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tv   CBS This Morning  CBS  October 24, 2014 7:00am-9:01am EDT

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it is friday, october 24th, 2014. welcome to "cbs this morning." ebola reaches new york city, and the cdc rushes to contain the exposure. a man with a hatchet attacks without warning raising new threats for terrorism. and we'll preview the "60 minutes" report. but we begin with today's "eye opener," your world in 90 seconds. >> you've already acted very, very quickly. we believe there are four people he came in contact with. >> ee bee bola hits new york ci
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>> a week ago spencer treated ebola patients in new guinea. since then he used public transportation. >> his girlfriend and two of his friends are being quarantined. >> in canada, a parliament attack. >> michael zehaf >> a powerful storm system through washington state spawned a tornado. >> it was carnage, metal, bricks, everything. three people were killed and two were hurt when a plane and a helicopter collided midair. a new york city police officer remains in critical condition. >> a lava throw. it's less than a mile away.
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>> bikers taunting a california highway patrol. an officer tries to pull them over. going next level with the zinger double down king with a burger smashed up in there. >> number one coverage. it's sanders for the second time. the touchdown to the broncos. >> 35 to 21, denver takes it. >> -- and all that matters. >> two secret service dogs have been cleared to return to duty after they were kicked and punched by a white house intruder. >> fortunately for the intruder, dog bites are covered under obamacare. >> -- on "cbs this morning." >> do you think people realize too much on your looks and don't realize that you're an actor? >> next question. >> this morning's "eye opener" presented by toyota. let's go places. captioning funded by cbs
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welcome to "cbs this morning." we're tracking a new ebola infection in the united states, ththis one in the nation's largt city, new york. dr. craig spencer tested positive for the disease last night. just a day earlier he rode the subway and met with friends in brooklyn. >> those friends are quarantined this morning. all is quiet at the doctor's apartment this morning but the cdc is making sure the virus is contained. jericka duncan is outside bellevue hospital where dr. spencer is this morning. good morning. >> reporter: good morning. he was working with a medical organization, doctors without borders helping to treat ebola patients. when he returned back to the united states, he was monitoring his own symptoms while on thursday new york health officials reported he develop
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add feeed a fever of 100.3 and immediately called the police. dr. craig spencer made the eight-mile trip from his apartment to the hospital. >> workers followed all transport protocols. >> reporter: this video from the "new york post" shows the medical team covered head to toe in hazmat suits. he flew from guinea to brussels, then on to new york's jfk airport. doctors without borders say spencer had been taking his temperature twice a day, saying he was engaged regular health monitoring. >> he was alert to signs and symptoms of ebola, coming from a place that truly rafr avaged th nation. >> reporter: he had a high fever and nausea and fatigue.
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the night before he went on a three-mile run, went on the subway, went bowling and rode in an uber car. there were some who came in contact with him, a girlfriend and two friends. >> we're doing contact tracing. you know, who this person may have been in contact with. >> new york city health officials had been handing out pamphlets try ing ing to. >> the more facts you know, the less frightening the situation is. >> reporter: now, this hospital is a designated ebola treatment center. the acting health minister says he believes dr. spencer will have a quick recovery. >> jericka, thanks. our chief medical correspondent dr. jon lapook is with us this
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morning. good morning. >> good morning. >> put this in perspective. >> i heard people say, here we go again, this will be just like dallas. it couldn't be more different. duncan walked in with ebola, he walked away, came back, they really were not prepared hoochl your have a doctor self-monitoring. the minute he had symptoms he put himself in isolation. he went to bellevue. they've been drilling for this for weeks, so it really is different. >> you're confident bellevue is equipped to do this. he will not have to be transferred somewhere else. >> that's what they're telling me. but it's not like the big four hospitals that have been training for years. >> but we learned something new about his fever, his temperature. >> we were told yesterday his temperature was 103. it was 100.3. that's more reassuring. duncan was sent out with 103.
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've with that, 43 tested negative. >> he was feeling sluggish. >> this is a question you would wisely ask me this a few days ago. when does it actually become symptomatic. >> and contagious. >> contagious. >> fortunately early on in the disea disease, it doesn't seem to be con tam contagious. >> you've got this the day before. he went on a three-mile run, rode the subway, went bowling, took an uber. he was all around the city. do you have to be concerned? >> you do have to have direct contact with body fluids and if it were spread through the air, there would be tens of millions who would have it. that influenza is spread through the air. >> jon, thanks. >> thank you. >> jon spoerk with another doctor who knows what this patient is going through. dr. richard sacra recovered from
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ebola. we'll hear from him. that's ahead. a police officer is in critical condition after a hatchet attack. another is recovering. police shot and killed the attacker. vladimir duthiers is in times square where the incident raises new terrorist concerns. good morning. >> reporter: good morning. it was a blind-sided attack the officers didn't see coming and now the new york police department is looking at surveillance video. >> reporter: this video shows a man running down the street and raising a hatchet before disappearing from the frame. his target? four rookie police officers walking the beat in queens. >> the male who has not been positively identified charge at the officers with a hatchet in his man. >> reporter: the man who is a 36-year-old dark skinned male was shot by police after
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striking two with a hatchet. one is in critical condition after what nypd commissioner bill bratton called a serious blow to the back of the head. he did not rule it out. >> we cannot say yes or no heightened concerns really tish to that type of assault based on what just happened in canada, recent events in canada. it's certainly one of the things that first comes to mind. >> reporter: just before the attack, the four officers were posing for a picture. new york city mayor bill de blas blasio. >> with rookie cops starting out in their career and with what happened, we're praying for a speedy recovery for each and every one of them. >> reporter: during the gunfire, an innocent bystander a block away was hit by a stray bullet.
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she's going to be okay. >> we're learning more about the man who killed a canadian soldier and then attacked the houses of parliament. jim axelrod is in ottawa where a city and a nation are still grieving. jim, good morning. >> good morning. you can see behind me the sort of make shiftz memorial that's sprung up for nathan cirillo. this morning we're learning new details about the gunman michael zehaf-bibeau. the attack shows the gunman running with the rifle as he makes his way to parliament. we'relearning more about the 32-year-old turned muslim who was racing for the capital. court documents obtained by cbs news painting a pier of a man
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hoping to be locked away. speaking during his court hearing, zehaf bebeau said, quote, i want to do another robbery just so i could come to jail, warning, if you can't keep me, i'm going to do something just to be put in. he had been sentenced and for the laugh two weeks was sitting in this man's shelter in ottawa. >> he was in town dealing with a passport issue but was also hoping to leave for syria. >> vickers, the sergeant-at-arms who chased down and shot the gunman was back in his role leading the procession that opens every session of parliament. a 29-year-old veteran of the canadian mounted police, did his best to hold back emotion offering only a head nod as he was greeted with a standing
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ovation. they were unwilling to be intimidated by what they call an act of terror. >> here we are in our seats, in our chamber, in the very heart of our democracy and our work. >> reporter: about that passport issue you just heard reference to, zehaf-bibeau's passport had not been renewed. that's because he had developed an inthor net connection with radicalized canadian living in syria prompting concerns about zehaf-bibeau's potential travel. >> thank you so much. many are wondering if the ottawa shooting could inspire similar shooting right here in the u.s. they say there's good reason to be concerned. bob orr has more, good morning. >> indeed it's increasing concerns about potential copy cats here in the u.s. law enforce mnlts officials are
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most worried about a home grown violent extremist called a lone wolf who would decide if it's the right time to strike out in the name of isis or another terror group. the threat is not new, but in recent weeks we've seen isis propping up the propaganda campaign. now isis is on the record praising the ottawa shooting as a good example of what followers should and can do. sources say the fbi is watching a number of americans, perhaps a few dozen or so, who have gone to syria and come back home. those desiring to join jihad are under varying degrees of surveillance and investigation. they've looked at travel records. they've shown he's traveled to the u.s. at least four times between 2010 and 213. sources say there's nothing in
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his background so far that connects him in any way to the u.s. ar nonld to indication that he had a strong connection to a global network. charlie? >> bob, thanks. the parents of a hostage are making a plea. his mother says, please tell us what more we can do so that abd abd abdul rahman can continue to serve and live his life in accordance with the teachings of islam. margaret brennan haas more. good morning. >> good morning. they seem to be speaking out on behalf f the 26-year-old. three weeks ago isis threatened to kill him. now a surprising plea has appeared here on what appears to be the twitter account of a senior fighter from the front
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aligned with al qaeda and at odds with isis. in his tweet he claims kassig & gave him medical help last year. in the same part of eastern syria where cassic was providing syrian age before he was taken hostage. that post got the attention of reinvigorated online testimony from aid workers like this man who said he witnessed ka sag helping refugees and called on the islamic tweets to release him. but it's the tweet that got their attention debating whether it's moral to execute someone who helped them. if this is about seiching a life or simply competition is unclear. he is skeptical. do you think this helps or hurts kassig? >> i don't know how much pull that really has, but i'm quite sure it's a 3-d game of
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and news rah knows how to handle it as does isis. >> he's smart, he's compassionate, has love for all who need help. >> in her tweet last night, paula kassig asked for instrulkzs on how to save her son. she has directly made a plea to isis before but has not received a response. norah? >> margaret, thank you so much. isis is accused of using chemical weapons in iraq. 11 officers went to the hospital. it was chlorine poisoning. there are two other incidents where they suspect terrorists used chlorine. it's a dream for drivers. the gas prices are falling fast. this morning aaa says the
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national average for regular is $3.07. that's the lowest in several years. >> tennessee has $2.82 and california is the highest at $3.43. mellody hobson is in los angeles with a look what's dropping the prices. good morning. >> good morning, norah. >> what's behind this drop. >> four reasons. first, the drop for demand by choi na. don't get any wrong. secondly, opec, the oil cartel that produces 40% of the world's oil has not been able to drop its supply fast enough to meet the china st. louis squloun. so there's a bit of oversupply out there. thirdly, the u.s. dollar is stronger than expected. when the dollar gets stronger, oil prices go down. last but not least many have
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changed from their winter bartend to their summer blend that they have. >> how long will the factor be in place and how long will the prices fall? >> no one expected it to change any time soon. the way the economy is growing, we'll see that kind of slow consistent growth for a while. the question will be opec. they will probably coordinate their production and bring their production down to firm up prices a bit. the wild card always remains areas of the world where oil is produce thad are inherently unstable, nigeria, iran, russia. >> and what about u.s. energy productions? >> way up. in the last five years, our production is up almost 50%. that means our dependence on foreign oil has dropped precipitously. it's been a really good thing. not only oil production being way up but the production of
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natural gas. >> it's affecting russia. >> yes. these low prices are hurting them, especially russia. >> mellody, thanks. you don't hear about tornados hitting washington state but one touched down. it buzzed through blocks with winds at 110 miles an hour. it ripped off roofs but no one was hurt. it's 7 clrch 19.
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tornados hitting washington >> announcer: this national weather report sponsored by ethan allen. home of the next classics. hundreds of new designs arriving now. one of the few americans who survived ebola says it was a close call. >> when i got my medical records a week ago and really started looking through them, i was like, wow, i was right on the edge.
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>> dr. rick sacra describes how he fought the virus and his plans to return to west africa. >> the news is back here on "cbs this morning." stay tuned for your local news. >> announcer: this portion of "cbs this morning" sponsored by toyota. let's go places. arted my camry. ♪ picked up someone i hadn't seen in far too long. ♪ went somewhere we'd both never been. ♪ did something we've both never done. ♪ and was reminded that the most important things in life aren't things, they're people. ♪ the bold new camry. one bold choice leads to another. toyota. let's go places. the yoplait greek taste-off hits st. louis, let's find out which blueberry greek yogurt tastes best.
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>> i'm ukee washington, you know it is time for that fry forecast with fehlinger. >> i'm all smiles with this one. this will be a flies couple of days for our area. so, let's take you right out there. we will spread the good news for you here, with storm storm scan3, tempting out completely, devoid of any wet weather at this point, even though storm continues to pull away. it doesn't mean we stay breezy, but how about this? gorgeous view right now, the sun has just popped over the horizon, in cape may courthouse, and also has done the same here, in philadelphia, we're currently at 52 degrees at this particular observation station, in the live neighborhood network. shooting for 66 later today. the sun continues, right through tuesday, and look at that nice warm up. by wednesday, few more clouds, and torrey, maybe a shower by then. let's enjoy this for now.
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>> let's just take this in. the weather is your bright spot this morning, definitely not the schuylkill expressway. traveling 76, dealing with the closure of the westbound side of the schuylkill because of accident belonging the lane. more activity on the shoulder just behind that incident, then some more activity up ahead. so westbound schuylkill expressway approaching conshohocken currently closed. that's only until they get this vehicle out there. shouldn't be too much longer. you will have eastbound gaper delay to go along with it, sun glare definitely out there. watch out for delays on 95 usual delays on your majors for this rush hour, no problems for mass transit. ukee? >> thank you, next update at clock 55, up next on cbs this morning, new way to identify deadly gene mutations in children.
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what's the truth on taxes? says it's tom corbett who's being dishonest. they say tom wolf has a plan to reduce income taxes for the middle class and cut local property taxes. and tom corbett? it's corbett who slashed education by a billion dollars... ...and now almost 80% of school districts plan to raise property taxes. and it's corbett who's increasing gas taxes by 28 cents a gallon. tom corbett. desperate and dishonest.
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my guest today, bradley pitt. bradley pitt, thanks for joining me. >> my pleasure. >> how old were you when you lost your virginity? zero? i'll tell you when i lost my virginity. >> i would not like to hear that. >> is it hard for you to maintain a suntan? >> why. >> because you live in your life's shadow. tell me what it was like the first time that you laid eyes on angelina. was it like one of those class cat love stories like when, i don't know, when ross first saw rachel? do you know the show "friends?" have you seen it? ♪ i'll be there for you >> i like that song. >> brad pitt is the newest
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victim you might say of zack gal fa na cass in his "between two feferns" series. he's so funny. welcome back to "cbs this morning." gayle king is off sore sharyn alfonsi is with us. good morning. >> thanks. we'll have a new look at whether motorcycle lane splitting is safe. plus, unlocking the key to disease. doctors are using gene screening not only to treat serious illnesses but also to prevent them. we'll preview my "60 minutes" report on how dna science can change a child's future. >> it is time to show you this morning's headlines from around the globe. the "sydney morning herald" says doctors have announce breakdown threw with a heart transplant. they have transplanted so-called dead heart when they were taken from donors. three patients were saved.
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this will save 30% more lives of patients. >> amazon led with the biggest quarterly loss. it had a net loss of $437 million from july through september. it also issued a disappointing holiday forecast. the figures were released after wall street closed. the stock fell 12%. another high school canceled its football season after allegations of hazing. they're accused of taking part in humiliating preseason actions. and the "washington post" says two secret service dogs who captured the latest white house fence jumpers are being hailed as heroes. look at these guys. hurricane and jordan are back on the job this morning. they suffered injuries during
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wednesday night's scuffle. they quickly tackled dominic >> the vaccine protected monkeys 100% from the virus but it was shelved. experts say drug companies hate to spend money on poor countries where they have little ability to play. craig spencer is the fourth american doctor to be treated in the united states after being treated in west africa. dr. jon lapook sat down with another member of that very small group. it's an interview you will see only on "cbs this morning." good morning. >> good morning again. only a handful of people in this country know firsthand what dr. craig spencer is going through. i met him at mount sinai
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hospital. although dr. rick sacra is free of the ebola virus, he still feels its stigma out in public. >> what do you think is going through their heads? >> i don't know. there's that ebola guy. >> reporter: after a brief bout with ebola, dr. sacra is now on the mend. >> when i started looking at my medical records, i thought, wow, i was right on the edge. i feel like just now i can exercise and build up my hospital. >> can you figure out how you got ebola? >> i was working in a hospital unit. some of them had been in labor for a week. >> you're treating a pregnant woman and you didn't suspect that she had ebola? >> the particular one who i think was the most likelies with positive but didn't know it. i also suspect she came down
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with ebola and dnld know that either. >> he arrived for medical treatment. for three weeks he was kept in an isolation room. how were you able to interact with your wife? >> because of the way the unit was built, she couldn't come in and look at me through the glass. never a direct line of sight. always on the computer. >> what was the first thing she said to you. how are you, to me. i don't recall saying this but the nurses reported and confirmed this, that i said, well, honey, this is not my favorite case of ebola. >> your own. >> right. >> tell us about the first time you walked out of the unit and you were able to give your wife a hug. >> it was wonderful. i don't know how long we hugged for. five minutes. >> has there ever been a hug in the history of hugs like that? >> no. >> dr. sacra says he wants to go
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back to bleier liberia where he it home. >> it's going to tang a long time. >> you survived what is almost like war. when do you go back? >> i pray within the year if the lord gives me my strength back. >> you'll be immune to ebola. >> i will. >> you'll be able to touch someone with ebola and put your hand on their hand. >> some are coming in and providing that human touch. >> dr. sacra also has a message for dr. craig spencer. that is, odds of survival are pretty good and he should say positive and optimistic because many people all over the country will be praying for his recovery. >> jon, thanks we will speak to new york governor andrew cuomo about the case and the efforts to keep the virus from spreading. that's ahead on "cbs this
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morning." in another story, many doctors use genetic science to diagnose and treat their patients. sometimes dna can predict a child's risk for a disease before it's born or when it's conceived. he showed me how genetic screening is helping them stop breast cancer and other diseases in their tracks. >> reporter: dr. mark hughes is one of the scientists leading the way in a rapidly growing field known as the reproductive genetics. he pioneered pregenetic diagnosis or pdg. it can identify deadly gene mutations and alter a child's genetic future. >> when you know it's loaded and there's a reasonable chance your baby will have an incurrable dreadful condition, you're looking for an alternative.
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>> he helped develop it two decades ago to treat a disease, cystic fibrosis. he said it can be used to rule out virtually any disease caused by a single defensive gene. >> can you use it for tay sack's? >> yes. >> sickle cell anemia. >> yes. >> alzheimer's disease. >> if it's a mutation of particular gene that causes early on set, you can test for it. >> you can test for alzheimer's. >> this is a particular subset that attacks early in life. >> colon cancer. >> if we know which of the genes, yes. >> breast cancer. >> we do it regularly. >> this is exciting stuff.
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>> i've been woking on thrking r a year. you can use this science when you're having a child to prevent that from being passed on in the future. it's controversial but it's really interesting. >> extraordinary. >> yeah. >> i can't wait to see that. thanks. >> you can see more of the interview and exactly how this genetic see quincy is able to screen for these complex diseases. that's this sunday night on "60 minutes." some motorcycles saw a straight and narrow path between cars. when they split the lane are they placing themselves and drivers at risk? the surprising result of a year-long study next. if it doesn't work fast...
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some dangerous road games in
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california. you can see these motorcycle drivers taunting a police officer. he pulled over to wait for backup. they're trying to use the video to identify the driver. scary. one thing that is illegal for drivers in california is lane splitting. that's when a motorcycle drives between your car and another. it's legal but is it safe? carter evans looks at that to try to answer the question. >> reporter: search the term "lane splitting" on youtube, and you'll find hundreds of examples. motorcycles one after another whiz past traffic between cars. >> i can split it with my motorcycle. >> some riders do it to save time. others seem to like the thrill. but for many drivers who share the road with bikers brave enough to split lanes, it can sometimes lead to accidents. >> oh, my gosh. >> the motorcyclist in this one
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said he never saw it coming. >> i was splitting lanes, say him coming out, and i thought, should i avoid this or not. >> he's been riding for 30 years. he took me for a ride on one of l.a.'s busy freeways to show the ride way to squeeze through rush hour traffic. in most states they're required to stay in marked lanes just like a car would but in california they're allowed to right between lanes and speed past slow moving traffic. he said it's safe when done with the same caution as regular motorcycle driving and now a new study suggests they're right. according to a new analysis, if they split lanes at only slight ler slower than the flow of accident they're no more likely to have an accident than any other time, but if they drive ten miles an hour more than traffic the risk greatly increases. what in your eyes is a safe speed to split lanes? >> cars are doing 20.
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25, 30 is okay. >> no higher. >> no higher because at 30 miles an hour, but the time you hit the brake, you've already passed two cars. >> those drivers splitting lanes when traffic is at a dead stop -- >> they're asking for it. >> most california motorcyclists agree. it's the few dangerous bikers that give the majority of safe riders a bad name. for "cbs this morning," carter evans, los angeles >> i find that hard to believe that it's just as safe. >> it doesn't seem safe at all, especially when you're the drive e of the car and the person comes whizzing by. it's scary. but charlie rose would know apparently. >> i have a motorcycle or two, but i don't do that. >> it seems dangers. >> i love early morning when there's nobody else on the road. >> smart. good. all right. ahead. the pennsylvania dad being mistaken over and
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the search area where officials believe frein is hiding. he said the worst confrontation happen add week ago. >> a silver suv drives up, he jumps out pointing a rifle at my head, order meg down to the ground, constantly demanding what my name is, has a knee buried into my back. >> wow. >> now strangers are stepping up for tully. one woman created an account, go fund so far they've donated $13,000
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to help tully buy a car. >> it's getting more expensive to fly home for the holidays. travel editor peter greenberg tells us why the price of a seat is soaring even with airlines making big bucks. that's ahead on "cbs this morning." in the nation... the safest feature in your car is you.
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i tell them aveeno®. because beautiful skin goes with everything. [ female announcer ] aveeno® daily moisturizing lotion has active naturals® oat with five vital nutrients naturally found in healthy skin. where do i wear aveeno®? everywhere. aveeno® daily moisturizing lotion.. and try the body wash too. aveeno®. naturally beautiful results™. aveeno®. yoplait light is now better than ever. it still melts in your mouth. with 90 calories. and is now aspartame free. yoplait light. it is so good; it's better than ever.
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drove to her wedding. started my camry. did not forever hold my peace. [laughing] wow! the bold new camry. one bold choice leads to another. toyota. let's go places.
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from the cbs broadcast center in philadelphia. this is cbs-3 "eyewitness news". good morning, everyone, i'm nicole brewer. we sends you right over to the eyewitness weather forecast, katie has good news today. >> i absolutely do. this will be the kind of forecast that continues to produce good news for us down the road. even into the weekend, and beyond. we've got bright sunshine in our forecast pattern shifting somewhat, all good things, starting to see high pressure nudge back in, which means, brightening up for more sunshine, it is still little breezy, but going to warm it up for you to 66, tonight we take it down to chilly and seasonable 48 degrees under the clear sky. there is cents a very, very weak cold front that will cross through, knocks the temperatures back saturday, into sunday, but do not worry about any wet weather, it is so weak, it doesn't produce barely anything other than cloud or two. it does knock temperatures
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back a smidge, but still bright sunshine, then nice warm up headed into next mid week. vittoria? >> thank you, i feel like katie delivering all of the good news, because i'm still delivering the bad news about the schuylkill expressway. as folks work diligently to get this accident out of the way, still causing major problem for 76 commuters trying to make their way out toward the western suburbs, notice, here, about mile away from conshohocken, right around the area of curve. an accident is blocking the left hand lane. this delay stemming back toward montgomery drive. affecting the southbound side of the roosevelt boulevard. and do watch out for delays on 95 southbound out of the northeast toward the vine. nick snow. >> next update at 8: 25, up next on cbs this morning, 41 year mystery, may be solved. keeping it live and local on the "cw
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ryan costello went into politics. in 2001, doctor manan trivedi joined the marines. trivedi served as a battlefield surgeon in iraq. costello served himself by voting to raise his own pay. and while trivedi cared for patients in pennsylvania, costello gave millions in government contracts to his campaign contributors -even as he cut funding for child abuse prevention. in congress, only trivedi will do what's right for you. i'm manan trivedi, and i approve this message.
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good morning. it's friday, october 24th, 2014. welcome to "cbs this morning." we'll ask governor andrew cuomo how the city is keeping other residents safe. but first here's a look at today's "eye opener" at 8:00. >> dr. craig spencer returned from west africa one week ago. he was working with medical doctors, doctors without borders. >> i heard people say, here we go again. it's going to be just like dallas. it couldn't be more different. >> you lost good friends. it's almost like war. >> yes. >> you survived. >> i did. >> attacked.
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officers didn't see it coming. now police are looking for a possible terror connection. >> a law enforcement official tells cbs news that he had developed an internet connection with a radical ieized nat ed ca living in syria. >> a tonight touched down on longview. >> alzheimer's disease. >> if it's a mutation in a gene that causes early onset, we can test for it. >> so you can test for alzheimer's. >> most din most states motorcy are supposed to stay in lanes like cars but in california they can spaed past traffic. >> they vote to split states into two sep trat states man. now, even florida is trying to distance itself from florida thn this morning's "eye opener" at
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8:00 is presented by walgreens. >> i'm charlie rose with norah o'donnell and sharyn alfonsi. gayle king is off. the newest ebola patient, dr. craig spencer is in the hospital after contracting the virus. before he became ill he went on the subway and bowling with friends. >> an ambulance took him to bellevue hospital from his apartment yesterday. a cdc team is in new york city to make sure the virus is contained. the doctor's fiancee and two friends are in quarantine this morning. neighbors in spencer's apartment building are allowed to come and go. >> governor cuomo is live from his office. good morning. >> good morning, charlie. we have to stop meeting like this. >> yes. we did an interview a couple of weeks ago. you said there are two aspects of this.
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number one, the public's health and number two, panic and anxiety. what troubles you the most? what worries you the most? >> it would be the anxiety if anything, charlie, because as we discussed at that time, we had an advantage here in new york. most citiesdy. we watched what happened in dallas. and dallas in many ways was at a disadvantage because they were a case of first impression. we have been preparing for weeks and weeks literally. we did a training session the other day where 5,000 health care workers. so our health care workers feel trained, they feel prepared, ep. they did the drills. everything is a textbook case of how the situation should be handled. we know more about the disease. we know how the disease was transmitted. so everything that could have been done and should have been done has been done and it's been done properly.
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we have the cdc on site. president obama called last night, asked if we need anything else. we identified eight hospitals in the state that if a case presented itself, these eight hospitals will be fully prepared. bellevue was one of those eight hospitals. and it worked. this was also a doctor, by the way. so he's familiar with how to handle it. >> you know, governor, i was going to say. that's one of the fortunate things. this was a doctor, dr. spencer, who was taking his temperature twice a day. he knew immediately how to alert authorities and handle this in a safe way. i think the question, though, many people are asking, doctor spepser just the night before he was diagnosed, he was riding the subway, he has been in an uber taxi, he had went bowling. can you assure people they're not in a perilous position? >> well, what the doctor knew was this is not like the flu or
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a common cold. it's not contagious until you're symptomatic. and the more ill you become, the more contagious it is. the doctor presented himself at the hospital as you mentioned. he was taking his temperature twice day. he presented himself at the hospital when he had a temperature of 100.3. it's been reported that he had a 103 temperature. it wasn't 103. it was 100.3. so as soon as he felt the fever coming on, he presented himself at bellevue. and from there all the proper protocols were handled. and, again, he was only really in the company of three people, his fiancee, two co-workers, who were also -- he went bowling with, and he took a car service
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ride. so from his point of view, i would assume he would say as soon as he had a slight fever, he presented himself to the hospital. >> all right, governor cuomo. thanks. well, a rare solar eclipse put on dramatic show for much of the country thursday. this stunning video captured a partial eclipse. that's when the moon blocks part of the sun. it's the third eclipse we've seen in the u.s. this year. the first two were lunar. a total solar eclipse will be available in 2016.
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>> announcer: this morning's "eye opener" at 8:00 sponsored by walgreens at the corner of holiday flights but peter greenberg says waiting will cost
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you. >> that's right. i'll show you the best deals and why family dysfunction can help seiche you money. that's next on "cbs this morning." a hi.ty? i'm new ensure active clear protein drink. clear huh? my nutritional standards are high. i'm not juice or fancy water. i've got 8 grams of protein. twist my lid! that's three times more than me. 17 vitamins and minerals. and zero fat! hmmmm. you bring a lot to the party! yay! new ensure active clear protein. 8 grams protein. zero fat. 17 vitamins and minerals. in delicious blueberry pomegranate and mixed fruit.
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there is room. and without a saturday stayover, that fare difference will be $1,037.11. >> so true. so true. like -- >> what are they typing. >> what are you typing. thank you. that's $1,000. that's ben stiller in "meet the parents" anyone who books a last-minute flight knows the frustration. some airlines posted, guess what, record-breaking profits on
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thursday. why are rates still going up, especially if you're going on a holiday. peter greenberg is here. >> jet fuel has dropped 10% but air travel has gone up 17%. every week you wait to book it goes up $5. when it comes to thanksgiving, it's always the same, wednesday before the thanksgiving thursday, so there's no deal in waiting. you don't benefit from procast nating. >> you're saying dysfunction is actually going to save us all money. >> yes. one of the things you have to understand the thanksgiving is an obligatory family function. you've got to go. don't wait until the last minute. that's why they celebrate "planes, trains, and automobiles." you get where you need to go in tomb to carve the turkey, have
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everyone press the button and on friday when everyone is stuck in the mall traffic on black friday, you fly back. nobody's flying. you own the plane and you have the weekend back. thank you very much. >> how much are you saving? >> a couple hundred dollars. nobody's flying on the friday after thanksgiving. nobody. >> except peter greenberg. >> so when you think about this, they've been able to regain all their pricing controls and the there are fewer airlines. >> is this an opportunity for a competitor? >> yes, if they're properly capitalized. right now, there's nobody in the wings to fill that. we may have a three-year price lag before we see it come down. airfare wars are always started by the weakest competitors. we could lose money longer than
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they could. not a good business model. now they're all making money. >> what is the best day to book a flight? >> it used to be tuesday at moment. now it's changed. now it's sunday. >> why is that? the fares are cheaper the day you book it? >> here's the deal. in the old days, like three days ago, the airfare wars would end by monday. you'd have 24 hours to pay for the ticket you book. so by tuesday, all the people who didn't faye, all of those would come flooding in and that's when you strike, at 1 minute after midnight. now there are not many -- >> does this seem like a long answer to a short question? i asked which day. >> there's a $1,000 fee for that answer. the best day is sunday. >> thank you. >> are you happy for that? >> everybody's looking ahead to christmas. any good deals coming up? >> yes. because christmas is on a thursday, get it a little bit
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ahead of time, you're not going to get stuck. >> book that christmas flight on a sunday. all right. thank you. peter is going to be back to show us the sur proving career path for a group of flight attendants. >> this is a great story. >> how they're very well qualified to keep passengers safe. up next, a four-decade quest for justice. >> i'm richard schlesinger. did jealousy keep this teenager from his life? it held until one of them cracked. that's coming up on "cbs this morning." >> announcer: this portion of "cbs this morning" sponsored by international delight. leave a little room for delight.
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it's in this spirit that ingu u.s. is becoming a new kind of company. one that helps you think differently about what's ahead, and what's possible when you get things organized. ing u.s. is now voya. changing the way you think of retirement. paper tubes are thrown away... ...enough to fill the empire state building...twice. toss the tube for good... ...with scott naturals® tube-free.
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it's something every parent fears and it's in the headline as lot these days. a child goes for a night out with friends and is never seen alive again. one teenager's killers kept a secret for 40 years until one man gave it up. "48 hours" richard schlesinger reports on a newly solved case.
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>> reporter: evelyn mccabe has come to her son's grave every day, rain or shine, for more than 40 years. it was september 26, 1969, when she saw john for the last time. >> i don't think i've had a whole night's sleep since it's happened. >> if it's not too painful, can you tell me about his last day? >> he went to a dance. his second distance. >> reporter: john mccabe was just 15 years old and he couldn't wait for the friday night dance. >> took a shower, scrubbed his hair, but he didn't shave. he got all spruced up. at 11:00 i started looking out the window. that's when the dance closes. he should be home by midnight. so i went down to the dance and checked the roads, screaming out the window, john, john! no john. i started praying at that point.
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>> the morning after john went missing, children playing in a vacant lot discovered something nobody should have to see. >> which was the body of john mccabe. he had been bound and gagged and tied with rope. >> reporter: former district toerchlt jerry leone took on the case in 2007. >> you go back to first days after the murder. this might have been a dispute between teenagers. it might have involved a girl. it might have involved drinking. whoever knew about john's killing kept this secret for over 40 years. >> while i was a senior in high school. >> were you fearful? >> yes. they hadn't caught the people that killed my brother. >> did you think when you looked at kids in your classes maybe it's him, maybe it's him? >> yes, maybe it was them. maybe they knew something. how could they not know anything. >> the mccabe family was left
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without answers for decades. >> i pray every day justice will be served. >> there was only one way this case was going to be solved. >> do you solemnly swear -- >> and how old were you in 1969? >> 17. >> that's when someone came forward. >> how do you know how john mccabe died? >> i was there. >> you can see richard's full report, "the path" tomorrow night on "48 hours." it's the second of a series. we're getting donnie wahlberg dressed right now. >> so great to have you here. "blue bloods" tonight. >> yes. happy "blue bloods" friday to everyone. >> we're going to talk about friday night's even soap and what's changing with your character. >> he's in trouble. >> he's in trouble. all right. good stuff. looking forward to that. are you looking forward to the season? >> i'm having a great time but i'm happy to be here with you
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guys. i'm so excited. >> i think i'm going to be in an episode two fridays from today. i have to tell you about on the selleck. >> does he smell good? he does, doesn't he? >> he always smells good. >> he's a handsome man. >> he smells like musk, a real man. >> he was so sweet. he actually sent me roses the day after we hung out together. i know. >> i'm jealous. >> we're going to have to take a number. >> roses. come on. >> more coming up with donny wahlberg and "blue bloods." that airs tonight. all coming up on "cbs this morning."
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from the cbs broadcast center in philadelphia. this is cbs-3 "eyewitness news". good morning, i'm ukee washington, man stopped by police in northampton county dead, after a chase that ended in the city of easton. the suspect crashed his car near 13th and spring geared never easton, police say it all started with a traffic stop in palmer township. the police fired their weapons during the incident, but the suspects caused a death still not clear at this moment. let's go to the weather center now, kate think friday, we check your forecast. >> such nice outlook for our area, ukee, good morning, happy friday first and for most. but we look ahead to the weekends, some great weather coming up. it looks like this will be a running theme for us, we kick start yet another work week next week. so, storm scam three, quiet, high pressure nudging back, in breezy throughout the day. if you do still have some clouds overhead, they thin out
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more and more sunshine, 66 degrees our expected high, a we head into tonight under the generally clear sky, temperatures can drop off pretty readily, dropping back to the very seasonable upper 40's, over the course every time here, check this out, i mean, you have just got real nice days coming up. even despite a very weak frontal boundery crossing this weekend, no wet weather, barely any clouds out there, beautiful. enjoy t it continues monday and then very nice warming trends takes effect by next mid week, vittoria. >> good morning, everyone, rush hour still warming up with a lot of heat on the road, a lot of red, we take a look at the roosevelt boulevard, southbound jammed approaching broad all the way down through to the schuylkill. trying to recover from earlier westbound 76 accident, around conshohocken, so, we still have delays, all throughout your western suburbs on 76, that's why we're seeing even heavier delays, 42 freeway in new jersey, northbound slight delay approaching the walt whitman bridge, nothing major, major delays 95 95 southbound out of the northeast, definately 76, volume westbound side of the pa
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turnpike out of willow grove to mid-county. no problems for masses transit. >> up next on cbs this morning, starve cbs blue blood, actor don't i walt berg. for local news weather traffic and sports, we're on the at the bottom in job creation. massive cuts to education. and higher property taxes. under governor corbett, pennsylvania's been heading in the wrong direction. there's been no leadership and no vision. that's gotta change. as your governor, i will lead. and we'll move pennsylvania forward. we'll restore manufacturing jobs. close corporate tax loopholes. and make the gas companies pay up to fund our schools. after all, it's time to get pennsylvania moving again.
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in macarthur's world, he opposes new laws to ensure women receive equal pay for equal work. and macarthur opposes a woman's right to choose backed by a group that would outlaw abortion even for rape and incest. for us in the real world, aimee belgard. aimee will fight for equal pay and protect a woman's right to choose. aimee belgard's on our side.
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i'm aimee belgard and i approve this message. welcome back to "cbs this morning." coming up in this half hour, donnie wahlberg is in our toyota green room with peter -- yeah, that makes sense. the newest member of the new kids on the block right there. we'll ask donnie about the success of "blue bloods." plus the sky's the limit. peter greenberg introduces us to the first responders taking off with her second career. that's ahead. right now it's time to show you a look at this morning's headlines. new york shows how text messages change. they look at the texts they cement each other. when they dated each other, they texted these words more often,
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hey, love, what's happening, and afterward, home, dinner. >> i'm a big fan of this. >> i know. george lucas is firing back at a brewery. they make a brew called strikes bock. the name is so close to the movie title it could be mistaken for the trademark. "time" looks at the twitter exchange between conan o'brien and marilyn albright. he tweets i picked out my halloween cows tomb. i'm going as a slutty madelyn eight bright. she tweeted back, i'm considering going as hunky conan o'brien, but that might be too far-fetched. >> those wheaties are helping her. love it. step by step donnie wahlberg has made quite a career for
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himself when he's not writing, producing or with new kids on the block. he's a detective on the streets of new york and here's a scene from tonight's episode. >> dave, krooks threaten cops all the time. it probably happens two or three, four time as day. >> which is exactly why you should trust me on this. >> i'm probably as guilty as anyone. this is different you're my kid brother and it'ser issous. >> you know, i'll be extra careful, danny, right? i've got jenko watching my back. >> do me a favor. play house mouse at the precinct a couple of time as week. >> i'll be all right. if i got any questions call me. >> kid? >> donnie wahlberg. good morning. everyone loves the family. you're kind of starting to change this season.
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you're maturing, would you say? >> reluctantly, i guess. my character marches to his own beat. my dad's the commissioner. he's cut fro old school clochlkt he walks both sides of the line and it's important for him to be not just considering one of the good cops because his dad's the boss. this year he has a new lieutenant coming into the squad room who's going to straighten him out. latania richardson is playing the part and she's phenomenal. she might make my character shave. >> don't change. >> i like that look. are you a producer? >> ott on "blue bloods" but "boston's finest". >> i get to shoot a scene on the show. >> you're almost a cast regular. >> it took four hours do just a minute dwlouchl view time to do the show, do wahlburgers? . it's tough because i'm a dad and
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a husband and have a lot of things going on too. one-hour dramas are so long. i work pretty much five days a week, sometimes 16 hour as day, eight month as year. there should with a separate category for network dramas because the networks are eight episodes and they're done and we're still working january through february. it's brutal hours but i worked my whole life to be in this position. i'm not going to complain. i am grateful for the opportunities and i love what i do. >> it takes a lot of endurance. >> sure. but i could be digging ditches. >> right. you don't want to complain your diamond shoes are too tight. i heard the clintons are fans too. >> yes. my wife was interviewing hillary clinton last year. she said, i love watching "blue
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bloods" on friday. >> speaking of jenny mccarthy, big year for you. a new wedding and a new bride. >> yeah. >> how's it going? >> it's going awesome. she's so awesome. her and i came around in the same era. gone through divorces, gone through so many similarities. to discover really for the first time in our 40s, we never met through all those years, wi just hit uf achlt we have very similar sort of mentalities and spirituality and very similar philosophies. i think we have so much in common. it's a ruffle fit and i think we compliment each other. >> when are you going back to make new music? >> new muff, maybe not too soon but new plans. we have special news we'll be announcing. you'll know it. i can't say it right away because those four guys right there will send me hate letters and text messages. we like to tour and we like to work as much as possible and we have the best fans on earth.
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every band says this. every band says this. but we really do have the greatest fan shoes when you speak of yourself, what comes first, musician or actor? >> that's a good question, charlie. neither. i think human being comes first, father, husband, son, you know. my careers are so -- u do so many different things, i wouldn't really want to describe-as any of them. i love them all. i'm grateful for everything i get to do. i mean that sincerely. my father built a truck and was laid off half the time. everything i guess to do, i'm like a kid in the candy store. i'm very, very blessed. >> what's the difference? when you guys were touring as teenagers and now you've all got families app thing going on? what's it like between the scenes now? >> with all the wahlberg brothers? >> do you enjoy it more? >> i do enjoy it more.
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when we reform ourd band it was getting a second chance to go back with what you know now. to be 40 and touring as opposed to 20, i know what i did wrong and i know not to let a show go by without taking in as many smiles. it's such a great thing to go on the stage and touch people. we love our fans, we really do. they make such a great sacrifice. to be away from our families, it's great sacrifice. >> roy's the difference between you and your brother? >> about two years in age. mark and i get along great. i know there were stories he didn't make my wedding. i actually didn't make his either. it wasn't anything personal. we both work a lot. but him and i just -- we're different in maybe our goals. i sort of fly, you know, on my own trajectory and he sort of flies on his. he wants to conquer the world.
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i just want to conquer my world. >> that's great way to put it. >> so nice to have you here. >> thank you very much. it's been a pleasure. thank you very much. >> you can watch an episode of "blue bloods" tonight right here on 10:00 p.m., 9:00 p.m. central. ahead, from wings to putting out flames. >> this is owneded by jetblue. named in honor of new york city firefighters but not the ones on the ground. i'm peter greenberg. coming up on "cbs this morning," the improbable second act story of hundreds of new york firefighters now working as
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i never thought it would be like this.on, where every turn leads to a new adventure,
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and surprise leads to discovery. this place is like nothing i've ever seen. i'll never forget it. chiapas. live it to believe it.
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for more than a decade, major airlines have hired former first responders for their flight crews. no airline has attracted more talent than jetblue. peter greenberg recently spent time with a group of unlikely flight attendants. >> reporter: of all the careers kevin lynch considered, flight attendant was barely on the radar. >> what did you know about the airline business? >> nothing. absolutely nothing. except maybe serving a soda or
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two, and that's what i thought it was. >> reporter: before flying for jetblue, lynch had another job. >> i was a new yorkcy firefighter for 24 years. >> reporter: it's a proud and growing tradition at jetblue. today one in ten of the airlines' flight attendants is either a retired or current new york city firefighter. >> ladies, what would you like? >> reporter: and they're offering passengers a lot more than in-flight snacks. >> they're great at altitude. you start talking about decisions at 30,000 feet, it's nice to have 24 years of experience to make that decision. >> reporter: jeff barger is jetblue's ceo. there are a lot of kids who will tell you they dreamt of being a firefighter. not everyone has dreamt of being a flight attendant. now you have firefighters dreaming of being a flight attendant. >> it's a natural transition for those who want to remain in new york. many of them will say, hey, listen, we were part of a close
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knit family at this fire department and at jetblue as well. >> reporter: lynch stays in touch with his friends back an engine 302. the firehouse he joined at 21 years old and left at 45, one year after the events of september 11th. >> a big toll on me and other guys too. mentally asia firsthand isly. but you got through it. 24 hours straight up night and day but you were doing it for some reason. find a friend, find a brother. >> reporter: following the attacks jetblue and most major airlines offered free flights for first responders and their families. that second career as flight attendant represented a new opportunity. >> and i mentioned to him about coming to jetblue and right away he got very excited. i think he thought it would be a great idea, and i couldn't shake him loose after that. >> he len. ed about it from charlie harris.
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the recruit of firefighter brothers was pretty obvious. >> it was pretty obvious of creating this pipeline, creating talent, it was absolutely amazing. >> it's like the commercial someone told a friend, someone told a friend, someone told a friend. >> totally. >> reporter: last year jetblue dedicated an airplane to new york's bravest. >> that airport is the most washed aircraft wherever it flies. it's amazing. it's like the community is tipping their hats. the fire engine red of the plane is for them. >> jetblue wanted to honor us, firefighters working at jetblue and they gave us a plane. >> do you miss the firehouse? >> you know what i don't miss? i don't miss the fires or the emergencies, i missed back room. we sat down and cooked the meal.
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we had some of the best meal. you get five star meals in the dining house, five star dining. as far as running into a burning building, not coming out, not knowing what's going to happen, no, i don't miss that. my family is a lot more important. >> you're back but at 35,000 feet. >> no we're at 35,000 feet. >> how is that produ? >> potato chips. >> you can have all the potato chip use want. he's walking the aisles. >> we should serve him, right? >> absolutely. >> that's right. >> well said. thank you, peter. >> thank you, peter. ahead, some of the most unforgettable moments of the week. you're watching
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♪ i thought it'd be bigger. ♪ ♪ (dad) there's nothing i can't reach in my subaru. (vo) introducing the all-new subaru outback. love. it's what makes a subaru,a subaru.
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that does it for us. i know you want to run out and get a new copy. guess who's there? as we leave you, let's take a
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look back at the week that was. >> me in my pajamas. canada will never be intimidated. >> police now say the gunman was acting alone. >> dr. craig spencer returned from west africa. >> he was taken to bellevue by a specially trained medical emergency service. >> jeffrey fowle spent six months in a north korea prison. his sudden release caught americans by surprise. the prison is holding a member of isis. >> he said i thought i was about to be beaten. >> just of an hour. >> the sentence imposed is a maximum amount. >> ben bradlee doggedly pursued one of the buggest stories of the last century, the watergate scandal. >> people don't tell the truth. they don't tell the truth in the biggest way. >> oscar de la renta. >> i would go online.
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tramp, slut, whore. i fell in love with my boss. >> peyton manning has become the nfl's all-time leader in career touchdown passes. >> it's not there anyway. i haven't played keepaway since i was probably 8 years old. >> do we have any clipper fans here? i can't hear you. >> he bought a damn good team. >> a damn good team, yes, we have. we are very good. yeah, baby. >> we'll be back with more in just a moment. >> what do you eat in the morning? a what do you drink? >> i don't want to sound like a starbucks commercial, but it's got a lot of caffeine in it. >> cookie with honey in it. >> would you call that one more complicated or less complicated than this one? >> i call you more complicated.
8:52 am
♪ i will play you like a cello, baby ♪ >> we see you on tv. you're clearly well into it. >> we get paid to be on tv. we'd better be into it. >> so you've been writing constantly? >> pretty much. >> does it encourage composition? >> i think so. >> do you still run your songs by your mom? >> i do. she's got to hear them. >> shas he always been honest with you? >> she's been brutally honest and most times i don't like it. >> are sardines good for you? >> they are. >> do you like sardines? >> i do. >> you don't plan on kissing anybody. >> i've never had anyone complain in my life. >> touche, charlie rose. >> amazing. i never met anybody who -- >> thank you, dr. narula. >> you never met.
8:53 am
>> yes. >> there's so much more i could there are 211 lawyers in congress. but not one electrician. so here's a bright idea. donald norcross. a union electrician for 30 years... in the state senate, he stood up for working families and he'll stand up for south jersey in congress. working to make college affordable. fighting to create jobs that can support a family. and pushing equal pay for equal work. donald norcross. a congressman for us. house majority pac is responsible for the content of this advertising.
8:55 am
this is cbs-3 "eyewitness news". surrounding one of the area's moss most accomplished football programs, superintendent of the central bucks school district, released details about a number of hazing incidents at central bucks high school west. now, in response, officials canceled the final two games. season, and several coaches have been suspended. now, at this time, no charges have been filed. let's get a check on the forecasts with katie. >> good morning, everybody. we can expect to see beautiful day unfold out there, all things considered, when you look back to yesterday, and you compare today, versus yesterday, yes, this is clearly going to be the winner of the nicer forecast, battle here, we can expect some sunshine, breaking through the clouds, already, with that.
8:56 am
and our storm system, that brought us the rain last two days, and all of the clouds, and the dreary cool conditions, that's long gone at this point. it is still breezy, though, as the storm makes its retreat. 66 degrees the expected hi, how much, so we take it. forty-eight tonight. under the clear skies, temperatures will have easier time dropping off. now, even heading into tomorrow, nice mild day. but we are going to see a baby frontal boundery roll through here, and it bridges nothing more than very modest drop on the thermometer, still beautiful monday, and nice surge on the thermometer with more sunshine, on tuesday, this is great stretch of weather, enjoy it, tory? >> thank you so much. with all of that sunshine, gorgeous, comes little sun glare, be mindful that far on your commute. also rush hour to watch out for, as we take a look at the schuylkill expressway, westbound approaching city avenue. usually looks that way. so that's what we're experiencing delays, rush hour 19 miles per hour, average, 14 on 95, delays out of the northeast down through to the vine. have volume on the vine as well if you're commuting in the web direction between 95 and the schuylkill then eastbound coming from, also,
8:57 am
still lingering delays on 476 and the pa turnpike, speaking of we have accident westbound on the, blocking left lane, and causing quite the back up. nicole? >> tour, that's "eyewitness news" for now. join us for talk philly at noon. i'm nicole brewer. make it a great morning.
8:58 am
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8:59 am
9:00 am
>> 3, , 1. >> camera ready. >> if it's happening we are covering it on the doctor's friday news feed. the latest details about the face that's making 2lines. and then an amanda feins update, the mysterious man bay to britney fears. >> 132 pounds ovarian tumor. in a doctor's exclusive, a famous tv cook reveals a health struggle they have been hiding for the past 20 years. >> ♪ doctor, doctor gimme the news ♪ ♪ doctor, doctor gimme the news ♪ ause ] ♪ >> hello, everyone. and welcome to our doctor's friday news feed. today, one of tv's favorite cooks reveals a [ applhealth struggle she's kept as a secret for 20 years. first this week we all know the internet has been abuzz from changing appearances, to ex