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tv   All In With Chris Hayes  MSNBC  March 29, 2024 5:00pm-6:00pm PDT

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baltimore. i did not realize it was opening on broadway tonight. it's my favorite play of all time. my moment of the week. is somebody that is taking back the genre of music that people said she cannot have. it's beyonci. let's play a little bit. i think we get a little bit of the sound. let me review what joyce had on the instagram. -- beyonci said on instagram. she said this album has been over five years in the making. it was born out of an experience i had years ago when i was not welcome. i didn't deeper dive into the history of country music and the rich archive. it's good to see how music can unite so many people around the world. this album is excellent. even if you are not a huge country music samuel enjoy it. she won the week. thank you very much. that is tonight reidout. all in with chris hayes starts now. tonight on all in -- >> donald trump has bludgeoned america into submission to his
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will. the only way to break that is through the rule of law, the constitution and the rule of law. >> the ex-president keeps attacking his judge's family. >> they say that means she should be fair game. >> a delay from the highest court takes its toll. >> people like brett kavanaugh. he will step up. those people will step up. >> the trump attacks and the latest evidence the supreme court is letting him run out the clock. new data on the republican electorate still voting against trump and of primary election that is somebody over even as elite billionaire donors return. all in starts now. good evening. i'm chris hayes. we are in a race against the clock ticking ever closer to election day as donald trump
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desperately tries to delay any effort to hold them accountable for his actions. in new york it looks like his efforts have been unsuccessful with the manhattan judge ruling this week that his hush money election interference trial will start april 15. the ex-president continues to put up a fight, attacking the judge's daughter continuously, now challenging the gag order imposed on him. we will talk about all of that. and the other criminal cases against him, the legal system continues to move in slow motion, crucially in the most serious and most important case about his attempted coup leading up to january 6. in that case the supreme court has basically suspended any foreign motion while they take up his extremely dubious claim that he's immune from any potential prosecution because he was president at the time. whether donald trump will face trial for trying to overthrow democracy before the next election is now, let me be clear, entirely up to the court
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and the majority of the court and how quickly they move. the key thing to understand and this can't be emphasized enough is that when the supreme court wants to move fast they move fast. when they want to move slow they move very slow. in both circumstances they know exactly what they are doing and what the effect will be. they are not . by they i mean the conservative majority of the court that controls that. this week we saw stark example and the supreme court tip the scales in the race for control of the house towards republicans by sitting on their hands and doing nothing. this comes in a case out of south carolina that may have escaped your notice. it hasn't gotten a lot of attention. the republican-controlled legislature drew this map in 2022 drastically changing the makeup of two districts. the first and the sixth. early last year a three-judge
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panel ruled the map was unconstitutionally racially gerrymandered having moved over 30,000 african-american voters from the first district to the six. as you can see the voting population of the first district was just 17.4% black. to be clear this gets confusing. the purpose was to make the district safer for the trump republican incumbent congresswoman nancy mace. this was a nancy mace salvation projects. south carolina republicans who found their map struck down by federal judges were not going down without a fight. they appealed to the supreme court asking the majority to allow the map to stand. let's be clear. this is nothing new. we have seen a lot of these fights over racially gerrymandered districts in the last few years particularly
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after the supreme court struck down sections of the voting rights act. one case was in alabama where that state legislature passed this map in 2021. you can see just one district in blue was majority black. in early 2022 a federal court locked the map ruling that it likely violated the voting rights act by deliberately splitting black voters across four districts meaning that there was only one majority minority district. they told alabama that was not good enough. the alabama legislature had to redraw the map with a second majority black district. republicans took this case to the supreme court as well where the court put it on pause back in 2022 saying it was too close to the election, change the map . we don't want to mess with things. mind you, that was in february 2022. the primary was not held until late may. so what happened? the state of alabama used the racially gerrymandered maps
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with disenfranchised black voters and cost democrats the ones that had already been down by the lower court is unconstitutional. they used those maps. to no one's surprise republicans benefited because they won every district except the whole majority black district helping to secure the tiny majority in the house. here is the kicker. after the election was over, the supreme court got around to ruling on the case and ruled 5- 4 that alabama's map did violate the voting rights act and would have to be redrawn. the state of alabama did discriminate against black voters and they held a whole election using the discriminatory map because the supreme court would not make a decision near the four months ahead of any votes being cast. this was 2022 in alabama. this brings us back to south carolina and the current
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litigation. the supreme court heard arguments on that case all the way back in october. that was when the court heard the south carolina case. at that point the 2023 world series had not yet begun. yesterday was the opening day of the 2024 season. george santos was still a member of congress. remember they move quickly when they want to move quickly. when they wanted to strike down covid restrictions or and the moratorium on evictions or make sure that student hours did not get debt relief they moved at lightning speed. so this was on the case about south carolina maps. no word from them making a decision for five months. the primary is fast approaching so guess what is going to happen.
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>> we are following breaking news. circuit court judge has made an important ruling on lyrical boundaries. the judge has ruled that current boundaries will be used for the election. this was made to the supreme court where we are still waiting on a decision. the judge still holds this year's elections using the pre- 2020 boundaries. the judge writes it would be highly inconvenient and unusual to try to change district boundaries ahead of the june primary. >> they did not make a decision. they just ran out the clock. they just did not do anything. they got so close to the election they will go ahead and use the south carolina map. the lower court judges to evaluated it and said it was racist and unconstitutional because the supreme court just couldn't get motivated enough to hit any deadlines to rule on the case. these are not
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freshmen in their first few weeks of college overwhelmed by assignments trying to figure out how to get it all done. this was not an oversight. the justices know that if they do not act the maps stay in place. the conservative majority knows that the current map in favor of the republican party will favor the democrats. by not acting they have acted. by delaying they have made something in the world happened . they think they are very clever. they think they can get away with it because nobody is paying attention, but we are paying attention. we see what they are doing. we know the conservative majority of the supreme court decided to let lack voters continue to be discriminated against in south carolina this year in violation of the constitution. it seems to me that this is exactly parallel of what they
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are trying to do with donald trump's case. they waited two whole weeks to announce they would take the case. they scheduled the case for the last possible day of oral arguments, april 25. then if they sit on it long enough it could basically go away. it could be too late to hold the trial before the election. then once the issue is moot, the court can come out and roll on the merits. it is too late for it to really matter. just like they did in the alabama case after the election. after republicans already secured a house majority by very narrow number. maybe they will do the same thing in south carolina. they will find the map actually did violate the constitution and was an illegal racist gerrymander after it's too late. maybe they will find donald trump is not immune before the
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election. if i sound frustrated and angry it's because i am. there's not a lot of recourse. the only recourse we have with this court is to do this. to shine a light on the behavior . we have the deputy director of the american civil liberties union voting rights project. he served as supreme court counsel on that case. he was a professor of law and political science. let me just start with adrian. this stuff is procedurally complicated. i just want to start making sure we have that right. >> thank you for having me. you are absolutely right. this is a very disappointing decision from the south carolina federal court we hope
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would not come to pass and we disagree. but you are absolutely right. the fact that the supreme court has not acted on this case that it heard almost 6 months ago clearly pushes the lower court to the brink this week. we are hopeful that as was the case in alabama the supreme court will find its way to the right decision here which is affirming the lower court. at the end of the day there's a lot of foot dragging to blame here. the state has dragged its feet at each step while our clients have done everything. everything they could have possibly done to get the maps for the state. they showed up at townhall to propose maps that did not discriminate against voters on the basis of race. when that did not work they sued. they have to prove the claims in court which they did. the court, three judges human unanimously found that the map is unconstitutional racial gerrymander. the state did take the case to the supreme court. in october our colleague laid
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the facts bear to the justices. they showed that this was a stark, racial gerrymander and shows that the justices should affirm the lower court. here we are 13 months after the panel of three judges found this to be unconstitutional and the legislature has not done anything. as a result the lower court says they have no court choice but to allow the election to go forward. >> that point that it is actually 13 months from a finding which is even more astounding. it is a perfect example of the justice delayed, justice denied, slowing the process down to essentially subvert accountability and reckoning which is precisely what i feel like is happening with the immunity case. >> i think you are right and i think you are insufficiently cynical. what we have not
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talked about is even when lower courts decide to say for the next election we will put a remedy in place and make sure we don't have and unconstitutional or illegal election the supreme court has a doctrine called the purcell principal which they step in and say we are too close to the election so you get one free illegal election even if the lower court is willing to move things forward. that is probably why they are waiting because they knew the supreme court would smack them down too late. they know exactly what they are doing. i think they have already timed themselves out on the trump immunity case. i think it is extremely unlikely it will go to trial before the election. >> i think that is right although i also don't want to take the pressure off of them. they could decide it in 24 hours if they wanted to. i just find this intolerable. adults everywhere in the world have to do things by date certain's. there are delivery people on the streets busted there but for minimum wage who are
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hustling through the crowded streets of new york city and have to get things done on time. so welcomed to the adult world. sometimes you have to move quickly. the idea that they don't have to is utterly intolerable. >> they went 36 hours from oral argument to decision in bush versus gore. they rule on death penalty cases routinely and let people get executed. they certainly know have to -- know how to move quickly. they set the hearing for two months later it is really inexcusable. one or two things are going on. either there is so much fighting behind-the-scenes and the court has been slower than usual that they can't really do anything or conservatives are dragging their feet and slowing the whole court down. i think one of those things
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must be happening. >> it is interesting. when we say the court is an institution these actions or inactions come to us as we don't know. that is part of what is maddening here. it must be maddening for you and for the voters of south carolina which want fair representation. something has transpired where a lower court has had to make a decision in the absence of supreme court action that will have a real tangible implication about who is represented by whom and who is fairly represented in this election that is irreversible. the election is going to happen on the maps that are going to happen. >> you are right. the delays have compounded. it is shameful that the state legislature who should be working for its constituents has the responsibility to
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ensure that elections are fair. this will be the second time that the voters of south carolina will head to the polls this fall to vote under a map that a three-judge panel has unanimously found is unconstitutional racial gerrymandering. >> it is really intolerable. i appreciate your time and expertise. thank you very much. the continued real-world threat posed by donald trump and whether anything can prevent his attacks on the family, the judge and his upcoming hush money trial. that is next. one dose quickly stops migraine in its tracks. treat it anytime, anywhere without worrying where you are or if it's too late.
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donald trump is challenging the gag order imposed on him by the judge overseeing the hush money election interference case in new york. his lawyers arguing in a court filing today that donald trump should be able to say whatever he wants to. that the protective order that was issued by the judge, that barred him from speaking about court staff, court staff families, should not apply to the judge's daughter. the judge's daughter has been the target of his invective on social media multiple times in
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the last few days. in fact, the new york district attorney filed a motion asking to clarify whether donald trump is allowed to go after the family members of the district attorney's office or court staff. trump's attorneys responded yes they can and there is no problem here and the first amendment means they can basically attack whoever they want to attack. my next guest served as a judge for 19 years including 12 of the superior court of california. she is the author of my life on the bench. what works, what's broke and how to change it. i am so glad you are joining us tonight. first of all, take us through. what has been laid before the judge here? he issued a gag order that seemed fairly finely tailored. it was using language that had already gone through to try to balance these equities of
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protecting people involved in the case while also allowing the first amendment rights of a man who's running for president. immediately donald trump has gone after his daughter, naming her in person. so what happens now? >> thank you for having me, chris. nothing about this is normal. everything about this is abnormal because there is an abnormal defendant, donald trump. i presided over hundreds of hearings and trials involving criminal defendants who did not want to be in court. they were not happy, but they never engaged in this kind of behavior. the issue becomes the gag order. he started with a warning and did not work. fines don't work so now the gag order. in this instance, my view is that donald trump has tiptoed up to the line.
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he has not crossed over the line of violating the gag order because the judge did not include himself or his family members. i do not understand why judges are so and to include themselves in gag order stealing with this abnormal defendant. it is not because feelings will get hurt. that's not what this is about. is is about protecting people from harm, from physical harm from violence and intimidation. if i was judge merchan, on monday morning i would have everyone back in court and i would expand the gag order based upon, we don't need 30 days for each side to brief it which is what trump's attorneys want to do. it's quite clear what he has done and he needs to expand it. nobody. judges, family members, witnesses, jurors, staff members should ever be intimidated in court proceedings. that is not how the courts run.
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enough is enough. i am very hopeful that judge merchan will increase, expand the gag order to include himself and his family members. >> i just want to put a fine point on this because a church that is a conservative and a defender of american democracy said never in american history has any person let alone an ex- president of the united states leveled such attacks of the kind the former president has leveled continuously for years. suffice to say never in history has any person leveled such attacks and been met which seth -- with such passive eddie. i want to draw a line around this. judges have to deal with all kinds of people in all kinds of situations of mental distress, substance use disorder, manic episodes, extremely poor
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impulse control. across the board. i cannot find anyone that i know that has been a judge who could point to a precedent of having a defendant to this at the judge's family member. >> i believe it has never happened. at the same time i'm not shocked or surprised. he's gone after family members before. the key is this. it is what his words do. the reason the gag orders are in place is because he knows that he is inciting other people to do his dirty work. that is what cowards and bullies do. so this is a clear and present danger that his words are posing to the court. the job of the trial judges to manage the court to ensure that every side, both sides, are treated fairly and get a fair hearing and that everybody
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involved in the process is protected. here that protection is needed, including the judge himself. it is my hope that the judge will expand the gag order and should donald trump cross that line once the gag order is in place, it is a no-brainer after that. he has to. he is running his nose at the court. he goes to jail and cools his heels and understands that the judge means business. you open a constitutional lawful orders in a court. >> to stress what you just said, this is not a hypothetical. we know in the case of the clerk in the civil case who was the target of similar vitriol she had to move. she had to get a security detail. she got tons of threatening and harassing messages. she had physical fear for her safety and threats. i thought of it today like the scene in the mob movie whether
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prosecutor goes to pick her kid up at the playground and there is some guy grabbing the kickball from the kid and saying, cute kid. everybody understands what is happening. he is using a threat. this is mob intimidation of the judicial system by directing threats and harassment at the judge's daughter. i don't think there is any question about that in my mind. >> we clearly know that is his intention because if it were not he would have early onset to his followers, i'm calling out names but you are never to threaten or commit violence against any of these people. he has never said that because he wants just the opposite. >> that is a great point. thank you very much. i appreciate it. still ahead. who is this guy in the picture with donald trump and why is he so concerned about college basketball players sneaking
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if you are wondering how far the brain works have penetrated some of the minds of some republicans look no further than michigan where a state representative thinks he has spotted the lace -- latest frontier of a migrant invitation. he posted these pictures of three buses lined up near an
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airplane at the detroit metro airport monday night -- wednesday night writing frantically, happening right now. three buses just loaded up with illegal invaders in detroit metro. anybody have any idea where they are headed with the police escort? he sounded the alarm because if he sees a bus or three at an airport it must be an invasion. his post was reposted by the equally sharp chairman of the michigan republican party, but who could see this coming? the buses were not filled with invaders. they were filled with bulldogs. gonzaga to be precise. yes. as you can see that was them triumphantly arriving in detroit to play in the ncaa sweet 16 matchup at little caesars arena tonight. it's a completely, embarrassing and humiliating level of paranoia. a normal person might take down the post like the chair of the party eventually did or heaven
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for bid one could apologize but matt maddock has not only left the post up it is still there right now. anyone who has pointed out his racist and offensive air he explains himself with variations of sure, call me and okay, commie. i am joined now by one of his colleagues in the state legislature. you pointed this out and brought me to this story. how quickly did people sniff out the actual story here? >> almost immediately. it would be hilarious if this weren't an actual elected official, but this is not the first time he's done this. you have people like him frantically driving around the state looking for any bus as a sign of a threat. we saw this happen in florida. a woman posted a video following the line of yellow school buses asking questions about where these people were
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going. it was runners going to a 10k. it's just, how do you live in this paranoid universe where every single bus is a threat instead of a basketball team? >> it is interesting. i have watched -- i was looking at some data on the number one issue for republican voters and it has also been independent voters. one thing is really interesting is the economy is the really number one issue one people were frustrated with it. it has come down precipitously for republicans and even independent says the number one issue being replaced by immigration. it feels like a bait and switch. i am curious about your position in michigan a key battleground state and you are hit very hard in the great recession and had a contentious experience with covid. if you feel like there is an active desire on the part of your republican colleagues to swap out what the, sort of, source and focus of their anger is. >> i think part of that is
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right. also, just look no further than donald trump to see where this issue is. there was a bipartisan immigration reform bill in front of congress that had wide agreement until trump called gop members of congress and said don't voted through because we can't give biden a win. frankly, it is really disgusting that they would rather have this be a talking point and political weapon than to actually solve the issue. what happens is you are afraid of everything. so what will happen when there is a group of fourth-graders coming to the state capitol on a field trip and some nut job runs them off the road because they believe all of these lies because the republicans don't want to be bothered with actual solutions. >> i should note that pulling for michigan shows immigration and the economy tied along with preserving democracy as three
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of the top issues. also, maddock has a history with trump as one of the key trump whisperers or liaisons in the state. this reporting from the huffington post in 2022 that republicans from your state said there is only one way to get the former president's attention that is to know and support the gop cochair maddock and their adult children who are involved in varying degrees in political endeavors. these are not to the point fringe characters in the michigan gop. this is not just grabbing some random. this is somebody with real power in the state party. >> absolutely. sean medic is currently under investigation as one of the fall selectors in michigan and was previously the cochair of the state party. this is somebody that's heavily involved. somebody that donald trump has their personal phone numbers and calls them regularly to
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interfere in our elections and see these cadillac issues. this is not the french. this is the gop right now. i think to your point about issues that matter to michigan it is the economy, immigration, and democracy because michigan is a state where people see what is happening and they know this election is not going to be the last election and we will have a chance to vote after this year. >> i was struck by the fact that the new chair of the gop, who won this civil war battle against the kind of extremely nutty, if i can see that, maga wing. there is something about him being the sane and reasonable one and then retweeting the southern -- utterly paranoid tweet set a lot to me about what kind of hands the state gop is in. >> that is right. it's not only he retweeted it but who he retweeted it from. maddock walked so that the
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previous chair could run. he is the one who accused beyonci and just about everything else of being satanic. so this idea of returning the party of sanity, but he is still looking to them as his trump whisper. that is a bad sign for the gop. >> i love the eyes of it. not saying it is true or not just looking at it. state senator mallory mcmorrow, thank you very much. we appreciate it. still to come, even as donald trump continues to pose a wealthy -- a threat to those who don't support him his appeal to the wealthiest americans ahead. americans ahead.
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join us. together, we can give children the hope and healing they never thought possible. it's a mission powered by love, made possible by you. give today. immediately following the 2022 midterms there was reason to believe americans were finally ready to move on from president trump. a number of winnable races in key states were lost. there was a sense that some republican donors were waking up to the fact that the maga movement was leading them to electoral disaster. the dark money group club for growth spent millions on anti- trump ads during the primary as republican mega donors went searching for a new candidate. some initially backed florida governor ron desantis before his campaign flamed out in a
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spectacular and humiliating finish. new york fundraiser eric levine initially backed tim scott before switching his allegiance to nikki haley after scott dropped out. at the time he told reporters haley was the last best hope to defeat donald trump. haley proved unable to mount a serious challenge to donald trump. the primary was, as we all saw it play out, effectively over before it began. the question became, what are all the trump skeptic donors going to do? i think you can probably guess the answer. one thing before i spoil it that is supremely relevant is the trump tax cuts are going to expire in 2025. i don't think those photos are thinking about that but let me tell you rich people in corporate america are. while a second term biden administration will let those tax cuts expire, donald trump has already promised you will not just re-up them but extend them further. those were a massive multi- trillion dollar boom to large
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corporations, stockholders, extremely wealthy people. my guess is that you will see a lot of billionaires rallied to his side. we've got an early indication that has already started. eric levine, the haley backer who briefly vowed never to support donald trump just announced that due to a dramatic change in circumstances he will now support donald trump. the club for growth has also done an about-face. seeming to emerge as a new and enthusiastic trump supporter. he went to mar-a-lago and got trump to change his mind about tiktok. so don't believe how he is standing up for the working man. donald trump will unfailingly serve the financial interest of these so-called wealthy globalist looking for another tax relief.
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even if the donors look like they will close ranks around trump there's a chunk of the coalition that absolutely refuses to bend to maga. people are still coming out to vote against him in primary contests even though he's clinch the nomination. what does that say about his electoral prospects? next. l prospects? next. with nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory medicine directly at the source. voltaren, the joy of movement. [stomach growling] it's nothing... sounds like something. ♪when you have nausea, heartburn, indigestion♪ ♪upset stomach, diarrhea♪ pepto bismol coats and soothes for fast relief when you need it most. i have moderate to severe plaque psoriasis. thanks to skyrizi i'm playing with clearer skin.
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you're the republican presidential race is a done deal. donald trump is his party's presumptive nominee, and yet, hundreds of thousands of people are still coming out to vote
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against him in primary elections. nikki haley, the last serious trouble tentative dropped out of the race on march 6th. nearly two weeks later on march 19th, he received between 14 and 18% of the vote in arizona, florida, ohio, illinois, and kansas. even looking at the three most important states electorally, arizona, florida, ohio, haley got almost half 1 million votes. even ron desantis managed to secure nearly 100,000 votes in those three states. granted, some of these contests were open primaries but it remains the case that a not insignificant percentage of republican voters are simply that motivated to come out to vote against donald trump in a primary that's already been over for weeks. so for an election that will almost certainly be decided by less than 100,000 votes across a few key states, those disaffected voters could make a big difference. tim miller served as spokesman for the rnc, he's now a writer at large for the bulwark, and he joins me now. there's different schools of thought on this, and i don't
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have a strong perspective. i'm persuadable in either direction, about the significance of this. when ed kilgore wrote about this, the fact that two weeks after it was over, it's a weird thing to go vote in a primary anyway, just in terms of the normal voter. this is already highly activated voting. voting in a primary. voting in a primary that's done and dusted, doesn't matter at all, to vote for nikki haley is a next level thing. and what do you make of it? what signal is it sending? >> i think it's a minor signal, i'm in the middle. some people get really excited about it, the problem is if you look at those numbers, let's look at 17, 18% in those states. i do think a certain percentage of those folks are already biden voters. biden got 8% last time, i live in louisiana, i reregistered as a republican to vote for nikki before the deadline, and i'm
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going to turn out and vote for her, which shows your example on, i'm not going to vote in a done and dusted primary. but i think that it shows that there's a segment of never trumper, whatever that number is, four to 8% that really dislike trump. then the question is, what is that other eight, 9%? are those folks that probably didn't vote for biden last time, maybe they voted for trump, maybe they didn't vote, maybe there are the types to write in, but, are they gettable for biden? i think yes. i think that's a significant number they could offset losses biden might have, hopefully more than offset some of those losses. i think those are going to be very important voters this election, and it's significant, but maybe not quite as significant as it might seem on the face. >> i think you and i agree, it's you can't just map these goes on and say, they're going
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to lose all these votes in the general election and he's toast. clearly that's not the case. the polling and other data doesn't line up with that being the case. it does, where you and i agree, there's a big pool of gettable voters, here. the kind of voter that's doing this in a swing state, two weeks after, something is up with that. either they're, if they're not and there is some segment that are not, there's something going on, there. and to that end the biden campaign released an ad today, directed at haley voters specifically, take a listen. >> nikki haley has made an unholy alliance with rhinos, americans for no prosperity. she's sitting there, she's gone crazy, she's a very angry person. she is not presidential. i don't need votes. we have all the votes we need. she's gone haywire.
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how do you bring the nikki haley voters back in? >> i'm not sure we need to many. >> this is an actual ad by, this is not stunned web stuff, what do you think? >> well, i think we learned in 2022, we have a test case, the carry lake race where it's pretty clear, you can never know for 100%, but carry lake's telling mccain voters that she didn't want them, in a very close governor's race, that ad was put out by the campaign very late in the race, and we can't prove, what quote was the reason but it was those voters, if you look down ballot the republican treasurer on the same ticket won easily, and carry lake lost narrowly. i think this kind of stuff can make a difference on the margins of these things are close. i'm glad that the biden
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campaign is actively trying to court these voters, and doing so in a way that shouldn't turn off progresses. they're not doing it by pandering on conservative issues. it's just by saying, i actually care about you. >> i agree on both of those, one of the things that i'm getting my head around and modeling this electorate is the concentric circle model where the center of the circle which are the crawl over broken glass to vote against donald trump voters who are like, i'll vote in any election, those of the special election voters. that's you. and that's it, you're not going to go in louisiana. in the middle, you've got b, fine, you've got the zombie primary voter. then you've got the special election voter, than the primary voter, then the midterm voter, then the general election voter, then the maybe presidential maybe not even registered, and one thing that's interesting about this race is all the data we have says the people in the center,
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the most, most geared up to vote, are the most pro-biden and as you move out of the concentric circles, you get to more and more pro-trump constituencies, which creates an interesting recipe for the election in terms of turnout. >> it's the inverse of what democrats are used to, really. historically, democrats have always been like, we want more and more people and that might not be true this time. we love democracy, but technically speaking, huntsville is a great example of this, we had a special election this week in huntsville, suburbs, alabama, where the democrat outperformed 25 points what they did in the general election last time. this is not democratic coalition people that came out. these were not progressives that turned out for the special election, it was alabama suburbs and they are the people that are the most upset about trump, most upset about the culture war stuff, and the newest members of the democratic coalition, but maybe not the most but among the most excited to vote. it's the zeal of the convert stuff. i do think that