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tv   Yasmin Vossoughian Reports  MSNBC  January 22, 2023 12:00pm-1:00pm PST

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out there about these two targets. one thing that overturned and now is one place was attacked -- one place was possibly tech by the shooter. if they can put others together you can get a lot of signals about the identity or potential further motive of the shooter whoever it may be. looks like they are moving very quickly now on this case. i think, at least i hope, we will learn a lot more in this upcoming press conference. >> the scene that given the very complicated nature of what happened last night we are seeing a very quick inflow of some data coming through. clint watts, let's put you on standby. let's keep you here. it is the top of the hour now here for you have been receiving reports. i'm cory kaufman in for yasmin today. we are continuing to follow this breaking news out a moderate park hill formula. this bjosh lederman, josh, can u recap this all thing for us? the latest that we are finding out about the suspect.
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people can see on the bottom right hand corner of the screen, this image now put out. what else is your reporting telling you, josh? >> any minute now we are expecting to get an update from the county sheriff and other law enforcement authorities. it was supposed to take place about a half an hour ago and was pushed back. the big development that law enforcement is now expecting to address is that police have now released more information about the suspect who, is still believed to be on the loose. they are describing him as an asian male, five foot ten 150 pounds. dark complexion. they have released these surveillance photos of this individual as they asked for the public's help in identifying and apprehending him. they identified the closing he was wearing. a black leather jacket, a beanie, was wearing glasses. saying he should be treated as a homicide suspect. police are also now making clear they believe it was the same individual who was at this
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incident here in monterrey park where ten people, at least, were killed. who also was involved in the second incident about ten minutes away and alhambra. people at a ballroom were able to wrestle a weapon away from a suspect, now believed to be the same person. we also know, from law enforcement, that they are still trying to figure out exactly what happened at that second incident. here is how the county sheriff described it during the last update. we do not have that here for you now. that official was saying that it is hard to tell just because it was an asian male. whether that is relevant? there have been so many questions about whether there could be a hate crime situation here. we have also heard law enforcement say in that section saying that they were still trying to figure out whether the two incidents were
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connected. now they say that they do believe they were connected. in the meantime they have this white van that's been surrounded by law enforcement in torrents, foreigner. about half an hour or so away from here. we don't know that this is the same van that was involved in that second incident in alhambra. we know that it generally seems to match the description that police had given. they said there was a white cargo band scene in the area associated with that second incident at that ballroom in alhambra. it was considered a band of interest. the person who was seen with it a person of interest. there has been this presence here with this by van, surrounded for quite some time now. if we come back to the scene here in monterrey park, i can show you that this has been quite an ongoing, active, seen. law enforcement who have been gathering throughout the morning. if you see, down the street,
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the fbi has made a temporary command center that they have set up down the street. we have seen in the last few hours the local police department -- the county police department. the federal atf. fbi agents. we just saw somebody leaving the scene, passing through the cordoned off mediary hair who is from the crime lab. more have been arriving throughout the morning. clearly an immense local, regional, in federal law enforcement response as they try to apprehend the suspect. we can see in the bottom right hand corner there that is who they say they're looking for. they still have not yet been able to find as they search both for that person and for that white van of interest. -- second non fatal incident in alhambra that police now believe was connected to what took place here just a little after 10:30 pm -- sorry before 10:30 pm last night with ten people declare
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dead on the scene. another ten now in the hospital. >> josh lederman, reporting live out of monterey park, california. continuing to follow that breaking news for us. the manhunt continues authorities continue to search for the suspect that you see on your screen at the bottom right side. on the top right side you will notice we are waiting for a press conference from authorities. we are just waiting for any updates we might have from them. we are told that might come at any moment. as we wait for that let's bring in former fbi special agent and msnbc national security analyst, clint watts. clint i, want to go off something that josh mentioned there, the command center that you can see that the monterey park look haitian no doubt there will be similar resources for the second i'll hamburger k shunned, as well. can you talk to me about the kind of resources that go into this inter agency? now, what is most likely going to be, interesting man hunt?
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>> i think the key thing to know about the command center is it's exactly that. all the incident commanders monterey park police department is there, they are looking at the scene turned make sure public safety is intact in and around the community, especially during the time of the man hunt. you have the los angeles sheriff's department and the fbi really bringing together all of the resources. los angeles judge apartment clearly knows the terrain. notice the people, know these communities and knows all the other police departments. that is a critical piece of it. i had like the joint terrorism tax force bringing that together with the senior fbi officials that are there. one thing that they need to do above all is send out tips and leads in the local regional area and across california across the united states. that is what the fbi does best. their ability to network and bring those things together. in parallel to the, other things the fbi can bring to it
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is everything from internet, social media search. forensics around the two shooting scenes there. working with the atf -- frank had mentioned right when it came out to really look at the weapon that was seized trying to put the pieces together in terms of evidence. evidence response working families those are all capabilities that are essential. the command center that he saw there that the fbi uses. that is a playbook the upper nose and runs a very well. i worked both at the fbi when i worked in lapd with the counterterrorism program, i can tell you they are one of the best, if not the best, in the country in terms of bringing all the resources together, in a jurisdiction that is spread out over a very vast difference it's the only thing that makes it quite different from the york they have a good at doing that different from th york they have a good at doing that
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especially as we have been spending the weekend -- there should be a celebratory joyous time for our community. of course, this has just been devastating. first, our hearts go out to the victims and survivors and families that have been impacted.
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for our larger community that has had several years of incidents, traumatic incidents and tragedies, i know that we don't know the motive at this time. the impact on our community in terms of this type of mass violence is just unimaginable. >> i know the first thought goes to whether not this was a hate crime. how this horrific thing could've happened so closely to the celebration for lunar new year, so significant for the aapi community. now we have a picture of the suspect, an asian male. we are starting to get a little bit of a description. now we are learning a little bit more information, what are your thoughts about how quickly this person could be identified? it certainly is a tight-knit community. >> yes. i am watching the news, as well, in terms of how the situation
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is evolving. i know i can't comment on what the significance of the suspect being identified as an agent may all. what i can say is that, regardless of the motive, this is traumatizing. i think it is very important that we focus on ensuring victims and survivors get the support that they need. we need to prevent these types of incidents from happening in the first place. we have had over 30 mass gun violence shootings in this year alone. we are not even through january. we have a larger societal issue. this is the words that we want to very much be involved in and focus on. again, regardless of what we find out to be the motive. >> absolutely. at this point, right now, it does not matter whether or not
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it was connected to lunar new year. it happened so closely to lunar new year. whether or not it was connected to a hate crime, it still is terrifying for members of the community. can you tell us more about lunar new year and why it is so significant for the aapi community? >> this is a very special time, to acknowledge our new year -- and, it is a special time for families to come together. communities to celebrate this time. it is one of the most significant holidays for our community. so, for us, this is devastating to hear this type of incident taking place. again, as i mentioned, nearly three years from what we have experienced, which is a rise in violence, hate. it is something that i think our community needs to grapple
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with in the coming days. this is supposed to be a joyous, celebratory time. so many of us are reeling. i am personally processing the traumatic news. i know that our community needs to look to each other to again hold the victims and survivors in our hearts. we think about the year ahead of us, again, we do have to focus on the fact that we have an issue of violence. every day gun violence that we don't even hear about. of course, this is a time for us to really look at long term solutions around gun violence. >> we have heard authorities say, not just authorities, i should say, but community members say, we don't want this to change the way you live your
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life. we still want you to be able to feel like you can celebrate the lunar new year with her family. still mark these very important a very special occasions. even if you do so at home or if you still reflect on the significance of the day as all this is happening. cynthia troye we appreciate. it cynthia is the cofounder of stop aapi hate, and the cofounder of the -- cynthia, we will no doubt be speaking with you again soon. our hearts are with you and your community as we continue to learn more information about what is happening out of monterey park, kelly fournié. s happening out let's bring bac. clint, we are still waiting for this press conference. we are waiting for updates from authorities but it's one thing you want to know >> i think identification with a name of the suspect. we see the pictures there. i think if they are very confident in who the shooter is, if it is related to this person, i think the name as what
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everyone wants to know. to have some confidence that they are on a man hunt for the right suspects. that will be the big thing that's out there. and then secondly, is there any risk or further risk to public safety beyond the two incidents that we are already aware of. that will be the biggest concern for me when the press conference kicks off. >> agreed, all right, we are keeping an eye on this band you see on the left part of your screen. authorities continue to decide exactly one of their best tactical move is going to be with the ban. we have no idea if it is related to the incidents yesterday or not. that remains to be seen. we are also waiting for any sort of updates from authorities in the press conference. just to give our viewers one more time before we go to break, the picture of this suspect has been released by authorities. this is an asian male described as 150 pounds, five foot ten. these are security images that were taken from the scene yesterday. we will continue to follow this breaking news. for now, we will take a quick
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break, we will be right back.
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>> welcome back to you as michigan reports i'm quite often in for yasmin. we continue to follow breaking news after that late night mass shooting out of monterey park, california. these are the latest images coming right now at this hour. you can see once the camera pans back over to the left of your screen, there is a white van that a swat team has surrounded. they have yet to break entry into the van. they are trying to be very careful. we had seen a drone as well. they were using a drone to figure out the best entry. if there was a suspect inside. we know the white van may or may not be associated with the second scene where witnesses reported seeing the suspect flee the second scene out of alhambra valley.
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we have not confirmed this ban may not be it. we do not know if this is significant or not. we are continuing to watch as authorities are finding out what they can about the van. to the right of your screen is a press conference that we are waiting to hear from authorities on. there should be some updates that come out. they should be there in the next few minutes. we've been waiting since 2:34 net. we're not sure if that's any new information. or if they are trying to organize the details that are coming out of this. there are two scenes that authorities have now connected. of course, the suspect to the right bottom portion of your screen this, is an asian male suspect that authorities have put out now. asking for the public for any information that they might know and providing a description on the suspect. this comes from security footage. for all the latest and any updates we might be learning in the next -- or we might have learned since
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we last spoke, let's go back out to josh. he is there on the ground in monterrey park. hello, give us a recap on what you know and anything else you might be learning. >> we have been watching this white van for quite some time now. although as you point, out we cannot say definitively that this is specifically in relation to this incident, it does match the description of the white cargo van that authorities in their last update to the media said they were looking for in connection to the second incident. and this has gotten confusing throughout the day because of these two different crime scenes. let me break it down. the first incident, we are told, is where there were gunshots and fatalities. ten people killed and ten people transported to the hospital. the suspect then apparently went to a second location. also a ballroom.
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about ten minutes away in alhambra valley. there was another incidents where a person tried to bring the gun into facility and it was wrestled away from him before he was able to flee. that is the location where a white cargo van was spotted that police have said it is a van of interest. as we see police surrounding this van through helicopter video for the last, gosh, hour or so now. we also learned in the most recent updates that specifically police are connecting these two events. in a special bulletin, the l.a. county sheriff's department put out just in the last hour, they have not only released these three surveillance photographs of the suspect that you are seeing in the bottom right of your screen, they have also made clear that they believe it was the same individual who was involved in both incidents. something that was not clear even to law enforcement just a few hours ago.
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police describing that suspect at this point as an asian male with dark complexion, about five, ten 150 pounds. they said he was wearing a black leather jacket and a beanie with glasses. the reason that law enforcement is going out of their way to put out of that information, to put it out in a bulletin, even before they hold this delay's news conference we've all been waiting for for close to an hour now, is because they are urgently seeking the public's help in trying to get to the bottom of who this is and where he is so that they can bring him into custody and make sure that there is no ongoing safety threat to anyone. at this point, it appears they have not been able so far to bring the person into custody. they have not made that public. police saying that individual who we see in the bottom right of the screen whose photos they have now public released should be treated as a homicide suspect. they should be considered armed and dangerous. and that sets the tone for this
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latest update we hope to get from law enforcement as this community of monterey park and surrounding area waits with bated breath after hours now. there has been a man hunt either way. there is ostensibly been someone loose who committed the homicide according to law enforcement of ten people last night. we have seen people sort of curiously strolling through the streets here of monterey park on a day that would normally be one of celebration. people were planning to enjoy the second day of the lunar new year celebration. it is a big deal. a community where two out of every three people are asian american. you can see the lanterns celebrating that throughout the city. there were celebrations yesterday for the first day. today celebrations now canceled. other communities around the country also stepped up security at their lunar new year celebrations in light of
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this incident, the spite the fact that at this point, we cannot say whether or not it had anything to do with that celebration. certainly the fact that this was such an important time, police say as many as 100,000 people would have been gathering, creating a heightened level of concern here in this community as police continue to search for the suspect. >> josh lederman, reporting on the ground from henry park. what he's seeing. just the heightened security. even in the area where he is. it brings into question about the safety, security of other lunar new year events. whether it was related. it makes people wonder, it makes people stop and think. on that note, let's go to george police. he is in chinatown with a celebrations there in new york city. george, tell us what you are hearing from people in new york about the celebrations. >> yes, the big yes here thing here is the fear of the unknown.
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a lot of people woke up wondering if this event would take place because of what happened in california. it was the first thing that the organizers here for the fireworks celebration declared. they were -- sympathies going out to the victims. the ten that lost their lives. the ten that were injured. a lot of people who are just glad to see this event wasn't canceled. on that note, we have to talk about the enhanced police presence at this event and others happening throughout the city. >> george, i'm so sorry, i have to interrupt you, and i to put you on. hold we are learning the news conference looks like it is about to start. let's go live there to the news conference now of monterey park tract, if or new. >> good afternoon, thank you for being here. i'm captain andrew mayer from the l.a. county sheriff's homicide. i would like to introduce you to sheriff luna, who is here to update you regarding the mass shooting that occurred last night. sheriff luna? >> thank you, captain.
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as most of you are here earlier today, it is very important for our community to be updated on something as a significant and tragic as this. we are back up here. we are making ourselves available to you for any questions. i think you are aware that at 11:18 this morning we released bulletins with pictures and images of what we believed to be a suspect. we have not named him. there is a reason for that. we have a lot of resources. working with other agencies to make sure that our priority beyond taking care of the victims and survivors of this horrible incident, we can get this man off the street. >> so, all of you have received this. i want to address that there is
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a tactical incident that is occurring in the city of torrents that is being covered. people have asked, is that your suspect? we do not know. as i said earlier today, we had a vehicle that was described as a white box van of interest. there is a band that looks just like was described to us in the city of torrents. it is a barricaded suspect situation. we are working with one of our partner agencies at the police department, we believe there is a person inside of the vehicle. we do not know their condition. we are going to handle that in the safest manner that we possibly can to try to identify that person. could it be our suspect.
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at this point, if we are doing our jobs correctly, we are not only looking at that situation or scenario, we are making sure that we are looking at any and every possibility. i do encourage our community, if they have any leads, maybe they saw the picture of this individual, to come forward with any information that they believe it may help us in this very critical and important investigation and that is going to be very important and i also want to talk about the victim survivor side of this. in response to our mass shooting this morning, a victim resource center has been set up at the langley seat is senior senior citizen center at 400 west anderson avenue. and i want to make sure that
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the appropriate victims families, friends take advantage of that resource. there are many people behind me. some of them will speak. representatives from different agencies. there are so many parts to this. the response, the medical side of it. as we are looking for the suspect, we will not for dak forget the victims and survivors. it's important, you can imagine the trauma that they have experienced. it is our responsibility to wrap our arms around them. so, representatives from the los angeles county sheriff's department, federal bureau of investigation, the district attorney's office, the district attorney george gust is standing here with us. the red cross, the department of health, a victim services are at the center to assist the victims, the survivors and their families.
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if anyone believes their relative may be a victim, please contact representatives at this victims resources center that i am talking about. centeragain, if you have questi, if you are upset, if you have not been able to locate a family member you think is involved, please go out to the victims center. we will assist you. that is why we are there. . at the center we have memories from the psychological services bureau, from the los angeles county sheriff's department. as we go hour by hour, if we see any other needs, there are multiple agencies that have counted us, everyone wants to help. we need to depend on each other in difficult circumstances like this.
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with that, i am going to turn it over to the next speaker. i will be here for questions at the end, thank you. >> thank you, sheriff luna. i also want to congratulate us and give credit to the first responders as well as our sheriff team and the city of monterey park. the chief of police, the many deputies as well as the dea's office, also to our elected officials that are here with us this morning representing the city of monterey park. i am, as you know, very heartbroken to hear of the news of what occurred with the individuals that lost their lives. we have to look at the victims, the survivors, as the sheriff said, this is what the county does this. we'll provide assistance, mental health services, any type of relief that is possibly
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in legal to provide. we are here to support the families in this community. it is tragic what happens. think about the people who put their lives out there to protect us on our safety and well-being. also our physicians. the ones i can tell you at l.a. sue ufc are treating at least four of the victims. i want to say they have also devoted their service to help provide protection for all of our residents in our community. the county's office of emergency management has been providing support and leveraging mental health resources at this very traumatic time and along with the city of laundrie park, as you, know you can see are very united and very resilience. again, a heartfelt note to the families who lost their loved ones and to those that are recovering at this time. and with the help of the public, we can help to identify the individual that was behind this
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incident. thank you. >> good afternoon, everyone, this was supposed to be a moment, a time of celebration. we are celebrating the lunar new year. it is such an important component of many communities around l.a.. the first thing i want to do, i want to express my condolences, not only to the victims, the family, but the entire community. my office has multiple roles. number one, by state law, we round a mass casualty response unit. since very early this morning, we began to mobilize county ride resources in my office as well. in order to provide services to the victims family and to the community. this is work that started today,
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it will go on for months and possibly years. the impact of trauma from this event goes on for a very long time. i want to thank a sheriff luna and they monterey park least apartment for the incredible work they have done. we have our own law enforcement component here since very early on working for us with the police department and we will continue to do that with the sheriff. clearly depending on whether the individual is arrested. we will talk about prosecution on a later date. i also want to thank the u.s. justice department, our u.s. attorney, who is here today with us. again, this is a joint effort. depending what the conditions are, the bureau of investigation is also part of this work. what i want to make sure we get across to our entire community, we are a united community. when one of us is attacked, we
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are here together. regardless of what the motive was for this impact, for this event, we will continue to work together. we are here with monterey park. we are here at the entire community. we are not only here today, we will be here every day until the work is done. thank you. the work is done >> i would like to thank everybody for coming out right now. i want to speak to the monterey park community directly. our police departments and city begins to provide protective services throughout these incidents. we work with our partners and county and state and federal levels. we try to resolve the situations as best we can and take our suspect into custody. the sheriff talked about the langley center. that is where our victim assistance has been set up. i asked that the partners in the press give those victims family a little bit of space over there so they can get
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information. you can imagine when they woke up this morning after the lunar new year festivals from yesterday and they may not have found their loved one next to them in the bed or at home. how that is affecting everyone in this community right now. i want to ensure everyone that as we get more information, we'll put it out as much as we can. the monterey park least apartment is here as your partner to keep it safe. any information that people may have related to the incident, they can call the police station. we will try to get information out as soon as we get it. i have a lot of uniformed police officers out on the street. every single one of them is committed to community. if someone in the community has a question or concern or stare scared, the officers out there to make sure they are okay. all they have to just reach out enough the question. i will open it up to questions, thank you. >> [inaudible]
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can you talk about the situation and torrents right now? -- >> yes, it is a possibility. >> [inaudible] >> i don't have that information here. that's also possible. >> do you have a name? you released a picture. >> we are withholding the name at this time. as i stated earlier, it is a priority to apprehend this person. we have a lot of resources throughout this entire region. we believe we are putting his name out, that will inhibit our
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ability to potentially arrest the suspect if he is out there, or maybe three. please be patient with us. you have been patient this far. and we are going to keep our word that we are going to continuously update you. the community, i understand,, they are thirsty for information. yes, we did put his picture out. from a public safety perspective, we want people to see who this is. and then give us any information that they may have about his whereabouts so we can safely take him into custody. >> do we know the motive? >> no, we don't. >> we have to keep all those options open. was he by himself? where there are other spaces
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backs? our detectives are looking at every angle. and that is the important thing that good investigators do. portant thinthey keep every opte table until we know for sure what the motive was who else was involved, and other than getting this suspect into custody and providing the best case to either the district attorney or the u.s. attorney's office, our job is to collect every shred of this awful puzzle that has been laid out by the suspect. work in progress. >> do you believe this is that -- >> we have been asked that. we are looking at every angle. whether it is domestic violence, the question was asked earlier about a hate crime. you have to leave the door open for any possibility. until we understand who this suspect is, what his motives are, where he came from, what his intention was. at the end of the day, as a
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sheriff's department investigative unit, we are responsible for providing the facts and evidence to our partners in the prosecutors office. so we can prosecute this individual to the full extent of the law. >> i don't have the information right now in front of me. we should be able to follow up with you on that as this incident goes on. >> can you confirm at this point that the suspect to -- the second location is in fact the same on the perpetrator -- [inaudible] >> we believe it is. i am not confirming it 100 percent. again, we still have to put this whole thing together. the picture or the image that we are showing you is from the second location. we believe that they are both connected.
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again, we leave every option on the table. we have to leave it open. we'll was to focus on one area while someone else is getting away. you have got to be open to all of it. >> for our while me, what kind of weapon was recovered? >> earlier today in regards to the weapon, i could tell you that it's not a high powered assault rifle. i don't want to get into the specifics on the weapon. in time, we will. everyone will get exactly what that is. i don't want to say anything that would impact or create challenges in order to apprehend this person. >> one more question. >> we don't know that yet.
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>> for us, just like i am saying, there might be one suspect, we think there is, one there might be more. we also have to assume there may be more than one weapon. we may have recovered one when we find them. that doesn't mean he is not armed and dangerous. >> can you explain what is new other than the photo? >> well, -- >> to update everyone here, i'm trying to ascertain what's new other than the photo. >> we have the photo that's. new there is the incident that is occurring in torrance. obviously there is questions and concerns about that. that is the updates that we have. >> you're not able to tell us anything from that? >> i'm asking if there's anything specific. >> i am giving you definitive information. i'm giving you the information we have. i had a choice to sit back and
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not come out here and be available. like we talked about earlier, we get a shred of an update, we give you what we have. there is significant public interest in this as there should be. as if we call you out here in two hours, i am hoping there is more information to provide. i want this solved as much as anyone out there does. let me go over here. >> [inaudible] >> i don't have the information in front of me. typically, i don't put out the specific locations out of respect for the business. i am sure as the day goes on, we will be putting out these specific names of the businesses. as you can imagine, if you are the business owner there, there is a horrible incident. they are traumatized as well. >> when mark question.
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>> let me go over here. >> you know, it is normal that when we have victims of violent crime, we don't talk about specific hospitals. i am going to share a quick story as to why we don't. earlier, i mentioned they were at a specific hospital, somebody called one of those hospitals to say something along the lines that they wanted to go and finish the job. that is absolutely horrible. so, again, we i don't believe that's the information -- please, these victims and survivors are dealing with so much. let's not dramatize them more. let's not dramatize them more. be patient with us. the sheriff's information bureau will put out another time where we are coming out. i hope to have even better information. as of right now, that's what we have.
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again, thoughts and prayers to all the families involved in this. it's a horrible incident for our county. thank you very much. >> all right, you have been hearing from sheriff luna of the l.a. county sheriff's department among other county officials. and officers from monterrey park police department on this person that you see right here on your screen. this is the suspects of the mass shooting that happened last night in monterey park. another attempted reason in -- monterey park in california last night. authorities are now saying the two incidents, they do believe are connected. the photos you see are from the second incident. and here is what we learned from this press conference and the latest details that were provided. that bulletin provides a public image of this person and says anyone who has information on
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this person, please contact us right away. they are not naming the suspect. they believe that would inhibit their ability to make an arrest in this case. they are trying to track the suspect as quickly as possible. this is very important. what you see on the left of your screen here is a white cargo van. it has been -- blocked in. a 30s or calling it a tactical incident in the city of torrance. 28 miles from monterrey park. if this is the vehicle, the suspect was able to flee from the second location, cross l.a., 28 miles, and then ended up in the parking lot. sheriff luna said he has been asked if this is your suspect. quite simply, we do not know. they do believe there is a person inside the van. they are trying to work as carefully as possible to make contact with that person. there is no word if this person
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is conscious. if they are armed and dangerous and what the situation is in the van. they are trying to make out the information. they described it as a barricaded suspect situation. they are looking at every and any possibility when it comes to motive as well. people asking if it was a domestic violence incidents, if it was a hate crime related. they are not ruling anything out at this point. let's go to josh lederman who has been following all this breaking news for us from monterey park directly. hello, josh. hello, josh. >> hey, as we were listening to the law enforcement officials provide the latest in their investigation, i wrote down two phrases that jumped out to me. one was, as you mentioned, a barricaded a suspect situation. the other was, we don't know, we heard the phrase over and over from lot enforcement in this most recent update. they were referring with this specific phrase to whether the person in that barricaded vehicle is their suspect. it could apply to a lot of this
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investigation. the list of things that law enforcement right now cannot say for sure. it includes what the motive was for this mass shooting here in the town of monterey park. they don't know if the suspect acted alone. they said they believe there is only one suspect. they can't rule out that court there could be more. they don't know how many guns were involved. they say they know about one gun. they can't rule out that there is a possibility there are others that they are not aware of. law enforcement also are saying they don't know whether that white van that they have been surrounding in torrents about half an hour or so here for monterrey par for well over an hour now is the one that they have been looking for. it was spotted at the second location ill alejandra. they also don't know if that's their suspect who's inside, nor the even know the condition of that person who they believe to be, according to law, enforcement inside that
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vehicle. we have a little bit more detail about the weapon that was used in the shooting here in monterrey park with lawton forsman, the county sheriff saying it was not a high powered assault weapon. that is important. there was some initial reporting and suggestions from people who had witnessed this that there had been some type of semi automatic weapon that was used in the shooting. according to the latest information, at this point from law, enforcement they don't think that was the case. they believed it was not a high powered assault weapon. clearly, the big priority right now is to get this person into custody. as long as law enforcement does not have this suspect, again, they described as this asian male, 30 to 50 or so. until he's in custody, law enforcement cannot definitively rule out there could be an ongoing threat to the community at large. it is clearly very scared right now. not sure what happened last night in the community.
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not sure whether there is an ongoing risk to the public safety. clearly, police have a better sense than they did just a few hours ago about who this is. they were able to put out the photos. it seems like although they didn't explicitly say this they have a sense of who this person actually is. but don't want to release that publicly for the reasons that you cited. they think it would make it harder to actually bring that person into custody. notwithstanding, not to name them, police urgently seeking any information that the public has as they looked at those three photos which they confirmed came from that second incident and alhambra valley to try to assist them and figuring out exactly who this person is and bringing them into custody. >> josh patterson from monterey park, thank, you josh. josh lederman, excuse me, josh lederman thank you very much. let's bring back in robbed in eco. he is a former fbi supervisor. also barbara mcquade, oh, gosh,
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my words, a u.s. attorney. thank you sir for joining us. thank you for staying with us for all of this breaking news. rob, my question to you is not judging police, obviously they know better than we do, help the public understand why releasing a photo for public safety to say, they went over this person is, is the priority, versus saying, listen, we cannot release his name, we do think that would inhibit our ability to make an arrest in this case. >> there could be several different reasons. it could be once you name him and then people that are going to find out where he lives and then get over to his house and do all these things that are connected to it. it may interfere with that. and then when he released a name it could lead to different things. if you look at the video, the
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tactical team is going up to the van. they are doing a tactical entry into that. they said they suspected someone was in there. for them to do that, he had to have been nonresponsive. just broke the window. i think they probably think that he -- only because they heard something that sounded like a gunshot. they try to communicate to him. you also have to worry about someone staging that. we had an event in maryland a number of years ago. >> he's opening the door now. >> someone was in the house, shot the gun, everyone thought he killed himself. he was actually just hiding and waiting for the police to come in thinking that we are going to come in. everything they are doing is an altar safe. think they probably had cameras in there looking for any movement. they are actually going ahead to make this. once the scene is determined
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that if someone is in there is deceased, the tactical team will totally back out. and now it is a crime scene. if no one's in in there, the evidence response team will come in and they will start looking for clues. because they said someone is in there, he's either going to be taken into custody, if they believe he's deceased, it will be coming to a crime scene. he will start seeing the evidence response teams come in to process it. >> we are starting to see at least one or two forces enter that van. we want to warn everybody who's watching live with us, if there is anything that -- we have this on delay. that is good. if there is any violence that occurs, of course, we are trying to keep a safe distance for that reason. they have open the back portion of the van. >> it tells me that they safely assessed they could do that. the first guy in, unfortunately,
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someone has to beat number one. they most likely realize he was not a threat, be it deceased. he probably had the drone inside the van. there's all kinds of balls that you can throw in that have cameras. they kept studying to see it if he moved, to see if he's laying on the ground, to see if the chest is rising up or down. any signs of life. they are still not going to go in, probably. why would you? you don't have to. you're going to try to talk to him. after a while, when all the signs of life are not good, are you eventually have to go in with what they're doing now. the first guy went in. probably cleared it. they secured the hands probably. in order to -- -- only to just make sure everything is safe. you get the weapon away, if he did do that himself with a gun,
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you clear the gun of his immediate surroundings. you flex of his hands and then you have someone determine if he's actually dead. >> -- continue, please. >> it's not a fun scene. nothing good is going to come out of it. you have to do it safely. you don't want to put everything out there. i'm sure everyone's been cleared. so, now you see guys walking. their backs are to the van. you're obviously not going to do that if you think it's a tactical situation. most likely, the subject is either deceased or they are flexed cuffed and not viewed as a threat. >> we are moving off of the imagery. we are seeing something that could be a body. we don't want to show anything just yet until we can confirm what is happening there on the ground. this is the suspect that we are
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looking at. >> the other thing you have to be careful of, when we've had other active shooters booby trap places that they knew the police were going to go to, their home, other things, it could have been the bodies there. and now you have to do it safely. he could be on a booby trap, he could be on something that's more dangerous. even clearing out a body that is a deceased person still takes a lot of time and patience to do it safely. >> we are going to take a quick break. we assess the situation and determine what exactly we can show. rob d'amico, former fbi supervisor, we also have barbara mcquade who is a legal analyst and former federal prosecutor on standby. we will be back soon. we will be right back. ht back. secret had ph balancing minerals; and it helps eliminate odor, instead of just masking it. so pull it in close. secret works.
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