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tv   American Voices With Alicia Menendez  MSNBC  June 10, 2023 4:00pm-5:00pm PDT

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xfinity rewards creates experiences big and small, >> hello everyone i am alicia and once-in-a-lifetime. menendez. as we begin a new hour right now, former president donald trump and north carolina, after downplaying the criminal indictment against him, saying even if convicted, he will still run. this as the former president is three days from facing the music in miami, his arraignment in federal court. the faithful including most gop automakers standing by their man. what republican primary voters do the same? we hit the ground and i want to find out. the election that is approaching the gop field, as widened. what are the political implications of indicting a former president running again?
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what about the other possible indictments facing trump? lisa rubin is here to talk about the investigations in georgia and the assault on our democracy. this is american voices. a now twice indicted donald trump is on the road today surprising no one, waving his right to remain silent. right now the former president is in north carolina. they expect him to speak at a rally of supporters. we will not show you that live, but we will keep an eye on it so that you don't have to. we've heard from him once today in georgia, trump, airing's grievances against the 30 counts of indictments that he's receiving, open up conspiracies and attacking the special counsel. >> the ridiculous and baseless indictment of me by the biden administration that weaponized the department of justice will go down as one of the most horrific abuses of power in the history of our country.
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they want to do something called the espionage act. doesn't that sound terrible? oh, the espionage, we've got a box, i got a box. the espionage. >> on this show, we don't play sound bites by trump lately, but today, i felt it was important for all of us to understand the line of attack the former president who wants to be president again, the line he plans to use. he is working hard to politicize the justice system the same way that a politicized our electoral system in 2020. everything but conspiracy, everyone ought to get him. to be clear, that is not what is happening here. and what you did not hear from the former president today any attempt to defend his actions. a special counsel tying this by the book from the charges to the venue. on friday, jack smith laid out the very real national security threats at play. >> and here is to the rule of law is a bedrock principle at the department of justice. and our nation's commitment to the rule of law sets an example
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for the world. we have one set of laws in this country, and they apply to everyone. applying those laws, collecting facts, that is what determines the outcome of an investigation. nothing more, nothing less. >> a reminder of the incredibly serious charges facing donald trump when he is due in court on tuesday. i've read the indictment you've read the indictment, the 37 felony accounts, 31 for violating the espionage act, which -- this, what we're talking about, is a matter of social security at risk. nation secrets, warplanes, kept inboxes. spaces like a bathroom and support and a ballroom at mar-a-lago for events and gatherings took place. joining us now from north carolina, nbc's blaine alexander. blaine, talk to us about trump 's reaction today on the campaign trail and give us a sense of how republicans are
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reacting to the indictment. >> we are set to hear the former president speak and address this in his own words in about 30 minutes in greensboro in north carolina. we've already heard from him earlier today. he spoke before a crowd in georgia, and he was just as defiant speaking through the crowd as he has been all along a social media platform. as for what we heard from at the republicans, it's very interesting here, alicia, because the stage for the purpose president was set quite literally earlier today by is former vice president. mike pence spoke several hours ago before the same crowd, a smaller version of the same crowd in greensboro, and he slammed the indictment. he called a politicization of the doj, a sad day in america, and a cause of the attorney general by name, take a look. >> i am calling on the attorney general to stand before the american people and explain why this was necessary and his words. attorney general merrick garland stop hiding behind the special counsel and stand
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before the american people and explain why this indictment went forward. >> and to be clear, in his speech as well was full of its share of criticisms of who she called, who he referred to only as his former running mate, the former president, but certainly, an example of what we are hearing from the republican rivals with the former president days after the indictment, alicia? >> blaine, i wonder what you were hearing from trump supporters where you are, both their feelings about this field and what it is that they hope to hear from the former president? >> you know, throughout the day, alicia, i as well as producers here spent time talking to more than a dozen, well over a dozen supporters here in north carolina, and i gotta say, across the board, there is one thing that has been uniform, which is that everybody disagrees with the indictment. the varying degrees about how severely, but i have not heard the witch hunts but how corrupt
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the doj. how that is going to impact their voting or whether it will impact their support of trump, that is where things deferred. i spoke to one woman who told me, quite frankly, that she likes an underdog. she says that this makes her want to go out and support even more because she believes that he does not deserve this, and she wants to support him in that way, but i talked to a another supporter. he's somebody who told me that the -- not only did he cast a ballot but he went out and put signs on the ground. he knocked on doors and made calls for trump. he said surprisingly, this time around, he decided that he will go for desantis. he saw the surprise on my face when he said that. he looked at me and in his words, alicia, he does not believe the country can handle another four years of trump as president. essentially, we've heard this from a couple of people say that they like the ultra conservatism and, in one man's word, that governor desantis brings to the table without the drama of trump. >> and be sees blaine alexander for us in north carolina. as always, thank you.
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i want to bring in nbc news justice and intelligence correspondent -- and also msnbc legal analyst lisa reuben. lisa, is technique that you had trump on the trail downplaying this but also mocking and doj. how were prosecutors are going to bring this case, watching a process with donald trump on site? >> i think that they're watching what he's seeing all the time because, alicia, as we know from the e. jean carroll trial, this is the person who was the worst witness against himself and oftentimes does it in ways that are recorded. we have the bedminster recording that is memorialized in the indictment. that is where donald trump effectively said, look at this this is a secret document, and i should have the classified this when i was no president and i can't anymore. that's the equivalent of the access hollywood tape and the e. jean carroll toe. and he may still go on to say things on the trail and beyond that went further so surface evidence in the trial of an
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indictment. >> to think that he could be on the trail thing silent but he is adding -- i want to play a soundbite from delegate stacey glass in about the talking point that you have republicans repeating, and that is that the doj has been weaponized, take a listen. >> to say that the entire rule of law of the united states should be dismantled, should be defunded because it is looking into white nationalists, insurrectionists and president trump, is absolutely ludicrous and a very dangerous. that's what my colleague such as jim jordan, comer as well as speaker mccarthy are doing to lay a foundation for americans not to believe the indictment and not to believe a conviction of former president trump. >> i am sure that you see what i see which is an asymmetry here. talk to us about the limitations that the special counsel has one defending
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itself against those kinds of attacks. >> it's a very astute point alicia. asymmetry is the good point for. look, the justice department can talk a set of the four corners of the indictment. they almost did not talk when you saw jack smith. they would wait until tuesday to unseal this thing, that's the normal procedure. some people in the communications business got them and said, wait a second, guys, you can't give donald trump four days to shape the narrative here. it just so frustrating as a reporter who covers the justice department and tries to seek the truth, not in a partisan way, because i know the truth is that merrick garland and the justice department a state as far away from this as they could. that is why jacks mitt at that news conference at's offices from the justice department. garland has been briefed on the case but he has made a substantive decision. it's been jack smith's show. jack smith is a lot of things, but he is a career prosecutor, the voting is live to the court of law. he brought cases against republican politicians and
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democratic politicians. it's just not true that the fbi and the justice department have been weaponized in a political way in the case, and the indictment is one of the most compelling documents of its kind that i've seen. you can argue about whether the retention charges -- i spoke to a former trump appointed u.s. attorney today that said i wish that they did not charge him and keeping the classified document, but boy, the obstruction case is absolutely damning. this is a republican voted in by donald trump. the real issue is what you see more republicans fair minded republicans to reduce and take it for what it is and talk about it. the issues that it raises around donald trump and the nation's secrets. >> i agree with you, that is a precaution. another big question is -- aileen cannon, she made pro trump rulings. there is new reporting within the are from the new york times that cites the chief clerk at the federal court system in miami confirming judge cannon will, quote, continue to oversee the case unless she
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recuse herself. >> it's not much news. it's confirmation, but it's not much news. that's the way it is supposed to work. judge cannon received this case as probable as it seems to you, me and folks like can, through the random assignment process. >> one in seven, i am not a statistician. >> your point about one in seven is a poor one because it's a random assignment within a smaller group of justices in this district. this was a one division rule. it means that you can't be one division away from where the case was filed, even though the case was filed and miami, the department justice check the box and said that this is a west palm beach case. that put aileen cannon firmly in the group of people who could get the case. in terms of taking it away from her, the only way it gets taken away from her now as if she either voluntarily produces herself, -- >> which you think is unlikely? >> i think it's really unlikely or the department of justice makes a motion. they are up against a ticking
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time bomb right now with respect to the election and even the possibility of another trump inauguration. it's not clear to me that they will spend their precious time bringing a motion to recuse judge cannon. there >> can, ahead of january six, trump infamously tweeted, be there, it will be wild. you have been posting on social media, see you in miami. i wonder based on your reporting, there are officials in miami, are they concerned ahead of tuesday's arraignment? >> oh, yes, they are absolutely concerned because remember the magistrate who signed the mar-a-lago search warrant got death threats. in that sense, there is a huge concern concern here. we learned a new york, i think we learned, that donald trump does not really have the power to command the kinds of crowds that he did around january six, if only because of the deterrent message that the doj investigation prosecution of all those violent january six rioters may have sent to the kind of people who may do the. one can hope that you will not see an onslaught of people here,
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but that really does not speak to the issue of lone extremists, who is listening to all this rhetoric from donald trump and other people about how the whole thing is corrupt, and it only takes one crazy person with a gun. that is why the security measures around here are going to be rather extreme. >> got to love miami and that plane that is landing just as we are talking. lisa, trump's body man also charged with documents. it shocked me that he is campaigning with donald trump and georgia and north carolina. talk about the his role, the charges he faces and what it tells you that he is on the campaign trail with donald trump? >> it tells me that what nauta is not likely to be a cooperator against donald trump, not likely to take a deal. this is a person whose loyalty to trump has been shown through and through. they are still hand and glove. >> just so our audience knows, what you're watching right there is a video shot today of
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donald trump. if you're running -- wonder who that circle is around, it is walt nauta. >> walt nauta assistant tire career to donald trump. he was an active member of the military, also served in the military, while still a member of the armed services. you might think that any rational person would cooperate and seek a deal for themselves. >> i do in fact think that, yes. >> except here, his codefendant is the former president of the united states and a candidate for the office again. this is what walt nauta is thinking about. donald trump's pack is paying's legal bills, donald trump is running for president again, donald trump could be president again, in which case, walt nauta will have a job still. he might get a pardon and continue to have his legal bills paid. in the absence of all those things, he might go to prison, does not get his legal bills pay, and he stays in jail. it's a different calculus then an ordinary defendant who is on trial with somebody else who might have those powers. when your codefendant is the
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once and possibly future president of the united states, it's a different ball game, alicia. >> that is the most compelling explanation to i've heard. lisa reuben, as always, you are staying with me. can dilanian, thank you so much. next, the spin machine, it is in high gear. hypocrisy of the republicans who are rushing to the defense and the former president. and a reminder, in case you needed it, this is trump's second criminal indictment, but wait, there could be more. the other legal trouble facing donald trump. that is why lisa reuben is sticking around. but first richard louis who is sticking by with the other big stories we're watching this hour on msnbc. richard? >> thank, you lisa. but they tell you. the unabomber ted kaczynski as died. he was serving a life sentence in federal prison. he was arrested in 1996 and convicted in a series of attacks with homemade bombs that killed three people and injured 23 others. kaczynski was found dead in his cell this morning at the age of 81. cause a death has not been released. ukraine's president confirmed
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the long awaited counteroffensive is underway. the announcement came during a surprise visit from canada's prime minister to kyiv. officials say that their forces made marginal gains in the eastern part of the country. and the white house what is calling the largest pride month celebration ever today, in the face of a spike in discriminatory legislation, biden announced this week initiatives designed to protect lgbtq plus americans from war attacks. more american voices after the break. fter the break. trelegy for copd.
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race, donald trump warned americans against voting for a presidential candidate who she said was likely to be facing federal charges by the time she took office, and case you have forgotten it or don't remember it, they have it on tape. >> this was not just extreme carelessness of classified material, which is still totally disqualified.
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this is calculated, deliberate, premeditated misconduct followed by a cover up that included false statements and lies to congress, the media and the american people. >> he was, of course, talking about hillary clinton. the statement taking on new meaning not that trump has been charged with mishandling classified material. it's no surprise that donald trump is attacking is on indictment saying that it is a political witch hunt, but the shaking at the republican party, much of it, anyway is, rallying behind him. >> i think there needs to be one standard of justice in this country. let's enforce it on everybody and make sure that we all know the rules. you can't have one faction of society weaponizing the power of the state against factions that it does not like. in america, every single person is presented innocent, not guilty. what we have seen over the last several years is the
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weaponization of the department of justice against a former president. >> house speaker kevin mccarthy even went as far to call for an investigation. joining me now, msnbc political analyst and former republican congressman david jolly, as well as gilford senior adviser debbie mucarsel-powell. dave it, i want you to put a pin in the 2024 conversation. we will have that conversation separately, because i think those people have different motivations and a different incentive structure. the fact that you've got kevin mccarthy out here continuing to defend him. we know, again, what his incentive structure is, but it reminds me that you and i keep going back to this conversation about what is it going to take? if this indictment, if this is not it, then what will it take for the maga extremists, they are gone. the folks who are bearing their heads, what is it going to take for them to pull their heads out and say that this cannot stand? >> i don't think there is
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anything other than donald trump running again and losing at the party inevitably having to get past it. this is the time, right? there is no way to twitter say that now is time to get rid of donald trump if you're empowering him and enable him now. i like the way that you phrase this because there are two stories to this. there is a former president not running again under indictment likely facing a loss of freedom, that is what a criminal indictment needs to. that is one story. the other story is the party that elevates and celebrates him, because there is permanency to that party. donald trump one day will come and go. maybe he's elected again, maybe not, but this republican party as chosen a path, and their reaction to the events that this week are dangerous and the stabilizing when it comes to kevin mccarthy. they are beneath the dignity of the speakership of the house. they are dangerous, and they are taking us to a very dark place if they succeed, and with the weaponization arid if, --
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>> that be, there is the danger of the weaponization narrative. i invite you to talk about that. i also think there is the danger of if you read this indictment, as i have and i am sure you have, it is fundamentally about national security. i thought it was interesting when jack smith gave his remarks, he said it is not just about our national security and our rule of law. it's about the fact that we, the united states, set the standard globally for what the rule of law is supposed to look like. i know we have trump walking out on stage in greensboro north carolina, fascinating of course that we're having a conversation about this, even as he continues to campaign. debbie, talk to me about the danger, the national security dangers, the dangers to the rule of law, the fact that you have republicans continuing to sing from his song book talking about this as the weaponization, not taking seriously the national security threat. what does that mean for us as
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americans? >> alicia, i have to agree with david. i think that we are facing one of the most dangerous times for our national security and democracy in the united states. look, let's remember that it's been donald trump and his loyal followers and the maga republicans who started weaponizing the judicial system and the department of justice when the mueller report came out, and immediately, bill barr came in front of the cameras to try to control the narrative. despite misinformation. as i have been looking at everything that is going on and watching all the tweets from all the tougher publicans here in florida, rick scott, desantis, marco rubio, it's really a war on information at this point. they are trying to control the narrative to try to mislead their base. and it's extremely dangerous. what they're doing right now is to use that misinformation to divide, further divide, chip away at the faith on what enforcement and the judicial
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system. i am very worried that donald trump, if you remember in 2016, if you could choose somebody on fifth avenue and get away with it, i am really concerned that this is going to fuel his most extreme bass at a time where we have seen a rise in political violence and easier access to firearms, especially in florida, where desantis passed the carrie bill chosen to effect july 1st. you have a perfect storm forming, and that is why i think we need to be very aware and preoccupied about what is going on here in the state of florida. like you said, the transfer of national security in the united states and globally. >> david, i am embarrassed to admit until i had to be sitting here talking about florida's leaders, and i realize that both of you served in the u.s. congress representing the state of florida, i wonder if this complicates in your vision the political dynamics within florida itself, that this case is going to be tried in
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florida. to what extent does that turn the eyes that the nation on florida? to what extent does that complicate things, not just for rhonda scent is but other republicans in the state? >> look, you're likely talking about the most watched trial since the oj simpson trial, one donald trump is on trial for the mishandling of documents and obstruction. he is facing the loss of liberty through federal prison time. the eyes of the nation will be on the and on florida, and then it raises questions of the current political leadership. ron desantis is currently very unsteady with a lot of this. when the bracket that make him down, he said i would not extradite donald trump, even though that is not under's authority. i would suspect that we will see some fairly amateur political it or ship from our florida elected's and national elect it's. here's the opportunity, lucia, an opportunity for republicans. he can support the president and the due process that he should receive. you should say, i think donald
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trump will not be found guilty, i support the former president, i also support the process. i think, in the end, he will be exonerated, and i will stand with him a supporting vote. instead, they are attacking law and order, and that is where the danger is. >> don't you think part of the reason that they know that they can't do that is because then people would say, well, did you read the indictment. did you see the text messages. did you see the transcripts. have you actually look to any of the photos that are in there because once you begin to grapple with what is laid out in the indictment, it becomes harder and harder to make that case with a straight face. >> look, i think it's less absurd to say that he may be exonerated on a privilege claim or an attempt argument, that is less absurd than saying that joe biden, as president, indicted the former president and weaponize the justice department. that is the absurdity. >> i don't disagree with you at all. debbie, there is the question
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of republican primary voters. i think when you get to a general election, i heard from so many members when i was doing theater, they just want a return to normalcy. and i think that felt extreme, but there it was abortion bans in states where people might not even have thought of themselves as pro-choice, but they said that the government is overreaching and i don't want to see it. these people are absolutely out there. i have to think that is going to be the dominant feeling, whether you are hyperpartisan -- well, the hyper republican partisans aside, everyone else is going to say, i want to move past this. alicia, we have a more polarized florida and mission here coming up in 2024, the selections is going to be determined from a thin margin, which is the independent voter. i can tell you that here in florida, which you have a vast majority of independent voters, they are rejecting the extremism, the maga agenda has
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been violating the constitution and freedoms, and there's something on a woman's privacy and choices and freedoms. i can tell you that it's starting to backfire. we saw a poll recently that shows that run desantis has lost about nine point to support here in the state of florida, and that is because americans want unity. they want community. they want a government that will work for them for the challenges that they're facing. let's remember that they have been engaging in culture or's, why, because they are trying to distract from the fact that they have passed a very difficult and dangerous economic policies that are providing one of the most difficult crisis of affordability for families here in the state of florida. so, desantis and other republicans here at been a success for our families and the state and they are going to be a disaster for the nation. that is what they are going to reject any maga agenda coming up in 2024 election. >> david and the deputy, stick with me, i want to talk specifically about 2024 and
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what this means for the race. next, trump's indictment over classified docks could beat the beginning of a long summer. we will take a look at some of the other legal cases facing the president. plus, the biden administration staying silent in the face of trump's apartment. how that could change when the election kicks into high gear? on kicks into high gear? rphosize into our new evolved form, we carry that spirit with us. because you can take alfa romeo out of italy. but you best believe, you can't take the italy out of an alfa romeo. with a majority of my patience with sensitivity, i see irritated gums and weak enamel. sensodyne sensitivity gum & enamel relieves sensitivity, helps restore gum health, and rehardens enamel. i'm a big advocate of recommending things that i know work.
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and in georgia, where trump appeared onstage today, a grand jury could unseal an indictment at some point this summer. fulton county the a funny wilson service to getting the disappearance for the 2020 election when president trump called georgia secretary of state asking him to, quote, find the votes. >> look, i want to do is this. i just want to find 11,780 votes, which is one more than we have because -- >> msnbc legal analyst lisa reuben is back with me. lisa, as promised, i will not play sounds that we choose for our audience, but as our producers are listening, he is characterizing the doj as engaging in election interference. usually, the argument to me that the election interference argument and witch hunt arguments are not separate
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arguments. >> not anymore. we used to talk about donald trump -- when they're doing something electoral, like getting people voting or somehow dominion falsifying votes in their voting machines and the like. what trump has done is pivoted away from accusations of actual election fraud and, instead, married the dominant trump of his presidency and life as a politician. they are after me, this is a witch hunt and works that into election efforts. here is why because many at the things that happened in the 2020 election that he characterized as fraud, they know that it was not fraudulent at all. i was perfectly legal to ballot harvest in many states. stephen miller has got a record saying that republicans need to do these things that democrats have done successfully. trump knows that too, and that's what he's going to say instead, the election indifference now is the way in which the justice department and other prosecutors are pursuing him.
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it's a way of continuing the theme of election interference but pivoting to explain what exactly the interference is. >> -- here is what i want to do. i want to walk through the other cases and your sense of payments. it is my sense based on analysts that i have read and listened to that is likely the special counsel jack smith brings the 16 case next, and then we look at funny was, and then in the background, there are the other cases. is that your sense, as well. >> i don't know because, for example, we see news this week that's the bannon was just subpoenaed to testify before a grand jury. on the other hand, we know that there is a mountain of evidence that the doj as already collected in the january six investigation. what i will say is this, alicia, we know that jack smith has a keen sense of timing, and that he knows that he is running up against an electoral clock. because at that, my money might be on him to go next and before fani willis in august, which is
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when she had communicated to the judges of fulton county she expects there to be some action in her case. >> talk to me about the second component which is the interplay between these cases. if they all go from being on the backburner to actually being active, what does that even mean? >> right, there is no rule or even practice that compels judges and different areas of the country and different judicial systems to communicate with each other about who goes first. for example, we already know that trump has a civil trial here in new york in october, the new york attorney general case. we talk all the time about doing substantial damage to trump ink as an enterprise. it may be that it would be more advantageous for the department of justice to exchange and willing to step aside. that would require a judge to postpone their counter. we don't know if the judges will get on the phone with each other, coordinate with each
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other, in some respects,, each of the prosecutors is going to lose control over timing based on what they charged and what else happens in their case while motion practice happens, for example, just how fast discovery like runs. >> i love all lawyers, i asked for predictions, and we're all disciplined enough did not give any. i also feel after the number of people that got the guess on venue wrong for the jack smith indictment, i am going to get even less predictions. lisa reuben, as always, thank you so much. >> next, much of maga world standing by their man despite a second criminal indictment with more on the way. with victor of -- for the 2024 gop primary. plus, how are republican voters and deebo way iowa state reacting. well we, ask some of them. stay with us. stay with us ed downy rinse and refresh♪ it helps remove odors 3x better than detergent alone. it worked guys! ♪yeahhhh♪
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mishandling of classified documents, and republicans, from standing by the man, including trump's 2024 presidential rivals. former vice president mike pence lashing out against the justice department earlier today. >> a former president at the united states facing an unprecedented indictment by a justice department run by the current president at the united states. i would hope that the department of justice would see its way clear to resolve the issues involving former president without an indictment, and i am deeply troubled to see this indictment. >> florida governor ron desantis tweeting, quote, the weaponization of federal law enforcement represents a more top threat to a free society. the atlantic writer trump nichols points out, quote, the fact that desantis and others feel the need to placate such paranoia is indicative of how unhinged the gop base has become. former member of congress david jolly and debbie
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mucarsel-powell, they are back with us. david, does this change the contours of 2024. >> no, i don't think so. remarkably, we know the impact of an indictment on donald trump actually allows him to strengthen is hold, but if you look candidate by candidate, as it changed their strategy? no, nobody has been going to come out and say that donald trump should drop out of the race but for hr hutchinson, nobody is defending donald trump either, they're just letting him deal with those issues themselves. what they are doing, as he played, is attacking joe biden and, in some cases saying that they will settle scores what they get to the white house. that was essentially a statement by ron desantis, but each one of them remained today with the strategies that they had last week. early state delegate -- rhonda scent is trying to get to every county, me as many people, surprises many people in iowa. mike pence trying to do the same with the evangelicals. the interesting thing here, alicia, we have no idea where a trial schedule will look like,
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but it is likely that a child, if there is want to talk, or would occur after the primary early stage is decided. florida is in march. the other early states are in february. you can have donald trump actually at the delicate secured for the nomination ahead of a trial but before a general election. who knows where we are as a nation complex summer. >> that looks particularly relevant, that be, given that you have political reporting that donald trump will run even if convicted. >> yes, and he's been saying that from the very beginning, the fact that he actually filed to run for president and then, immediately, he started obtaining all the endorsements of congressional republicans in washington, d.c., should sent the message to the nation that this is no longer a conservative republican party. this is a maga party pushing an extreme agenda of radicalism and populism that really is paving the way for an authoritarian grab on the government. that is why this is so dangerous. one at the things that i think
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is very interesting is that rhonda scent this is trying to bounce themselves and not upsetting the trump base, which he is going to need if anything happens with donald trump in these indictments. and at the same time, really is it misinformation to divide our nation. this is not going to bode well for anyone in the general election. just to respond to that tweet that he showed, alicia, the only moral threat that we have in this nation's any maga republican nominee that gets a nomination to run in 2022 for. that is the mortal threat to a free to society. ron desantis has been a more top that to our freedoms in the state of florida. i am extremely worried about what is about to happen next week, what the calls to violence by some sitting members of congress in supporting donald trump. so we need to unite in this war of misinformation that i continue to bring up, because the only way to do that is to continue to provide truth to the american public, and that
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is really encouraging everyone to read that indictment, which is very clear. donald trump admits to doing is illegal in our country. no one is above the law, not even the former president. >> david, i have less than 30 seconds left, so i want to zoom out and give less focus on 2024. for a party that used to pride itself on being focused on national security and the rule of law, what will it mean holistically over the next decade for this party that they looked the other way on the indictment? >> this is a post-ideological party. you can say is about angry populism, but it is really about winning. i ask for the republican if you are really sticking with donald trump, they said yes. i said, why? because they hate the democrats so much. that is all but this is about now for republicans. look, that is a dangerous place for one of the few major parties to be. nobody is willing to stand up to donald trump, protect law and order and be on the site of national security. it's the reason that many of us
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left. >> david jolly, debbie mucarsel-powell, thank you both so much. next, will trump's 37 counts of indictments shake the republican voters. we'll get a report from iowa. and at the top of the hour, special coverage of the indictment of donald trump. i will joined my colleagues, katie phang, ayman mohyeldin, jonathan capehart, ali velshi and simone sanders right here on msnbc. her on msnbc annika. i found the bomb. ok johann. there should be a blue wire and a yellow wire. cut the blue one. they're both blue! visionworks. see the difference. age-related macular degeneration may lead to severe vision loss and if you're taking a multi-vitamin alone, you may be missing a critical piece... preservision. preservision areds 2
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for donald trump yet despite decades of wiggling out of whatever challenges he's faced a 50 years, none have been a serious as the federal charges against him now. the pending prosecution of trump's not political, but will not stop he and a supporters from saying that it is. the question now, do republican voters care at all about the indictment of donald j trump? nbc's jesse -- what do i want to find out. >> and the contest for the republican nomination, i will
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voters speak first. >> what does it mean? >> i think it is a huge responsibility. i think we need to make a positive statement to the country and the. wrote >> some republican caucus members like fred are still undecided. he knows for him, president trump's latest legal woes will not make a difference. >> donald trump was who he is before he was indicted, he will be the same at there. the indictment has no effect on my opinion of him, positive or negative. i am not going to vote for him. >> he voted for trump in the last election but stopped supporting him after the rigged election claims. outside the mine, either with mr. trump or against them, some telling us that the federal indictment will not move the needle, no matter how many does they know about the case. >> just the fact that he is facing federal indictment, that is not enough to push you away? >> i don't think so. no >> doubt gaetz says that he's still a trump supporter and thinks that republicans will nominate someone else.
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andrea wants to move on. >> i feel like he has gotten to be too extreme and his personality to represent the republican party. will >> others think that the federal charges could push more voters to donald trump. >> i think it's a double standard of what we are seeing between the democrats and republicans. >> does it move you towards him? >> no because i am still taking a step back, still want to wait. >> at the same time this is not a deal breaker for? you >> know, i don't think so, no. i am just going to wait. >> mr. trump came in second in iowa and 2016 and one to win on the nomination, but the stakes are higher this time as the former president tries to showed that he has a lot of the party. a lawsuit was showed that he is beatable. >> our thanks to nbc's jesse kirk for our report. that is all the time i have for american voices today. i am alicia menendez. be sure to follow the show on twitter, instagram and on tiktok, at alicia on msnbc. i will see you back here
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tomorrow at six pm eastern for more american voices. but right after the special, coverage of the indictment of donald trump led by msnbc's ali velshi. do not go anywhere. do not go anywhere -diversification, futures, options. fiduciary. leverage. [whispering] -frothy markets. psst. virtual real estate is a lock. ♪ cold hard cash ♪ j.p. morgan wealth management knows the world is full of financial noise. i'm looking at your asset mix and plan. you are right on track. great, thanks. our easy-to-use app and local advisors are here to help you figure out what's right for your investments. j.p. morgan wealth management. our heritage is ingrained in our skin. to help you figure out what's right for your investments. and even when we metamorphosize into our new evolved form, we carry that spirit with us. because you can take alfa romeo out of italy. but you best believe,
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