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tv   Eyewitness News at 430am  CBS  November 3, 2014 4:30am-5:01am EST

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. >> from the cbs broadcast center in philadelphia. this is cbs-3 "eyewitness news". and today's monday, november 3rd, good morning, i'm ukee washington. >> i'm erika von tiehl. stories we're following today, down to the wire, just one day before pennsylvania voters head to the polls with the race for governor at the top of the ballot. we're live with a look at how the candidates are drumming up last minute support. >> the eagles latest victory comes at a price. quarterback nick foles, side lined, with a injury, possibly gone for weeks, and he's not the only eagle who got hurt on sunday. >> and new this morning, flames erupt at a philadelphia home. the latest on the condition after victim who was returned to the hospital overnight. >> those stories and much more coming up in a just a bit. right now let's start with our forecast with katie in the weather center i'm hoping warming up a little bit from the weekends? >> this week's headline
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basically roller coaster ride of temperatures, in the weather department, because we are really going see that take place here i promise you this much, starting to get little better here today. no where near as harsh, that's the thing to remember, but it is still cool outside. so you will still need those extra layers, i mean, hey, folks, we're in november at this point, this is the time of year we start to see these kinds of things take place. so yep, talking about temperatures. we are, however, talking about some quiet weather initially, eventually, more rain does creep back into the forecast, i'll tell you when coming up. ukee, back to you for now. >> thank you so much. well, how about that game yesterday. i'm telling you what, the eagles came through big time, but without a price. here's the hit right here on nick foles, i understands it is a possible broken clavicle. he could be out for weeks. we're going to find out what the deal is with nick foles later today. i believe he'll have an mri. eagles will be without two players of course, quarterback nick foles, left that game against houston, now cbs sports is reporting it is a
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clavicle. after foles went back, back up mark sanchez came in and he got the birds to victory, big win, eagles go to six and two. now, also, philly also lost the player considered the quarterback of its defense, linebacker damico ryans. ryans went down in the second half while leaping tonight septa pass, he dropped the ball, so you new something was wrong, he reportedly tore his achilles and his season is over, that's a huge loss for the birds, so how do the injuries to foles and ryans affect the eagles playoff chances in who is the bigger lost? plenty of people already tweet being this, make your voice heard, using hashtag cbs-3 mornings, way in on twitter, facebook, instagram, and we'll read some of your responses later on on our broadcast. huge game on so many levels yesterday. but the birds will bounce back. we'll talk more in just a little bit. >> coming up on 4:33, back to kate. >> good morning, let's start things off with a quick check on skycam three remains very
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tranquil at this point. all calm, all clear, as well, and we've got high pressure now starting to take control, keeping control, in fact, for couple of days before our next round of possibility for wet weather comes our way. now, let's go next to storm scan3, which you're in the going to find anything in the way of storminess out here right now, little ground clutter at a couple of the choice radar sites, but we generally have just got nice clear sky, i can tell this much, so calm, with the winds, and so cold, back across central pennsylvania, that back through the appalachians, beyond, actually got freeze warnings in effect, here, we've still got little too much winds to work with to keep that from taking place, but it is going to be a cold morning. taking a look at some of the area temperatures, yes, you know, yesterday morning this same time a lot colder. but it is still chilly obviously, talking 30's, you got to break out the heavy winter codey would say. 38 degrees at the airport, best of the observations here, 40, wilmington, 45 in wildwood. we take you all the way south here, down toward the charles ton area, even raleigh, it is
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colder than it is in boston of all places, so that is where the core of the cold s that's where you're going to find the freeze warnings this morning, but here at home it is also cold. so expect sunshine across the board today. it is just as bright and sunny as yesterday. no where near as windy nor as chilly as a whole. so just a better day by comparison. but it is still requires extra layer, at philadelphia international, tell you what, we expect to hit about 58 degrees, down the shore up to 58, as well. ukee, we send it over to you. >> thanks so much. take a look at traffic, looking live at the ben franklin bridge, the morning rush about to get underway i would say probably another hour or so. right now thing running smoothly on the benny. seventy-six, over at spring garden, as well. same thing not much going on but i know everybody's getting ready to get out the house. final look at the new jersey turnpike, and the roads around the area, near pennsylvania turnpike, two left lanes are block, we understand, on the outer roadway. that's going to be blocked until about 6:00 a.m. this
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morning. we will keep an eye on your traffic for you throughout the morning. >> right now, new this morning, in news, fire rips through row home in north philly. broke out in 3-story house 2200 block of camac street after 11:00 last night. crews quickly placed the fire under control. one resident was returned to the hospital for minor injuries. happening today, the trial begins for a former chester county music teacher facing child abuse charges. accused of inapropriately touching three student touching student during private music less owns. they say he exposed them to inapropriate pictures but did not touch them. >> well, eric frein awaits trial in a pike county cell. investigators in the poconos testing rim they found at the abandoned airport hangar where they caught the 31 year old last thursday. they're trying to determine whether that rifle was used it the deadly ambush at two state
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troopers that spark a seven week manhunt for frein. dixon died, and trooper douglas wounded in the september 12 attack. prosecute verse charged frein with first degree murder and other charges. >> a south jersey man accused of shooting a acquaintance in a leg with a crossbow indicted on attempted murder charges. thirty-one year old jonathan of wildwood also faces weapon charges. on august 5th, 35 year old angel was shot inside his wildwood apartment. the men were arguing allegedly about drugs. there is much more to cover here on "eyewitness news". still ahead, a terminally ill woman takes her own life. >> find out how brittany maynard tried to make the most out of her brain cancer diagnosis beforore she passed away. we're back in two minutes.
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pen governor corbett
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continuing his re-election campaign through the philadelphia suburbs. >> he shook hands at bucks, delaware, montgomery counties. he got some help from fellow republican governor, new jersey's chris christie. corbett says he'll hold the line on taxes. >> he wants to spends more money, tax more money, tax people more, and i want to try to keep our taxes reasonable for the people of pennsylvania. >> the polls show corbett trailing in double digit behind democratic challenger tom wolf. meanwhile, wolf is heading westward to lancaster and pittsburgh. last night, he got some help from president obama in north philly. the two appeared before several thousand people at the liacouras center during his speech the president touted national economic growth, while criticizing governor corbett on job growth in pennsylvania. >> and now on a "eyewitness news" television, sending out mailers over the weekend encouraging philadelphia residents to vote on tuesday. the problem is nearly all of them directed people to the wrong polling place. state representative, brandon
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boil, first brought the issue to city election officials. the group working family for pa admitted a gap on their website blaming a technical error. but they still will not give the city a list of the people they sent mailers to. attempt thomas reach working families for pa for comment were unsuccessful. >> now, for any questions you might have about the voting process, head to we have a voter resource guide with important phone numbers and web links for you. well the federal investigators may need a year to determine what caused the explosion that killed a pilot testing virgin galactic space tourism rocket in california. spaceship two broke a part friday over the mojave desert. biliary richard branson hopes a second aircraft will be completed by the ends of the year. he plans to hit his goal to begin sub orbital flights sometime next spring. >> brittany maynard the terminally ill with a who became a leading advocate for the so-called death with dignity act took her own life over the weekends.
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doctors diagnosed maynard with brain cancer in january and gave her six months to live. she died saturday. we're toll surrounded by her family. maynard made national headlines when she moved to oregon where terminally ill patients are allowed to take pills to end their lives. >> meanwhile, a 19 year old with inoperable brain cancer making every moment count. lauryn hill's dream of suiting up for a collegiate game came true yesterday in cincinnati. former high school star scored the first and last basket for her school, mount st. joseph college, in their game. lauren said, quote, i've never felt so good in my entire life. >> that's great. got a nice ovation, that's fantastic. >> man, what a cold weekends, hoping, katy? >> so i went out with my twin nephews first birthday party in western pennsylvania. snow, snow on the highways, flurries at the truck stops. i was losing it. >> how about it? >> too early, katie.
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>> hey, it snowed up in new england yesterday. >> did they. they had serious snow. remember last week we told you we would dodge a bullet on this one it, could have been so much worse, right? but it is still chilly, i'll give. that do you still want to bundle up walking out the doorment can't make light that far. definitely got cold outside, specially yesterday. my one pumpkin blew away, not sure where it went. not my cat pumpkin, a actual pumpkin, but gone when we got back from pittsburgh, that much i know. meanwhile, storm scan3, see retreat of the large storm, still brinking in strictly snow to new england, yep, you see these storms develop this time of year. this one, thankfully, dealt us all things considered somewhat of a glancing blow. but, at this point, high pressure has built in nicely. we've got a letter sky out there, allowed the temperatures to drop off pretty readily. no freeze warnings, anything like, that those only begin once you get into central pennsylvania, annex tends further south. now well off to the wells, i show this nice wide zoom, because on storm scan3, way out to the west, actually the
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combination whatever will eventually be our next system. so, long and short of it is this, that we've got high pressure today, it allows us to rebounds little bit here on the thermometer, to the upper 50's, we keep high pressure tomorrow for yet another day. back to the mid 60s, and temperatures are going on nice little uphill climb obviously, looks good for election day, and then on wednesday, we will see the next front come along. it looks like it is fizz link as it comes along. so i think you get some clouds out of. >> this that's real at this. wednesday likely ends up being the warmest day of the next seven. 58 degrees is our expected high in the meantime here today. more sunshine, not quite as cold, a seasonable chill tonight as we dip down to 43, and looking forward in the eyewitness weather seven day forecast, there you go, i mean, there is a nice little roller coaster ride taking place here, upper 60s wednesday, that's the day that you are going to want tone joy in terms of the warmth. but we do keep the sun for couple of days, looking ahead to thursday, however, there will be some rain, that will be from a new storm, starting to develop, so that will likely be the one day that you really want to think about taking that umbrella along
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with you as you hit the road. and hey, guys, if you love watching the weather we want you to sign up for our eyewitness weather watcher program. learn how by heading to women/watchers. ukee, over to you. thank you, katie n sports, an mri set for today for eagles quarterback nick foles who injured his shoulder in yesterday's game in houston. back up veteran mark sanchez filled in and paid off. sanchez saw his first regular season action in over a year. kept the birds offense rolling. he threw two touchdowns, including one to rookie jordan matthews, and he had two interceptions, as well, eagles beat the texans 31 to 21. >> just felt good to get back out there, felt good to make some calls, to scramble a little bit, to get hit a little bit. all that stuff is really fun, we're very fortunate to play like this. and i'm just really proud of the team and those guys really rallying. great job on all three phases. >> since day one here, you know what type of professional he is. he literally takes cope just
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notes, i mean,'s real professional. and i said since day one, you better have two quarterbacks in this league, we're fortunate when nick did go down, we could bring mark n i don't think we missed an beat offensively. >> they looked good. eagles back in first place in the ffc east after the loss by the cowboys. cardinal quarterback through three touchdowns, beat dallas 28 to 17. washington was involved in a team bus accident on the way to their game, and they also lost blowing a ten-nothing lead to the vikings losing 29 to 26. desean jackson caught a touchdown in that game for washington. giant lose tonight to the colds, it will be okay, except for those two injuries. we'll keep you updated on that throughout the morning and throughout the day. a milestone for new york city, as one world trade center opens for business. > first though, here's what's coming up tonight on cbs-3.
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>> day before election day, this look at today's headlines. >> president obama stumped for tom wolf in philadelphia yesterday. the president's plane had mechanical problems on the way out of town, but switched planes without a problem. republican incumbent governor tom corbett got help in our area, too. new jersey governor chris christie campaigned in bucks, delaware, and montgomery counties. >> the eagles won their game yesterday, but lost their starting quarterback nick foles went down with a shoulder injury, and we'll get mli today. the birds also lost linebacker damico ryans in yesterday's win over the houston texans. >> and one person was injured in a overnight fire on the 2200 block of north camac street in north philadelphia. the cause that far fire is still under investigation. >> your time is coming up on 4:49. let's get a check on business news. >> mine watch's jill wagner
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joins us from the new york torque stock exchange, jill, they open today in record high territory watch are investigators watching? >> that's right, good morning. ukee, erika, the market opens this morning, in record high territory, after the dow jumped 195 points, on friday. so, that's a new high that's now at. the nasdaq is at 14 and a half year high. so investors really want to keep this momentum going in november and december. our traditionally two of the best months of the year for the market. on friday, they'll watch as the government releases it jobs report for october, so that always moves the market. ukee, erika. >> jill, we just mentioned it before the breakment one world trade center open for business today, 13 years after 9/11. what can you tell us? >> yes, certainly, this is an important emotional milestone for new york, and also the country. so publishing giant will start moving employ neice this morning, the company's ceo calls one world trade center the most secure building in the country t also happens to
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be the tallest building in america, about 60% of the office space is leased. >> thanks so much. >> coming up after a short break, traffic and weather together, we'll be right back.
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in macarthur's world, he opposes new laws to ensure women receive equal pay for equal work. and macarthur opposes a woman's right to choose backed by a group that would outlaw abortion even for rape and incest. for us in the real world, aimee belgard.
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aimee will fight for equal pay and protect a woman's right to choose. aimee belgard's on our side. i'm aimee belgard and i approve this message. >> time for our traffic and weather together. let's take a look outside on this early monday morning, no major backs up to tell but on the roads, this morning, thus far, hopefully will stay that way. we'll keep you posted. looking at i95, cottman avenue, things going nicely, north and southbound, over at i476, the ramp from germantown pike in the mid-county, that's our next look, folks are just starting to get out on the roadways, and if we can take a look at our maps, there we go, delaware construction, just heads up in this area. i-95 south, at route 202. the left lane in that area is blocked, until 5:00 a.m. and that should stay block for another five, six, seven minutes. heads up from you are in that area, katy?
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>> ukee, today will be a little less harsh than yesterday was, thankfully, but it is just as bright and sunny as yesterday was. so, all-in-all, today's kind of the better of the two days. although we are heading back to work and school, at least it will sort of calm down, and the chill department, as well as specially the win department. but dow want to show you what's going to happen here for the week ahead. we start things off by taking you on baby roller coaster ride monday through friday. average high on this date of the year anyway 61 degrees, as we kick start the month of november, very typical. we are just shy of that today, but it is a little closer to seasonable than what the weekend produced. meanwhile look at what happens tuesday, wednesday. nice little warming trends, right? we go on this little hill here, with the thermometer readings over the course of the next five days, and we are going to see new system, knock them back down again later on this week. so, let's sort of walk you through the current pattern. at the moment, high pressure on our side. we continue to see clear skies. we still have just enough of a breeze, though, that freeze and frost isn't so much of a concern. here's your storm system, that
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was really reaking some havoc across new england, especially yesterday, with snow, and near blizzard conditions up in some of the locations, crazy, but not unheard of certainly at this time of year. then, well off to the west, out over the front range of the rockies, the combination of the next system, that will head our way later in the week. so let's walk you through this, shall we? future weather shows you basically the general synopsis, and pretty quiet here this afternoon, few clouds, tomorrow some sun, couple of clouds, wednesday, few more clouds, i mean, seeing theme running along here, you see, however, that there are more clouds around on wednesday, and that's that next system i just showed you, fizz link with time, really just expected to bring us couple of clouds. but on the tail end of the front, new area of low pressure set to develop. so at this point it, looks like overnight wednesday, into thursday, we are going to see the next rounds every rain mover n back to the here and now, notice, it is still just a little breezy, especially through some of the outlying locations, like mount pocono, wildwood, still got breeze pretty noticeable, but it is
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turning a bit more westerly today. so it won't be as chilly of a breeze, that said, it is still chilly enough that you're going to want to have the nice heavy coat, probably pair of gloves, scarf ready to go walking out the door. into the 30's across all of the live neighborhood network locations, bethlehem, had a hammonton, out to chester springs. make sure do you that walking outdoor. only few degrees get knocked off for fields like values when you factor in the breeze, unless you're off in a place like mount pocono. look at that, feels like it is nearly into the teens right now, so, a little dose of winter or it is novemberrrr. thank you, you guys. fifty-eight for the daytime high. we drop it down to 43 later on tonight. i won't tell that joke again, i prom ills. over the next couple of days here, nice little warming trend takes place. so, you know, we see this all the time this time of year. the ups and downs of the thermometer readings. but i have to say, all things considered, it locks lick at this point thursday is the one and only day that you probably want to keep the umbrella.
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otherwise, just tranquil. little chilly, how much. ukee, back over to you. >> chilly and tranquil, thank you, katie a look at sister station 1060 will be following for you today. latest battle between mayor nutter and council president, darryl clark, involves a mayor's new policy, involving city workers to smoke. also, a daylight saving time gave us all that extra hour of sleep on sunday, but find out why some folks are paying the price today. and where you can go to see some of philly's most talented local artists. check in two, three, four times a day, "kyw news radio" 1060 on your a.m. dial. >> coming up in the next hour, live with the final push in campaign 2014. >> also, tempers flare off the racetrack. we'll let you know what sparked this wild nascar brawl. >> also, talk about a risky swim. a swimmer hopped on top after dead whale. and that's not the most dangerous part of the stunt. we'll show you what happened
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>> from the cbs broadcast center in philadelphia. this is cbs-3 "eyewitness news". >> it is a sprint to the finish campaign 2014. today is the last day for campaigning before pennsylvania picks i next governor. the candidate message to voters with a little more than 24 hours until the polls open. also, new this morning, fire rips through this north philadelphia home overnight. one person's rushed to the hospital. we'll let you know how they're doing this morning. >> it is monday, november 3rd, good morning, i'm ukee washington. >> i'm erika von tiehl. >> this morning, costly win for the eagles, nick foles, damico ryans, both suffer serious injuries. we'll let you know how long the stars are expected to be side lined. katy? >> ukee, after very chilly weekends, here in the delaware vale, we're starting to see a rebound on the thermometer.
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we're essentially going to be going on baby rollers coaster ride in the days ahead. talking temperatures for sure, your next shot for rain, and election day forecast. election details ahead. >> thanks so much. now, new this morning, row home fire is under investigation, in north philly. it broke out in a 3-story house on the 2200 block of camac street after 11:00 last night, crews very quickly placed the fire under control, one resident was rushed to the hospital store minor injuries. >> it is the final push for campaign 2014. pennsylvania's candidate for governor are going from one ends of the state to the other to get their message through, before the voters decide tomorrow. >> "eyewitness news" reporter jan carabeo joins you at the cbs-3 sat center with the latest information on that, jan, good morning. >> reporter: good morning, candidates all over the state today, governor tom corbett making a stop in west chester, democratic challenger t