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tv   Hardball With Chris Matthews  MSNBC  September 12, 2016 8:30pm-9:01pm PDT

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it is the 11th hour after all, and our discussion went long, we'll have to continue it tomorrow when we see you. "hardball" starts now with chris matthews. sick day, let's play "hardball" "hardball." >> good evening, i'm chris matthews in washington, hillary clinton is in chappaqua resting from a weekend that was not supposed to go this way. diagnosed with pneumonia on friday, she decided to as they say in big-time sports, play hurt. as can happen often that turned
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out to be a bad call. as happens, the condition turned worse and you can see the video. she appeared to get into her van after leaving the ceremony, she was unsteady and required support and seemed to be losing her footing there. she went to her daughter's apartment, to get away from the crowd. unfortunately, the second decision was made to keep the diagnosis from the public. the clinton campaign put out the word that because of the heat from the ceremony from 9/11, hillary clinton simply left the occasion earlier than scheduled. her people now say that her secret was as they say, a bad call. >> i think we could have handled it better in terms of providing more information more quickly. in those 90 minutes we were putting the priority on making sure she was okay. as soon as she got in the vehicle she was alert the whole time and telling staff she was fine. but i do think in those 90
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minutes that elapsed we could have gotten more information out more quickly. that is on the staff and we regret that. >> the campaign disclosed that clinton had been diagnosed on friday with pneumonia. to tamp down concerns, they put out a statement that clinton was recovering well. and hillary clinton's headline prognosis is of the type that can let her finish her campaign at the robust pace that is needed, can it or not? that is the question for the doctors themselves. the other question can only be raised by the voters' attention to the candidates. are they willing to accept her instinct for ridgidally keeping her information to her self, are
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they ready to disclosure, admitting to the truth only when it is out in the public. for instance, when there is an iphone video showing you being lifted into the car. hillary clinton tweeted thanks to everybody's well wishes, she also said like everybody else, everybody who has been home sick from work i am just anxious to get back down on the trail. we do wish her well, anyway, the campaign announced that bill clinton will go in her place. meanwhile, both the clinton campaign and donald trump are both promising additional medical information that will be released later in the week. we'll believe it when we see it. let's watch. >> it is our intention in the next couple of days we'll reveal additional medical information about hillary clinton and have been in touch with her physician to get the materials together. we'll further it to rest any lingering concerns. >> this last week i took a physical and i'll be releasing when the numbers come in,
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hopefully they're going to be good, i think they're going to be good. i feel great. but when the numbers come in, i'll be releasing very, very specific numbers. >> and joined now by kristen welker, let me ask you, one simple question will linger, did the clinton campaign intend to keep secret the pneumonia prognosis on friday? >> i think you had a couple of problems, chris, behind the scenes. one, all of the controversies that were being spun up by some republicans, questioning secretary clinton's health, and number two, the 9/11 memorial. i have been told by democratic sources close to the campaign, close to secretary clinton she was not going to miss the 9/11 memorial. she was a senator on september 11th, this was personal for her, so i think there was a sense in the campaign that the candidate was feeling pressure from all
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sides and that is part of what delayed it. and you also had secretary clinton saying she could power through. she was not coughing on saturday. and based on my conversations with sources there was an intention to at some point divulge the information to the public, but the question was when, how would that have happened and would we know at this point if we did not have that video? those remain open questions. it feeds into the broader questions about transparency. i think that is why you see her campaign officials come out today and say hey, we could have done a better job. i anticipate when secretary clinton gets back out on the campaign trail chris, she will need to address that head on to put this criticism to rest. >> you know, the problem for me out there, i'm a small part of it. just one of the people commenting on the campaign. and i've been saying there is no real evidence of hillary clinton having a serious health problem. i argued that of course with
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former new york mayor rudy giuliani as recently as thursday. he said oh, no, look at the internet information that was not reliable. saying also look at the coughing spells. when you covered her, did you see any extreme coughing? >> well, the cough we saw about a week ago in ohio, where secretary clinton struggled to catch her voice and catch her breath. it was a coughing fit that was quite notable. she tried to joke about it. she said i'm allergic to donald trump. being there, you knew that the cough was significant. she said it was due to allergies. now we have this diagnosis. the clinton campaign, part of why they want to release the medical records is to make the point that the only thing wrong here is pneumonia, obviously treatable with antibiotics. worth pointing out, a number of
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her campaign staffers got sick with colds and at least two of them got at least pneumonia. so it does seem there is something going around with the clinton campaign. but other than the coughing spell, i didn't see any other incident. >> and donald trump promised to put out his latest medical report. thank you, kristen weller. and anyway, david axelrod ripped the clinton campaign for failing to fully disclose the illness. he said quote, antibiotics can take care of pneumonia, what is the cure for the pension for privacy, that repeatedly creates unnecessary problems? and it was clear he wanted to say this. joining me, senior political reporter, heidi, you first, i will get to the biographier
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here. does hillary clinton have a penchant for privacy, beyond the usual normal american penchant to keep this information to yourself? >> well, the obvious answer is yes -- you can look -- you can look at the pieces of this and look at what brian said and kind of figure out what happened here, she knew on friday she was sick. she thought i can take the antibiotics and power through it and we'll see awwhat happens on monday. well, that didn't actually work out. >> do you think she would have ever disclosed it if she could get away with it? >> i don't think many people know this, this has been going on for months, the national inquirer wrote a piece saying she would be dead for six months. there is stuff out there circulating. >> do you shop at safeway?
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do you read the stuff that goes in the papers? >> unfortunately for her, this takes some of that stuff mainstream. >> they need to jump this, crosswalk it to a serious health. i had pneumonia about five or six years ago. it is very -- i've had malaria, and pneumonia, it feels worse, you just feel terrible. i ended up getting steroids to get through it. and it was great. >> did you hit a lot of home runs the next season? >> no, it was only three or four days but i tell you it took something like that to shake you out of the very bad feeling you have. it's not crippling. it's just bad. >> it really depends on what the clinton campaign does here, they say they're going to release medical records. the problem is that -- >> does this look right -- >> no. >> explain why it doesn't. >> he was hitting about how you have to go on the internet, you have to see how bad her sickness is. he kept talking about the
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coughing spells. >> four years ago, three years ago, karl rove went out and suggested she had brain damage. remember benghazi -- >> you're getting further out, is the cough a sign of pneumonia. >> let me say, i'm not a doctor, i may have stayed at a holiday inn express -- >> last week as i said, former mayor rudy giuliani talked about concerns about clinton's recent coughing fits. >> do you think there were any signs of illness by the secretary of state? >> no, but it thought the day before, when she coughed to about 15 minutes, then on the airplane, and she spit something up. i don't know what is wrong with her. but they kind of hide her. >> mayor, have you got any evidence that she is ill? what is the evidence? >> i don't, all i do is see all of these incidents of her
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coughing all the time. i don't know what it is. and i have seen her in several other situations where she didn't look healthy. >> i say this in the crassest possible way, score one for rudy. because they did suggest that coughing could be a sign of pneumonia -- >> today they're not talking about it, because they think it may have a kernel of truth. that is why important for the clinton campaign to come out with something more conclusive. >> why have they been ranting on the top of health care -- >> you mean of her health? >> yes. >> why did they get onto this thing? >> look at some of her advisers, a tried and true tactic. didn't they do this with dukakis? it doesn't matter what a is tru
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it's what is suggested. look at reagan, it created an impression. >> it didn't create the pneumonia, on sunday, donald trump was uncharacteristically silent about secretary clinton's quick leaving from the 9/11 ceremonies, this morning he called into fox news and cnbc. >> i hope she gets well soon. i don't know what is going on, like you, i see awwhat i see, t coughing fit was a week ago, i assume that was pneumonia also. i would think it would have been. something is going on. i just hope she gets well and gets back on the trail. we'll be seeing her at the deba debate. >> what is interesting, they say pneumonia, she was coughing badly, even before that, this was not the first time.
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it is very interesting to see away is going on. i want her to get better, get out there, i look forward to seeing her in the debate. >> where are we going on this? shou shou >> well, look, if you're donald trump this is the best moment that he has had on the campaign this terms of discipline. he has been tweeting about her health, on the campaign trail, she has no stamina. and right now, hillary clinton has had the worse week of her campaign, and he is getting out of the way of a story she does not have control of. >> you know, as long as there is not a story, double edged, he will have to release his medical report right now. because right now all we have is a statement of a doctor saying he would be the healthiest president in the history of the u.s. even though he would also be the oldest. thank you, clinton is hitting her for comments that half of his supporters are from quote, the basket of
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deplorables. trump is calling it the biggest mistake of the election, but does it compare to some of his own sugar plums. anyway, this is "hardball." this network of portals will shorten the distance packages have to travel, and save jet shoppers money. unbelievable work! where does that one go? ...happy birthday... whoa, slow down bill. save some for us. (everyone laughs) ...hahahahahahahah. at, we're always looking for unbelievable money saving innovations.
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you know, to be just grossly generalistic, you could put half of trump supporters into what i call a "basket of deplorables." right? the racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic, islamaphobic. you name it. >> anyway, she just did. donald trump is slamming hillary clinton for that remark when she made on friday, where she called half of trump supporters deplorable, "basket of deplorables." anyway, here is what trump said about that. >> she divides people into
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baskets as though they were obje objects, not human beings. after months of hiding from the press, hillary clinton has revealed her true thoughts. that was her true thoughts. she revealed herself to be a person who looks down on the proud citizens of our country as subjects for her law. the disdain that hillary clinton expressed towards millions of decent americans disqualifies her from public service. you cannot run for president if you have such contempt in your heart for the american voter. and she does. >> well, in a statement over the weekend, secretary clinton expressed regret for her comments but didn't actually apologize. she said i was grossly generalistic, and that is never a good idea. i regret saying half. i love the way she took back the
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half. anyway, trump campaign is out with a new ad to capitalize on what secretary clinton said. here he goes. >> speaking to wealthy donors, hillary clinton calls tens of millions of americans deplorable. >> you could put half of trump supporters into what i call "basket of deplorables." the racisracists, xenophobic, islamaphobic, may, deplorable. >> you know what is deplorable, hillary clinton viciously demonizing hard-working people like you. >> and joining us from a rally in north carolina, where trump invited some of his supporters up onto the stage so they could rebut some of her remarks. so howie, that is show business. >> definitely a moment kind of thing. first of all it is over, wrapped up maybe 45 minutes ago. the room is being cleared out.
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but up on that stage trump pulled about ten people up on the stage, where he said hillary clinton should not call them deplorable, they said we are the face. trump let other people do the talking for him. he then took the stage and continued to go after clinton for a way we saw him do in baltimore. this was echoed by rudy giuliani, who as you said earlier was one of the folks pushing the discussions, the conspiracy theories about her health, but didn't touch on that. he also went after clinton on the deplorable comment. they're making a comment that this will be as damaging to her as mitt romney's 47%. they're also saying -- they're not just going after the half -- that you noted she walked back saying half, leaving sort of an unknown percentage up there. but they're going after the quote unquote basket.
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you heard rudy giuliani describing the basket as the poor people, the desperate people, that is something that was echoed today, clearly a line that clinton thinks all trump supporters are not essentially worthy of having her attention. that is not exactly what clinton said, there is a calculation being made that this is going to ultimately benefit donald trump. does it come with political risks, critic? of course it could, a comment could be damaging to trump. some 60% of voters believe that donald trump is biassed towards women and minorities. his supporters, any conversation that involves racism and sexism, a lot of them are saying it could end up hurting trump in the long run unless he is making the right bet here, that people
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will see clinton as out of touch and somebody who does not care for them before november. >> thank you, when we return, my election diary to where this race stands. you're watching "hardball." the place for potics. and try new parmesan peppercohrrn sp. helloooo crispy goodness. and the classic... ...handcrafted shrimp scampi... can't get enough of? ...handcrafted shrimp scampi... still gonna floor you. it may be called endless... ...but that doesn't mean it'll last. whether it's connecting one of or bringing wifi to 65,000 fans. campuses. businesses count on communication, and communication counts on centurylink. with this level of engineering... it's a performance machine. with this degreef intelligence... it's a supercomputer.
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monday, september 12th, 2016, well, there is nothing you don't know about the term this weekend. worked on the campaign for president, the question is what will it do to voters' loyalties. will the decision of hillary clinton to keep her medical information private harm the voters? will she choose to keep matters from the voters, even a basic question like having pneumonia. well, this took the queue in the line of incidents such as "basket of deplorables," in which she described half of
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donald trump's supporters. ronald reagan said you don't call people racists, it doesn't bring them over to your side. and the talk about the beknighted folks who cling to their guns and religion because they like their awakening. and yes, it does remind us of romney, with his 47% remark. and it reminds us it's not nice to fool mother nature, or the substantial block of the electorate, who you promise to defend when you run for president of the entire country. so a good beginning of the week for donald trump because he showed the courtesy or at least the political facsimile, to cool it. thank you for joining us, it's "hardball.."
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cleaning deep between teeth. hear the difference? get healthier gums in just 2 weeks vs a manual toothbrush and experience an amazing feel of ean. innovation and you. philips sonicare. save now when you buy philips sonicare. in december 1996, president bill clinton had just been re-elected to his second term in office and he announced a big slew of new nominees for high-ranking positions in his second-term administration, including bill daily who was nominated to be the new secretary of commerce. also, our old friend bill richardson, a familiar face already by that time, in this case, december 1996, bill richardson was being nominated to be the new american ambassador to the united nations. so at this announcement, you see al gore is there, on the left side of your screen, bill daily is there, on the right side of your screen, comes out and introduces his nominees. bill daily is the commerce secretary.