasim for and for being with us for the mainstream media segment. now, ladies and gents, let us move to the social media expose. as the world bears witness to the devastation and destruction unfolding in gaza, social media explodes with rage and... disbelief as the so-called international community continues to turn a blind eye unabated by the level of desolation and annihilation. we welcome with us sima itayim to tell us what social media is saying about all of this, thank you for being with us, sima, editor with the cradle and also our expert on social media, what is happening on social media when it comes to the destruction in gaza? as has been the case for a while now, many on social media have had enough of the international disregard. guard and negligence when it comes to the systematic destruction of the gaza strip as
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the situation continues to deteriorate, so influential accounts are trying to take matters into their own hands and we're seeing this lot, an example of this is robert martin, an australian activist and writer who lives in melbourne and tweeted the following video, let's see the video, كيف يعني نحن عايشين يعني كيف بدنا نعاود نبنين يجي قسم اكيد هي. ليش هم هيك يعني مهتمين لاولادهم وهم بيطلعوا الناس بيشوفو كيف حالاتنا ودائما يعني اولادهم خلص عندهم شيء انهم محميين من كل الجهات يعني ما عندهم قصف زينا حروب so he provided an opportunity for
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people around the world to be able to take action to relieve some of the pain that displaced palestinians in gaza are enduring. by creating his own emergency appeal campaign, that's nice, that aims to address some of the urgent needs on the ground like securing medical supplies and generator fuel for alda hospital, providing mattresses, blankets, food packages for displaced children and families. so basically uh, this is what uh martin is giving, he's giving away a platform for the people to send in funds that will be distributed to uh his partners on the ground for those who are in need, that's pretty amazing. work for influencer on social media, what else do you have for us? we have a tweet uh by said mhammed marandi, professor of english literature and orientalism at the university of tehran, showing israeli occupation soldiers celebrating as they destroy gazan homes. we've seen a lot of this recently. so he tweeted, "western backed zionist thugs are celebrating the destruction of gazan homes. the collective west is funding this genocide
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as well, as the efforts to ethnically cleanse palestinians from gaza. nevertheless, israel and the west will fail. hashgazaholocaust and under his tweet was the following video, let's take a look, let's see the video. curring scene, this isn't an isolated. incident, we've seen this time and time again, they are always celebrating destruction and death, and in hebrew they're shouting, they'll have nowhere to come back to, they have nowhere to return to, and that is in reference to their homes, and this appears to bring them joy. wow, moving on, we have the criticism of the mainstream media, which, as usual, provides excuses for the western induced calamities in our region, by
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pinning it a preferred enemy like iran, favorite, definitely, jeremy ward criticized new york times. that published thomas friedman's piece called understanding the middle east through the animal kingdom, this got a lot of pushback because friedman openly calls on the us to burn down the entire region in order safely and efficiently destroy iran. so in the peace, friedman openly calls for more genocide essentially in west asia, because he believes that the islamic revolutionary guard is the wasp, and that the wasp can only be dealt with if you burn down the whole jungle, aka, the entire middle east. so we are animals uh where we live is a jungle and the wasp is the our is the ir gc and and there are the eggs that are laid in the caterpillars which are so he needs to torch us all right put us on fire get rid of us if anyone else ima was talking about this on the other camp talking like this about the zionist entity all hell would
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have broken loose it's not just about racism it's a it's a misreading of. the region, it's just a it's an intentional misreading of the situation, it's as if this is a bar, it's barbaric, it's in our nature to be barbaric, it's been published by the new york times, right, definitely something to to open eye, like it's it's a grave eye opener for people who constantly read uh such a mainstream media such propaganda, but i think you have one more gift for us, i do uh by one of our all-time favorite friends. um, facebook post bytali, not only an israeli influencer, but spokesman for the israeli occupation army, who has 1.3 million followers on facebook, so he posted a photo of destroyed neighborhood in gaza, captioned, this is what radical islam brought to gaza, hamas brought destruction to gaza, he's doing what all
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zines influencers have been doing online from the start even before this war, basically blaming the victim. and this is somehow enough to white wash their crimes against the palestinians. it is islam that did this. it is definitely something to watch out for and to listen carefully to not to fall in those depths of misinformation that is being presented, but i want thank you very much sima for being with us to show us what uh the social media world is reacting, how it is reacting towards the complete destruction and calamity of the... people in gaza, thank you uh for being with us, now ladies and gents, let's go forth to figures expose. now american and european public opinion is changing drastically in favor of palestine as ziness israel continues is genocide against the people of gaza. according to new poll
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from the associated press, norc center for public affairs research, it was taken between the 25th and the 29th of january. half of us adults say the israeli regime's military campaign in gaza has quote gone too far, while 31%. say it has been about right, while 15% believe it has not gone far enough. meanwhile, 63% of american democrats believe the israeli regime's military campaign in gaza has gone too far. 24% say it has been just about right, and 9% believe it has not gone far enough. now 33% of american republicans, this time believe the israel regime's military campaign in gaza has actually gone too far for. 1% say it has been just about right, while 24% believe it has not gone far enough for them. meanwhile, 52% of independent americans believe the israeli
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regime's military campaign in gaza has gone too far. 28% say it has been just about right, while 12% believe it has gone not too far for them. now let us end off with the most notable expose voices for this week. voices on social media have been very much a surprise for the western regimes and especially the israeli regime as it surpassed all forms of propaganda and misinformation their own media have been spreading since the founding of the zionist entity on the arab land of palestine. now one notable voice i bring to you today is chris kunsler on tiktok who after showcasing the horrible scenes of destruction in gaza makes a very important statement saying, " i just simply cannot understand how people cannot see how truly unfair this is. here is chris consler expose.
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this is a photo of the gaza strip this morning and the apocalyptic destruction that has been wrought upon it by the state of israel, and what it also most likely depicts is also a mass graveyard of palestinians who are still buried under this rubble, because i saw someone talking about this few days ago. if you remember when the... turkish earthquake happened, the numbers of dead people actually grew massively once they started looking under the rubble, and this person was saying that this will definitely happen with palestine, but beyond this, what i want to talk about is how people can continue to support this, because beyond civilian deaths, look at the destruction, look at the destruction of people's family homes where they built core memories, look at the destruction of homes that people have built with their own hands, and what you start to realize is that none of... if this is acceptable, there is nothing that is good about indiscriminately bombing the palestinian people, because it doesn't even achieve israel's aims and what this makes me think about is the empathy that i have for
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these people, and as the smiths put it, all the all those people, all those lives, where are they now, with loves and hates and passions just like mine, they were born and then they lived and then they died, it seems so unfair, i want to cry, now from youtube, this... speaks voices exposes from a channel called almost that posted a combination of multiple videos where the israeli entity social media users were posting videos online mocking palestinians inability to access water, electricity, food and other essentials in gaza. in the videos, israeli settlers of various ages appear to be wearing makeup that thickens their eyebrows and blackens their teeth as well as head scarves and cufilies, a checkered head scarf that has become synonymous with the palestinian freedom cause. thousands of people have criticized the videos, yet zinas settlers continue to spread them. let us see the combination youtube expos.
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ladies and gents, with this disturbing video we conclude our expose for tonight right here on press tv. stay tuned for more i opening investigations on expose, the truth is just a revelation away.
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libya is a north african country, the country has two competing governments, the tripoly based high state council and the house of representatives. libya is also at the center of a migrant crisis. this country is also one the richest countries in africa in terms of oil reserves. amid the us israeli genocide on gaza, libya has voice support for the measures taken by the international court of justice icj to prevent genocide in the gaza stream. we are honored to have with us here in the studio his excellency ali jumal ubaidi, the ambassador of libya to iran. it's been a pleasure having you in our program. thank you, mercy. this is the story of nation
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that lived here for centuries until an obscure foreign regime emerged and began farming on their lands and brought in new people to replace the old nation. they picked the focal point of attention of different religions in the region. a highly regarded place at the heart of this arabic islamic setting. what was? would have happened if hizbullah had been vanquished? that's perhaps the most significant and upsetting question about the 2006 war. much has been said about the 2006 war, about its motives, the behind the scenes and the circumstances around it.
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the headlines, international pressure is mounting on israel to refrain from a planned ground invasion of the southern gaza city of ratha. pro palestine active stage protest actions outside two uk-based firms over their role in feeling. israeli regime's genocide in the gaza strip, and the un says us decision to relist yemen's ansarla movement as a terrorist group could inflict serious harm on the country's devastated economy.