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tv   Eyewitness News at 5  CBS  October 20, 2014 5:00am-5:31am EDT

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out the coat? >> everybody is going to have to break out that coat >> if you're standing out at the bus stop or walking around or walking your dog, make sure everybody is nicely protected against this cold. because it is chilly out here this morning. nos as cold this winter, storm scan3, not much going on, except few high clouds. i welcome them on cold night. sometimes when they start to move in, they can limit just how cold we're getting, and finding temperatures in the 30's this morning, and some at the freezing mark, and of course, we still have the frost and freeze advisory, and they're going on until 8:00 this morning. areas to the north, with that freeze warning, areas through south jersey with that freeze warning. and then a frost advisory for everybody else. even some patchy frost, cannot totally be ruled out through the philadelphia area, where we're not even in the frost or freeze areas. we have 41 degrees out at the
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airport in philadelphia, it is cents now dropped to 33 in trenton, 39 in wilmington, 36 degrees in the allentown area, at the freezing mark in the poconos, and seen it there in mt. holly, quakertown, as well, 33 degrees in atlantic sit bees 10 miles inland at the airport there, our temperatures today in philadelphia, should be making the 06 degrees mark at the shore, be getting into the 60s, 63 degrees, poconos, 52, we get some clouds moving in here, as we move on through the rest of the afternoon. but, i don't think anyone will be complaining about, that because we're warmer today than yesterday. not as windy as yesterday. temperatures getting around the 60 degrees mark today as the sun finally decides to wake up at 7:17. we're glad you're up before the sun again. 50 degrees, that's the temperature overnight. a lot milder than what we're dealing with now. clouds will be thickening, cannot totally rule out sprinkle, coming up for us little later on, either. and i want to show you the seven day forecast it, has got
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several different stories on it, first one today, when we are transition day, we transition into milder day tomorrow, but we pick up those shower chances and we keep those shower chances on wednesday, and thursday, with temperatures right about 60 degrees, both of those two days. by the time we hit friday, saturday, and sunday, though, i think high pressure starts to build in here again, and looks as if we're getting some sunshine, in time for next weekends. which will be great again it is chilly out here this morning, we head back in. >> thank you, carol. i know i'm not jealous of you out there right now. good morning, everybody, we go outside, we start off our cameras here on the roosevelt boulevard. so normally the typical back-up here would be southbound toward the schuylkill expressway, you can see moving along nicely so far. northbound lanes moving along great, there as women. we go over to the vine st. expressway where you can see the east and westbound lanes moving great there sofas well just around eighth street. we head over to the maps now, talking about some ongoing construction project that might tie you up a little
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bitment schuylkill expressway westbound, onramp from spring garden closed until live -- late november. travel times, majors still looking great so far. ninety-five, route 202, into 896 southbound, still real clear trip, 16 minutes. blue route moving great headed southbound lansdale to the turnpike becomes ten minute trip there. the schuylkill expressway also from the blue route into the vine st. expressway headed eastbound still real clear trip there. over on the pa turnpike some construction headed eastbound between ft. washington and bensalem, with two left hands lanes block, squeeze on by to the right-hand side. mass transit a great great alternate. so septa, new jersey transit and dart all running on time with no reported delays and currently no delays at the philadelphia international airport. nicole, back over to you. >> jessica, thanks. local college students tied up and robbed at gunpoint. all in a terrifying home invasion. >> "eyewitness news" reporter jan carabeo joins us now near temple university with an update on the search for the suspects, jan, good morning. >> good morning, a frightening
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night for some student here in north philadelphia. police say a group of temple university students was tied up and robbed at gunpoint. take a look at the video. you can see where it all happened about 8:30 sunday night. this is off campus housing, 1900 block of north 18th street. two men with guns enters this home and tied up six people inside. investigators say one of the students was also pistol whipped. the university sent out an alert to temple students about the incident and asked students to avoid the area. school officials are also asking anyone with information to call police. unfortunately, there is no detailed description of the suspects. only that they are two men in their two, a one with fair al hair, wearing bucks county community college sweatshirt. medics were on scene last night and they tell news one needed to be transported to the hospital. also, uncertain this morning, besides the identities of these suspect, also how much if anything they were able to get away with during last night's robbery. reporting at temple university
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hospital, jan carabeo, cbs-3, "eyewitness news". >> thank you, new this morning,. >> port richmond, happened on the 3,000 blocks of aramingo avenue around 2:00 this morning police say thief walked in, pulled out a gun, and demanded cash. only $06 in the register. >> philadelphia firefighter and his girlfriend have a preliminary hearing to face domestic assault charges. michael, accused of attacking ex-wife and girlfriends on two separate dates last month. prosecutors say the ex-wife is eight months pregnant, the pair face conspiracy and assault charges. >> philadelphia police officer, kenneth allen is also due in court this morning, following accusations he violated protection from abuse orders. allen was first arrested october 3rd, after police say he assaulted his girlfriend also cents a philadelphia police officer.
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he was re arrested two weeks later and charged with violating the stay away order. well, two thieves target a delaware county chicky's and piece. >> thousands of dollars from chickie's and pete's' sports bar in drexel hill. watch as two again men one dress in the what appears to be chickie's and pete's sweatshirt slip in slide door, barge into manager's offs. police say one held her at gunpoint, demanding money from the safe, while the other takes a three other prep staff members, never that same manager locks them all in the freezer. investigators say, the duo took off with thousands of dollars, and night receipts, but managers say they feel blessed, nobody was found seriously harmed. >> money means nothing. everybody's safe. that's the important thing. >> shortly after, staff was found by a kitchen manager and released from the freezer. some even stayed to complete their shift.
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>> great company, and what would dough on daily basis, we have a loft great employees here, i got the best staff in all of delaware counsel. >> i if you dined at chickie's and pete's, customers say you wouldn't guess there was armed robbery hours earlier. >> perfectly normal like nothing happened. >> search is on for these two mask men, and police are seeking any clues to aid them in their investigation. >> police say they're searching through that surveillance video, we just showed you, as well as other video they collected from other nearby businesses. we'll bring you more information as soon as we get it ourselves, but for now in drexel hill, noel mcclaren, cbs-3 "eyewitness news". >> coming up this morning, we have update for you on the family and friends of ebola patient thomas eric duncan who were quarantined after his diagnosis. what doctors are saying about them now. and later peyton manning sets himself apart, what the broncos qb did last night that no other quarterback has ever accomplished. we'll explain. we'll be back.
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it's color. it's a way of life. a harmony that brings people together. the more we give in to the magic of this place, the more we'd like to stay. oaxaca. live it to believe it. it gives you options based on your budget -- it's a piece of cake. i was told there would be cake. get a free quote at >> excuse and macinnis reports now the us ramming up its response to fight the spread of the disease here at home. >> thomas eric duncan, liberian man, who was the
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first person diagnosed ebola in the u.s. louise tree, and three family members, are now free, after being kept under armed guard in quarantine for 21 days. duncan was staying at tree's apartment when he first started showing symptoms of ' bowl a ebola also no long area threat for about 50 others who had some contact with duncan. >> uncertainty, thing over your head becomes your own health, for some of them, a loved one has either died or is struggling to overcome the disease, and it is restricted movement. >> us continues to ramp up its response to ebola. on sunday pentagon announced special military support team to assist civilian medical staff here in the u.s. the cdc is also finalizing new safety protocols for healthcare workers. >> going to be much more stringent. >> in the sense of instructions about what you really need to do. >> the new guidelines are
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expected to set firm standards, including full body suits, and hoods, that protect workers next. along with rigorous new rules, for removal of equipment, dis infection, and supervision. two nurses who contracted ebola while caring for thomas duncan are in stable condition. washington, susan macinnis for cbs-3 "eyewitness news". meanwhile, the family after nurse who contracted ebola while treating duncan is speaking out about mistakes made at texas presbyterian hospital where he was cents treated. in a statement released yesterday, amber vincent's family said vincent asked to return to dallas a day earl when she her colleague nina pham had been diagnosissed when ebola. but officials told her it wasn't necessary. she also took her temperature three times before boarding her flight last monday, and was cleared to fly each time. stay with "eyewitness news" for continuing coverage of ebola in the u.s. and overseas. we have assemble on line resource guide to help keep you inform. you can find that at right now, coming up on
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5:13. we want our traffic and weather together. head outside to carol. good morning. >> good morning to you, chilly morning out here, we fully expected this was not an unexpected cold. it might be an unwelcome one. but it was expected. we have chilly temperatures, it is chilly every place, we take a look out at margate. not much to see out there. but you can see the temperature, 43 degrees, one of the milder spots, because you've got the ocean influence there. and that is keeping you slightly milder. we have storm scan3, showing just few high clouds, if you look really close, at your set, then wipe off the knows print, you will be able to see couple of clouds out there. and those clouds should be helping to boost our temperatures little bit today. now, last week, starting wednesday, we're in the 70s, just wonderful, we hadn't a care in the world, yesterday, at 56 degrees, and 32-mile per hour winds, i know were you in jackets, but probably also doing a lot of fall things. we've got another chance to dot fall things today, even though these temperatures have change add lot this morning. we're 13 degrees colder, this morning, than yesterday morning, in philadelphia. 16 degrees colder in milville
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and wildwood. so if you walked out, and think you can wear the same outfit you had on yesterday morning at this time it, i'm afraid you can't. now, we've got pollen report for today, and it is low. so maybe that's some of the good news, and low not just today, but tomorrow, as win, as well. and the predominant pollen is our good friends ragweed. we all know about ragweed. looking at temperatures today that are going to be getting over the next couple of days, 60 degrees through the philadelphia area today, we get sun and clouds and then thomas we watch a front come through here, we start to see the temperatures come up some, 66 degrees, clouds, maybe a couple of showers, but notice the overnight temperatures. we started this morning at 38 degrees, but tomorrow morning we will be starting with temperatures that will be in the upper 40's, and maybe even 50 degrees, wednesday's high temperature, 58 degrees, and we pick up another chance after shower at that point, as well. so we have got a lot going on with our weather. and if you like it mild, you
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will like it mild at the shore today at 63 degrees, mostly sunny, with the clouds in the afternoon. poconos, 52 degrees today. around six off degrees through the philadelphia area. let's check on these icy roads this morning, with the very warm and lovely jessica. >> actually little warm in here today. >> i have my ugg boots on, good thing, thank you, carol. we start off from our cameras here at the ben franklin bridge, from the jersey side, so from pretty much the toll plaza still headed westbound into the city. you can see everything moving along nicely. so far we're also going to lose out two right hand lanes, due to ongoing construction project so expect that to pack little punch later on in the commute. but still early as of yet. we head on over to the blue route at mid-county. you can see everything moving along great there. southbound lanes, where you can see some taillights moving on by, and northbound, moving along great, there as well. now, going over to pottstown, we head over to the maps now where route 422 eastbound, the on and off-ramps, this is ongoing construction project at arm and hammer boulevard
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closed until late november. so you can expect some detours there. and we head on over to the pa turnpike eastbound between ft. washington and bensalem two, left lanes blocked, there as well. so squeeze on by to the right-hand side. otherwise, mass trans said great alternate so far this morning. so septa, new jersey transit and dart all on time with no delays. currently no delays at the philadelphia international airport. erika, back over to you. >> jess, thank you. breaking news top your headlines this morning. police are investigating a home invasion on the 1900 block of 18th street. they say two suspects barged into that home and robbed and terrorized temple students. one person was pistol whipped. the suspects remain at large. >> and the quarantine will be lifted today for friends and relatives expose today thomas duncan, lie beer ran man who died from ebola in dallas. friends and relatives were kept isolated for 21 days. the incubation period for that virus. and, more breaking news right now. police are searching for the gunman who shot and killed a man in kensington. police say that the man was shot along the 1800 block of
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east ontario street around 2:45 this morning. and coming up next on "eyewitness news", chilling news out of f the middle east. >> terror group known as isis they've done despite wave after wave of us air strikes. we'll be right back. with tom corbett, things keep getting worse. september 16th. budget deficits force pennsylvania to borrow $1.5 billion dollars just to keep the lights on. three days later, pennsylvania's unemployment rate goes up for the second straight month.
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under tom corbett, we've fallen from 9th to 47th in job creation. and on september 25th, pennsylvania's credit is downgraded for the fifth time in two years. why would we give tom corbett four more years?
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>> missing university of the virginia student hannah graham. made the discovery, investigators are interviewing local residents. now, police have notified gram's parents that the remains were found, but they've not yet been identified. they also had this message for the family. that mission was to bring closure and we're hoping that that is what we've done. >> gram disappeared
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september 13th, jessie matthew charged with her abduction. with midterm elections two weeks away, president obama gets back on the campaign trail. >> pat is real. he is who he is. he's not trying to front. he's not trying to pretend to be something he's not. >> president addressed crowd of 6200 supporters at historically black college in chicago last night. he was in town to drum up support for fellow democrat, illinois governor pat quinn. quinn faces republican challenger bruce next month. the president remains in his hometown to attends fundraiser latter today before turning to the white house. >> into propaganda video, ties with isis, shows militants in syrian border town of kabani. fighting there continues, as the us continues its air strike campaign targeting islamic extremist group. over the weekends us weapons and supplies to kurdish troops trying to hold back isis militants. >> coming up: new study shows
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children getting the wrong medicine. >> why they say parents across the country need to be a lot more careful when their kids get sick. we'll explain. trading-in or selling takes thev?hassg in just 3 easy steps. one, get your free online valuation. two, drive to your local car buying center. and three, walk out with your check in as little as 30 minutes. buying used cars is all we do... all makes and models... no dealership pressure. we'll even settle your loan or lease.
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so don't wait. get your free online valuation now at in cases of rape,pposes aborin cases of incest,ions. and in cases where the mother's health is in danger. no woman should be forced to carry a pregnancy from a rape. mario scavello sponsored a bill to force women to have unnecessary and invasive ultrasounds. it's horrifying. women need to know that mario scavello wants to stand between them and their doctors in making decisions that aren't his to make.
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>> 5:23, carol, do you want to gig out that scarf and gloves today, right? >> yes, i couldn't find either frankly. that's why, well, whatever. but did i find my scraper under whole bunch of stuff in the back seat. that was cents good start to the day. i was of course dismayed to have to do any of the scraping. but that's what happens when you find temperatures dropping as low as we're finding them this morning. we have storm scan3, showing no precipitation at all, fortunately, but it is cold enough that we ends one little frost in some locations cents so that's what i guess we can
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start to expect. this time of the year. in fact, there are frost, freeze warnings in effect for much of the area, the dark purple, the freeze warning, until 8:00, frost advisory going until also 8:00. those are the areas shaded in the lighter shade of i guess that's purple or some variation of it. anyway, 43, 41 degrees in philadelphia, we continue to drop with these temperatures, 33 in trenton, 39 degrees in wilmington, 36 in allentown, 39 degrees in millville, freezing mark in the poconos, and 32 in mt. holly and doylestown and quakertown, so you have the ribbon of cold to the north and also to the south where mt. holly, 36 in northeast philadelphia. bundle up, make sure your pets are also protected against this cold air, the win are cam right now, when they start to pick up. woe might start to warm up little bit. but when they're calm, temperatures can really bottom out. expecting temperatures this afternoon about 60 degrees, sun, clouds, tomorrow, 66,
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chance of picking up these rain showers. we will come back and talk more about what the forecast will bring over the next couple of days, right now see what these roads are on a monday morning with jessica. >> going outside, check out those roads. relatively quiet start so far this morning. 959 at cottman, southbound you can see right here moving along great northbound toward northeast philadelphia, moving a lock great, there as well. head the to the cameras on the schuylkill expressway at city avenue. see everything moving great there, as well. check out accident that just popped up out in ardmore, haverford road near wynnewood road. expect local detours and police activity thereon that scene. we head on over to our map here with the schuylkill expressway, ongoing construction from spring garden, closed late november something to look forward to and plan cord inning to. head over to mass transit looking great. septa new jersey transit, no delays. currently no delays at the philadelphia international
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airport. erika, back to you. >> talking sports, eagles play the cardinals arizona this sunday. >> yes, trying to keep pace with the cowboys and nfc eels. the teams were tide going into yesterday's games. the cowboys got three touchdown pass frost tony roam on and another hundred yard game from demarco murray, beat the giants 31 to 21. murray broke jim brown's record with eight straight hundred yard gains to start the season, cowboys six and one on the season, birds are five and one. peyton manning 509 career touchdown came last night against the 49ers. manning broke brett favre's record, and the broncos beat the 49ers 42 to 17. now after the touchdown, teammates played keep away with the ball. that ball of course on its way to the football hall of fame. >> eagles next opponent, arizona cardinals, they moved to five and one on the sees
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with the oakland raiders, carson palmer, two touchdown passes, five and one, same as the eagles setting up for quite a battle next sunday afternoon from arizona only team in the ffl without a win on the season. >> all right, there you go. it is 5:27 right nowment coming up in the next half hour of "eyewitness news", a man beaten to death in broad daylight. right across the street from a bucks county church. >> what police are saying about that crime and who they're still looking for this morning. plus, a tractor-trailer hits a home in louisianna. we'll show you why neighbors are more upset at the police than the driver who cause that crash. >> and jessica and carol return with traffic and weather together on the 3's. we'll be back in two minutes.
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>> near frankford and academy, this happened just after 4:00 a.m. police tell "eyewitness news", a man wearing a hoodie was cents with a bandana over his face points dollars a gun at the clerk, got away with only about $20. this robbery was about 8 miles from an earlier 7-eleven robbery this morning in fishtown. and, coming up, philadelphia police on the hunt for who ever tied up and robbed six temple students inside their home just blocks from campus. thanks for joining us this morning, i'm erika von tiehl. >> i'm nicole brewer in for ukee this morning, live report from the scene, in just a few minutes. first, let's check on weather and traffic with carol and jessica. carol live for us on the cbs-3 skydeck. how is it feeling, carol? >> here in a coat, i jump inside, you know, ten seconds, it is fine. if you're standing out for prolonged periods of time you will feel t we have temperatures in the 30's this morning. and we are just not used to finding temperatures in the 30's. this is the colds he i