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tv   Eyewitness News at 6  CBS  October 9, 2014 6:00am-7:01am EDT

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well, new this morning a story you won't see any are else, words of hate sprayed on the doors of the center city high school. >> "eyewitness news" reporter jane carabao joins us from hallahan high with the latest on the police investigation, jane, good morning. >> good morning, erika. disturbing case of vandalism here at the this local high school, graffiti spray painted right on the front doors, there, of this girls catholic high school, a disturbing site that has since been cleaned off but still police are investigate to go find out who this was and why this all happened. an early morning clean up job formant naps here at john w hallahan catholic girls high school in center city scrubbing away at a racial slur scrolled in the middle of the front doors. this is what it looked like before maintenance arrived. we have blurred it out this racial slur was spotted just before 1:00 this morning. he tells us he was walking home. he tweeted a photo and alerted
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"eyewitness news". we called police this and number of detectives responded to take a look around. they have searched the building for more graffiti but they said this is all they found. investigators have searched grounds for any evidence left behind but perhaps most importantly, they are starting to review surveillance video. the is there a camera right in front of the high school. unfortunately the video isn't very good, especially since the the entrance is obscured by scaffolding. this is that surveillance camera. is there another camera across the the street but investigators say it does not point in the direction of the school. happening later on this morning, detective will follow-up with interviews and review that surveillance video and we are still waiting to speak with school officials here on site. reporting live, jane carabao for cbs-3 "eyewitness news". >> jane, thanks very much. also new fire fighters confirmed within person has died in the fire in the delaware county home. four people with disability.
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flames broke out here last night at elwyn facility on elwyn road in media crew from his surrounding communities rush to that scene, middletown's fire chief tells us 38 other people did make it out safely, two were hospitalized just as a precaution. >> we arrived on location five minutes after the initial dispatch, and find the staff's vac waiting, 38 people from the building, they had one person unaccounted for at that particular point in time who has since succumbed to their injury in the fire. >> fire officials say the fire was contained to a bedroom, the causes still under investigation. new this morning an international manhunt for a father wanted for kidnapping a boy with ties to pennsylvania. investigators say that jeffery hanson left seattle with his nine year-old son bailey and may be sailing to hawaii or another pacific island. boy was visiting his father and he was supposed to fly home to his mother in pennsylvania last in but he never got on the plane. the fbi has not said exactly
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where in pennsylvania billy was going. meanwhile police in pine hill new jersey are looking for this teenager who went missing on saturday. family members are concerned because 18 year-old channel gilette was not taking her medication, she doesn't have it. she has gone missing several times between 2010 and 2014 turning up in camden, trenton, woodbury, elizabeth, new jersey and philadelphia. if you know where she is, you're asked to call police. 6:03, traffic and weather together with katie. >> looking dry today. >> definitely a dry day, do not worry about needing any wet weather gear for now. it will change with time and that be coming courtesy of the next stalled frontal boundary ape low pressure. lets start off with better news here shall we. storm scan three is empty at the moment. we can expect high pressure to bring us a is in day. but because of the clear skies temperatures dropped off more readily. it is cool out there. but nice. we have a moon lit sky but
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yesterday was officially full moon we have had lunar eclipse going on. we are seeing a very much illuminated moon out there but will help brighten up roadways. fifty-one at trenton. dropping very quickly here even in mount pocono we are flirting with the 30's and regional zoom shows we are in the 40's as we head further inland and off to the north and west through higher terrain. taking you throughout the course of the day it looks like a nice afternoon, a couple of luds but it is a nice day with unshine, cooler by comparison from within day to the next but still very much a seasonal day lower 70's expected down the shore here in philadelphia and cooler as we go into that higher terrain. vittoria, over to you. thanks very much, katie, good morning everyone. traveling through the this rush hour it is in the really rush hour just yet we are still waiting which is great news. take a lot at ben franklin bridge. we have westbound construction that takes out right-hand lane but notice because we are in
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the dealing with any major volume problems heading in to philadelphia will not be a i problem for you. all bridges look just as beautiful. as we move new to 202, 202 not too far from the area of king of prussia, both sides moving well. heading down toward schuylkill expressway and towards malvern no delays at all, all majors look this nice because speed sensors are high up in the 50's every where. 422, 202, schuylkill expressway, i-95 southbound we will see traffic around girard in the construction zone but it is just a touch roosevelt boulevard we have company son trucks so be mindful of that in the northeast and in major delays in mass transit which is always good news, in a cash. president obama calls for increase checks of pass eveningers from west africa after at first person diagnosed with ebola the in the u.s. loses his battle with the virus. cbs news correspondent susan mcginnes tells us what the the cdc is saying this morning. >> reporter: dozens lit can
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also last night at will shire baptist church in dallas to remember thomas eric duncan. yesterday he became the first person in the u.s. to die of ebola, duncan's fiance who remains in quarantine toll friend she's heart broken. >> first thing she said my baby is gone i'm finished. >> reporter: health officials are monitoring 50 people with varying degrees of contact with duncan for signs of the virus. they say out of an abundance of caution sheriff's deputy who is exhibiting ebola symptoms has been hospitalized. he had been in the apartment where duncan stayed after he arrived from liberia. >> we are just making sure everything is okay. >> in response to ebola, anyone traveling, in u.s. airports will be questions and have temperatures taken. tougher screening start this weekend a at jfk in insuring and later at washington dulles newark international, atlanta hearts field and chicago o'hare. >> we recognize that whatever
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we do until the out break is over in west africa we cannot get risk to zero in this country. >> reporter: officials say those airports who receive majority of travelers from west africa where out break has killed thousands of people. the susan mcginnes for cbs news, washington. pennsylvania state police released details of the chilling net left behind by man in the center of the nearly monday month long manhunt. net details eric frein's deadly ambush and escape on september 12th. lt. col. george bibness calls frein's action pure evil while reading captions of the letter left behind at the campsite in the wood. >> got a shot around 11:00 p.m. and took it. he dropped. i was surprised at how quick. another kopa approached the one i just shot. as he went to neil i took a shot at him and jumped in the door. his legs were visible and still. >> ambush killed corporal brian dickson and seriously
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wounded trooper alex douglass. authorities released two pictures showing what frein might look like with the mohawk and beard. he faces two counts of possession with weapons of mass destruction. also happening today a trial is scheduled for day care owner accused of leaving children in a car while she went shopping in port richmond. authorities say that in july karen thompson left five children inside a running suv while she was inside the shop right on aramingo avenue. kid ranged in age from six months to nine years old, eyewitnesses say they were in the kara len for at least a half an hour. also happening candidates for governor of pennsylvania get some very high profile help with dueling rallies in the philadelphia area. new jersey governor chris christie campaign for governor tom corbett at a valley forge military academy, doors open up at 3:00. then a few hours later former secretary of state hillary clinton lend high profile help to democrat tom wolf, at an event at the national cops
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dogs center. you do need ticket for both event, meanwhile, last night in pittsburgh candidates traded jabs after a third and final debate, latest polls gave wolf a double digit lead over corbett were four weeks to go until the election. well, if you have had a red bull energy dridge in the tie many in last decade then you could be owed some cash. three on your side with how to cash in coming up. also ahead a teenager is under arrest accused of posting a threat on social media about a local school. two devastating tornadoes ripped through west virginia, one family's home was lifted right off the ground and hurled through the air with the family still inside, their amazing story coming up. >> ♪ we're getting flyered up for the flyers home opener,
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tonight, details coming up in sports. we will be right back. when mom and dad said i never thought it would be lik. where every turn leads to a new adventure, and surprise leads to discovery. this place is like nothing i've ever seen. i'll never forget it. chiapas. live it to believe it.
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it was an ef2 tornado that touched down near the town, bringing witt a 125-mile an hour wind, that sent resident running for cover. a mother said that she grabbed her baby and jumped into their tub just as they practiced. >> one family's home was torn to shreds but they were lucky to get out alive as they started to sift through ruble they found a sign of hope. the puppy that they assume they with never see again
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survived and was there in the ruble waiting for them. >> that is wonderful. >> my gosh. >> gives you perspective is what really important. 6:13. a pair of traffic and weather to go, good morning. >> yes, we are expect to go see, yes, another out break of nasty thunderstorm even underway across missouri at this hour. this is going to be a developing area of low pressure combined with the stalled frontal boundary bringing up our next round of wet weather. it looks beautiful out there we will check your thursday night football forecast too if you are tuning in right here on cbs-3 we can expect to see dray conditions, the roof will be opened as colt take on bill o'brien and his texans at 79 degrees. talk about perspective. myself mild night down there in texas. here at home we have wearily hit 07 for daytime high with sunshine out there cooler, but very typical for october 9th standards. looking to friday expecting some showers to move in as early as the afternoon and by saturday or i should say
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friday night into saturday that rain will be steady. we could pick up an inch before it is all said and done. vittoria, over to you. good morning everyone. we are starting to see a little bit of the rush specifically on i-95 commuting in the south bun direction this shot here at cottman where you will notice construction is making things a squeeze as it it does every day. so if you are traveling specifically through construction zones, that is where we are starting to feel a touch of that russias we approach 6:15. looking at roosevelt boulevard no major problems in either direction and as we take a look at our wide speed sensors are still reflecting great news, 52 is are average on 422, 55 an 202, and traveling 55 and schuylkill expressway, pennsylvania turnpike is nice and clear and so is northeast extension. a as far as mass transit, the thorndale regional rail is experiencing delays inbound as a result of amtrak problems. so give yourself more time here, plan ahead for that and also watch out for construction on the pennsylvania turnpike in either direction, between fort
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washington an bensalem two lanes being taken out because of, that construction zone, erika. >> torey, thank you. jet blue pass evening shore claim she was kick off a flight in philadelphia all because of the tweet is back in the boston area now. we have told but lisa carter knight yesterday morning. she tweeted about the delay on her jet blue flight after the pilot was accuse of being drunk. he passed a sobriety test and asked carter knight to be removed from the flight. jet blue refunded her ticket and said pilot has discretion to remove anyone causing a problem. also here is a lotty days ahead lines on cbs-3. only on three police are hoping to use surveillance video new to find a suspect who spray painted racist graffiti on the front doors of the hallahan high school for girls. the graffiti has been since removed. one person was kill in the fire at a facility for people with disabilities in elwyn delaware county. so far there is in war on the cause. the the u.s. government
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will take temperatures of travelers from west africa that arrived at five american airports as part of the fight beginse bowl, thomas duncan first man diagnosed witith ebola in the u.s. died yesterday, in texas. we will be right back.
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if you bought a red bull energy drink in the past 12 years you are eligible for some cash. the company has settled a 13 million-dollar false
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advertising lawsuit. red bull was sued over claims that the energy drink increased performance, concentration and reaction speed. the company is now offering customers the option of choosing either a $10 reimbursement or $15 worth of red bull products. three is also on your side, at&t customers may get some cash too. wireless even if company has agreed to pay 105 million-dollar for quote unquote, cramming its customers. federal investigators say the the company illegally billed mobile customers for an unauthorized charges for ring tones and other services. all right. lets get flyered up, everybody for the flyers home opener tonight against the devils, is there a flyers pep rally at city hall at noon to get you all fired up. last night in the season open inner boston the flyers sean conn tear ohio, tuned the bruins at one but bruins scored with less than two minutes to go in the game and
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beat flyers two-one. how about this shot in last nights sixers preseason game at the well, wow. casper wear, air males this one from the other even of the court, and it goes in. there it goes. nice. sixers beat charlotte hornets 106-nine two. preseason schedule continues tomorrow night in minnesota against timber wolves. get prime time football tonight on cbs-3, indianapolis colts take on the texans on thursday night football, the teams are tied for top spot in the afc south, pregame coverage begins at 7:30 right here on cbs-3. well, jay-z may think that everybody knows who he is but there are still some people who don't recognize hip-hop mogul coming up see how he reacts when he gets d ised in paris. plus there is no way to arrest the suspect in the horrific incident that is claiming a man's life at this house, officials say there is still a threat to neighbors, but still in arrest though, we
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will have details coming up next.
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katie, good morning. >> good morning. we have a nice day today with high pressure briefly settling in and key worries that it is briefly settling in. so if you want to get in outdoor plans i highly suggest today is the day. by thomas we get out to storm scan three we will see this view get skewed by more clouds and then eventually some rain that starts to pick up in the afternoon. fifty-five is current temperature at the airport, we're in the 40's in the north and western suburbs and you can expect these temperatures will rebound 15 degrees in most spots throughout the day. looking to friday look at that drop off at best, lower 60's, with clouds, starting the daze off and then it will dodge some showers, throughout the afternoon. steady rain by the way comes through friday night, into saturday. i have a traffic joke for our miss vittoria what do you call a frog that is illegally park,
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torey? >> i don't know. >> towed. >> ncis fans necessity what i'm talking about. >> give it up. >> i like that, i like that. >> good morning, out and about we are starting to feel a little bit of that rush. great katie set the mood for a little chipper in the air because traffic may bring you back down. traveling on, 76 in either direction not all here in center city philadelphia but we are feeling that heat, on the westbound side approaching the area have of city avenue be mindful of. that also on the eastbound side of 422, 202 right around trooper and north bound side of 202 around 29, keep in mind, paoli thorndale regional rails we have delays inbound due to amtrak, track problem so note that this morning. now back to the desk, natasha. a bucks county teen is latest to be arrested for allegedly posting a threatening message against a
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school on social media. nineteen year-old eric wood, claims he was just answering a dare when's ledgely threaten to bring a gun or a bomb to penn ridge high school using the social media site called yik yak. woodies a former student. yik yak is a described as a credits between snap chat and twitter. >> kid, teens, people in high school, middle school, lower school, they don't realize what can happen, you know, it is not anonymous. >> officials a at yik yak tell "eyewitness news" they will machine for site for misuse or threatening behavior and will block or sus pen accounts based on the type of of content posted. the the search does continue for missing university of virginia student, hanna graham, searchers took to horse back now looking for any sign of the college sophomore, graham since disappeared more than three weeks ago, she was last seen with jesse matthew at a mall in charlottesville virginia. matthew has been charged in her disappearance.
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fire fighters are working to contain a series of wild fires forcing the partial close another of interstate 80 in california. more than 380 acres have been consume near sacramento so far, we are told a pilot manning an air tanker was killed attacking flames in yesemite national park. they are trying to keep the flames from spread to go any other homes. a landscape are died after being attack by bees in arizona a video here shows fire fighters in douglass spraying roughly 800,000 bees with foam, pesticide. fiveors were hurt, within critically, experts believe those bees scattered when they heard a lawn mower, the hive was located in the attic of this home and it was, 8 feet long and 3 feet wide. exterminators suspect it had been there for ten years. >> well, coming up in the neck half an hour of "eyewitness news" exclusive video of disturbing discovery overnight, jan. >> reporter: vandalism, graffiti in the middle of the
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front door of this girls catholic high school in center city, i'm jane carabao, find out what it was that is now creating this big stir. >> thank you. a mother is supposed to protect her children but this montgomery county woman she's accused of despicable act that put her teenage daughter and her daughter's boyfriend in danger. vittoria and katie return with everything that and weather together on the three's. thanks so much for watching us here on cb is is three. we are back in to second
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first on three, clean up crews at this center city high school scrapple tomorrow remove a racial slur spray painted on the front doors, before students arrived. >> "eyewitness news" reporter jane carabao is live at hallahan high school this morning with the very latest for us, jan? >> reporter: natasha and erika, good morning. what a disturbing case of vandalism here this morning, graffiti spray painted right in the middle of the front door here at this girls catholic high school and to make matters worse that graffiti was a racial slur. right between the two crosses. luckily maintenance has arrived and have cleaned this up so the the word isn't invisible which schools rides to school this morning. this is john hall want
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catholic girls high school at corner of 19th and wood street. racial slur was spotted by a passerby just before 1:00 this morning. we have blurred out that word in the video but right in the middle of the front doors here, that passerby tells us he was walking home, when he he saw this, he tweeted what was written here and then alerted "eyewitness news". we promptly called police and since then a number of detectives have been on the scene here taking a look around. they have been searching building to see if there is anymore graffiti but you they tell me this within slurries all they have found. investigators have been looking around the ground here for possibly any evidence left behind and perhaps most importantly they are looking for surveillance video but police and maintenance both say it is not very good. >> i doubt if they did catch anything. i'm sure we will move the camera now. >> back out here live on the the scene, you can see that
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camera right in the front of the high school. again, unfortunately i'm told it is not the very good because of that scaffolding obscuring view of the front doors. there is another camera on the nearby build ago cross the street but police tell me that one is not pointed at the school, they will be back here on the scene later this morning to take another look at the video as well as to interview some folks, we're still waiting to hear from the school as well. reporting live outside this high school in center city jane carabao for cbs-3 "eyewitness news". a montgomery county mother is arrested for allegedly injecting her teenage daughter and perfect doubt are's boyfriend with her win. patricia davenport, seen here, and megan rodolph they are both charge with drug possession and child endangerment. letter southford police say the pair traveled to philadelphia purchase drugs with davenport's children age eight and 15 both in the car. daf than port inject her 15 year-old daughter and her daughter's 16 user old boyfriend with her win on the ride home.
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>> it is incomprehensible to me that any parent would ever introduce their children, their child, to drugs like this. >> davenport is being held on 50 you this dollars bail. 6:33. traffic and weather on the three's, good morning. >> nice day coming up here, cool because of the nice clear sky that has since moved in for us here, high pressure to thank for that but we will expect to see full sunshine all day today, couple puffy white clouds but it is a nice day coming up here but if you like yesterday you'll like today even more simply because the breeze isn't quite as pronounced. it the is out there but no where near as breezy as yesterday was. you can see that reflected certainly in our kutztown area middle school library network cam use view right now. east northeast wind at a zero at the moment. temperature keeps it where it want to be. thirty-eight, 39. it is chillier every where because of the clearing skies. you're witness weather day planner features sunshine and bright conditions for us, at
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soon as sun comes up light of day starting to pop up over the horizon but it has not actually happen, sunrise that is and by the time it does sun glare i guarantee will be a problem for you. but as the the day goes on it warms things up to a pretty seasonal 70-degree high w that light wind and sunshine you're looking at a nice day. now enjoy this while you have it my friends because we have a stalled frontal boundary that will stall out nearby bringing in some cooler air. we will be just to the north of it and along that stalled front we will see next area of low pressure moving in tomorrow. clouds build, the showers return and then eventually turns over to steadier rain. we will track everything and time things out later for you in the show, torey, over to you for now. katie was talking about how the the sunnies not even up just yet and my line is when sun comes up, rush comes in. even though sun comes up the the rush has already come in a few you different areas. looking at the schuylkill expressway, 76, westbound pocket you hit every single
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morning approaching city avenue. all of those taillights merging together to create one long glow warm line of the delay. give yourself more time making your way toward western suburbs. moving to i-95 delaware county north bound not too far from 322, definitely not awful at all. you'll still be okay in this stretch. moving along to take a lot the wide, speed sensors are dropping. twenty-two on the schuylkill expressway. sixteen on i-95, slow go southbound through construction zone through cottman avenue and girard, be mine full of. that for paoli thorndale line regional rail line, we're dealing with delays inbound due to amtrak, track problems, so plan accordingly this morning, erika. it is a bitter sweet morning for new parents in philadelphia, danny and jena haley posted these picture of their son shane, born earlier this morning. jena was pregnant, shane was diagnosed with the rare birth defect where part of his brain and skull are missing. most babies born with the
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condition don't live very long and because of that haley's made a bucket list for shane and became sensations on facebook posting pictures from travels during their pregnancy. for now they say both mom and shane are doing well. police in camden county need help finding a man robbing banks in muslim clothing. take a look at these surveillance pictures here. police say a man in the berk a robbed a bank on south white horse pike in audubon, yesterday. they think the same guy may have also robbed two other banks in camden and audubon last month. and another search is underway for a suspect robbed a td bank in hatboro while wearing a halloween mask. the robbery happened on york road yesterday morning. police say the suspect pulled out a gun and demanded money. after getting cash he fled in the cashing blue older model buick with a stolen pennsylvania tag. police believe that the same suspect rob the same bain back in july. right now 6:36.
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you may not realize it but this is financial planning week, and just in time, a new survey find that americans are very worried about retirement. >> cbs news business analyst jill schlesinger is here to discuss results and advice to get your retirement plan going. she's live in insuring, good morning. >> reporter: good morning. >> so tell us what the poll found. >> reporter: not surprisingly 46 percent of respondents think they are going to out live their saving in retirement and that is mostly because the cost of living, leaves little room for savings. separate study found that for a typical married couple with two kids the combined cost of child care, housing, health care, and then saving for college and retirement, it jumped 32 percent from 2,000 to 2012 after adjusting for inflation. meanwhile median household income is down almost 6 percent from the year 2,000. so not lieutenant of room there you don't have to be a
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math genius to if you go another out that is not working. >> you have coin a name for this. >> i call this the retirement squeeze and my advice for people who are feeling it is really just take baby steps. the first thing to do start by determining where your money is going, everyone hates it, i don't want to be on a budget. let's call it something different, let's call it fine the money. easiest way to do that is track your expenses for three months. use software program, app, spread sheet, i don't care use a legal pad but without determining how much money is coming in and going out it is tough you to do any planning. i have a word of encourage. though. i was a financial plan information are 14 years a lieutenant of my clients who started with big debts they turnout to be the best savers after they brought down their loan balances, shiftedded all that outing payment into savings and they built those nest eggs very quickly. >> good advice there. >> what about older americans. >> according to the national council on aging, almost half
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of americans who are 60 and older are very concerned about whether their savings and income will last for the rest have their lives. these statistics actually encourage the ncoa to launch a free site the for older, financially secure americans called the economic checkup. the site prompted to answer a if you questions, generates a personalized reports with tips on how to better manage your budget and save money and set financial goals. ncoa found people using that checkup on average are receiving three grand worth of recommendation toss free up their annual budgets. for more on the retirement squeeze go on jill on >> all right, jill, thanks very much. >> thank you, take care. they are calling it the new ice bucket challenge people taking pictures of themselves right after waking up to raise money for child refugees of the syrian civil war. >> it is called wake up call and celebrities are jumping in tweeting their pictures. here's niomi campbell, she does in the the wake up looking like that. she has make up on.
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she did tweet it outlooking good with the bed head. >> still looking great. >> here's tom here, he plays lokey in the avenger movies. within more celebrity, steven fry, they are all urging people to take pictures of their own and then to donate to unicef. >> that is too much. >> that is cute. if you want to donate head to unicef's web site erika you were brave enough to give this a shot as well. >> just a few hours ago i snapped this, yes, that, yes. >> cute. >> that is the bathroom. >> you are very kindy brush my teeth. >> great picture. >> our owner contact von tiehl. >> thank. >> you look great. >> if you want to do it, it is hash tag wake up call. >> another check have of traffic and weather together next. >> also, a home owner's motion detector goes off and here's the the culprit and that is not the only wild animal
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caught than camera in a car. they are getting you flyered up for flyers home opener, bob the hound kelly is here and erika will talk to him, just a bit, he is waiting for you. >> watch out bob he is coming up. it is a classic, and now word of the ghost busters remake but bill murray is out, say it ain't so, find out how the movie will be much different this time around, coming up. stay with us.
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it is time for a check of traffic and weather together, i'm pretty excited about this forecast, katie. >> for now, yes. we start things off with some really nice weather. i love that, proceed with caution because by tomorrow we will see wet weather moving n very different view outside middletown ship high school for us for tomorrow but we are off to a beautiful start. pollen levels, no worries, they will stay low, ragweed still predominant pollen and not concern for worse of allergy sufferers. today beautiful, cooler then yesterday but bright and sunny. by tomorrow afternoon specifically showers arrive, turns to steady rain friday night into saturday morning and then it will gradually taper through the second half of the saturday, vittoria. >> thanks very much, katie. good morning. >> traveling on 422 we are dealing with rush hour traffic
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but in addition to that on the eastbound side of 422, approaching trooper we had an earlier accident that has been moved to the shoulder but we are dealing with rush hour and residual delays. royersford just past trooper is the extent of that eastbound 422 delay. vine street expressway is wide open east and westbound in problems here as we continue to move to the wide we have problems on the schuylkill expressway and that is a drop in the speed sensors from going earlier in the 50's and 14 on the westbound side of city, 21 i-95, we have southbound delays out of the northeast. and watch for delays i am bound they are having amtrak, track issues, natasha. thanks very much. philly it is time to get flyered up, philadelphia flyers have their home opener tonight, erika is outside our studios right now with a very special guest. you are ready, erika. >> yes. we're getting flyered up down here. yeah, here we go, home opener tonight we are joined by one and only the great bob the hound kelly.
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thanks for joining us. >> you have a little will snarl in your game this morning. >> ready to play. >> you brought a friend. >> my friend stanley up they goes every where he is in the old school he has a helmet on. >> we appreciate that. >> we will talk about the home opener tonight. what are your predictions. >> you are here play for the the stanley cup. but we need to get off to a good start. we had a competitive effort last night and see how we rel role tonight. devils are a good chance. we have to get rolling, it is back, hockey is back. i'm excited. >> i have been waiting all summer. you been part of the so many winning teams. what is key to the winning team and season. >> it starts at the top. we have hextall and homer is over there we have always had mr. snyder. you are playing with pride. philly is a great town to be best thaw can be. we love to play to orphans. we have great fat it is. we have been here since 1970. i kind of burned orange. >> we love our phillies fans. what is it about the fans that
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get you pumped up in a tough game. >> i think they are worth an extra goal. they are always behind you. as long as you are working hard they will support you and all that. it is accountability. you here to play a sport. you get paid well to play a sport. always play your best game and dot best you can do we will ask to give back the two fans dilworth at 2:00 we will have a preponderance rally giving out the neat stuff. some guys might be arriving in different kind of vehicles. it could be fun. show up there and we will be happy to give stuff out. >> are we talking sam bonies maybe. >> maybe, military. replying with a little iron punch. >> nice. >> speaking of iron punches you will show me how to shoot a winning goal. is what key here i have never played before. >> you know what you have to have your head up. >> head up. >> and shoot it hard, and get
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a snap in there. >> you hold this and tell me what i should do. >> pray. i. >> you want to shoot from the corner. >> you have a hockey background. >> do you see if i can get a goal. steve lindsey, i want steve lindsey our executive producer can you narrate this for us please. >> all right. >> give me the the ball. >> can't do anything without the ball. the hound is in net. shoes leases handle on the ball, and through the the five hole goal. >> bob the hound kelly thanks very much. >> with an effort like that i think you have earn a new third injuries think year. >> you are too kind. >> i will wear this pride tonight watching the game. >> great job. >> thank you very much. >> backup to you natasha. >> who knew she was so great at hockey. >> thanks very much, erika. >> here is some exciting news for flyers and sixers fans out
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there, new foods are debuting this year, um, at wells fargo center including the the hammer name in honor of flyers great dave schultz. sandwich consist of smoke sausage, chopped pork and bbq sauce, also on the menu a smoke turkey sandwich, south philadelphia meet balls and about death which includes beer, cheese, bacon dip jerky and other delicacy. hungry just thinking bit. 6:49 everybody. there is a lot coming up on cbs this morning and charlie rose joins us live from new york with the preview, good morning charlie. >> good morning, in a cash a a we are a dallas hospital where first ebola patient in this country died. plus we have changes coming to airports across the the country to help prevent spread of the virus. the nancy cordis talks about mitt romney about why he is back on the campaign trail. half of the nfl teams pack up and move every weekend. jane crawford goes on the for
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the the ride and find out how buccaneers transport 53 players and 16,000-pound of gear, the news is back in the morning, see new ten minutes. >> charlie, see you soon, thanks very much. a california man meantime sets up a security camera to protect his property and is shock by what it records. a trespasser one that he did not expect, take a look, that is a mountain lion on top of his car. animal spent about 302nd or so on the roof before jumping off and running into his neighbor's back yard, best guess is cat was 125-pound and in more than three years old, and expert in san jose say animal was probably looking for a midnight snack or so. well yet another chosen counter with an animal here in colorado, police in denver snapped this photo of the bear inside of a car making a meal out of the dash game. bear smashed through windshield to get inside but never considered his escape route. police did have to intervene. they later tweeted, bear than
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harm, car, was not. stay with us everyone we will be back in a moment but first here's a look is what coming up on cbs-3 tonight. 6:51. back in a moment. i guethought to the acidity much in any foods. never thought about the coffee i was drinking having acids. it never dawned on me that it could hurt your teeth. my dentist has told me your enamel is wearing away, and that sounded really scary to me, and i was like well can you fix it, can you paint it back on, and he explained that it was not something that grows back, it's kind of a one-time shot and you have to care for it. he told me to use pronamel. it's gonna help protect the enamel in your teeth. it allows me to continue to drink my coffee and to eat healthier,
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and it was a real easy switch to make. i'm tom wolf. these are my parents. we look after each other. but too many seniors have no one. and harrisburg politicians don't seem to care. as governor, i'll create a registry so families can check backgrounds of care providers. and, i'll increase access to home health care, so seniors have the option of staying in their own homes. after all, seniors have earned that right. we certainly have! tom wolf. democrat for governor.
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well, coming up tomorrow a five-year old dream of becoming a police officer is giving him strength to overcome tough health issues. >> it is just a safety net. his dad and law enforcement, it is his safety net and we are very blessed to be part of it. >> coming up, see how law enforcement from near and far are helping boost spirits of this very special little boy, shane's heroes, tomorrow morning right here on cbs-3. right now, lets check with katie and torey for one more check have of traffic abe weather. >> we have fun fall activity for the weekend even though we are calling for rain on saturday morning, hopefully will not dampen your spirits to enjoy some of this. let take you around the region in jim thorpe pa where we have train rides, bike rentals and farmers market for fall foliage weekend. down in south jersey woodstown we have a pumpkin show, pumpkin mr. and miss pumpkin pageants i might add, free
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admission, parking there for you there but in linvilla coordinating starred. we have apple and pumpkin picking. if you are waiting for dry weather wait until sunday for the guarantee there. torey, over to you. >> i just had a blonde moment. i was like a pumpkin pageant dessert contest, what is that? anyway, you'll be shaking your head to traffic as will well. thirty bypass, eastbound we are dealing with some major volume around here near 322. heavy delays on the ben franklin bridge westbound if to pennsylvania and once you get there delays on the vine street expressway to and from the schuylkill. also traveling on 95 southbound delays out of the northeast down through the vine. mass transit the not awful but delays through paoli thorndale line, now back to the desk. well, would be of the most popular wrap stars in the business apparently isn't so popular in paris. >> french tourist visiting had one question when he saw
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jay-z. >> who is he. >> well, he was not asking jay-z but jay-z did in the think it was funny when they didn't know who he was. music mogul was headed to the loueve when a man shooting this video seemed stunned about who was getting all this attention. jay-z's body guard asked tourist to stop recording when man asked who is he, jay-z turned around and said who are you and kept on walking. >> it appears robin thick's attempts to get wife paula paththan back didn't work. patton filed for divorce yesterday, citing irreconcilable differences and asked for joint custody of their son. they were separated earlier this year. who are you going to call how about a all female cast of ghost busters. director paul see tweeted that the movie will happen and will feature hilarious women in. org national 1984 comedy fee he toured four men fighting paranormal.
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rumors swirling about who will join the cast, including melissa mccarthey and kristin wigg. they are hilarious. >> i'm hoping, that within so funny. >> she has got make an appearance. >> there is some new talent out there, that might squash that competition. coming up next on cbs this morning heavy truth about the nfl how they toe around a quarter million pound of gear
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♪ oh yeah old el paso's got a bold new stand n' stuff shell that's blasted for nacho cheesiness oh yeah! ahhh! what is it? there are no marshmallows in this box of lucky charms! huh weird seriously? what?
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they're magically delicious! it is thursday, october 9th, 2014. welcome to "cbs this morning." questions about the nation's ability to contain ebola after the first death in the united states. >> new revelations about what the white house knew about the secret service prostitution scandal. and there's a new warning about a hidden ingredient in diet supplements. >> but we begin this morning with today's "eye opener," your world in 90 skojtd 0 seconds. >> what we're doing is putting in an additional protection. we can't make the risk zero here. >> growing fears about ebola. >> testing for passenger