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tv   The Beat With Ari Melber  MSNBC  March 6, 2024 3:00pm-4:00pm PST

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thank you so much for letting us into your homes during they truly extraordinary times. we are so grateful. "the beat" with ari melber starts now. i loved sitting next to you last night for a few hours. i had all my snacks there. >> you said to talk about the snacks there? is that too personal? >> i don't have to tell -- i started healthy and went downhill fast. >> this apply to say anyone
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working late, when you skip a meal and you have more brain work to do, you explained, what is your nutritional key? >> mine were m & ms. i really did try with a healthy shake. service so gross, that i turned to my trusted friend, m & m. >> shake and candy. i'll see you soon. >> have a good show. welcome to "the beat," i'm ari melber. the voters just spoke across super tuesday. they, the voters drove many developments. as the night wore on, as we tried to hydrate, it became clear from the results that most voters in both parties are now set on their choices. today we have two presumptive nominees for what is clearly going to be a remav of 2020. how different will it be this
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time? james carville, one of the most experienced operatives in the nation, will be here. pull up a chair and get comfortable. the reason republicans are done with their race, the last opponent exited the rate. after besting every other candidate and building from a candidate that sounded meek, according to critics, she developed over time her message and her operation into the most enduring, credible, conservative case against the unpopular, indicted former president. >> for a strong america, for a proud america, i am running for president of the united states of america. we have to face the fact that trump is the most disliked president in america. we can't win a general election that way. i want i wanted americans to have their voices heard.
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i have done that. i have no regrets. it is now up to donald trump to earn the votes of those in our party and beyond it who did not support him. i hope he does that. >> those last lines in haley came today. she landed some punches, built a following. now she leaves with a note of some kind of hopeful or resilient grace, if you want to call it that, but also no rush to announce her intentions for an endorsement. that's the big news tonight. that's a contrast to basically all other top republicans who have clashed with trump as primary opponents. they rushed to endorse. hi sometimes senate foe, mitch mcconnell also made news today, by going through it and publicly enendorsing trump as the preservative nominee, a path that caps mcconnell's retirement amid st. an increasingly maga party among the elites, anyway.
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what did haley do in her campaign? tonight seems like a fitting night to take a look. it matters for the future and this rematch race. i'm going to go through a couple things. one, she broke a barrier that few of the d.c. pundits initially predicted. and this was all, we should know, a field of men, and in a party fixated on many so-called macho issues -- their words, not mine -- let's note that hallie, the first woman to win any republican state primary, ever. pretty striking. it took until 2024 for that to happen. also, the first woman of color to do so. second, while several republicans memorably ran as fairly predictable maga mini-mes, haley demonstrated a
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pretty strong bloc of voters who oppose trump. she exposed cracks that he has to fix to win in november. there's no reliability way to predict elections. i have told you that before. that's just a fact. you've got to way and listen to the voters. but history also shows how often the d.c. pundits get it wrong. they rarely admit it. they spent months talking up haley's mostly male rivals, especially ron desantis. before the voters ever spoke, we heard a lot about ron desantis. we also heard that trump has a supposed stranglehold on republican voters. well, the only way to test that claim is to check in with republican voters. it turns out, even as those other candidates dropped, even as the headlines blared that trump was the inevitable nominee, some of that proved to be the case yesterday, there was a long under-appreciated,
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undercounty counted shares of republican primary voters against trump. we learned that, powered often by haley. last night we had more people go out to the polls than any other day this year. we would be remiss if we didn't share some of that news. her campaign also showed breadth. over a quarter of the voters went for haley. a larger share distributed across other candidates, if you counseled those early state. the news gets worse for trump. any republican nominee can be in red states in texas, can afford to lose points over any reason. but haley showed trump's largest problems in his party are in the states he would need to win back for a november november victory like colorado, or states like north carolina, and places with more independents who can often
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define general election, haley won't 40% in new hampshire, 35% in virginia. historically you need united party support to win these states. historically, republican candidates who have rebounded from divided primaries often did so by forging a team, be it on the ticket or through endorsements. trump aides know what he may be loathe to admit today. the candidate he did beat last night, nikki haley, could actually have more sway over his election chances than many other factors, including what he says, what he posts online, all the things that occupy hi time. he may not like that, but that is one of the iron laws of divided primaries that history show, not of predictions, but more an observation of the past. if what i showed you briefly
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there, the bush/reaganee union, if she joined him and made a strong pitch to her voters, which are sizable in some key places, that could matter a lot. that could depend on what she does and what she concludes from this race. as for those haley voters, here's what some are saying now. >> if it ends up trump or biden, how do you think you'll vote in 2024? you know, that's a really good question. i would -- it's probably biden, just because it's been, you know, four years, and he hasn't divided. >> reporter: she doesn't end up winning the primary and getting enough electoral votes, would you vote for trump? >> i'm note sure. i'm not sure. i don't know what to do. >> sounds pretty straightforward, pretty honest. those are people, those are examples, but those are people in the street, as we say, where
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nikki haley, what she says and discusses in they weeks and months ahead could matter a lot. we hear a lot in washington. wet get a lot of discussions how hot desantis would be, and it turns out you have to do something traditional sometimes. 9 sometimes in a democracy you have to just buckle up, pay attention, listen to the voters. there's plenty to be depreyed in america. i'm not going to sugar coat it. it is interesting and perhaps hopeful to see some changes, some premises smashed, some barriers broken, and the voters telling a store -- story that at least is more nuanced, more rich, more thoughtful than some of what we were elected about. with that in mind, with you begin with margaret carlson, longtime d.c. observer.
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welcome. your thoughts on what haley showed up? >> this is the last time i will be able to say that. haley's comet went up after the second debate. all the billionaires came in to support her, and it looked like she was the one. wasn't it a surprise that all the men went down and she was the one who sustained that campaign. i thought it was remarkable. and she got better as she went long. in the beginning, you and i talked about, she tried to have it both ways, especially on abortion. she got caught in iowa, and then i wondered if she had spoken out more forcefully on that issue, she might have done better on iowa, but she was killed? iowa, partly because the evangelicals thought she was pro-choice, because she had just
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done both. that's a huge issue now. she's done an amazing thing, she put away vivek ramaswamy, what is it, we -- every time you open your mouth? we get dumber. >> i remember that. >> she got him chasing. ron desantis, can you remember how much he was the guy? and then he wasn't the guy. by the way, she did it. she doesn't get credit for that. everything was behind ron desantis. i think if she had moved over to prochris christie was and became more anti-trump, she might have done more, but she's done something, which is that 30%, 25% to 30% that were able to express how they felt, which is they're anti-trump, they're looking for someone else, and she did that. it was a great night for her. isn't it sad when they say
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good-bye? you know, you put your whole heart into it. it's grueling, and it's tiring, and, you know, you don't get enough sleep. the crowds get small, and then on one night you just have to give it up. it's really heart. >> she did evolve over time. i mentioned some of the smugness in d.c., they wanted to diminutish it, they wanted it over, because they had already made deals with donald trump, but that's not democracy. called me old-fashioned. i think republicans are just as much entitled to a real democracy as democrats. i think the effort to short-circuit the race, cancel elections, no surprise from him, it didn't work, it may have partly backfired. she found all of that energy.
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we've asked you and your bookshelf to stay with us, which is just 60 seconds, and james carville building on decades of experience. >> i hope this sets a precedent in presidential election. i couldn't be more pleased with the debate, the whole thing. it was gooder than grits. debate. it was gooder than grits if you try vaping to quit smoking, it might feel like progress, but with 3x more nicotine than a pack of cigarettes - vapes increase cravings -
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trapping you in an endless craving loop. nicorette reduces cravings until they're gone for good. (man) excuse me, would you mind taking a picture of us? (tony) oh, no problem. ni(man) cravings (tony) yes, problem. you need verizon. get the new iphone 15 pro with tons of storage. so you can take all the pics! (vo) trade-in any iphone in any condition and get a new iphone 15 pro and an ipad and apple watch se all on us. only on verizon. donald trump lost this 2018. he lost it for us in 2020. he lost it for us in 2022. everything he touches, we lose. one of nikki haley's key points there was about the mathematical facts that so many lime to put to the side. even if he has affected american life for now.
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we are joined by ron nearing, who worked for the last person in that position. he worked for senator ted cruz. margaret is back with us as promised. ron, what have we learned here coming out of super tuesday? >> well, the process this time is even shorter than it was when i was senator cruz's spokesman in 2016. here it is in march, and the process is effectively over. many more americans had the opportunity to weigh in that time, but there's been a real effort internally within the republican party to wrap this up early. the reality is candidates don't like primaries, but they make you a stronger candidate. i think by short-circuiting this primary process, that the opportunities to get better and
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stronger has been kind of missed. those states where nikki haley did the best are many of those battleground states that have large suburban population, and it would be suburbia that will ultimately decide between donald trump and joe biden. >> ron, there was no love lost between your then boss ted cruz and donald trump. it got a lot rougher on both sides than this thing ever did. ted cruz ultimately said at the convention, vote your conscience, then became a super trump supporter when in office. i'm not asking you to relitigate every aspect of that, but what does that tell you about what's possible for haley, how much room she has here. do you expect she would go more do you think the cruz lane, or too early to tell?
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>> politics is the art of the possible. one of the things that factors into the thinking of a lot of candidates, particularly those under the age of 60 is positioning for the future. what does the future hold? and what is the best pathway that allows them to continue to say in a leadership role within the republican party and within government? so, you can bet that was a calculation with every single one of these candidates. i think all of them succumb to the following reality -- that they spent the entire time since donald trump wrapped up the nomination may 3rd, 2016, they have spent all of this time kind of waving him through. no matter what he said, no matter what he did, no matter how outrageous it was or incompatible with republican principle, they waived it through, saying this was just the haters and irrational people. that's fine, but when you try to run against the person who you've been waving through,
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you've created a permission structure for republican voters to just stick with what they know. that's what they've decided to do. >> i think that's a fair analysis. i'll let margaret join us in a second. a lot of viewers listening to you, whether they like ted cruz or not, that permission structure is a problem, perhaps for some. margaret, you alluded to this moments ago, initially in the campaign haley, was introduced to the party that way, she avoided throwing many punches. she walked a careful line. >> i've lost count of how many indictments it is. with this last one, i wasn't quick to dom like everyone else. i'm not going to keep commenting on every trump drama. >> that was a kind of dodge, in reducing an actual indictment to, quote, drama, seems to
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misunder or deliberately avoid the issue. eitherist significant, or if you think it's a complete sham indictment, either way, it's not drama. but over time, a we mentioned she got sharper. >> i think what happened on january 6th is a terrible day. he is not the same person. he is unhinged. >> i think president trump will have to answer for it. margaret? maybe too late. her lowest moment was when, like the rest of the sheep, she raised her hand, saying she would support trump if he were the nominee. shortly after that, she said she would pardon him if she became president. but she moved on from that. she got better, and it takes a while. as ron knows, by the time ted cruz was in indiana -- i think it was indianapolis, the last
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primary that he was in, in that tobacco warehouse, he was a good dane, as everyone is when the time is running out. it was a kind of sad event. but he got much better. nobody really good got in this time from the last campaign. so, we had haley and viv vex and ron. she doesn't get to sharpen her message until the underbush was year out, and she did it. she was fudging her positions at the beginning. she got stronger on those, and as she got stronger on trump. she almost, you know, became a never-trumper. it's going to be interesting to see, does she tiptoe back like so many have? look how many times mitch mcconnell has gone to the brink, then come back into the fold. >> yep.
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>> what will she do? i hope she withstands the pressure. it would be a wonderful thing if she were the one, if it was a woman that did it. >> thank you both so much. it's a packed show, and we're moving, because james carville is our guest, next. stay with us. s carville is our guest, next stay with us seat. the seat is leather. alan, we get it. you love your bike. we do, too. that's why we're america's number-one motorcycle insurer. but do you have to wedge it into everything? what? i don't do that. this reminds me of my bike. the wolf was about the size of my new motorcycle. have you seen it, by the way? happy birthday, grandma! really? look how the brushstrokes follow the line of the gas tank. -hey! -hey! brought my plus-one. jamie? ugh, i'll deal with this tomorrow. you won't. it's ripe in here. my eyes are watering. look how crusty this is. ugh, it's just too much. not with this. good advice.
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we're running against people who have demonstrated the fact they'll do anything or maintain their grip on power. i'm nervous all the way up to election day. >> some timeless wisdom from james carville. the super tuesday results are ushering in the start of the general election. for the first sometime with he can report both parties now each have a presumptive nominee. haley's depar from the race tees up a trump/biden rematch. we might need to change the music to something more fitting. ♪♪ ♪ within more time ♪ >> yeah, one more time. as the song goes, one more time, as we do this matchup. most americans would prefer someone else, new choices.
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people are not celebrating as in the punk classic. losing candidates don't usually make another run at the white house. losing presidents rarely ask the electorate to give them another chance, which is why there's a teddy bear on the screen. you have to go back to teddy roosevelt when he ran for the old job he had against the current president, taft, doubled the great moustache election of. it was a three-way race. now, we should know democrats keep beating expectations in recent elections. strong mitt terms in 2022, the 2018 blue wave. biden beating trump in 2020, but the electoral college makes things much closer. consider as we're in this daft
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punch race. seven million more americans chose biden last time, of course, but his total margin was also super narrow, coming in around 42,000, in arizona, wisconsin, and georgia combined. yes. it's one more time for this standoff, with many americans telling us they're over it before it even begins. i want to welcome back james, and tell you, james, in your honor, we want to tell you, this is a special day. we are inaugurated the day, we hope it repeats. we're calling it james day, the new graphic with you and other presidents and you throughout the years. welcome back, sir.
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what an honor. i played daft punk. the song is about people wanting to celebrate. with that mood, what do you see comes out. what do you say to that? it's hard to -- trump is massively the most popular also. i saw something today in a column that fascinated me. 45% of americans know very little about the charges against trump. so, to me, that tells me there's
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a knowledge vacuum out there. i think this trial on march 25th will be a big event. if he's acquitted or a hung jury, it will give people a big boost, a lot of energy. you well know, once you're convicted of a felony, your entire life changes. you have to give up your passport, permission to travel. it probably won't jail him pending appeal, but when you're convicted, it's a different world there's a lot of knowledge
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to fill in. i'm not sugarcoating this at all. we're not in an advantageous position at all. >> interesting for you to put it that way. we showed old james agreeing with current james that polling only take you so far, but last night we got a lot of results. i was telling viewers that we heard from more states and more voters last night than at any point this year, and big states. the population represented was roughly over 40% of america. i'm curious what you make of what they're saying. we're seeing numbers in terms of the obama reelection numbers. we see trump putting up numbers that got haley out, but don't yet show party unity. what do you take from the
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numbers last night? >> i don't take that both have commanding leads all the way through. president biden did not have very much opposition. haley, you know, ran a gutsy campaign, 25%, 30% in a lot of places, but ari, this is what i think. we'll have a hard time replicating the 2020 coalition. for president biden to come back to win this thing, we're going to have to do better with middle voters, swing voters, loosely aligned. the good news, is we are doing that, we're not winning by turnout. we're winning elections we're going to have to do that. we cannot rely on -- >> yams until 30 was the largest
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gap they had it's decidededly unundetached right now the question is, did they come back with sufficient turnout. i'd like to be proven wrong. people at the white house and campaign would be a lot of black and brown, democratic voters, appeared soft sporadics who
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basically said, yeah, we've got to stop, and covid didn't help. we're trying to do both here and be accurate. this is before, probably both of the old-school clips. nikki haley won 25% of the vote in 11 states this cycle, new numbers from last night. support in critical swing states even higher than other places. then we have limited -- but where the question was asked, and this is sort of how they poll it. they didn't do it everywhere, but in the states selected, pretty strong third of those voters saying they're not going to back the gop, and that's
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undertoo. >> oh, please, please. we need these voters. i got to say trump says things never before. i've never heard a politician, that i don't want these voters. usually politician, sure, c'mon, welcome to the party. he's weak, and that's the encouraging part. he's weak. he's not -- he's getting increasingly crazy. i don't know how to judge it. i'm not a psychologist or anything like that, but he's already saying stupid things, but it looks like he's increasing. we're going to need those haley voters, we're going to need trump to make a lot of gaff, and we're going to need to catch up. >> so what does he say to haley
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voters? >> you adopt want to criminal in the white house. you don't want somebody that it took to a lot of people was treasonous. showing putin secured documents, not responding to legal subpoenas. they got adjudicated by a jury. he was adjudicated by the court of law of being a business fraud of the first order, that there's a receiver now in charge of his properties in new york city. so, there's a lot of information there that this is loosely aligned voters don't have, and a lot of haley voters that don't like trump. she was getting 30%, 35%.
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those are terrible numbers for a president who is, in effect, an incumbent. his weakness is real, and it has to be exploited. there's a lot of wet work let to do if you know what i mean. >> i do, because i learn more words from you than and better words, better words i keep using more, back around the barn. james, you agreed to stay, because it is james day. you've agreed to stay for an extra segment. mitch mcconnell made big news today that sounded different than on january 7th. we'll be back with james carville. h. we'll be back with james carville try dietary supplements from voltaren for healthy joints. my name is marie. i'm 49 years old and i'm a business owner. i own a lemonade and ice cream shop in florida,
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tuesday was super tuesday. today, wednesday, on "the beat" is james day. welcome back to james carville. i have news coming up on mitch mcconnell, but first we have some breaking news out of the results last night, a controversial maga far-right extreme radical hateful candidate wyoming the nomination to run for governor in north carolina. you may have heard about him. mark robinson has a trump endorsement, a conspiracy theorist, considered far more extreme than the raft of -- he
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has compared gay americans to, quote, mag got. he has quoted hitler positively, in racial price of one's race, and many other extreme lying, hateful and offensive statements. >> there's no reason anybody anywhere in america should be talk about homosexuality, any of that filth. >> robinson calling survivors in the parkland, know it all children . >> it makes me sick every time i see it when i pass a church that flying that rainbow flag. i absolutely want to go back to the america where women couldn't vote. >> he absolutely wants an america where women cannot vote. the last comment there, robinson
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saying that, is emerging through reporting and video from the huffington post. now, as a republican nominee, he is saying, quote, in those days we had people fighting for real change, and they were republicans. james, you have done battle in campaigns with many assorted characters. there is an ebb and flow of sorts in politics. anyone who thinking you can cordon off some type of hate or other--ism, you don't like this group or that group, it spreads and metastasizes quickly. these hatreds, they tend to spread. he's a known holocaust denier, anti-semite and quite virulent against other groups.
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what do you say to this tonight, this being the top nominee in north carolina? >> a couple things to remember, a popular democratic governor who is term limited, their attorney general josh stein is a very capable candidate. i would go out on a limb and say there will be a lot of money coming into north carolina, a lot of people with a lot of money will be very upset about some of his statements. just leave it at that. if, of course, donald trump called him mlk on steroids. every assignment i see that guy, he talks about mlk. being on the mountaintop. that guy is the most antti -- i think -- i don't know what to make of something like that. i would bet you ked keep the governor's chair in north carolina. >> you say politically, this guy has a lot of vulnerability.
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do you think republicans, as they talk about other issues, some republicans talk about quote, unquote defending israel, other foreign policy. or they talk about the way they want to support certain issues on campus, we have heard. do republicans have an obligation to decry this hateful racist holocaust denial? >> some of the more left-wing people in the democratic party, i think would impractical, but idealistic. they have to put the microphone in every republican's face. would you vote for this guy? what do you have to say about it? a nomination from a major state, endorsed by your presidential candidate, you have to back people into corners. we paved the way for naive
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people, but that guy is not naive. he's evil. that's not naive. that's insane beyond any imagination. we have to drive that home and drive it again and again and again, and make people -- hold people accountable, you know? north carolina is a populous, important state growing every day. i think that we can use this -- we can leverage this issue to many, many bigger things. i really do. james, final question on this, because you're smart about the politics of it. it's ugly out there. north carolina is not phone for its gigantic jewish population. there are other centers that have larger population, but across america, it's until 2%. what does it tell you that this
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person is so hellbent on hating and lying on a group that doesn't even register very much in his community or state? >> i don't know, but i think our candidate's name is josh stein. just op the top of my head, he might be jewish -- i have to be careful here, but he might be. there's a lot of people who will write a lot of checks, and not a lot of them you jewish. there's a lot of people like me. >> you tick off his enemies list, it hits a lot of groups. >> what are they going to do, exterminate him? this is going to explode out even further. by the way, every family in the united states, people have entirely different toad than they used to. this is not going to sit well.
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we just can't let this go, and oh, well, it's something else. it's going to be a massive influx of financial assistance and voter aid, and volunteers. >> as you said, we talk about litmus tests in politics. if the new low is an unapologetic hitler-quoting candidate -- we're out of time today, james. >> go, james! >> i hope you come back for the next one. thank you so much. great to see you. when we come back, the other big news, mitch mcconnell finally speaking out on his choice after saying donald trump was possible for the insurrection. that's next. mp was possible for the insurrection that's next. to make it last longer. say hello to your fairy godmother alice and long-lasting gain scent beads. part of the irresistible scent collection from gain!
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an alternative to pills, voltaren is a clinically proven arthritis pain relief gel, which penetrates deep to target the source of pain with nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory medicine directly at the source. voltaren, the joy of movement. what if i told you that we had political news so big that on any random weekday it would be the top story, but it's been super tuesday, and there's been a lot going on and nikki haley dropped out and, yadda yadda yadda. it's now near the end of the hour of this news program that we share a news story that's been a long-time coming. the retiring senate majority leader, mitch mcconnell who announced he's leaving senate leadership but staying in the senate made today of all days the time that he continued this slow rolling and capitulation to donald trump. mcconnell, who has criticized trump for so many things today
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endorses trump. it's concrete evidence of how mcconnell, for all of his political skills and he does have some, could never figure out a way to use them to blunt donald trump. perhaps it's even more painful given mcconnell's some time bluster heading into 2016. >> donald trump is not going to think -- change what i think. he's not going to change the platform of the republican party, the views of the republican party. i think we're much more likely to change him. because if he is president, he's going to have to deal within sort of the right of center world, which is where most of us are. >> false. mcconnell was wrong. he was not able to change donald trump on any major items. and after donald trump lost and exhausted all his court remedies and went through all the whole thing we lived through and summoned his fans to washington where they attacked the capitol and had people like mitch mcconnell scurrying for their safety, then mcconnell found his
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voice to condemn trump's actions but never to act on it in the impeachment trial. >> there's no question, none, that president trump the practically and morally responsible for provoking the events of the day. didn't get away with anything yet. yet. >> and now to a fox news alert. senate minority leader mitch mcconnell will vote to acquit former president trump. >> to that acquit ta is trump now benefitting from mcconnell using his power and platform and whatever credibility he has on that center right to say the person who he held responsible for a trader's insurrection should be president again. that's your final news item tonight. "the reidout" with joy reid is up after this short break. ted, i get 5g, truly unlimited data, and unlimited hotspot data.
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