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tv   MSNBC News Live  MSNBC  September 22, 2010 3:00pm-4:00pm EDT

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doesn't hit shelves until next week, but there are leaked excerpts. joe biden calling richard holbrooke the most egotistical bastard i've ever met. general david petraeus calling david axlerod a complete spin doctor. president obama's desperate search for an exit strategy from reluctant military advisers and they don't give him one. mike is at the white house, and, yeah, mike, what's the reaction there? >> well, apparently a lot of china got broken in the west wing, chris. when you remember that review of the afghanistan policy, that the president undertook last year, there was a series of meetings. they've released photos, letting us know it went two hours, three hours. the president was taken a deliberative approach to a policy announceind decembd in d but there was a lot of
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disagreement. bob woodward chronicles it all in this book. he's done it again, a great deal of controversy there. the president, very concerned that he felt as though -- frustration boiling over, according to the book, that the military was boxing him in. general mcchrystal, he asked for 40,000 more troops in afghanistan. the president undertook that review, wanted a painstaking look at exactly how those troops were going to be used. they ended up with 30,000. he had an exit strategy. that's something that officials at the pentagon were very much against, according to the book, as well. but then the president telling lindsey graham, of all people, the republican from south carolina, according to the book, i can't lose the whole democratic party. in the context of needing that exit strategy. so there is no shortage, you talked about the holbrooke and biden going at each other. mike mullin against his deputy, petraeus. and right on down the line. even an intel report revealed in
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this book that one intel report says that hamid karzai is manic depressive. chris? >> one of the lines is that explains a lot about his mood swings. much more to come surely once this book is in wide release. mike, thank you. now, of course, bob woodward is arguably washington's most famous reporter. so was it wise for all the preside president's men to give this kind of access to a reporter faming fous for bringing down t nixon administration? let's bring in pat buchanan and barry mccaffrey. i want to read to you both something that was written in politico. they quote an official within the obama administration saying, instead of thinking i'm talking to bob woodward, i'd better be careful, sources tend to think, i'm talking to bob woodward, i better tell him something good. pat, was this a dangerous game to play, to give bob woodward this kind of access, do you
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think? >> i think it was in the sense the obama administration is not completed. it's at the beginning. it was in very serious trouble when bob woodward went to work and it made an enormously controversial decision. everyone knew this afghan battle was going on inside the white house. now everybody is trying to get their story on the record for woodward, and in the first draft of history. what's happened is, i think, we're all talking now about those things people said that trashed others inside the white house. so first, i think it's going to be damaging to white house morale, obviously. secondly, the president of the united states comes off as a very reluctant warrior, very reluctant commander in chief in the war in which we are engaged. >> general, i was thinking about stanley mcchrystal, who lost his job because he gave a reporter too much access. from a strategic standpoint, how much of a risk was it to give such broad access to bob woodward, do you think? >> this is what we do inside the beltway.
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this is great fun. pat is right. you've got to talk to woodward. otherwise, you're out in the cold. so this is the first draft of history being written. none of it is very surprising. not one of the characterizations i've heard is really troublesome. the real problem was, there was a mismatch between the president's objectives and the resources he thought politically he could commit. so we end up with 30,000 troops going to afghanistan boss it's a midpoint between 30,000, which mcchrystal wanted, and 20,000, which vice president biden wanted. that was a sum total of the strategic dialogue. >> that's no way to make policy, you're saying? no way to make military decisions? >> of course not. you've got to decide what you're going to achieve, then decide on a military course that's likely to achieve it, then you have to go to the american people and persuade them it's the right thing to do. that's the part missing from this debate. >> another quote from the book from general petraeus, here's what he said. you have to recognize also that i don't think you win this war.
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you keep fighting. this is the kind of fight we're in for the rest of our lives and probably our kids' lives. i mean, and now he's the guy who is in charge of the exit strategy in afghanistan. what do you make of that? >> look, petraeus is the best person we've had in uniform since world war ii. he's brilliant. he's thoughtful. he will be loyal to the administration. however, however, we're now doing probably 8, $9 billion a month burn rate in afghanistan. we've got over 9,000 killed and wounded. our allies are starting to pull out. the american people don't support the war. so the poor president, i'm sympathetic to him. he doesn't want a disaster. remember, 400,000 people got murdered by the taliban before we got in there. so he didn't want a short-term disaster, but politically he can't commit himself to a long-term strategy in afghanistan. this is going to be a decade-long effort. >> pat, you'ver be ebeen insidee
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administrations, including richard nixon's during vietnam. one argument could be made, look, there's nothing happening here that doesn't happen in any wartime white house. of course there's disagreement. president obama went in saying he wanted people to disagree with him, he wanted there to be a lively debate over important issues. but how do you view this level of infighting? is it about what you would expect? >> well, first, i agree with general mccaffrey. nothing in this book surprises me. even the statements and comments about holbrooke and others, thankf frankly, has an aspect of humor and truth to it. those people make comments like that. it was foolish for the administration in this situation to really cooperate the way they have with woodward because it's an ongoing battle, but there's not -- we all know there's a division in the white house about whether to continue this war or end it. >> is this -- pat, is this about ego? you don't want to be left out of the book.
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some people have suggested -- i haven't read it, but some people who have looked at it have suggested that it's easy to find out who the best sources were for bob woodward boss they're treated the best in the book. >> exactly. well, let me say this. i didn't help with all of the president's men, which was about the downfall of nixon, but after that, they had açó second book that came out "final days." i talked to woodward's partner, bernstein. we were at the chevy chase lounge where i grew up and i said one or two things as a joke out of school and it wounded somebody very badly. president nixon felt badly about that book, not because of what i said, but boss of whecause of ws said. i've regretted even having worked with him after the fact. but you're right, everybody says, look, we were there. it's all over now. i'd like them to know how it was. there's some great stories about what we said at camp david that final week. you wanted to get some of that
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on the record. but that's not what people picked up. >> general mccaffrey, pat buchanan, thank you. tomorrow is going to mark six months since president obama signed his health care reform initiative into law. today he celebrated the most important patient's bill of rights in history. the president went to a backyard party in the virginia suburbs. he surrounded himself with people who have benefited from health care reform already. every bit the campaigner for a law that is still under ñiattac. >> the issue of lifetime limits, that is not going to be the rule anymore after tomorrow. preexisting conditions for children, children who have preexisting conditions are going to be covered. if young people don't have health insurance through their employer, they can stay on their parents' health insurance up to the age of 26. >> now, if you want more details
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on what this health care plan can mean to you and what insurers are doing to get around this law, stay with us. on capitol hill, there was star power today. that is actor kevin costner, back in front of congress talking about what he calls a slow and uncoordinated response to the bp oil spill. >> americans demand that this nightmare that continues to chase us into the 21st century be solved with real solutions. solutions that don't depend on dispersan dispersants, burning and public relations. what we don't need is a cosmetic show of force or a 500-page report that's obsolete. >> now, costner has proposed an $895 million plan that would use 190 vessels to respond to any future disasters in the gulf. he owns a company that has developed equipment to separate oil from seawater. and coming up, the dramatic
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ending to a high-speed chase in south florida. it wasn't an easy takedown. the truth about the titanic. new details about the real reason the luxury liner sank. and a possible 98-year-long coverup. plus -- >> i'm not here to pick a fight with you, man. >> i know. >> i'm just here to get some closure. >> the confrontation decades in the making. a man who tirelessly tracked down his abuser will be here live to tell us what it was like when they came face-to-face. he r of touch every day. ♪ now the healing power of touch just got more powerful. introducing precise from the makers of tylenol. precise pain relieving cream works quickly to activate sensory receptors. it helps block pain signals fast for relief you can feel precisely where you need it most. precise. only from the makers of tylenol.
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34 past. welcome back to msnbc. for the past week, the white house has been on a very focused drive to rally african-american and hispanic groups on jobs and
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the economy. the president said that the down economy has delivered a particular vengeance to these communities. the u.s. unemployment rate is now 9.6%, but a lot worse for african-americans. more than 16%, 12% for hispanics. let's bring in janet mergia and ben jealous from the naacp. as you know, larry summers has decided to step down. he is the third of four key members of president obama's economic team. ben, what will you be looking for? what will help with the one question that, frankly, most americans want to know, where is the jobs? >> right. you know, we -- we want somebody sitting in that seat who will get out here and champion a fight for jobs. that is going to be the focus of the next congress. it must be the focus given where we are right now. we would like to see a team that looks more like this country, but most of all, we want
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somebody who will be a real champion for jobs. >> well, that's an interesting thing you say. somebody that looks more like this country. when you look at the president's economic teams, it was a lot of middle-aged white folks. one of the things that they have said is that they need a little diversity in their backgrounds. maybe they'll look for a ceo, somebody with a business background, they may be looking for a woman. but i'm wondering if that's the way that they should be going? janet, should those be key considerations, some level of devarsi devad diversit diversity? >> you can kind diverse candidates to fill that seat, but we need someone who has real practical experience in having seen what happens on the ground and who understands directly the impact of this economy at this particular moment. so having someone who understands the impact on diverse communities is really the most important aspect of this. someone who is going to
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understand that we've got to find a way to get jobs directly into those communities and so far, we've seen some broad macro efforts at this, but we need someone who is going to understand there needs to be a direct line into communities and helping build infrastructure and bringing those jobs into the community so that they can help themselves. >> we mentioned those high unemployment rates and then there's also the latest census figures that show african-americans and hispanics are dealing with an increase in the poverty rate, both at above 25%. those are just devastating numbers. and obviously, that would help spur the one nation working together march that you're planning for october in d.c. ben, what do you want to accomplish there? >> we need to lift up the voices of the people who are being hurt in this economy, who have suffered. you know, we have two types of folks who are suffering right now. we have people that have gone into -- have seen their area go into a recession the last two
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years. we have people whose neighborhood has been in a recession for 20 years. we want to lift all of those voices up. we want congress and the senate to really hear clearly that when you come back next year, job creation has to be job one. >> janet, do you think they're not getting that message? i don't think anybody could go back to their districts who is running for reelection and not know how people are feeling. the president got an earful. people emotionally laid into him. >> yeah. i think it's important for people to understand that there is a lot of -- a sense of despair out there, and folks are having a hard time making ends meet. and they're hearing a lot of chatter and a lot of talk, but they're not seeing real actions. we're hoping that our march on october 2nd will bring and galvanize a group of folks to focus on solutions and on real policy actions that will turn out to be investments back in our communities.
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i think once we see an inclusive economy, a strengthened and inclusive economy, then we can be satisfied that we're moving in the right direction. but until then, i think a lot of what's happening in washington is just talk. we need to focus on solutions. >> janet and ben, thanks to both of you. >> thank you. and president obama is continuing to push education reform as a bridge to a stronger american workforce. this monday, the president sits down live with matt lauer for a one-on-one interview about the state of education in america. you can watch the interview on nbc and msnbc monday, 8:00 a.m. eastern time. the exclusive interview is part of a very special week-long nbc event "education nation." still ahead, could the crash of the titanic have been avoided? the granddaughter of one of the ship's officers is now revealing a long-held family secret about what really happened. plus, a woman gets evicted from her home, finds all her belongings tossed out like
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trash. and two "jersey shore" castmates may be about to reveal it all. [ male announcer ] if you have type 2 diabetes, you struggle to control your blood sugar. you exercise and eat right, but your blood sugar may still be high, and you need extra help. ask your doctor about onglyza, a once daily medicine used with diet and exercise to control high blood sugar in adults with type 2 diabetes. adding onglyza to your current oral medicine may help reduce after meal blood sugar spikes and may help reduce high morning blood sugar.
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but basically, i'm a runner. last year. (oof). i had a bum knee that needed surgery. but it got complicated, because i had an old injury. so i wanted a doctor who had done this before. and unitedhealthcare's database helped me find a surgeon. you know you can't have great legs, if you don't have good knees. we're 78,000 people looking out for 70 million americans. that's health in numbers. unitedhealthcare. words alone aren't enough. our job is to listen and find ways to help workers who lost their jobs to the spill. i'm iris cross. we'll keep restoring the jobs, tourist beaches, and businesses impacted by the spill. we've paid over $400 million in claims and set up a $20 billion independently-run claims fund. i was born in new orleans.
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my family still lives here. i'm gonna be here until we make this right. it's time to go across the usa. we're going to start in miami. a wild car chase ended with police side-swiping a stolen car and send it flying into another car. it doesn't end there. the driver took off and police had to taser him to get him under control. the other passengers were pulled from the vehicle before they got cuffed. ouch! next, those eight officials from bell, california, had to face a judge in los angeles today. they're charged with living the high life on taxpayer dollars. they stole more than $5.5 million, led by the mayor. the town went into a celebration as they were arrested yesterday. finally, in washington, d.c., a woman came home to this. all her stuff just out in the street.
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she says her landlord tossed her belongings to the curb after evicting her because she couldn't pay the rent. she's a housekeeper who is out of work. her roommate said he didn't know she was behind on the rent until he came home and found his stuff out in the street, too. after almost 100 years, we may now know what happened to the titanic. the author of a new book claims her grandfather was an officer on the ship. she says he told her that the helmsman followed the wrong directions, steering the ship right into the iceberg. just a month ago, you might recall kerry sanders went on that impressive expedition to see the titanic. okay, kerry, this has been studied by scientists, historians, bloggers. there are clubs. i don't know how many books have been written about the titanic. could it have been that simple? >> well, louise patten writes that the second officer, charles
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lightoller, who is her grandfather, keep this secret. it was just within the family, and now she is revealing it. chris chris, i happen to know that you occasionally go sailing. this is a very complicated process, though. on the actual deck at the steering wheel in the helm when they said "hard to starboard," the suggestion here is that rather than turning to the left, they turned to the right. of course, starboard is to the right. it's because of the direction of the steering wheel. now, do you have any idea why somebody would spin the steering wheel to the left and it would go to the right? again, i'm challenging you because you're a sailor. >> i want to tell you the extent of my sailing is that i lay in the front of the boat while a.j., the bureau chief of miami, and her husband chris are sailing. every couple of hours they say flip. that's what i do. that's the extent of my sailing.
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>> okay. here you go. when you're on a boat and you don't have a steering wheel, you have that tiller that goes back and forth. this is my really crude example. here is the tiller. that's the rudder and the rudder turns. you push it to the right, you turn to the left. you turn to the left, you go to the right. back in 1912, proceeding the 1930s, when you turned the wheel to the right, the boat went to the left. when you turned the wheel to the left, the boat went to the right. now, what louise patten is suggesting -- >> oh, come on. a.j., my sailing buddy, what just happened to your correspondent? anyway, i love that he cut that out, right? that was a very high-tech piece of -- high-tech prop. anyway, that's the story. i bet the book sells a lot of copies. all right. i just showed you how little i know about sailing, even though i go all the time. could you figure out who is going to win the midterm elections by checking facebook? as more candidates bypass
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traditional media, they're gaining friends and voters online. parts of the new health care reform bill go into effect tomorrow. some insurers already are finding ways to get around it, including getting rid policies for kids. selves. are we going up? we can get the next one. i'd like to get your advice on hedging - risk... exposure. what makes us different? for 300 years we've chosen to focus on our clients. what a novel idea. the most powerful half-ton crew in america has a powertrain backed for 100,000 miles. chevy silverado half-ton a consumers digest best buy and the most dependable, longest-lasting full-size pickups on the road.
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and she said hair was growing back... i was like, yes, this works... [ male announcer ] only rogaine is proven to regrow hair in 85% of guys. puhh puhh puhh putt and that's it. [ male announcer ] stop losing. start gaining. [ male announcer ] ever have morning pain slow you down?
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introducing bayer am, an extra strength pain reliever with alertness aid to fight fatigue. so get up and get goin'! with new bayer am. the morning pain reliever. here's a look at how stocks are doing with about 30 minutes left in the trading day. right now, all three major averages in negative territory. the dow down about 28 points. the s&p down 5.75. and the dnasdaq down 18.75. holiday travelers will feel the pinch for thanksgiving. flights will cost more this year than last year. the average domestic flight over the holiday will cost $384. that's about 10% higher than the year before. and critics are sounding off against kfc's double down
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sandwich. the restaurant chain is paying women on college campuses $500 to hand out coupons and wear fitted sweatpants with the words "double down" across the rear. kfc is hoping to entice more men to buy the sandwich, but the national organization for women says the new campaign is obnoxio obnoxious. that's putting it mildly. back to you. >> hampton, thank you for that editorializing. i appreciate it. i would never say that, but what did you call it? obnoxious? >> yes. >> thank you, hampton. here's a lock ok at your headlines. the owner of an iowa egg farm is taking the fifth. he's refusing to answer questions. his farm along with another farm recalled more than half a billion eggs last month after quite a few people got sick. rahm emanuel is thinking about leaving his job. we've been hearing this, but now we're hearing it may come soon.
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sources telling nbc news he may step down as early as next month and would gear up a campaign for chicago mayor next year those trapped chilean miners may be rescued sooner than expected. rescuers are putting together designs for a capsule that would then go down in the escape routes and lift the workers out. here are the key changes to health care starting tomorrow that will take effect. coverage for children with preexisting conditions, the ability to stay on your parents' insurance until the age of 26, and an end to lifetime limits on insurance. however, republicans are vowing to deal with reform if they take control of congress. if not by outright repeal, then by other means that would cripple certain parts of this legislation. joining me now, janet adami with the "wall street journal." janet, republicans admit even if they have control, they probably won't have the votes to repeal
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the law. where does health care stand right now? >> that's right, chris. even if they were to take back the house, most likely this would just be a symbolic vote. what would be the more powerful tool that republicans are talking about is cutting off money for the law through the appropriations process. so that would mean that they could try to block funding for things like hiring irs agents to enforce the new tax increases and other parts of the law that are unpopular. >> let's talk about this stuff. we just mentioned the key ones, including health care coverage for children with preexisting conditions, health care until they're 26. how many people will be directly impacted by what we're going to see tomorrow? >> i think mainly these changes focus on people who get coverage through an individual policy so they buy it on their own. the vast majority of americans, about 170 million americans, get insurance through an employer, most of that is large employer coverage. there will be a limited effect
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from these provisions on those folks. however, the law is really designed to give more protections to people who buy on the individual market. so while it's a smaller number of people, it's the people who are the most vulnerable to various abuses from the insurance industry. >> meantime, we're learning today that insurers in california and some other states are saying, look, we're not going to write these child-only policies anymore. rather than being forced to accept children with preexisting conditions, which as we said is mandated by this reform bill. what's going on here? you know, what's likely to happen as a result of this? can they just say, we're not going to insure those people. >> what happened, chris, this is a provision that takes effect tomorrow. and it requires insurers on the individual market to provide coverage to children with preexisting conditions. so if you want to buy just a stand-alone policy for a sick child of yours, then the insurer can't deny any coverage just because they're sick. what happened was that through the rule-writing process, this
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effectively got structured in a way that was far more expansive than insurers had anticipated. what the insurers are saying is this could actually be really expensive for us. a couple of them started to pull out of the market for this. once a couple of insurers pulled out, the remaining insurers said, look, you've thrown off the risk pool for us. now it's going to be even riskier for us to be in this market because we can't spread the risk out through more insurers. so there was sort of a domino effect where essentially you've seen this flood of insurers pull out of this individual market. i was at the white house today and president obama stopped in with a meeting with secretary kathleen sebelius as well as state insurance commissioners. there's very little that the insurance commissioners can do to force insurers to stay in this market if they don't want to stay in it. >> janet, thanks so much. you knew this was going to happen with the provisions. there always are ways to get around them. in the meantime, senate republicans have decided not to
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strip senator lisa murkowski of her position. those senate leaders threatened to take away her title after she decided to run as an independent for reelection because she lost her party's primary. now, she's making no apologies about her decision. this morning, she talked to msnbc. >> what i'm doing is really all about alaska. 85% of the people, the electorate, did not participate in selecting the two nominees going forward. i have been asked by thousands of alaskans to step up, to stay in, to stand up for alaska, and that's that's where i am. christine o'donnell says she's not going to do national tv interviews anymore. the u.s. senate candidate from delaware says her only focus will be local media interviews in the state where she is campaigning, which is, of course, delaware. o'donnell is trying to avoid the same type of scrutiny that palin
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faced during her vice presidential campaign. so do today's politicians even need traditional media to reach voters? social media expert gary veinercheck joins me now to answer that question. it's good to see you. this is fascinating on a couple of levels. let's start with exactly what we're talking about with christine o'donnell. if she wants to say i'm not going to deal with the national media, how does she get around that? how does social media help her get around that? some she's not running for national office. so the people that decide if she wins or loses are in a condensed area. i think on this kind of local level and especially as you dig even lower than this, i believer social media is presenting an opportunity for politicians to even win on that battleground. >> how do you do that? >> well, you know, the funniest thing is the way to win the social is transparency and authenticity. it seems like those are two words that are as far from this scheme as possible, but the fact of the matter is they have the ability to touch the voters.
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we're seeing -- look at the results from these last election run. every single person that had more fans on facebook ended up winning. >> you're saying in the last primary, where, in fact, she won the primary, you could have told us the day before who was going to win? >> if i knew that every sickle pers -- single person that had more facebook fan wins. >> primary voters skew much older, facebook skews younger. >> but i'm sure everybody watching right now, they have an aunt sue or grandma that's now on facebook. facebook is the one social media platform that is aging -- skewing much older. and so i think there is an indication. plus, this is a platform that galvanizes people and we're touching younger voters. they're not seeing the commercials in the past, but they're, you know, in the trenches of social getting pumped up, seeing their friends talk about it. that social context among your friends is impacting and bringing people out to vote.
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>> the other thing about the christine o'donnell situation is, yes, she's only running in delaware, but the day after she had almost $1 million. a lot of that money came from out of state. so that national presence, especially for someone like her, who didn't have that high of a profile, essentially came out of nowhere to win this race as a tea party candidate, becomes very important. have we even seen the tip of the iceberg in terms of using social media for fund-raising? >> no. i think -- listen, people are going to look back at the obama campaign and recognize that was the calling-out party to this. we'll see a lot of people in the midterms play this angle. i'm hearing a lot of buzz of different campaigns. again, facebook and twitter are at the top of people's lips. how about youtube live now is in the game. there's all these geo location things like facebook. there's a lot of -- >> i don't even know what you're talking about. >> i know that, but in 2000 -- before the obama election, when i was in the trenches in '06 and
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'07, i'm like, listen, this presidential campaign is going to be effected by this, people weren't looking at. we clearly saw the impacts there. the ironic part to that is this stuff is very local. the context is very tight. i think the local elections are going to be affected even more because, don't forget, there's three or four bloggers or three or four profiles within these states or towns when you get to the mayor level that are really quite important. mike rowe selecelebrities. if you get that endorsement, that means something. i think it gets really interesting. i don't think we're even close to this really starting. i think easily in the next decade, this is going to be the main place where people battle. >> i'm in a cab this morning, i'm barely awake, and there you are in the little tv in the cab. what were you doing on my little tv in the cab? >> i was doing a little bing action. >> bing action. gary, hope to see you again. thanks for coming in.
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coming up, a man comes face-to-face with a person he says molested him and his sister nearly 40 years ago. >> my sister, you know, she would have to rock herself to sleep at night because of that. >> well, i'm truly sorry. that's all i can say. >> you know, we're talking about social media. this guy takes his camera, tracks down his attacker and then puts it, this whole confrontation, on youtube. stufy, make the call. ♪ [ dialing ] [ beeping ] [ beeping ] [ beeping ] [ eli ] it's go time. ♪ ♪
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♪ words alone aren't enough. my job is to listen to the needs and frustrations of the shrimpers and fishermen, hotel or restaurant workers who lost their jobs to the spill. i'm iris cross. bp has taken full responsibility for the clean up in the gulf and that includes keeping you informed. our job is to listen and find ways to help. that means working with communities. restoring the jobs, tourist beaches, and businesses impacted by the spill. we've paid over $400 million in claims and set up a $20 billion independently-run claims fund to cover lost income until people impacted can get back to work. and our efforts aren't coming at tax-payer expense. i know people are wondering-- now that the well is capped,
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is bp gonna meet its commitments? i was born in new orleans. my family still lives here. i'm gonna be here until we make this right. so i take one a day men's 50+ advantage. as a manager, my team counts on me to stay focused. it's the only complete multivitamin with ginkgo to support memory and concentration. plus vitamin d to help maintain healthy blood pressure. [ bat cracks ] that's a hit. one a day men's.
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during endless shrimp at red lobster. with endless servings of your favorite shrimp, from classics... to crunchy new parmesan shrimp. our best value of the year right now, at red lobster. a new york man is now using the internet in a quest for justice. against the man he says molested him and his sister when they were just 5 and 7 years old. he only had the memory of the man's first name, butch. but he tracked down and confronted his former neighbor. >> my sister, you know, she would have to rock herself to sleep at night because of that.
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>> well, i'm truly sorry. that's all i can say, you know? there's nothing more i can do. >> i'm not here to pick a fight with you, man. >> i know. >> i'm just here to get some closure on this, man. >> well, i hope you find it. >> joining us is ron tebo, the man who made that video. honestly, i found it emotional just watching it. what was that confrontation like for you? >> i can't even look at the -- the tv now because it's just -- it brings back memories. i just -- it was -- it was hard. it was difficult for me. the emotions -- i mean, i just wanted to rip his throat out. but, you know, i was armed with a camera, not with a weapon. i was just -- my goal was to get his confession and confront him. >> and when you first laid eyes on him and it had been such a very long time, did you know immediately it was him? >> no. actually, it was by coincidence.
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a client brought me there. i design websites for a living. i happened to be on location at a client's site. she does construction. and she pointed him out because he does some side work for her. i haven't seen him in 40 years. she said, there he is. and i -- that was august 25th. the video you're watching now is august 27th, 2010. i took it upon myself to confront him by myself with the camera rolling in a covert -- it was like a covert operation. he knew the camera was there, but he didn't realize the camera was rolling. >> why did you choose this method and why was it so important for you to find him all these years later? >> because i knew 2009 the new york state police, a professional bunch, came to my door and said there's nothing we can do. we spoke with the da. so i had -- i had to choose a different battle plan. and i chose this battle plan. i chose my camera and so -- i
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just knocked on a lot of doors, searched property records, spoke to people in the area, in that area, and got a lead and i went after that lead. and that lead panned out for me. >> you know, i -- one of the things you said was, you know, that you need the closure and he says, i hope you find closure. did it give you some of that? >> he doesn't hope anything. you know what? he's making excuss for himself, just like any sexual predator. you know, they side-step the responsibility. i hope you find closure, blah, blah, blah. he wanted me to just get out of his face. he wanted me to get in my truck and see ya. closure? i'm sorry, i cut you off. >> no, no. i'm sorry, i cut you off. >> i'm getting worked up. >> i guess the first thing that you think of because we know that -- that pedophiles don't stop is what has happened between what happened to you and
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now. and was part of your reason for putting this tape on youtube because you -- you wanted to maybe help somebody else not go through what you went through? what -- what was behind that idea besides closure? >> that's exactly -- that's exactly it. you know, you -- you said exactly -- i mean, you hit the nail on the head there. a child molester will molest on average 17 times before he or she is caught. and i'm sure there are other victims of butch's out there. and they just haven't come forward yet. i'm hoping they do. i mean, i don't wish this on anyone, trust me. i hope there are no other victims. but if there are, they need to come forward. you know, he may not be able to be prosecuted, but he's been tried and convicted in the sony court, the sony camera court. >> ron tebo, thanks for being with us. >> thank you so much for giving
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me my voice. >> we'll be right back. [ woman ] nine iron, it's almost tee-time... time to face the pollen that used to make me sneeze... my eyes water. but now zyrtec®, the fastest 24-hour allergy relief, comes in a liquid gel. zyrtec® liquid gels work fast, so i can love the air®.
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[ male announcer ] ever have morning pain slow you down? introducing bayer am, an extra strength pain reliever with alertness aid to fight fatigue. so get up and get goin'! with new bayer am. the morning pain reliever.
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parent its have their work cut out for them when it comes to building up their children's body image in a medium of size zero models. today, a familiar name is lending her voice to helping young girls accept themselves as they are. the bookst is called "rock what you got, secrets from loving your iner and outer beauty." the author, katherine shah warnz negger, joins us from burbank. hi, katherine. >> hi. >> we should say to people, yes, the governor of california is your dad a maria shriver, a member of our nbc family for so long is your mom. but i look at you and it's almost like you got the best of both of your parents. i think all young girls to out there, honestly, would look at that incredible smile that fabulous hair and say i would kill to look like her. it is kind of-to-believe that you had body image problems and yet you write about a time when you broke down in tears.
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tell us what was going on with you. >> well, i start off the book kind of talking about that incident with me and that was in fourth grade and it was really the first time for me that i became aware of my body and self-conscious of my body and it was really the first time i realized that every girl has a different body. so, it was kind of --. i hate to interrupt you, i thought, fourth grade, already in fourth grade you were worried about your body image? >> yeah. you know, now the age is getting younger and younger, where girls are becoming self-conscious. you know, at age 5, most 8-year-olds now are going on diets. so it keeps getting younger, so it seems young but it is an average thing. >> and then you where, i'm just going going to read a little bit hear, you talk about the relationship you had with your parents, you say "if you can't at the very least share your thoughts with your mom and ask her questions becoming a woman, you won't be able to learn from her experiences about what you will be going through.
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figuring it out on your own can be very lonely." is that one of the key messages you have tore your girlfriends and for other young women your age? >> yeah i mean, i talk a lot in the book about having a really -- how important it is to have a strong relationship with your mother for young girls and your father, especially your mom, you can ask your mom everything about maturing, about changing, about different pressures in school, different pressures from the media and it is really important for moms to also be there for their daughters to, build up their self-esteem and to build up their confidence about themselves and, you know, dove is doing these amazing self-esteem workshops and, you know, really working on building young girls' self-esteem and build them up to make them confident. i feel that is important and what i try to say in the book and why i really want young girls and mothers to read this book together and a bonding process. >> it is called "rock what you've got." very impressive. very impressive. say hi to your mom for all of to us. >> i will. i will.
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>> katherine schwarzenegger. thank you. now to the fastest three minutes in news. we go down to the wire with science and the bible, royal jewels and "jersey shore" exposed? ready. hit the clock. first, a solar test flight, an experimental sun-powered plane is back in the air over switzerland it is getting closer to the creator's goal of aly if the around the world with sun rays as the only fuel. cool, right? a scientific study raising religious controversy. new computer simulations show winds could have parted the red sea, like in the story of moses a team at the national center for atmospheric research and the university of colorado at boulder say their models match closely with the accounted exodus. 1.5 million-year-old bones see the light of day after a backhoe unearths this discovery. power crews stumbled across the fossils in riverside. the 1500 bone fragments are of prehistoric camels, clothes and ancestor of the saber-toothed
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tiger. you could soon be seeing a lot more of two of the jersey cast shore members. "playgirl" offering a vinny 30 grand to got full monny and j wow request "playboy" for more cash. hearing they offered her 400 grand to wear bair all. whether their contracts will allow it, we don't know will stan lee follow in betty white's steps? facebook users are trying to use their power to sway "saturday night live" execs this time to push lee as the show host. we will see if this campaign is as august sellsful as the golden girl's pop culture explosion. could disconnecting from facebook, tweeting and texting be better for your health? last week we told but a group of harrisburg university university of science and tech students experimenting with a social blackout. the results are in. they report less stress, better sleep and improved relationships. go figure. i think the younger pores
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came out of that idea about how we connect. >> wouldn't guess he is talking about parking tickets. the town of cambridge, massachusetts, wants you to breath and stretch when faced with a fine. their ticket envelopes have pictures of yoga positions to try to take the edge off. but from comment wes read in the boston herald, people are not so calm about any of it. and would you be? if you have a lot of extra cash lying around, could you own a peas of royal history. the jewels known as diana, princess of wales swan lake suite are up for auction. this diamond and pearl necklace is the only known piece of jewelry worn by diana likely to ever be available for sale. if art is more your thing, a special exhibition of the work of claude monet is on display in paris. the collection of some 200 pieces is regarded as the most important exhibition of the french painter's work in 30 years. and believe it or not, this is not the world's largest pumpkin. some farmers in west virginia are showing off their agricultural marvels.
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three pumpkins, each between 500 and 1,000 pounds. but the current world record holder, get this, more than 1700 pounds. and that brings us down to the wire. and that is our show for this wednesday. i'm chris jansing. t"the dylan ratigan show" is up next. dia hea and constipation. ...and? it helped balance her colon. oh, now that's the best part. i love your work. [ female announcer ] phillips' colon health.
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