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tv   The Beat With Ari Melber  MSNBC  March 28, 2024 3:00pm-4:00pm PDT

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with xfinity. she shoots from here? that's kinda my thing.
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thank you so pruch for letting us into your homes during these truly extraordinary times. we are grateful. the beat with ari melber starts right now. welcome to "the beat." even as some convicted trump aides also threaten putin-style attacks on opponents if they actually get trump re-elected. now, this big news comes as a california judge has ruled against trump lawyer john eastman today who also separately awaits a criminal trial in georgia. and these mounting legal setbacks for eastman are significant because he was the legal mastermind and architect of key planks of the coup plots as those january 6th hearings showed. >> adopt a slate of electors yourselves. >> he started to ask me about something dealing with georgia, preserving something potentially for appeal.
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>> i don't think it's just your authority to do that, but quite frankly i think you have a duty to do that. >> did eastman admit before the president it would violate the electoral count act? >> mr. eastman acknowledged that was the case, even what he viewed as am more palatable option would violate several provisions. >> i said to him are you out of your effing mind. i only want to hear two words coming out of your mouth from now on -- orderly transition. >> orderly transition. those damning accounts came from people who generally backed donald trump's policies but did stop short of the coup eastman was plotting on trump's behalf. a judge just ruled eastman should be disbarred, dispelled from his profession as a lifelong attorney over his conduct in those plots.
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the judge citing eastman's lies and negligence rarlding the 2020 election trump lost and finding the state bar investigative unit did prove eastman conspired with trump to obstruct a lawful function of the government through the january 6th plot. eastman and another indicted trump plotter, jeffrey clark, are both at risk of losing their law licenses, and that's huge. they've already been searched by agents in the separate federal case. you can see some of that pretty dramatic and unusual footage here on your screen. being disbarred forms a warning to other lawyers who might ponder similar actions on behalf of, yes, donald trump right now but other politicians in the future. it's an important line in the sand because some anti-democracy lawyers might argue, well, if they can figure out how to do something that's not technically a felony, maybe they can go right up to that line. here we see the bar process in several states showing even it lawyers use their knowledge to
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be tricky it can stop them from practicing law ever again. for most people it is their life, a main source of revenue and a big deal and that is separate from whether they are found to have committed crimes. both of these men are presumed to be innocent legally and also await criminal trials. georgia will determine their criminal liability when they get their day in court. the other individual, jeffrey clark, who we've been covering was back in court yesterday in a separate but obviously related disbarment hearing where he just stopped the questions. >> that i will invoke the fifth as to, i will invoke executive privilege, law enforcement privilege, deliberate process privilege, and attorney-client privilege. the fifth amendment, the executive privilege, law enforcement privilege, delivery to process privilege. executive privilege and the other three and i'm taking the fifth.
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>> and the other three and i'm taking the fifth. it's almost like, hey, i've got so many reasons to be privileged. and legally he may indeed have that right. for example, one of the rights you're afforded in our constitution is that if you're facing potential prosecution and imprisonment, which is a very big deal, you cannot be forced to answer questions to provide testimony and evidence against yourself not only in that prosecution proceeding but in other related judicial and legal proceedings. so he has that right. here's the bad news, though. when you claim that right, you're only getting out of answering the question. you're not getting out of being disbarred if the evidence supports it. and you're certainly not helping your defense because if you did have words to explain clearly why you didn't commit a crime or conduct that you could be disbarred for, well, this would be the time to share it. so these officials in this process will decide whether it warrants disbarment. but there's a broader pattern here that however long it took really matters. and yes, trump has shown he likes to delay things.
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it's his first and favorite legal tactic, and sometimes we've shown ways it has worked. but the delays for these other cases have not worked. they are failing. clark and eastman join four other trump lawyers facing disciplinary action and a lot more. giuliani's law license already suspended in new york. he also faces disbarment in d.c. ellis, powal, and chesebro charged and convicted. they've already pled guilty in the georgia rico case, and that also puts pressure on their effort to ever practice law again. indeed being convicted is worse than being disbarred. so those are the lawyers. i'm showing that to you and i'm about to show you something else, but the lawyers matter extra because i can tell you before the lawyers hatched the jan 6 plot, ten years ago january 6th was not a date in american politics or history. it was not something the news covered a lot. it's not something that people looked at some extra time to do
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anything anything because of course by january 6th everything has been finished. it's been review at the state level, the court level. there's nothing left to do. which is what they did and the violence is also unconstitutional. you don't have the vice president come in and reverse the outcome of an entire national election on january 6th. never happened before, didn't work this time, not supposed to hemiin the future. show how did that get so popularized that donald trump learned about it and cared about it? because he ain't no constitutional scholar. how did all those people come that day? all of this stuff started with those lawyers. and there are many people around politics who know about politic and many people around donald trump who know about lying. but it took a relatively smallinable of lawyers to abuse their knowledge, to go beyond zealous advocacy for a client, which is fully protected, and go into something else. so that's the lawyers. they started it. they masterminded it.
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they made january 6th a thing at least for maga conspiracy theorists. but there's a whole lot of other folks, key players in trump's orbed facing accountability. we're running out of room and stamps on the chart, but we're using the chart accurately so i'll walk you through some highlights. peter navarro is the first trump white house official to actually report to prison as we discuss this news tonight. he has now been incarcerated since last week over defying jan 6 investigators. steve bannon was convicted on the same charges. if he does not get a judge to intervene, he'll also report to prison like navarro. there's an unknown and unindicted coconspiratorter jack smith referenced to the january 6th case although so far the name is not public. you see that in the lower right. there was the number one official during all this, all the way up and through january 6th in the trump white house, mark meadows.
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he is a witness in washington and he's been indicted for rico in georgia. the domino's fallen all around trump who himself we reveal here faces his own criminal trials. just if you look at the coup, put aside classified documents, put aside the new york business issues or the civil fraud case. just on the coup, he has two indictments and the daj case could still go to trial before the election depending on what the supreme court does and other things. prosecutors want those trials even amidst the packed election year, the argument being the further to the right these trials go is not because of prosecutors, it's because of trump and the delay tactic, so you can't simultaneously delay things and drag them out for a year and complain they are close to election when you or the defendant made them close to election, that at least is the legal argument. i will restate again trump like those other defendants i mention, though, in each of those trials is legally presumed innocent until prosecutors carry the burden, if they can, of
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proving a defendant guilty. now, is that it? no. there are other people facing other forms of accountability over these related lies. take kari lake, a maga election denier not even contesting claims she defamed an election worker in arizona. she's just waiting to see how much money she has to pay. giuliani has now filed for bankruptcy and owes over $140 million for his election defamation, again, against people with far less power and money than him. although when this is all done and over, if he's fully bankrupt, he may have managed through his defamatory lies to have traded places with some of those people. take fox news which resisted airing live interviews with former president trump this year, that is a result of their record breaking $780 million defamation case also linked to and became sort of precursor to
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several people being ousted from lou dobbs to ultimately tucker carlson. take it all together you're getting out of the m's and into the b's, a billion dollar defamation problem as "the washington post" put it. or as the rapper future remarked sometimes you've got to effup some commas and a billion is a lot of commas. that's just some of the election punishment around some of these lies. whether you like or dislike fox, the legal realities, the pressure with them as a company as a board and investors and other liabilities is they've changed some of their approach to some of the known liars. so that is a type of response. some people would say it's a type of course correction. if it's not on everything, it's on a few things. but other people closer to trump including trump himself are
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promising the opposite. take mr. bannon who, of course, had a white house position. you may recall we interviewed him once on this very program. he could easily be on trump's short list for a very powerful role in any new administration after all he had the number one role of campaign chair in '16. he served in the white house at a high level. he and trump had falling out but got back together because trump ultimately used pardoning powers for him. mr. bannon is very publicly telling his viewers he plans if he can to be a part of a trump second term where political prosecutions against democrats are on the table, where a putin-style effort of going after opponents for what they might have done an honest investigation but just who they are and a political attack. meaning he basically says democrats will be imprisoned in any second trump term. >> the evening after we've won, the accountability project's going to start, and it's going to be thorough this time. it's going to be they're going
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to be in prison. yes, prison. >> quote, they're going to be in prison, yes, prison. that is a sign to send a message to wake people up, to scare people, to instill fear. it's all in public, right? if it were just a private plan, you might send private messages and write up private blue prints. that's a secretive approach. this is something that looks more like at least an attempt at an aspect of the putin play book where the use in singling out of government power against your opponents doesn't just take them off the table or as it sometimes has been in russia, worse, but it also sends a message to everybody else maybe you don't want to be associated in that, you don't want to be involved in that. you want to go back and live your life and avoid being grouped in with this group of people mr. bannon says are going to be in, quote, yes, prison. usually, traditionally in american politics in either
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party if people who worked at the white house at that level, i'm not talking about the random loud gadflies, bud random people if your boss said to them are you going to pull a putin and go after opponents in free speech because they're in a different party people would say no, no, never. and here we have the opposite. yes, yes, count on it. a putin admission by a would-be putin movement here in america. we're going to get into how this works and what the authoritarian blueprints are with historian and authoritarian expert when we come back in just 90 seconds. ck in just 90 seconds
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investing him again with the power of the presidency would be an existential threat to the survival of the republic. >> liz cheney with a warning there about a trump second term, and why our history professor joins us now. i walked through mump of the accountability happening as well as the warnings from steve bannon. your thoughts. >> yeah. so it's really important that we're -- there's this pushing back and showing others that their behavior can be held accountable, for example, through things that will hit them like disbarment because, you know, autocracy is about legalized lawlessness.
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and that's why you need people who have no ethics and no morals and often are criminals to serve in your government. and these are people who are actively pardoned sometimes. that's why they use pardons to free up those people for service. so what we've been seeing, though, with trump's, you know, white collar accomplices is a kind of moral and ethical collapse, a total collapse. and it starts when you have somebody like trump. this is why liz cheney is saying he's an existential threat because trump is somebody who has no morals and is highly transactional. and he encourages people and rewards people for being their worst selves, for showing contempt for democratic norms of accountability, for conflict of interest. and so then they can -- they can start to feel as though they are protected. they will have as long as
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they're in the charmed circle of donald trump. you see where he was angry in his mug shot but it was a little bit he couldn't believe this was happening to him. and then you have that kind of moral and ethical collapse among large swaths of the white class, white collar criminals they become. you can engineer a kind of delegitimation of democracy and open contempt that stretches to the courts. you have justice thomas who refuses to recuse. and what he's saying by not recusing is that he doesn't feel he can be held accountable by conflicts of interests. so it's a very large moral problem we're facing. >> yeah, and justice thomas is basically beyond the reach of current systems. so you'd have to reform the system. many of the other lawyers as noted or not will put back up in a moment the image from our break down of the lead story of all the standoffs because it really is piling up.
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i understand both the fatigue and seps of what's happening. we'll leave this up for a moment, ruth, and talk about it. here's some of what's happening. that's a lot of stamps you see up there. >> it is. and each one sending a message to other people there will be consequences and this massive delegitimation of our rule of law, of a conflict of interest, of all the norms of democracy will not succeed. and it goes all the way to the top where this is why the gop fund-raiser in kansas they were encouraging people to beat up an effigy of biden and of course the taboos that were broken with january 6th which was an attack on congress themselves. all members of congress had to run for their lives. this moral collapse it starts
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small. we have the remember the first trump presidency for 10 or 11 people in the white house ignore the hatch act and bannon and others ignoring subpoenas up to conspiring to overthrow the government. >> we've kind of covered both sides of the proverbial continue here including scrutiny in the bar proceedings. professor, thank you for joining us tonight. >> it's always a pleasure. >> absolutely. i want to turn to some something pretty unusual in politics. we have the first pictures coming in at radio city music hall in new york city. this is footage i should note that is directly across the street from msnbc headquarters in new york. boy, it is on lock down. and the reason is three presidents are coming together, biden and obama arriving in new yo just earlier today. bill clinton will be there, so that's three together. and there is this debate going within the democratic party about how you tap all this
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energy at a time when trump, of course, has his own problems and what it means to tap sort of the best and strongest parts of the democratic coalition. take two people who have been around it rob riner and our friend political strategist james carville going at it. take a look. >> you said you wish there'd be an open convention like the old-fashioned days where they broker and find a candidate. and that was a little upsetting to me. >> i don't think people really appreciate how bad biden's poll numbers are. when you look at them it's like walking in on your grandmother naked, you can't unsee it no matter how hard you try. >> how bad is it? can it get better? look who's here in person, james carville when we come back. pers carville when we come back try dietary supplements from voltaren for healthy joints. the virus that causes shingles is sleeping... in 99% of people over 50.
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preparations and the safety as the nypd and others and big trucks are all there to protect radio city music aul. but who needs a president when you've got a guy who gets presidents elected. james carville as promised is our special guest. we begin of course on what we saw today. i want to show this real quick. president biden and former president obama reunited, walking down on their arrival to new york. the former president you worked for, bill clinton, will also be there. the biden campaign tonight just released this photo. this is according to the biden campaign the first image from what will be a pretty unusual night. sometimes you see them for big funerals and other things. biden is of course leaning on the democratic -- i should say predecessors the ap reports while trump is isolated from other republican presidents and much of the leadership of the united states government past and present. and really there aren't a lot of republican presidents that want
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to be with him. the biden campaign says they're going to raise as much $25 million in a single night. in what has become a cash crunch and these three presidents have of course a rich history between them. >> and then you've got president clinton who made the case only he can. after he spoke somebody sent out a tweet. they said you should appoint him secretary of explaining stuff. the single best decision that i have made was selecting joe biden as my running mate. >> by the way, after last night i want a man who had the good sense to marry michelle obama. >> a quick reminder -- >> vote. >> barack obama.
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>> i've been keeping the first lady waiting for about half an hour, so i'm going to take off. >> please go. >> you're in good hands. >> thank you, vice president biden -- vice president -- that was a joke. >> that was the joke there because that was after they changed places so to peek. james carville is here. good to see you. >> good to see you. an exciting time to be in manhattan. >> yeah, across the street. what does it mean to have these three together for the democratic party? >> it's historic. and i think the party is starting to gel and come together. i don't think president bush would rather be around donald
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trump. i think it's important for people to see this and i think it's important for people to start having some democratic unity here. >> you mention unity. that's not something the republicans have right now. they did replace their speaker and said we've got our guy in, it's going to be different. i want to play a bit of mtg. take a listen. >> i filed a motion to vacate today, but it's more of a warning than a pink slip. take our time and find a new speaker of the house that will stand with republicans and our republican majority instead of standing with the democrats. >> have you ever seen anything like this and will it matter in november or will it get sort of clouded out? >> i'm highly critical of mike jauntsen, but seeing her like -- okay, i don't agree with you on anything. but the way they're just jumping all over this guy is
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unbelievable. and in his defense he's got a one or two vote margin. but this ukraine bill has got to get moving. there's a lot of stuff that's got to get done and people like congresswoman greene want to stand in the way of it. i think the public doesn't like it. >> do you think democrats can get more out of this? there's a lot of talk you only have a few more months of even possible legislating and then you're in the thick of the campaign. >> it's not just can the democrats get through it, can the ukrainians get through it, the polish get through it to, the romanians get through it. and, you know, this is terrible thing to say, but putin -- there are people in the united states congress that are pro-putin. to me -- to me that's treasonous. it's what it is.
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let's call what it is what it is. and you're seeing that. and i think i might disagree with mike johnson on everything you can imagine -- >> we showed you and rob talking about the polling for the president. i want to play a little clip what you told us when you had these concerns about biden. take a look. >> we need help. i'm not sugarcoating this thing at all. we're not at an advantageous position right now. we're going to have a hard time replicating the 2020 coalition particularly among under 30 and nonwhite. for president biden to come back and win this thing, we're going to have do better with middle roaders, swing voters. >> do you feel the same way? do you think the "state of the union" changed anything? >> i do think that the polling has gotten a little bit better, that i do. but we're not going to replicate
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the 2020 coalition. most people think we're going to lose hispanic males. the young black males have become so disengaged from this process that -- and it's happened rapidly. and that does. that's a great concern for me. i think president biden could win the election, but i think in terms of identifying each party as you go forward, it -- the male detachment in the united states is a significant problem particularly among what we would call non. white males. >> yeah, and joe biden who feels a historic attachment and has talked about that isn't right now finding any evidence we can see great enthusiasm especially among black and brown voters. you mention the gender dynamic. not everyone has fought in every local race like you are.
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alabama is big. let's take a look. >> marilyn lands has just won the house district seat in alabama. >> reliably red district in north alabama turning blue in a special house election. >> she made reproductive rights a center piece of her campaign. >> it's a victory tonight for women, for families, for alabama in general. >> people are very excited to see marilyn's win tonight. >> a lot of this is people value their freedoms in the south, in the midwest, anywhere in the country. >> two questions. why'd she win by 25 points in alabama, and is it replicable for your party in other places? >> so we've been winning everywhere. we're going to do a lot better in florida in 2024 than anyone thinks, but we can revisit that at another point. but people -- you look at the supreme court, i hope president biden and democrats make this
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initiative. the disapproval of the supreme court among under 35 is 74%. so maybe we can't say to you -- we can talk you into being excited. but what you better be excited about if they get in there, they're going to appoint somebody 40 years old, going to limit every right you have, give the store away to the corporations. this court never rules against corporations. it never rules in favor of individual rights. so i do think that the court can be a motivator to get some of those disengaged under 35 non-white voters back into this election because we need them. we're not getting them at all. >> can you get that marilyn lands style topic, that energy in other places? >> people like that would say -- steve kornacki. this might be we don't know, it's a one-off thing.
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obviously there's a lot of energy in the party. what's going to happen in the general election we're not sure. and my response to that is it can't be bad. if you're winning every election -- we haven't lost an election since kansas. i think these election results around the country are encouraging. you know we win in -- that race in alabama she won by 25. that was a 50-50, maybe a slightly red but it was huntsville there's a lot of educated people in that part of alabama. that's not typical of the rest of the state. >> and the third party issue? >> so the bobby kennedy thing -- i actually think bobby kennedy might hurt trump more than he hurts -- >> it's funny you say that. we had one headline in politico say rfk is a spoiler but for
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who? >> 30% of the country are just like "f" the whole thing. and biden is not going to get any of the "f" it all vote. so i think there's something -- what worries me is cornell west and jill stein because they're going to get some of the "f" it all vote, too. >> cornell, he has almost as many movie cameos himself as you do. >> he's a part of this corporate doo wop and all the same thing. he's got some charm jill stein never had, but he's -- i don't see him getting a whole lot of votes, but i see the possibility he's going to take something out of our hide. and the big question is no labels. it looks like people are not
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standing in line -- actually governor christie, a friend of mine said thanks but no thanks. senator leiberman -- but they're having their issues too. let's wait and see. i think no labels and certain candidates would be -- >> i have more for you. i also can't help but notice i don't know why we always end up on fashion with you, but you are dressed up more than usual. is that because we're in person or you're in the city? >> i'm in the city and i'm going to dinner tonight. i like to take a shower once a month. >> once a month, yeah. >> it's kind of fun to be in studio with you. so, yeah, i'm dressed up a little bit. >> if people say you're part alligator, so i'm happy you're going to dinner than being had for dinner. >> yes. you're at the table or on the
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did bill clinton go to moscow, are two pages missing from his passport? >> why are you asking did he go to moscow? what difference did it make. in 1970 bill clinton went to moscow, okay? >> what did he do there? >> how the hell do i know.
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you know we got six more days to go and don't forget who the real enemy is in here and don't forget what we're really campaigning against. thank y'all very much. >> grass roots campaigning with james carville. you remember that? >> oh, god, do i. i remember it all. i said at least i was on message when i was talking. >> you were on message, unapologetic, helped launch bill clinton to the white house at a time he had a lot of head winds against him. now he's across the street with the other two presidents. has politics fundamentally changed since then, are the fundamentals the same biden needs a clear energizing message it's about the future, not the past or is it different? >> it will never change. politics there's one view the clin tonian view, which i've learned and subscribed to. politics is a game of addition and multiplication. there is rigid people who say
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politics is a game of substraction and division. all right, we want to win with our coalition, no, we want to win the most votes. that's what this is about. i've been pretty vocal male voters are actually 48% is female voters, about 52-48. but you want to bring everybody you possibly can into your coalition. and when you have a coalition, there's difficulty in it. some people you're going to disagree with. but, you know, the good news is we're doing better with my demographic, older voters. >> older voters who like joe biden and relate to him. >> i was talking to a friend of mine a pollster going to put this question in are you or anyone in your family dealing with diabetes. and the number is going to be high. and biden's insulin price
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controls are enormously popular with a certain demographic, i promise you. diabetes is a terrible disease and it's very prevalent all over the country. >> and you're talking about gender and you read my mind. i like james carville, i got to know you here for a min, but then you've upset a lot of people at least with the way you put it. i didn't tell you i was going to ask you. here's a quote. a suspicion of mine, james carville, quote, there's too many preachy females. this is not good for you. the message you went onto say is, quote, too feminine. aoc among others have pushed back basically saying that you're not helping, that you're wrong to say preachy females, that you're trafficking in something. and she said if you want to spend your time like this maybe you should just start a podcast and join what is, you know,
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potentially other uninformed bro-style podcasts. are you doing addition when you put it that way? what is your response to her criticism? >> obviously it was premeditated. i knew what i was saying. by the way, how many times do you watch a panel on this network and the key vote is going to be the women's vote, no, it's suburban women. when have i ever heard someone say male votes is pretty important here, that's 48% of the leelectorate. again, i'm a believer in addition and multiplication. not biden, but i think some democratic vapors are far too metropolitan and far too condescending to people. >> i understand that, but you didn't just say -- you said too feminine. >> it comes to cost. if you listen to msnbc or you
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listen to npr, i'm sorry, that is what you hear. and there is this whole thing about -- you see that in focus groups particularly with young males of color. i just want to go home, you know i work 8 hours a day, you know, at the tire store and i want to drink beer and watch football. >> are you talking about branding, though? you're saying this is alienating as a brand? because you support women's rights and -- >> i went to kansas, i think i was the only national democrat in kansas to campaign -- >> on that issue, yeah. >> but what i'm trying to say is that you got to -- the way it comes to cost is it's -- we use these words disaster and this latinx foolishness, this defund the police foolishness, it really caused damage to the party brand. i'm sorry, it just did. and, you know, sometimes i -- it's going to surprise you.
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sometimes i go out on a limb and say provocative things, but what i was trying to do is bring attention to the fact we're losing males. you know what, i succeeded. i'll get some heat for it. i don't care. >> that's your response, i wapted to press you on it, also. i wanted to quote aoc and she's welcome to come on here. >> actually i would have her on my podcast. >> she used the term per joratively. our thanks. we'll be right back with larry david's rebuke of donald trump. it's pretty good. f donald trump it's pretty good enter nucala. it isn't your rescue treatment and it's not a steroid. it's an autoinjector you can do at home. just once a month. nucala targets and reduces eosinophils and helps your symptoms. think less asthma attacks... less need for oral steroids... less asthma-related hospital visits. nucala is a once-monthly add-on injection for severe eosinophilic asthma. nucala is not for sudden breathing problems.
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can't go a day without thinking about what he's done to this country. because he's such a little baby that he's thrown 250 years of democracy out the window by not accepting the results. i mean, it's so crazy. he's such a sociopath, so insane. he just couldn't admit to losing. >> larry david on donald trump's damage to democracy and how it was driven by trumpian pettiness, david making those remarks in a new chris wallace interview. now david's curb your enthusiasm is in its final season. featured what you see here, a pretty topical parody of the trump mugshot this season. and next week, i'll be interviewing larry at hbo's new york offices in an event marking this final season of the iconic show. there's no news broadcast of
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that discussion. it's not national news but i will share pictures online, just as we share other highlights online. many "beat" viewers engage and respond to that media from social media to the most popular median we see users use, youtube. we can announce "the beat" just hit a huge milestone of 1.5 billion total views online. viewers like you have powered us to these 1.5 billion views. this week, the news outlet reported on this little milestone and noted the good engagement. so i did want to share that with you and say thanks to those of you who watch on tv or online. or we publish some of what airs here and also exclusive and additional stuff like we shared extra parts from that new eric holder interview. that's available only on msnbc youtube, plus the other extended series and digital exclusives and other items from the culture you may recognize.
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>> not fraudulent electors, alternate electors. >> it's vital to smdz to prevent it from happening in the future. >> we had over 100 congressmen and senators ready to implement the sweep. >> do you realize you're describing a coup? >> no. >> only news show with a lighter. >> only news show with a lighter. >> thank you very much. >> you're one of ours, brother. >> kamala harris is -- >> almost done with this interview. >> i'm the original beatnik on your show. >> another friend, too, ari. >> don't show cbs. >> get close to mike. >> come on. >> wait, wait. >> this is ending toxic masculinity right here. >> like they said, don't worry if i write rhymes. >> i write checks. >> that's it. >> that's it, the news is not just some popularity contest but
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we work hard on all this. i wanted to share the moment with you and again thank you for watching and supporting our work and making it popular culture. if you're not into the web, that's fine. meet us here at 6:00 p.m. eastern. if you want to check out some of the extra stuff, visit and bookmark it goes right to our youtube page with the latest videos. you can watch for free. it's a quick way to grab something you san on "the beat." share it with them or your kids. or grandkids. so again, thank you. and that does it for us. "the reidout" with joy reid is up next. kes trading easier. with its customizable options chain, easy-to-use tools and paper trading to help sharpen your skills, you can stay on top of the market from wherever you are. e*trade from morgan stanley power e*trade's easy-to-use tools make complex trading less complicated.
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4:00 pm
tonight on "the reidout" -- >> and i certainly have policy disagreemented with the biden administration. i know the nation can survive bad


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