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tv   The Last Word With Lawrence O Donnell  MSNBC  March 26, 2024 10:00pm-11:00pm PDT

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organization. people who undermine democracy should not work at an institution that seek to preserve it. the man the boss of all of us, nbc universal chairman confirmed she would not be an nbc news contributor either. no organization he says can succeed in less it is cohesive and aligned. it is important to speak up when we feel like the right thing was done. companies make mistakes. sometimes very big ones. sometimes very publicly. what matters in the end is how they correct them and from what we see, looks like our company listened to us, to you, and did
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what was right. that is our show for tonight. the last word with ali velshi who is in for lawrence o'donnell starts right now. today, the 2024 presidential campaign, the republican nominee donald trump was hit with a new gag order ahead of his criminal trial in manhattan next month. that bans him from attacking witnesses, court staff. potential jurors. defendant donald trump is a threat. his statements were threatening, inflammatory. a sufficient risk to the administration of justice and there exists no less restrictive means to prevent such risks. that is what was going on with the presumptive republican nominee for president. thingsare a little different on the democratic side. president biden and vice president harris spent today talking health care in north
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carolina where medicaid was expanded last year through the affordable care act. >> donald trump and his maga fans are nothing if not persistent. they tried today repeal it 50 times. not a joke. 50 times they tried to repeal it. we stopped them every time. they wanted to get rid of the affordable care act again. but i have news for them. we are going to stop them again. today, 100 million americans no longer will be denied health insurance because of preexisting season whether you get your insurance through aca or not. nearly 25 million low income adults have obtained medicate coverage because of aca including 400,000 right here in north carolina because of roy cooper. >> four years ago, joe biden lost to donald trump in north carolina by just 1.3%. the biden harris campaign is fighting to win the state this
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time around. north carolina became the 40th state to expand medicaid after our next guest, the democratic governor roy cooper, signed the legislation into law. now, when you consider the veto proof republican super majorities in north carolina you might get the impression that it is a red state. but in 2020, democrat roy cooper won 76,000 more votes than donald trump did in north carolina in that election. governor cooper by the way is term limited. the north carolina republicans have nominated maybe the most extreme candidate in the country for governor. the current lieutenant governor, mark robinson. he wants to repeal the affordable care act. quote, i just want repeal. when it comes to insurance health care, the federal government can kick rocks. end quote. mark robinson has been endorsed
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by donald trump. >> this is martin luther king on steroids. i told that to mark. i said i think you're better than martin luther king. i think you are martin luther king times two. >> donald trump actually called mark robinson who has a history of spreading islamophobic, antisemitic, antiwomen, antilgbtq rhetoric, martin luther king on steroids. they wrote they will want us to forget who he really is. in a 2014 facebook post, he claimed he was doing whatever history book in america does because quote they all quote him end quote. he has said acceptance of gay people will lead to the accept pans of pedophilia and compared
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lgbtq people to maggots and demeaned muslims and said trans people should be arrested or use the bathroom outdoors. he spread the birtherrism conspiracy theory about barack obama. he calls abortion murder despite that being a choice he and his wife made. martin luther king on steroids indeed. north carolina has a 12 week abortion ban. it was a policy that was vetoed by governor cooper until the republican led legislature overrode his veto. vice president kamala harris said this in north carolina. >> across our nation, extremists attack our access to health care. they have passed laws that criminalize doctors and punish women and threaten doctors and nurses with prison time simply
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for providing reproductive care. laws that make no exception for rape or incest. the result is a health care crisis with real harm. >> joining us now is the governor of north carolina, governor roy cooper. good to see you, thank you for being with us. you and i talked the day after you made an impassioned speech to the state in front of a group of supporters but intended for republicans to say don't do this. don't do this. you are going to do real harm. the fact is the population of north carolina is on your side as it relates to abortion rights. but the republicans did it anyway. >> every single republican voted to override my veto. every single democrat voted to
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sustain it. even republicans who promised they wouldn't do it. that shows you we just cannot believe them. many republicans are so extreme they are trying to moderate a little bit. but we cannot believe them because every single one of them voted that way. look this is happening all across the country. women's reproductive freedom is under attack. we saw it in the supreme court today. clearly, they are just going after women's reproductive freedom in every way that they can possibly think of. that is why it is so important for us to defeat candidates like mark robinson here in north carolina with a great democratic nominee. and that is why we have to elect joe biden and kamala harris. you know, they will put roe v. wade into federal law if we can get a congress that would send them a bill. they were here today, there is no better place than north
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carolina for them to come than to celebrate health care. we already have a million people on the affordable care act. we expanded medicaid in a bipartisan way, now we are signing up about a thousand people a day. these are our child care workers, these are people who look after our seniors and donald trump and his people like him want to take it away. candidates like him want to take the health care card right out of the hands of people who have just gotten it here. we have to stop them. >> i lost count of the number of times republican tried to repeal and replace obama care over the years. in the end, they are still running on that. and no one came up with something better. i think we can all acknowledge everything can be done better but that is not what republicans were trying to do. this is kind of like the southern border issue. this is kind of like
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reproductive rights or ivf in alabama. it is not clear what the goal is other than to be disruptive. >> there is nothing to replace. every single time they talk about getting rid of health care, the southern border, here we had legislation that was the strongest border protection ever. and republicans because it didn't fit their political narrative and trump wanted to keep this issue alive for the campaign, they pulled out of this agreement. and that is the way they operate. they are going for power. and, they are not paying attention to the real issues faceing the people of north carolina and the people across the country. so, we are going to work very hard. i think the road to presidency
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runs through north carolina. our statewide candidates have nominated people like mark robinson and dan bishop who is part of the boebert gaetz marjorie taylor greene cabal. they nominated someone as superintendent in public schools who home schools her children and took them to the january 6th at the capitol. that is the kind of republican lineup in north carolina and we believe we can get a massive turnout in north carolina for president biden for our slate of democratic candidates and turn north carolina blue in 2024. we are working hard and we are glad to see the president and vice president today. we are a targeted state and we will continue to work hard to ensure this election preserves our democracy.
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preserves women's reproductive freedom. preserves the opportunity for people to get health care because i think that is what everyday americans care about right now. >> we have a piece of new ins here. marilynlands has just won the house district seat in alabama. on a platform. she is a democrat. on a platform of repealing alabama's no exception abortion plan. for those of us who don't understand how north carolina works, why is it that statewide, a guy like you got more votes than donald trump that donald trump did in 2020 yet at the same time, you have a veto proof majority in your state houses? what is the thing we have to understand that puts mark robinson in play given that the things he stands for stand in stark contrast to what people in north carolina want particularly as it relates to
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things like abortion rights? >> the first thing is technologically diabolical gerrymandering. we had broken the super majority and every single one of my vetoes held. i think when you have a lower profile race like lieutenant governor, it was in a presidential year a lieutenant governor's race cannot get very much attention. people are finding out who mark robinson is now and i believe that people in north carolina do not want to go back football fields the days of the culture war. remember, i got elected when we were walking through the rubble of the bathroom bill battlefield that was wrong in and of itself but also hurt our state economically.
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we got that repealed. now you have mark robinson who wants to go back to the culture war. donald trump plays into that narrative as well. i think people are tired of it. i think particularly now, with this assault on women's reproductive freedom, when you add that to the anti-lgbtq, when you add that to the jerking away health care, then the positives they have done. making one of the best investments in infrastructure. all of that is positive. we will talk about that and we will take it to the republicans as well. >> i want to bring you back to comment about the bathroom bill. there is a letter from the connecticut democrats who wrote to the department of development to attract businesses from north carolina in the event that mark robinson
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is elected. waneswages are up. gdp is strong. it is going in the right direction. it is a bad time for a state, particularly north carolina, but any state, to come up with things that are going to cause businesses who need to keep their employees happy because it is hard to get employees these days, it is a bad time to be making those kinds of decisions about abortion and about gay rights and things like that. >> why would we make the decisions that would turn people away? we are not going to let mark robinson. they can stay away. >> governor, thank you for being with us. governor roy cooper of north carolina. all right, coming up today, the same supreme court that overturned roe v. wade heard arguments challenging access to the abortion drug mifepristone. up next, neil who argued dozens of cases before the supreme court to discuss what we learned about how the court may
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today, the solicitor general of the united states explained the damage that would be done to american women if the court limited access to the abortion pill mifepristone. >> rolling back fda's changes would restrict access to mifepristone with no safety justification. some women could be forced to undergo more invasive surgical abortions. others might not be able to access the drug at all. and all of this would happen at the request of plaintiffs who have no injury of their own. >> in oral arguments today, the same supreme court overturned roe v. wade appeared poised to reject the challenge limits access to mifepristone. a drug approved by the fda over 20 years ago that is now used in over 60% of abortions nationwide. the plaintiffs in this case fda
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versus alliance for hippocratic medicine are a group of anti- abortion doctors and organizations. they are challenging policy changes the fda made in 2016 and 2021 which made the drug easier to obtain through telemedicine and in the mail. before the change, only specialitiesed doctors could prescribe it and in person. the pill used to require multiple doctor visits. now, today, both liberal and conservative justices expressed skepticism over whether the anti-abortion doctors bringing this lawsuit had sufficient legal standing given that they suffered no direct harm when changes by the fda made the abortion pill more easily available. >> under federal law, no doctors can be forced against their consciences to perform or assist in an abortion.
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correct? >> the difficulty is these affidavits read more like the conscientious objection is strictly to actually participating in the abortion to end the life of the embryo or fetus. i don't either to say they ever participated in that. >> reporter: other justices questioned whether restricting access to the abortion pill was overly broad. >> why can't the court specify that this relief runs to precisely the parties before the court? as opposed to looking to the agency in general and saying agency, you can't do this anywhere. >> do we have to also entertain your argument that no one else in the world can have this drug or no one else in america should have this drug in order to protect your clients? >> this case seems like a prime example of turning what could
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be a small lawsuit into a nationwide legislative assembly on an fda rule or any other federal action. >> the justice highlighted the case this could open a pandora's box of challenges to fda approverred drug . >> to the government's knowledge, this case marks the first time and i'm going to say is it is first time it is the only time, any court has restricted access to an fda approverred drug by second guessing their exper judgment about the conditions required to assure that drug safe use. is it still the only time? >> that is still to our knowledge the only time a court has done that. >> there is a lot to get to here. joining us is neil, a former acting u.s. solicitor. he is a professor at georgetown law. the host of the podcast.
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court side with neil. thanks for being here. there are a couple of interesting legal issues here. one is standing the. why is that issue. let's start with that. what is the issue around standing because it is not, it doesn't speak to anything underlying about mifepristone or abortion necessarily. it is about whether this case is valid. >> yeah. it is good to see you. and before answering that, i just want to disclose i'm unabashedly against this lawsuit. and indeed, my law partner argued the case brilliantly. all the advocates, all three of them. there are two issues in the case. one is this doctrine of standing that you are asking about. and that essentially asks who can come in to federal court and file a federal lawsuit?
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the second is the merits. did the fda think of science and safety. much of the argument as you highlighted was about standing. and, basically, they said there are these seven doctors that have conscientious objections and it might be the case that at some point one of the doctors' patients will take mifepristone and it might be that might cause a side effect like a headache and that might cause that person to go to the emergency room. and if that person goes to the emergency room, it might be that that person will need to be treated and if that treatment is necessary, it might be that one of these seven doctors is the person treating it. that is a ridiculous chain of causation. i don't think it worked in the supreme court today. justices on both the left and the right wings of the court just expressed massive skepticism about this. and so i think that is where the case will be decided.
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>> to the second part, the issue of judges and science. mr. is an exchange on this. and i want to play for our viewers this exchange that begins. begins with justice ketanji brown jackson. >> do you have concerns about judges parsing medical and scientific studies? >> yes your honor, i think we have significant concerns about that. you have a district court that among other things relied on one study that was an analysis of anonymous blog posts. you have another set of studies that he relied on that were not in the administrative record and would never be because they post date the fda decisions here. they have since been retracted for lack of scientific rigor and misleading presentations of data. those source of errors can
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infect judicial analyses. judges are not expert ins statistics or in the methodology used for scientific studies for clinical trials. it is relevant to a lot of cases making it to the supreme court these days. the idea that agencies of specialists headed by people approvalled by the united states senate are not to be trusted with the things that fall into their expertise. but that should be adjudicated in the court or determined by congress. that could lead to a mess in the way government runs. it would be unprecedented in the modern developed world. but there are a lot of people think that should be the case. courts and congress souled make these decisions. >> that's almost all exactly right. it cannot be the case that as a
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individual doctor afraid that your patient will have a side effect. stopping this from being sold nationwide or prescribed nationwide. this case didn't belong in the united states supreme court. it was a dead loser every day of every week. it was just because of some rather extreme rulings by some judges that forced this case to go up to the supreme court. and as ms. ellsworth said, retracted studies. this was not the way federal judges ordinarily behave. and so it was dismaying and i think the most important worry about a case like this is that if it did go forward, then it is, if it is mifepristone today, it could be who knows what drug tomorrow. that is not a way to run the government or a society. >> we didn't cherry pick those quotes that we showed you at
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the beginning of the segment. there did seem to be broad skepticism across the political spectrum from a number of the justices about both the merits of the case and the process. by which it was brought to the supreme court. and the standing. >> that is exactly right. i have seen more than 500 cases there at the court. normally, it is difficult to tell what the justices are going to do. sometimes it is pretty easy. obviously anything could happen. there was a wide consensus on both sides of the court and the middle of the court that this challenge had to fail. that it just didn't have merit and that the people trying to raise it just didn't have a claim to walk in to federal court in the first place so i expect a swift decision that maybe 8-1 or 9-0 against these challengers to the mifepristone drug. and you know, i think that the
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good shot is that mifepristone will be safe and available to be used by women the way the fda has prescribed it to be used. and this challenge is going nowhere good to see you as always. coming up, for decades there has been no limit to the number of products that donald trump was willing to slap his name on every time in all caps and colored gold. all in order to make a buck. steaks, vodka, ties, lamps, a fake university that got him sued. a board game, even vitamins and supplements that were supposedly tailored to your individual needs after you sent in this trump branded urine test to a lab to analyze. seriously. but trump's latest grift will surprise those of you who didn't know you could be surprised when it comes to donald trump. s to donald trump.
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donald trump, the grifter in chief has been known to put his name on anything that gives him fast cash, then flop. trump steaks, vodka, the game, sneakers. and now, trump bible. just one day after comparing his civil fraud libel self to jesus, donald trump in honor of holy week of course is hawking trump endorsed bibles. a low rent and shameless move nor the not so low price of
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$59.99. the new york times citing the person familiar with the details of the business quoted that donald trump would receive some form of royalties from the project. he announced his product on so- called truth social that made its stock market debut under trump media technology group after merging with a shell company whose largest shell holder is the firm owned by the republican billionaire and megadonor jeffrey yass. let's go through that one more time. a gop billionaire's trading firm, a shell company that merges with trump's social media site, potentially delivering a massive financial windfall fur trump in the middle of a crash crunch but who might be the next president of the united states. things that make you go hmm. trump now owns 60% of the new trump media company or roughly $78 million a share. a stake that is on paper at
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this hour worth $4.6 billion. stock prices generally are not invented out of thin air. they are supposed to bear some relationship to what a company earned in the past or potentially will earn. except this one doesn't. not even close. the evaluation of trump media simply doesn't come anywhere close to matching its actual business performance. an sec filing shows that trump's social media site earned about $3.4 million in revenue and lost $49 million in the first nine months of 2023. like all trump grifts including his new meme stock, there is sure to be an epilogue. joining me now is someone who crunched the number on this. my colleague and friend stephanie ruhle. host of the 11th hour. she is also in her spare time an nbc news senior business analyst. >> can i say something? >> yeah. >> we are used to ari quoting
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famous hip hop rap artists. you just quoted cnc music factory with things that make you go hmm and i love you for that. and you started with janky. you did both of those things as a gift to me so we can already end the segment now. >> it's rare you and i get to sit and talk about this. >> what a treat. >> i say you sent a note out to everybody trying to explain the evaluation of this trump company. so put that aside one second. trump has more money than it would be worth. there is something else to it. and we were talking about this pennsylvania billionaire who is also a big shareholder in byte dance. which is the parent company of tiktok. which donald trump for a hot second was against and wanted to ban. >> and then jeff yass made his way to mar-a-lago, saw donald trump and voila. donald trump said you know what? i think i like tiktok. so, jeff yass backing this is, it is not complicated.
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here is a megamillionaire. one of the richest guys in the country. the richest man in pennsylvania. now the biggest backer of the shell company merged with donald trump's company. right there, boom. one could say he is trying to curry a favor. so he is not a traditional investor. it is what is known as an options trading firm. it is a derivative's house. when a lot of us look at this company and say this makes no sense. yeah, we will lend donald trump money against the stock. because, when you look at the company, oh, all it does is lose money. it has a tiny amount of advertising revenue. it has absolutely no features. right? any social media company that has gone public has some sort of innovation. this company does not. but the way yass invests, yes, he is going to back this company which is going to certainly help donald trump. hoping that donald trump will win. but even if he doesn't, i am
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sure this guy has this position hedged in six different ways that it is not nearly as big of a loss as one would think. >> right. so, what do you call it? if you are donald trump, the sec is looking at everything you do. so it is likely not illegal at this point. jeff yass is just the ceo of a company that is an investor in a shell firm that merged with this. it does feel like influence peddling. >> absolutely. and one could say that buying up shares of this stock is basically like unregulated ways to be a huge donor to donald trump. but guess what? you might not like it. it might feel yucky and like a grift but at the end of the day, he might be the luckiest guy threading this needle and it might work out for him. now, donald trump can't sell his shares in this company. at one point today, they were worth $6 billion. at the end of the day, 4.5 billion. he is not in a position to sell
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yet. he has is six month lockup unless he gets a waiver. once he sells, he is the biggest shareholder. >> when you try to unload that many shares, you cheapen the market. >> since 2019, you said we had all these day traders saying we will take it to the moon. now donald trump, he has become a meme stock. >> you talk to people all the time about this. is anybody, are any sort of sensible fundamental investors like our viewers should be, are any of these party involved in this stock? >> not really but you have options trads who said i will bet on the fact trump might win. no, but you do have a group of
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those feverish day traders. we are living at a time when ipos are hot. bit coin. basically, when commissions to trade stocks went to almost zero with the robin hood app and others, when the barrier of entry lowered so much, so lots of everyday people could get involved, a lot of those people are going to invest in this. is it going to work out for them? unclear. buyer beware. just like trump bibles. we could laugh about it and say this is a grift, this is absurd. but guess what? these are free markets. if people want to buy the bible, have at it. >> i don't know about sending a urine sample to the trump group. >> that's your own personal stuff. some person might like to send that to him for their own reasons. >> nice to see you buddy. >> good show tonight? >> we'll see. i hope. >> stephanie ruhle, my old
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friend. >> did you call me old? >> my friend of great longevity. >> you are older than i am. >> oh whatever. rt will, serious show here. coming up, we will talk about the diplomatic rift between washington and tel aviv on full display at the pentagon. what it could mean for the future of u.s. israeli relations and the ongoing war in gaza. that's next. g war in gaza. that's next. balanced nutrition for strength and energy. yay - woo hoo! ensure, with 27 vitamins and minerals, nutrients for immune health. and ensure complete with 30 grams of protein. (♪♪) if you have moderate to severe ulcerative colitis or crohn's disease... put it in check with rinvoq... a once—daily pill. when symptoms tried to take control, i got rapid relief... and reduced fatigue with rinvoq. check. when flares kept trying to slow me down... i got lasting steroid—free remission... with rinvoq. check. and when my doctor saw damage,... rinvoq helped visibly reduce damage of the intestinal lining. check.
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today the united states
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defense secretary loud austin met with galan in washington where austin urged galant to avoid a ground attendance in rafah. netanyahu abruptly pulled his adviser yesterday after the united states for the first time did not block a united nations security council resolution. israel is absolutely planing to go into rafah where 1.5 million people have taken refuge. >> we cannot afford to not go into rafah and finish job. they will do october 7 again and again and again. there is no chance that israel is not going to go finish the job in rafah. once we finish rafah, the heavy phase of this war will be behind us and the terror army of hamas will be dismantled and
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then we can start talking about what happens the day after. >> once we finish rafah. the biden administration is literally telling netanyahu's government do not do this. here is vice president kamala harrison sunday. >> we have been very clear that it would be a mistake to move into rafah with any type of military operation. >> a mistake, but would there be consequences if he moves forward? >> we will take it one step at a time. but we have been very clear in terms of our perspective. >> are you ruling out there would be consequences from the united states? >> i'm ruling out nothing. >> the administration says it is ruling out nothing in terms of consequences but what is it ruling in? the day the vice president made the comments i read this extraordinary 13-post thread from norm ornstein. you know him as a congressional historian. we rely on his analysis regularly. but his thread on u.s. israeli
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relations begins like this. i am fiercely pro israel including its right to defend itself against terrorists. but i can also draw a distinction when leaders do bad things including sanctioning armed vigilantes in the west bank and pushing for more settlements in a rebuke to biden. the millions of israelis have demonstrated against netanyahu's government. even during this war are not anti-israel propaganda. what bibi, smotrich and ben gvir are doing will divide and alienate the country. this direct and overt insult directed at biden with the expectation it will be met with inaction is reckless, immoral, and dangerous. a stronger signal need to be sent to the leaders of this government including articulating a plan for the day after the war. norm's thread ends like this. as president biden said it is essential to do whatever could
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be done to minimize civilian casualties and collateral damage including providing and distributing food and water and to have a plan ready to govern after the war. that includes working to find a governing force among palestinians neither corrupt or ineffective and commit to peaceful coexistence. pushing bibi to do these things is correct and necessary making it clear there will be construction workers fences if he fails to heed this advice and acts belligerently to reject it. joining us now is norm. he is an ameritas scholar. he is an ameritas scholar.
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what really set me off was the decision to expand settlements immediately after. we have been seeing the comments by chuck schumer and president biden calling on the israeli government to do just what you were quoting. to make sure that you take care of civilians with food and water in that you minimize the casualties and that you have a plan for the day after, and that can't wait until after the war ends. now as you said this gesture of refusing to send the other advisor to washington it's a
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direct challenge to president biden done clearly in part for the domestic considerations. it's going to hurt israel. a lot of israelis recognize this, and you do not have to suspend criticism of the government during the war as so many millions of done to try to move them back to a new and better path. i am not there now. >> let's talk about domestic considerations. he is largely using this as a campaign tactic for a campaign that is not on because he has said i am the one who can stand between joe biden who was remarkable. when i was there when the war started everybody was saying thank you to joe biden. he has stood by israel. he is not saying he won't stand by israel.
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he is literally saying benjamin netanyahu has to take a different approach to this thing to prevent more civilian deaths. >> i think that he has made a calculation that he can do almost anything he wants and america will stand by because we have such a strong relationship, and i do not think that is going to work anymore. i do not think it should work anymore. there has to be consequences for some of these things. this is not just a bout guys of. this is about some of these broader considerations. he has armed 100,000 settlers. a lot of them radicals. many vigilantes. with assault weapons are probably many coming illegally from the united states, which is going to make matters worse for palestinians in the west bank, but also potentially for a civil war within israel. these things a friend has to say you cannot go on this way and you cannot go on without thinking through how you are
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going to have a responsible palestinian authority and it has to include a pathway to a palestinian state not next week or next month or next year, but that has to be on the table, and those expenses of settlements are designed to take it off the table. that should not be acceptable. >> you follow politics in america. was to the domestic political situation. this is affecting joe biden to some discrete. that speech would not have been a renegade act. at least the white house would have known he was doing it and at best they may have had some coordination in it. that was quite something from chuck schumer. he is the highest-ranking elected jewish person in this country and proudly so and proudly an ally of israel's, and again it was not about israel or breaking with israel. it was about this israeli right- wing government and the damage
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that it can continue to do. >> i will say that ironically we may see this coming to a conclusion that chuck schumer was talking about in an early election over a completely different issue to keep his right-wing coalition together benjamin netanyahu has had to make all kinds of concessions including trying to keep them all from having to serve in the military while you are in the middle of a war. his coalition partners who are not a part of that particular community are not really happy, so that may be good news. i want to make one comment on the domestic situation.
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he has done it because of what he believes is in america's national interest. we have a bigger problem in this country with the divisions being caused. i recommend to everybody a remarkable piece of the atlantic out today by theo baker who is a great journalist and a sophomore at stanford university pointing out it is not just east coast universities seen these divisions occur. the kind of really vile acts and statements made by people across the board on these issues. we do not need to see this in america and it's not just about presidential politics but about the entire nation in a civil discourse. >> thank you for always being a sharp analyst. we always appreciate you joining us. we will be right back. >> tech: at safelite, we'll take care of fixing your windshield. but did you know we can take care of your insurance claim? that means less stress for you.
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