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tv   Segodnya  NTV  March 26, 2024 4:00pm-4:46pm MSK

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it all really started from the atlantic, well, see you tomorrow at 14:00, weekdays ntv broadcast, program meeting place, which cannot be changed, goodbye, the court arrested the eighth defendant in the case of the attack on crocus city hall, search operation at the site of the terrorist attack ... according to plans, it should end in the next hour, we will find out all the latest information in the live broadcast of our correspondent. the ministry of defense reported attacks on decision-making centers in ukraine. the fsb detained a group of leaders of the ministry of development on suspicion of corruption. return debt, registering an inheritance, dealing with housing and communal services problems. practice for students, free assistance for citizens. about the work of legal clinics in russia, report by pavel rybalchenko.
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and in the state of maryland, the ship crashed into a bridge support, causing a collapse. hello, you are watching the news on ntv, in the egor kolyvanov studio. security of russians, protection of their rights and freedoms, ensuring the country's sovereignty, strengthening law and order, key tasks of state policy. vladimir putin announced this today at an extended meeting of the board of the prosecutor general’s office. he said about reducing the number of business inspections, about...
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the circumstances of this barbaric crime, finding out its details, determining the role and degree of guilt of each participant, studying the conclusions of criminologists and experts. the federal security service bodies work out their questions in other special services under the coordination of the national anti-terrorism committee. i hope that prosecutors, within the framework of their powers, including when bringing state charges and during the trial, will do everything necessary to ensure that the criminals are punished fair punishments, as required by russian law. putin especially noted that the prosecutor’s office should think over a system of preventive anti-crime measures, including in the field of migration. the vasmanny court arrested another, already the eighth person involved in the case of the terrorist attack in krokuholya; this is a native of kyrgyzstan, alisher kasimov, judging by the information. agency, he rented out an apartment
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to terrorists. kasimov himself stated that he advertised housing for rent on the internet and knew nothing about the plans of his tenants. in the meantime, a search operation in kroku city according to plans, the hole should be completed within the next hour. our correspondent anton tolpa is now near the destroyed concert hall. anton, what is happening now at the site of the tragedy? yes, we are located at the crocus cityhall building, literally. now we have seen the following picture: dump trucks are removing twisted metal and fragments of plastic from the territory of kroku city hall. apparently, indeed, the announced end of the search operation will take place today at 5:00 pm, as stated in official sources of the ministry of defense emergency situations. meanwhile, rescuers publish lists of victims, as well as those killed on the official website of the russian ministry of emergency situations, this information.
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is now in the public domain and these lists can be studied, however, judging by the fact that if we compare the number of victims officially declared and the number of victims indicated in these lists, they do not correspond, judging by the fact that the names and surnames of the dead wounded are still being clarified. today we also managed to talk with one of the rescuers, who at the time of the terrorist attack was one of the first to arrive on the scene tried to get people out of the burning building. he told us his story about how many he managed to save and how difficult it was to carry out this rescue operation, they opened the auction exit, everything was in smoke, they found a girl and a woman in the auction exit, and carried them in their arms because - it was inconvenient to do this with rapists; an ambulance was handed over from the second floor . meanwhile
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, updated information is coming from the ministry of health that 63 victims of the crocus sitikholi terrorist attack have now been discharged. one child per 92 people continue to remain in hospital treatment, and there are still six children on the same list; the condition of 22 patients, including two children, is assessed by doctors as serious, while 34 people are now in a state of moderate severity. also today we were able to talk with victims in one of the burn centers in moscow, this is what they told us. margarita chevyshalova, in particular , talked about how she and i already felt that i was feeling dizzy, and we typed in the navigator to the nearest gas station to drink water, there coming to this hospital, how do you feel,
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well, health is of course better, morally of course it’s hard. meanwhile, people continue to bring flowers to the memorial. today we also managed to talk with those who came today to honor the memory of those killed in the terrorist attack, this is what they told us. of course, they won’t scare us with this anyway, but we feel very sorry for the people, we often came to this hall, performed ourselves, and watched concerts, and children and grandchildren participated, now there is no hall, and there are no people, the worst thing is how we mobilized in moment of grief. here in a moment of such universal, as they say , misfortune, how people responded, i came to bow, probably to unite with all the people who come here, we are united by a common grief, now, well, we are staying near
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the city hall crocus building and will watch how it goes the search operation is ending, yegor, yes, thank you, anton, well, russia was called to the fsb today. to respond vigilantly to threats and calls to commit terrorist attacks on the territory of our country, it is noted that the number of such calls and messages from spoofed numbers with territory of ukraine has grown sharply, citizens, including minors, are being offered to carry out terrorist attacks in shopping centers, and at transport and social infrastructure facilities they are promised money for this. the fsb is urged not to enter into correspondence with such subscribers and to immediately inform law enforcement agencies about all cases. high-profile anti-corruption news of this day , a criminal group was uncovered, which included officials from the ministry of economy, detention took place , among other things, in the offices of the ministry in moscow city, business news denis talalaev, denis, what are the details of this case already known? well, according to
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the investigation, we are talking here, at a minimum, about a raider takeover of the company.
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region, on operational shooting of the fsb, mansions with rbc according to the fsb, it conducted 17 searches, both in the moscow region and in the stavropol region , with carved wooden interiors, stacks of cash, firearms in a safe, jewelry, cars, bently, mercedes-benz and premium pens from dupon. and today it became known about another detention of a high-ranking official. tas ryan news and kommersant newspapers reported that within the framework.
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according to an rbc source, the claims against her relate to the period from 11 to 1919, when she worked in the main department of federal customs. according to the source, we are talking about product range codes. the code of some goods is quite difficult to determine, and depending on the code, the duty on the product. in one case it may be, say, 5%, in another - 15%. the russian stock market rose yesterday, and today it is trying to gain a foothold at this height. negative for the market - this, of course, is a terrorist attack in crocus cityhole, but yesterday’s rise in oil prices supports the players. at these moments the ruble began to grow, the dollar costs 92.54, the euro is 100 rubles. 32 kopecks this growth is really quite conditional. the market is probably influenced by the actions of exporters, who have a peak payment period on march 28. taxes. egor, everything about the economy. thank you, denis talolaev with
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business news. the ministry of defense reported the defeat of several decision-making centers of sbu facilities, military-industrial complex enterprises, as well as places of deployment in ukraine in one day. national formations of foreign mercenaries. group strikes were carried out by high-precision , long-range sea-based ground- based weapons and drones. directly in the zone. with a movement of the joystick, he shoots down a heavy ukrainian drone called babaiga, the device, which can carry up to 10 kg
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of explosives, falls down like a stone. it turned out that it was on my shift, when i raised my copter, she was in close proximity, already approaching our position, well, given the gusts of wind there, i made a drop on her and it turned out so well, that hit the target right. the hunt for the babuiga continued for more than a day. the squadron operators kept their copters in the sky at all times.
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we went to the military registration and enlistment office, his fellow countryman is fighting with him, the commander of the squadron with the call sign brother, this is how they work around the clock on their goals, in a secluded place, which is prohibited from filming from the outside, but at the same time quite close to the enemy, one fell, the other ran , here is this control. it is clear that the main job of uav operators is essentially free hunting in their own direction. in addition, their tasks include reconnaissance of larger targets for artillery, but if necessary, they can temporarily become drone fighters. qualification, as it turned out,
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the crew that deals with the drops , information is transmitted directly to the targets on all targets, we work on equipment, on the enemy’s manpower, but for all this there are different types of ammunition, but in the near future, as our forces advance, the immortal stalingrad will be relocated to a new direction, even closer to enemy positions and, apparently. extradition decision to the us in the uk courts or go to an american prison, a decision was to be made by a court in london today, the meeting was announced as...
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he was asked to wait a little longer until may, in may a decision will be made whether he can or cannot challenge the americans' request for extradition. that is , wait a little more, plus those 14 years that various courts of various countries and instances have been bashing him, and the swedish court, and the english, american since 2010.
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but everyone else remembers. hillary clinton said these words when giuliana sanche took refuge in the ecuadorian embassy. well, in the government of ecuador there were people then who could pursue an independent policy from the americans and from the british, but by 2019 this had changed, british security forces entered the ecuadorian embassy in london by
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the legs, pulled out journalist julian asandge , and placed him in the english belmorsh prison. for especially dangerous criminals, and he’s keeping asan there for 5 years already, it’s especially unclear on what grounds, because the fact that he had to serve time for violating english law, for what he violated conditions for his release on recognizance, but he has already served this term, and now it turns out that he is simply holding it in order to hand it over to the americans, without threats to hillary clinton, it is clear that nothing good awaits him there, the term that is assigned to him is 175 years, although recently... there were reports that maybe the americans will reconsider some of the charges and throw off a couple of decades for him, even if they reduce this sentence by 100 to 130 years for fifty-two-year-old julian asandge, who suffered a stroke in an english prison, this does not change the matter, but the british , unlike
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america, do not extradite people to russia on extradition requests, nor do they extradite a wide variety of swindlers, swindlers, and speculators.
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farming, but at the same time, supplies of goods are allowed from countries where farmers are not particularly restricted in the use of chemicals. there are a lot of imported products on the shelves, they are cheaper and, as they say, of worse quality, but you can’t easily tell from the packaging where the goods come from? our pork is not needed, the meat is imported from other countries but processed in
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the uk, and the final product is stores sell them under the guise of british products, there will be no farmers, there will be no food. no farmers means no food. more than 150 agricultural vehicles drove through the streets of london to support farmers, and ordinary consumers came out who wanted to see more domestic goods in stores. i'm here to support the farmers' protest, they came from all over the country, the turnout was amazing. i think we need to repeat what happened in st. petersburg in 1917. this is the only way to get rid of the state.
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spaniards complain about insufficient support authorities in conditions of drought, the greeks at the state's indifference to farm problems. who lost property during a powerful storm last fall. a new york court has reduced the bail that donald trump had to pay in a civil fraud case by almost 2 and a half times. we are talking about an amount of almost 455 million dollars, which has now been reduced to 175. there was no comment from the court regarding this decision. meanwhile, let me remind you, february 16th. businessman was found guilty of falsifying financial statements in order to obtain more favorable bank loans. as a punishment, a fine was imposed and
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in order to be able to appeal this verdict, trump had to pay all 455 million as collateral by march 25, but a week before this it became known that it was not possible to collect the entire amount, so the businessman was threatened with seizure of accounts and even confiscation of property, including the penthouse. office building and private jet. two victims were rescued from the water at the scene of a major transport accident in baltimore, maryland. let me remind you that a cargo ship crashed into a bridge support there, as a result, the crossing collapsed along with the vehicles that were on it. media reported that at least twenty people were in the water. even the police cannot yet give exact figures. the condition of one of those rescued is serious and he was hospitalized. he got hurt while searching. the accident occurred at night, this moment was recorded by video surveillance cameras, you can see how the metal structures fold and fall into the water. part of the wreckage
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fell onto the ship, it caught fire, and fuel began to leak from it and from its tanks. due to the scale of the chip, the state authorities declared a state of emergency, as local media report, the white house knows about the accident and sees no signs of deliberate destruction of the bridge. deract version. security forces also do not consider it. the ship's owners are cooperating with the authorities, and there are no injuries among the crew members. the state law institute discussed state support for so-called legal clinics. these are structural units of universities, where students , under the guidance of professors, advise the population. the benefit is mutual. future specialists receive practice, and citizens receive free help. as much as possible.
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with us it’s just words. valeria is helped by her peers, fellow law students, to sort out the problem and return the money. future lawyers provide free assistance to citizens at more than 100 universities in the country; these centers are called legal clinics. this term was first used almost 170 years ago. used by russian doctor of law dmitry meer. he used the word clinic to mean a place where knowledge is put into practice. the legal clinic of the msgu is located right within the walls
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university library. computers have almost all the necessary regulatory and legal framework, but it is more reliable and calmer when any necessary book is at hand. not everyone is hired to help fellow citizens in the departments of practical jurisprudence. the student must be in good academic standing at least in his second year.
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citizens for qualified legal assistance, it is in the whole world, this is such a fairly noticeable problem, if we are solving such a big social problem with the help of these students, then of course we need state support, what kind of state support measures legal clinics need was discussed at the conference, here at moscow state university. according to experts, the direction , first of all, needs to be given greater publicity, because the fact that qualified legal assistance is...
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help, and i tell them that i have the right to travel everywhere with a discount, well, what are they, they say that i’m wrong, i mean, i’m really right, with educational activities among students everything is in perfect order, the younger generation is sculpting content to the fullest and is legally savvy internet users. pavel rybalchenko, dmitry benedichuk, irina lemkina, alexey markin, tv company, but i didn’t oversleep, see below, after a short advertisement.
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it is forbidden to drink, the city in the ivanovo region suffers from poor quality water supply, who drains industrial waste, andrey shamin found out. and in cuba, for the first time in more than 150 years, snow fell, and we have less and less of it every day, weather forecast after advertising.
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total more than 60 tons of cargo. aid was collected in belarus with the support of the russian at home in minsk, there are several destinations for this humanitarian convoy: the first point where employees of a non-profit organization arrived. the humanitarian mission is a family-type orphanage in dakuchaevsk. ella and alexandra khamenets have 19 children, nine have already grown up and live separately. the extended family was given three tons of boxes of food and stationery. it’s much easier , much more comfortable, we now have enough food and, well, supplies, just because you help us. before this it was very difficult and... another shipment of expensive medical equipment was delivered to mariupol for the obstetric department of a local hospital. the necessary equipment was purchased by an italian charity. the obstetric department of the mariupol city hospital
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serves the territory from berdyansk to donetsk. the department employs only 30 doctors and nurses. more than 100 babies are born here every month. in the ivanovo region , several settlements were on the verge of an environmental disaster. people complain on the quality of water that flows from taps, and the presence of impurities in it that exceed the norm tens of times is confirmed by rosprirodnadzor. local residents are sure that the whole matter is in the textile factory, the waste from which ends up in the reservoir, even a criminal case was opened, but andrei shamin was looking into why the work of the enterprise was never suspended. in a city with a self-explanatory name , the springs really began to flow. yes, now it will bubble even more, even more. wow, but the water in them at that time was dark viscous, look, look, on mtv send, next to an enterprise where textiles are dyed, local residents filmed this footage last summer, but
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the part of the city that receives water from the local reservoir is now complaining about the quality of drinking water in apartments, oily people, this is the kind of sediment it always has, yes, he always does, but like the water he became like this... five-month-old philip’s skin reacts exactly this way to tap water, his mother is sure. upon contact with water, that is, 2 minutes after contact with water, the child develops a rash. as soon as i pull the baby out of the water, that is after 10 minutes, all rashes disappear without the use of any medications. no, it ’s tight, tight, the skin tightens, it ’s oily, water, it’s oily, there ’s an impurity in it. this is how kerosene flows , how colored it flows, this is my word of honor , guys, this is impossible, the quality of the water reservoir with breakthroughs in production, the city authorities have nothing to do with it, the winter is quite cold, the ice is frozen,
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a large, large layer of ice has formed , who took himself, well, clean water, the ice doesn’t take any dirt, the swamps themselves are also change depending on natural phenomena. the quality of your water from above the situation looks like this: this is the shevriginskoye reservoir, between it and the enterprise, where there were discharges in a straight line of 10 kilometers and several settlements. but the closest ones are boris gleb and baltino, that’s what happened in baltino, you look at the boat, this is the purple one, and you, of course, we have a special stream there, that is, there are blue springs there, you can see them now, well, now they’re not apparently, for example, in the month of september the level even rose there, that is, there is a whole for a month they were simply dumping outside the treatment plant, did the enterprise have emergency discharges? there were discharges of accidents
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, but we stated several facts, 2-3 times, somewhere like this there were 14 breakthroughs a day, you understand, thick blue paint flowed, it spread over all areas, now we note that here, where there were discharges, two streams start, then they connect and flow into a reservoir, this cool water flows from that factory, this is how it goes through... the fabric dyeing plant is located on the territory industrial park, it is the park that provides its resident with space and communications, the director of the industrial park should have stopped production, but for some reason he did not. we invested 4 billion rubles and built the largest enterprise in russia, and in principle. the history of the loan repayment began, if i had established it, then there
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would have been some kind of collapse, well , the enterprise would have stopped working, because if they were stopped for a month, then for them it would be like death, in the end the collapse happened at city ​​wastewater treatment plants on the other outskirts of the city, wastewater from the enterprise through an underground collector comes exactly here, at a certain stage, when we were already at the peak of this matter, then... our water was not purified at all in a normal way, but for how long it was discharged water in general, for about six months, there is a criminal case in this story, the court imposed a fine of 250,000 rubles. the city was eventually allocated 740 million rubles. from the budget, the reconstruction of all treatment facilities is underway, but the water discharged is still black, this is the water that... is released to the city
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data on the cleaned facility, yes, but there are also sedimentation tanks there, that is, all this is settled there, it turns out that the water is all red, well, small, partly there is, until november 2024, while the reconstruction of the cleanliness facilities is underway, rospirodnadzor has officially allowed discharges to the industrial park pollutants, oil and petroleum products with a 30-fold excess, the ammonium ion is on... snow suddenly fell in cuba, this has not happened here for more than a century and a half, unusual precipitation for the caribbean islands, to put it mildly, brought variety. eternal it’s summer here, the green grass is covered with a white
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sheet, the snowfall was also accompanied by a hurricane, in some areas there was large hail, farmers are already talking about damage, fruit trees, corn fields were damaged, as well as several tens of tons of already harvested tobacco, which was just taking place the drying process, well, we’ll find out the weather forecast from irina polikova, irina, it’s the beginning of the week, judging by the temperature it looks promising, yes... this week will be well ahead of schedule, details after the break. how to reduce joint pain without harm stomach? rheumoflex helps reduce joint pain without damaging the stomach, and also normalizes the level of uric acid, preventing its deposition in the joints. revmoflex evalar - movement without pain. if your joints bother you when the weather changes, take revmoflex. it helps reduce joint pain without damaging the stomach, and also normalizes uric acid levels. rheumeflexovalar, pain-free movement in any
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weather. so, in the central regions, in the best spring traditions, the sun during the day will be enough to warm the air significantly stronger than the day before, and even night frosts will not be able to prevent this. in the north-west the sun is not so clear, there is a new atlantic cyclone nearby, but its main task for now is to also increase the temperature. and the kola peninsula will have enough. in saktokar there has been rapid warming only since thursday, and the main thing that will not nastya will remain in the volga region for now is strong wind, heavy precipitation, snow, snow and rain, everything that happens when immersed in the cold. in kazan tomorrow it will not be higher than +2, then +4. the precipitation will stop on thursday. precipitation in the south are already leaving for the week. yes, you can quite count on an increase in temperature. in yalta tomorrow it will be +12, in krasnodar - 14. and the capital. in petersburg. we don’t rule out precipitation tomorrow night, and no precipitation during the day + 8:10. and in moscow there is only sun and also + 8:10. further, even higher. at the end of the week it may well reach +15. weather forecast from irina polyakova. well,
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