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tv   CBS This Morning Saturday  CBS  October 11, 2014 7:00am-9:01am EDT

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it's october 11th 2014. welcome to "cbs this morning: saturday." new measures begin today in the fight to keep the deadly ebola virus out of the united states. plus hundreds of thousands of private photos about to go public. how hackers got the deleted images. what's old is new again. meet the group of seniors that helped turn around an nfl team. and it don't mean a thing if it ain't got that string. inside the company that helps make your favorite tunes in tune. but we begin this morning with today's "eye opener," your world in 90 seconds. >> we have got to stop this
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disease and not allow it to be imported to our country. >> stricter ebola screenings at airports starts today. >> the dallas hospital that treated thomas duncan who initially handled the case was sent home. >> if you came in with a temperature that was 103 degree degrees, no one would send you home. >> kmart has been hacked. >> thousands of photos online. hackers got into the photo site. thousands of demonstrators are expected in st. louis this weekend demanding justice over the shooting death of michael brown. >> the pakistani teenager who was shot by the taliban has become the youngest winner of the nobel peace prize. >> this is an encouragement for me to go forward. >> angelina jolie is recognized
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for going into war zones. >> the game is tied at 1-1. >> all that -- >> your eyes do not deceive you. that is a tom brady helmet tattoo all the way around his head. >> -- and all that matters -- >> wall street ended a volatile week. it's now erased all of this year's gains. >> -- on "cbs this morning: saturday." >> where in the world is kim jong-un. >> the north korean leader has not been seen in more than a month. >> i think he's spending more time executing his family but it will be interesting to see if he shows up a the columbus day furniture sale at braymore and flanigan. captioning funded by cbs and welcome to the weekend. we have a great line of guests
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including chef polinger who went to school for economics and ended up as a chef. there he is. >> we have an opening from mumford & sons and bob dylan, one of the most respected young bands around. we begin this morning with this morning's top story. ebola raging in west africa and now other countries. the disease haskilled more than 4,000 people more than half of them in liberia, with hundreds more in sierra leone and new guinea. there have been eight deaths in nigeria and one here. there have been over 8,000 cases. by far the woeft ebola outbreak in history. >> the first of five airports will begin additional screenings for people arriving from those affected countries. we'll get to that in a bit. but first we go to dallas where the family of thomas duncan the man who died of the disease on wednesday is demanding answers about his health care.
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manuel bojorquez has more on that. good morning. >> reporter: good morning. the texas health care hospital has questions to answer. the patient's medical records reveal there were red flags. the medical records released by duncan's family to the "associated press" reportedly show his 103-degree temperature flagged with an exclamation point. in the texas health presbyterian system. he said he felt dizzy, had a headache, and abdominal pains so severe he rated them an eight out of ten. and despite telling a nurse he'd come from west africa duncan was sent home reportedly with antibiotics and tylenol. a spokesperson on behalf of duncan's girlfriend. >> there's no way if you had a
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103 temperature. if you wentz to the hospital and had a 103 temperature, no way would they send you home. >> reporter: he returned days later, this time by balanceambulance. they say they have made changes to our intake process as well as other procedures to better screen for critical situations such as ebola virus. the family says it's too late. >> right now they're in the grieving process. later on league action will come on. at this moment they're grieving over the fact that they were not able to see him there but had to be cremated the same day of his death. >> cremation is part of strict guidelines to make sure the remains do not contaminate further. duncan's death has sparked a national awareness about ebola. an american doctor who contracted ebola while working in liberia and recovered in the u.s. spoke at a university about the lessons learned.
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>> we need to stop worrying about the irrational and start figuring out how to love our neighbors and how to effectively end this outbreak in west africa. >> reporter: texas officials say they are looking for ways to improve their response including a faster quarantine of family members who may have been expose and a decontamination of their home. no new cases have been reported. vinita? >> manuel bojorquez in dallas. thank you. in order to prevent the next case of ee bow a la here, the u.s. continues to send troops and war funds. julianna goldman is in washington. good morning. >> good morning. the united nations envoy for ebola warned on friday that unless we see a mass globalization, in his words it will be impossible to get this disease quickly under control and the world will have to live
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with the ebola virus forever. with dire warnings from officials around the world that ebola may be spreading out of control, u.s. lawmakers converged on dallas friday and pressed government agencies for a plan. >> americans are seeking assurance that our federal, state, and local officials are doing everything in their power to keep this virus outside of the united states. >> representative michael mccaul chaired the special hearing at dallas-ft. worth international airport where thomas eric duncan arrived last month and this week became the first person in the mccall was one of several lawmakers who asked why the obama administration opposes the ban between west africa and the u.s. dr. toby merlin director of the cdc's preparedness said it would undercut efforts to contain the
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disease. >> we feel that that would cause the disease to grow in that area and to spill over into other countries and then spill over more into the u.s. >> in washington the pentagon won its request to immediately shift $750 million in war funds to fight the disease at its epicenter. republican center james inhoff was the last holdout but in a statement inhofe said after careful consideration the only place in the world capable to provide capabilities and speed necessary to respond to this crisis is the u.s. military. it will cover a six-month mission to deploy up to 4,000 troops creating 17 treatment facilities with 100 beds each. 100 marines arrived in liberia earlier this week bringing the total number of troops there to over 300. usaid administrator raji shah
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will visit there next week. the agency already has a response team on the ground in liberia and new guinea but usaid said the hazmat suits aren't fit for the west african heat and they're designing new suits for the medical staff to work with patients for a longer period of time. air travel is, of course, the main way ebola is being spread outside the infected zone in west africa. today the centers for disease control will begin to roll out a new screening process at five u.s. international airports. ben writes the "today in the sky" aviation blog. good morning. >> good morning. >> first of all, why just these five airports? >> good question. the reason they have selected these five airports is because these are the five that handle about 95% of all passengers coming to the united states from the infected zone.
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so they're all connecting somewhere else mostly in europe. but we know that this is where those people tend to enter the united states, almost all of them. >> you had just mentioned they're all connecting. so if there are no direct flights from these countries into the united states, are they tracking all the patients that are leaving and figuring out where the connections are being made? >> yeah. that's something that customs and immigration typically does. you put your fingerprints on the scan at the global kiosk and they know where you have come from. they say they're going do with with normal passengers as well. they should know that that's the point of origin. those are the people that will be selected for the enhanced screening. >> tell us, ben. what's the tsa going to do? what's the process? and how much disruption should other travelers expect? >> right. this is arrival, so this will be custom border patrol and
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immigration. unless you're traveling from one of those three countries, you won't see anything at all. if you do you should be prepared to go through customs. what they tell us is they're going pull you aside for the non-touch temperature screening and depending on the questions you answer, there may be some follow-up. i want to talk about wednesday. persons cleaning an airplane walked off the job because of the ebola scare. >> it's a scary topic. whether you're a passenger or air important crew there's a lot to be afraid of. in this particular incident there's a union organization effort going on. i thunk this is part of that process playing out there. but it is a real concern. if we use the guidantce from cdc, they've been very clear the rinks of traveling by airplane
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has been very low. it's in the news, people are scared. but it's a time to step back take a breath and really figure out that it's a low risk. >> ben thank you so much. well a large and powerful typhoon is taking aim at southern japan. the storm is about 100 miles east of okinawa and the strongest to hit japan this year. wind gusts are almost at 150 miles perfect hour. the typhoon unleashed dangerous storm surges and torrential rainfall to japan's southern islands. thousands are without power. air travel has been disrupted. nine people including three u.s. servicemen were killed earlier this week when another typhoon struck the mainland. the state department has renewed its global terrorism warning for u.s. citizens traveling abroad. it says there's a heightened risk of reprisal attacks by them in america, middle east and
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africa. they're tightening their noose around the syrian city of kobani. holly williams has reported from inside the war zone in recent days is in istanbul. >> reporter: good morning. isis is now reportedly in control of 40% of kobani despite u.s. air strikes that have targeted weapons, vehicles and buildings used by the militants. more than 2,000 people have fled in the past few weeks seeking refuge in turkey. 700, mostly elderly people, are believed to be trapped and there are fears they could be massacre massacred. now isis is targeting kobani because of its strategic position, right on syria's 500-mile-long border with turkey. they use the border to smuggle weapons and fighters.
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the u.s. is doing more. turkish tanks are stationed along the border. turkey is a nato member and an influential muslim country and the u.s. wants it to play a more active role in the coalition against isis in particular by allowing air strikes to be launched from turkish territory. but turkey says the u.s.-led air strikes against isis are actually strengthening the regime and in return the country's leaders are demanding that america does more to defeat the syrian government. particularly the turkish authorities want u.s. help to set up a secure no-fly zone in northern syria, but as america continues to resist deeper involvement in syria, so far that is not something that the u.s. is willing to do. vinita? >> holly williams in istanbul this morning. thank you. isis and the threat it poses
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will be discussed tomorrow. bob schieffer's guests leon panetta and texas chairman michael mccaul. more protests are planned in missouri today. last night hundreds marched through the streets of ferguson. they protested the shootsing of michael brown and another teenager shot and killed by police earlier this week. others are expected to arrive in downtown st. louis. this weekend hackers are threatening to release hundreds of thousands of photos from snapchat users. many use the messaging app to send nude or sexually explicit pictures. the pictures disappear in a few seconds.
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let's learn more now. snapchat, i feel like we just heard this name. it was heard of in terms of jennifer lawrence and all the celebrities here. what happened? >> there are these third-party apps that basically piggyback on snapchat which enables you to do the very thing you're not supposed to do, send and receive. and this is a vulnerability of snapchat. they've done little thing here and there to shore it up but clearly it's vulnerable. >> they say they were not hacked but it was these other apps. >> exactly. >> they've had security problems before, haven't they? >> they have. they've gotten in trouble with the fcc. they got into trouble where millions of usernames and phone numbers were leaked. another reminder this is a company that was a small thing between a couple of college friends that got really bigging really fast and they're having to learn on the fly these
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security problems. >> these kids, 13 to 17 they're sending inappropriate pictures. adult send inappropriate pier pictures. where do they end up? >> that's a good question. they're supposed to be deleted after a few seconds but these third-party servers allow you to save them. that means everybody's things are saved in the same place. >> you send a picture that you think disappears within a matter of seconds, right? >> mm-hmm. >> so what do you do about security now? is the answer not to even use these? >> well, the thing is snapchat has created this industry of privacy light. this isn't encryption software. you and i couldn't get to but a security or hacker could get to. it's going to be bad news for snapchat if people start not sharing anymore, if people are afraid to do that. so it's in snapchat to take care
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of these security concerns. >> it's also somewhat frightening to think these files have been collected over the course of the years. >> yeah. i mean the hackers are constantly looking for vulnerabilities. it is worth noting that, you know, the photos haven't been released yet and it could be a hoax, but this is what they do for a living. >> and then in the previous security breach people's phone numbers were leaked out, correct? >> exactly, yeah. there's a lot of information. you think it's a funny photo. but it's your name your phone number. it's a lot. >> also the reality at 13 to 17 this is child pornography. it could be out there and could get published. >> it could be and we'll have to see what the legal implications are. but, yeah it's a serious matter. >> thanks so much for joining us this morning. a bizarre scare in new york last night as a man climbs out of a subway gate and throws a smoke bomb into a crowded restaurant. the man was described as wearing
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an american flagged t-shirt. the employee grabbed the smoke bomb and threw it back outside. the man who threw it took off leaving patrons surprised and worried. >> i thought it was isis because of what's going on. it's scary. it's nerve-racking. as a native long islander coming to the city with friends and family, i'm glad i didn't bring my daughter. >> the actress rose mcgowan who was in the restaurant thought there was more than one device. someone just threw two red smoke bombs into the restaurant i was eating in. eyes are burning. the newark "star-ledger" says several students are charged with a sex crime in term ofrs haze s of hazing. the football games have been
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cancelled for the entire season. at florida state, members look the other way when it comes to football players. when jameis winston was accused of sexual assault, they contacted police festivals. rather than pursue a mandatory thorough investigation. police say no charges were filed. the "chicago tribune" says kmart is the latest to suffer data breach. customers should check their credit and debit cards over the past month. it started last month. 's not clear how many cards were affected. kmart does not believe any personal information was compromised. the "los angeles times" say a california woman hugged her grandchild for the first time yesterday after a judge overturned the woman's murder conviction. susan melon spent 17 years in prison for the death of a homeless man as part of a life sentence without parole. the judge claims melon's attorney failed to proper will i represent her and said the woman
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who claimed to have heard melon's confession was, quote, a-ha bitual liar j and "the wall street journal" says federal regulators very canning whether to grant approval for a genetically modified apple which when cut open will not brown. the farmers have lobbied the state dining room to ban the so-called arctic apple. they say it ruins the fruit's reputation as a healthy wholesome fruit. if approved it would be the first to carry a moddicly jen icjeannette lick
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coming up just weeks before the elections, federal courts challenge some of the most controversial new state voter i.d. laws. >> i'm brandon scott. 14 feet below ground sin side one of l.a.'s newest giant waterpipes. all across the city construction crews are racing to replace pipelines up to 100 years old hoping to prevent major water maine breaks. we'll have that story coming up on "cbs this morning: saturday."
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have you seen tom corbett's ads attacking me... get real. it's tom corbett who's been sticking it to the middle class on taxes. corbett cut a billion dollars from education... almost 80% of school districts plan to raise property taxes. meanwhile, we're the only state that doesn't charge oil and gas companies an extraction tax.
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but corbett raised your gas taxes through the roof. i'm tom wolf, i'll be a governor who stands up for the middle class for a change.
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small but causing a big problem. electronic beacons. is it a way to make your smartphones smarter or is it an invasion of privacy? >> we'll be right back. this is "cbs this morning: saturday." i'm robert de niro and new york is my home. it's the best place to visit in the world and now it's the easiest
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because now there are new tourism guides on the road and on your phone that make it easier to find the places you love. find great dining, amazing history, and world-class entertainment, no matter where you are. take the ultimate road trip and see why i love new york. for more information go to
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and good morning, i'm todd quinones, philadelphia police are investigating a homicide in north philadelphia. police were called to 25th and nicholas just after 2:00, to find a 28 year old man shot inside his car. the victim was returned to temple university hospital where he was pronounced dead. no word on a suspect. investigators right now are withholding the victim's name as they wait to notify family members. now, the eyewitness weather forecast, meteorologist, carol erickson, is on the cbs-3 skydeck carol? >> it is raining out here, raining just about every place, todd. let's take a look and see on storm can three dealing with rain showers just about every place, we will be finding them specially as we go through this morning hour.
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and then, by the time we get to this afternoon we should be looking at these showers moving on out for most areas. fifty-three in philadelphia right now. fifty-one in trenton. 54 degrees in the wilmington area. temperatures today get to go 61 degrees again the morning rain is here, by afternoon though, we do expect to find conditions improving, and much better tomorrow, 64 degrees, with sun. >> thank you carol. i'm todd quinones, next update is at 7:57. seal you then.
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17-year-old american gymnast got a scare at her gold medal ceremony. she discovered a bee in her flowers she was given on podium but tried to avoid it. >> she won the second straight all-around title at the artistic championships in china. she and the other two gymnasts were ducking and dodging. she tweeted after the event she said, i don't do bugs. >> me neither. >> i can understand that. our top story this half hour, the courts examine new voter i.d. laws. this month before the midterm elections controversial laws in texas and wisconsin are on hold. here's chip reid. >> reporter: wisconsin's law requiring that voters provide i.d. has been on the books for three years but has not been
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enforced because critics have successfully argued in court that it discriminates against minority voters but last month a federal appeals court rejected that argument and gave the law a green light. now in a new twist, the u.s. supreme court has put wisconsin's law on hold. the court did not give a reason for the decision but republican governor scott walker predicted it will eventually be upheld. >> it makes it easy to vote in state that's hard to achieve and we think each and every vote is incredibly important. >> reporter: texas's voter i.d. law was not just put on hold. it withas struck down by a judge. she found that more than 600,000 registered voters do not have the i.d. required by law and primarily affected poor people who the legislature knew were disproportionately african-american and latino. the defense fund played a key role in the texas case. your view is that this idea of
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widespread voter fraud is a myth. >> i think this lays there, this myth about what voter i.d. is rt really premised on. >> the office of the attorney general greg abbott said it will immediately appeal the decision. he's a strong supporter of the law and is leading in the polls to be elected next governor of texas in november. for "cbs this morning: up next, medical news in our "morning rounds" including what could be a major development in
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the treatment of type 1 diabetes. it involves stem cells. plus doctors jon lapook and holly phillips report on a new study involving your dna and how much coffee you drink. oh, that explains it. you're watching "cbs this morning: saturday." >> announcer: this portion sponsored by help your child love to learn with [ female announcer ] we lowered her fever. you raise her spirits. we tackled your shoulder pain. you make
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it is time now for "morning rounds." joining us is dr. jon lapook and holly phillips. coming up it could be the biggest breakthrough in decades for type 1 diabetes. millions of americans suffer from this disease. jon? >> they say they may have found a way to help people with diabetes produce their own stem cells. this 13-year-old uses a blood sugar monitor and insulin pump
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both attached to his body to keep his glucose in check. he was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes when he was 2 years old. >> pretty much my whole life has been with diabetes so i don't know any other way. >> reporter: scientists know exactly what his life is like. both of his children now in their 20s have type 1 die bee tees -- diabetes. he's voe dee ees he's devoted his life to it. >> it's taken us 15 years to reach the goal we've reached. >> melton's team turned human stem cells into insulin producing cells in the lab and transferred them into diabetic mice. regulating the mice's sugar with no need for insulin injection. six months later their blood sugar was still under control. >> what's now very important to
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know is how will they behave inside a person. >> melton will be working to test the treatment in humans as soon as possible it's fun to think about a day when people won't be using syringes or pumps anymore that they'll have a natural mechanism for making it. >> why is that natural component so important versus insulin? >> well, the insulin injections and the pump it's just not natural. you can get too much and that draws your blood sugar dow and that makes you high powe glycemic. you have to worry about what you eat. with the stem cells it would be natural so the sugar would go up and the insulin producing cells would respond to it. it would be the way it should be. >> how far away are human trials? >> we asked that of course. dr. melton said it will be a few years. i'll bet on dr. melton. it's not my job to predict the
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future. both of his kids developed diabetes. if anyone's going to do it, it's going to be him. also a hidden danger in stimulants. they con tame amp citrate. scientists say it's a chemical cousin to the ingredient fda banned because it increased the risk of heart attack or seizure. the stimulant has never been tested in humans. holly, just how dangerous is it? >> you know, anthony, that's the million-dollar question. we don't know. they're not regulated in the same way prescription drugs are so they don't have to undergo extensive human testing to show they're safe and ee felgtive. what we do know is this stimulant is really closely related to dmaa. that i ire almost the same. dmaa was recalled in 2012 after dozens of adverse events. heart attacks, seizures and
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strokes, even death. so it's reasonable to assume this might cause some of the same. >> is it legal to take something that's ban and take one component and put it back on the market? >> it's totally legal and it's one of the flaws in the system. manufacturers of the supplement can take a ban and dangerous chemical, change it in the tiniest way, essentially enough to rename it and put it right back on store shelves. now, the fda can pull it back off of the shelves, but, you know that's really not ideal because at that point people have been exposed and maybe they've been hurt by some of the drugs. >> jon, a lot of people look to these supplements to help them lose weight. are any of them safe? >> i always tell my patient show me the supplement. i don't know what's in it. bring it in. let me look at the ingredients. if i can't see the ingredients then you can't take it. there's no free lunch at the end of the day. everybody wants a miracle pill. they don't want to hear to exercise and eat less. they're not fda regulated.
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they're treated by the fda as food. you don't know what's in them. this week a 29-year-old newlywed with stage 4 brain cancer is telling the world how she will take her own life on november 1st. brittney maynard made a video. she wants to promote her campaign, death with dignity. >> i plan to be surrounded by my immediate family which is my husband, my mother and my stepfather, and my best friend who's also a physician and probably not much more people. and i will die upstairs in my bedroom that i share with my husband with my mother and my husband by my side and pass peacefully with some music that i like in the background. i hope to enjoy however many days i have left on this beautiful earth and spend as much of it outside as i can. >> maynard moved from california to oregon. it's just one of five states
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that allow terminally ill patient to choose where and when they die. she wants california and other states to pass similar laws. this is obviously very controversial, jon. in oregon what they have is an act called death with dignity. what does it allow? >> first of all, we're aching for this conversation as a country. are we ever ready for this but do we ever need it. i took it off the website because the wording is important. this act allows terminally ill oregonians to end their lives throw the voluntary self-administration expressly for that purpose. the patient has to orally request this 15 days apart from meeting the doctor and other steps. it's taken seriously by the system. >> which states condone aid in dieing. >> oregon passed the first act of dignity death 15 years ago.
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texas, new mexico, vermont, and washington. there are also a couple of organizations campaigning for it to be authorized in other states. i will say this is clearly a very controversial issue but there have been a number of polls that show that the american public is interested in and supports some form of aid in dying. so i think this is a conversation that is just beginning as jon says and is very, very much needed. >> it's very important. all right. doctors at a new york children's hospital used a 3-d printer to help save a newborn's life. a 2-weekend-old baby's heart was filled with holes that create add complicated surgery. they developed a model and they used it for practice. that allowed them to do the operation in one operation would several. a new study has identified the genes responsible for the effects that coffee has on your body.
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the study analyzed the dna of some 12,000 patients. >> i've about got the java gene. more is better. >> and i understand genetic testing will coming soon to your local starbucks. >> i don't know what that means for us. >> get that test. >> dr. jon lapook, dr. holly phillips, thanks so much for being with us this morning. and up next beacons send messages and follow our movements. we'll look at why companies are so interested and privacy advocates are so worried. you're watching "cbs this morning." when folks think about what they get from alaska, they think salmon and energy. but the energy bp produces up here creates something else as well: jobs all over america. engineering and innovation jobs. advanced safety systems & technology.
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what if getting ready was this easy? now teeth whitening is! with the colgate optic white toothbrush plus whitening pen. just brush whiten, and go! its stay-on formula deeply whitens for whiter teeth in 2 days. optic white toothbrush plus whitening pen. brush, whiten, go!
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(yawn) (ding!) toaster strudel! more fruit in the filling, ya? mmm! ya! warm, flaky, gooey toaster strudel! now, with more fruit! ♪ i always feel like somebody's watching me ♪ eighta little device is causing a lot of anger and worry. it's called a beacon and if allowed it can send information
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to your smartphone while also tracking your every move. that is raising privacy concerns. cnet's dan ackerman is here with more. good morning. >> hey guys. >> first of all, what is a beacon? >> it's a passive bluetooth. it looks for a phone and gives you some location information. if you're in a store you can get information in the store about it. >> as anthony can attest i'm terrible with text jargon. tell me what happens. i'm in a store, my phone is on and there's a beacon. what would happen? >> you have to have an app that that beacon recognizes and you have to give permission. if you get close to it and you say i'm going into this store here's a coupon for this store or i'm in the stadium, this is the section i should be going to. if you're close enough it will pop el and pop up and tell you what's going on. the scary part is it can get
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information about you and sending it out. >> do we know about the setting or can it be stopped? >> it has to be opted in. you have to download an app and give it explicit permission to share the information. people don't realize they're doing it because they click yes every time they install something. >> new york was planning to put 500 beacons in new york city and then there was trouble with this inish tifb. what happened? >> there's an advertising company that does ads on the sides of phone booths. they say we're going to put beacons in for different purposes. they were using it for the tribeca film festival. they'd have an app and walk around and get trailers about the movies. the problem is they didn't tell too many people about it. there was no discussion about having the bluetooth antennae all over the place and people are freaking out and they're taking them down. >> it's sort of interesting because they can transmit which makes you think can they then receive. can they? >> what it does is sernds out a
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signal. your phone gets the signal. if you shared any information with an advertising agency, that would come from your phone, but it's all part of the same ecosystem. the nice thing is you can technically turn off the bluetooth on your phone or turn off the permission. >> apple has it? >> of course it's called the ibeacon. what else would it be called? we want to have permission to track you in the store. i installed it this morning and it asked me three or four things. i had to sayy to all of them. it would be interesting the next time i go in an apple store what happens. >> anthony and i had never heard of beacons. we read about them. are we going to see them? >> you're not going to be able to see them. they're very passive. you'll get a pop-up. it's a larger trend of passively tracking people wherever they go. that's the bigger story people
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are concerned about. it's not one particular beacon in a phone booth. it's everywhere. and especially in a commercial sense, twhamt sense, they want to track what shoppers are doing. >> people get nervous. coming up a legend who's only 32. you're watching "cbs this morning." >> announcer: this portion sponsored by breathe right. don't let a stuffy nose turn you into a mouth breather. try breathe right and sleep better tonight. her. a mouth breather! how do you sleep like that? you dry up your cold feels even worse. well, put on a breathe right strip and shut your mouth. cold medicines open your nose over time but add a breathe right strip and pow! it instantly opens your nose up to 38% more so you can breathe and do the one thing you want to do. sleep. add breathe right to your cold medicine. shut
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your mouth and sleep right. breathe right. [ male announcer ] lowe's presents how to shed pounds this winter. there. no more drafts. finally. [ male announcer ] hurry into lowe's for 15% off special order windows and doors. my advice for healthy looking radiant skin. a good night's sleep... and aveeno®. [ female announcer ] only aveeno® positively radiant has an active naturals® total soy formula. it helps reduce the look of brown spots in just four weeks. aveeno®. naturally beautiful results™. ♪ ♪ ♪ "here i am. rock you like a hurricane." ♪ fiber one now makes cookies. find them in the cookie aisle.
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at chili's fresh is now. craft burgers, fresh ingredients. made to order when you order. so you can devour it right about now. the new sweet & smoky burger at the new chili's where fresh is happening now. [ julie ] the wrinkle cream graveyard. if it doesn't work fast... you're on to the next thing. neutrogena® rapid wrinkle repair has the fastest retinol formula to visibly reduce fine lines and wrinkles in just one week. neutrogena®. there's be a standing ovation here. farewell to the usa's man and the torch barer for the last 15 >> final match for an unmatched
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legend in the american sport. landon donovan to be the greatest player in american history took a farewell. he took to the field in ecuador in east hartford connecticut. the 32-year-old captain who also plays for the l.a. galaxy announced his retirement from the sport this past august, leashed a void that some say will be impossible to fill. donovan who marked his final appearance wearing the red white, and blue played for 39 minutes before leashing the pitch. he djts score but he came pretty close. >> donovan. oh, inside of the post. can he still finish it shoo the ontario, california native started playing when he was 5 years old. he scored 7 goals in his first game. at age 20 he joined the national team competing in three world cups and breaking the u.s. record in scoring and assists. during hiss 15-year career the
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soccer legend played for several european clubs before returning to the u.s. where he thrived with major league soccer's l.a. galaxy and san jose earthquakes earning five mls championships. donovan plans to finish out his final season with los angeles, which will play its regular last man on november 9th. >> what great career. wi us watching that clip from the game last night. i so wanted that ball to go into the net. >> it would have been nice. >> yeah. coming up, a newly successful nfl team's secret weapon. >> i'm david begnaud in tempe, arizona, where millions of snow snowbirds flock. a few are working harder than ever to make it back to the super bowl. i'll introduce you to them coming up on "cbs this morning: saturday."
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this is cbs-3 "eyewitness news". and good morning everyone i'm todd quinones, philadelphia groups are joining the worlds wide effort to help ebola victims in west africa. enon tabernacle baptist churr love host the service today volunteers will be collecting supplies and money organizers say medical gloves, cleaning products, and food, will all be pack up and shipped overseas to liberia. you can learn more on our website at now, the eyewitness weather forecast, meteorologist carol erickson on the cbs-3 skydeck. >> it is raining out here and probably raining in your neighborhood, too. let's look at storm scan3 and you can see some areas are picking up some of the heaviest showers that's headed into central southern
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delaware, but just about everybody dealing with the showers this morning we do expect that they will be ending, before the sunlight ends today if you're to see any sunlight, at least the daylight hours. fifty-three in philadelphia, 51 trenton 54 degrees in wilmington. this rain will be moving out and by afternoon we should be drying out from west to east, temperatures in the 60s. the low 60s. tomorrow we get to 64 degrees with sun. todd? >> carol, thank you. i'm todd quinones, next update at 8:27. see you then.
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a little steely dan bringing us in. it's 8:00. i'm anthony mason. >> and i'm vinita air. water mains, bridges, roads, they're all falling apart. we'll look at how they're trying to deal with them. after years of struggling the cards are mounting their best season in years and the age of their coaches may be why. also dave matthews, keith urban, peter frampton and other top guitarists swear by their strings. we'll show you why. first our top story, ebola
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still raging in west africa and now the u.s. and other countries. u.s.u.s.'s jf california airport will be the first of five airports that increase screening. julianna goldman with more. good morning. >> good morning. public health officials around the world are worrying that ebola may be out of control and on friday u.s. lawmakers were in dallas to press them for a resolution here at home. michael mccaul said americans are scared and rightfully so. >> americans are seeking assurance that our federal, state, and local officials are doing everything in their power to keep this virus outside of the united states. >> that hearing was held at dallas forth worth international airport where thomas duncan arrived last month.
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president obama has opposed a travel ban between west africa and the u.s. dr. toby merlin said it would undercut efforts to contain the disease. >> we feel it would cause that disease to grow and spill over into other countries and spill over into the u.s. >> they got the money. they had asked congress to shift $750 million in war funds and republican senator james inhofe had been the last holdout, but in a statement inhofe said after careful consideration he believed the outbreak has reached a point that the only organization in the world able to provide the capabilities and respond necessary to the crisis is the u.s. military. they'll employ up to africa. vinita? >> thank you. we're also tracking the
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spread of another potentially deadly virus. the enterovirus. most of them are children. one boy had died in new jersey. i spoke with his father. >> even thus yas tick. he always wanted to make his mom and dad proud. >> andy waller kept his son eli home. one of his sisters had pink eye and they figured he'd get it too. at a press conference they said his son didn't have a cold or a fever or any signs of illness. >> i put him to bed about 7:00, you know. i kissed him on the forehead, gave him a big hug, gave him hit night-night. i told him, i said eli, let's have a great day tomorrow. he said i will daddy i will. and the next morning he was not -- he was no longer with us. >> reporter: during the night eli stopped breathing. he became the first child in new jersey to die from enterovirus 68 or evd68.
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>> had you guys heard offent row virus? >> no we had not. >> doctors don't know why it's more popular this year than ever. usually there's no fever. while most recovery quickly, some have experienced paralysis and muscle weakness but it's unclear if it's connected to the virus. doctors say children with asthma or other respiratory problems are at a higher risk. the disease is contagious. eli was the youngest of triplets. >> are you nervous? >> yes extremely. and that's not real rational on our point but we're at a point where we can make a decision. what are we going to do be afraid for our whole life, you know, of a cough or a cold or a flu? we're not going to do that. we're not going to do that. i want to make something good out of this. >> and the hope is that by doing this, maybe i can do something
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that eli would be proud of. i'm trying to do something that helps me become the father and the person that eli saw when he looked at me. >> lie's father tells us eli's sisters are healthy. the enterovirus season generally runs from july to october, but the cdc has not sure if we have even seen a peak yet. >> so sad what that family has gone through. a large part of american's infrastructure, roads, bridges sidewalks is crumb bling, but what you may not know it is because you can't see it the network of water pipes is aging, too, causing huge water main breaks across the country. as brandon scott reports from los angeles, fixing the problem is not easy or cheap. >> reporter: when this water main erupted in july it looked like a summer blockbuster with a
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geyser blasting through a crater on sun set boulevard. water poured into the street flooding the nearby ucla campus. then two weeks ago this was the scene in west hollywood when another pipe burst, turning the iconic sunset strip into a raging river. it was the latest high-profile rupture in america's second largest city where each day an average of three water mains break. >> it's critical that we have pipes that can handle the loads that we put on it. >> reporter: jeff bray is a superintendent with l.a.'s water department. his crew is trying to get ahead of the problem by replacing aging pipelines before they break. this pipe is made of welded steel and it's lying in cement.
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once it's connected it will handle a million gallons of water flow a day. >> replacing these pipes every e 300 years, it doesn't seem fast enough. >> it's not fast enough. >> but los angeles isn't alone. in oklahoma a summer water main break flooded this coastal road leaving cathy hill stranded. >> thank god for the firefighters, they helped me walk across in my flip flops and then carried my dogs across. >> they tore a hole through a suburban street and caused a sinkhole that swallowed a minivan. >> some are as far because as the turn of the century and it's one of those problems where they're buried so they're out of sight and out of mind. >> reporter: ryan palish is a director of the society of american civil engineers which issued a report last year grading the inauguration's
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infrastructure. water concerns earned a dig disappointing "d" after they found dalea daily average of 700 water main breaks. >> that's unacceptable. >> within the last 15 years we've replaced over 50 miles of this large diameter pipe in this surface area. >> is that enough or can you do more? >> we wish we could do more. >> reporter: joe kastrita oversees pipes in l.a. >> these pipes are massive. they go over a series of years. there needs to be more dollars. >> but the price tag is a budget-busting $3 billion, money the cash-strapped city doesn't have. for "cbs this morning: saturday," brandon
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up next should columbus day be renamed to indigenous people's day? doesn't exactly roll off the tongue but there's a growing push to change the name and the nature of the holiday. this is "cbs this morning: saturday."
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sir, we're going to need you on the runway. (vo) theraflu starts to get to work in your body in just 5 minutes. (vo) theraflu breaks you free from your worst cold and flu symptoms. (vo) theraflu. serious power. let me get this straight... [ female voice ] yes? lactaid® is 100% real milk? right. real milk. but it won't cause me discomfort. exactly because it's milk without the lactose. and it tastes? it's real milk! come on, would i lie about this? [ female announcer ] lactaid. 100% real milk. no discomfort.
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last night they ask how is this still a thing. this week columbus day. how is this still a thing? america has a lot of solemn holiday traditions from saluting the quiet dignity of the irish to proudly celebrating our birth as a nation to just spending quality time with family at thanksgiving. but next week brings perhaps the strangest of american holidays. columbus day which brings with
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it the beloved annual traditions of local commercials. >> in 1492 columbus sailed the ocean blue to celebrate mattress depot. >> and they turned up to an unexpectedly closed u.s. post office and going, oh yeah it's columbus day. tomorrow is columbus day, and the holiday will be observed on monday. it marks 522 years since the italian navigator put the new world on the map. for many americans that means a welcome three-day weekend but some are taking a stand on columbus day represent. they want to rename the holiday. we're rejoined by the author of "don't know much" history books. why now? we have known this for a long time. >> we have. we want to go back and change the way we treat history. in 1892 columbus was a symbol of
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progress and enlightlement. that's what the president said. there was an exhibition known as the columbian exhibition known as the chicago's world farir. he was seen as a discoverer. it skipped the dark side of the story that his arrival really marked the end of life for tens of millions of native americans who he by the way, misnamed indians. >> he wasn't really a very nice guy that no, he wasn't. he immediately saw that he could put these people to work. there was forced labor. the punishments were pretty draconian. he would chop off hands, he would crucify the natives if they didn't produce their quota of gold. >> how did this end up being a day? a holiday here? >> interesting. it's part of the way we luke to tell the story of pride and patriotism and somebody has an agenda, and so in 1892 it was a
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big deal for america. by 1934 when it became a national holiday, the knights of columbus, an italian-american organization really had the political clout to get it named as a holiday that still celebrated the ideas of progress and enlightenment. it's only later on the scholarship showed how terrible this arrival was for the native american people. >> in the context of the time period you can understand why it was started but why was this is an advertised version of christopher columbus, why did it continue to be passed down? >> we like a sanitized version. we're fighting over the story, who tells the story. we had a fight in colorado. a school board want a history that leashes out civil discord and civil disobedience. we can't tell history that way. that's not what history is really about. we have to tell the dark and the good side of the story. and that's certainly what i've
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always tried to do. it's a lot more interesting that way. >> now there's a discussion as we've seen a movement already in a number of places to rename the day and repurpose it, if you will. i'm not sure if i would call it indigenous people's day. i might send that back to the market. >> it's certainly caught on in portland and seattle. some have tried to go forward with discoverer's day, celebrating the idea of discovery and exploration which is a notable idea. thing it's time to talk about what this really meant, who columbus was, what his arrival actually meant. we're talking about ebola right knew. he also introduced the diseases that probably wiped out most of the native american people. interesting connection with the past and present. >> always fascinating. kenneth c. davis. always good to see you here. age comes before beauty is
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good but it may work for football too. is the football coach the reason for the arizona cardinals' recent success? you're watching "cbs this morning: saturday." [ female announcer ] we lowered her fever. you raise her spirits. we tackled your shoulder pain. you make him rookie of the year. we took care of your cold symptoms. you take him on an adventure. tylenol® has been the number 1 doctor recommended brand of pain reliever for over 20 years. but for everything we do, we know you do so much more. tylenol®. do you have nutritional gaps in your diet? try the improved formula of boost® original nutritional drink. each delicious serving provides... 10 grams of protein to help maintain muscle and 26 essential vitamins and minerals including calcium and vitamin d to support bone health. plus, boost contains 3 grams of fiber which helps
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it's said that with age comes wisdom and maybe that applies to pro football too. >> there wascase in point a surprise turnaround. after many seasons the arizona cardinals are now winning. >> reporter: bruce arrington was always sure of one thing. he would never be hired as a head coach. >> no, never. i thought i would retire. >> he was wrong. >> what did you think you would be doing alt 6t 62? >> probably working with players, getting them ready, maybe opening a quarterback. >> reporter: but in january of 2013 they made him the first
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oldest head coach in the league's history at a time when the team was struggling bad. he immediately had a game plan. hiring a gang of older coaches. did you run up against the people who said bruce, aren't they a little old, a little past their prime? >> oh yeah yeah. when you interview people and you talk about guys in their 70s, all they want to hear about today is these young dynamic so-called geniuses. these guys have got more football than those guy will ever know. >> the first in the game nationally known assistant coach tom moore. he's 75. >> the first president i really remember is harry truman. >> having been born at that time i have to ask you, what do you think of twitter? >> i have as much association
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with twitter and stuff now that i had back in 1938. >> none. >> none. >> facebook. >> none. >> text messaging. >> none. i'm just getting into text messaging. >> i heard you and peyton text. >> oh yeah. >> none other than peyton manning who moore coached for 13 seasons in indianapolis. >> you've been to four super super bowls, won three of them. helped college football players and helped many make it to the pro bowl. what more do you want? >> go to four more super bowls, seven more hall of famer, and 82 more pro bowlers. >> you got that much living left to do? >> oh yeah yeah. i'm just halfway home. >> reporter: moore is not even the oldest coach. that honor goes to great grandfather tom pratt. he's 77. >> they talk about retirement you know. i always kind of associated retirement with being tired and i said well i'm not tired so
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why on earth would i want to retire. >> it includes coaching players in the afl and nfl. he went up against vince lombardi in what is now known as super bowl i. >> it was not sold out. i have the program at home and pulled it out and attached to it were the ticket stubs that my wife had from the game. $12. >> wow. >> $12 to go to the game. >> wow. >> reporter: the kid in the gang is 69-year-old larry beuerlein. he came out of retirement to became a cardinals offensive line coach. >> how do you feel getting roped into this idea that you're one of the old guys? >> i can't figure it out. i don't know how i get included in that group. i don't feel like it. >> given your age, do you think the players are even more
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respectful? >> i don't know if they're respectful or feel sorry for you. >> lair's been around since the dark ages he's seen it all. it kienlsd of a blessing. in every program you don't have that, a guy that's been around that long. he lets me know things that other coaches doan even see it. >> bruce arians and his coaching staff bring 104 years of experience to the team in tempe arizona. in 2012 before arians' staff arrived, the record was 5-11. last season, 10-6 nearly making the playoff and nearly a quarter way through the season they t cardinals are off. >> the energy they bring at 4:00, 5:00 in the morning, they beat the players in and they're last to leave. >> he's eligible for social
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security. >> everybody asks me do you see yourself as a father figure. i say i'm that cool uncle you like to drink with. >> when you think about the gamble with the guys it's worth a drink. >> did you ever sit back and say, i told you guys so? >> oh definitely. starting with myself. i just didn't want to be the old fie on the staff. it makes me feel younger all the time. but, yeah there's a very very small satisfaction to knowing that we've still got it. >> reporter: for "cbs this morning: saturday" i'm david begnaud in tempe, arizona. >> the gang from the dark ages. i love it when a guy 75 says he's halfway home i love the one-liners. it must be an interesting locker room. up next guitar strings that have sung for centuries. we'll show you how they do it and the new one that may be a game-charger. you're watching "cbs this morning: saturday."
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and good morning, i'm todd quinones, frustration and fear mount in the poconos as the manhunt for eric frein enters its 29th day. crews continue to scour the woods looking for the state trooper shooting suspect, some say, the manhunt is making them feel like prisoners in their own homes. a parade has been canceled, and some are even talking about cancelling halloween. now, the eyewitness weather forecast, meteorologist, carol erickson on the cbs-3 skydeck. carol? >> well, not great start to the day, todd, certainly. a lot of rain in the area. storm scan3 showing just how much rain we've got. you can see it moving through where you see the yellows and that moving into south jersey, out of delaware, the heavier rain showers. but this will be leaving. you can see the general trends
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of it, that's what we will be finding as we move on through the rest of the day. so we've got better weather coming this afternoon, it is rainy, and in the 50's, in just about every location, this morning. we have temperatures that will eventually struggle to get to 61 degrees, with the morning rain clouds at least by afternoon, but those showers will be moving out much better day tomorrow, 64 degrees, monday, 70 but another chance after shower, todd. >> carol, thank you i'm todd quinones, next update is at 8:57. we'll see you then.
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we begin this half hour with strings, the kind you make music with. musical strings go back thousands of years. the na darya family has been making them for centuries. >> both the place and the times have changed, and this year the company unveil add new string which they tell me is the finest ever made. >> this way you can do like this. >> for most ceos a business meeting doesn't start like this. but it's jim da dario's job to make instruments come to life. >> it's very difficult to make
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and there aren't a lot of people that make it the right way. >> dadario's family is one of them. >> this family is devoted to victim making and the main office. >> they began making strings more than 300 years ago in sale italy. his grandfather carmine immigrated to new york in 1904. after the first world war broke out in europe it became impossible to import italian string. >> so one of his brother-in-laws who had learned the trade in italy came here and taught my grandfather, and they were partners through the '20s but they were working out of my dpranld mother grandmother's basement. >> reporter: by the 1930s they were making strings if the glenn miller orchestra and for tommy dorsey. jim would tinker with the equipment as a kid, but his dream was to make music, not strings. >> did you assume when you were
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a kid you were going into this business? >> no, i didn't really. i thought i was going to be a musician. i thought i was good enough to be a professional musician but that proved wrong. >> reporter: so dadario took up the craft in 1970. he taught himself how to improve and develop new machinery and in a marketing coup he worked on it. >> in the beginning i said i'll handle marketing. we'll make a string with our name on it and they'll know it comes from us, we're the guys that make this. >> how many strimgngs do you make? >> 700,000 and they go all over the world. >> his factory operating three shifts 24 hours a day at least five days a week. >> each one of these little lines is leak a separate factory making a particular item. here they're packaging the set
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but back there they're winding the strings and making cord for winding u. it's hike a complete system. >> the latest line ny xl is the most durable guitar string ever made. his company's engineers reengineered the problem using 2,000 pools of high carbon steel and state-of-the-art drawing and coating equipment. the inspiration came in part from his neighbor who helped restore the high carbon steel cables on the bridge. dadario tested the ny xl in what the company calls the torture room. >> it's plucking stretching it up. how many cycles the thing has gone through. we could -- let's pluck a competitive string here. it's already down to d sharp. it's not even tuned to e anymore
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because it's fallen so much and ours only went down a couple. so it's still in tune after all of that abuse. >> dadario's victims are now used by the biggest names in music like keith urban and cheryl crow. >> i was backstage at the barkley center a few years ago. for 25 years i've been sending him strings and he said you know i don't know how you do it. 've never had a bad one. >> that's extraordinary not to have one bad string. >> i mean we do make a bad string every now and then. fortunately mark didn't get any. but we don't make very many, i can tell you that. >> it's great company out of long island. they seem to get bigger and
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up next "the dish". lots of american chefs are intimidated by seafood but it's chef ben polinger's specialty. he'll share some of his secrets and his new cookbook "sea of fish." next on "cbs this morning: saturday." >> announcer: this portion sponsored by toyota. let's go places. [thinking] started my camry. drove to her wedding. did not forever hold my peace.
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[laughing] wow! the bold new camry. one bold choice leads to another. toyota. let's go places. if you can clear a table without lifting a finger... you may be muddling through allergies. try zyrtec® for powerful allergy relief. and zyrtec® is different than claritin. because it starts working faster on the first day you take it. zyrtec®. muddle no more™.
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enbrel helped relieve my joint pain. but the best part of every journey... dad!!! coming home. ask if enbrel, the number one biologic medicine prescribed by rheumatologists, can help you stop joint damage. da while he was in college ben pollinger thought of a wide range of things. >> what hasd been a side job while he was in school has become husband full-time passion since 2006. he's the executive chef of a restaurant and his first cookbook "school of fish" has just been released. chef ben pollinger, welcome to
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"cbs this morning." >> good morning. >> what have you got here? >> one of my favorite dishes is hawaii mahimahi and this mash. >> what temperature do you broil it on? >> i broil mahimahi at 450 degrees so it gets a nice golden brown crust. with the mahimahi we've got some roasted carrots with some honey and thyme grilled escarole, and to finish it off, my mother's favorite dessert, ambrosia. >> what is ambrosia? >> oranges, grape, pineapple, coconut. >> i've heard people say i was calling a girl that. you were cooking in the cafeteria. >> i was cooking in the cafeteria flipping hamburgers. it was something i did for
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spending cash when i was in college and i got bit by the bug of being in the kitchen. i loved the action the excitement, and really just loved to eat as well. and when i was ready to graduate i decided if i was going to do something for the rest of the my life i'd better do something i love and is that's how this started. >> you went in as an econ major. it might have helped. >> it really does. as a chef probably 50% of your job is measuring the economics of the kitchen. labor costs. >> you traveled a lot. france, italy, spain. what did you pick up during that time? >> really from the south of spain and france a lightness, olive oil as opposed to cream and butter. freshness. vegetable-based cooking and just, you know an appreciate of food and the way of life. >> you are also an avid gardner,
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correct? >> yes. >> how has that played into your cooking? >> a lot of things in the garden -- i have about 30 different herbs particularly and i bring a lot of things into the restaurant things like lemon verbena, chocolate mint. and now i have three young kids so i grow a little bit less cheffy kinds of agreements and now it's things that the kids are going to eat for the most part like carrots, zucchini melons tomatoes. but i always experiment with something we can do in the restaurant. right now i'm using different japanese greens. >> you mentioned experiment. i think for a lot of home cooks fish feels like an experiment. it's a really intimidating product. you don't want to ruin it and it's an investment. what is the advice you offer for people who think i don't cook fish well? >> don't be intimidated. really the basic tip, keep it
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simple. we start off with baking, which is a very forgiving and easy way to start off. then we progress through the different techniques in the book. there's so many techniques in there, raw fish. everybody likes to's sushi and raw things like this. here i give you the tips on how to do it very simply. >> let me hand this dish over to you. i love your book that tells you what is the easiest thing to cook. chef ben pollinger, thank you so- much. we should let you know his book is published by simon and shuster, a division of cbs. up next the california crowd-pleasing rockers dawes. they perform right here on "cbs this morning: saturday" right after the barack. you're watching "cbs this morning" sarld.
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did you know enamel is your teeth's first line of defense? but daily eating and drinking can leave enamel rough and weak. introducing new colgate enamel health toothpaste its unique formula replenishes weak
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spots with natural calcium... ...and gently polishes... ...for strong, healthy enamel. strengthen the enamel that protects your teeth. introducing new colgate enamel health toothpaste. replenish and polish for healthy enamel. colgate. #1 brand recommended by dentists. nature valley crunchy granola bars give you energy from 1/3 of your daily whole grains so 1/3 of this commercial is dedicated to what you could do with all that energy. energy for getting dizzy at the beach. [ julie ] the wrinkle cream graveyard. if it doesn't work fast... you're on to the next thing. neutrogena® rapid wrinkle repair has the fastest retinol formula to visibly reduce fine lines and wrinkles in just one week. neutrogena®.
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session" the band dawes with a
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story to tell. they have received three well-received albums an spend a lot of time on the roads including tours with mumford & sons and bob dylan. >> their album "stories don't end," "rolling stone" magazine called it quietly gleaming and deceptive. here they are, dawes with a song from that album. this is "from a window seat." ♪ i'm bugled in my seat belt plug my head set in a chair ♪ ♪ and to the music i watch flight attendants move ♪ ♪ they are pointing out the exits but it looks more like a prayer ♪ ♪ or an ancient dance their bloodline reaches
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through ♪ ♪ these planes are built for sitting through the warriors from the men ♪ ♪ i've got time to sit and watch them for a while ♪ ♪ you can see everywhere they're going everywhere they've been ♪ ♪ and how they look out at the clouds each time they smile ♪ ♪ and i think maybe he's in town for someone's birthday ♪ ♪ maybe he makes trouble everywhere ♪ ♪ but as much he resists the conversation between the rivers and the freeways he knows it's always there ♪ ♪ as the northwest passage sits somewhere blow me as i sleep ♪ ♪ i dream of captains and explorers eating food ♪ ♪ when i ask fi can join them and they offer one many toe i wake up as my home comes into
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view ♪ ♪ so i reach down for my notebook to see what impressions could be spun ♪ ♪ but it's just buildings and a million swimming pools ♪ ♪ so i leaf back through the pages to see where i am from ♪ ♪ or from some crumb bling map of what it's leading to ♪ ♪ and i find that the hero in this song that i am writing doesn't know he's just an image of myself ♪ ♪ but as much as he resists the conversation between the rivers and the freeways ♪ ♪ he's somehow always he's somehow always asking them for help ♪
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♪ i want to make out all the signs i've been ignoring ♪ ♪ how the trees reach for the sky or in the length of someone's hair ♪ ♪ 'cause when you don't know where you're going any road will take you there ♪ ♪ so maybe i'm in town for someone's birthday ♪ ♪ maybe i make trouble everywhere ♪ ♪ but as much as i resist the conversation between the rivers and the freeways ♪ ♪ i know it's always there ♪ ♪ i know it's always there snoetsz i know it's always there ♪ >> don't go away. we'll be right back with more
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music from dawes. you're watching "cbs this morning: saturday." here's something fun to do with hot dogs. make easy crescent dogs. pillsbury crescent rolls. ♪ make dinner pop.♪ when change is in the air you see things in a whole new way. it's in this spirit that ing u.s. is becoming a new kind of company. one that helps you think differently about what's ahead and what's possible when you get things organized. ing u.s. is now voya. changing the way you think of retirement.
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thanks for watching everybody, and have a great holiday weekend. we leave you with more music from dawes. >> this is "a little bit of everything." ♪ ♪ with his back against the san francisco traffic on the bridges side that faces toward the jail ♪ ♪ setting out to join a demographic he hoists his first leg up over the rail ♪ ♪ and a phone call's made and police cars show up quickly and the sergeant slams his
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passenger door ♪ ♪ he says hey son, why don't you talk through this with me just tell me what you're doing it for ♪ ♪ oh it's a little bit of everything it's the mountains it's the fog ♪ ♪ it's the news at 6:00 it's the death of my my first dog ♪ ♪ it's the angels up above me it's the song that they don't sing ♪ ♪ it's a little bit of everything ♪ ♪ there's an older man who stands in a buffet line ♪ ♪ he is smiling and holding out his plate ♪
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♪ and the further that he looks back into his timeline ♪ ♪ that hard road always had led him to today ♪ ♪ he's making up for when his bright future had left him ♪ ♪ he's making up for the fact that his only son is gone ♪ ♪ and letting everything out at once, his server asks him ♪ ♪ excuse me sir, have you figured out yet what it is you want ♪ ♪ i think i'll have a little bit of everything the biscuits and the beans ♪ ♪ whatever helps me to forget about these things that brought
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me to my knees ♪ ♪ so pile on those mashed potatoes and how about an extra chicken wing ♪ ♪ 'cause i'm having a little bit of everything ♪ ♪ somewhere a pretty girl is writing invitations to a for a wedding that she has scheduled in the fall snoits herman walks in and says baby can i make just one quick observation ♪ ♪ you don't seem to be having any fun at all ♪ ♪ she says well you can just worry about your groomsmen and your shirt size ♪ ♪ and rest assured that this is making me feel good ♪
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♪ and good morning everyone, i'm todd quinones, the philadelphia county fair gets up and running again on the bejamin franklin parkway today. there are carnival games friendly farm animals and yes even a ferris wheel. of course, there is also plenty of great food there. the fair runs through sunday. now, the eyewitness weather forecast, meteorologist, carol erickson, on the cbs-3 skydeck. carol? >> head to the fair. head to the paw's put strut. do anything you can even though it is raining out here today. let's look outside, you can see, we do have the rain showers, some of them are getting heavier and we're going to be finds that trends, until this afternoon when a lot of this should be moving out. you can see the general direction that it is goingment so let's enjoy that.
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53 degrees, going to be our temperature right now. we're going to be on our way to temperatures that will be climbing up. we should be finding temperatures that will be getting all the way to 61 today with better afternoon than we have morning. so again much of this is this morning, and the first part of the afternoon then better. sunshine tomorrow, 64 degrees, monday, 70 degrees clouds, and maybe a shower. todd? >> carol, thank you. that's for "eyewitness news" this morning. but you can always follow us on our website at i'm todd quinones, have a great day everyone.
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announcer: when you see this symbol you know you're watching a show that's educational and informational. the cbs dream team& it's epic. narrator: today on lucky dog... brandon: hi, are you a senior? narrator: ...a doberman mix in her golden years gets a golden opportunity. nikki: i want to adopt a senior dog because i work with a dog rescue and i just see how many senior dogs get overlooked. narrator: but... brandon: what are you doing up there? narrator: ...can cora shed a lifetime of bad habits... brandon: she is a terrible jumper. narrator: make room for new talents? brandon: i'm brandon mcmillan, and i've dedicated my life to saving the lonely, unwanted dogs that are living without hope. my mission is to make sure these amazing animals find a purpose a family, and a place to