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tv   Eyewitness News at 6  CBS  October 17, 2014 6:00pm-6:31pm EDT

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health experience. and hospital of the university of pennsylvania, is designated as a location that will treat u.s. health care workers who may be infect with ebola in africa. health reporter stephanie stahl is live at hup with the details, stephanie. >> reporter: well, natasha, preparations for potential ebola patients continue to ramp up all across the states as those three people are being carefully watched, and here at hup they announced they could be taken care of certain ebola patients. a statement from the hospital of the university of pennsylvania says it has agreed to be among hospitals to care for u.s. medical work hours contract ebola while working in africa. hospital had has conduct training and is able to safely and effectively isolate suspect cases. >> on another front governor corbett and state health officials revealed three pennsylvania residents live in the northwestern part of the state are monitored fore bowl, they were on the frontier airline flight from
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cleveland to dallas with the nurse who has the the virus. >> at this point in time they are showing no symptoms, in addition to having daily calls with those residents, we will be continuing to have them self monitor. >> reporter: governor corbett says three unidentified individuals are still in texas, they have been told by cdc not to travel on commercial flights for 21 days. >> risk to the general public of pennsylvania remains very low at this point in time. >> reporter: health officials say while all hospitals should be able to handle potential ebola case preparations continued toe volume. >> we're val waiting all procedures to determine if there are any gaps or elements that may need to be change based on the news from texas. >> reporter: the the focus now is to quickly identify any potential ebola cases and implement all of the safety precautions that are now in place. reporting live from university city, i'm stephanie stahl, cbs-3 "eyewitness news". >> stephanie, thanks very much. philadelphia's mayor
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michael nutter spoke out today. he wanted to reassure that the public the city is prepared to handlee bowl. we are fully prepared to mobilize immediately, and with the level of coordination, city, state, federal, hospital, and first responder community in particular we're geared up and ready to go. >> coming up tonight on "eyewitness news" at 11:00 protective chemical suits made right here in our area being used by aid workers in africa. i had a chance to try one of these on today. we will show you how they work tonight on cbs-3 "eyewitness news" at 11:00. we invite to you stay with "eyewitness news" as we will have continuing coverage of ebola in the u.s. and overseas. we have assembled an on line resource guide that can answer many of your questions. you can find it on cbs a beautiful sunny end to our workweek but will this beautiful weather be hanging around for the weekend?
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meteorologist kathy orr joins us now from the sky deck with the check of your first forecast, kathy. >> natasha, there is two answers to that question. will it stay beautiful? yes, if you consider beautiful day sunny, will it stay mild, no. that is much different story. take a look at what we have going on across the region. right now, nothing but a clear sky, and low humidity. temperatures will be falling fast though after sun within the next hour. in philadelphia 70. sixty-eight in allentown. sixty in the poconos. mid up toker 60's every where else. we are looking at conditions that will be changing tonight, cooling down, with a partly cloudy sky by 11:00 o'clock we will be at 61 degrees with lows in the 50's. after that, cool air moves on in, and it is coming from the northwest, so we're talking about cool canadian air that will be the the coldest or coolest, air of the season. how low? well, some 30's in the forecast, coming up, i'll join you with the seven day later in the broadcast and we will talk about hurricane gone sol
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a bearing down on bermuda, back to you. one person is hospitalized after a hit and run in montgomery county end in a officer involved shooting. all this started late last night after a tractor trailer hit several parked cars near markly and west main street in norristown. now according to investigators the the officer opened fire after the truck driver raised his hand to surrender and then accelerated towards the officer. >> i think that the actions that the officer took saved the other peoples lives. this was a situation in which i think it is a miracle nobody else got hurt. >> reporter: the truck driver was arrested but also air lifted to hahnemann hospital. the d.a. is now reviewing the case to see if the officer involved shooting was justified. the the pennsylvania state trooper meantime wounded in an ambush on september 12th, went home today. trooper alex douglass left the community medical center with the police escort on thursday.
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he was taken to the rehab facility by ambulance. despite sightings and evidence found suspect eric frein has alluded police for more than a month now. troop are brian dickson was killed in that attack. also former congress woman gabriel giffords brings her message of better gun control to our area giffords took part in the round table discussion in bensalem to talk about protecting women from gun violence. several regional leaders and law enforcement officials were also there. earlier this week giffords launched a new initiative calling for stronger gun laws. >> women can lead the way. we stand for common sense. we stand for responsibilities. we can change our laws. we can win elections. so please, join your voice with my voice. >> giffords survived a gunshot wound to the head during a campaign event in arizona three years ago. well, in delaware tonight authorities have charge a mother and her boyfriend in
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the death of a four year-old girl. tannisha mulligan and, wheata millioner were arrested in new castle. her daughter autumn died on august 8th, the cause of death was found to be blunt force drama. that is when at rest warrants were issued. mulligan and reader are being held on $106,000 bail. caught on camera tonight investigators charged in south philadelphia need your help trying to identify two burglary suspects. police say these two men broke in all city rental in grays ferry on october 7th. they used a car to ram through a security gate before escaping in the different car that was later found. police are asking anyone with any information on that to give them a call. well, clean up is underway tonight after a fire forced the historic city tavern in old city to close its doors. the fire started in a dumpster just outside of the restaurant at second and walnut earlier this morning there was no
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damage to the building and there were no injuries. city tavern, expects to reopen soon. bankruptcy court judge voids a big contract with atlantic city's taj mahal. they say the move will allow them to stay open. billion air karl ican who holds the taj's nearly 300 million-dollar debt said he would only take over and invest in the property fest can get union concessions and multi million-dollar tax breaks. city and state leaders have told ican they are in the playing ball. the the union is not happen bye the decision. >> we will fight for our rights. we will fight for what we deserve, okay. we work hard here in this city. for some billion air to try to sweep it all away is unacceptable. >> at this property, because it stops right here. thinks karl ican's water lou. he got himself in the fight he will not win. >> robert griffin released a statement reading in part quote we are proud of our efforts to keep the taj mahal opened, to deliver our loyal customers a continued first
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class, gaming experience and to have the ability to save 3,000 jobs in a very difficult atlantic city economy. meantime, new jersey governor chris christie signs a revised sports betting bill in the garden state. the bill would partially repeal the state's ban on sports wagering, some professional sports leagues and the ncaa opposed sports betting and they are fighting now you in court to prevent tonight new jersey. also raising the steaks at sugar house casino is getting ready to expand, 24 new poker tables arrived at the casino this morning. they will be part of the philadelphia's first poker room expect to open to the public early next movement tables will go to an interim room and then you'll be able to see, what happens there in that room. >> looking forward to that. still to come here on "eyewitness news" at 6:00 battling bullying, we will introduce to you a local student who is working to keep bullying out of his school. one in the million shot, literally, what is happening
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in space this weekend that will in the happen again for a million year, kathy. we better see it now, right. >> we are tracking hurricane gonzalo, crossing over bermuda as we speak. we will look at the this and show what you we have in store this weekend sun bye chilly come up. i'm beasley reese, it is friday football frenzy, they host st. augustine we will talk temple and world series, that is all coming up in
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in macarthur's world, he opposes new laws to ensure women receive equal pay for equal work. and macarthur opposes a woman's right to choose backed by a group that would outlaw abortion even for rape and incest. for us in the real world, aimee belgard. aimee will fight for equal pay and protect a woman's right to choose. aimee belgard's on our side. i'm aimee belgard and i approve this message.
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battling bullying a local student athlete is taking matters in to his own hands to keep them from being pick on. >> as new jersey reporter cleve bryan shows us he started a group that is rapidly growing. >> a swift cross over and sweet jumper may help junior point guard david's game but his passion goes beyond the court. >> we respect last week, how do you guys feel that went. >> david started a club called athletes against bullying. he was inspired by former eagle desean jackson's anti bullying campaign and he didn't like some of the stuff he had seen playing sports. the general trend was
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better players would be pick ing on the not as good players. >> reporter: the club is rapidly growing at cherry hill east high school, one new reason is cancellation of the fat ball season in sayreville, new jersey after allegations of hazing so severe that several students face criminal charges including sexual assault. >> a lot of the kids thought that it was crazy, especially because they were a top football team. >> reporter: having athletes take up anti bullying cause can be effective because they are in the locker room and often they are the most influential people in their schools. >> anything that a student generated means they are passionate and they will get the people to come. >> reporter: cherry hill high school east high school has won a lot of championships but athletes like david says real winners look out for their teammates and that means speaking out begins bullying and hazing. >> i think by educating athletes of the harmful effects of bullying it will be in the back of their mind when and if they will do something that bad.i3 >> reporter: david a's hope is athletes in other high schools will start their own anti
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bullying clubs, in cherry hill, cleve bryan, cbs-3, "eyewitness news". new at 6:00 o'clock tonight a phillies favorite is giving back to the community. >> outfielder dominic brown distributed boxes and cans of food to residents in need today. "eyewitness news" at citizens bank park, today's outreach is all part of the national hunger awareness month. brown says that he is proud to participate. >> this is something that we do once a week, in florida, and georgia, the last four or five years. it is definitely great. we have the phillies involve with the stuff that we do down south. hopefully we can make it an annual event. >> dominic brown teamed up with five away international for today's food give away. septa wants you to join their stop hunger a at york station food drive. starting on monday you'll seafood collection containers a the three stations. riders and employees have donate 90 tons of non-perishable food to philadelphia bun answer, that is since the campaign began in 2009.
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campaign runs through november 3rd. representatives from more than 60 companies came together, for a career fare in gloucester county. >> attendees came dressed to impress, and with resumes in hand, interviews were held on the the spot this morning at the rowan college gymnasium in sewell, the the career fair features diverse group of of employees from different fields ranging from financial institutions to health care and retail. okay, a true, one in a million event is happening this weekend, in space. >> a large comet is expected to fly by mars, something like this only happens once every million years. now it is expected to come within 87,000 miles of the red planet, which is pretty close by space parameters. nasa's five robotic explorers are in place to try to capture images of this extremely rare event, the comet is traveling about a 126,000 miles an hour and should fly by mars, on sunday. wow, that is cool. >> amazing picture. >> on this planet we have one
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eye on the weekend, the the other eye on the hurricane, and we hope the two don't meet, somewhere in the middle. >> fortunately our impact will be very minimal, it is a rough surf, rip currents down the shore. we're not in beach season. that is good news. we're talking about a major category three hurricane named gonzalo and it is bearing down on bermuda. this is a live picture, please excuse the the fuzzy appearance but a hurricane is hitting right now as we speak. visibility there very poor. you can see flagpole, waves are coming in, we are expecting a storm surge similar to hurricane fabian from 2003 which produced a 10-foot storm surge. this will be a devastating storm for bermuda. lets go to the satellite view of this hurricane, right the now it is only 40 miles to the the southwest of this beautiful vacation island, and you can see the eye, fairly well defined but a better view from the weather service radar that is located, in bermuda.
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you can see cloud tops associated with the rising storms as a it continues to move across the island. this is doppler radar and right there that front in the cross hairs is target, bull's eye, unfortunately bermuda. we have a well defined eye the calm that is very close to the island. outer band of the eye wall represented by heavy rain, convection in the yellows and orange very close to the island right now only about five or 10 miles away. feeling effects with hurricane force wind as we speak. these are the impacts of gonzalo, through the late night hours and even in this evening. life threatening storm surge is expect, significant coastal flooding and hurricane wind at about 115 miles an hour right now. temperatures here at home and conditions are much more quiet. as i mentioned down the shore rough surf possibly this weekend as a result of the storm. that is all we will be seeing. we will be looking at a quiet night on the main land u.s. seventy in philadelphia. sixty's in wilmington.
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sixty's every where. poconos barely holding on at 60 degrees. we will watch fair weather high pressure dominate our weather. saturday nice and breezier and cooler for sunday. we keep talking about the cool air coming but by monday morning some of our suburbs will wake up in the 30's, philadelphia's low only 40 degrees. by the afternoon still holding on to 60 in philadelphia. overnight a few clouds, it will be cool, high of 55. the low rat's five. high saturday, 69 degrees. so rebounding nicely with those dry when the terly winds. on the exclusive eyewitness weather seven day forecast, sunday we will bottom out, afternoon high 57. monday morning 41. this is coldest air of the season by the way monday morning. and then, we will warm it up a little bit, tuesday some showers, six three, cool wednesday, and a few more showers possible on thursday, not a great week. little dreary, remind me more of spring then fall but there you have it, major cool down, average high this time of the year in the delaware valley is around 67 degrees and i don't
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see anything close to that for tomorrow. >> oh, yeah look at 40's they are standing out there in the forecast. >> we will be thinking about those folks in ber mood eighties a rough ride. >> we will have more pictures on "eyewitness news" at 11:00. >> thanks, kathy. good afternoon, we will start off the on the ben franklin bridge where e-z pass cannot help you here from the toll plaza over in new jersey headed westbound into the city, also losing out those two right-hand lanes due to cop trucks. things moving nicely from the city eastbound into new jersey. over on i-95 you can see brake lights here at ridley park so southbound is jam from the airport up toward the commodore barry bridge. you can see a lot of problems there. accident on the pennsylvania turnpike eastbound at valley forge so pay attention to the local tea tours there route 130 southbound in new jersey closed at chester avenue. your alternate to get around is connrow road. new jersey turnpike northbound at exit number 7a, which is i195, taking out the left-hand lane, mass transit doing great, septa, new jersey
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transit and dart running on time with no delays and currently in delays at philadelphia international the airport. ninety-five north bound still slow from the vine street expressway into woodhaven road a 22 minute trip. on the blue route still heavy heading southbound from the schuylkill expressway into i-95 it will take you 33 minutes, chris and natasha back over to you. "cbs evening news" is just a couple minutes away. >> scott pelley joins us now with a look ahead, scott. >> great to be with you here in philadelphia. well, just hours after naming an ebola czar there are questions tonight about the qualifications of the man that the president has chosen to lead the response to the virus. we will explain that, plus if ebola has been around for decades, why haven't sign it ises coming up with a vaccine we will have, those stories just ahead
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it is friday night, under the lights, i'm beasley reese at absgamei high school they host st. augustine. saint augusteen prep lemont hard hoist rushed for 264 yards and three touchdowns last week but absgame has their talent as well. their quarterback tyler walsh and wide receiver vinny nelson have combined for four touchdowns on the season. here's the head coach of the braves on playing on friday night. >> tremendous opportunity for them, every friday night, they come out here and we are playing top ten team tonight in south jersey. our kids are excited as they are every week and we are just talking about going one and zero each week and that carries them each week through and to be excited about these games for these guys and just an exciting time here. >> yes, all right. lets move up to college, the temple owls, put their unbeaten conference record on the line, in houston, tonight.
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now, this is a grudge match because houston beat them last year at the link, they are under dogs to the cougars. but temple head coach matt rule doesn't mind playing that role. >> you know, i think it is not fun, more fun, if we will get on a plane and go down there and people don't think we will beat them and we will play against these great players that beat us last year. that is why, that is why we coach we want our kids to have these environments and these moments and so we are preparing them for everything. >> the world series is all set, the giants will be looking for their third title in three years, in five years and why not us, tuesday night, they will start it off with kansas city, san francisco advances to the fall classic in dramatic fashion, last night, travis, hit a walk off three run home run to beat cardinals six-three. madison baumgardener was name nlcs most valuable player. tune in for frenzy tonight, is there more news
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coming up. in cases of rape,pposes aborin cases of incest,ions. and in cases where the mother's health is in danger. no woman should be forced to carry a pregnancy from a rape. mario scavello sponsored a bill to force women to have unnecessary and invasive ultrasounds. it's horrifying. women need to know that mario scavello wants to stand between them and their doctors in making decisions that aren't his to make.
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well, thanks so much for catching "eyewitness news" at 6:00 "eyewitness news" returns at ten on the cw philly and we're back at 11:00 right here on cbs-3. "cbs evening news" comes your way next. they will have have have details about the new ebola czar and questions about the qualifications of ron klain, and plus steve hartman gets to the heart of the matter, on the the road tonight. from new york here's scott pelley with the "cbs evening news".
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>> pelley: tonight, a czar is born. the president names a little-known former aide with no health care background to landlord the response to ebola. and the first nurse to catch ebola in dallas begins treatment at a federal hospital in maryland. >> we fully intend to have this patient walk out of this hospital. >> pelley: reports from major garrett, manuel bojorquez, and juliana goldman. gonzalo pounds bermuda, the biggest hurricane to hit the tiny island in more than a decade. holly williams in iraq has the latest on reports that isis is trying to build an air force. and "on the road." >> i didn't want to do anything. i would just sit around. >> pelley: then, steve hartman reports, she found a cure for the blues. >> i recommend it to anybody.