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tv   Eyewitness News at 6  CBS  September 24, 2014 6:00pm-6:31pm EDT

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wind. and, as we continue to roll through the evening that heavy rain will lift in fill late tonight and continue its trek in the northern and western suburbs during the overnight. rain arrives between 8:00 p.m. and midnight in philadelphia and then spread to the north. heavier rain brunt of the storm with wind gusting to 35 miles an hour between 4:00 a.m. and 10:00a m tomorrow morning during the morning rush. after that lingering showers, and a slowly will be tapering off but a glummy afternoon, at best. future rain amounts showing the higher accumulations through south jersey and delaware but still an inch to 2-inch's long i-95 corridor and lehigh valley and reading berks county an inch of rain virginia beach wind gusting to 30, same goes in ocean city. row rebeach delaware gusting to 30 miles an hour and winds gusting to 25 miles an hour, down the shore and even in philadelphia. our justin drabick is live in atlantic city to talk more about the shore effects and
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shore will bear the brunt of the storm live from atlantic city, hi justin. >> reporter: good evening, kathy. in rain yet but in the best beach day here in atlantic city but wind is the the problem, how long out of the north east. you the can see roughed up, waves three to 4 feet and increasing through nighttime hours. off shore buoys 10 feet well off the new jersey coastline. the coastal flood advisory will go into effect tomorrow morning. we are talking about a potential for tidal flooding as this storm does a approach. beaches have been desserted all day to day and that is pretty much for good reason a lot of clouds today and windy conditions, and only a few people were able to venture out on the beach. surf is choppy. waves could reach five to 7 feet and certainly we will see high risk for rip currents. there is also a possibility of minor coastal flooding around times of high tides. while the heavy rain is a concern emergency management officials say resident also need to think about the gusty
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winds. >> people really need to look around their yard and porch that if they do have things such as light weight waitress inn chairs those things like to be picked up and tossed around. just take a look, put stuff down, tie things down that will get airborne. >> reporter: eventually, we will get in on the rain action later on this evening. the lets talk about what to expect up the coast throughout the overnight hours. that will be the worst of it. rain amounts could reach 2 inches. watch out for poor drainage flooding, wind gusting to 40 miles an hour. times of high tides watch out for minor tidal flooding. main high tides concern will be tomorrow morning not so much tonight. look at testimony morning's high tides, rehoboth beach delaware 9:01. moving up jersey shore 9:18 in cape may. 8:47 is your high tides in wildwood tomorrow morning. strathmere 9:15. right here in at atlantic city we will see high tides at 8:44. of course, heavy rain will occur tonight. driving or walking around just
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be prepared for heavy downpours. reporting live from atlantic city i'm meteorologist justin drabick for cbs-3 "eyewitness news". and tonight is the night to do it if you have not down loaded cbs philly weather april at yet, this is great time to do so. it gives you access to live radar and weather alerts. send us are storm pictures and video using that app. you can also do it through facebook and twitter. we would like to see your photos if you can take them safely just use the hash tag cbs-3 storms. gun battle plays out on the streets of philadelphia's fair hill neighborhood two people are shot, one is dead, and an innocent bystander is run over by a car. our syma chowdhry is live where it all unfolded on north third street and syma this caused some schools to be lock down. >> reporter: that is right chris, schools were locked down, parents were worried, again as you mentioned when one person is dead, two people injured. police here on the scene just wrapped up their investigation. this is second time in less than a week that shots were
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fired outside a philadelphia school. at the time there were some students outside and parents rush to the scene as soon as they heard. >> i'm upset, period with all this shooting in philadelphia. it is every where. i'm angry because it is in front of my kids school right there. >> reporter: in front of the school and middle of the day gunshots erupt at third and cambria streets right in front of this charter school around 1:00 in the afternoon. some students were outside at the time. >> we just all ran inside the building. >> reporter: police say a man driving a car and man on foot were firing shots at each other. that is when a man in the car lost control and hit an innocent bystander who was crossing the street. >> they have no concern for the public, safety than, environment, it is all about themselves and criminal lifestyle they are leading. >> reporter: driver was taken to temple hospital where he was pronounced dead. other shooter and pedestrian were taken to hahnemann and in stable condition. parent rush to the scene to pick up their children, some left in tears.
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>> my daughter called me from one of those teacher cell phones. >> reporter: you rush over. >> yes. >> reporter: family and friend arrived on the scene looking for answers while the school district put three schools on lock down. police have recovered two guns. something parents want off the streets. >> terrible that these kids, you know, are subjected to see all this bad things and just trying to get a hold on it philadelphia, for real because it is beginning to be out of control and out offhanded. >> reporter: parent did applaud the school's efforts on keeping their children safe, again, one man is dead, and two injured. we do not know the extent of those injuries but we do know both are in stable condition. we are live from fair hill, syma chowdhry for cbs-3 "eyewitness news". >> same, thank you. now to our first look at 39 suspects charged national tack on the same sex couple in center city. the the suspects and the victims are telling very different stories of what happened that night. "eyewitness news" reporter todd quinones is on the story at central detective where
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those suspects surrendered today, todd. >> reporter: and jessica, police alleged that some of the suspects held down at least one of the victims, while the others took turns punching in the face but tonight, defense attorneys are arguing this is more mutual kind of a fight and it had nothing to do with anyone's sexual orientation. this afternoon philadelphia police released mug shots of all three suspects from bucks county, 24 year-old philip williams turn himself into central detectives this morning as did 24 year-old catherine knott and 26 year-old kevin harrigan. police alleged that the three were the aggressors in the group seen on surveillance video minutes before the attack of the gay couple in center city two weeks ago. knott, a neighbor confirms, is daughter of the chalfont police chief karl knott. >> we don't deny that this injured was injured but idea any that my client did anything to hurt this man. >> reporter: williams attorney says the fight had nothing to do with anyone's sexual
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orientation and one of the victims pun much a woman in the face this was a mutual confrontation between individuals out on the street. >> reporter: victims did not want their identities revealed but today a close friend told me anti gay slurs were clearly used during the attack. she rejected claims that the couple punched a woman or that this was some kind of a mutual fight. >> to fracture orbital bones to fracture cheekbones and to necessitate someone's jaw being wired shut for eight weeks that is annex stream amount of force. nobody stayed behind to say i'm or my friends are a jerk, or hey are you okay. >> reporter: attorney josh scarpillo. >> and my client, and i think it will come to light he didn't deliver the blows that broke that guy's jaw. >> reporter: and, and, police custody as they, and they await arraignment.
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>> and reporting live, tonight from central detectives, todd quinones, cbs-3 "eyewitness news". todd, thank you. quick update here we have learned a few moments ago catherine knott was suspended from her job as an emergency room tech at lansdale hospital. abington health says in a statement we are investigating an additional issue that was brought to our attention related to this employee's twitter account for potential violations of patient privacy. much more on this still developing story on "eyewitness news" at ten and 11:00. new at 6:00 a five five-year old man is a accused of having a sexual relation ship with a 14 year-old berks county boy. police say that the suspect, mark dray, is the director of the alpha omega players a berks county community theater group. the young boy was reportedly part of that group. dray is facing numerous charges including corruption of the minor, indecent assault and endangering the welfare of a child. right now philadelphia
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police are investigating a shooting that left a pregnant woman and her unborn baby dead. a man was also critically injured in this violence. the woman was gunned down at 20th and nedro avenue in olney. "eyewitness news" reporter matt rivers is there live with the very latest now, matt? >> reporter: chris, police tell us they have found 20 shell casings after a gun battle that happened this morning on the sidewalk, just behind me. police tell us they are still investigating this crime this evening. early morning gun battle at 20th and nedro. >> i seen two people running this way, but shooting backwards. >> reporter: this witness watched the whole thing unfold from his house. he wouldn't show his face because he is nerve bus backlash. at the least 20 shots erupted around 1:00 a.m. with the 26 year-old man and 25 year-old woman shot in this car. >> all i her was boom, boom, boom, boom and i turn the tv down and i'm like is that gunshots?
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>> reporter: both victims were taken to the hospital. the man will survive but the woman who was eight months pregnant did not. >> the doctor did what they can. they delivered the baby and they work on the baby for over an hour but the baby was pronounced dead. >> reporter: police are still investigating the crime talking to witnesses and trying to figure out why the the shooting happen. the mail victim was talking to decks at the hospital and officials say they are work on a few theories, in the meantime a neighborhood is frustrated with the the violence. >> i don't think anybody should be killed whether they are pregnant, old, young, whatever. nobody has a right to go around killing other people. >> i just want to cry. i'm just sad. i'm really sad. >> it is ridiculous. it is horrible. it needs to stop. >> reporter: this is not the first time that a pregnant with man has been shot and killed in philadelphia this month. the just under two weeks ago in the frankford section a pregnant woman was struck and killed by a stray bullet. we are live from olney tonight, matt rivers, cbs-3
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"eyewitness news". >> thank you very much, matt. what does the future hold for bankrupt revel casino hotel. the should earth resetter ising on the auction block. also major development in the debate over legalizing medical marijuana in pennsylvania. a live look down the shore now as we keep an eye on the coastal storm that is poised to bring us some soaking rains, kathy? heavy rain, gusty wind moving in down the shore already as we speak but the heavier rain is yet to come, this is part of the huge storm, that is extending from south jersey all the way down through the carolinas, so when will the brunt of the storm hit? we will time it out coming up next, hi beasley. it is play from sundayes game that everybody is talking b a former eagle rules it the a clean hit but chip kelly disagrees. bird head coach speaks out on this scenario that started the brawl, that is coming up in sports. i've lived here forty--four years with my mother, who is ninety--nine. people who do not live in delaware county need to know that tom mcgarrigle
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raised our taxes five times. five times in seven years. meanwhile tom mcgarrigle gave a million dollar subsidy to an energy company. tom mcgarrigle is not looking out for regular families or seniors at all. we need john kane in the senate. he gets regular families.
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even as a toddler luke and his family knew something was wrong. >> it became apparent pretty quick that luke was different. >> i'm stephanie stahl. tonight at 11:00 the girl trapped in the boy's body. shy turned to a philadelphia
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doctor for help and became youngest ever to have a sex change operation. >> now we're saving lives and we're saving a lot of misery and unhappiness in people and the improving the the quality of their life. >> see the transformation as luke become allie tonight on "eyewitness news" at 11:00. live look from atlantic city where surf is growing rough. the winds are picking up from the shore to the city. all this because of the large coastal storm heading our way in just two mincemeat role goodies kathy orr will let you know when you will start to see rain in your area. it came with the heated debate but pennsylvania state senators passed legislation to legalize several forms of medical marijuana in order to get access to the drug pennsylvania residents must get permission from the state department of health and they can only get that after their doctor can provide proof of a qualifying medical condition. despite the overwhelming vote in the senate, governor corbett is opposed to the bill. governor corbett did sign a bill to provide more money for philadelphia schools. this new bill calls for a $2
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per pack tax on cigarettes in philadelphia, and it is expect to generate 45 million-dollar in new revenue, that will help philadelphian 80 million-dollar budget gap in schools here. well, down the shore the future of the former revel casino remains in limbo. this is day one of the bankruptcy court auction in new york city, but no new owner has been awarded as of yet. couple weeks ago a florida developer offered 90 million-dollar for the the $2 billion complex. but there are other bids. revel, of course, closed labor day weekend after being opened for just two years. rosh hashanah the jewish new year begins in a few moments. it is beginning of the jewish high holy days, followed ten days later by yom kippur the day of atone. well, it could be a bumpy night ahead of us as we have some coastal storm that is bearing down, kathy. >> getting closer as we speak. the the clouds are already here. the rain is in southern
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delaware. the wind is in the south jersey part of our region. all of that is moving north in the delaware valley. outside right now just mainly clouds. going out in philadelphia this evening you can see clouds out there, it will stay that way, right through the evening period. if you are celebrating rosh hashanah it will be dry through the early evening. the heavy rain is moving into philadelphia overnight. you are safe through about the the 11 or 12:00 o'clock hour. down the shore we are seeing changing conditions. a live picture of the angry sea in atlantic city and you can see it is getting rough out there. it will only get worse as nighttime hours progress with coastal flooding issues and also, some rough surf there as well as very powerful winds. across the delaware valley we are talking about cool temperatures and wind picking up. live neighborhood network takes us to the palmyra cove nature park in new jersey where temperature is only 55 degrees. wind not picking up just yet but they will be over the course of the next several
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hours. in philadelphia it is only 69. sixty-nine in allentown. sixty-two in the poconos and atlantic city it is 67 degrees. on storm scan three cloudy every where but to the south where we have the rain. in dover some showers, you can see heading toward cape may across the bay. also delaware beaches seeing some rain and all this will be moving north and toward the west, so allentown reading and poconos seeing a good dose of rain and we need it we are 2 inches of rain below average for the month and it will be just coming all at once when we don't like to see. future wind are going to be showing us these wind accelerating from the south and really getting strong come thursday morning. when you wake up head out the door wind gusting to 30 miles an hour in philadelphia wind gusting to 43 miles an hour millville, atlantic city and reading and allentown wind gusting to 20 miles an hour. it is not just rain but also the win. looking ahead to tomorrow morning you'll see heavier rain lifting northward overnight. the the peak of this storm really during the morning rush.
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5:00 a.m., 6:00 a.m., 7:00 a.m., 8:00 a.m. right across the area through south jersey, delaware, philadelphia and suburbs through 10:00 a.m. and after that it lifts to the north. we will see scattered showers throughout the afternoon but clouds will hold tough. as far as rain accumulation we are seeing around an inch to the north and west even through lehigh valley. one to 2-inch's long that i-95 corridor but saving higher amounts right now it looks like it will be south jersey with two possibly a little bit more than that. if you are celebrating rosh hashanah this he can sunset at 6:55. the temperature 67. little bit of the breeze. cloudy skies this evening will be dry. overnight rain heavy at times gusty wind low of 60 degrees. during tomorrow morning's rush brunt of the storm between 5:00 a.m. and 9:00 a.m. reduced visability, slow travel, wind gusting to 30 and during the day thursday, that rape will tape. high in the the 60's. even after all that heavy rain is gone wind will gust to 30 to 35 miles an hour.
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on the exclusive eyewitness weather seven day forecast, take a look, we are looking at transition day friday, clearing out, but the real star of this eyewitness weather seven day show is the weekend, look at. that feeling like summer but it is first weekend of fall. eighty-one saturday. eighty-two sunday. and lots of sun. that is your reward for this storm coming tonight. >> good timing too, the weekend. >> we earned that rewar. >> thanks, kathy. good afternoon, 6:20. we're not get anything breaks so far for this wednesday rush hour but we will see, break lights out on the schuylkill expressway. heading westbound toward the king of prussia area complete stop and go almost the entire way all the way up. the same story for ben franklin bridge from the philly side this is coming in from new jersey heading westbound where headlights are you you can see compromising two lanes for construction and then headed eastbound into new jersey, moving slowly as well. and bunch of accident 295
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southbound at warwick red in south jersey. route 38 at mount laurel road, be prepared to squeeze on by, travel times everything still slow, blue route and pa turnpike westbound. stay there cbs-3 "eyewitness mmm ring ring! ring ring! progresso! wow soup people, i can't believe i'm eating bacon and rich creamy cheese before my sister's wedding. well it's only 100 calories, so you'll be ready for that dress. uh-huh...that's what i'm afraid of. you don't love the dress? i love my sister. 40 flavors. 100 calories or less.
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it was a hit that started a brawl and got three players eject from sunday's contest at the link. chip kelly spoke out today on the hit on nick foles, former eagle and current nfl executive vice-president of football operations, troy vincent, ruled it a clean hit but chip disagrees. he says he will ask the the league for clarification on what is legal and is what not regarding these types of blind side plays. >> i'm still under the impression you cannot blind side a player whether it is a quarterback or not a quarterbacking back towards your own side line. so we will touch base with the league officials before we play again. that is news to me that is a
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legal hit. i know referee threw the flag quickly. i don't know if they will reprimand the official for making that call. >> meantime birds back on the practice field ahead of sunday's trip to san francisco. linebacker michael kendricks did not practice, jason kelce also out, a number of weeks. birds go to the bay area without a number of key players. five games left for your phillies, two more against marlins on the road and then the season comes to a close with the weekend series at home against the braves. the the flyers have the night off they lost to the mapel leafs in toronto last night four to nothing. presees on play continues tomorrow night at home against the new jersey devils. and there will be no criminal charges for tony stewart, nascar driver struck and killed another driver kevin ward on a new york race track in august. a grand jury determined there was no basis to file charges. more news when we co this is the "name your price" tool. it gives you options based on your budget -- it's a piece of cake. i was told there would be cake.
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ring ring! progresso! it's ok that your soup tastes like my homemade. it's our slow simmered vegetables and tender white meat chicken. apology accepted. i'm watching you soup people. make it progresso or make it yourself. and now try new progresso chili. slow-simmered, homemade taste.
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thanks for watching "eyewitness news" at 6:00 we are back at ten on our sister station wpsg the cw philly and we are back here at 11:00. "cbs evening news" is next, tonight the president addresses the u.n., what his plans for middle east mean for the rest of the world, scott pelley reports from new york, with the "cbs evening news".
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>> pelley: tonight, enlisting the world in the war against isis. >> the united states of america will work with a broad coalition to dismantle this network of death. >> pelley: major garrett on the president's address to the u.n. today. a dirt track driver was killed by nascar star tony stewart. a tragic accident or a crime. don dahler has today's decision. her family got a government benefit check when she was just a child. now, she tells wyatt andrews the government says she has to pay it back. >> they feel that we're the government, we can do what we want, however we want, whenever we want. >> pelley: and jim axelrod on a course that teaches students how to commit cyber crime. >> if you don't understand how it's happening, how do you stop it? captioning sponsored by cbs