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tv   The Last Word With Lawrence O Donnell  MSNBC  June 23, 2023 7:00pm-8:00pm PDT

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district went viral, spurring a mass banning of the book and at least 35 different school districts across the united states. and while some districts return to the book to the shelves, long boy still stands as one of america's most banned books today. i'll talk to the author, jonathan upson, about his novel tomorrow for this week's meeting of the velshi banned book club, which you can catch on my show tomorrow at 10 am eastern, right here on msnbc. don't miss it. and that does it for us, now it is time for the last word. my friend jonathan capehart is in for lawrence tonight. good evening my friend. >> good evening. we've got a lot of breaking news to get to in the classified documents case, but i've got to get you while i have you, as someone who is spent so much time in ukraine. get your thoughts on what is happening between the wagner group head prigozhin, and russian president vladimir putin. is this as serious as it?
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>> russia wouldn't have the success that it's had if not for prigozhin and the wagner group. they're mercenaries, they're deadly, but they are actually effective. and now he's turned and gone back into the russia, he claims he's going to fix the situation because he claims that the russian military attacked his men. this has been a long simmering food between the russian defense minister and prigozhin, but prigozhin says he's doing something about it. we are unable to convert any of this, we have heard reports from ukrainians that they've crossed into russia. that wagner group has crushed into russia. burgos -- russia is on high alert. moscow has tanks in the streets, they're calling it a coup attempt. he denies that's the case, it is all very confusing. but this guy is both volatile and dangerous. i will say on the american side, there is a concern. russia is a nuclear armed country, and having a whole bunch of people fighting about who's in charge of it is actually more serious than not. so, everybody tonight is on
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high alert about what's going on in russia. something is happening, we do not have a lot of detail as to what it is, but this feud has simmered over into something that looks like it could turn violent and destabilize russian governments. >> yeah. and to just add one more point, ali, the ukraine armed forces just tweeted quote, we are watching. >> yes. we are all watching, actually. that's an effective tweet. good luck on your show tonight, and i'll see you tomorrow. >> all right, see you tomorrow morning. thank you. ll right, see yowe have breakint in the classified documents case. tonight, special counsel jack smith has filed three new motions asking judge aileen cannon to push back the start date of the trial, to hold a pretrial conference on how to handle classified material, and for her to sign off on the no contact list that a judge imposed on donald trump and his co defendant walt nauta. the filing reads quote, for the reasons discussed below, the government files this motion to continue the trial date to
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december 11th 2023. government counsel have conferred with counsel for defended trump, and defended nada in a good faith effort to resolve the subject matter of this motion by agreement. defense council confirmed they do not oppose an adjournment of the current trial date, and request a status hearing with the court to address the schedule in this action. in their filing, prosecutors write that the reason for delaying the trial until december comes down to the massive amount of classified material that's at the center of this case. the fact that it could take up to two months for trump's attorneys to get the necessary security clearances. the filing states that quote, decisions on interim clearances for defense counsel can and should be made within 48 hours of submission of the relevant forms. interim clearance as will enable council to review the vast majority of classified discovery. but the decision on granting the final clearance requires to
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allow council's review of the remaining small number of classified documents is estimated to occur within 45 to 60 days of form submission. given the security procedures necessary for trump's legal team to deal with a classified evidence in this trial, prosecutors write that the original august date set by judge cannon was not simply not feasible, quote in the governments view proceeding to trial on august 14th 2023 would deny counsel for the defendant, or the attorney for the government the reasonable time necessary for effective preparation and the ends of justice served by granting this request of continuance outweigh the best interests of the public and the defendants in a speedy trial. these filings come just days after special counsel jack smith laid out a roadmap of their case for donald trump's legal team by providing them all of the nonclassified
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evidence in the trial, including grand jury testimony from the witnesses who testified against trump. leading off our discussion tonight, is glenn kirschner, former federal prosecutor and msnbc legal analyst. he is the host of the justice matters podcast, and also with us again tonight is bradley p. moss, a national security attorney. thank you both for coming here. glenn, explain this move to us. it is a move to delay calls for concern about the case? >> no jonathan, i think it's thoroughly and surprising. i don't know that all legal analysts agree to everything all the time, but i think when we all saw judge aileen cannon set the trial date for august 14th, our immediate reaction was, that trial date is not going to hold. now, we understand why she did it, the speedy trial act provides that somebody is to be taken trial within 70 days of their agreement. so judge cannon i think
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appropriately set a trial date for about 63 days from the time donald trump was arraigned. but, it was entirely unrealistic, particularly in a case that involves classified information like this. because the defense attorneys have to apply for and be granted security clearances, and the prosecutors in the department of justice had said we will speed it up. we will move at light speed, but they also note that some of the defense attorneys haven't even filed the preliminary paperwork. the nsf 86 national security questionnaire to even get the security clearance ball ruling. i don't think that was a slap at the defense team, i just think the prosecutors were highlighting for the judge that look, there is going to be more run up time to this trial, because of the nature of the evidence these highly classified documents than is otherwise ordinarily the case in trial. so, i've -- i don't think this is all that
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remarkable, i think we're all expecting. it >> brought, here's what andrew weissmann treated about this motion. quote, the government's motion is standard. other than it is taking out the big crayons to teach the district judge about the basics of cepa, which she will need to master in order to handle the classified discovery issues. is this delay as much for cannon's benefit, as anyone else is? >> yeah. andrew is right and glenn kind of hit on the idea that none of us believe this trial was going to happen in august. that just wasn't plausible. but yes, this is what the government almost always does in every case that involves cepa, the classified information procedures act, and particularly in one like in judge cannon, who hasn't had the experience not just in her own professional life, but particularly as a judge. she hasn't presided over one of these before, she hasn't dealt with a different notifications that both the government and quite possibly mr. trump's team
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will have to make about any classified evidence that has to be introduced at trial, and they tend to provide -- there is going to be a fight almost certainly between the parties in what's called a section six hearing before judge cannon, in terms of what type of testimony -- is going to be produced at trial. how it's going to be produced a trial, whether there will be redactions, substitutions or stipulations, those are all kinds of fights that have to happen before we ever get close to trial. and that's going to easily take weeks before we even get to these guys having clearances, which they haven't even gotten to yet. >> wow. hey glenn, much like the evidence they released on wednesday, is this a power move from smith and his team, a way to show trump and the judge that they ain't messing around? >> yeah. i don't think it's a power move as much as it is a necessity in cepa trials. what i did think is really interesting, jonathan, is that the discovery letter that jack
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smith sent saying listen, we're not even required to give you all of the witness statements or all of the greentree transcripts, ordinarily prosecutors only give up for the january transcripts for the witnesses. they intend to call a trial. but boy, jack smith went above and beyond and said we're going to give you all of the grand jury transcripts. so what does that mean? that means that donald trump now knows all of the witnesses who went into the grand jury and what they testified to about his crimes. which is probably why he arop did in that post, and expressly urged congress to quote stop this now. which feels a little obstruction of justice-ish to me. >> yeah. yeah. let me get you on one more thing. do you think that, speaking of power moves, glad, this is a question i asked harry lippman last night. do you think that this is jack smith's attempt, by giving him all of this stuff, hey dude, here's the case against you.
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you might as well just -- come on, think about settling. let's make a deal. >> you know, i think it could have that effect for any other litigate other than donald trump. donald trump is not big on taking responsibility for his own miss speeds. i think the other thing jack smith was doing though, was not only being fully transparent, providing more discovery, more evidence than the rules actually require him to provide, but we have seen prosecutions break bad in the past for instance, the senator ted stephens case where the prosecutors want a conviction but they lost the appeal because it turns out they didn't give over all of the evidence that could have been helpful to the defendant. that might have been brady evidence. i don't think jack smith wants to run the risk of any of those problems, and he is going to play this straight up and then some. >> so brad, let me read this line from the filing. here's the quote. defense counsel anticipate filing an opposition to this
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motion, addressing their objections to the government's proposed dates. so brad, do you think they'll try to push it back even further? >> oh, absolutely. they want this delayed as much as possible. one part being simply, they want it as close to the election as possible so that if this does make it to trial, and if he is convicted, it'll make it so that there is no sentencing before the election. so he can get the nomination, if he can somehow win the general election in november 2024, he can basically -- any sentencing that would come down because he would parted himself once he takes office. they have no desire to rush this. they have every desire to hit with preach of motions, and to appeal anything that could potentially lose up to the 11th circuit. >> and one more question for you, brad. what are your takeaways from the new motion tonight from the special counsel about the 84 witnesses that trump and not a corporate pivoted from speaking to? >> this is jack smith basically
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saying, when we get to this trial, it's not just going to be one person verifying where this box was, or one person verified-ing what now to do with these boxes, what they saw in your office. it's going to be multiple people. we are going to have confirmation upon confirmation. there is not going to be any issues of misinterpretation or one person's particular analysis. it's going to be a brick wall, a beautiful brick wall of evidence showing exactly how much we have to show. not only he obtained the documents, but you obstructed efforts to get the back. >> one more question before we have to go. are all of the trump trials going to run into each other? because his manhattan trial is coming up in early 2024. >> yeah, they might. and the prosecutor is going to have to coordinate on the scheduling. they have to prioritize. but you know what, it's maybe a good thing that the judge may end up a vacating the august
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trial date, because we all kind of suspected donald trump might find himself occupied down in georgia in august, perhaps being arraigned down there by district attorney benny willis. >> yeah. think about that. forgot about georgia for a hot second. bradley moss, thank you. you glenn kirschner, please stay with us. when we come back, more breaking news. jack smith has compelled at least two republican fake electors to testify to a federal grand jury investigating efforts to overturn the election. and he could be close to a cooperation deal with someone in trump's inner circle. and, breaking news from russia, where there are reports of a possible attempted coup of vladimir putin's leadership in the wake of the disastrous ukraine invasion. richard engel will join us next. join us next w. or their neighbors down the hill. but one thing they did know is exactly how much they'd pay.
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we moved out of the city so our little sophie could appreciate nature. is this you? but then he got us t-mobile home internet. i was just trying to improve our signal, so some of the trees had to go. i might've taken it a step too far. (chainsaw revs) (tree crashes) (chainsaw continues) (daughter screams) let's pretend for a second that you didn't let down your entire family. what would that reality look like? well i guess i would've gotten us xfinity... and we'd have a better view. do you need mulch? and there is special counsel what, we have a ton of mulch.
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jack smith's federal -- into january 6th turned 2020 ja0
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with the situation. relative dormancy
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working for mr. smith. it would be the first known instance of cooperation by someone with direct knowledge of the so-called fake elector plan. mr. in several key -- for his role in inciting the
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january 6th attack on the capital. back with us is glenn kirschner. glenn, what's your evaluation as a prosecutor of these developments? immunity and a potential cooperation agreement? >> yeah, you know, immediately was yeah, because what immunity me, jonathan, is that there is somebody who is probably been involved in crime, but the prosecutors make a tactical decision. we're not going to charge them. instead, we're going to grant them immunity and we're going to compel their testimony. we're going to squeeze it out of them in the grand jury. once you give them immunity, they no longer have a fifth amendment right against self incrimination that they can invoke, and not testify. but the challenge with immunity is once you grant somebody immunity, if you need to rely on that person at trial, there are going to be on the receiving end of some scorched earth cross-examination. because the defense attorney will say, listen you've committed crimes. you were granted immunity by that prosecutor sitting right
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there. so you aren't held accountable for what you did. you're going to say anything about prosecutor wants you to say, isn't that true? that's why you need lots of cooperation when you're going to present and immunize witness. but here's the thing, jonathan. in the seven grad battleground states that joe biden won, all of a sudden we have fake electors popping up? do we really think that they just simultaneously and coincidentally came up with a fake elector schemes across the seven states? it sure feels like it's a top down, washington controlled criminal scheme to help donald trump steal the presidency. so jack smith has decided he needs to grant immunity to some of these fake electors, get them in the grand jury, and get them to talk about this scheme. what the origins of the scheme were, who was involved from washington, there have been references to some in donald trump's attorneys who may have been involved in orchestrating this. so it feels like the right tactical decision to grant some
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of these fake electors immunity, and perhaps jack smith will end up charging other fake electors. >> so then, congressman swalwell, do you think of fake electors investigation will get to trump? >> i think it is broken down as to who caused this, that should get to trump. so jonathan, nice to see you as well. look, in a crime like this, you have the hustle and the muscle. and as somebody who was on the other side of the doors that those terrorists were trying to bang down and get into, and cause great bodily injury to the lives of the people on the floor, i'm grateful that the department of justice has gone after the muscle. that hundreds of willis have been made, hundreds of convictions have been obtained. but the hustle is donald trump. and, i am still convinced that if donald trump had accepted the outcome of the 2020
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election when he was called by the media, or when people went to vote in the individual states to certify the electoral college votes in their states, if he had conceded, even when mitch mcconnell had finally in december conceded that donald trump was not going to be the president, if he had conceded then and not shown up to the january 6th rally, ask yourself. would this have happened? and i'm convinced that -- for trump it would never have happened. if that's the case, he's the hustle. and if that's the case, he has to meet legal accountability. >> glenn, do we have a sense of the potential crimes in the fake electors scheme? >> to me jonathan, it feels like one big old conspiracy to defraud the united states or commit offenses against the united states. what we call a three 71 conspiracy. usually, when we think of conspiracies, we think of going after the mob. we have a crime bus up top, and then you have a consigliere and
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you have under bosses and compose and soldiers. but you know, the conspiracy that seems to have been in play on and around january 6th looks much more to me like what we call a hub and spoke conspiracy, when you have the hub of the wheel, that would be donald trump in the middle, and a bunch of spokes that radiate out from the hub. maybe those folks don't intersect with each other, but they're all part of a common plan or scheme, in this case to keep donald trump in office unlawfully and unconstitutionally. those fake electors to be have always looked like a spoke in the hub and spoke conspiracy. >> congressman swalwell, the washington reporter tweeted that people inside doj quote, without the january six committee, i'm convinced there wouldn't have been a doj investigation into trump's role. what do you make of that? >> you know, this is what article one congressional oversight is supposed to be. and that committee and the history of congress will be
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regarded as one of the most responsible, reasonable and best storytelling committees we've ever seen. and ever seen in contrast with the jim jordan clown committees. just how professional of a committee it was. and it should not have taken a congressional committee to bring the light to evidence that motivated the departments to seek these investigations. but that is exactly what they did. and so the past is the past. and what jack smith is doing right now is so important, and again i'm not rooting for a donald trump indictment around january 6th, i'm just rooting for the rule of law. and that if the facts meet the law in this case and donald trump obstructed congress or conspired to defraud the united states, then just like any other person who did that or who has done that, he should be held accountable. glenn kirschner, as always thanks for joining us. congressman swalwell, please stay with us. because we have some breaking
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putin oozed to night. russian tanks or in the streets of moscow right now. russian generals are accusing yevgeny prigozhin, the leader of the brutal wagner paramilitary group of trying to mount a coup against russian president vladimir putin. prigozhin, who was hired by putin to mobilize the wagner forces to ukraine, set kremlin 's justifications for invading ukraine was based on lies. let's go right now to nbc chief foreign correspondent richard engel, which is following all of it. he is in taipei. richard, thank you so much for coming to the last word. what's the latest that we have confirmed? >> so, there is a very little confirmed. although we have some images that have come out from moscow, images that have come out from the city of rostov on dawn, and
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we have statements from prigozhin. so let's just set this up a little bit in order to understand what's happening now, or what appears to be happening right now. the wagner group, which is a mercenary army. it's sometimes described as a pirate like organization, that is loyal to yevgeny prigozhin. they use a lot of convicted convicts, freeing them from prisoners. we're talking rapists, murderers, and giving them amnesty. giving them release, in exchange for frontline service in ukraine. this paramilitary group, this mercenary group, has been operating in ukraine since the beginning of this invasion, for a year and a half now. they are considered shock troops, they are independent from the regular chain of command, independent from the ministry of defense. and they have been quite
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effective in fighting in ukraine, particularly around the city of bakhmut, where they destroy the city of bakhmut. this is a ukrainian city in the far east of the country, not far from the russian border. in fact, according to a wagner, according to images that wagner's release, they've lost thousands, potentially thins up thousands of troops fighting in ukraine. or tens of thousands of mercenaries. and there are many images of prigozhin himself, released by wagner, going to prisons, telling prisoners, telling convicts that the only way that they can get out of jail is to join his force and go and serve on frontline duty. yes, they might not survive, but it is their best opportunity. and wagner prisoners who have either been captured or managed to escape this kind of extreme service, have said that once
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they get to the battlefield, they are forced to rush into gunfire. and if they try to retreat, they are shocked by the commanders. so a very, very tough, very ruthless organization. now, they have been for months now at odds with the regular army. because they have been showing up the regular army. the regular army, as we have seen over the last year or so in ukraine, have been performing very badly. they were not able to hold parts of the east, they were not able to capture kyiv. so presented itself as the only fighting force inside russia that was able to make advances, not retreat, and defeat in places the ukrainian army. and this rivalry has been intense in the past, with you've getty prigozhin deliberately accusing the army, deliberately accusing defense
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minister should you have undercutting his forces. not giving them supplies, not giving them ammunition. and he has said in many statements that he believes that the defense establishment there is trying to kill his men in order to and in late -- eliminates arrival. that is the back story. over the last 24 hours, things have developed quite significantly. and according to the -- according to prigozhin himself, he has said that not just the defense minister but also the army chief garage of organized an attack against wagner. trying to eliminate them, attacking their fixed positions in the forests inside ukraine. attacking them with missiles, attacking them with helicopters. and according to wagner, this was yet another attack against them and a step too far.
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and, this very, very dangerous, very emotional, very violent leader of wagner. yevgeny prigozhin, said enough is enough. and we are taking my force, which he estimates a 25,000 men, and i am not just going to not use them to fight in ukraine, i am going back into russia and i'm going to get rid of these defense officials, who killed his men allegedly. specifically gerasimov and show you. and he said he is going to march toward crossed a, raw stuff is the city where the war in ukraine is being organized from. it's the seat of the southern command, and to moscow. so russian troops, according to russia's accounts, have set up defensive positions in moscow to prevent this rogue mercenary force from coming in and attacking the city. and setting up perimeter around
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the city of rostov. they are accusing him, the russian intelligence service is accusing him of trying to stage a coup. he denies that he is trying to stage a cue, he says that this is merely an act of justice that his men are going back to try and eliminate the traders within the kremlin who are trying to undermine the war. and he said that the war itself is going away from its initial aims. the initial aim of the war was to pacify or d -- the russian propaganda that the country -- and he said it is not that anymore. it is simply about these top levels top officials in the ministry of defense, using this conflict in order to get more stars on their uniforms to seek promotions, to serve their interest. so we are talking about a
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potential open split that has been brewing for months now. but that has apparently escalated to a new level. and all of this potentially is very good news for ukraine. because if your enemies are fighting among themselves, and your shock troops, russian shock troops, are now trying to topple their rival in the official armed forces, that would give the ukrainians a bit of breathing room, just as they are launching this new offensive, which is already proving to be quite difficult. offensive,richard, thank you veh for that excellent recap of how we got to this point. but in terms of that split in the russian war effort, i'm wondering, is prigozhin someone who could breakthrough and turn
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public support against putin? even if this event, whatever this event is that's happening, doesn't work? >> it's a very difficult to know whether he will have that kind of a ground swell of support. prigozhin is not just a mercenary leader. you could see how confident he is. it is not someone who considers themselves a low level functionary that would have won 25,000 troops by the way, some estimates put the number of wagner forces at 50,000. so, he clearly has an armed force and quickly has a lot of confidence. he also has a lot of money. because, wagner is a self funding organization. it fights in ukraine right now, particularly around the area of bakhmut, often using freed convicts and gang pressing them
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into service, offering them amnesty in exchange for frontline duty. but they also have business operations all over the world, in african particular. and reporting that we've done shows that wagner is able to extract about half a billion dollars a year in gold and blood diamonds from just one country. the central african republic alone. so, they have money, they have independent sources of money, they have tens of thousands at least of loyal troops who are loyal to prigozhin, and who see the army as an enemy, an enemy that has been denying them resources. which is killing them by other means, and now according to prigozhin, actively trying to kill them over the last 24 hours ago in this murky attack that supposedly took place on wagner positions inside ukraine. so, he has force.
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he has money. whether he would be able to translate that into public support, to overthrow the government is really an open question. but he says that's not his goal. he says his goal is to get rid of this corrupt defense establishment. these vested interests, these top two generals, grabs him off and show you. whether the defense establishment rallies around them and not prigozhin, seems likely, considering the fsb, which is the main intelligence organization already issued this alert calling him -- accusing him of engaging in an act of treason. so in order to try to take over russia, he would have to win over the establishment, he'd have to win over the intelligence agency, and to a degree, he'd have to have some public support behind him.
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although in an armed conflict like this, public support is probably a second or even third order effect. >> nbc news chief correspondent richard engel, no better person to talk to you about what is happening right now in russia. thank you very much for joining us tonight. much more ahead. we will be right back. l be right back. for twice as long as pepcid. get all-day and all-night heartburn acid prevention with just one pill a day. choose acid prevention. choose nexium. okay everyone, our mission is complete balanced nutrition. together we provide nutrients to support immune, muscle, bone, and heart health. everyone: woo hoo! ensure with 25 vitamins and minerals. enter the $10,000 nourishing moments giveaway. my a1c was up here; now, it's down with rybelsus®. enter the $10,000 his a1c? it's down with rybelsus®.
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has sunk to historic lows, in the air since the conservative super majority overturned 50 years of protections for women with nearly 70% saying the court is motivated by politics. we've seen justices clarence thomas myths and samuel alito the author of the dobbs decision reportedly failing to disclose thousands of dollars in lavish gifts and travel from republican billionaire megadonor's. the conservative super majority now has other rights in their sights. something clarence thomas made very clear last year, and reiterated again today. literally today. in a decision about immigration, when he attacked the right to contraception, as one of five cases he claims the founding fathers would have rejected, and the court should reconsider. today, president biden took the threat from current clarence thomas seriously. signing an executive order today to protect women's rights to obtain contraception.
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but warning that the supreme court and republicans are not finished. >> joining us now, democratic senator tina smith of minnesota. she previously served as a executive vice president of law -- and south dakota. senator smith, thank you very much for coming to the last word. you are the first to cosponsor a bill to add four seats to the supreme court. why is this bill essential to reforming the court? >> the supreme court has become too powerful, and to political. as you've just described, we can see how that is putting our rights and our democracy at risk. i think that when you think that something is broken, as the supreme court is clearly broken, you have to take steps to be willing to fix it. that is what this law would do. this law would take the common sense, and constitutional reform, of adding four justices to the supreme court. that would restore balance to the court. it would undo the stacking that
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has happened, which has put this extreme right wing conservative supermajority on the court. and this is what the power of the constitution gives to congress. to set the number of supreme court justices. i think we should use that power to restore balance to the supreme court. >> what is your reaction to clarence thomas targeting the right to contraception, again, today, with his original list view of what the founders thought. even though then, contraception didn't exist. and women weren't justices or senators. >> what justice thomas said today, lays bare exactly the direction that this court is going. which is to systematically strip away the rights and freedoms of people in this country. and in this case, the rights and freedoms of women, to suggest that contraceptive care should be denied is another step in this long process that we are seeing. it was only a year ago that the court stripped away the
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fundamental freedom of women to be able to decide for themselves about abortion and what happens with their own bodies. no one, i think, should think that they are done yet. in fact, this is, i think at the root of why we see this dramatic decline and the trust of the supreme court. to believe that they are neutral arbiters of the constitution and the law. it is clear, to more and more people, that this court, answers to big corporate interests and antiabortion advocates. the extreme right wing of this country. that is not healthy. in fact, it's not sustainable for our democracy. senator tina smith of the great state of minnesota. sorry we didn't have more time to talk tonight. because of the breaking news. thank you very much for coming to the last word. >> thank you jonathan. >> coming up, stunning new polls about how voters feel, a year after overturning roe. urning roe it kills 99% plaque bacteria. and forms an antibacterial shield.
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and even 31% of republican voters. joining us now, amanda litman, co-founder and executive director of run for something. and adele mcclure, who just won the democratic primary for the virginia state house district to this week. thank you both for coming. we don't have a lot of time. so miss mccullough or, you've been running in the first post roe year. to those poll numbers square with what you've heard from voters? >> oh absolutely. voters want everyone to have access to abortion. photos agree with federal and state laws that provide full access with limited regulations. every time i've been on the doors, i've been in every single part of the second district. every precinct. and everyone has sent a clear message that they want to have access to abortion, and reproductive health. >> amanda, we know there was a surge of people interested in running right after roe. how do you encourage that to continue, even after the shock of big political events, trump's win, or roll being
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overturned, wanes? >> it's people like adele, run for a candidate in virginia, who are running on abortion, making it very clear they are ready to deliver. results for their consist joints. as they keep doing, at more people are going to be inspired to step up and run themselves. and run for something will be there to help them. >> miss mcclure, what is at stake with reproductive rights in virginia in 2023? >> virginia is now a central point of access in the south for reproductive health care and abortion. that makes protecting and maintaining access even more priority. that is absolutely at stake. we know that folks of color, lgbtqia plus folks. people living in rural areas are always focusing -- barriers to care. that is what we need to make sure that we are focused on. and enshrining that right into our state constitution. >> amanda, how many more miss
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mcclure's, i dal mcclure's are out there. who are young, running for the first time, and have young reproductive rights, basically central freedom -- >> run for something is he going to endorse more than 650,000 -- there are hundreds of thousands of more who are not able to engage with. but who are running to put abortion on the ballot. make sure that when voters show up at the polls, they can make a clear they want to stand up for the freedom to make their own health care decisions. >> amanda litman and adele mcclure, thank you both very much for joining us tonight. ford coming to the last word. we will be right back. so you only pay for what you need. check it out, you could save $700 dollars just by switching. ooooh, i'll look into that. let me put a reminder on my phone. save $700 dollars. pick up dad from airport? ohhhhhh.
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since the supreme court overturned the constitutional right to an abortion. speaking at the aspen dance festival, chelsea clinton shared her thoughts on the ruling in an interview with nbc's kristen welker. >> i'm really [bleep] angry. i'm really angry because we know, we know that women have died. we have moved forward again a time where we are making women more vulnerable, because of a very extreme, nearly rendered
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view of christian white nationalism. >> and that is tonight's last word. tomorrow, on the saturday show, i'll be joined by congresswoman barbara lee. one year after roe, and congressman adam schiff on the republican center vote of him. and this sunday night, in honor of pride month, i'll be speaking with leaders of the lgbtq community, fighting to hold on to their rights at a time when these fundamental freedoms are being attacked by conservative governments. watch, defending pride, sunday at ten pm eastern on msnbc. the 11th hour starts right now. >> tonight, a potential delay in the classified documents trail. . what jack smith's latest move means for the case. then, heightened security in moscow after the kremlin accuses a russian mercenary group of armed mutiny. and