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tv   World News in Full  PRESSTV  February 4, 2024 4:30am-5:01am IRST

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your headlines on press tv, gaza's health ministry says israel strikes have killed over 100 civilians in just 24 hours as total. death toll from the regime's genocide exceed 27,200. palestinian officials slammed the international community failure to stop israel on gaza warning against the regime's possible attack on the southern city of rafah. and damascus says us strikes on areas where syrian forces are fighting daesh remnants once again prove washington's collusion with terrorists.
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hello everyone, you're watching press tv live from the studios in terron, thank you for joining us. the israely genocidal war on the gaza strip continues to take a heavy toll on palestinian civilians for the 121st day in a row. health officials in gaza announced that his forces killed over 100 palestinians during the past 24 hours alone. the regime continued this rates and bombardments on various parts of the gaza strip. the strikes were mainly focused on the southern city of hanjunis. raging forces targeted homes as well as displaced persons gatherings. there were also reports of several strikes in the vicinity of the hospitals in gaza. over 27,200 people have been killed in gaza since october the 7th. most of them are women and children. palestinian officials have blasted
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the international community failure to stop the israeli onslaught and the humanitarian catastrophe unfolding in gaza. palestine's foreign ministry warned against a possible israeli military operation on the city of rafa in south gaza. the ministry said an aggression on the city would either lead to the annihilation of about 1.5 million palestinians. all results in their displacement. the warning came in reaction to comments made by israely military affairs minister yoaf galant. he had earlier said that the israeli army would turn his focus on rafah along the border with egypt. more us support for israel's genocide in gaza, this time the house of representatives. has
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proposed bill which would provide $17.6 billion dollars in new military assistance to tel aviv. speaker mike johnson says the house will vote on the bill next week. the the new legislation would include funds to help uh replenish israel's missile systems, procure additional advanced weapon systems and produce artillery and other ammunitions. some of the funding will also be used to replenish us provided to israel for its genocidal war on gaza. the house had previously approved 14.3 billion in military aid to israel. now to talk more on this, we are joined by mr. scott bennett, political commentator from san francisco. mr. bennett, welcome to press uh tv. mr. bennet, so another $17.6 billion dollars in new military. the uh assistance of
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tel aviv is around the corner uh and the house had previously uh approved 14.3 billion in military aid to israel, so mr. bennet, isn't this a clear sign of the us's complicity in the genocide in gaza, especially a time when people are asking to stop the israeli onslaughts and urgent and the need for urgent need for humanitarian aid, but instead what we're seeing is more support for the israeli killing machine, so... absolutely, that's precisely what it is, you said it well, this is a confirmation of the united states being on the sort of side of genocide, the side of murdering human beings in particular women and children, in this demonic rage, rampage of death and destruction and and hideous evil that the israelis are unleashing upon the people of of palestine, and the united states.
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and the and the shutting down of the red sea is a very effective economic warfare model that they're they're fully uh capable of doing and i admire their courage for doing it. the other way to handle this of course is for a united front from other nations such as iran, turkey, russia, china, uh, writing a joint letter with signatures from each president to the... united states congress declaring that you, the united states congress are put on notice that any weapons that you provide to israel in the form of economic sustainance and such, you will be liable for the bloodshed and the genocide, you're being put on legal notice and a copy
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of this is being sent to the international court of justice to the united nations security council, to the united nations general assembly to the united international criminal court. being put on notice that the rest of the world is is uh watching and is is clearly declaring that if the united states gives money and weapons to israel to unleash more murder against the palestinians, it will be aiding abetting genocide, and it will suffer all of the legal, economic, political, social, cultural and military consequences of that action, the the the genocide that israel is doing, is an offense to all of humanity and god himself, and it's quite horrifying that my own congress in the united states has sunk to such a monstrous level of idiocy and blindness that they would would call evil
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good and good evil, but i think that's the way to combat it is from an international coalition point of view as well as providing international human. aid through a coalition, don't wait for unra, fill the vacuum that unra is missing and deliver humanitarian aid immediately, otherwise the israelis their strategy is to turn gaza into hell on earth so so that six months from now you will have nothing but a remnant of skeleton people left, that's israel's agenda and that needs to be stopped uh by any means necessary. now mr. bennett, with the new funding billions of dollars, we've seen the recent us attacks on iraqi and syrian soil, the yemani operations as you mentioned in the red sea, and not forget, forgetting the skirmishes along the lebanese border with heisballah, do you think the us and israel are planning to continue
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the gaza onslaught for a longer period or maybe preparing preparing for escalation or even an all-at war in the region? i believe netanyahu wants this... to continue and to uh uh go at the pace that it is for the next year, year and a half, two years, because netanyahu sees this as life sustaining issue to his political career, so he wants the conflict to expand and he wants the united states to be drawn in, to be used as a shield. netanyahu uh wants to ultimately destroy the united states, he said that before, he wanted to... uh cut up america like sacrificial cow, he said words like that in the past, so he wants a conflict to go, and there are so many american uh congressmen and senators that are compromised by the israeli masad in shinbet with sexual video tapes, epsteen island, all sorts of
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compromising position, that they are slaves and they will do the bidding of israel, this is the true tragedy is that the united states of america has... that the united states and israel has started in 2001 onward, but the way to combat it is through international coalitions, international agreement, setting a side of small differences so that the larger bullies and antagonists and enemies can be dealt
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with, and iran and iraq and syria and saudi arabia and turkey all need to unify along the line of the palestinians and russia and china. uh and india need to also be part of that, that's right. mr. bennett, uh, before we let you go, how come the us has all these billions of dollars to fund wars uh, like the one-sided one in gaza, the ukraine one. as well, while the money we're talking about hundreds of billions of dollars could be used to remedy its own alien economy or to be used for humanitarian causes in africa, third world countries, in not killing women and children, as we are seeing now, or we saw before in iraq, we saw that in afghanistan and also in syria to name few, i think the united states has been coasting and slowly like an aircraft. uh descending towards quite a hard landing and and uh quite a combustion,
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and this has been going on for 40, 50 years, it's accelerated in the last 20 years, but what we're witnessing is the the dollar being weaponized under the the mad man demoniac democrat dictator joe biden against other nations, venezuela, iran, russia, the the the dollar and the swift system and nato uh european union economic system has been weaponized and what that is going to do of course is isolate the united states and the rest of the world is going to find alternative currencies and alternative ways of of doing business outside of the united states so all of this is self-inflicted and the united states government and these zionists are under the the severe affliction and delusion a darkness in their mind that i think god is given them over to darkness and destruction because of all the wickedness and sin and rebellion and transgenderism and
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homosexuality and anti-family, anti-religion, cultural expressions and postures and policies and laws that have grown up like like cancers in america and the body politic has become very very sick and toxic and delusional, i'm i'm not being facitious or insulting when i say the united states and population to a large degree are mentally ill, they're mentally ill, they're delusional, they're they're really sick, sick people and a sick culture and a sick country. not all of it, there are conservative christian god worshiping and family loving individuals and groups that have no animosity or emity with iran or russia uh or even china, but iran and russia have a special place in the conservative christian heart. america because of our shared love of god and love of family. unfortunately, the government
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in the united states and the military uh have become a machine almost, so uh all of this, i think is is winding down very quickly, and i think the world simply has to be prepared to let the united states express all sorts of emotional tantrums like a child, all sorts of uh uh potential. attacks that they may be doing up in yemen and syria, all of that is for for political uh bluff, all of that is is an emotional tantrum that the us has to get out, and the y strategy is containment, the y strategy is not overreacting or responding to the traps the united states is trying to set, remember this, joe biden and the democrats want a war to try and escape the overthrow that's... coming in the civil war that's brewing in the in america, so the best thing the world can do is let america have its
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civil war, overthrow joe biden and have new political conservative regime come in that will be much more inclined to uh peace, not intervention with the world and certainly not aiding and abeding the demonic evil genocide that the israeli zionist askanaji fake jew. have done and that is the real challenge is uniting the world against that genocide and uh overthrowing the regimes in europe and the united states and replacing them with more multipolar independent uh reasonable, rational, peaceful people. we haven't had that since ronald reagan and even he kind of fell off and uh did some things that weren't smart, but i i think we're... approaching a new dawn in america, new time where the old political wine skins will be cast away, and
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new wine and new wine skin is coming into fashion. on that note, i would like to thank mr. scott bennett, political commentator from san francisco. mr. bennet, thank you for your time and knowledge, sir, it's always good talking to you. now continuing with the rest the news, the hezbollah resistance movement has struck several israeli military bases, this came after the rage. targeted number of areas in southern lebanon with air raids and artillery fire. our correspondent mariam salh joined us earlier from beirout and gave us the details. region is area where you have lot of israeli tanks especially marava tanks and over there they of course launching site for the markava tanks towards lebanese towns and villages also focused lot of their attention and their resistance operations
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against the shiib farms that lebanese occupied shiba farms areas especially somaka which was twice, but they also declared in their statements that they retaliated for the targeting of residential and civilian areas in bleda, aitashab and yarun by targeting two settlements that are even manahim and yaroon, and so therefore hazbullah tends to make that differentiation between targeting direct military sites and areas that are considered settlements for so-called civilians, but despite the fact that they are now at closed military zone still tends to make that um uh that differentiation with what they target uh and finally also they have targeted a group of soldiers uh in the hill called cobra uh and so basically those are the most significant resistance operations for hazballah the israelis did uh as we said
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target yaron aitashab and the town of bleda which led to the marturdom of two lebanese civilians. on saturday, the us said is struck 85 positions in iraq and syria, claiming they included rocket, missile and drone depos. iraq and syria have both condemned the attacks as acts of aggression. we earlier discussed the attacks and their consequences in our news review program. let's see what our guests had to say. now it's time for the news review section where we talk in depth on the uh the day's top story. the us says it has carried out air strikes on 85 targets inside iraq in syria, that's after washington plaged to respond to deadly drone strike on his troops in jordan. iraqi government says at least 16 people were killed in us strikes
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in the country. civilians were amongst those killed and 36 more people were wounded in the bombings. target both civilian and security areas. us central command claims the targets include rocket, missile and drone depots. the us president says the strikes will continue at times and places of washington's choosing. however, joe biden says the us does not see conflict in wast west asia. washington has confirmed the deaths of three of his forces in the drone strike that hit his military base last weekend in mark the first time us military personnel died in attack. since the start of the israely onslot on gaza on october the 7th. now strong reactions to the us attacks are streaming in from regional countries, not least by iraq and syria themselves. iraq condemned the strikes as a violation of the sovereignty, it warn that the attack will have a disastrous consequences for the region. iraq's foreign
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ministry says, it has called in the us charge the affairs in baghdad to deliver an official protest, iraq's popular mobilization forces said us attacks is violation of the country's sovereignty and a blaten disregard for international laws. syria meanwile said the aggression caused casualties among civilians and soldiers and inflicted heavy material damage on the eastern part of the country. it added that this is the same region where syrian forces are battling the remnance of the daesh takfiri group and this proves us collusion with the terrorists. iran says the strikes are another strategic mistake by the us or threat only serves is really interest. the palestinian resistance movement hamas also condemned the strikes, saying washington has poured oil on the fire in the region. yemen's ansurlah movement stamed the us strikes as flagrant violation of sovereignty of iraq and syria. the movement said the us
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aggression against those countries proves is firm support for israel's crimes in gaza. russia says the... is sowing chaos and destruction in the middle east. it has also called for security council meeting. now to talk more on this, we are joined by mr. rick stearling, investigative journalist from wallnut creek, california, and also daniel shaw, professor of race, ethnicity, class and gender from new york. gentlemen, welcome to press tv. now, mr. sterling, beginning with you. uh, let's begin with your initial thoughts on the situation right now. the us has finally responded by not stopping the genocide of the palestinians in gaza, but by attacking the countries which are trying to... stop there uh almost four months of onslot on the people of gaza, so what could we expect in the coming days? what could we expect from the iraki and syrian governments and also the resistance groups in those
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countries? well, i certainly hope that the united nations security council takes up um the issue as as russia has requested, it's it's absolutely necessary because we're a slippery slope here, a friend of mine who's who lives 125 miles north of... san francisco is reporting that there are military jets constantly flying overhead all day long um training and in preparation for what we we don't know um meanwhile at at another military air force base just outside of the san francisco area activists are planning to try to uh blockade that on on tuesday morning and uh they're drawing attention to the fact that uh weapons uh from the united states going to israel to continue the slaughter are being shipped out of travis air force base, so um, the syrian and iraqy governments of course are completely uh within their rights
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to be demanding that um that this stock uh the aggression from the united states. i know that it's just eight or nine days ago that there was talk uh uh of the united states withdrawing their bases from syria and iraq, that was very welcome news and then..." victoria newland got into the act uh some days later saying that they us would absolutely not be withdrawing from the basis. the the the cruxs of the matter is that the neils running us foreign policy do not want peace uh and um and they are uh constantly promoting uh expansion and and war. that's right mr. still uh mr. shaw can the us afford a the full-fledged war uh, which is again, like mr. sterling said, against their own people's liking, and a time where they could use the billions of dollars of funding to
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israel and not forgetting ukraine as well, uh, while the money we're talking about hundreds of billions of dollars, it could be used to remedy its own alien economy, or to be used for humanitarian causes, not killing women and children, that is the sentiment across the united states, especially among uh young people uh joe biden's popularity among uh youthful voters is at an all-time low, the people of this country continue to march for peace, to march against the genocide, and we've been asking now for a week uh, if we look at the picture of these three young us soldiers slash mercenaries really are used in manipulated as mercenaries, they're so youthful, they come from an oppressed background, uh, they didn't deserve. to die for empire, it's extremely sickening how many of our young people from black and brown and poor white backgrounds have to join the us military just so they can try to get a
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scholarship or feed their families, it's a kin to the conscription or the economic draft and the actual dejury draft that existed in the 1960s and 70s and the horrific uh war of aggression against the vietnamese people and as uh sterling has pointed out, the syrians, the iraqis, this is a united middle east that is saying they want uh the us occupiers and the israeli genocy theres out of their countries, we're seeing a pan-arab unity, a pan muslim, a pan middle east unity that perhaps we haven't seen in in in many years, palestine continues to be lightening rod for anti-zionist and anti-imperialist sentiments across the region. that's right. mr. stearling, mr. shaw, thank you for your time, sir. thank you. there you have it, mr. rick stearling, investigative journalist from walner creek, and also mr. daniel shaw,
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professor of race, ethnicity and class and gender. and without we come to the end of this uh edition of the news review program. thank you for being with us. iran's defense ministry says the country plans to launch satellite into orbit 36 thousand kilometers above the earth as surface by the next year. the good news is our space operations in both the defense ministry and the aerospace industries organization are in progress at full strength. so far we have taken solid steps to launch satellites into orbit up to 36,00 km in. iranian space agency, as you know, reaching such level is key objective for every country, we hope that we can launch the first satellite into orbits above 36,00
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km by next year. the spokesman of iran's defense ministry space division ahmed husseini mooners uh says or said that iran's space activities are completely scientific and technological, it furher stated that the country will not wait for anyone's permission to continue its activities. despite sanctions imposed by western countries in recent years, iran has managed to take giant strides in his civilian space program. it is amongst the world's top and countries capable of developing and launching satellites. last week, the aerospace force of iran's islamic revolution guards care or the irgc launched the suraya satellites into orbit using the qaem 100 satellite carrier. that's it for this hours bulletin. thank you for being with us, take care and bye-bye.
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in the heat of world war ii, iran came under the booths of soviet and british forces who pushed the country to the brink of collapse. diplomatic efforts changed the course, but at the same time paved the way for the rise of muhammad riza shah who ruled the country with iron fist in the following decades.
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you must have heard the phrase complete spinal injury. for centuries, there was no treatment for spinal injuries, and anyone who sustained injury anywhere on the spinal cord would lose all functions below the injured area forever. physicians have been trying to find a solution to this problem. ancient times, the stem cell solution is new one, first the russians and then the chinese conducted tests to that end, but neither was very successful. in 1996, iran became the first country to suggest that chun cells could be used to heal spinal cord injuries. the chun is a cell of the peripheral nervous system that wraps around nerf fiber, jelly roll fashion, forming the miolene sheath. iran started performing such treatments in
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the 2000s. "the first tests were run on lab animals in 2002, and eventually in 2006, iran became the first country to successfully apply this method in repairing spinal cord injuries. this is the story of nation that lived here for centuries until an obscure foreign regime emerged and began farming on their lands and brought in new people to replace the old nation." they picked the focal point of attention of different religions in the region, a highly regarded place at the heart of this arabic islamic setting. what would have happened if hizbullah had been vanquished? that's perhaps the most significant and upsetting question about the 2006 war. much has been said about the 2006 war, about its motives, the behind
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the scenes and the circumstances. inasar the war on the gaza strip continues to take a heavy toll on palestinian civilians for the 121st day in a row. the regime continued this raise and bombardments on various parts of the gaza's trip. they killed 100 palestinians during the past 24 hours.