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tv   The 11th Hour With Stephanie Ruhle  MSNBC  May 25, 2023 8:00pm-9:00pm PDT

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>> that is tonight's last word. the 11th hour with stephanie ruhle starts now! th stephanie ruhle st>> tonight, the longesty 6th sentence so far, for the leader of the oath keepers.
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this just one day after a new warning of potential attacks of the 2024 election, plus where things stand on the debt limit, with just one week until possible default. then, target pulling pride themed merchandise from stores. how they played out online, and what is next for the company. and the consequences of ron desantis immigration law, and the impact that could be felt far beyond florida. as the 11th hour gets underway on this thursday night! >> that evening once again, i am stephanie ruhle. the feds passed a major milestone in bringing january 6th insurrectionists to justice, today elmer stewart rhodes, the leader of the right-wing extremist group, the oath keepers, was sentenced to 18 years behind bars for seditious conspiracy, it is the longest sentence in any of the january six cases, nbc's candle has
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more on what went down in court. >> a former army paratrooper who graduated from lost school, once wore an orange jumpsuit during the court hearings. he show no remorse to finally telling the judge that he considered himself a political prisoner. george mental responding to roads, you, sir presents an ongoing threat, and apparel to this country, to the republican, the very fabric of our democracy. rhodes lawyers promised an appeal. >> well, i think that this case was all about the weaponization of speech, by the department of justice. and i think that essentially they had used stewart rhodes words against him. >> prosecutors say road spent weeks after the election plotting to use violence to keep president trump in power. the judge applied its so-called, terrorism enhancement, to the sentence. the first time that has happened in the january 6th case. >> also today, roses deputy, kelly, was sentenced to 12
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years for seditious conspiracy. all this comes just one day after homeland security's latest warning about the threat of extremist violence in a run up to the 2024 election. we're also following the latest reporting and previously unknown details in the classified documents investigation. the washington post reports people familiar with the matter, say to trump workers moved boxes of papers the day before federal agents came to get classified documents in response to a subpoena. and the post says, quote, trump and aides also allegedly carried out a dress rehearsal for moving sensitive papers even before his office receive the may 2022 subpoena. former cia director, john brennan, had this reaction to that report. >> it is quite clear that donald trump's retention of these documents was plain purposeful. and with a name that is, i think unknown. how he was going to leverage the information in those
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documents. that contain some of the most sensitive secrets. who knows what he might have done? >> also tonight, we are exactly one week out from a potential default if america's debt ceiling isn't raised. talks continue between the administration and house republicans, but so far? no deal has been inked. >> we have been talking to the white house all day. we want to make sure that it's where the of the american people. so we can [inaudible] >> that's what they're saying, nbc's peter alexander has more on the actual negotiations. and more importantly, what is at stake here. >> just a week from a potential default, and another third warning from the president. >> it is time for congress to act now. >> it all comes down to president biden, and kevin mccarthy. their team still negotiating. the standoff remains overspending. house republicans demanding significant cuts. while the white house wants to protect funding for social programs. tonight, key conservative
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republicans who have the power to derail any deal are urging mccarthy to hold out. until democrats slash more spending. nbc's aly vitaly with republican chip roy. >> don't take an off ramp that is five exits too early. a deal for the sake of a deal, is no good. >> democrats worry that the president may be giving away too much to get a deal. progressive, pamela jayapal telling nbc news, i think that the backlash would be significant. if somehow we were to be bullied into a bad deal. the stakes are high, as early as june 1st, the treasury department could start missing payments. which could trigger a wall street meltdown. with 401(k) s losing value. then a potential hike in interest rates. making mortgages, and credit card bills more expensive. and within weeks, it could spark a recession. a massive judge losses. >> the house is not in recess, the speaker says that members will be called back to d.c. if there is an agreement. with that, let's get smarter with our help of our lead off
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panel tonight. a reporter for the washington post, and coauthor of the morning newsletter, the early 202. former prosecutor, and civil rights attorney, charles coleman. and former democratic new york congressman, max rose. i have got to say it with this dress rehearsal. supposedly with donald trump and some of his workers. what is your take on this? >> while stephanie, we have been talking for a very long time about the obstruction charge for the president. what this new report tells us is that there may be multiple charges of obstruction because of the timeline. all of the lawyers who have been watching this case, myself included, it has talked about the timeline, the timeline, the timeline. we did not have the level of information that we had regarding the intentionality between some of the acts that were taking place. now when you're talking, if you're anyone who is out there and you're still wondering, what is the difference between donald trump and these other instances of documents that were found? look at the timeline. you have multiple requests from
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government agencies. you had a continued denial and attempt to allude those agencies. and then you had this dress rehearsal which basically says. you know you are trying to keep these documents away. that is the difference. >> so when the government said it to joe biden. and mike pence. they both said come on over. go into my attic. go into my garage. take a look. what do you think max? this is crazy, address reversal? that wall that donald trump supposedly built. he billed between him in the beds. >> it's crazy, here are legal analysis as always is spot on. >> however! >> politically, this means nothing. and yet again, we ask, where the hell is georgia? that is a case that matters. that is the case that has the most political saliency. that is a case that is of the greatest significance in terms of its criminality. i don't know what the hell they are doing. but from a political vantage point, the more we talk about this. and not that. the weaker that we are. plain and simple. >> wow, your former district.
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or your district has a lot of hard-core trumpers. are they still with him, or, are they still maga republicans but they are open to run desantis, tim scott, nikki haley? >> absolutely. donald trump transformed the republican party in such a profoundly, in such a profound way it transcends himself. that's why you see -- >> so they're not writer dye trump? >> not necessarily. they are open to someone else so long as that person is a brawler. what the base of the republican party is, plain and simple, are fighters. they don't want to hear nuance. they don't want to hear someone exhibiting subtleties. they want to see someone go to war with the establishment, someone go to war with the democratic party, someone go to war with general elite-ism. and of course someone go to war was what they perceive as wokeism. and then they can be with someone else. >> because i will give it to
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you. it was all a sham. this war with a lead-ism? who do you think donald trump is. who do you think he rolls with. who do you think lives in palm beach? >> of course. i don't know why you are coming at me. [laughter] >> but that's kind of the thing, we want to broiler going against the establishment. where would they do that? and listen words? >> nevertheless though, the fight is still there. that's what they want to see. and that's why when ron desantis things that he is a tough guy. when he does a slight jab? that i do not believe is what the modern-day republican base is looking for, for better or for worse, that's a political statement, that's not a moral statement and so i do think that there are certainly open to someone else. but we have not seen someone come out with a true fighting spirit. and that man fighting trump as well. all we've seen amongst his peers in the primary are fear,
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ineptitude, and this weird, we are dancer on him that is never going to work. >> wow! i want to talk about the seditious conspiracy thing. how big of a deal is it? these sentences? 18 years? that's a whole lot of time. >> it is stephanie, and i do think that when you're talking about the historical narrative of what january 6th represents. it matters. because people have tried to water down the significance of it. and watertown what actually happened on that day. and try to rewrite history, and when you're talking about someone who was sentenced to 18 years. that sends a very different message. but here's the thing. we all have to be honest about, sure, you sentence do it rose to 18 years. sure, you convict over 700 different people who are at the capitol that day. but when are we going to hold donald trump accountable? that is the real issue. it's a very different conversation. you've got the narrative right. you've got this conversation. >> charles, you are a lawyer. you know how my bosses work.
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we've seen tons of guys on the street get taken down. and the mob us rocks on? >> this is the issue with donald trump. and i think that it's a very interesting conversation. max, i have to disagree with you. i don't think that georgia is his biggest issue. they are all the biggest issue. i will explain why. he is running for president. now georgia is a very serious crime. that at any point, at the point that he gets convicted of anything, now the sentencing changes. because you are no longer a person without a record. so you get convicted of, whatever happens in new york, you can get convicted of what happens in georgia, you get convicted of mar-a-lago. any of those things changes the landscape for you dramatically. and so they are all, they have to be significant concerns for him and his entire [inaudible] >> however, they don't stop the running. he is currently in the league. you are on capitol hill on january 6th, i want to know what lawmakers and others who were in the capital. what they say about the sentences?
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>> so, staff, it depends on who you ask. you have democrats who think that the sentences are absolutely what should be handed down but there is still a lot of wounds on capitol hill basically because of january 6th and then you have republicans who believe in the sentences. but also, they do not want to talk about it publicly. and then they have the group of republicans who donald trump followers, like marjorie taylor greene, and the entire cohort who think that these people are in fact political prisoners. that they are martyrs, and that they should be pardoned. and that is something that donald trump has said that he would do if he were reelected. that he would pardon a lot of these people. and so, that is something. that is what his supporters want. donald trump is done a very good job at creating
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insurrection denialism. and there are a lot of his supporters who still believe that they were either justified, but it was a false flag that did not happen. and that these people are treated unfairly, that perhaps it was just a peaceful day of walking around the capitol. >> but of course, if you're donald trump. are even marjorie taylor greene. you could be also taken that position. because you fear self incrimination. they were dangerously close. max, what is your take? this is coming a day after the dhs has warned us about an uptick in extremism as we head to the 2024 election? >> it's not just extremism. and i think that what the right and the far-right wants to make people think. is that this is a series of lone wolf actors when in reality, what we're looking at here are organized groups with a very organized ideology behind it. that is violent, an extremist. and so we cannot take any of this for granted. and what is so shocking at its core, and why i think that this
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verdict actually is a moment for us to be positive in terms of our ability to strand up to extremism. is that for all too long is what our legal system has said, is that terrorist actors who are domestic. should be taken incredibly likely. whereas any members of crisis, al-qaeda, even if they were acting domestically let alone abroad, they would see the full rate of the law come down on them. even for providing material support for these organizations. let alone, actually taking part of them themselves. it's about time we rethink how our judicial system, and how our lawton forsman agencies addressed domestic terrorism groups. because that's exactly what this is, terrorism. >> let's talk about the debt ceiling, leigh ann, there is no deal at this point. but what are you hearing on the hill? >> there is no deal yet. the fact that they are getting close is real. they have some parameters. they have some contours of an
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agreement. and i can go through a couple of those details. it would be a two-year cap on government spending, it would be extending the debt limit for two years. and there's some other details to. but the stage that we are at right now is there is a lot of specifics that have to be worked out. and that's where things get really, really difficult. and what they are also doing right now, is there gauging where their parties are. the republicans are gauging whether republican conferences. and the democrats are gauging where the democratic crown chris is. and if they're going to be able to pile and votes to pass it. so while they are getting close. and have a very quick timeline that they want to abide by. there is still a lot of steps where this thing could completely blow up and fall apart. and become very, very complicated. >> max, how hard is that? for both sides to satisfy all of the factions in the parties
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and get this thing through? >> this is nowhere near over. i cannot's believe -- >> why would you say that? >> first of all, you're gonna see the far-right, revoked the far left. and even just the far left, the progressive base of the democratic party is revolting. what it's looking like here is that despite the fact that this was a negotiation. there was nothing in this bill that the republican party hates. and the hell of a lot potentially, that the democratic party could hate. and despite that, what potus may be asking of the house democratic party is to save kevin mccarthy's speakership. because we know that all too many republicans, particularly when their guy, donald trump tells them to oppose this. that they are not voting for this. so it begs the question, what the hell is going on? and what the hell are we doing as a party right now when in the end, what the republicans have said over and over again is that we will not default. we will raise the debt ceiling.
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let's stop the negotiation, take this to the point of when the market reacts, vote for a clean debt ceiling. and let's move on. >> let me just make two points. here's the one thing, it may appear that what joe biden is doing is saving kevin mccarthy speakership. but if he doesn't, and we do default, that could be more disastrous for joe biden. while it's a fault of republicans, the average american can look around and say this is economically disastrous for me. who is in the white house, his name is joe biden? >> we're not gonna default. and we don't negotiate with terrorists abroad, and we shouldn't negotiate with them here at home. they admitted to taking the party hostage, they're taking the american people hostage. and we should not, under any circumstances, appease that type of behavior. if this is a negotiation. they want to call this a negotiation. fine. you tell us what you want, we'll tell you what we want. and then in the end when both sides get something?
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you can raise the debt ceiling. that is not what this is. this is a series of ransom notes, and i think it's about time we stood up to it. >> how high is the probability that if they come to an agreement, any sort of agreement, donald trump is gonna come out of the woodwork. because he doesn't want things to work. he only wants chaos. and you will see the donald trump faction in the republican party throw their hands up, and cause a huge problem? >> highly likely. they do it is an arsonist. and all he cares about is his election. and he realizes that i don't think this is the case. but should he tank the economy. he thinks biden would bear fault for that. he has no regard for the people of this country. >> he never has! >> he never has, and that will particularly be the case over the course of next week. as he advocates for the republican party. to go against this. >> leigh ann, people for many many reasons are pending at the clock. what if this thing doesn't get done by june 1st. we have to remind our audience,
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june 1st isn't a her date. it's not a trigger point where at the stroke of midnight we default. it's where the treasury has been urging us things could go sour at that point. it's more of a greyish area. right? >> yes, that's right. what janet yellen is saying is that defaults could happen as early as june 1st. she is not sure when exactly. and one thing to remember. because the way that this works is there is money coming in and then the money going out to pay our bills. and she is estimating that between june 1st and june 14th. there is going to be no more money to pay their bills. because we're gonna hit that statutory limit their. there is a tax day on june 15th. where more money is expected to come in. and what janet yellen is really saying. is that it is unlikely that there will be enough money to make it to the next tax day of june 15th. and that's why she is so
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confident. and so we don't know exactly what this day is. but i will say that leadership on capitol hill. republican and democrats. even kevin mccarthy. this team, they are dreaming to enforce as the deadline. because they do not know when the deadline is. specifically within the two week period. and there is already so many republican members who do not believe that june 1st is real. or that the fault is real. and so they are trying to take it very literally. so is not to give their conference more momentum. and more fodder to believe that nothing. that this isn't that bag. >> what it is, is really important. and for those of you at home are wondering. why aren't we bringing more money in from taxes? reminder, there was a massive corporate tax cut put in place in 2017. donald trump was the president. leigh ann caldwell, charles
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coleman, max rose, fantastic to see you every time. your hair looks exceptional, and your new glasses on points. coming up! a retail giant becomes a battleground in the culture wars. as target polls some pride themed merchandise from their shelves. but could caving on this be a slippery slope? our panels of experts are here to bring it all down. and later, how governor ron desantis new immigration law is affecting agriculture in other industries in florida. what it could mean for your grocery bill this summer. the 11th hour, just getting underway on an important thursday night! thursday night one prilosec otc each morning blocks heartburn all day and all night. prilosec otc reduces excess acid for 24 hours, blocking heartburn before it starts. one pill a day. 24 hours. zero heartburn. i don't know how long it's been there. long enough to produce eggs, it seems. blocking heartburn before it starts. it would appear that it has begun moving towards us!
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>> target is pulling some products that celebrate pride month off the shelves. the company says that after more than a decade of offering pride merchandise, this year they had experience increased harassment and even threats to the safety of target employees. this decision comes less than a week after target ceo told fortune magazine that the company's diversity equity and inclusion efforts quote fueled much of their growth over their last nine years. the story is not over, they'll blow back they might receive from the employees and the customers could dwarf the pressure they got to pull these products. the voices that pressured them to pull them are loud but the number of people are actually very small. back with us tonight justin wolfers professor of economics and public policy at the university of michigan, dear
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friend tim miller contributor to the -- and communications director for jeb bush, and nbc news senior reporter van collins who covers disinformation and extremism on the internet. justin, target just like bud light is not abandoning supporting lgbtq issues, they have been an ally, a leading ally for decade, but what they don't want to be, which is basically what almost no co wants to be right now is disney, he is one of the only people out there who wants to go head to head with the governor. how difficult is it for corporate america to be an ally right now? >> stephanie i think you hit the nail right on the head there i'm gonna say you are an excellent economist for doing so, look the companies want to sell stuff. and the mix stuff with rainbow flag that people want to buy companies are happy to sell it we have groups all the time that protest by boycotting and
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that is the democratic right to do so. the thing that is fundamentally different about the current moment is in fact ron desantis. and what he's doing in florida. what he is doing with disney. i remember a time where my republican friends talked about the problems of big government but this is a jack booted big government stomping rights down in the middle of market in capitalism where and earlier classic republican thought the government didn't belong. look, i am with my libertarian friends, i don't want to government deciding for me what is on the shelves of target and what park i can go to. what is profitable for business is to -- >> tim these companies aren't woke they want to sell products. they know what gen z wants to buy they know who they want to employ, and they want to make the most amount of money they can. how difficult is it going to be right now? because if you do pull back like a target or a bud light,
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or and highs are bush, you are looked at as untie lgbtq. >> i think it is complicated for these companies frankly i'm glad i'm not a corporate pr anymore and having to deal with this. because there are two things that they are trying to deal with, there is the political threats the ratification that we were talking about that some of these republicans -- and libertarian economic policies in favor of a more authoritarian economic policy that threatens companies that want to speak out against the conservative, i don't know if i want to use that word, the word traditionalist, the world through that they are pushing. but they also have to worry about physical threats and violence. i think this was a real issue for a target right now. right? you have these prided displays at the front of the store and they even said in some of the red parts of the country in certain parts of the country,
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there is vandalism, there are people acting rowdy in the stores, they are worried about their employees safety. the ban can speak to it, the radicalization change, the radicalization pipeline a lot of these folks are going down on the maga right, on the extremely far right is putting people in a position where they have to have legitimate concerns that they will be one of crazy actors who get triggered by you know, the pride display and in some of the states like florida and tennessee for example that are just passing constitutional laws, they can be carrying firearms. in target parking lots, sometimes in target stores so i think there are legitimate concerns are the companies have about to the outside of the equation as well. >> isn't that astounding? seeing a rainbow flag sweatshirt triggers you? astounding! how about, just don't purchase
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it if you don't like it. ben, how widespread is this? here is the thing with the deceiving and power of the internet, one could see these videos and think this is happening at targets across the country, but it is really not that big of a group, they are just loud. it's >> a very coordinated plan, can i read you a tweet that sums this thing up it is from last month that is after the light bug thing happen, before target decided to get target. a guy named matt walsh, i lost him, he said basically, this is a coordinated plan that we are going to do with all of these people, we are going to go after each of these companies regardless of if they've done something or not in this equation and we're going to target them if they were pro pride during pride month, we will target these companies one by one, that's what they did with bud light by the way this was a 45 seconds instagram ad that they paid for, just a sponsored post and that is all it took for the bud light stuff, but target they are going after
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this company because of a t-shirt they think they sell -- >> that is also the humor of the bud light thing, bud anheuser-busch has been an ally and lgbtq for years and years, but they just chose this one individual thing to target and blow it up. just, to that point though, if you are a target and you cave here, this is a slippery slope. this anti-lgbtq movement, they are not going to stop here. they want to sue every company out there that has any sort of diversity and inclusion initiative. >> yes, i think there is something scary here. it comes from the target ceo saying the reason they were backing off is the more worried about the safety of their employees. so, look one or two things are true it could be they are cowards and use that as protection in a smokescreen so they could make a cowardly decision, or it could be that they are generally concerned
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about the well-being of their employees and have had credible threats. if that is the case, when target caves into this, it says that the moment you threatened the employees of a large corporation you get to control its policies. this is economic terrorism. literally terrorism. creating fear among the workers forcing the corporation to sell the things you want, not sell the things you don't, i think it is very worrying, i do wonder if target has a corporate social responsibility, here i mean beyond its commitment to diversity. i also mean to the broader business community, if it gives in here everyone and everyone else's employees have to look out that they will being looked at next. >> ben, do you want to weigh in? every company out there has a corporate social responsibility, arm diversity, inclusion it is a key initiative they will go after everyone? >> here is the tweet, he said,
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this is matt walsh, far-right commentator, here is what we should do pick a victim and gang up on him and make an example of it, we can't boycott every company or even most of them, we can pick one and it hardly matters which, he said, that target with a ruthless boycott campaign claiming one scalp and move on to the next. that is what this is all about. it doesn't matter which company it is there are going to make their stock prices dip, which worked for target -- >> for a moment? >> for a second. but they get to say they want, that's all that matters. this is a brief narrative viral thing, and i think it is very important to note that this is a very on line movement, they call it terminally online, people who can't process things in the real world. they are trying to get things to trend on twitter, they are trying to get viral memes onto socials and facebook, in the real world who cares? >> yes. just don't buy. it >> just don't buy it!
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don't look at it! move along. again, they have to push these lies to fetus of they have to say everything is in the children's department, it isn't, the pride stuff isn't -- like they said that there is a top bathing suit, they said that was in children's department, it wasn't. they said that there was a shirt that said satan respects pronouns. they never sold it. target never sold that shirt. these are just viral memes because they need to support this online community that is getting increasingly radical, and increasingly angry. the stakes have to go up and they have to get a new target every week because the show has to go on. >> tim, here is the problem, five years ago it was actually corporate america that lead the way on a lot of these initiatives, remember when the bathroom bill was trying to go forward and you saw the nba, you saw salesforce all these companies saying we are picking up and moving out. but now for the most part you
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see companies exhausted, scared and don't want to be in the middle of identity politics. they are pulling out, how dangerous is that? >> i think it is, and just one example look at north carolina with the bathroom bill, he was a republican governor at the time and it was the republican governor who was punished politically for the bathroom bill. there was such a big backlash among moderate republicans and then the far-right got mad for backing down, it is him that got stuck between a rock and a hard place, now out of all the maga -- are on offense on this but here is the thing this is not a popular move in the states and they need to win. i promise you in the atlanta, phoenix suburbs where they are going to need to win elections if they want to win the presidency or take back the senate again, the voters are not clambering for politicians to punish target over the rainbow visor, these are losers, i do think the democrats need
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to once again go back on offense on these issues and really engage on them in a more aggressive fashion, i'm telling you it is not popular as they've done in florida, tennessee now that you can as a senior in high school you can find ar-15 but you can't learn about the birds and the beads, you can't go to a dragon brunch but you can buy an ar-15 these are losing issues, if the democrats push back more aggressively on this, then i think corporate america will also feel like they are on more stable ground. right now they feel like they are under siege from one side. >> these are complicated times, we will keep covering, tim miller ben collins thank you for being here just an, i want to make you stick around because coming up we are talking about ron desantis and a new florida law that is already driving agricultural workers that we really need out of the state during a critical labor shortage. when the 11th hour continues. 1he1th hour continues ut] for fast sore throat relief, try vicks vapocool drops
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so it's decided, we'll park even deeper into parking spaces so people think they're open. surprise. [ laughs ] [ horn honks, muffled talking ] -can't hear you, jerry. -sorry. uh, yeah, can we get a system where when someone's bike is in the shop, then we could borrow someone else's? -no! -no! or you can get a quote
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with america's number-one motorcycle insurer and maybe save some money while you're at it. all in favor of that. [ horn honking ] there's a lot of buttons and knobs in here. (tap, tap) listen, your deodorant just has to work. i use secret aluminum free. just swipe and it lasts all day. secret helps eliminate odor, instead of just masking it. and hours later i still smell fresh. secret works. ohhh yesss. >> and no immigration crackdown
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in florida has shaken undocumented workers and their employers. governor desantis signed a sweeping new bill that would make it easier to expel migrants and require some small businesses to verify there's workers legal employment status. this law will go to effect in july. florida is home to almost 800,000 undocumented integrins. and according to the immigration policy institute. many of these workers.
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especially in agriculture and construction, where we really need them, could be in trouble. join me tonight, nbc news reporter, carmen, who has been reporting on the story for the past few weeks. and justin water is still with us. carmen, what can you tell us is happening down there? >> right now, there's a lot of fear, there's also a lot of confusion, so while you have some workers who have already left the state you have others wondering what they should do. this evening i spoke to an organization at homestead. which is an agricultural areas south of miami. and they said that this week alone, said members of the group left the state. and what's fueling a lot of the fear, the law itself is feeling the fear, but untapped that there is misinformation going around. for example, people are calling organizations like the one i spoke to, we count. asking about power of attorneys. because they think that they are going to be arrested. that they're going to be detained. and they want to have a close
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relative, or a close friend, standing by so that they can take care of their children. to take them to school, and take care of them. that's not what we're expecting to actually happen. another piece of misinformation that is creating even more fear is that people think that come july, all workers are going to be screened through e-verify. what the law says is that companies that have over 25 employees have to use e-verify when they employ new people. but the ones that are already there are not supposed to be screened through e-verify. so that is fueling even more fear. and a lot of people are really considering leaving the scene. and a lot of them are families. they have children that are born here. that are in schools here, and, it's a tough decision to just approve the whole family and go to another state. stephanie? >> justin, let's face it. these are crucial jobs. and we do not have enough u.s. citizens to fill. them how is that not driving
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immigration reform? rhonda santas is actually going in the opposite direction of supporting these businesses and farms in the state. that supply produce to the whole country? >> yes, my heart bleeds for the families involved. but i want to go a step further which is we have a range of industries that really haven't covered fully since the pandemic, not just agriculture but leisure and hospitality as well. these are industries that rely heavily on immigrant labor. and as a result, there are certain bottlenecks that form in the economy as a whole. and, anything that we do that is anti immigrant's pro-bottleneck. and as a result, actually hurts the rest of us throughout the rest of the united states. so, it's powerful not just to the families involved. but actually, i think bad from an overall macro economic policy as well. >> i want to talk about that, but we've seen these videos of farms that basically look
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abandoned. how widespread is that? are we seeing, you know, all of the fruits and vegetables not being picked because if they're not. that is going to impact the price of produce that we're buying all summer long? >> it's really difficult to verify whether some of those videos are true or not. i can tell you in the area of -- , that's basically a farm area known from tornadoes. right now, the tornado syria is over. a lot of the workers have moved down to south carolina. what most of them are saying is that they are not going to come back. come august, that is the time when they come back to start preparing the soil to plant tornadoes again. and by november, the locals are back because they have to harvest all those tomatoes, and most of those farmers are saying we are not coming back to florida, we are gonna stay in the state that we are in at that point. it's just very easy for them to stay there.
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and they can work in construction, or other areas. it doesn't have to be in agriculture. >> justin, i want to talk about these bottlenecks. because they linked directly to inflation. when we face this labor shortage, when there are not enough workers across industries, employers have to pay more. and whether we not like it or not. those costs get passed on to, us the customers. >> absolutely, so this is desantis's political stunt. it hurts the families involved, and if you have a heart, it will hurt your heart. and if you have a heart, it will hurt your wallet. let me go a step further, stefanelli, because we believe even if the economy worked the way that rhonda santas thinks it worked, his policy won't work, it will backfire. here's what it claims it's gonna happen. he says we will keep immigrant workers out of florida, and the supply that will push up wages in florida, and therefore the
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florida working class will be better off. that is desantis's theory. the thing is he might close the border with mexico, but he has a really big border right next to him with georgia. and he can't close that border. let's say desantis succeeds in making wages higher in florida, than in georgia. do you know what's gonna happen? people from georgia are just gonna move to florida. and there is a very strong tendency, economists have documented this, for people to move across space. to have opportunities in one state, and no longer have opportunities in the other state. even if desantis keeps all illegal immigrants out. the flow of natives across state lines means that his policy will fail and not do anything for florida whatsoever. what do you learn from that? either one, desantis is a terrible economists. or to, the whole thing is a stanton he knows it. >> dm, either way what you laid out is a dark day. they desantis alma matter.
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he is joining us today from ukraine, where he is leading the struggle to keep his country free and europe safe, welcome presidents a lynskey to johns hopkins. [applause] >> the last thing before we go tonight are most valuable resource. president zelenskyy made a surprise virtual appearance at johns hopkins commencement ceremony today, the washington post reports that zelenskyy's address was a closely held secret and came after the university of president wrote him a letter, here is his advice for graduate. >> one of the most common -- is the advice to value or at least not waste time. why has it become so widespread? every person eventually realizes that time is the most valuable resource on the planet, not oil or uranium, not lithium
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or anything else but time. time. the where we flow of time convinces us of this. some people realize this sooner and these are the large one, some people realize it too late when they lose someone or something, this is a matter of time. the most fundamental difference comes down to the difference of time, the top of your life is under your control. the time of are -- the time of life of all ukrainians who are forced to live to this terrible russian aggression unfortunately is subject to many fighters who are not all in their control. i do not wish any, anyone to
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feel like they are in my shoes at this -- on how to go through life. so as not to waste its time, however, one piece of advice always works, you have to know exactly what you need today and how you want your tomorrows to look like. >> some very thoughtful words from president zelenskyy tonight on our most valuable resource. time. and on that note i wish you all a very good night. thanks for your time tonight. from all of our colleagues across the networks of nbc news, thanks for staying up late, have a safe weekend and i will see you next week. e you next week. annika. i found the bomb. ok johann. there should be a blue wire and a yellow wire. cut the blue one. they're both blue!
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tonight. tonight, we got major news in special counsel jack smith's criminal investigation into former president, donald trump 's, alleged mishandling of hundreds of classified government documents after he


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