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tv   The Beat With Ari Melber  MSNBC  January 18, 2023 3:00pm-4:00pm PST

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thank you so much for letting us into your homes during these truly extraordinary times. we are grateful "the beat" with ari melber starts right now. >> welcome to "the beat." we begin with what many are saying is the revelation of something we knew but continue to see in more depth, a kind of staggering weakness of speaker mccarthy. as you see him giving out rewards to the very people who broke with him and tortured him before finally relenting this that historically chaotic beginning to the new congress. there's also some santos news so first the full picture today of what mccarthy has given away to the rebels who according to many republicans and this is again mccarthy's allies, they say those folks were politically extorting him. the lesson that mccarthy may be teaching which is why it matters in the news tonight and in the future is that his weakness can be exploited on any number of issues so this caucus which held the speaker bid hostage is getting assignments this he
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might not otherwise get. they're getting powerful perches including gaetz, gosar, boebert, biggs. that's why other republicans say this is a kind of swamp hostage mentality. here some of the extreists along with marjorie taylor greene are on oversight which is a potentially powerful perch dealing with government issues. two of them who were condemned by mccarthy for attending a white nationalist event, he said he was appalled by that are now on the main house investigative committee and they're all election deniers. >> the so-called plane that crashed into the pentagon, it's odd, there's never any evidence shown for a plane in the pentagon. >> i object to the electoral votes of my bow loved commonwealth of pennsylvania. >> we need to look at the late night spike tass took place in various states and look at this video footage we have of ballots
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being pulled out from underneath tables. >> we can do that and follow through on this audit, folks, if it's what i've been told and i had people come to me early hours the day after from the security exchange fraud department to the cia fraud department. >> george santos also netting two committee assignments and a military veteran says he stole $3,000 from his cancer stricken dog's gofundme page. santos denies that and questions whether he lied about where his mother was, whether she was in the world trade center during the 9/11 attacks, immigration records indicating santos' mother wasn't in the u.s. at all that day. kevin mccarthy has something that is larger than any individual member of congress, although the santos lying issues reinforce some of the wider questions about whether this is a speaker who can draw the line on anything with his own caucus. i want to get right into it and
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we have a very special guest. when we go to talk politics, we go to someone who is more known for political expertise and raw real rhetoric than anyone else in that bs-filled field. as you know, james, not everyone tells the truth in politicsment santos certainly doesn't. james carville, welcome back, sir. >> thank you, ari. >> as you know, james, we hear about narrative and themes. i'm curious, viewer you of the things i mention because in all due fairness to any political party including this one you can always pick out one, two, three people and say, well, they're over there and it's life. but is there a larger problem of lies, conspiracy theories and basically attacks on public service and government itself coherent around the people that mccarthy is now empowering? >> it's so much worse than you said. remember, there is a three-page
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document that has been reported by puck and confirmed by axios that has never been made public. my friends and i are calling it the secret protocols of the corrupt bargain, all right, and not focus on the paul gosar -- completely nuts. what about the 18 republicans that never saw in that signed on to it and went whole hog in with kevin mccarthy. what about the three republicans that came from districts that they carried by less than 1%. let's talk about these people. what about the people, so called problem solvers caucus. they don't know what's in there. you don't know. i don't know. all right. and let's see the three pages. because one thought he would get a committee chairmanship. is the secret protocols of the corrupt bargain. we have not seen this. we need to see this three-page
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document. this is what is governing -- >> absolutely. you raise that. when we were covering the speaker race it was never kevin. we're not going to make a deal then the alleged deal was around just the snap vote. we covered why a snap vote could be good, bad or neutral. that's a small thing. it would appear other things were bargained. even republicans complained about it. you're saying, show us the facts. go ahead. >> actually a document. if you can go to the four corners of the three pages, there's a document that spells this out. why did these 18 republicans who profess to be can do people, get something done moderates, why are they going along with this? that's the question that voters in their districts have to ask them. >> yeah, so we hear this phrase, james, politics as usual. and people who aren't focused on this, they might say and i give you this not as an endorsement but as a concept for you to
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address, you know, you go out and go have lunch with somebody who is not a political junkie or go to the bar, this is what happens, politics as usual, they all got to make deals, that's it. is this what mccarthy's doing politics as usual or something else? >> we got to see the three pages. i suspect it's way -- politics as usual, you know, you have a bill or something comes up, they don't read it, it's okay, it's 4,000 pages long. this is only three pages. it's not that complicated. let the public read it. where is the people in these districts? you had them voting blind? that doesn't happen, all right. what you've specified, three pages because these freedom caucus -- don't trust kevin mccarthy any more than i do. >> james, look, james, we talk about your experience. we don't talk about your age.
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but -- >> i'm 78. i can't change that number. >> same age as, you know, my dad is 78 just turning 79. i'll put it like this. i'm old enough to remember when american conservatism meant you're skeptical of the federal government because of what it might do and how it might use or abuse power and in order to deal with that skepticism, you provide transparency, accountability, information. that's why in the old days you had republicans and conservatives saying, release the budget, release the footnotes to the budget. let's find out how they're spending your money, yada, yada, yada. the fair point here, yeah, if you're a conservative don't you want to know what side deals, secret deals, documents, what happened to that strain of conservatism, james? >> it doesn't exist and talk about raising the debt limit.
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the united states has been acquiring debt for 230 years. in the four years that trump was president, 25% of that debt was accumulated. by my math that's under 2%, all right. and so now they're hollering about, whoa, the debt. when one-quarter of the debt of the united states, 230 years was accumulated in four years that trump was in power. excuse me, but we should not be impressed and we should not let this fact go by. public is unaware of it. you know, and that's what's going on. it's really -- it's a level of duplicity and corruption that is sort of unique. let's face it. politics has always duplicity and back scratching and kind of back room deals. this is something on a level we haven't seen before. >> i'm curious what's going to happen to kevin mccarthy's stance as a leader because we have seen this speaker job which some people work their whole life for.
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he gave up a lot for it really reduce kind of shrivel republicans in a way that did not happen with pelosi and you're an expert on that. you could teach us or remind us why there might be a difference. joy behar's difference. >> kevin mccarthy has no soul. he has no ethics. he has no morals. he has no spine. i don't know -- he's a shell of a human being. >> james. >> well, she's saying water is wet. i mean, of course, she's exactly right. he's -- he doesn't lead anything. i'm sure. he's being led around. there is a difference between being a leader and being led around. but, again, i like to make my point over and over again, let's see the three-page document, all right. let's see it because that's what's really governing what
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kevin mccarthy is doing. he's just reacting to every back door deal that he made out of the sight of the american public or republican party and you're 100% right, the conservatives, the debt, one-quarter, over 230 years. i tried to do the percentage. i think it's under 1.5 but it's a lot compared to the time they had it. so, yes, i completely agree. >> yeah, fair. what we're going to do our shortest break, 60 seconds, i want to ask as well about this very real situation of the rising violence and hate including this maga candidate now in court today. james is with us. we come back in one minute. you can make it even smarter. now ports can know where every piece of cargo is. and where it's going. (dock worker) right on time. (vo) robots can predict breakdowns and order their own replacement parts. (foreman) nice work. (vo) and retailers can get ahead of the fashion trend of the day with a new line tomorrow.
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with a verizon private 5g network, you can get more agility and security. giving you more control of your business. we call this enterprise intelligence. from the network america relies on. ♪♪ we all have a purpose in life - a “why.” maybe it's perfecting that special place that you want to keep in the family... ...or passing down the family business... ...or giving back to the places that inspire you. no matter your purpose, at pnc private bank, we will work with you every step of the way to help you achieve it. so let us focus on the how. just tell us - what's your why? ♪♪ we are back with james carville and turn to a story that involves politics but a lot more than politics with that failed maga candidate, solomon pena, in court this afternoon
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standing indicted for orchestrating a series of shootings at the home of democrats arraigned held without bond and vaughn hillyard caught up with democrat whose home was targeted. >> it ties into this big narrative happening. people feeling cheated like they're not being, you know, that the election is rigged and not taking, you know, losing with grace. you know, that's the way i was brought up, right? you don't whine. you know. if you lose. you get back up and you, you know, congratulate the other person that wins and you move on. this coming home, this whole thing is coming home. >> james, you are i political practitioner, the bulk of your work on this earth. you've done this and other things and know you in the media but you have done so many years of campaigns and like other people, some in both parties although increasingly a problem
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on the right, you have always committed to following the rules and the law and having a peaceful transfer of power that to the point in a different era you might not have to answer questions about this on the news, yet, here we are. i'm curious your thoughts of how serious it is and how it keeps coming from the right. >> well, this was inspired by trump. it was inspired by january 6th. it was inspired by election deniers. it was inspired by people like marjorie taylor greene who is serving on homeland security who says that january 6th is no big and we're mistreating these poor defendants. this did not crop out of nowhere. it took a village. all right? literally it took a village to get inside this demented mind of this criminal in new mexico, but i guarantee you in his mind, he doesn't think he's a criminal. he thinks he's just doing the same thing that was done on january the 6th by the patriots.
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he thinks he's doing the same thing when trump tells you stand by and stand down. this didn't happen overnight. and it's anti-democratic. anti-semitic, anti-asian, anti-black, anti-anything you can think of anything. hate is not a contained thing. it seems to seep out. it's everywhere and they're getting signals, this idiot got signals that this is okay. >> yeah. that's exactly what i want to build on. you said he got the signals. you know, sometimes in washington people say things and they think they sound smart but they're actually dumb. i say that respectfully. it was very popular among some of the trump minimizers in 2017 to say, oh, don't take him too literally. that's the mistake. and his followers take him figuratively. we took him too literally.
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well, actually it's the opposite. they take him very literally. that's why they stormed the capitol and we are now dealing with this, whatever happens to donald trump as you said on court, a lot of other people, this self-proclaimed maga king trying to shoot people, bullets into the home of a family where the 10-year-old daughter was present when the bullets came through. this is literal for them. i want to play a little bit of some of what we heard. >> we're not allowed to punch back anymore. i love the old days. you know what they used to do to guys like that when they were in a place like this, they'd be carried out on a stretcher. >> i'm eric greitens, navy s.e.a.l. and today we're going rino hunting. >> let's have trial by combat. >> today is the day american patriots start taking down names and kicking ass. >> that's just some of it. i play it specifically, james, because it's not anti-left.
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it's anti-american when this individual cocks the shotgun and says rino hunting. he's talking about republicans. they're talking very directly about shooting anyone who disagrees with them. yes, democrat, yes, minorities, but also republicans. also police, which they battered and attacked there on the 6th. what do you think is the way out of this to hold them accountable for being literal in their encouragement to violence? >> you know, my first politics was in 1959. this is my eighth decade in american politics. i never would imagine that i would see something like this. i mean, i went through, you know, the civil rights movement, anti-vietnam war move. anything that you can imagine and to see people that support and encourage this kind of
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behavior in a congress of the united states on the homeland security committee, i'm sorry, you know, i think i have a lot of experience and i think i have a lot of background. i don't have an answer. i wish i did but i honestly and i read a fair amount. i talk to a lot of people every day and i haven't heard a good answer. i'd be dying -- but honestly, i'm just -- i'm out of m.o. on that one. >> respect. hey, appreciate your candor. as you say, it is more than one way to approach it. people watching, listening hearing you talk about what is superlatively bad in eight decades can be a wake-up call. one more thing that's a lot more fun and it's a quiz. you know i like to quiz you. on the screen right now we have james carville live. we love that. we also have a picture of james carville in the lower right corner. it says coming up stars. do you know what that is about?
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>> i don't. to be honest with you. >> you have no idea. >> no. >> okay. well, a, we think you're a star. we think you're in good company. up there with maya wiley and others and, c, by the end of the hour, you and everyone will understand why we have that tribute up because at the end of the hour we have something special highlights over the years on msnbc which include yours truly and others, our stars as far as we're concerned. that's why it's up there, james. by the end of the hour everyone will know. >> are you a sports fan? i'm 70-40 publicly against the spread on tony kornheiser. >> who is tony? >> tony kornheiser. >> who is that? >> the "pti" guy on espn. >> okay. i pick against the spread. i'm 70-40 over the year and i'm 20-0 on my blue plate specials so listen in, i might have a hot one this weekend. >> okay, well, i'll at the you this. they say can i phone a friend
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because i don't know about that world but i have a friend right here. your star reel will be by the end of the hour. thanks for being here, sir. >> thank you, ari. governor ron desantis is at war with the first amendment. he is an anti-free speech leader in florida. if that sounds like the opposite of what he's been telling you there's a reason for that. we'll get into that next. chase freedom unlimited. so, if you're off the racking... ...or crab cracking, you're cashbacking. cashback on flapjacks, baby backs, or tacos at the taco shack. nah, i'm working on my six pack. switch to a king suite- or book a silent retreat. silent retreat? hold up - yeeerp? i can't talk right now, i'm at a silent retreat. cashback on everything you buy with chase freedom unlimited with no annual fee. how do you cashback? chase. make more of what's yours.
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scrutinize multinational corporations from their environmental impact, the labor practices, we recently reported on how some companies abuse fine print contract to trick employees, an issue tackled on "emily in paris." indeed a u.s. trade commission is now seeking to ban companies from using that practice. but one of the stranger political attacks on companies lately is using them as a stand-in for overhyped concerns about woke capitalism. and that's a term often credited to "the new york times" conservative writer ross and ron desantis swiped the term and idea and seized on it for public brawls with corporations like disney. >> when you're trying to impose a woke ideology on our state, we view that as a significant threat. >> when that company has very high-up people talking about injecting pansexualism in the programming for young children, it's wrong. walt disney would not want that. >> when we were young, you could watch cartoons without having to
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worry. >> there's woke employees in these companies and the inmates have bhavengly run the asylum. to have the economy politicized this way, that's a recipe for disaster. >> we fight the woke in the corporations. we will never ever surrender to the woke mob. florida is where woke goes to die. >> whatever this is, it's not traditionally conservative because he's talking about having the government dictate what private companies do. whether that is what he admits which is trying to control disney cartoons and what's in them, even if he is correct, which he's not about what's in the disney cartoons, it's not the government's job to try to pressure disney to make cartoons one way or the other. all of it is more word salad than coherent policy but desantis uses government power to hit companies like, say blackrock which he pulled billions in investments from. and he continued this odd clash with disney putting desantis on the other side of the first
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amendment. he's using government power to try to punish disney's free speech including its advocacy for among other things equal rights for all of its employees. this was already a tricky line for desantis for anyone actually paying attention and not just cheering at the buzzword "woke." tonight's news is he's getting hit for the blatant hypocrisy because he went out of his way to elevate lobbyists for disney and blackrock as co-chairs for his inauguration. now, that sounds like bad politics if you're cozying up to the enemies you've been targeting on the campaign trail. i don't think political strategists would suggest desantis go campaign with the people that he wants everyone to think he's against. but he's taking the risk and opening himself up to the hypocrisy hit for money. desantis taking donations and maintaining the corporate ties with the same groups that he claims to be at war with as part
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of his effort to take on, quote, woke corporations. i'm joined by joan walsh, national affairs correspondent with "the nation." welcome back. >> thanks for having me, ari. >> joan, there's more than one hole here. i land on hypocrisy so your thoughts first on that piece. you're at war with these companies except for when you need their money. >> you know, maybe i've gotten cynical but it doesn't really surprise me, ari. i don't think desantis believes in anything in particular. i think he's happy to take tear money. in some ways i question the lobbyists who gave him the money who actually get a lot of money from, say, disney and blackrock and some of the pharmacies that he's gone after as well. they get paid by them but then they're giving money to desantis and trying to cover both bases so, you know, i mean money and politics, everyone is cynical and that doesn't surprise me. what really hurts, i mean, you did mention the blackrock example which i think is a
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really -- where he actually did perhaps -- there were consequences attached to his rhetoric but for the most part it's just rhetoric and the people who are suffering in florida are floridians. just today he turned down an attempt by the college board to statute advanced placement classes in high school for african american history saying it lacked educational value and i'm like, ron with all due respect, how would you know? you know, he's trashed the teaching of lgbtq or even the mentioning of lgbtq families in florida. so real people pay the consequences and for the most part corporations shrug off his woke capitalism rant because, you know, he tries to make florida a great place to make money and so everybody is happy. >> yeah, no, i think you lay that out. look, we can't paint all of capitalism with a single brush, but today's multinational
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capitalism is not known for its overwhelming wokeness or its super pro-labor standards. i mentioned that briefly so i'm curious what you think as well the disney thing could have been a one-off or brief and wants to run on it and played the sound there. he is saying out loud that the government should help pressure and then decide what are in private companies' cartoons. it's anti-first amendment and anti-the old version of conservatism. >> well, it is and they should be standing up to him, you know, and they should fire the lobbyists who gave him money to be honest but they won't. you know, the other thing that he did today or yesterday, i'm losing track is, again, very statist, very anti-old school republicanism is ban vaccine, mask mandates vaccine mandates in private businesses. as well as in cities or counties or public buildings, it doesn't matter, public or private,
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there's -- you have no rights to impose those things even if you serve a high-risk population. and this is -- he's doing this, i think, to contrast with trump like he really thinks he can hit trump because for about five minutes at the beginning -- not the beginning but when people were really dying in the spring of 2020, oh, you know, trump shut some stuff down for a little while. he think that's going to be a point of comparison when he runs against trump which i expect him to. but that's outrageous also. telling private corporations in your workplace you cannot have masks and require people to be vaccinated. it's a really distaupic view, i'm not a republican. i never have been but i grew up with a republican party that would never stand for either the imposition of free speech codes or, you know, cartoon guidelines for private corporations or health care guidelines of that sort limping the freedom of
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private corporations, so, you know, he's a horror show. >> yeah. and it really is going to go under a microscope. the state level politics are different than when you want to be president. see if people notice how it's working and keep reporting on it, joan, thanks for being here. >> thanks for having me. >> absolutely. i want to tell everyone what i mentioned to james carville. what do maya wiley, dan rather, have in common. >> we have a special highlight reel for you coming as we mark a billion streams for "the beat." i'll explain it all coming up tonight. a montage unlike anything we've ever shared. coming up first elon musk under fire. the politics, the twitter problems and now the tesla problems. stay with us. less sick days! cold coming on? zicam is the number one cold shortening brand! highly recommend it! zifans love zicam's unique zinc formula. it shortens colds! zicam. zinc that cold! nicorette knows quitting smoking is freaking hard.
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now, where were we? and find out what your case all when a truck hit my car,ade. ♪the insurance companyed, wasn't fair. eight million ♪ i didid't t kn whahatmy c caswa, so i called the barnes firm. i'm rich barnes. it's hard for people to k how much their accident case is worth.h barnes. t ouour juryry aorneneys hehelpou crash of tesla. there's a new report from reuters that engineers testified under oath they were also lying or misleading about tesla's self-driving abilities, staging a key video that was released back in 2016 that shows a tesla car appearing to drive by itself then stopping at a red light,
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accelerating in a green light. the engineer basically blowing the whistle ainge testifying the system didn't have those capabilities at the time. the video also showing tesla driving around a parking lot and parking by itself. the engineer says during a test run the car would crash into a fence in tesla's parking lot. we reached out to tesla for comment on that reuters report and have not heard back. the testimony is connected to a lawsuit that actually arises from a fatal tesla crash in 2018 and the wider questions for elon musk are whether his dalliance or media obsession with twitter has in some sense distracted him and his companies from what he's supposed to be doing. now, i promised you something very special and we are going to show it to you. we hit a billion streams online. we've been working our whole team here on showing you how we got here, where we're going with some of our best friends and stars, the highlight reel is next.
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jobs crisis, a resurgent blm moment, the end of roe v. wade, insurrection, land war in europe and much more. we looked at all that and we have tried to cover it all for you without getting completely lost in the division or the darkness. and as more people get news on their phones and computers these day, tonight i can share this rare milestone, "the beat" just hit 1 billion streams. the media tip sheet reliable sources relying on this numberable, a notable feat for a cable news program. so if you ever wonder are the facts getting out there, the answer is, yes. beyond the millions of live msnbc viewers like you there are many, many people watching our reports and our interviews online and so we made something special to mark our billion streams. highlights from all five years of "the beat" from maya wiley talking down sam nunberg to james carville's gifts to fat
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joe covering a carole king song. this is how we got here and where me might be headed. >> the premiere of "the beat" with ari melber starts right now. >> this is the big story. >> the first look at previously secret documents. >> as we said in the campaign the hay is in the barn now. close the barn door before you leave. >> let me say it the way biggie smalls would say it, even when i was wrong i got my point across. >> this is so ridiculous. i'm not going to give them every email. >> are you prepared to be held in contempt and potentially go to jail? >> yes. isn't this ridiculous. >> no, it's not ridiculous. i think your family wants you home for thanksgiving and i hope you will testify. >> why would anybody be surprised at the president's statement. >> special coverage of the mueller report. >> which is so voluminous. >> that is a substantial finding there. >> what does no exoneration on obstruction mean to you? >> it means -- no, what does no
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crime mean also. >> the reason us three are in there are because of stone. >> number two -- >> motion of it was about roger stone. >> have you provided any formal counsel to donald trump or his aides or accepted any money? >> what an insulting question. i mean, have i accepted money? i'm a liberal democrat. >> it's a great honor to present a constitutional argument against the impeachment. >> you wrote a report for them to impeach. >> i gave them that -- ari, this is great. >> this is great. you're talking to a lawyer. go ahead. >> so am i. >> i don't ever remember the president ever averaging me to get involved with jeff sessions or the department of justice. >> and that was not true, was it? >> i have no obligation to be honest to the media. >> i did not believe then. i did to the believe today. >> the reason i went for bernie is because of msnbc and --
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>> go on. [ laughter ] >> the stop bernie cynicism that i heard from a number of people. it made me angry enough, i said, okay, bernie has my vote. >> tonight from broward county, florida. >> we just want justice. >> dogs have a lot of rights. they don't have the right to vote. >> i am officially declaring a national emergency. >> we're dealing with a very formidable virus. >> truth itself helps combat the spread of this virus. we have this information, which we didn't have until today. >> he knows he can't win. >> joe biden is president-elect. >> donald trump is the loser. >> one song in particular has been playing on a loop. fdt which boils down to forget donald trump. i'm from a place where you probably can't go speaking for a people that you probably ain't know. pressure build up. >> not fraudulent electors, it's alternate electors.
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>> it's vital to understand for preventing it from happening in the future. >> we had over 100 congressmen and senators on capitol hill ready to implement the sweep. >> do you realize you are describing a coup? >> no. they put me in leg irons. they stick me in a cell. >> he has so much knowledge to share with the journalists but he refuses to share that knowledge in response to a lawful subpoena. >> that's punitive. what they did to me today violated the constitution. >> the laws aren't for everybody. they're not. >> you have no right to put your knee on that neck. >> we don't think enough is being done about racial terror. >> we want to sit at the table and say how did we get there? >> with effort, we can change history. >> it's about, uh, trying to make sure everybody get treated like humans. >> protesters have gathered ever since this draft opinion came down. >> we are angry. that is why we're speaking out. >> we're the aftermath. we're the casualties of war.
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>> when you see what a crack baby feels like it's a different feel. >> i can't tell you the effect it had on me. it was -- it was internal. ♪ i had to fight ♪ >> he's using your words. >> that's the truth especially for poor people and people of color. >> i was just naive. and stupid for not going. yeah. >> what brings the tears? heartbreak. >> important to be an artist and to speak truth. >> the truth is very rarely positive. >> it's obama did. obama -- >> obama did. well, let's start there. >> and ari did. >> a lot of my favorite lyrics have started as a joke. >> find your way. it can be done. >> you have to remind yourself of the kid on the bedroom floor with beatles. >> wu-tang clan. >> ari. >> we can make a big difference. >> i have to speak up if i see any injustices. >> you got to taste this. you got to taste this.
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>> it's the hardest thing to catch a wave. that's life, man. >> that's life. >> delicious. >> yeah. >> you have to have a center no matter who you are. >> our whole battle at the beginning was sexuality. >> how wonderful this experience is. >> one of my favorite channels on the television. >> save the world for humans. >> you are part of the natural world. >> earth is in space and we're all on earth. >> oh, my god. well, there goes the red wave. >> we're in a cold civil war in this country. >> i do think that comedy should be criticized. it's dangerous for me to even step in the political arena. >> snoop doggy. >> life is what you make it.
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is yeah, i speak through my art. >> i have the courage to be a truth defier. >> and i'm going to defer to you and mr. q. ♪ >> muse sick a language. >> i'm on the air with ari. ♪ heartbeating like a ferrari. ♪ you got a problem with me ♪ ♪ msnbc i got ari with me ♪ ♪ sometimes we smoke weed ♪ >> i starred with jay-z. >> i hate to quote jay-z again. just kidding, i don't. >> maybe that is mitt romney's way of saying i'm not a businessman. >> this entrir drug war and jay's own path. >> amazing piece. will somebody break it down in that way. you know, we all feel seen. >> ari melber, rap genius jay-z
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quotes. >> the streets is watching. >> the street is watching. >> plead the fifth when it comes to the fam unlike a doing. >> ari will just not stop. >> young thug has said -- >> of course. >> i didn't kill anybody. but i had something to do with that body. >> you're one of our most quoted artists here. >> he said every day is another opportunity to touch the paper. >> rick ross who has a line where he says, shoe box know shoes in it. and the implication is there's drugs in the shoe box. i -- >>. ♪ automobiles ♪ >> truth hurts. >> would you poof and disappear? >> like many of smi friends? >> as drake famously said to his imitators, the big u is like a mini me? >> sometimes you got to go a little crazy.
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>> wasn't it pushy t who said i believe there's a god above me? i'm just the god of everything else. >> i don't like it if it don't blink. >> that clumsy attempt at hotline bling. >> ripple has been a theme tonight. shoutout to grateful dead. >> bill gates don't dangle diamonds in your face when he microsoft in the place. >> put respect on my name as it were. >> who said that, ar snichlt. >> bird man. >> oh, okay. >> i don't though. >> now you know. >> you say do the ladies run this? yes, we do. >> it's time to fall back. >> i think you need to fall back and not give your guests home work before they come on the program! >> they don't build chairmans like they used to. >> this is my boy. >> i don't know about it. i didn't hear it.
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>> what can you say? >> i just want to send this message out to donald trump. >> all right. i don't always see these in advance. >>. ♪ it's too late baby yeah it's too late ♪ >> congratulations on the scoop, man. i'm super jealous. >> when can i meet rachael madow? >> i was hoping for joy reid but go ahead. >> this face on the air. ratings go up. it's a love nest, man. >> you didn't show me the lighter. >> only news show with a lighter. >> thank you. >> ari. >> thank you. >> you're one of us, brother. >> kamala harris is -- >> almost done with this interview. >> i'm a friend of yours, ari. >> don't tell cbs. >> get close to the mike.
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>> come on. come on. >> wait. wait. >> this is ending toxicity here. >> it's like they said, don't worry about right rhymes. >> i write checks. >> that's it. >> that's it. thank you for going on this ride with us. thanks it our hard-working team. this wide range of guests you just saw are leaders and the way they lead a newsroom that backs facts, reporting and diversity. the only thing left is for you to weigh it. what was your favorite beat moment from those highlights or one we missed that you remember? you can post it with the #beatbillion on twitter or facebook. or just hit me@arimelber or any social media and tell us what did we miss or a favorite beat moment or a favorite beat guest that we you have should have included or you're thinking of. we want to celebrate a billion streams. what a long strange trip we've
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people love the daily show and they love leslie jones. take a look. >> but there say bigger problem here. because first it was trump now it's biden. what i need to know is who is in charge of these documents? who is the [ beep ] freely giving out classified documents? who [ beep ] is this person? >> who is this person? i mean, that's a fair question when you start to notice that documents do seem to pop-up all over the place although there are many differences in the cases which we've covered. that was just a moment of leavecy. shoutout to "the daily show." joy reid is up next. show. joy reid is up next. >> tonight on the reidout -- >> we


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