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tv   Yasmin Vossoughian Reports  MSNBC  March 4, 2023 12:00pm-1:00pm PST

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>> hey, everybody, i'm yasmin vossoughian. if you're just joining us, welcome. if you are sticking with, us we thank you for that. we are following a couple of different stories right now developing, at the life of its, of course, at cpac, where former president donald trump appears to speak to a very friendly crowd. as other would be rivals are staying very far away, blowing
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up in their face. new reverend -- revelations that representative jim jordan's quote, weaponization committee, heralded by those in the right as a way to bring down the so-called, as they're calling it, deep state. >> this is the tinfoil hat committee. there is nothing here. they are trying to do whatever they can to lay the groundwork for donald trump to come back to the white house. these are trump loyalists. the only reason, jonathan, this subcommittee was formed was so that kevin mccarthy could become speaker. this is the deal he made. >> i'm going to speak to jordan's democratic colleague, congressman raja christian murphy, in the moment. also this hour, alec murdaugh gets a quick introduction to a new reality as begins serving a life sentence for killing his wife and son. this hour, we're going to delve into the twisted world of the murdaugh family. we also have the latest on the huge decision on insulin prices, which impacts millions of americans as well.
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and later on this hour, you don't want to miss. this is an eight-year-old boy and his act of kindness for a waiter at his favorite restaurant, his name is caden partner and the fiancée gardner, coming up as well. we want to begin with the breaking news we have been following all throughout the last hour. out of maryland, at least one person is dead. a major cross involving a gasoline tanker in montgomery county there. that tanker truck crashed and overturned on route 50, leading to a large explosion that could be seen far and wide. maryland state police say the driver of the tanker drive in the crash. no other injuries or fatalities have been reported. multiple vehicles, homes in the area suffered damage from the flames. the cause of the crash remains under investigation. we are expecting a news conference at any moment now, where we hope to learn more details. we also have an nbc news correspondent at the scene, and we will bring you any new developments as we get them. we begin this hour, though, with cpac, where former president trump is set to take the stage as the headliner,
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just over three hours from that. the conference wraps up tonight after four days of appearances from several familiar faces. without many who are expected to take on trump in 2024. nbc's vaughn hillyard is there for us. take us through our expectations of what we will likely be hearing from the former president in a couple of hours. >> right. i think, largely, i think it's symbolic of who is speaking here just before him. this is a several day long conference, and lauren boebert, the congress woman out of colorado, is just leaving the stage. she was preceded by the likes of jair bolsanaro, the former brazilian president who left brazil after losing his election. he has not conceded that race. instead, he is essentially here in self imposed exile. brazil, though, intends to go back. he was followed by the likes of mike lindell, who is not only propagated the idea that america's election was stolen
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from donald trump, but also, that bolsonaro's election was stolen. but donald trump will be the one to cap it off here today. this is a very pro trump crowd. there are questions as to whether there would be some defections among these very maga base grassroots supporters, yasmin. yet, from the folks we've talked to, we've been hearing trump, trump, trump. take a listen to a few. >> who do you got in 2024? >> 2024? kind of wait and see. >> wait and see. you're not a definite trump? >> he's polarizing. but i like that the prices people off. >> you like that donald trump misses people off. >> oh, yeah. >> what do you make of ron desantis and mike pence not coming to cpac? >> [bleep] >> and that is where bill hany is interesting, because he actually was one of those who suggested he was open minded. what you heard, though from bill, was dissatisfaction with the fact that how many potential republican contenders were not here, like desantis
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and mike pence, glenn youngkin, kristen sununu, you can folks who in the past shown up. one person who has spoken here was nikki haley, who has been the one gop challenger who was actually the individual who runs the super pac, who put out a statement just a moment ago who -- he actually great predator the likes of nikki haley, and mike pompeo, considering his own bid for coming here and standing for very much this trump loyal base of support here. this is going to be a dog gop presidential race ahead here. it, at some point, if any of these republican contenders want to cut it, into donald trump's lead, they have to harness some of this maga support. >> vaughn hillyard, we thank you for being there. new today, everybody. the top gop member of the so-called subcommittee on weaponization of the federal government put out a new statement. accusing democrats on the committee of releasing cherry-picked excerpts of testimony.
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this, of course, coming in reaction to that report them across a least, which reveal a number of damning things about the gop's top witnesses, including revelation two of them testified that they had received financial support from cash patel, a trump loyalist and high-ranking official in the previous administration. i want to bring in new york times congressional respondent luke broadwater, who is following the story. capital seems to be at the center of a lot of stories that come out of the trump administration. and what took place during that time. luke, let's talk about this and speak specifically about the money trail, right? kash patel, we are hearing from one of these individuals, a former aide, who said kash patel santa $5,000 when they connected. what else did you find out about this that seems to be a serious conflict of interest, especially when you have jim
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jordan calling these three individuals, so far, that have offered up testimony quote unquote, whistleblowers? >> as your viewers may be aware, the new weaponization committee, run by republicans, their goal is to find biased against conservatives within the fbi and the justice department. they are set out to prove or demonstrate that the fbi is biased against donald trump in its investigations of him, and that it's biased -- bias of conservative people all over the country. chairman jim jordan has promised that dozens and dozens of whistleblowers will come forward and provide this evidence. but only three have testified so far behind closed doors. what this new report shows is that these men, according to the democrats, do not meet the definition of a whistleblower. they embraced wild conspiracy theories, including that january six was a set up. they receive payments from a
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top ally, to donald trump, and they lacked firsthand knowledge of many of the things they were describing. they were relaying hearsay or things they heard about, not because they had firsthand knowledge of. so, democrats believe that these witnesses should be put in the public immediately so that the american people can see exactly what this evidence is, and i think it will fall apart if it's shown the full light of day, these men testified in public. >> luke, there's more to it as well. i want to read for folks this. each endorses an alarming series of conspiracy theories related to the january 6th capitol attack. the covid vaccine, and the validity of the 2020 election. this is what democrats are in this heavily footnoted report, escorting -- made by the witnesses, another suggested it will be better for americans to die then to have any kind of domestic intelligence program. i wonder, how does jim jordan put this forward?
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as kind of the inaugural testimony, we know he didn't put this forward. but to choose these witnesses as part of their inaugural testimony within this subcommittee, knowing all the holds they have in their stories, -- >> even more families transcribed interviews, i think they were hoping to use some of these at hearing. but democrats have their lawyers in these transcribed interviews as well. so, upon cross-examination, they're able to bring up social media posts that these men made or poke holes in their testimonies and other ways. and according to the democrats, basically, they are not holding up. either jim jordan is going to have to find other whistleblowers. he says he has dozens and dozens more. he can prove this bias against conservative he believes exists within the justice department, or they're going to have to cherry-pick the evidence in their own way, as they were
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accused democrats of doing. i will say, the republicans say they -- there is some evidence that supports them in these hearings. i've seen some of the things they believe would help them. one of these guys told them that the investigation was hysterical after january six. but you know, for the most part, with the democrats have detailed in this report is not, not very -- >> i'm sorry, luke. i don't mean to jump in, but that's what essentially republicans think that they have in these interviews, from these three individuals? that was hysterical, that the investigation was hysterical, from their estimation based on nothing else? >> yeah, that's correct. for instance, one of the witnesses said that you know, they wanted to push to investigate across the country to catch the people who had broken into the capital, and they view that as over the top and hysterical.
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so, i don't know if the plan to use some of those quotes to try to put forward their own report, but you know, the democrats think that they will be doing themselves some great disservice and great damage if they put these men on display. >> luke broadwater, reporting on this stuff. we thank you for joining us on this saturday. i want to bring, and now, if i could promise, raja krishnamoorthi, the top ranking member -- between the u.s. in the chinese communist party, who also serves on the oversight committee as well. that is a mouthful i've, got to say, congressman. thank you for joining us on this. >> you didn't even say by name, which has to enter. >> i, too, have a very long, convoluted name that is hard to pronounce. i try to get others right. let's start off the conversation i was just having with luke. it seems as if, right, one of the pieces of evidence you saw that republicans want to put forward as to why interviews
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from these three individuals are something that public want to see, because they thank the investigation following january six was, what did he think? laughable or ridiculous? why they would want to figure out every single person that stormed the capitol? it seems to be, just hearing that, this subcommittee is more for the republican base, and really just trying to try to unite the republican party around a certain way of thinking, force is actually getting to the root of a problem they feel exists. >> that's right. as one of my colleagues likes to say, this is the insurrection protection committee. it's meant to try to undermine, and in some ways, the january six inquiry that congress conducted. as well as the ongoing inquiry that the department of justice is conducting right now to bring to justice all those people who planned, masterminded, january six as well as breached capital. >> congressman, i want to move
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over to a new committee you are the top democrat of, this new select committee on strategic competition. i want to get this verdict. right strategic on petition between the united states, the chinese communist party, which held its first hearing this week. it seems like you guys are getting some praise when it comes to being more bipartisan and other committees. there are some fault lines, really that are being drawn. committee chair mike gallagher laid out a gop vision of an external facing quote, existential struggle against china's ideological, technological, economic, and military brett. what do you make of this? >> i think that the actual language of the resolution, publicly better captures at, least on a more consensus space that's what we're trying to do here, which is try to investigate and uncover facts regarding the challenges posed by the chinese economy this party, also those the cpp, with
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regards to our economic, military, and technological security. i think that's the challenge that we have is that on the one hand, we need to protect our values and our interests against any potential challenges from the ccp, but we have to engage with the people's republic of china. it is 1.4 billion people. our quarrel cannot be with the people of china, even though we may have differences with the ccp. >> i know that the origin of covid was not necessarily brought up in the first half of this meeting, but republicans did eventually bring that up. specifically, this report from the department of energy and comments from fbi director chris wray saying the likely origin of covid was, in fact, this wuhan lab leak. what could you tell us about this theory? >> what i can say is the intelligence community is mixed in terms of its assessment of
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whether the origin of the pandemic was naturally caused, in other words, it went from an animal to a human being, possibly in one of the wet markets in wuhan, or whether it was the result of a leak or an accident at a lab in wuhan. so, you have the fbi, which is assessed with moderate confidence, that's the case, and the department of energy, which has assessed with low confidence, that's the case. then, you are like, 6 to 8 other agencies which have come up with a different conclusion. so, what this really points to, ultimately, is the ccp has to be much more transparent about what exactly happened in wuhan, china, with regard to the origin of the pandemic. at the end of the day, we need to know about the origins to prevent this from happening again. >> how would that benefits, the,
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congressman? what has the ccp ever been transparent about? those things don't really go in the same sentence. what are your real expectations to ever really getting to the bottom of this, speaking truthfully about this? >> you are correct that the ccp is not known for his transparency. on the other and, we have to protect ourselves, our allies, our friends, our partners, and the rest of the world have to do whatever we can, cooperating with each other to protect ourselves against another pandemic like this. so, whatever we can do in terms of sharing intelligence or information, with like-minded folks to try to triangulate and get to the truth of what happened, it's ultimately going to help all of us. maybe some, day. the ccp will be a little more forthcoming about this, i don't know. but we also have to figure out
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if they're not transparent with us about this, what do we do to protect ourselves? that is an equally important inquiry as well. >> all right, congressman raja krishnamoorthi, we thank you. great to see you, sir. >> thank you. same with you. >> all right, as we go to break, everybody, we want to remind you that we are awaiting a news conference in maryland for this deadly tanker truck fire. police are saying the driver is the one killed, and the others are injured. the cause is still under investigation. we're going to bring you that update from investigators a soon as it gets started. also ahead, compassion at the waffle house. when the eight year old found out his favorite waiter was down on his luck, he launched a campaign raising more than $80,000. the parent joins me later this hour with their story. there's the philly, the monster, the boss. if i hadn't seen it in person, i wouldn't have believed it. eating is believing steph. the subway series. try subway's tastiest menu upgrade yet.
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frederick county, maryland, holding an update on a deadly tanker fire.
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want to listen in. >> a maryland state police, all over the scene, healing the scene of the accident. the maryland department of the environment, that frederick county division of fire and rescue hazards materials team, and the frederick city department of public works are on the scene and have could firmed that the hazardous materials involved in the incident are contained. they were contained prior to reaching carroll creek. i'm also glad to share that the phone used in the firefighting efforts for environmentally friendly and did not include any pfa asked material. there is some foam residue that is visible in carroll creek, and we're working with the maryland department of the environment in the french extending public works to contain the spread of that foam from the fire fight. there is no risk to the public at this time. on behalf of the frederick county division of fire and rescue services, i would like to thank our local county and state partners who worked so
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hard to keep the residents of frederick city safe during this event. i'd like to turn it over now to frederick city mayor, mike o'connell. >> thanks, chief. i appreciate it very much. that's a scary day. a rapidly moving incident with a lot of moving parts, very complicated, and the agencies that you are seeing here today represent the best of what this county does when faced with a tragedy and a challenge. my thoughts are with the families of the driver and the residents affected by the fires that followed this accident. because of the response of frederick county division the fire and rescue services, the frederick police department, fire marshals office, and all of our other first responders, this was not a worse incident. as always, i'm thankful for the quick coordination and the courage of our first responders, who kept so many people in our
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community safe today. i'm equally thankful to our department of public works that jumped into action to prevent fuel spillage and damage to carol creek. i would add additionally, there were rumors of some of this material ending up in the city's sanitary sewer system and we had no breach of the sanitary sewer system. so, nothing into carroll creek, nothing into the sewer system, all in all, what could have been a really crowd trick incidents was sidestepped. we will continue to monitor the environmental effects of this incident in the coming days and weeks ahead, working very closely with m b e. we are appreciative of that partnership and the cleanup efforts that will follow. just finally, i want to once again note the joint response, but clear communication, the courage machine that agencies you see here. everyone involved. this effect of working relationship from the state to the hillyard county through the city is really important. it is why an incident like this
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is once more serious than it could have been when the initial reports went out. i'm also happy to say that we have been in contact with the governor's office, with the office of congressman trone, with four dietrich, all who have offered their support as we continue to work through this effort and so that partnership that we have -- to >> take a listen to the mayor of frederick, maryland. this is a press conference coming out of frederick county, maryland. of course, pertaining to that tanker fire that happened in the last couple of hours or so. we have confirmation of the driver of that tanker, who in fact, lost his life. with this accident. we do have confirmation, as well, this tanker fire turned into a brush fire. that fire is now under control. the mayor there reiterating there is currently no risk to the public. there has been no breach of a creek there. he mentions, of, course also the sewer system as well. this is all in reaction, more sensitivity as to what is happening in east palestine, ohio, after that train
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derailment certainly folks in frederick, maryland, want to be extra cautious after this tanker fire. again, one person has lost their life. no other fatalities there, just the driver of that tanker, and currently, as they say, no ongoing risk to the public. we have a crew in nbc news crew that is headed to the location there, and as they get more on this story, we bring it to you. we're going to continue to follow any developments out of frederick, maryland. we'll be right back. ack. ave a purpose in life - a “why.” maybe it's perfecting that special place that you want to keep in the family... ...or passing down the family business... ...or giving back to the places that inspire you. no matter your purpose, at pnc private bank, we will work with you every step of the way to help you achieve it. so let us focus on the how. just tell us - what's your why? ♪♪
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other court officials, and reflect on the fact that over the past century, your family including you have been prosecuting people here in this courtroom and many have received the death penalty. probably for a lesser conduct. >> joining me now is new york contributor james lasted whose latest piece looks into the corrupt world behind the murdoch murders. your piece was excellent. i read it, covered a cover obviously. a lot of folks have been obsessed with this thing watching it day in and day out as it all has been unfolding. you have been watching it play out for a heck of a lot longer than that. were you surprised at all by the verdict considering the case, especially that the prosecution had built? >> i was surprised that it took
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the jury less than three hours to reach the verdict. and i was surprised, i actually had predicted a hung jury. i thought there would be one or two people who would have reasonable doubt. so yes, i was a little bit surprised >> you have written about this legal dynasty that this family held in south carolina for eight decades. a portrait of his grandfather as we just heard, from the judge there in that piece of sound that i played randolph murdaugh jr., a honk at the back of the courthouse. they temporarily took down for this trial. you write this in your piece. alex prosecutors suggest, it was likely motivated by vanity. he was a hereditary big shot to could not face being seen as a failure. it sounds believable if hard to prove, perhaps more important to understand than alex
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pathology is why there was so little in place, socially, institutionally, legally to keep his predatory impulses in check. can you talk more about that? >> well, i mean before these killings, alex murdaugh was stealing large amounts of money from various clients. and doing, this he was an enabled by other people. it was the president of the local bank upon that a state bank was unable-ing these thefts. there was this one lawyer involved. there was kind of institutional, and some cases just blind eyes but in others, you know active participation in his crimes and this went on for a very long time. it just seemed to be nothing in place to stop it. there was a culture of self
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serving and, there was this impunity that they seem to have felt, that they could go on doing this and that they could get away with it. i thought to be -- >> yes, it also seemed as if there was a culture of predatory behavior. correct me if i'm wrong but at the firm itself, considering how they went about kind of this, this ambulance chasing way of practicing law. >> they suddenly built their firm on a very provision that allowed people, citizens of south carolina to sow in and a county of their choosing. if they relitigating again some company, looking for a settlement, they could basically jury shock and
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hampton for this family was based became the kind of litigation mecca because this family basically controlled the jury pool. and that is what they built their fortune on. the provision was rescinded in 2006 but by, that the family had a lock on both the sort of prosecutorial side of things. you had three generations of cheap prosecutors from this family and on the sort of private litigation side of things, they were enormously powerful because of it. and they have very strong -- >> no please, continue. very strong? >> yes, that very strong connection to law enforcement which of course we have seen how that played out in this trial. >> yes,, we certainly have. there are also three other desks that were connected to
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this family specifically, talking about mallory beach, stephen smith classmates of both buster and paul murdaugh. and then the long housekeeper who died under somewhat mysterious circumstances. she allegedly tripped on the front steps of the murdaugh's home and you write this, in october of 2019, a local reporter named mandy math and revealed that while sifting through court documents about the murdochs, she had stumbled across a wrongful death settlement related to the housekeepers demise. more than half 1 million dollars had evidently been awarded to her two sons, tony and brian. tony read that this article and was shocked, neither here or brian had been told of the settlement and this is fascinating because alex murdaugh himself had said that to his housekeeper sons, i am going to pursue this. then they really heard nothing else of it until what turns out to be this multi million dollar insurance settlement.
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>> this was a really cold blooded, ruthless track that they performed over and over. he would win settlements for few chilly not at all well off people. vulnerable people. the sentiments might be quite large and he would pretend other that they were smaller or he would simply not tell them about the settlement at all which was the case with the sun or fields. and the, end it was actual lot more than half 1 million that he won for them. he went over 4 million because it was a whole other insurance that he was able to claim for them. he stole the entire amount simply by this evening these people who trusted him. that there was no settlement or that it was much smaller than it really was. he would then poke at the difference and needed this over, and over, and over. as i said, he was enabled in it by the bank and by other
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lawyers. other lawyers. there are so many incredible kind of strings to pull on with tangled web that alex murdoch even he said, has weaved over so many earth but it seems like his family and legacy of his family has we've as well. james last, and thank you so much for your reporting and for sharing the story. with the world. up next everybody, attorney journal meritt island surprise trip to ukraine. that promises he made to ukrainian president volodymyr zelenskyy, we will be right back. back ♪♪ voltaren. the joy of movement. ♪♪
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do you struggle with occasional nerve aches in your hands or feet? voltaren. the joy of movement. try nervivenerve relief from the world's #1 selling nerve care company. nervive contains alpha lipoic acid to relieve occasional nerve aches, weakness and discomfort. try nervivenerve relief. all right, welcome back. turning now to ukraine where attorney general merrick garland became the latest u.s. official to make a surprise visit to the country on friday. it's visits coming as the white house announced a new former million dollar aid package to bolster ukrainian defenses. and we see white house correspondent allie raffa joins
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me now with more of that details on this. ali, good to talk to. got a top, two on top of -- hosted german chancellor as well and discussed a variety obviously a foreign policy issues. what came out of that meeting? and then of course walk us through the latest promises and packages that he made and heading towards ukraine? >> yes he has, minute this visit by the german chancellor yesterday carrying a lot more weight than his past trips to the u.s.. because this was his first time visiting the u.s. and leading with president biden and person since the war in ukraine began a year ago. we know that was top of mind at the top of this meeting, with president biden. yesterday these two said they talked about how big their countries have worked in lockstep with each other for the past year getting ukraine the support that it needs. and how they can continue to do that. i thought one particularly notable part of this meeting was when president biden recognize not only the military
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support that germany has offered ukraine but also the moral support. i think sometimes, it is forgotten how different the circumstances are geopolitically between the u.s. and germany considering germany so much closer to russia, just geographically than we are. take a listen to our president biden recognize that after this meeting. >> you have driven historic changes at home, and i know you've increased defense spending and diversifying away from russian energy sources. i know it has not been easy, very difficult for you. together, we work al-ata substance supply critical security systems to ukraine and -- mission, artillery, armored tanks, air defense systems. >> president biden alluding to the economic toll that germany has suffered in lowering its dependence on russian oil. yesterday was also a
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recognizable day as far as the military aides military goes. the white house announcing a new 400 million-dollar military aid package for the first time is going to include these armored vehicles that can launch bridges, that military officials say will be key as ukraine enters this new phase of this war with russia. also includes much more ammunitions, rockets, mine clearing equipment. as well as spare parts for a equipment that is already been sent by the u.s.. all of this coming as the u.s. roughly triples the number of ukrainian forces it straining and germany again, underscore the importance of that meeting between president biden and the german chancellor, yesterday yasmin. >> all right allie raffa for, us we thank you. coming up everybody, a potentially life-changing price cut. the impact drugmaker eli lily could be making with its out of pocket cost cuts to insulin, we will be right back. ll be right back us subs. like #4 supreme meats. black forest ham and genoa salami.
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(vo) the subaru crosstrek. (psst psst) dog tested. dog approved. love. it's what makes subaru, subaru. (woman 1) i just switched to verizon business unlimited. it's just right for my little business. unlimited premium data. unlimited hotspot data. (woman 2) you know it's from the most reliable 5g network in america? (vo) when it comes to your business, not all bars are created equal. so switch to verizon business unlimited today. all right everybody, back to breaking news and maryland were a tanker truck fire turned deadly. -- and you see marissa player as lifeless on the scene with the press conference just wrapped. marissa we heard a bit of the press conference. we heard confirmation of course that the driver in fact lost his life and also, there is no current threat to the public. what more are we learning right now about the situation that is developing? >> yes i, mean still a lot of questions that remain
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unanswered. especially when you see the videos of all of those flames that towering inferno not literally, quite literally displaced one family from a home because of how engulfed it was. how damaged it was. you can see the video right there, this happened about three hours ago. this tanker crashed as you can, see it caused massive fire and explosion but they said what happened, what led to their crashes still under investigation. we don't know exactly why that tanker crashed but in terms of what we, now we will stick to the details that we do have here. maryland state police, multiple homes, cars and vehicles have been damage from the explosion. we mentioned one home caused one family to be completely displaced, two homes adjacent they said suffered surface damage if you will. they said the fire as of right now is contained. now we know the tanker crashes are sona tourists a dangerous because of the risk of fires and explosions, because of the very family bullet without they often contain. we asked about what was inside of that tanker, they said that is still under investigation.
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they did say they are led to believe that it was fuel. obviously, right now these images are something that is so striking also because it comes on the heels of the environmental disaster in palestine, ohio. not was saying that officials here were pressed on. we asked about the environmental safety and the safety of the people around here. so what they said as they said the liquids have been contained, they said that nothing of environmental hazard went into drinking water. it did not make it the curl crates which is the nearby creek and they said the phone that was used to fight the fire is quote environmentally friendly. they will continue to monitor this on a local level and the local environmental agency will determine whether the epa needs to be called but obviously, all eyes on this in the coming days and weeks. >> all, right marissa prowl for us, thank you for following that. we appreciate it. a major announcement that could bring massive relief to millions of americans rely on insulin to treat their diabetes.
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and we see christie telegram has the details on this. >> being hailed as a huge win for diabetics drugmaker eli lilly announcing it's cutting the list price of its most commonly prescribed insulin by 70%, capping out of pocket costs at $35 a month. >> it's such a relief. it's a huge significant step in making this deceased manageable. >> anne-marie gibson's sons both use eli lilly insulin for their diabetes. they spoke to nbc news in december as costs in america soared for the lifesaving drug. >> i am so angry. it's exhausting. >> in january, the inflation reduction act imposed monthly cap on insulin costs for seniors on medicare. but millions of younger diabetics were still paying much higher rates. the move comes after years of political and patient pressure. >> i think we all have heard enough about insulin affordability here in america. we should be able to solve this problem ourselves. >> eli lilly's cap automatically applies to people with private insurance. those without coverage will be eligible, as long as they sign up for a savings card through
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the company. but only about 30% of the nation's 8. 4 million diabetics who rely on insulin get it from eli lilly. >> do you expect to see the other drug makers follow suit? >> i certainly hope that they do. i think in general, all of the influence the drug manufacturers make should be affordable and accessible. >> today, insulin makers sanofi and novo nordisk pointed to their own savings plans for participants. for mom anne-marie gibson, today is a good day, could start to saving lives. >> rationing insulin gets scary. some have died. >> knowing her sons now face a future where a vital prescription won't carry such a hefty price. kristen dahlgren, nbc news. >> our thanks to christine dahlgren for that report. up next, a young boys 80,000-dollar-plus act of kindness for his favorite waiter. i will talk to both of them, next.
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found out about a situation, he decided to take it upon himself to step up and help out his favorite waiter. so he set up a gofundme to help him get a head start, get this, has now brought in over $80,000. and that number is growing. joining us now is cason, hunter and ivan take gardener as well. welcome to you both guys. this is such an incredible story. devaughnte, i want to start with you. >> yes ma'am. >> can you take me back to that moment, what you are going through? and how cason new? >> back to the moment, i've been starting for a little while now and actually cason you know he just brings me joy every day. every time i see him, i am thankful that you know he is in my life. we are just positive with each other all of the time. cason is my little guy.
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it makes me smile, i make him smile and we just make each other's day every time we see each other. >> that's how incredible. cason, you heard of ante story, you heard that he was struggling, what made you want to help? >> well, what made me want to help is he told me he had to walk to work. him and his tire from they got sick from black mold and i know how that feels because everyone used to live with black mold in my family. me and my mom used to have stuff growing under our skin and my mom got really sick. >> so you knew what they've ante was going through any wanted to be able to help. how did you come up with the idea kayzen, to raise money for devoun tape to help? >> well i raise money for him because he is a person, while he always jokes around. he makes everyone smile, he loves when everyone treats him
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with respect. i just love all the way he acts. >> dante -- you have such a good little friend in cason. my god i know you have two little daughters yourself as well, as you said you have been going through some tough times. what was that like to find out that kayzen started to raise money for you? >> it was a blessing, me working every day you know working to do the right thing and taking care of my daughters, i always said hey, as long as i will keep on working and doing something positive, something is going to happen for me. apparently kayzen and his beautiful family has seen, that they made this beautiful thing happened for me. i am very thankful and blessed for it. >> you say something that will happen for, you that something came from a little eight-year-old boy and that is incredible. it is not just raising, it's not just raising some money, it is 80,000 plus dollars.
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i mean that must be life-changing for you, devonte? >> yes ma'am, i get to take care of my daughters a lot better. we actually just moved into our apartment yesterday and they are just running around the apartment and they are loving it. i am just thankful that my daughters will have to go through what i have went through. >> kayzen what does it feel like to know that you've been able to help the fontaine the way that you have and his girls as well? >> well it just feels great to help someone out and their family so it was really good. so i hope they have a blessed life. >> we devonte, why do you think people can take away from this? what do you think people can learn from this? >> positivity is contagious. it spreads around the whole world, you just have to know how to give it and i am glad me
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and kayzen are a great example of positivity and we just want to spread it out to the world. >> devonte, kayzen i feel like you guys will be lifelong friends. kayzen you are one awesome little boy. i hope that your kindness and help rubs off on every person that you meet because we all need a little bit of that in this world. good luck to the both of you, i feel like you don't need it because you have each other. thank you guys. >> thank you. >> thank you. >> that wraps it up for me everyone, i am yasmin vossoughian. i would get back on the chair tomorrow, symone starts right now. righ now. greetings everyone, you are watching symone. the battle over a woman's right to make decisions about her own body as being fought on new fronts this week. in a stunning, move walkways will no longer discuss the abortion pill even in several states where it's still legal to take the drug. so we are digging into why and what


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