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tv   Politics Nation  MSNBC  July 29, 2023 2:00pm-3:00pm PDT

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watching symone on this saturday. i'm symone sanders-townsend. you can catch me right here on msnbc weekends at four pm eastern. anytime over on peacock. i have new episodes on the msnbc hub every monday. politics nation with the great reverend al sharpton is up next i know you're going to talk about trump and update the people on what's going on. i also understand that you're going to get into this case of an alabama man who black man elected beer and an bantam that alleges that white leaders in the town are keeping him from the position that he filed a civil rights lawsuit. it sounds like something straight out of 1952. >> absolutely. we're going to get it to. it they locked him out of his office. they won't let him run. again we'll get into that as well as alabama defines a supreme court. it reminds me my mother was from alabama. growing up, i remember the governor of alabama standing in the door, blocking kids my age
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from going to elementary school. we are going to get into it. thank, you as, always the fabulous simone. a great show tonight. and, good evening. welcome to politicsnation. tonight's lead, trump tangled web. >> right, now the front runner for the republican presidential nomination in 2024 finds himself ensnared in a picket of legal liabilities. this week special counsel jack smith hit former president donald trump with new federal criminal charges in the classified documents case. alleging trump was part of a scheme to delete security video showing boxes of sensitive government materials being moved around in the mar-a-lago
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resort. trump, is as expected denying the new charges. meanwhile another federal indictments related to trump's efforts to overturn the 2020 vote could drop at anytime. and there are the state level cases. charges related to falsifying business documents have already been handed down in new york. and an election interference investigation in georgia is ongoing. never before has a candidate for the highest of the high offices been swimming in such and so much legal hot water and yet even trump's gop rivals in the race for the white house have largely defended him. as for republicans in congress. they're trying to throw trump any lifeline they can. pushing to expunge impeachments and ramp up baseless investigations into president
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biden there's a lot to unpack let's get started. joining me now, is congressman tim lieu, democrat of cal fortin who served as an impeachment manager during the hearings for former president donald trump. congressman, what is your biggest take away from these new charges brought against donald trump what is new about this investigation. >> thank, you reverend sharpton for your question as a criminal defendant donald trump is entitled to the presumption of innocence like any other criminal defendant. these new charges are serious he is being charged with trying to destroy security camera footage. as a former prosecutor i can tell you that is what's called consciousness of guilt. you don't try to destroy security council footage if you don't think what you did was wrong. and this is going to be powerful evidence to a jury. in addition, there is a new charge brought against carlos
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oliveira. he was the property manager at mar-a-lago who was charged with part of this can be spirit to move boxes around to hide information from federal prosecutors and also to destroy the security camera footage. >>, now congressman, nbc has learned that donald trump's lawyers have been told by the special counsel to expect an indictment in connection with the 2020 election interference investigation what types of charges do you think the former president could face. >> as an impeachment manager for the second impeachment i still think it's pretty funny we have to identify which impeachment. he was just that. that >> let me put it this. way do you feel that special counsel jack smith is vindicating your work and your colleagues work on the committee that investigated january 6th. >> i, do we have got a bipartisan group of 57 senators
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who say that donald trump's incited an insurrection. . we also, knew there was a fact electoral scheme at the time. we didn't have enough time to really go in-depth and investigate the scheme, jack smith apparently has and i think that's going to be one of the major charges. you cannot try to stay in office illegally by engaging in a scheme to submit fake electors to keep you in office. that's going to be one of the major charges. >> do you worry that donald trump's trial in the classified documents case may be pushed to after the 2024 election because of this superseding indictment? >> i would like donald trump treated just like any other criminal defendant. if however judge cannon were to put the trial after the presidential election, you are going to see a blue wave the size of which no one has ever
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seen before. it would dwarf the blue wave of 2018. if the presidential election becomes a referendum on whether donald trump faces trial. you are going to have an overwhelming number of americans say yes he needs to face trial. here's what donald trump said last night in iowa about next year's election. >> despite four years of deranged opposition, we did even better the second time then we did the first time getting more votes in 2020 than any sitting president in the history of the united states. they rake the presidential election in 2020. we're not going to allow them to rig the presidential election of 2024. they use covid to cheat. >> how concerned are you. if trump escalates his attacks against the department of justice and other prosecutors? how trump will react if the republicans lose in 2024.
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how concerned are you about that? >> we should be concerned that people will follow what donald trump says and engage in political violence again. i do think that's going to be mitigated because all the people that engage in violence on january six, when they attacked the capitol they are being prosecuted they are going to jail. they are going to prison. i think the people understand that you can it engage in political violence the way we solve dispute in america is at the ballot box. >> now we see trump touring the country and i wonder your thoughts about the fact that he is still on restrains, unapologetic and remorseful and fully supported by his republican party. >> i think that says more about maga republicans than it does about donald trump at the same time what you see is really good news for joe biden. you've seen that under his bidenomics, it hit 2.4% last quarter. blowing past economists annexed
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a mess. we're at the lowest unemployment in 50 years and consumer confidence is added to your high. inflation has also dropped for the 12 consecutive month. >> talking about bidenomics, we've received several pieces of good economic news this month. economic news that polls show that voters trusting republicans more than democrats when it comes to handling the economy. why is this issue a liability for democrats and president biden why are people not feeling this good economic news. >> i think the inflation spike at the end of the pandemic really caused a lot of hardship for the american people. and that's why democrats work hard to lower costs. we kept insulin at $35 for seniors. we're trying to cap it for everyone and under biden know max and the laws we passed we have now brought inflation down
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to a lower 3%, growth is also the highest of any g7 country and i think as you see, these policies start to work you see more and more people really doing better and cc that their wages are rising faster than inflation. >> all, right thank you for being with us, congressman ted lieu. joining me now is charles coleman a formal federal prosecutor thank you for joining me today. , charles back to this indictment against president, former president donald trump. the latest charges accusing him and his staff to try to delete surveillance footage and provide prosecutors with information that could damage trump's claim that he was entitled to the documents that he took and stored in his florida state can you explain this event for the viewers. >> sure, when you look at the superseding indictment, one of the things that comes out very much so is the number of
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different cooperating witnesses they have to piece the story together so basically you have different employees that work at mar-a-lago that are being asked to participate in this scheme. if you read the superseding indictment number, it's employed he, wanblee too, so on and so forth and then the two codefendants are actually referred to by name along with president trump. the significance of that is, as you sort of alluded to previously, loyalty has been the linchpin for donald trump doing everything that he has done to get away with. the fact that there's so many different cooperating witnesses that exist that helped jack smith put the speaking indictment together is a very bad sign for the president because they don't have to prove that the video was actually deleted they only have to prove that there was an intent to delete the video. >> the intent is the real problem. we learned that the property manager of mar-a-lago, carla
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steele every a, was named as a defendant alongside trump aide will nor to. both were on surveillance cameras and june last year. moving around 30 boxes of documents to mar-a-lago. how does naming another defendant change the nature of the case? >> it begins to show how wide and vast this operation was. you're talking about. it if you read the indictment, there are parts where they talk about going through different tunnels with flashlights to identify the video surveillance cameras. this means something like a murder mystery novel written by an 11 year old. the years are the most enough guys to pull something off like this that i've ever seen as a former prosecutor. the significance of that in front of the jury is going to be when those defendants try to take the stand and plead their case basically saying is the former president of the united states asking me this, now you have all these other witnesses who are actually also working there who said no i don't want
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to participate i don't want to cooperate with what he's doing i'm going to cooperate with the department of justice and that's going to be significant. >> that's going to be significant in the eyes of the jury when they're hearing the narrative. >> this classified documents case is just one of the few criminal investigations currently looming over trump and we will get to that in a moment from your observation given your legal background what direction is the remainder of this case going. >> mar-a-lago, -- >> yeah. >> it's going to be in a spot for donald trump. the light at the end of the tunnel that he can look forward, to the may 20th 2024 date that was set by judge cannon. he has the ability with the aid of his legal team to push that a little bit further as much as he can. that's going to be his north star. he's going to use that as a date to set a baseline for any future indictments that may come. why?
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that's going to be after primary season. if he is the presumptive nominee, this now breathed new life into the interference claims that he's been trying to argue in front of the court so far. >> he better watch out about lights at the end of the tunnel. it might not be the sun shining. now, all of this comes as jack smith special counselor's probably gearing up to indict trump in the january six probe. officials from the secret service and the washington police department match on thursday to discuss the potential for violence from protesters if trump is indicted in his involvement in the capitol insurrection and interference in the 2020 election. both parties believe that trump may be indicted soon. but neither law enforcement organizations have given an exact date. charles, what can we expect? >> it's going to be interesting to say the least. i think there's going to be protest, but not to the extent
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that people are expecting. and i say that because, i believe that law enforcement in the d.c. area learned a lesson from january 6th. they will be given advance notice before the media and press. eventually, it's likely going to get out. on that day, on those days, there's going to be a significant presence around all court houses in d.c.. we are talking about unprecedented event. it may happen that jacks mitt decides to move forward with both election interference and january six on the same date to avoid having to repeat this over and over. >> masses didn't show up when he was indicted and manhattan authority was indicted in florida. last question, where did you get the suit? former federal prosecutor charles coleman, thank you for being. with us after the break, house speaker kevin mccarthy does his best to try to clear trump's record of impeachment while using his position to threaten impeachment of president biden. later, former trump lawyer rudy
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giuliani is coming clean about some of the dirt he did for his old boss. will it help will hurt trump's 2024 chances. first, my colleague richard lui with today's top news stories. >> a very good afternoon to you. more than half of the country faced heat advisories, flood warnings or watches since thursday. some parts of the northeast can expect mildly cooler temperatures on sunday. other cities will face new records in coming days. the white house has condemned efforts by niger's military to overthrow the government say it puts a grave risks at our cooperation. the state department is stopping short from calling it a coup. official says that's partly should because it has been marked by, quote, confusion shifting the alliances of lutie. lebron james shared a video on instagram of his 18 year old son bronny playing the piano after his cardiac arrest this week. it is unclear when the video was taken of ronnie james who
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suffered the emergency on monday during basketball practice. more politicsnation with reverend al sharpton right after the break after the break after the brea (mom) the moment i loved our subaru outback most... was the moment they walked away from it. (daughter) mom! (mom) oh, thank goodness. and that's why our family will only drive a subaru. (vo) subaru. more iihs top safety pick plus awards than any other brand. love. it's what makes subaru, subaru.
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faces increasing criminal liability for his behavior in the form of state and federal indictments, the man he calls his kevin is engaged in a
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hypocritical and senegal effort to use the power of congress to shield trump from the consequences of his actions while in the white house. this, week house speaker kevin mccarthy allowed the far-right members of his caucus to keep moving forward with efforts to expunge both impeachments of president trump. in case anyone has forgotten, one of those impeachments was for trump trying to withhold military aid from ukraine and last they dug up dirt on joe biden two and a half years before ukraine was invaded by putin's russia. the other was for trump's inciting of the january 6th attack on the u.s. capitol. take a listen to what speaker mccarthy had to say about january six at the time and what he's saying about it now. >> the president there bears responsibility for wednesday's attack on congress by mob rioters. he should have immediately
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denounced the mob when he saw what was in unfolding. >> i don't see how you can be found criminally responsible. what criminal activity did he do? he told people to be peaceful. >> the contradictions don't ends with mccarthy's flip-flops on trump. while his he's bending over backwards trying to clear the former guy's record, he's also trying to wield impeachment as a weapon against president joe biden. after months of fruitless investigations against biden and his family by house republicans, the speaker on tuesday said he would consider launching an impeachment inquiry not because there's evidence of a crime, because the process might give congress the ability to uncover more information. it sure sounds like a witch hunt to me. from where i'm sitting, it's clear mccarthy and his far-right colleagues are
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attempting to erase and discredited trumps impeachment because they helped laid the groundwork for the many criminal cases against him and they are trying to go after biden as a distraction and deflection from the trials trump's expecting to face in the coming election year. throughout his career, kevin mccarthy has maneuver to obtain one of the most powerful positions in congress. now that he's become speaker, he has failed to live up to the ideals of the office as a voice of the american people. instead, mccarthy has revealed himself as a mere mouthpiece for donald trump. i've got you. floats longer in the air to fight even your toughest odors. so long stinky smells and hello amazing freshness. discover the new febreze scents today!
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republican. susan, i want to talk to you. in the next hour, trump is expected to make a campaign stop in erie, pennsylvania. this is a look at some of the people gathered there waiting now. tonight's event comes after yesterday's first big gathering of gop candidates and iowa. trump was joined by a dozen of his challengers. even as legal troubles piled up against the former president. trump vowed to stay in 2024 presidential race even if he's convicted. as trump braces for a third potential indictment in 2020 election interference case and the january six insurrection, could it move the needle away from trump or strengthen his lead among republican voters in your opinion? >> i don't think much will change actually with future indictments, except donald trump will raise more money off of it. he has that core he can go to.
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the numbers that he's leading by or so huge, it's hard to see it necessarily getting larger. i expect to see the remainder, if you, will the other 40% just a shift a little bit. it's shifting away from rhonda santas to tim scott. for example, in iowa. we may see something like that happen. i think he owns the republican party right now. indictments won't change. that the only thing that can happen, and i can't even imagine what it, is it would have to be something donald trump inflicts upon himself. a hot mic moment. something. he is right now on track to make it. unless, of course, there's a legal deal to be had. he has to, you know, fold up shop and deal with that. >> susan, in many, polls gop voters believe trump is the most electable candidate against president biden in 2024. polls also show rhonda santas
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is in second. numbers are dropping. this, week he laid off a third of his staff as the florida governor looks to resell his campaign. another candidate angling to become the republican alternative to trump's tim scott. you mentioned. he took a swipe at desantis over florida's new standards for african american history. it suggests enslaved black people develop skills for their own personal benefit. now, scott will participate in next month a gop debate. what are the chances of becoming a competitive challenger to trump for scott? >> they are good -- if scott can take out desantis, a big, if there's a pretty good chance. scott is now getting a second look -- those who are not happy with trump. people don't like descent. is the more they get to know
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him, the more they don't like him. his efforts to move right. it has made desantis the third or fourth choice with another month or so. can scott take on trump head to head? i don't know. it would matter if the other candidates get out of the race, when they get out of the race. what's interesting to see, scott is the only one willing to take on ron desantis. the other candidates besides not wanting to take on trump, they don't seem to want to take on each other. they are afraid, i don't, know scaring their donor base, about being too aggressive. everyone in this race has a reason for being in there. except for mike. pants i can't figure it out. some are trying to build the reputation. some are looking towards the future. desantis is really heading, i, think for troubled times. may actually come out of this race for the worst. >> let me ask you this quickly. when tim scott is taking on desantis. he's not taking on trump. is he angling to be on the
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ticket with trump if trump succeeds as being the nominee. he's danced around taking on trump. but he's going after desantis. is he doing something that he knows will not upset at donald trump -- 's last running mate was kanye west, no, no, it was pence, i am sorry. do you think that might be tim scott's strategy? >> it's very well could be. it seems like those who are announcer running for president come down to nikki haley and tim scott for possible bp choices. i don't think donald trump would want either one. i don't think that scott would take it, necessarily. if trump's numbers continue to go down against biden. they are. that gives chris christie, like, we should give kudos for him for going after trump. he's bringing trump numbers down. >> susan,, let's turn to mitch mcconnell. you raised questions this week after he appeared to have freeze for more than 15 seconds
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during a news conference. he was escorted from the podium. he returned to say he was fine. would not answer any questions about his health. the president has said he had to change he -- had the chance to talk to mcconnell this afternoon. he did not elaborate on their discussion when he was asked about it. in a statement from the spokesperson, first obtained by politico, it said, quote, leader mcconnell appreciates the continued support of his colleagues. plans to serve his full term in the job they overwhelmingly elected him to. do, now earlier this, year mcconnell became the longest serving senate party leader of all-time. his term as senate gop leader ends in early 20, january of 2025. his sixth term in office will alluded to her in 2027. and what is your reaction to this incident? who is next in line to lead the
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republicans in the senate if mcconnell is no longer able to serve? >> if there was a lot of talk that mitch mcconnell really only state and for 2022 so he could become the majority leader and go out on a high note, now with the senate map, it is favoring republicans. maybe that's why he's holding on. what happens next is really interesting, rev. it's going to be something that similar to what we've seen in the house. not a good thing. that is republican factions. the next in line should be john phone, senator from south dakota. he's number two in leadership. he's well liked. republicans want to keep some kind of steadiness and governance to managing. especially in the senate. they have been trying to get to some kind of consensus on many different issues with democrats and here's the thing. rick scott out, of florida, made a bid against mcconnell. it failed miserably. without mitch mcconnell there,
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without having someone who owns, it if you will, i don't know what happens. tim cotton trying to make a. play anyone can make a. play it looks like we will see establishment versus maga. >> finally, i must go to this. this week, rudy giuliani admitted in court filings to lying about a pair of georgia election workers who targeted, who were targeted by trump's most insidious conspiracy theories. and a statement filed last tuesday, night he says that claims he made about georgia election workers sheamus and ruby freeman were completely false. in an effort to resolve the defamation's that were brought against him by the two women, giuliani is arguing that the statements were protected speech under the first amendment. what do you make of giuliani's shift and his efforts to not be held liable? >> rev, we both know ready for
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a long time. i've worked in the administration in the 90s. i don't know anything. the one thing i do know, he's not going to jail for donald trump. he is petrified of going to jail. he has been for a couple of years. the fact that he's willing to go this far, i can't help but think that he is a potential flip. if he has been already for jack smith in either the january six case or the documents case. anywhere rudy has, been he's touched a lot of these issues. my, guess who is going to be a witness for the prosecution and one of these cases. >> for the prosecution of donald trump? >> yes. >> rudy giuliani, looking out for rudy giuliani, really? >> we both know tim along time. i wouldn't be surprised. susan del percio, thank you for being with us. coming up, a tiny town in america's bible belt has become a shocking example of when democracy turns to autocracy.
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alabama. a black man who says he was elected mayor of the rural town in 2020 has been kept from quebec office by white leaders of the town. patrick brexton has now filed a federal civil rights lawsuit together with four other plaintiffs. people that braxton is trying to name to the city council. we've asked the mayor elect braxton to come on to the show. because he is a plaintiff in the litigation, he is not able to discuss the case. joining me now is a colleague. the queen at luis, she helped bring this case to court. she is the founder of the
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nonprofit alabama love dot org. miss louis, thank you for joining us. first, for, audience making sure we've got this right. according to the lawsuit, braxton was elected to office in 2020 but then minority white residents of new bern refused to accept the outcome specifically -- who was known as the acting mayor. stokes allegedly worked with acting town council members to hold a special election where he was reappointed to the seat and keeping braxton from taking office. now, the awful -- the town of new bern has never held office of a black for -- blacks have never been mayor there for decades. instead the officer mayor was inherited by handpicked successors.
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and that may have been the town council members again without an election. how did all of this last this long? >> well, they have been handing down. they have been in power for a long time. they are handing down the leadership role from friends and family members for years. you get it with a town that's never voted, never had the opportunity to. >> and they just handed it down. this is a town, i understand it's 80% black. i understand that according to the lawsuit, in december of 2020, the defendants allegedly had the locks changed at the town hall. so, mr. braxton was not able to access the building. also, he found that official down documents were removed from the building. it also meant that he could not help set up voting machines for new bern's most recent election in 2022. why did you decide to step up and help this campaign for
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justice from finding legal counsel and then initiate a lawsuit to challenge this unjust behavior by some residents in your town? >> well, being a community leader myself, finding an organization, the county will generally also -- it was one of the towns that i was very passionate about and wanted to serve. they have a high population of people living below poverty. so, to come into the community, when i met mayor braxton, he established, you know, he had a building that i was able to use. providing services from it. he was explaining to me that even though i am the mayor, i haven't been able to take my seat. i felt right as rioters wrong is wrong. so, i just did everything in my power to see what it is we can do to help bring awareness to this. to see what we can get help from. >> now, like i, mentioned oh mayors have been white
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residents. even though about 80% of new bern's population is black. and i also understand that according to the lawsuit, mr. braxton asked both black and white residents to serve on town council positions. no white residents agreed to join his counsel. why do you think that is? >> i think that being that they've had power structures for so long, nobody really wants to intervene and step forward. standing against what they know is wrong. that's a hard decision to make. a lot of the time, the towns like this, these people are not just the political leaders, they are the ones who are providing services. whether it is hvac services, you know, so no one wants to stand up against such high power in a town like that. he has offered the opportunity to everyone in the community.
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he's asked on several occasions, myself alone, my organization, we serve a variety, 30 to 45% of the population that we serve is caucasian as well. so, there's never been any discrimination on our behalf. that's as far as services, as far as services in relation to mayor braxton. the opposition is just there. >> now, talking about services, a volunteer firefighter, emergency responder, decided to run for mayor in 2020 because he had concerns that the town council and mayor were not responding to the needs of the majority black community. particularly amid the covid-19 pandemic. when he was, elected he became the first black mayor in new bern in 165 years since the town was founded. what is it that the black residents of new bern need the most in your judgment? >> >> in my honest opinion, love.
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sincerely it or ship, love. we need to just leaders that are willing to serve everyone. not a particular, race not a particular group of people, leadership that's willing to serve everyone. i definitely feel that layer mayor roxana someone that's capable of doing so. >> now, while i have one more minute left, i must ask you about the larger picture, the never ending attempts by alabama legislators to limit the voting rights of the states black residents. the u.s. supreme court, this conservative court, had ruled that black residents were illegally under represented. alabama's legislature did not create a second majority black congressional district in your state that the court court told them to. what do you make of that in 2023? >> i make of that, total disrespect. disrespect, disregard to leadership, a disregard to order. i just feel like we have to
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step up. we have to step up and say something about it. i appreciate the opportunity to do so and i'm here with you. >> the queen lewis, the queen of luis, thank you for being with, us we're going to stay on the story. up next, president biden honors -- right after the break, we will be right back. it was time for a nunormal with nucala. nucala is a once-monthly add-on treatment for severe eosinophilic asthma that can mean less oral steroids. not for sudden breathing problems. allergic reactions can occur. get help right away for swelling of face, mouth, tongue, or trouble breathing. infections that can cause shingles have occurred. don't stop steroids unless told by your doctor. tell your doctor if you have a parasitic infection. may cause headache, injection site reactions, back pain, and fatigue. ask your asthma specialist about a nunormal with nucala. this week, i, like billions of
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americans, was proud and heartened when president joe biden announced the monuments dedicated to emmett till and his mother mamie till. i was particularly happy and took note that he not only honored emmett till, he was lynched, who was killed, beaten, and maimed at 14 years old in mississippi. and in a racial attack that mobilized and galvanized the civil rights movement. but he also honored his mother, who had the courage to not hide it and until the morticians opened the casket, i want the world to see what they did to my son. see his mutilated and beaten body. and jet magazine and the chicago -- two black news entities that president biden cited, put those pictures out and showed the world. it is people like me till that
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make a difference. and that's why all of us need a little mamie in us. on august 26th, you can go to washington. it's not enough to say that hate crimes have risen to new levels against blacks and jews, and latinos and asian americans, and lgbtq citizens. we must come and stand together against hate crimes. against gun violence. against voter rights being eroded in many states. and i against economic disparities. you have to have me kind of courage to say it's not enough to tell people in your house, or on the job in your cubicle what you don't like or would you disagree with. sometimes you need to take an extra effort. she took the pain of opening the casket of her son to make a larger statement. it's a lot less for us to just
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take one day and stand up where martin luther king junior stood 60 years before that weekend, and said america needs to check what it's doing with racism, antisemitism, homophobia, and all kinds of hatred. and she came to national action network, when we were together many times since then. but she came and stood on our platform, and just her strength continuing all the way until her last days, is the strength that we need now as we face a rise in hate. let's have a rise in activism and courage. that does it for me, thanks for watching. i'll see you back here tomorrow at five pm eastern for another live hour of politicsnation. we'll talk to senior dnc adviser and former white house senior adviser subject richmond, as well as former impeachment manager congressman adam schiff,
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and the president of delta sigma -- soraya, elsie cook. they will be with us that's sunday five pm eastern right here on politicsnation. up next at the top of the hour, american voices with some host michael steele. don't go anywhere. dogo a did you know most dish soaps don't remove all the grease, even with scrubbing? (whaaat?) i just cleaned those. try dawn platinum. it removes 99% of grease and food residue. that's why dawn is trusted to save wildlife affected by oil.
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the protections in row. >> in south carolina, the antiabortion movement is pushing legislation that would subject pregnant women who don't want to be pregnant to the death penalty. >> we are now all living in a patchwork nation, and the efforts to ban access to reproductive health care in more places keep coming. >> hello everyone, i'm michael steele in this weekend for alicia menendez. so we begin tonight this saturday, with the former president going about his business of trying to become president again. in the wake of a new batch of criminal charges in just one of the federal cases against him. tonight, trump will speak in erie, pennsylvania. we will not share his speech live, nor will we cover the crazy, but we will monitor for news. this post supersedi