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tv   Chudo tekhniki  NTV  March 26, 2023 11:00am-11:56am MSK

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hook i didn’t like such a problem, it’s so good, straight, straight, such a powerful magnet is a magnet. i think that you will break everything in the face, but this will hold, in general, this kind of holders. dani did not like it, the stove heats the phone, which is not useful for the battery, but to remove it, and here with the deflector plates open. not every car can have a different type of suction cup mounts. at first , the light phone held on with a sticky layer, but it was worth driving through a few bulges with a heavier gadget. i've got a reaction, and electric legs that work from the proximity sensor. were not always ready to accept or return the phone. the usual sucker is attached only to the glass and does not fail, but
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for the ball on the double-sided adhesive tape the mill did not find a suitable place, either too low, or the phone looks more like a ceiling of another model. she was not able to fix the rear-view mirror to the bulk bracket; the rest showed up well, including the homemade one, which did not budge. denis vishnevsky is an off-road fan , it is difficult for him to find a suitable mount, so it was necessary to try new ones curious. at first, the clamps on the mirror fit the phones and the compact and large ones fit tightly, but the design dangles, and the bar extends even with a light gadget, but it also moves down and the phone turns. somehow from me. i try to turn him towards me, and on the bumps he turns away from me. these inconveniently have to be distracted from the road sucker with sticky. the glass was attached
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well with a layer, but because of its softness it fixed the phone firmly, although the electric clamp worked properly, the spacer in the air duct, although could not insert it to the end was able to hold both phones. by the way, she can help out the owners of vertical and round deflectors. how hard is it to find a mount. now the gravitational option here, the smartphone presses with its weight on the lower foot. why are the sides compressed? your phone is gone. grab the phone. oh, denis , as an experienced user, knows that in such mounts, there is also a spring that fixes the device on the air duct will loosen over time; the last homemade clamp holds tightly, but when
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you try to insert the phone, it almost breaks plastic. denis doesn't like it. he moves on to magnetic mounts. they do not have the disadvantage of most clamps, which cannot be handled with one hand to test the strength of a cheap magnet. however, the holder did not work out. the fact that he flew off will fall under the pedal will be unpleasant; the other holder clings to the air duct plates at the back with a metal hook, and in front the legs do not allow them to lean together. the test was passed confidently. the ball, which is attached to the car with double-sided tape, also coped, though they complain online that the adhesive tape falls off over time. and all these models require you to stick
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an iron plate to the phone, which many do not like the most expensive magnetic sample. it costs 5.400 for the money you can buy a budget smartphone. it would seem that the metal on the phone is devoid of these shortcomings ; it fixes everything, a clip. it is easy to use with one hand. even off-road , the structure did not flinch, but denis does not give up , i will put my own. we use slightly larger phones. there are no legs bending all the drives, which from time to time wear out and become more flimsy and unreliable. i'm telling you, the machine will fall apart faster than this word mount and clamps except for gravity and powerful
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magnets. the phones themselves hold securely , the method of attachment to the car and the car itself is also more important. it is worth thinking about the adhesive tape can literally eat into the plastic, and mounting on the grill can spoil the air duct plates. i broke my deflector again for the second time. with this thing, for the first time, by accident, during a quick installation, the reverse the phone broke the second time sharply ran over a bump from the suction cups stains remain, and in the manuals of some cars they write that these mounts can even cause a fire and drivers on the network warn transparent suction cups, where light passes through sometimes work in the sun, like a lens it focuses this ray on the panel, or what is under it and thereby e melts. choose for your specific car and smartphone, in the end. if you
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spend a lot of time behind the wheel, a good holder plays an important role and may not not only give convenience, but also add security. and what surprised us this week scientists and inventors from different countries right now on the air is a miracle of technology fifth place in our traditional hit parade of scientific and technological news news that sounds all realistic, but, nevertheless, is confirmed by statistics came from the american association, record labels, vinyl records outsold cds in the us and uk for the first time since 1987, when sit-downs had only just begun to enter the module. now the popularity of retro media is on the rise or the nile is held in high esteem by connoisseurs who note the richness of the sound and its special warmth of technology
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. ionic eye lining with artistic painting and chips that help the blind to see, actually crush it like a pizza into small pieces. what innovations have already been introduced and are only being prepared by ophthalmologists, fragrant shadow theater and characters that literally jump out of the book. the child was delighted, he liked it very much. she there caught this swallow talking to thumbelina, do unusual children's publications instill a love of reading miracle goods slippers, polishers instead of mops and rags. they absorb odors very much, even if you do not have problems with your feet, do they become a breeding ground for bacteria, as well as the best discoveries and inventions from all over the planet. the most interesting is yet to come in bcs , 11 types of currencies are available for purchase without commission. and it's not just advertising. it's a fact, download the
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vks app and invest with the market leader. thousand rubles under the recycling program or trades? you're accused of creating a gang, an organization robbery attacks. his father was arrested on suspicion of corruption, several entrepreneurs wrote a statement to the department of their own security, allegedly your father was a rooftop business, in order to get to the bottom of the truth. he needs to become part of the panic button system. warehouse accepted in the process i'll find out the truth premiere tomorrow at 20:00 on ntv
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use technology and have fun. it's time to switch to the holy source unplanned purchases gazprombank credit card 180 days without interest and extra conditions, but always free service
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fortneo just one capsule a day to protect the joints and spine, how i look at all 30 we are all 30. just in time we landed here for years happens 30 years. and series let's comedy wink video service from rostelecom odnoklassniki represent hello , i'm sergey burunov, my hobby is motorcycle anya
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is a dj. that's why i became the host of the first hobby show in odnoklassniki about someone people are waiting for you. amazing people have their interesting hobbies, watch and guess the hobbies of heroes along with the stars. watch the new hobby show with odnoklassniki users only on the website. we are all afraid to admit that we were deceived, but we gave our money, talked, damn it. sorry, it's just a hello tree. well, you're not a nutritionist, bloggers promise wealth and happiness will turn out to sell air for millions of rubles. i spent 800.000. what 600 what are you? you drive a layer to earn at the root of the word slave slave - this is a bad word for the universe who in show business is caught in the net, infogypsy 1,000 dollars. so
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we took it to me and gave me a pile of textbooks. you can make her buy an internet course on know yourself and who's next prosecutor. i'm wondering if i'm a gypsy or not. this story is a star. agreed minus 30 kg, i'm not versed in this. if you are making good money. flesh taxes today immediately after the show mask on ntv lada granta eighty thousand rubles under the recycling program or trade this is a miracle of technology i am sergey malozemov and we are climbing higher in our hit parade of news from the world of science and technology, which is on the fourth line of greenhouses
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that at the same time produce electricity offer build scientists from the university of california at los angeles. they tested a design on wheat and broccoli in which the roof consisted of translucent organic solar panels reinforced with el-glutations. they converted 13% of the rays that fell on them into electricity; they did not grow a little more than 21%, but this turned out to be enough. all cultures grew like that. even better than under direct sun, apparently, because the solar panels blocked the harmful uv and also protected from overheating. but what is happening now in the treatment of eye. diseases are clearly worthy of a big sci-fi movie and lasers and gene therapy and much more can work real miracles. blogger and mother on maternity leave anna zakharova
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for a long time she called herself a pirate, one eye had to be hidden due to a fungus. she had a donor cornea transplanted several times, but it did not take root, and during the twelfth operation, the eyes still had to be removed, instead they put a prosthesis to accept the situation and its new look, and it was not difficult to make it look more natural, the plastic model was hand -painted by the artist in the center of the eye prosthetics, by the way, you can do something original, for example, draw a picture or a cat's eye, our work is very much. well varieties of colors colors of proteins, the structure in the iris itself is the location of the vessels. it is handmade from start to finish , it takes several days to create such a husband. if you need faster, then you can print
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a photo of the iris on the printer. creating an overlay is a responsible matter, because the patient will have to wear it for 2 years every day, then the planned replacement of anna likes the new eye very much and does not cause any inconvenience. well , except for not seeing it. now i drive a car. yes, slowly. yes, you need to turn your head more than an ordinary person, there everything is in parktronics, but i drive her anna shares her experience in a blog and motivates those who find themselves in a similar situation. moral support is very important, but even without technical support in modern ophthalmology, nowhere, namely, without it, the first person in russia with a bionic eye could be left grigory ulyanov from chelyabinsk 6 years ago, an american chip was implanted with six tiny electrodes, which receives an image from a camera on glasses microcurrents stimulate the retinal cells and the patient is very blurry, but sees when
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everything is connected. his first word was i saw the light of the light, and from this delight. i already shed tears, the device changed the life of grigory, who had lived for 20 years with cancer, he had a severe retinal disease , retinitis pigmentosa, but recently the bionic eye manufacturer went bankrupt and now the patient’s vision is repaired if necessary by our engineers, for example, grigory was together, where there are some strong magnetic fields ringing. they say that we turned off this little thing. we see that the security system has worked. click on button. everything is fine there, and it works, meanwhile, a more technologically advanced device than the bionic eye has already appeared. chips they are called cortical prostheses are beginning to be built directly into the brain
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of the eye. for such a view, they are not needed at all. and it doesn't matter what condition the patient is in. he wears a hoop with cameras. the camera takes pictures of the surrounding world. this part is implanted right here and does it. so the picture with the camera is transmitted to this microelectronics and to these electrical endings, which have already been transmitting information directly to the brain for a year now. russian neuroimplants are being tested on a monkey , the developers assure that the animal can see even with its eyes closed, according to plans by 2027, electronic vision will be available to people. well, here is a fantasy that has already become a reality in the replacement of the lens by ophthalmologists. in the literal sense, put on stream and this allows you to restore vision to many older people who have age-related cataracts, clouding is a common thing. the main thing is not to delay the teacher, but not yartseva's
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students, who became doctors, offered to perform such an operation. for the eightieth anniversary then on her 90th birthday, and she still did not dare to do everything for her age, but when she turned 100, and she lost the ability to read, she nevertheless agreed. for so many years. true, the lens became significantly thicker and it was more difficult for doctors, but 80% of visual acuity was restored in a year from 73-year-old alexander vostrikov, who also had a cataract so that i could even read the document on my desktop. i had to use three to four points, because at each distance i had to use my own glasses. solve the problem of allowed 215-minute operations. first in one eye. a few weeks later, on another, the surgeon divides the clouded lens into parts through a micro-incision using an ultrasonic instrument, which are then removed to
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the vacant space inside the eye, alexander near and far , lasers are beginning to be used in such operations, and we have the latest technology that allows, with the help of fentose of a second laser, without penetrating into the human eye, prepare the crystals for crushing it, in fact, like a pizza into small pieces. after that, we only have to go inside the eye and remove the prepared small pieces of the clouded lens, and a robot has already appeared that does laser operations on its own, however, it’s still impossible to do without a doctor’s supervision. well , the second laser itself is used everywhere for some reason, they also do vision correction and remove hernias in the eyes of kyratocones, which were previously treated full irradiation of the cornea in just
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2-3 days in a patient. the original vision is fully restored. the main thing is not to miss the time, if a patient with keratoconus comes to the doctors too late, the cornea will have to be transplanted. and this is a very difficult material, so far it only uses pipes, but human tissue is stored for only a week. yes, and it may not take root, so scientists are trying to create an analogue from its pig or horse cornea. unlike tissues, dead people can be stored for about two years. now russian scientists are conducting research on rabbits, and in south korea they have already printed artificial corneas on a 3d printer with ink and stem cells in britain in general and grown eyes in a test tube in order to better understand how retinal diseases occur and how to treat them, gene therapy with an injection of a virus that transfers a special protein into the retinal is already helping to fight some types of blindness, and danish scientists will try
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electrical stimulation as a treatment, yes. these are real miracles in ophthalmology, but at the same time there are those who parasitize on innovations, for example, the creators of numerous home appliances that promise a cure without visiting a doctor , such an apparatus for self-therapy, cataracts, glaucoma and myopia for almost 31,000 rubles. bought pensioners from the nizhny novgorod region olga karpova and ivanov ovchinnikov but were disappointed for two months sitting on the couch. everyone was looking at those lights. blinking we were deceived, if not for the examination by an ophthalmologist, ivan would not have known that he had the initial stage of cataract and would correct the matter, a simple operation. we must be friends with doctors every year. they can do more for so that we can see the world as clearly and
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as long as possible. do not miss further unusual children's books, do resurrecting pages help to remember information, what young readers and psychologists say miracle goods column about when an advertisement is true, and when there are no slippers to wash the floor, we came up with a graceful, but very dirty test with a rag, as well as the most amazing discoveries and inventions, the leaders of the weekly news hit parade in bcs are available for purchase in 11 types without commission. and it's not just advertising. this fact download the vks application and invest with the market leader. that today's performance was special bravo i'm happy that you're here
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and now the third line in the selection of the five most interesting scientific and technological news of the week, long viewing of social networks, impairs immunity and reducing screen time can have a healing effect, as well as reduce the manifestation of depression and loneliness, such a result was obtained by scientists from a british university during the study. swansea , those participants who spent less time on social media by an average of 40 minutes per day after 3 months demonstrated 15% stronger immunity. less common colds and flu. they didn't even get warts that often. not to mention that the transition to the real world from the virtual improved the quality of sleep by 50%. how to get children to read this problem has long been discussed by parents and everyone complains that it is difficult for books that are static in nature to compete with moving pictures on the screens of smartphones and tablets. where else can you poke book manufacturers,
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however, they do not intend to give up. and so, what they invent. the shelves in this house are literally bursting with books in the collection of book blogger anna teryokhina, there are so many of them. she doesn't even know herself. how many after the 2000s. eh, books. i just stopped counting them 4.5 years ago, after the birth of my son roma, anna began to notice. how many bright interesting children's books are sold. yes, i got so carried away that i started buying dozens of them in order to instill in the boy a love of reading and not to miss unusual novelties in modern books characters can move pictures exude aromas from the page literally talk to readers. click on the map
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and i'll tell you all about it, as they say, the creators help to turn on different channels of information perception - vision, hearing, touch and smell. as a result, captivate the child and help him to learn the world. does the idea work, we invited kids from 3 to 5 years old to the studio and laid out several books about animals in front of them, each with its own peculiarity, let's give it time to get acquainted. what animal can eat a huge amount of grass in one sitting? sniffing, listening and touching all children, without exception, chose those books where the characters move with the help of levers or
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without them; different channels, kinesthetic, are reinforced here. yes, i touch, i feel auditory, when mom comments and, uh, visual, we observe, but if there is a bust with entertainment, how well the material is absorbed with such a visual load, we conducted an experiment by calling our permanent young expert. lyosha kolesnikova he is in the fourth grade and he has no special problems there, but remember the rules of russian language is complicated, what will happen if you connect a book with pictures for 2 weeks? this is great, because for many children, in addition to what they see, they remember exactly visual images. lyosha himself says that it has become easier to understand the pictures, moreover, the book is designed for the entire elementary school course. and this is convenient when you need, for example, to refresh your memory, something basic is a dictionary dictation. i attribute to everything here
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the words that we are going through now, i memorized them all, and then wrote them well, that is works, but not everything is so simple experts are sure. the older the child, the fewer pictures should be in the books. according to a study and scientists from the carl genn university, with an excess of illustrations, the attention of children switches too much there, preventing them from understanding an increasingly complex narrative. but while the kids are just learning to read the image is needed. at first, of course, the parents will read the text and their presence is very important. after all, it is through adults that a child perceives the world, learns to distinguish shapes , sizes and develops imagination here too. not only pictures can help, but also such surprises as, for example, the shadow theater , with which you can arrange a whole performance at home, there is a fairy tale in the set, but if you give free rein to your imagination, you can add to the story or come up with your own estimate of the idea, we
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asked alexander nikonov an actor of children's shows, who at work entertains a whole hall of small spectators. 13 that deceived? all carrots, think, waiting for him. the most demanding audience, a four-year-old daughter, nika loves to read at night, respectively, well, we don’t sleep, we read eight fairy tales or as an actor still trying to read something there in some special voice, tambov alisa came out. well, something that was more interesting turn off the light, put a flashlight and a real theater appears in the room, in which nika is the main actress, her shadow even looks like thumbelina it seems that such entertainment it may well decorate a family evening.
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observe all this, that is, create. this is a miracle, that is, a child can be placed right inside from a fairy tale, and characters can be voiced. and right there in the shadows to talk with a child of some kind our colleague, the developers of audiobooks, are also trying to convey to him information through a fairy tale that you want to involve the child in a fairy tale. sasha tsygankov installed such an application on the phone for his four-year-old daughter. leads here need to fill out a short questionnaire about the baby, so that the program then uses this data in a fairy tale, for example, it calls glitta the bear cub by name. sometimes there were technical problems. fairy tale app not working. it works well after all with
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real books this will not happen. experts generally agree that paper is better for remembering information than a screen, and researchers from the university of michigan found that a child has more contact with a parent when reading from non-electronic media. so the variety of children's books - it's good, it teaches to read and helps to learn and strengthens the family moments of joint activity are priceless and the book. this is a very good combiner. on the air, watch the miracle of technology after a short pause. rubric miracle products advertising promises that slippers polishers will make wet cleaning easier. no need to bend over again, but can they be a worthy replacement for a rag and a mop, and what about the accumulation of bacteria,
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as well as the top line of the hot five of the world's science and technology news, what did we find the most interesting this week?
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a credit savings card is 120 days without interest. apply online or at a branch for a credit savings card, the most profitable house in the country for our today's heroes is a small log house six by six meters and, as usual, in such situations, the kitchen is in the most inconvenient place. with storage, because here it is impossible to hang cabinets is not enough. of light , here we combine the foreign and the more modern. and how did the rooster appear in the interior. but this is such a reference to the nationality of interiors all at once. the country answer combines modernism and tradition in the kitchen. what is a complex mix, but complements it by itself, otherwise it does not argue with another. dacha answer today at 11:5055 on ntv premiere tomorrow at 20:00 on
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ntv you want to know what benefit is the mega power of your tariff, which you need in the megafon application, the number one mobile operator? do not put off packing, gazprombank credit card for 180 days without interest and extra conditions forever and cashback of 1,000 rubles. for the first purchase, odnoklassniki represent hi, i'm sergey burunov, my hobby is a motorcycle anya is a dj. that's why i left the hosts of the first hobby show in odnoklassniki, the bent people are waiting for you. amazing people, their interesting hobbies, watch and guess the hobbies of the heroes along with the stars. see new hobby show with odnoklassniki users only on the
11:40 am website maybe he gets prizes on the birthday site megafon play on and win the call megafon guard premiere tomorrow at 20:00 on ntv attention notice from the imperial mint at all times, especially in the most difficult faith helps witches live so much in need in support of the patron saints. one of the most revered heavenly patrons. saint nicholas the wonderworker millions of people turn to
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to him for help in prayer, to ask for protection for yourself and your loved ones today, especially each of us needs the holy intercessor and patrons of the imperial mint is proud to present an illuminated medal in honor of st. nicholas the wonderworker order the medal of st. nicholas the wonderworker patron saint a medal for you absolutely. free of charge subject to payment for packaging and postage 299 rubles. call the specified phone number or order a miracle worker.rf flower on the website, the medal is covered with pure silver and is made in the highest quality coinage. call right now call. free stars.
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today, immediately after the show, the mask on ntv lada granta agreed eighty thousand rubles under the recycling program or trade put our hit and inventions of this week in second place, researchers from texas learned they experienced the effect of the so-called metabolic hormone fgf-21, which turned out to be very fast and effectively eliminates intoxication. and now our rubric is miracle goods, in which we check, among other things , what you ask for. you send me via social networks links to devices, ads that you think are too tempting and we will definitely test them.
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here's what will happen today. a very non-standard way of washing floors is offered by manufacturers from south korea, slippers, floor polishers for 850 rubles. as the advertisement assures, they will make wet cleaning easier. no need to bend over again, you can just walk or run your foot under a dirty place. special fibers similar to microfiber will easily absorb moisture, collect dust and may well replace the traditional one. a rag sounds tempting but not very convincing for a psychologist and a new mother of hope to keep the floors clean. she is now helped by two devices at once - a vacuum cleaner and a steam mop - order and there in the house. they almost do not affect my physical and mental state, including, however, peace of mind is given not just by bulky appliances, although they are corrected with cleaning, but they take a lot of time and effort. in addition, they are not very
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maneuverable and in some places in hard-to-reach places you need to wash. well, maybe slippers will make the process easier. i see them, frankly, more like alternative. come on, ordinary slippers, like slippers with rubberized soles. they just carry the crumbs around the house, but these don’t carry them, they will collect them. it seems to me so, but we need to check, let's see if the result will satisfy the picky hostess and we will conduct our test. mud of varying difficulty. we have prepared not even a strip, but a whole dance floor of obstacles dry colors of holi imitating dust. tinted with food coloring, water to show how well the sole absorbs oil and these are complex greasy stains. cleaning is not only high quality, but also beautifully we asked the ballerina alena
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khodereva. more than happens in practice. but you can see a significant part and the truth sticks to the sole. what will happen to the liquid? the floor becomes dry, albeit with stains. true, liquid is absorbed, not only in the sole. it penetrates right through, the legs are soaked poshikatka the suit is hopelessly damaged. but there is still the last test of fat ahead. of course, it is much
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easier to do with a rag and hard-to-reach places are much easier with a regular rag. well, how did we manage to evaluate the quality? decided to dance only in a modern way. on white clothes, the floors are clearly visible, but they are still far from clean. but maybe you just overdid it with the amount of pollutants. let's go back to
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nadezhda , who tested the slippers in a more real setting , and she found the pros. let's say after a hair gun, what again? well, do not do it with your hands or a cloth, but again, the slippers must be wet in order to worked the best. they need to be moistened so that they collect dust crumbs, but as soon as the liquid of the floor is absorbed, it immediately turns into slippers and repeatedly. won't these slippers also become a breeding ground for microbes if they are constantly in contact with liquid, such a suspicion arose, and my colleague, producer miracle of technology nastya ignatova, she bought similar shoes six months ago, and this is the second pair that lasted 3 months and helped nastya well, by the way , a model with a removable sole, it is much easier to clean it, but
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still there are problems. they are very absorbent . even if you don't have problems with your feet, they are constantly absorbing. everything can be due to the fact that you wipe the water, and they get wet and after about a week you want to wash them already. we decided to check the slippers of the rag for the number of microbes and submitted a sample from nastya for examination. an ordinary floor rag and simple slippers with felt soles that were simply worn, but not washed. they floor the largest number of microorganisms was in slippers polishers in second place. floorcloth and least the microorganism was found in ordinary home slippers, which, in the end, was an advertisement for polisher slippers, of course, exaggerating their capabilities. yes, they can absorb accidentally spilled tea or drops from washed dishes, and even collect dust somewhere in the corners, but serve for a long time and faithfully. it is unlikely they will. for example, nadezhda after only 10 days of use and one wash. the soles of the slippers
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look already too tired; the pile has disappeared altogether, that is, they have become almost flat . well, they're not fluffy. it seems right to me trees, is it worth paying 850 rubles. for this is unlikely no, it's not a miracle. well, now what news from the world of science and technology we recognized as the most interesting this week , first place, hot five. the offspring from two fathers without the participation of the mother were able to get scientists from the posokh university in japan , a successful experiment took place on mice. in short, the skin cell turned into a stem cell and then the characteristic only for male y-chromosomes were removed from it, which allowed. as a result , create an incoming egg for reproduction, families thus obtained, for the sake
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of cubs, were reportedly healthy and were able to have offspring researchers. they say that their work is in the future. could help in the creation of new methods of treatment of female infertility. they do not just look like superhero costumes, exoskeletons are already able to make a person stronger and more resilient, but at the moscow polytechnic university they decided to adapt the equipment for the correction of the musculoskeletal system. in children, such an exoskeleton will be put on a child. he will try to walk in it or an exoskeleton will help him. and while on our software will be displayed. in what specific place, what kind of impact is needed, in fact? this is a diagnostic tool. accelerometers, gyroscopes, pressure sensors are located here, data are collected in the program and allow you to objectively evaluate the gait. with what effort a person walks and at what angle the limbs are also bent, uh, this platform allows the doctor to track
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how the portrait of the patient's gait changes. that is, it is a kind of ruler for the doctor software created moscow poly graduates univer ded is part of the competence center for new production technologies, whose activities are aimed at developing innovations , created under the national project science and universities, one of the developers. ilya samsonov, while still a student, joined the work on the exoskeleton, he devoted his master's thesis to him, and now he is preparing to defend his thesis. the challenge now for the team is to combine patient freedom of movement with accurate data collection. we want the skeleton to become some kind of clothing item so that people i liked wearing it, and first of all, because we are targeting child pilots to wear it like a superhero costume, the next stage in the development of the project, creating portraits of different types of gaits,
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will teach the system. what normal walking looks like so that doctors can individually select a treatment or rehabilitation program in 2024 , the team already plans to release the first exoskeletons on the market. watch next week at the same time copies of the replica counterparts. is it worth saving so much on household appliances, we learned that inside cheap devices have medicine on the horns, what's good, panda bath? is it true that the infusion of young deer antlers heals and invigorates the miracle of the profession of a drone operator, how one learns to operate a copter for filming, creating shows and saving people, and also in the miracle products section a portable pump the size of a door key. is it true that it will help to inflate any floating craft , inflate the fire and pack two dozen things on one charge, a miracle or not a miracle, and now on
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your screens is the question of the weekly quiz. just check yourself or answer by reading qr code by smartphone and by clicking on the link. choose the correct answer and win. one of my books, in which there are many interesting scientific discoveries , healthy food, safe life, strengthening, health, and tasty recipes , the winners are determined every month among those who gave at least one correct answer. and the more hits, the higher the chances, drawings and discussions of the correct answers on the pages of our program on popular social networks. well, those who win, we will immediately call. so don't forget to enter your phone number voting is over correct answer on your screens. thanks to everyone who participated, next question in a week.
11:54 am
hello this is the country answer and i am victoria panina, the house of our today's heroes, a small log house six by 6 m, the logs are hiding behind this wall, and everything else is an extension, and as usual, it happens. in such situations, the kitchen is in the most inconvenient place. also, the stairs take up half the space. we will return the logic to the room and make room for wide feasts, we will work on contrasts let's be inspired by malevich's magic rooster. we'll invite you for tea with bagels, and serve them on an old workbench. maxim afanasyev got carried away with carpentry. recently, we have already adapted a barn for it in the country house and bought professional equipment. everything from old countertops to age-old
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parquet is being recut. i was born and raised in the center of moscow in chinatown - this is solyanka street, house 1/2 , the oldest house, which is more than 100 years old - this is the parquet from this house, which when we moved out of the apartment. uh, back in the distant eighties, we took with us, and we dreamed of putting it on. eventually. we laid only part of the parquet, and part of the parquet went to blanks for gifts for friends such a story. here, in fact, the stand for the phone is almost ready. maxim realtor 2 years ago. friends asked him to sell the house. he came to see it and decided to buy it himself, so that vasilisa and alyosha would pedal in nature every weekend, conquer them and the house, and there would be no circle of forest fields. what an avid cyclist needs, and in winter afanasyev conquers the ski slopes. this is another family passion. i am a skier with forty years of experience.


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