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tv   Segodnya  NTV  March 28, 2024 8:00am-8:26am MSK

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well, this is complete nonsense. vladimir putin made a number of important statements during his working trip to the tver region. the coordinated work of our military on the front line. handsome, well done! beautiful! right on target. how volunteers from the far east storm novomikhailovka, what is the main danger. ilya ushenin will talk about this. new heroes and new stories. becomes famous after the terrorist attacks
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in sithole. we went up the smoke-filled stairs to the fourth floor to the north, breaking down the door. the ministry of internal affairs told how the criminals were traced on the evening of march 22. for the elections like a holiday - this is not about america. election commissions here are preparing for the presidential election in november as if it were a battle. alexey vasilovsky from the usa. hello. welcomes the information service of the ntv television company. in the studio of yulia bekhtereva. if the west supplies kiev with f-16 fighters, this will not change the situation on the battlefield. our country will destroy them just like all other enemy equipment. vladimir putin stated this at a meeting with military pilots in the tver region. they all participate in the svo, so they don’t show their faces. during the conversation, the president noted that if fighters are used against. russia, they will become
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a legal target for us even when sent from airfields of third countries. it is important to take into account that f-16s can carry nuclear weapons. also, during a conversation with the pilots, vladimir putin commented on the statement of western politicians that russia could attack the countries of the old world. what they say about the fact that we are going to attack europe after ukraine is complete nonsense. solely to extort money from them, from their people, especially against the backdrop of the fact that the economy is shrinking and the standard of living is falling , it’s absolutely true, it’s obvious, it’s obvious, it’s simple - everyone admits it, this is not some kind of propaganda , this is what is happening in reality, they need to justify themselves, so they are frightening their population, perhaps the russian threat, the president. stressed that
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it was not russia that was moving towards the borders of nato countries, they came close to us. according to vladimir putin, the problem is that europe did not build a security system after the collapse of the ussr. a separate topic was merit our military in the northern military district zone. vladimir putin noted that among the participants in the special operation there were representatives of different peoples of russia, all of them showed their best side. according to the president, in our country no nations are discriminated against and respected. representatives of all faiths, the head of state also appreciated the work of aviation, everyone is working excellently, making a huge contribution to the achievement of attack aviation, i think it’s very hard work. during a working visit to the center for combat use and retraining of flight personnel menopause, where helicopter pilots are trained, the russian leader examined the mi-8 and mi-20 attack vehicles.
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i bet a fighter with the call sign mars, the former head of the anti-drug department , volunteered after the death of his eldest son, now he says he is fighting for two in their area, this is the novamikhailovka area movement. just forward, the enemy’s losses are already catastrophic, well, naturally , we are more motivated, in the end it gives results, the guys surrender as prisoners, a short briefing on how to handle ammunition and explosives, then
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kamikaze drone operators get into action, the task is to strike at an enemy stronghold, where, according to intelligence data , there is a ukrainian armed forces department near it, in addition to an ammunition depot, just now the tiger battalion fighters launched an fpv drone to the side. novomikhai, it carries an increased combat load, about 2 kg, and literally in 2-3 minutes it will already reach the enemy’s position. naturally, we were asked to go down to the dugout for a while, since there may also be enemy copters there. within a few minutes confirmation arrives, drone found the target entering the combat course, the enemy’s supporter was in full view. we entered the village, we walk along the river, i observe, come on, bro, do it. yes, suleiman, handsome, well done, handsome, right on target, the strong point is covered the first time, another one is in line, then the launch site must be urgently left until the enemy drone decides to check the crowd of people near the trenches. already in the dugout, the reconnaissance commander admits that he was lucky with the soldiers with the allied forces in
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neighboring positions. the guys fight very harmoniously and amicably, yes, hand in hand. we are constantly we exchange information with them, that’s what i want to say, well... the guys are actually fighting heroically, and thanks to them, yes, thanks to our common work, we are saving our common victory, and then intelligence again disappears in the dust, until next combat exit. ilya usheninin, maxim belikov, ntv television company, donetsk people's republic. in the same ugledar sector, the north military district, marines, and vostok groups stormed new areas of novomikhailovka. at the recaptured positions, our military found grenade launchers, mortars and grenades from the western sample in one of the houses. they took a ukrainian armed forces soldier prisoner, rejoice, you are already alive , you saved the vinkovets, vasya, what have you got, come on, vaska, get out, drink some water, they heard on the air the work of the commanders and that their families will be slaughtered, that
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is, they know where relatives live, under no circumstances should they leave their positions, so the enemy is forced to remain in their positions, although they are mentally ready to surrender. and today the ministry of defense reported the feat of the head of the first-aid post with the call sign welles. in a battle with ukrainian saboteurs, near the belgorod region, he took the place of a wounded man commander of one of the groups. first he took charge of adjusting the fire, then moved into the tank and personally commanded the conduct of the battle. we had to act under heavy small arms and artillery fire from the ukrainian armed forces. the car was on fire, then they extinguished it, then extinguished it. and so we came out from under enemy fire, but the artillery had already been sent to the end there, they tried again with fipivi drones, but all to no avail, the armor held up, the crew worked perfectly, as the ministry of defense reported, thanks to the action of the head of the first aid post, the enemy was not able
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to break through to territory of belgorod area, and the competent evacuation of the wounded, which vellis carried out after the end of the battle, allowed our troops to complete the task without losses. russian air defense forces destroyed 16 vampire shells on approach to belgorod. according to the regional governor, there were no casualties as a result of the latest attack by ukrainian militants. but windows were broken in twelve residential buildings, two clinics and a children's hospital. the facades of three kindergartens and a school were cut by shrapnel, eight cars were damaged, two of which were completely burned. and now to the news from. tragedy in at the city hall, the ministry of internal affairs told how they managed to identify the car in which the terrorists tried to escape. the security forces had an urgent task to find recordings from cctv cameras that could have recorded the moment of the attack and how the terrorists left crocus city hall.
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at that time, a fire was already burning in the building, which could have destroyed all the evidence and prevented the criminals from getting out. despite the fire and smoke, the police entered the room and found a server room with equipment. we climbed the smoky stairs to the fourth floor to the server room, having broken down the door, looked at the recordings from cctv cameras, and identified the car in which the criminals escaped. transmitted the data to the operational headquarters, which made it possible to establish the route of their movement and detain it. according to the latest data, the death toll in the terrorist attack has increased to 143. 360 people were injured, 80 are still in hospitals . eight children became orphans as a result of the terrorist attack. maria, the presidential commissioner for children's rights, told them what kind of support they will receive.
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do not end up in institutions so that we can immediately work out family arrangements, of course, in the regions of russia, it is very important for us that children ideally be placed in a birth family, but if this does not work out, then in foster families.
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he must leave the country by april 10. in neighboring estonia, russophobic sentiments also
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do not subside. there they arrested a journalist, a citizen of this country, who was making materials for a russian-language publication. as it became known, it is under eu sanctions. according to local media, the woman was taken into custody on march 1. local law enforcement agencies explained this by saying that she might leave the country. the day before , the police brought a new charge against the journalist, however. demanded from the court her immediate release. current us president joe biden is slightly ahead of donald trump in the election race. this is evidenced by recent survey data. democrats are supported by 48% of the population. 45% are ready to vote for the republicans. the trump campaign said that in states that are still swinging, he is still ahead of his competitor. they say there americans are not... holding biden because they are tired of the situation on the southern border, inflation and attempts to transfer the population to
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electric cars. on the eve of the elections , another question arose before the authorities: who should be involved in working at polling stations? many officials who have been involved in this in recent years have decided not to participate due to incoming threats. which ones did alexey veselovsky recognize? there are more than 7 months until the presidential elections in the united states, but the election battles in the country are already raging. funny, you are being sued. this is a commission of observers on maricopa county in arizona leaves the meeting under pressure from trump supporters. you are traitors. if they do not resign, we will call in the military and go to court martial. you know what the punishment for betrayal is. in 2020 , biden won the elections in arizona with a minimal margin. maricopa county, the largest in the state and voted. for trump they were sure of a forgery, then the trumpists stood day and night under the windows of the local election commission, demanding
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a recount, members of the election commissions threatened with death. hey mr. hickman, if you die, we'll hang you. clint hickman is one of those who counted the votes in arizona in 2020, and although he himself supported donald trump then, he still received in full for the fact that the victory went to someone else. now hickman is resigning from the election commission, he says it’s not worth the hassle. it is very unpleasant to go ask citizens:
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they are turned into scapegoats, they are threatened, they are attacked, all this is unacceptable. 13 people received prison sentences for threatening electors, but this is not enough. affects the number of threats, their number is only growing, especially when one of the candidates openly warns how everything could end if he loses. if i am not elected, it will be a bloodbath for everyone, at least it will be a bloodbath for the country. in arizona. as one of the main swing states, that is, those that will determine who wins the election, election commissions are now preparing for battles, not just electoral ones, but real ones. this is no joke, arizona election officials are now undergoing shooting training. learning how to quickly barricade doors, bandage wounds, how to stop bleeding, such preparation for the presidential elections.
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alexey veselovsky, aviaabramov, alexander dzhekin, ntv. usa. yes. russia wants to start building ski resorts and infrastructure in forests, subject to their restoration. this proposal was made by representatives of the industry and the ministry of development. he was supported by the ministry of natural resources, but the initiative was criticized by environmentalists. they believe that such measures will only destroy the natural ecosystem. listened to the opinions of the parties svetlana gordeeva. when alba is remote in every sense, the russians are mastering their slopes. at this largest ski resort in the leningrad region. more than 250,000 people vacation every year; in winter there are pistes, skiing, tennis courts, eco-trails, and wakeboarding in summer. yes, we have very big plans to expand the resort, with an investment budget of about more than 3 billion rubles, but unfortunately, we cannot do this yet due to restrictions, mainly from forestry legislation. there are now about 400
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ski resorts in russia, but this is not enough, they say industry representative. you can, of course, build new tracks, but... that’s exactly the problem. logging is prohibited by the forestry code and federal laws, and cross-country ski slopes cannot be built without logging. well, that is , you won’t drive between the trees. therefore , the association of ski resorts turned to the ministry of economic development with a specific request to allow the cutting down of forests for the construction of resorts, but on the condition that the business owners compensate for the cutting down, that is, plant the same number of trees in another place. the idea received preliminary approval. skiers give this as an argument. an example with pulp and paper mills. they use the forest as a raw material, but at the same time the environment does not suffer, because as much as they cut down, as much as they planted. for example, one of the largest producers of cardboard and cellulose , the arkhangelsk pulp and paper mill, every year sows its plots with pine and spruce trees. and now the trees that the plant’s employees planted to replace those cut down 85
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years ago are being used. environmentalists opposed the initiative; they believe that building such sports. is possible without deforestation, but representatives of the tourism industry are sure that people come not only to ski, but also to admire nature, they promise to cut down only protective forests and only the part where the ski slope will pass, and how would we know that we have forest lands very often have fires, for example, what are these routes for, first of all, they cut these through, as it were, clear forest, yes, so the fire is restored, the fact that businessmen will restore the cut down forest is good, they say... ecologists, but there are questions about the cutting down of protective forests, it’s not for nothing that they are called that, they perform the function of snow retention, so if a lot of forest is cut down on a slope, then it is possible for valleys to disappear, similar to settlements, that is, the forest acts as such a soil holding system.
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the situation is difficult; on the one hand, entrepreneurs are calling for the development of domestic tourism and promising new jobs and income. from taxes, on the other hand, environmentalists are afraid of massive deforestation for commercial gain, like not the east, but the matter thin. of course, in the modern world there are ways to locate, including ski resorts, in such a way that - and that means environmental issues, issues of recreation, but this is a very delicate moment, definitely not clumsy, and of course, it should take place with the broadest possible discussion and - approval of citizens of the russian federation, while the bill is at the development stage, all interested parties are making their proposals and comments; apparently, it is a really difficult question to submit a bill for consideration by state duma deputies. moved from spring to autumn. svetlana gordeeva, yana fedorishcheva, lasha chutkirashvili, maria popova, vadim kovalev and valentina abramenkova, ntv. moscow. with this we say goodbye to the viewers
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