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tv   The Last Word With Lawrence O Donnell  MSNBC  April 23, 2024 10:00pm-11:00pm PDT

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yourself and walking onto it, of this micro community that is being formed on this lawn. and, what i mean by that, they have regular programming. one of the first guidelines on the list is do not engage. try to deescalate. when some of those antisemitic incidents happen on and off campus on saturday, columbia university sort of the big coalition behind this encampment did, you know, to an extent, denounce the incidents and remember guys like this is what we are here for. we are here to demand to divest from its ties to israel.
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it is a lot more nuanced. it is more visible to us this past on monday. yesterday. for the commencement of passover. there was a satyr. and those are, that's an incredibly interesting display of why it is important not to display this as monolithic or as even two sided. i think there are. >> it is multifaceted. >> certainly. there are people on so many different dimensions. identityies. it can be very dangerous sometimes when we attempt to generalize. also attempt to make it simple. that is what spectator can do. we catch every element. >> that is why honestly, it is essential reading in this moment. thank you so much for everything you are doing to cover this topic. that is our show for this
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evening. i turn now to my colleague, lawrence o'donnell with the last word. >> good evening. we have senator elizabeth warren joining us tonight. when we change the subject from defendant trump which we'll be discussing. >> fantastic. >> but, the big news in this room tonight is that eddie is back. eddie timborski, the floor manager, the boss of me in the room. is back. and he has been on paternity leave. and alex, the good news is i haven't heard him say a word about the work we do here or this show. every single thing he is saying is all about his new baby daughter which is exactly the way it should be. >> priorities. priorities. >> exactly the way you want it. >> i know because eddie is back, that you your already beautiful show will be that much more perfect so i can't wait to see the hour.
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>> eddie is back. but he is not paying attention. okay? not at all. we are on our own. i have to run this. i have remote control to run the camera myself. >> i can't wait to see it lawrence. >> thank you alex. >> have a great show. >> thank you. well, it happened again. stormy daniels quashed donald trump. the breaking defendant trump news of the night is that stormy daniels has humiliated donald trump once again and while she was at it, she humiliated his criminal defense lawyers. tonight, judge juan merchan granted stormy daniels' motion to quash the subpoena of donald trump demanding a vast range of information about the making of a documentary film entitled stormy. the judge denied the trump motion saying this request is overbroad, seeks general discovery and is not limited to the subject matter of this
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case. judge merchan had already quashed a subpoena for essentially the same material from nbc universal. the producer of the documentary. the ruling by judge merchan came at the end of the day that began with a hearing. about the district attorney's claim that donald trump has violated a gag order that prohibits him from other things, saying anything about jurors in the case. prosecutor chris conroy told the judge about a social media post we reported as breaking news on this program last week. donald trump rewrote what jesse waters said and added to that so it was not actually a quotation of someone else.
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the district attorney conroy told the judge this is a very troubling post at 5:46 p.m. the defendant published a post on his truth social account that stated they are catching undercover liberal activists lying to the judge in order to get on the trump jury. that whole thing is in quotation marks. it's attributed to somebody named jesse waters. what mr. waters said was they are catching undercover liberal activists lying to the judge, period. so it is a hybrid of something somebody else said together with something the defendant added on his own. i think the link to the jurors in this case. i think it is clearly a violation of your order.
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judge merchan. it was posted on april 17th at 5:46 p.m. and it says in quotes, they were catching undercover liberal act lists lying to the judge to get on the trump jury. closed quote. and it is attributed to jesse waters. is that in fact what mr. waters said? mr. blanche? he said they are catching undercover liberal activists lying to the judge. and then, not at the time, i don't believe he said in order to get on the trump jury. judge merchan, so, your client manipulated what was said and put it in quotes am i right? i was. i wouldn't use the word manipulation but the rest of the quote is not part of the quote. this is not a repost at all. this is something that was said on tv in your client had to type it out. he had to it is there.
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use the quotation marks, the shift key and type everything out. and then add those additional words so your argument that these are reposts and therefore they are not a violation. that does not apply to exhibit number 10. is it? mr. blanche, number 10 is not a repost. agreed. so what is your argument as to exhibit 10? the argument as to convict 10, it is ambiguous whether this statement violates the gag order. the gag order said donald trump is prohibited from making or directing others to make public statements about any respective juror or juror in this criminal proceeding. donald trump cannot make any statement about a juror. no statement at all. that gag order wording could not be more clear. donald trump's criminal defense lawyer insulted the
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intelligence of the judge and everyone else in the courtroom when he then said, quote, president trump is being careful with your honor's rules and the judge interrupted saying you, mr. blanche, you are losing all credibility. i have to tell you that right now. you are losing all credibility with the court. now, you can spend years in the courtroom and never hear a judge say anything like that to competent lawyers. the judge said that he would rule on donald trump's violations of the gag order at some point after today's court session. and after donald trump left the courthouse, he put in writing a lie that he said when he arrived at the courthouse today. the in writing version is more coherent than the version trump said into the microphone this morning so we will go with the written version. thousands of people were turned
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away from the courthouse in lower manhattan by steel and police. that is an absolute lie. i have walked down there several times. traffic is free flowing in and around the courthouse. pedestrians. traffic is not hinders in any way. there was a large gathering area where i saw exactly three trump supporters gathered there yesterday. reports today said only one trump supporter showed up. while the 85,000 trump voters in manhattan completely ignored what was happening at their local courthouse. absolutely no one has been turned away anywhere in lower manhattan. it is actually much easier to approach and stand outside and gaze at trump's courthouse than it is to see the rockefeller christmas tree in december where police and barricades do
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restrict access. vaughn hillyard delivered the best response on twitter saying trump just claimed that the police have shut down the streets around the courthouse for blocks and his protesters can't be here. not true. there is one pro trump person here and the main street along the courthouse is open to traffic and vaughn hillyard included this video showing you just how easily vehicles move around. and how much of no one is actually there. in support of donald trump. the truth is trump supporters do not care that donald trump is being prosecuted. they have made that very clear. he has begged them to show up and they have refused. yesterday, donald trump said america loving protesters should be allowed to protest at the front steps of courthouses all over the country.
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so, there is donald trump. summoning trump supporters in idaho to go to the courthouse in boise and stage a big protest for him. or in north dakota or utah or alabama or texas or somewhere there is a vast majority of voters for donald trump. any courthouse in america, florida, anywhere. and no one, no one anywhere in the country showed up at any courthouse to protest the criminal prosecution of donald trump. 74million trump voters said absolutely no. we will not protest donald trump's criminal prosecution. we do not care. they are not the only people who don't care. donald trump is the only criminal defendant i have ever seen who cannot round up a single family member to sit in the front row of the courtroom in support of criminal
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defendant donald trump. his third and current wife isn't there. neither of his daughters are there. none of his sons are there. not a single personal friend has shown up as a show of support for donald trump. not one. serial killer and sometimes cannibal jeffrey dahmer had his family in the courtroom every single day. donald trump has less familial support than jeffrey dahmer had in the courtroom. leading us off, someone who has been there. a fellow at justice security. also, andrew weissman. former chief of the criminal division. the cohost of the podcast prosecuting donald trump which just won this year's webby award for best crime and
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justice podcast. neil joins us. former active general who argued over 50 cases before the supreme court. neil and andrew are both msnbc legal analysts. and adam, from inside the courtroom today, we had a chance to read the transcript and there is stuff that looks pretty hard hitting against todd blanche with the judge. what's the experience in the courtroom today? what can you add to the dramatics exchanges we have seen? >> what you can see right off the bat was blanch's reaction after that devastating thing. very after the break. >> when he is saying that line that you last all correct. what can you see with this lawyer? >> a tremendous amount of frustration. but, at that moment, he is
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trying to recover. and, when the real misery of that takedown really became apparent was after the recess. and, we always see how trump is glowering when he leaves and enters the courtroom. this time he was up staged by his lawyer on the misery quotient. it was because it was about more than that one moment lawrence. this was a drum beat. there were other moments throughout that organizement. this one is very representative. he was asked if he had any case law to support his proposition. and so, the judge asks him, so tell me. what case law do you have to support that? blanche i don't have any case law to support that but it is
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just common sense, your honor. how can it be that president trump is prohibited from violating the gag order through his words or casting another person to say something he was saying, the judge interrupts, all right. which is a big difference under the first amendment of the constitution. all right, where does it say that give me the case law? blanche, your honor, there is none. so this was just one kind of representative exchange and this was a brutal and even one could say bloody. we are on day two of the trial. it is very difficult to a lawyer to be told that they lost credibility on the courtroom of the second day of what is expected to be a six week trial. >> donald trump is at home tonight thinking about that. and wondering can i use that as
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an excuse where i fire todd blanche and the defense team because the judge has, you know, says they have no credibility. stop the trial by firing my lawyers. >> the criminal law has figured that out. every defendant would be, it would be like sheherazaade. you would be constantly firing your lawyer and never going to time. to be once you are in the case, you file what is called a notice of appearance. the judge has to do it. the client can't just say this is not my lawyer. the lawyer can't say i'm off the case. once you file that notice of appearance in a criminal case, you are in. until the judge says otherwise. here, first of all, the
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argument is going to be todd blanche is doing his clients' bidding. he doesn't have a judge problem. he has a client problem. and what he is not doing is what appears is you know, when you are a lawyer in a case, you may have clients on both sides. whether it is the prosecutor or the defense. you are an officer of the court first. and so, what the judge is saying you are an officer of the court. when i ask you a question, you have to be candid. it is both the right thing to do and it is strategically the right thing to do. so i mean what we are seeing play out is a client problem. >> neil, i want to read you a point the judge merchan made where he referred to the possibility of being overturned on appeal on this issue of contempt of court by donald trump. he says the fact that the people did not come running in here immediately when your client started reposting things or that the court did not decide to find your client in contempt, a decision that probably would have been
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overturned on appeal. is not probative of anything you said. you know. maybe we have gotten too close to the line. i think that you should have, what you should have done is probably said you know my client is thinking of reposting some things. it is not really clear to us in the gag order whether that is allowed. is that allowed? but that is not what you did. you know i want to go back to that phrase where he said a decision probably would have been overturned on appeal. so that is his response to certainly some comment on why is the judge not acting more swiftly and summarily in reaction to some of these things donald trump has done. >> yeah. the way i read that is trump is scared that this gag order that he has quite literally violated it and the penalty for flagrantly violating it is not just a thousand dollar fine that the district attorney asked here but the possibility of 30 days of time in jail.
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so at every term, the trump team tries to remind the judge, if you seek real sanctions in terms of jail time, we will try to take an immediate appeal. that is how i understand that word salad but i do think watching the transcript, they made a little headway on the point. the judge is worried if he does impose jail time on donald trump, that it will lead to an immediate appeal. that is his concern. i think the other concern is that the jury has already been empanelled at this point. and even though if this were any other defendant who flagrantly violated gag orders like this, they would be jailed. what do you do? keep the jury sequestered for day after day while trump
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serves his other sentence? have him jailed at night i guess. it is all a kind of mess. i think the best thing to do is for the judge to issue a jail sentence now. but to suspend it. and to say to donald trump, look. you know. you flagrantly violated this. every other person would go to jail. for you what i will do is wait until the end of the criminal trial. and if at the end of the trial, you behave and don't act like a toddler and comply with the gag order i will consider not having you have to serve this sentence. what i don't think should be done is give a thousand dollar penalty to donald trump for such flagrant violations. a thousand dollars might be a lot to him. it is still a slap on the wrist. >> andrew, an awful lot of criminal defendants in that courtroom are living on rikers
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island in jail while they are on trial. that is where they spend the night every night. where they spend the night awaiting trial so there is no logistical struggle with that in theory. but the judge knows anything he would issue there would be appealed. >> i think neil's ideas is a good one. he can say even though there's truth socials and there's direct media. there will be a monitor. if you could say susan necklace. you are now responsible for it so there are steps he could take short of saying there is a thousand dollar fine. he does have to do something. on the other hand, you know, donald trump desperately wants
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the story to be he was jailed. because, you know, what happened today was david revealed this was an entire scheme about fake news. this just went so to the heart of everything he was saying exists is really with him. and so, he just does not want the story in the trial to be the facts coming out. >> we are coming right back to those facts after we squeeze in a break. everyone will stay with us. we will get back to the evidence of the case heard today. we'll be right back. today. we'll be right back. because liberty mutual customized my car insurance and i saved hundreds. that's great. i know, right? i've been telling everyone. baby: liberty. did you hear that? ty just said her first word. can you say “mama”? baby: liberty. can you say “auntie”? baby: liberty. how many people did you tell? only pay for what you need. jingle: ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ baby: ♪ liberty. ♪
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here is how the first witness david then the head of the national enquirer described donald trump today. i would drive mr. trump as very knowledgeable. i would describe him as a very detail oriented. i would describe him as an almost as a micro manager from
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what i saw. he looked at all of the aspects of whatever the issue was. andrew, neil. thanks for being back with us. the defense is going to be he is not a micro manager. he doesn't know who is putting what memos on what checks. he is not a micro manager. >> this is the standard defense when you have a leader on trial and the mechanics of the crime are done by underlings. i was not the shooter. i was not on scene. it is the defense saying i didn't know what the paperwork was. it is a standard argument that is made. of course, it doesn't help that this is a small family business. we are not talking about enron or an organized crime family though there are some analogies that could be made. but in terms of size, it is small. this is a very small unit.
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so the idea that he couldn't possibly know will be a difficult one given how small the group is. but having testimony from a long time friend saying positive things about him. that he is a micromanager is good evidence for your startoff within if you are the government. >> and neil, they are starting with mr. apparently to bring in someone who can give the widest frame of a kind of shot of a description of the size of the scheme involved of protecting trump of which stormy daniels was one piece. >> yeah. i want to return to andrew's point about the mob boss defense. when it may work in some cases, here the real problem with it is donald trump directed his lawyer michael cohen paid the $130,000 and took out a home
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equity loan on his house to do so. it is hard to say that is michael cohen's independent judgment to go and take out a home equity loan on his own house. as opposed to what donald trump told him to do. that is one problem. the other is they have michael cohen and donald trump talking in which donald trump is ordering cohen to pay off karen mcdougal. i would say for the defense, it looks like the one time that david isn't willing to make up stories to protect donald trump is when he is testifying under penalty of perjury and that's what happened today. he basically put the knife into trump. he is saying trump and i had this deal. and it is chronological. it describes not just what he
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talked about yesterday. checkbook journalism. basically, that the national inquirer had become an appendage of the trump campaign. and they were making up stories about ted cruz and morphing images and all sorts of stuff. and our campaign finance laws are written to ensure transparency. so that if you are getting some sort of gift whether it is dollars or a donation, that is disclosed to the voters so they can make up their mind. and what this entire steam was start to finish was a way for donald trump to get a bunch of benefits from a journalistic organization without disclosing that to the american people. >> was there a way to read the jury and how david's testimony was landing? >> they were very attentive. i will give you a flash moment. there was a moment where david was describing a time when michael cohen wanted to shift
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to signal communications. signal the encrypted messaging app. and david is new to 24 app learning it and describing the disappearing messages feature where messages are destroyed. it goes to the cover art. that is what this is about. so that was an illustration. not only was it apparent that trump could have known. according to testimony, he was in the loop from the get go. from august, 2015 trump tower meeting. there was rapt attention to it.
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i asked what my magazines could do to help the campaign. i said what i would do is run and publish positive stories about mr. trump. and publish negative stories about his opponents. and be the eye and ears of the campaign. just as the prosecution promised on day one. >> we got a serious problem for the defense theory on day one. since the defense argument is going to have to to be donald trump to whatever extent he tried to suppress stories like stormy daniels. to protect melania and his sheltered daughters. it was all about protecting them.
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you have david saying this was above the campaign. it was a campaign meeting we went to where we said this is what we will do for the campaign. he is leaving absolutely no doubt that campaign was the entire motivation for everything he talked about. >> this is one where you are the prosecution. sometimes what you want is for the defense to trot out a theory that is blatantly ridiculous. so that will be a terrible argument based on what we understand the proof is. if we try to go down the road. first of all, he is cheating right, left, and center. to suddenly say i was concerned about my wife, you know. that is not the evidence. including this will be the evidence. can we avoid doing it right now. i don't care what comes out of
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the election. it doesn't matter that melania knows . this is the cross where you basically just point out what he doesn't know. you don't know how they were created. the clear things to point out the limits of his knowledge. if you have a smart jury, it gives you something to do that points out his limits. but this is a dangerous person to cross. because he knows him so well. and, the extent as you said, he put the knife in him now. if they do a hostile cross, it could get worse. >> and neil, as we sit here trying to think of defense angles and as they said on monday, it's the first time we heard anything from the defense. the opening statement was the first time that we heard anything from the defense. turns out they haven't come up with something that we didn't
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think of. it was not some interesting defense angle that makes us sit back and go okay. let's see how that plays out. didn't think about it. >> turning out when you commit a blatant crime, it is hard to come up with a defense. inside the courtroom, with regular evidence, and so on, and a regular procedure to get to the bottom, the truth, it is very hard. it is a perfect illustration. i was trying to protect my family. the problem was the evidence blows that out of the water. so i think trump's best strategy here is the kind of spaghetti at the wall strategy. throw anything to cause any one
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juror to have reasonable doubt. if one juror says trump didn't do it. >> is there any indication on when we will get the ruling on the violations of the gag order. >> all he said is he would reserve decision. again. it goes to the tenor of the arguments with todd blanche where he was the judge was very much dissecting the time line of every tweet. when did michael cohen post something, when did trump post something? so, and there was, and so, if trump is angling for something, he is going to steer it on his own time. >> well, tomorrow would be good
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for us. thank you all very much for joining us in this discussion tonight. really appreciate it. >> thank you. and coming up, joe biden is putting pressure on donald trump in florida. the president was in florida today. senator elizabeth warren says voters on every state should be concerned about abortion bans. senator warren joins us next. n . febreze has a microchip to control scent release so it smells first-day fresh for 50 days. 50 days!? and its refill reminder light means i'll never miss a day of freshness. ♪ let's get the rest of these plants in. organic soil from miracle-gro has grown me the best garden i have ever had. good soil, and you get good results. this soil will blow you away.
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lighting every soccer match at shell energy stadium. we're moving forward with the houston dash. because we're moving forward with everybody. shell. powering progress. president biden campaigned in florida where next week,
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governor ron desantis' abortion ban goes into effect. >> for 50 years the court ruled that there was a fundamental constitutional right to privacy but two years ago, that was taken away. let's be real clear. there is one person responsible for this nightmare and he has acknowledged it and brags about it. trump brags about how proud he was to get rid of roe v. wade. he took credit for it. he said there has to be punishment for women exercising their reproductive freedom. his words, not mine. he described the dobbs decision as a miracle. maybe comeing from that bible he is trying to sell. whoa. i almost wanted to buy one to see what the hell is in it. folks, it was no miracle. it was a political deal to get
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rid of roe. a political deal he made with the evangelical base of the republican party. to look past, if they look past his moral character flaws in exchange for his commitment. would overturn roe. don't think he is making the deal right now. with maga extremists to ban abortion in every single state. if congress ever passes a ban, i will veto that ban. elected democratic congress, kamala and i will make roe v. wade the law of the land again. >> in november, a ballot initiative will give voters the opportunity to protect abortion access in the state constitution. >> all over the country from ohio, kansas, michigan, kentucky, wisconsin, virginia. women and men in every background voted to record
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numbers. to protect record numbers to protect reproductive freedom. this november, you can add florida to that list. are you ready to do that? you have to show up and vote. are you ready to protect freedom? it was donald trump who ripped away the rights of freedom of women in america. it will be all of us who restore the rights for women in america. and when you do that, we will teach donald trump and extreme maga republicans a valuable lesson. don't mess with the women of america. >> later president biden met with a local organization where he said this. >> i think florida is in play, nationally. this election is a basic old fashioned election. getting out the votes. putting together campaigns the
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old fashioned way. not that we don't use all the technology available. all those things. >> a union worker thanked president biden for saving his pension. >> we did get that done. >> now we have senator warren of massachusetts. she is a candidate for reelection this year along with president biden. senator, there is the president in florida today, he is covering obviously the abortion issue in that state. and the ban that will be in effect there. it appears that rights like this are safe.
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>> rights nowhere in america are safe if donald trump retakes the white house. the republicans have made that clear. the extremist wing of the republican party owns that party and they have made clear they will go for a nationwide abortion ban. and right now, the heritage foundation is actually laying out plans so that even if they don't have control of the house in senate, how it is if they can get donald trump into the white house, they will be able to effectively outlaw abortion all across the country. next week we are seeing in florida this extreme abortion ban go into effect and the president said it right. there is exactly one person who is ultimately responsible for that. it is donald trump who has bragged about the extremist supreme court he put in place to remove roe v. wade. and we are watching chapter
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after chapter after chapter of how the extremists are coming for abortion rights notaeums in red states but in red states, blue states, purple states, every state. >> do the democrats believe this changes possibilities in florida beyond just that ballot measure? >> looki think it is clear democrats can win florida. abortion will be on the ballot. it will be on the ballot in all 50 states. this is about as clear as it gets in the comparison. donald trump is the guy who put in place the extremist supreme court with the purpose of overturning roe v. wade and you heard it from joe biden himself. give him a chance. give the t doctors control of the house, the senate, and the
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white house. and we will make roe v. wade law of the land again. >> the only reason i have a pension is because of you. he got cheers for that. it is one of the items most voters don't know about. >> yeah, this one is about some legislation that we got through shortly after joe biden got into office. to be able to protect people's pensions that had been followed out back to earn the 2008 crisis. and i want to add he actually did another thing for pensions today or for retirement funds. and that is won't get a lot of attention or big headlines. but the fiduciary rule has gone into place. the labor department announced a rule that says basically your investment adviser has to work
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in your best interests, not take money from insurance companies and others to put you into financial products that are not in your best interest. that is something that over time may never get a headline. but it is going to mean that a whole lot of people in this country when they hit their retirement years are a lot safer because of joe biden and his administration. >> senator i have been saying for years especially for years past that now seem in the distant, our distant history where it didn't seem to many voters to make that much difference. who they voted for in a presidential election. there is always the supreme court. there will always be a difference between george w. bush's choice for the supreme court and al gore's choice. we have seen george w. bush's choice wrote the opinion overturning roe v. wade. has that finally penetrated on
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the democratic side of the electorate? >> i think so. people have come to understand so much we have counted on for a very long time. that was the security, the independence of our courts that our courts would not be political. and that our courts were fundamentally about protecting our rights. not about hollowing out the rights or taking them away. and the republicans for a long time had been on the attack. they understand. the importance of extremist courts and they have pushed in that direction. the federalist society. around that whole idea. and democrats just didn't tumble to it nearly as early. but we may wake up late. we are fully awake now. and we fully understand what is on the ballot come november 2024. we need joe biden in the white house because of the good things he is going to do.
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we need him there because we cannot count on the united states supreme court to protect us as we once did. we have to have joe biden in the white house. democrats in the house and in the senate. so that we can actually deliver on roe v. wade, on voting rights and the right to unia union. an protecting people with guns safety. on climate. so many things that touch each of us individually every day. this election in november is absolutely crucial and we are awake and ready to fight for it. >> senator elizabeth warren, thank you very much for joining us tonight. >> thank you. and we'll be right back with the bad news for donald trump from tonight's pennsylvania presidential primary results. onight's pennsylvania presidential primary results. with nurtec odt, i found relief.
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(stylist 1) oooh you got your corn pudding... you got your corn chowder... (marci) so... is it safe around here? (stylist 2) sometimes. (luke) if a family of eight were to need a cold plunge, where would they find it? (stylist 1) ...and then they dip it in butter, then bam, it goes right in. (stylist 2) ...really cute vampire bar. (stylist 1) the reverend does like a blessing on the corn. (luke) donut shops. how far from here? (marci) no eyebrows? (luke) think of how light it'll feel in the summer. we've got to run. eleven thousand more neighborhoods to go! (vo) ding dong! homes-dot-com. from pep in their step to shine in their coats, when people switch their dog's food to the farmer's dog,
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serious infections, cancers including lymphoma, muscle problems, and changes in certain labs have occurred. tell your doctor if you have an infection, liver or kidney problems, high triglycerides, or had a vaccine or plan to. sotyktu is a tyk2 inhibitor. tyk2 is part of the jak family. it's not known if sotyktu has the same risks as jak inhibitors. find what plaque psoriasis has been hiding. there's only one sotyktu, so ask for it by name. so clearly you. sotyktu. let's election night in pennsylvania and joe biden has the highest winning percentage at 92% of the vote and donald trump has 84% of the vote. nikki haley has about 17% of the vote. now pennsylvania is a closed primary state. only registered republicans can vote in that primary. every one of those nikki haley voters in pennsylvania knows
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nikki haley is no longer a president. they just couldn't bring themselves to vote for donald trump. tonight, the united states senate gave final approval to a $95.3 billion package which includes aid to ukraine, israel, and taiwan. president biden just released a statement that reads in part, i will sign this bill into law and address the american people as soon as it reaches my desk tomorrow so we can begin sending weapons and equipment to ukraine this week. we'll be right back. week. we'll be right back.
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