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tv   Chris Jansing Reports  MSNBC  April 11, 2023 11:00am-11:52am PDT

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>> reporter: so the police chief also added that she told me they had no prior knowledge or encounters with this 25-year-old individual who walked inside and began opening fire before being engaged and shot down by police. we also learned, chris, that he had audio recordings made to a friend where he admitted feeling suicidal and he also said that he wanted to kill everyone inside the bank. that of course will be studied very closely by investigators going forward. as for this footage we anticipate to see today, i spoke to city staff and they said one of the main reasons they're trying to release this quickly is it corroborates witness accounts that as soon as these k gun shots happened, these officers ran toward the gunfire to engage the gunman and take him down as quickly as possible. our hearts are with 26-year-old
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officer who is in critical but stable condition after being shot in the head yesterday and undergoing emergency brain surgery. >> you told us earlier his brother's still in the academy thank you very much. it's really a shocking revelation for most people that came out of this louisville press conference what happens to guns used in mass killings? we'll dig into that in jus60t seconds. you're doing business in an app driven, multi-cloud world. that's why you choose vmware.
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with flexible multi-cloud services that enable digital innovation and enterprise control, vmware helps you keep your cloud options open. want luxury hair repair that doesn't cost $50? pantene's pro-vitamin formula repairs hair. as well as the leading luxury bonding treatment. for softness and resilience, without the price tag. if you know... you know it's pantene. just as we were reporting on the mass shooting at the bank in downtown louisville monday, we told you that there were reports of another shooting just a mile and a half away at a community college. well those early reports were true one person was killed, another injured. while the two incidents were unrelated, they do point to a fact that this stuff is happening so close together. same day it's just common how common they've become and
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today, we learn that the gun used yesterday could go back into circulation >> under current kentucky law, the assault rifle that was used to murder five of our neighbors and shoot three police officers will one day be auctioned off. think about that that murder weapon will be back on the streets one day under kentucky's current law >> joining me now, charles coleman, civil rights attorney, prosecutor and msnbc legal analyst. after the fact, after a person has been shot, maybe shot and killed then you get involved in the case did you know that after a shooting, there are states where they just then, those guns go back into circulation? >> i did, chris, and you unfortunately, it's one of the types of things that as a former
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law enforcement officer, you have to contend with because when police get guns off the street, whether through a stop and seizure, through just recovery of a crime, it's one of those things that you hope that that gun is one less but when you have states that basically put them back into circulation, it more or less nullifies the efforts of all facets of law enforcement. whether that's police who made the arrest and recovery, prosecutors who actually prosecuted the case and were able to convict someone or at least get the gun from you know, being back in circulation. when they put it back out there by way of auction or something else, it's very, very frustrating for us to do what the job is and to keep communities safe >> one of the arguments that i've heard used besides the segd amendment argument is well there's too many guns out there any way so nothing you do makes a difference according to gun violence archives, shootings are happening at a rate of roughly one every 36 hours that's nearly 150 shootings so
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far in the hundred days this year but when gun reform opponents dug in and millions of lethal weapons are out there, some on the streets, some that have been used before in mass shootings, is there a way to put the genie back in the bottle >> there isn't, but that's not an excuse to do nothing. we say guns are going to be out there anyway, legislation isn't going to do anything i think it's a lazy cop out. we have to have a much expanded conversation about why gun violence in america occurs it's telling that during midterm elections, urban crime and crime in america was such a talking point and mass shootings were carved out we have to have a discussion about why people feel the need to use these guns, what is taking place not only with respect to mass shootings, but with respect to the thousands of people in urban centers across the country that are victimized by gun violence
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on a daily basis that is a serious conversation the narrative around gun violence in america is what has to be addressed and that starts to counteract what you're talking about with respect to the guns still being in circulation. yes, we can't stop that, but we can address why gun violence continues to occur and hope to curb that trend. >> thank you so much appreciate that. the headline of a new political article on the expupgs of two democratic lawmakers tells the story behind the story. no one should be shocked by what's happening in tennessee. the author argues it's just part of tennessee politics. it details several examples including when a republican lawmaker was accused of sexually assaulting a 15 and 16-year-old girl joining us now, the author, politico's natalie alison. what happened to that republican lawmaker >> nothing while he was there.
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for years, he stayed in his seat his colleagues and the house his republican colleagues declined to ever put him up for an expulse vote. this weekend, we saw three have -- that representative david byrd was accused by multiple women of sexually assaulting them when they were teenagers, when he was their teacher. he got to sit in his seat. just one example of similar kinds of behaviors there that republicans there, the party in power, were willing to overlook. >> >> you say it's not a surprise to people who follow tennessee politics that we're seeing what we're seeing >> yeah. another example i outlined in the book is that for years, in the article, is that for years, protesters were going to the capital really causing
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disruptions to legislative business, pleading for republicans in the legislation to remove the bust to have it removed from the capital, saying this no longer should represent our state black legislators were saying this is offensive to us when we walk into the capital every day to do business, we have this kkk icon looking down at ut s and t republicans weren't trying to do anything about it. they pointed to other commissions the state could be responsible for and said their hands were tied. past governor said he wasn't going to be able to get i removed and finally after years of this going on, the current governor, bill lee, managed to whip the votes needed to get it taken out but that happened after years of protesters, democratic legislators and black
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legislators, asking for something to be done there >> what does the future look like for jones and pearson assuming pearson is reinstated just back to square one? >> seems like the future is pretty bright for them a lot brighter than it was maybe two weeks ago. tennessee is not a state where state legislators, particularly on the democratic side, are able to raise much money or get much national recognition it's not a swing state it's a heavily republican dominated state where democrats are really fighting for scraps and jones and pearson have been able to raise money off of this. the state party has been able to raise money off this they have found people around the world outraged over how they were treated this past week and so you know, they're going to return to the legislature and per the house rules, they can't be expelled for violating decorum rules again.
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so presumably, they could try to test the limits and do something similar if they wanted to and they're safe in their seats. >> we'll continue to watch it as i know you will. thank you so much. we were just getting an update on the breaking news out of washington, d.c we know four people were shot there. one killed, three injured. that shooting happened outside a funeral home in the northeast part of the city just after noon today. police briefed reporters moments ago. they say they believe the victims were targeted. as of now, there is no summit or motive we're going to keep a close eye on this and bring you any new developments, but yet another shooting republican senators with a surprising message to former president trump as new polling suggests trump's popularity post indictment is waning plus, a disturbing new report about american kids being separated from their parents at
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the southern border. and if your phone is about to die, the fbi says you should think twice before using a public charger you're watching chris jansing reports only on msnbc. hey, man. you could save hundreds for safe driving with liberty mutual. they customize your car insurance. so you only pay for what you need! whoo! we gotta go again. only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ i think i'm ready for this. only pay for what you need. heck ya! with e*trade you're ready for anything. marriage. kids. college. kids moving back in after college. ♪ finally we can eat. ♪ you know you make me wanna...♪ and then we looked around and said, wait a minute, this isn't even our stroller! (laughing) you live with your parents, but you own a house in the metaverse? mhm. cool...i don't get it. here's to getting financially ready for anything!
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today, some top elected republicans are making at least a slight move away from donald trump just as new polling shows a drop in his favorability we're talking about the latest abc poll only 25% of voters expressed a favorable impression of the former president that's down ten points since the 2020 election. let's talk about that with nbc's senior national politics reporter, jonathan allen susan page is "usa today's" washington brureau chief. it's a drop of four points in just about a week after his indictment, but does trump still win a primary because i don't know, the lack of a strong alternative? someone who can catch fire with primary voters
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i mean, you certainly can't win a sqgeneral with those numbers >> what we've seen over the course of the last few weeks is that as trump's legal troubles rise, as his approval rating drops with independents and more broadly, the electorate, his poll numbers with republicans in the primary have risen if you look at the average of polling in recent weeks, what you see is he has about a 2-1 advantage over ron desantis with everybody else getting about 5% or less. >> so people don't like him. his favorability is low, but they like the alternative less >> well, i think that's true, but also when you look at 25% approval rating, within the republican party, that means about half roughly translated about half. maybe a little more than half. find him favorable if he were the general election candidate, certainly more than that would vote for him. donald trump has never had good approval ratings from the time he took office in
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january 2021, by the way, he lost the majority of the vote in, sorry, in 2016, he lost the majority of the vote took office in january 2017. his approval rating has been sub even, below average, below the 50% line for most of that time so this is not new, however, the level of it is pretty severe >> so susan, we're also seeing republican senators publicly worried that he's going to hurt other republicans in 2024. his ally, lindsey graham, is suggesting he should focus on his own election john thune tells the hill it sure seems like that would be helpful based on our lack of success in 2022. what does it tell you, they think he should stay away from anybody who's not him. >> well, actually, senate republicans blame trump for costing them winning the majority in 2022 he was helpful to democrats in states like georgia and pennsylvania by the candidates that he backed himself in his
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role in the campaign there are some hard feelings there with people like john thune and mitch mcconnell. now lindsey graham's comment was interesting in that he should be advised to keep his nose out of the senate races but then added he didn't think trump would actually take that advice. >> exactly there's another issue making republicans nervous. the public anger over abortion restrictions i want to play something from republican congresswoman, nancy mace >> we are getting it wrong on this issue we've got to show some compassion to women, especially those that have been raped on the abortion issue because by and large, most of americans aren't with us on this issue >> she's saying it out loud. there are a few other republicans who are as well, but in conversations you're having, susan, what is the level of nervousness about this among republicans? >> i think republicans think this is a big problem for them
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politically. loo looking at the next election in 2024 because the republican position and the things we see republicans doing in state legislatures is at odds and her public opinion is more broadly with republicans and independents this is an issue that risks putting them at odds with younger voters, female voters, other voters that are likely to make a big difference in 2024. not just in the presidential race, but also in gubernatorial and senate races even in judicial races as we saw in wisconsin >> your paper has brand-new polling just out this afternoon on another hot button issue. gun control. we've been talking about it a lot. look at these numbers. in the wake of the mass shootings, public support for tighter gun laws is 72% among independents even among republicans it's at 40%. i guess the question is does that translate in any way to 2024
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>> so we could translate in the way people vote. it doesn't seem to translate in the way legislators and lawmakers act. at least not here in washington. despite these numbers which show broad and across party line support for tough gun laws, there is virtually no prospect of legislation passing in washington and i think that is something that confounds a lot of moamericans. >> thank you so much we're digging into new reporting that american kids were separated from their parents at the southern border plus, russia just made a surprising move that could actually help ukraine. you're watching chris jansing reports only on msnbc. meet the outdoorsies. wayfair's outdoor deal experts. the gardener... goes to wayfair for gardening basics that... aren't so basic. the entertainer... her place might look expensive.
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some say it's what they were born to do... it's what they live to do... trinet serves small and medium sized businesses... so they can do more of what matters. benefits. payroll. compliance. trinet. people matter. we have new reporting on the trump administration's child separation policy. it reveals that hundreds of children who were u.s. citizens were taken from their parents at the border in addition to more than 5,000 foreign born children already known to be separated. some of those kids are still lost in the foster system having now spent almost five years without seeing their parents let's bring in julia who has reported extensively on this issue. what more can you tell us? >> chris, the reason we're just now finding out about these
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children opposed to the 5,000 children who were undocumented and brought in by their parents is because these children were not put into the care of health and human services those were the ones who were immediately flagged and the trump administration and more so the biden administration got to work to try to reunite those children with their parents but these are children who are u.s. citizens because they were born in the united states went back across the border with their parents and when they crossed during the trump administration, they were separated. but rather than go into the care of health and human services, they were placed into the foster system because they're american. it was much harder for those children to be tracked in fact, they really weren't tracked and it's only now we are learning the extent of that. we know hundreds that were separated just in california because that foster system was able to give those records over to lawyers looking for this information, but really no other state has been able to cooperate at that level so there could be
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more children separated. this goes back to that zero tolerance policy under the trump administration that separated any parent and child crossing the border without documents if the parent was undocumented in 2018 and also a pilot program of that same policy in 2017 they separated thousands in an effort to try to federally prosecute the parents for what is really just a misdemeanor crossing without documents >> thank you the family of detained american journalist evan gershkovich has just released a statement. quote, we appreciate president biden's call to us today assuring us that the u.s. government is doing everything in its power to bring him home as quickly as possible in addition to being a distinguish journalist, evan is a loving son and brother there is a hole in our hearts that won't be filled until we are reunited this comes after an official
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determination announced by secretary of state blinken that he is being wrongfully detained. that designation unlocks new government resources in the fight for the release of the reporter that news comes as we learn more than 200 russia and ukrainian soldiers are now on their way home after moscow and kyiv agreed to a prisoner swap. matt bradley is following that pri prisoner exchange from ukraine >> reporter: it's 100 ukrainians who were given over from russia and 106 russians who were given over from ukraine and you know, this is from the chief presidential adviser to the president of ukraine he was saying about half of these soldiers are very, very seriously wounded. especially on the ukrainian side you can see this on your screen now.
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it's 80 men and 20 women this is something you don't often see in these exchanges women have played a really important role in the front lines in these battles and a lot of these troops from the ukrainian side, they were among those people who were defending the steel works. if you remember that really dramatic saga a year ago when the steelworks was host to hundreds of soldiers who were defending it they were under siege for weeks at a time and became really a symbol of ukrainian resistance in the face of this russian invasion which is now well more than a year old. so again, these soldiers are going to be very much welcomed when they come back. these sorts of swaps have been happening periodically since the beginning of the war but alongside these swaps of prisoners and that grain deal that allows for grain to be processed or to be exported out of ukraine to feed really the entire world because ukraine
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really is the bread basket of the world. these deals go to show that despite the depth of the em anity and hatred on both sides, there is some cooperation possible you have to really imagine, chris, how difficult can this be again, this presidential chief of staff, he was saying this is a particularly, a very difficult deal to negotiate. he didn't mention who some of these intermediaries were, but these sorts of deals when it comes to crossing that hot front line between russia and ukraine and swapping these prisoners, they take a lot of logistics, a lot of patience and it goes to show there's a tiny place for dialogue in this horrible war. >> well some little piece of good news because you can only imagine those families who wondered if they'd ever see those men again. thank you for that new data from the u.n. that brings the devastating toll of war into focus today
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nearly 8,500 civilians have been killed since russia invaded ukraine. keep in mind those are only confirmed deaths the actual tally is expected to be much higher as u.n. officials struggle to access areas where the two armies are actively fighting a shortage of cancer drugs is forcing patients to make hard choices and some may die waiting for the medications they need. what's running low and what's being done to fix it but first, new and wide ranging u.s. intelligence revealed in the pentagon's document leak. as officials rush to contain the fallout, is the damage already done you're watching chris jansing reports only on msnbc.
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versus 16 grams in ensure® high protein. boost® high protein. now available in cinnabon® bakery-inspired flavor. learn more at chuck schumer says he requested a briefing on the trove of documents leaked online as they scamable to contain the fallout and top gop officials reveal they don't know if there are more documents out there nbc news obtained more than 50 of these leaked documents, dan what stands out most to you as you went through them? >> the level of sensitive often top secret material exposed here there are many references to signals intelligence electronic spying. this is really a crucial tool that the u.s. intelligence
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community uses to gather information all over the world especially on adversaries of course and this is now been exposed in these documents and the danger here is that those streams of intelligence will dry up that the russians or others will figure out how to cut off those sources of information that could be very damaging. of course, it's also awkward with our allies and partners where these documents seem to suggest we are surveilling them, which is sort of common knowledge, but when it gets exposed like this, that's also awkward. now there's this effort to try to figure out who was behind this and are they going to leak again. then they're still trying to gauge the danielmage of all this there's a task force at the pentagon judging by how you hear officials talking about this, no one is playing this down in the administration they are saying openly they're taking this very seriously and
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that clearly, there is a very negative impact already to this. >> what's the level of confidence you're hearing today, they're going to figure out who did this and figure out how much more might be out there. >> this is the thing i mean, they don't know. and john kirby, the white house national security spokesperson yesterday really admitting they don't know if this is it if there's going to be more. if there's somebody out there who's going to leak more and then in the the meantime, they're trying to scale back the amount of intelligence that's accessible to people inside the government to try to narrow that pool of people who have access to that intelligence and no doubt the intelligence community will be looking at some of these gaming sites that seemed innocuous or incredibly obscure. i think they're going to be looking at those sites more carefully now. >> thank you for that. meantime, cancer patients are facing desire circumstances as drug shortages are leading to
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potentially life threatening delays meaning some patients could die waiting for the critical medications they need. berkeley lovelace is here with new reporting. the fda says four drugs are in short supply what are they used for >> two are common chemotherapy drugs. another for prostate cancer and another for bladder cancer people get put on a waiting list we spoke with one patient who has stage four prostate cancer and has been waiting for this drug for about two months now. >> what? there's probably almost no one watching who hasn't had a friend or loved one who hasn't battled cancer >> it's really devastating the doctors are really on the patient's side here so they put in notices and asked for the manufacturer to let them know as soon as possible but a lot of times, the patient is just left
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hoping along with one of the patients we spoke with, he basically you know, holding out hope this medication comes through, but his family is concerned his cancer is still growing. >> what is causing these shortages and do we have a timeline >> a lot of it is a lack of investment from manufacturers. a lot of these medications are generic. they're not very profitable for drug companies so there's a little bit of lack of investment there. also concerns about core manufacturing at u.s. factories then also drug companies being transparent about where these drugs are being sourced from so a lot of drugs are now being sourced overseas and the fda has a hard time going and see how they're being manufactured >> you always have such great reporting. deeply disturbing. thank you. sentencing day for a january 6th rioter the treatment his lawyer told
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the judge he's getting in the weigh of the insurrection. plus, the fbi with a shocking claim why you should think twice before charging your cell phone in public. you're watching chris jansing repos rtonly on msnbc. you're doing business in an app driven, multi-cloud world. that's why you choose vmware. with flexible multi-cloud services that enable digital innovation and enterprise control, vmware helps you keep your cloud options open. with downy infusions, let the scent set the mood. feel the difference with downy. there's always a fresh deal on the subway app. like this one! 50% off?! that deal's so good we don't even need an eight-time all-star to tell you about it. wait what? get it before it's gone on the subway app! my husband and i have never been more active. wait what? shingles doesn't care.
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today, a federal judge sentenced robert sanford, the retired firefighters who assaulted officers with a fire extinguisher on january 6th. that sentence more than four years in prison. his lawyer says sense the attacks, he has been working with a cult deprogrammer having quote regular discussions to challenge his ideology and belief structure i want to bring in ryan riley. there's been a lot of crazy stories around january 6th, but this one obviously, the lawyer wanted to have an impact on the sentencing tell us what happened in court >> yeah, you know it's interesting because a lot of these cases, its shouldn't
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matter whether or not you still believe the election was stolen just on the face of the crime itself because people have the right to believe whatever sort of crazy conspiracy they want to the problem is acting upon it. at the same time, however, in a lot of these cases, it has benefitted defendants when they've gone in and said i was tricked, fooled, here's why did these actions because i actually thought the election was stolen. it's easier to explain to a judge why you did something like this if you recognize the error of the underlying belief system you had going into this and why that came about on january 6th i think with a judge like this, it was probably something that could have benefitted him. at the same time, the judge was saying given that he was a firefighter for all of those years, he should have known how much damage a fire extinguisher could have caused. those three officers weren't the other officers who were assaulted on that day.
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you also had sergeant ganl who was hit with a traffic cone. he was there today to make sure that the individual got a significant sentence and was saying, telling the judge essentially not to believe what the defendant was putting forward here i thought one of the most interesting comments the judge made was noting there has to be this deterrence effect saying that during trump's arraignment last week, there wasn't a large group of supporters that came there, but he mentioned in a few months, we might be seeing the same thing at d.c. federal court if there are charges brought against the former president we have breaking news in the escalating battle between alvin bragg and republican members of congress bragg is now suing the judiciary committee chairman, jim jordan, accusing jordan of a transparent campaign to harass and intimidate him nbc investigative reporter, chloe atkins is here this is extraordinary.
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i don't remember anything quite like this. what do we know? >> well, it just came out moments ago and in this 50-page suit, i'm going to read from my notes. he filed in federal court in sdny and accuses jordan of brazen attacks on the prosecution of the former president donald trump in transparent campaign like you said to intimidate and attack the d.a. bragg bragg keep in mind he unjailed 234 felony charges against former president trump in manhattan not too long ago so this is fresh right after that and so what they are specifically seeking in this suit that bragg and his team filed in sdny, they're seeking to bar jordan and his congressional allies from enforcing a subpoena sent to mark pomeranz, once the leader of the d.a.'s office of the trump investigation's during his time there who also later wrote a book
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about his experience, but you know, i do want to point out a statement from bragg he said i'm trying to find it in my notes, but you know this is a huge move on their behalf from the manhattan d.a.'s office and we are currently going through this suit as we speak and we'll have more to come as we go through it, chris. >> worth reminding folks that jordan in his role as house judiciary chairman sent a letter to a couple of republican colleagues, demands the d.a.'s office provide documents and testimony about bragg's investigation of trump we also know he is planning, we reported this earlier in the hour, to go to manhattan they're going to have sort of a live what they consider to be a fact finding mission the democrats are going to be there with him i know this literally just broke. you ran here thank you so much for this reporting. again, the big headline here in
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what is really a move unlike anything we've seen, the manhattan d.a. has filed suit against jim jordan in this back and forth, this major back and forth between the two men. thank you. meantime, the fbi has a stern warning. beware of free public charging stations bad actors could use them to infect your electronics with malware. a practice known as juice jacking. it says hotels, airports and shopping centers are particularly risky thank you so much for being with us so what exactly is the fbi saying about this threat i'm in airports all the time there are always folks next to those charging stations. >> the new warning from the fbi is specifically talking about the kiosks with the usb ports you normally use to charge your phone while in transit but the issue is that this usb technology is pretty old so there isn't a lot of safety
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built in some experts say it takes anywhere from ten seconds to a minute to infect a phone at some of these compromised charging stations these hackers are after your data like your credit card number it can also lock devices or expert personal information like user names and passwords which can be used to access online accounts or sold to other cyber criminals. it's best to carry your own charger and usb when you travel. you want those cables that are for charging only since it prevents data from sending also better to use an ac electrical outlet rather than a usb port the gold standard, carrying a power board to avoid public ones all together >> thank you so much for that. word to the wise that's going to do it for us this hour, but make sure to join us every weekday 1:00 eastern time here on msnbc
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you're going to want to stay tuned because our coverage continues with katy tur's interview with the louisville mayor, craig greenberg, about the aftermath from yesterday's shooting he had a lot to say in the press conference earl yier today. katy tur reports starts right now. good to be with you. sooner or later it catches up to everybody. those words from the chief medical officer in louisville today hit. yesterday it was a bank. a few weeks ago, it was a private christian school before that, a supermarket another school a college. a bar. a church a warehouse. a walmart. a parade a lunar new year celebration the list is so long i couldn't go through it in this hour alone. there are so many shootings in the country that it'sno longer


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