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tv   KTVU FOX 2 News at 730pm  FOX  May 10, 2024 7:30pm-8:01pm PDT

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merchandise. plus, fundamentally , the approach we will be taking today is a little bit different than the approach we've taken in the past. governor newsom, outlining his plan to fix california's growing budget deficit. and it includes some
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painful spending cuts. >> this is ktvu, fox two news at 730. >> well,he state's budget deficit at least $27 billion. good evening everyone i'm heather holmes. given that the governor has proposed a series of reductions, our jana katsuyama looking now at what's on the table. >> governor gavin newsom announced his revised budget friday, saying the state is facing back to back deficits in the next two years. >> we are facing a $27.6 billion challenge next year. to my point about a multi year strategy, we project a $28 billion shortfall. >> newsom's proposal for next year is a $288 billion budget, much lower than his previous $310 billion budget proposal. it includes cuts in services to about 260 state programs, along with a dip into the state's rainy day funds and an 8% reduction in the state's workforce by eliminating
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unfilled job posts, plus or -10,000 vacant positions. >> those positions are being determined in real time at every agency and department. so we want a leaner government, leaner government, streamlined government, the governor says. >> the state's progressive tax system is vulnerable to swings in the stock market, so tax revenue came in below projected levels. >> there are areas where core services are being impacted, but the vast majority are being protected. existing services provided to existing people. >> newsom says his proposal includes one time cuts to programs such as cal works, employment services, behavioral health for youth and water storage improvements meant to help address drought. he also listed ongoing cuts, including a reduction in state and local prison housing, which he says would save the state $80 million a year. >> we are proposing to shut down at 13 prisons an additional 46 housing units that would reduce
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the census of beds by just shy of 4600, the nonprofit california budget and policy center has one big concern there are no significant increases in revenue either in the short term or to address multiyear budget challenges. >> and we think as long as he leaves those revenue proposals off the table, he's impeding his own ability to reach solutions to provide a california for all. >> newsom also proposed delays in program expansions to food assistance and child care aid, as well as tax credits for low income young children and foster youth. lawmakers have until june 15th to pass a budget in the newsroom. janet katsuyama, ktvu, fox two news and following the unveiling today of the governor's revised budget, governor newsom said a state of the state address is in the works. >> he said he and legislative leaders are working on setting a time and date. now, you'll remember that last year, the governor did not give an annual
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address. instead, he went on a statewide tour to tout his agenda. a president biden wrapping up his bay area visit today. it comes as he kicks off a weekend of fundraising for his reelect campaign. the president spent the day in portola valley and also palo alto, where he is expected to raise millions for his campaign. in palo alto, he was met by a mixed crowd. some people lined the streets to show their support for the president, while others voiced their frustrations with his administration's response to the war in gaza. >> he's writing a blank check to the government of israel that is slaughtering children. >> i came to show my support to biden and his support to me. most of his support to israel, because israel is in a dangerous situation. >> president biden has raised more than $180 million for his reelection campaign, and donors from right here in california are reportedly leading that effort. the president left the bay area this afternoon to head
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to seattle. pro-palestinian protests have prompted the cancellation of graduation ceremonies at several schools across the country. at uc berkeley, the ceremonies have begun with some disruptions. hundreds of people shuffled up the stairs into the greek theater today to watch friends and loved ones graduate from uc berkeley's law school. but outside the theater was a box truck with a big digital board listing the names of several students. a pro-israeli group called accuracy in media commissioned the truck, accusing those students of anti-semitism. some students say this move was unsuitable for today's ceremony. >> i'm jewish, i'm a berkeley law student and feel very safe. i would have to think this is really inappropriate to be putting students names up like this and at a moment of celebration. >> protest organizers say they're planning a similar display at usc's law school graduation ceremony. a new at 730 tonight. downtown san
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francisco's nightlife activity is nearing pre-pandemic levels. researchers from the university of toronto analyzed cell phone data from more than 50 cities across the u.s. the numbers show that san francisco is seeing nearly 95% of the after hours activity that it experienced before the pandemic, researchers defined. after hours as between 6 p.m. to 8 a.m. the same data shows the city is seeing just above 56% of the activity they experienced before covid. during those working hours, researchers say. san francisco's overall recovery rate is 67.7. so still a way to go all right. june, of course, is pride month, and target is now out with its plans for this year. as ktvu christian captain tells us. well, the retailer has decided to limit its pride merchandise mega retailer target has said it will not be putting out pride related merchandise and marketing in some locations this year after the company faced a backlash and boycott over pride displays and
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merchandise. >> last year, the retailer didn't specify where it would be scaling back on pride, but in a statement said it would be, quote, offering a collection of products including adult apparel and home and food and beverage items curated based on consumer feedback. the collection will be available on and in select stores based on historical sales performance. goldner to combat professor of marketing at the lam family college of business at san francisco state university, says the company is trying to appeal to both sides. >> they are rather choosing a middle position, right? they're trying to play it safe. you know they are still going to sell certain things in certain stores , but not in some other stores, she says. >> ultimately, the company is going to have to pick a side. >> lots of people will still continue to shop from target, but ultimately, given the current situation of the world where we're all divided and we would like to know, you know, who, who, who is who and you know which company is standing
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for what. >> some target shoppers say they'll continue shopping here, even though they'd prefer the company take a firm stand supporting lgbtq rights. i definitely disapprove, but it would be hard not to use this store because we and we have a pharmacy here. >> there are things, there are electronics we can't get here. >> in the castro, shoppers say they'll take their business elsewhere as an lgbtq plus consumer, i can spend my dollars where i'm supported, so i have not supported a target. >> there are plenty of other places i can purchase. same merchandise. may be cheaper, may be better. >> pride begins in june. we're hearing that about half of target's locations will be carrying pride themed merchandise that pride themed merchandise will also be available online in san francisco, christien kafton, ktvu, fox two news and earlier today on the four, we spoke with sean fletcher. >> he is a professor of public relations at san jose state university, and we asked him about the potential consequences of target changing course this year. >> i'll give them credit. they have stepped out front, where many organizations have not done anything in the way of lgbtq
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plus advocacy. so let me i don't want to be remiss in overlooking that. however, when you sign up for it and you decide that that is going to be a portion of your corporate social responsibility value statements, you have to know what you're doing. when you do an about face. >> reporter fletcher also says the fact that this is a national election year is likely a factor . that target is taking into account. >> if this project had been in place in 2017, we would not have seen the flooding we did there. >> construction on an important tunnel at anderson dam is almost complete, and it's part of a broader project to protect the reservoir against earthquakes. and a man who lost two family members during a police chase. now talking for the first time, the legal action that he's taking. >> anna barry weather another wrapping up, another warm day out there, some 70s, 80s, even some 90s, a gradual cooling
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trend, hough, a
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war in the event of heavy rains. as ktvu mark sayer tells us tonight, this is all part of a much larger project to completely replace the 1950s era dam, which the federal government says is at risk of collapse in an earthquake. >> it is hard to forget these scenes from 2017, when firefighters and boats were rescuing residents who lived along coyote creek in san jose's rock creek community. the heavy rains that year overwhelmed
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anderson reservoir above morgan hill, sending water uncontrolled over the dam spillway in 2020. the federal government ordered the entire reservoir drained due to seismic safety concerns, all of which brings us to this massive tunnel now being built under the reservoir. >> so this new tunnel will help us keep the reservoir empty as we approach the larger anderson dam. seismic retrofit project, which will include a rebuilding of the dam embankment itself. >> when complete, this tunnel will be 750ft long, and it will have the capacity to drain anderson lake reservoir, which is just above us, 15 times faster than what is possible with the current dam. >> in the end, when we're completed with the project, we'll be used as an emergency outlet only. so it's a it's a much larger amount of water that will be able to release that. we would only have to do in an emergency, such as an earthquake or another, you know, flood event or something like that. a large storm, this new tunnel, which could fit two lanes of vehicle traffic, will serve two purposes. >> first, it will allow the
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complete drainage of anderson reservoir, which currently still holds about 3% of its total capacity. that will allow the current dam, originally built in the 1950s, to be torn down once the new dam is built, the tunnel will provide far more capacity to quickly remove water from the reservoir, and if this project had been in place in 2017, we would not have seen the flooding we did there. the cost of the overall project, including the new dam, is about $2.3 billion. >> anderson dam will create thousands and thousands of jobs. these jobs are also pathways for apprenticeship programs for women, for veterans and for youth. >> anderson reservoir is by far the largest in santa clara county. the entire project is scheduled for completion in 2032. reporter in morgan hill i'm mark sayer, ktvu, fox two news. >> okay, obviously the preparing for potential rainy weather, but that's not what we're dealing with now. yeah. mark just really nice weather. pretty warm out there again today. >> another warm day. remember
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it's just last saturday we were talking about all the heavy rain here. snowfall. so yeah another nice day. temperatures will be trending down as we head toward the weekend, as we head toward mother's day and happy mother's day. thank you. >> thanks to your wife as well. >> oh thank you. and yeah, we were talking about a nice warm up, at least over the past few days and a bit of a drop off in those numbers, especially by sunday, but still kind of in that comfortable range. here is the plan this weekend. some fog tomorrow morning. still warm to hot inland temperatures from the 60s, 70s, 80s to right around 90 degrees. and then on sunday, partly sunny skies and cooler conditions. here's a satellite. right now we're going to keep an eye on the fog, which is really focused down to our south. we could have some patches redevelop near portions of our coastline tonight into tomorrow morning. we'll check out some of the current numbers out there right now. santa rosa 74, oakland 69, and san jose in the upper 70s. here's our live camera looking above san francisco with mostly clear skies. but tonight you've been hearing a lot about the northern lights and already some amazing images coming out of maine and portions of michigan, and we'll be keeping an eye on the
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northern hemisphere looking up in that direction, because we could see some of that action tonight into early saturday morning here in the bay area. the biggest challenge, though, we could have some fog resurfacing near portions of the coastline that tomorrow morning. so overnight temperatures in the 50s to right around 60 degrees. the forecast models kind of picking up on some of that fog tomorrow morning into the afternoon hours. we are expecting temperatures ranging from the mid 60s coast side. so definitely cooling out, cooling down for the beaches. warmest locations tomorrow, upper 80s and we could have a few spots right around 90 degrees. here's the key change. we will see this. this southerly flow continue to develop into the weekend. so as a result, we will trim back on those temperatures all weekend long. but still tomorrow the warmest locations right around 90 out toward concord and antioch. san jose 87 san francisco downtown in the lower 70s, and the coast mainly in the 60s, with some patchy fog for portions of the shoreline. here's a look ahead. your five day forecast. the cooldown continues as we head towards sunday for mother's day, and it looks like a partly sunny
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forecast in early next week, and we'll gradually bump up those numbers by tuesday. >> okay, mark. thank you. more information coming out now from that deadly crash in san francisco's west portal neighborhood back in march. plus you guys this weekend. >> this has to be successful weekend or else we're not coming back. >> that's a business owner in oakland asking for the community's help after his restaurant is burglarized burglarized twice overnight. why? he says this latest break-in may force him to close the business and the oakland police department getting some new blood. meet the new class of ro ies to graduate a slow network is no network for business. that's why more choose comcast business. and now, we're introducing ultimate speed for business —our fastest plans yet.
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driver who killed a family of four in a crash, was not under the influence at the time of that incident. that's according to information obtained by the san francisco standard. now it
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was back on march 16th when san francisco police say a 78 year old woman crashed her suv and killed a family of four that was waiting at a bus stop in san francisco's west portal neighborhood. she was arrested on suspicion of several charges, but later released her pending further investigation, including whether she was impaired. so far, she has not been charged with any crime. ktvu has reached out to san francisco's district attorney, but we have yet to hear back. a well known business owner here in oakland says he is considering now closing his restaurant for several reasons, including two early morning break ins. nelson german, the owner and chef at alamar kitchen and bar in uptown oakland, says someone broke into the business around 440 and then around 630 in the morning. he says the thief stole a large amount of top shelf liquor and kitchen equipment. german thinks this is the same person who stole from his restaurant back in november. >> there's no breaks. you know, literally. and this is more
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added to the stress and the struggle. what's going on, almanor is not doing well. no matter how much long we've been here, because expense is so high and everything. and this is just another knock on that. >> in addition to these early morning burglaries, german says he's considering closing alamar kitchen and bar due to the rising costs that he was just talking about. he says if the restaurant does not have a successful weekend, it will be difficult to remain open. a grieving father is taking legal action after he lost the love of his life and one of their identical twin sons. it happened in a crash during a police chase in the east bay well. the car was driven by rodney cardwell. it was hit by a stolen mazda suv as the driver fled from hercules police last year. six year old jamari, who is seen here on the left, died along with his mother. the other twin was hurt in the crash but survived. humboldt filed a wrongful death
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lawsuit saying hercules police and the contra costa sheriff's office, which started the chase, acted recklessly. >> the way things are now is not the correct way, and we don't get to the correct way unless people like me take this fight in our mind. >> the risks of initiating and continuing that chase far outweighed the benefits, and we now know the loss. the loss is unimaginable. >> well, the suspect is now awaiting a trial on double murder charges. hercules police said at the time that officers had chased the suspect for less than half a mile and didn't have time to decide whether to abandon the pursuit. the city of hercules and contra costa county have not responded for comment today. the oakland police department, welcoming some new graduates to the force today. the 193rd academy received honors and awards at the scottish rite center. the 12 new officers include three women and nine men who completed six months of grueling training. members of the group speak
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several languages, including spanish, farsi, and punjabi. the new officers bring the department's total to 716 sworn officers. the city's incoming chief, lloyd mitchell, was on hand. he officially takes the reins of that department tomorrow. well, it is aapi heritage month and coming up, we're going to hear from group spearheading efforts to provide better access to mental health support for asian american communities. and they'll be sure to tune in later tonight to the 10:00 news. you see berkeley police investigating reports of several cases of sexual battery against students at a residence hall. plus, the california public utilities commission has issued a proposal to reject at&t s request to withdraw from the state. we'll e lo in
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i'm franklin graham. the world ems to be engulfe with hate. we see it on our college campuses, and we see it across the borders. jesus christ understands hate. the world, at that time, hated him, and they still hate him today, but, you see, he camame on a rescue mission to save us from our sin. he died and d shed his blood on a cross for our sins. he was buried, but god raed him to life. and if we're willing t to put our faith and trust in jesus chris god will forgive us of our sins and hehe will heal our hearts. and the problem we have today is a heart proroblem. only g can change the human heart, and take t that hate and fill i with his love. if you've never invited chris in your heart, pray t this prayer with me right now. just say, god, i'm a sinner. i'm sorry, forgive me. i believe jesus is your n. i nt to trust him right now as my savior. and i pray this in jesus' name. if you prad that prayer, call that number right now that'sn the screen. we have someone who'd ke to speak with you,u, d pray with you. god bless you!
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oakland. it's unclear exactly what caused this fire, but again, a large plume of smoke, though coming from this fire here in west oakland, we will have much more coverage of the fire, including exactly what the building is. if there are any injuries or any evacuations, we're going to keep an eye on it and have much more on this fire in west oakland. coming up tonight on the 10:00 news. well, today we're spotlighting unique mental health challenges facing the asian american and pacific
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islander communities as may is both mental health awareness month and aapi month. kaiser permanente is giving oakland based asian health services an almost $500,000 grant. it will support a 26 month long pilot program aimed at increasing the number of asian americans working in mental health. five professionals graduated from the program just yesterday, we spoke with leaders at that clinic about why this grant is so important. >> so it's great that people are coming in now. what we want to work on is really building up that workforce. but with our community, you know, given the language barriers, given the cultural nuances, it's really important that our mental health professionals really are aligned with the communities they serve. and that's why we were so excited about this program. >> yeah, great to see kaiser giving back. thanks so much for joining me on the news a
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then. now. forever.


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