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tv   KTVU Mornings on 2  FOX  May 10, 2024 4:00am-7:00am PDT

4:00 am a first of its kind program in the country. we are getting an inside look at the drone system, helping one city in the east bay, and governor newsom set to unveil his revised budget this morning. what it could reveal about the state's budget deficit . >> from ktvu, fox two news this is mornings on two. >> good morning. thank you for waking up with us here on mornings on two. it is friday, may 10th. thank you for joining us. let's check in with rosemary oroczo. it's been pretty hot for a lot of us. i don't know, is it cooling down or warming up? >> we are beginning to cool down now with that, said pam, it's still going to be a warm to hot one across parts of the bay area today. a notably cooler this morning, and we'll check on
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those current temperatures here in just a moment. but for the afternoon, 10 to 15 degrees above above average, some of our inner east bay could actually be a little bit warmer than yesterday. before we all cool it down in time for the weekend, i'll have a better look at the current conditions and what we can expect for your mother's day weekend, as well as the extended forecast coming up in just a little bit at 4:00. let's check the highways on this friday morning with sal. good morning sal. hey rosemary, good morning to you. >> we're off to a nice start. i like what we see here so far. and sometimes on fridays we do get a little bit of a break. you can see the bay bridge looks very good with no major issues here. also looking good at interstate 80. and we're off to a nice start on san jose's freeway system too, so it may not stay this way, but right now we're doing okay at 401. let's get back to the headlines. thank you. >> sal. the city of fremont announced it is the first in the country to have its police and fire departments partner in a program using drones as first responders. after a year of
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using the technology, it is already a success. ktvu is amber lee reports. after getting an up close look at how the program works. >> this drone is part of a partnership between fremont police and fire. a remote pilot demonstrates a launch from the police department. the program is called dfr, short for drone as first responder, and it truly has been such a useful tool for de-escalation for apprehension of violent suspects, for public safety. when a call for service comes into the 911 dispatch center, drone, 56 will be in route to that. a remote pilot determines if the call needs a drone response. drones are usually deployed for critical or life threatening situations. officials say they are not allowed to be used for random surveillance. >> i was the incident commander on this incident, fire battalion chief justin dillman shows me drone footage taken while responding to a house fire. one of our other battalion chiefs was the person operating the drone that was able to give me real life time intel.
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>> the drone is able to show exactly what's on fire. >> the drones actually looking for hazards, possible hazards that could affect either public safety in general or responding personnel. police say. >> this is video from a drone response to a call reporting a car break in. first responders say the device is thermal imaging ability, pinpointed the location of a suspect and the suspects right here. >> so he's hiding behind the trash cans is in addition to officers and fire personnel who have drones with them. but police say drones deployed through the dfr program can respond much faster because they're launched right after the 911 call comes in. versus personnel, with drones driving to the scene before launching. >> by that time, it's probably 15 20 minutes, whereas here we can deploy the drone within and get on scene within two minutes. and 30s police and fire launched this program in 2022. >> they say it costs $40,000 annually for software upgrades. they fly the drones about four days a week on ten hour shifts. >> this program just makes fremont a safer place. so by
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having drones over the air, we can get a lot, a lot better of a picture, so to speak. on what the actual call is. >> right now, the program has three drones and can only launch from here. the police department and respond to calls within a three mile radius. the goal is to expand and eventually cover the entire city by having five launch sites in fremont, amber lee, ktvu, fox two news. >> thank you. amber, we have an update now on a hit and run in san francisco that injured two people, including a 14 year old girl. earlier this week, district attorney brooke jenkins announced that 54 year-old rodney jefferson has been charged with a number of crimes, including reckless driving with great bodily injury and driving with a suspended license. this is video from the end of the police chase, when the driver crashed and embarcadero in jones. police say it all started when he was spinning donuts tuesday morning and hit someone with his car. police say the suspect then raced away and hit another person, a 14 year old
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girl who was crossing the street. both victims are expected to survive. an investigation is now underway after a man was shot in san jose that happened at about four 545 last night near interstate 280 and mclaughlin avenue. police say the man was taken to the hospital and is in critical condition. it's not clear yet what led up to the shooting or how many people police might be looking for in connection to that case. a san jose couple is behind bars this morning, accused of exposing their baby to a lethal amount of fentanyl. the district attorney's office says it is one of the largest drug busts of its kind in santa clara county history. authorities say the two suspects are drug dealers. they're accused of stashing up to 55,000 fentanyl pills under their ten month old baby's crib. investigators say they also found marijuana, cocaine and a loaded gun inside the couple's home. >> i know for so many people in our community, it's frustrating to hear that we still have these crimes existing because it
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doesn't make sense. like why you don't do everything to protect your child. >> the couple's baby is now being cared for by the child's paternal grandmother. the two suspects are due back in court july 11th. governor newsom is set to present his revised budget plan this morning in sacramento. a report from the legislative analyst's office earlier this year forecasts a budget deficit of $73 billion. now, the governor and legislators have already agreed to $17 billion in budget cuts. both newsom and state lawmakers agreed to a wide range of spending cuts and lawmakers and the governor have until june to pass a budget for the next fiscal year. we will not stop. >> we will not rest before they pass. we will not. >> hundreds of ucla faculty and staff rallied on campus, calling for the resignation of the university's chancellor. the faculty members are criticizing chancellor gene block over the handling of a pro-palestinian encampment and the violence that
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led to arrests. many faculty have signed an online petition that calls for block to step down immediately, even though he's retiring at the end of the school year. so far, the chancellor's office has not responded. celebrations rang out at the los angeles coliseum for usc's graduation event. the university canceled its main stage graduation because of pro-palestinian protests on campus. instead, they hosted a trojan family graduate celebration featuring drone shows, fireworks and surprise performances. our coverage of campus protests, as well as the latest developments on the war in gaza, can be found online on our website, the uc board of regents meets today, tuesday. that is and is expected to approve a plan for ucla to cover some of the athletic expenses at cal. now, the proposal calls for ucla to pay $10 million a year for six years for ucla and usc are moving out
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of the pac 12 conference and into the big ten. the southern california schools will each net about $65 million a year in media rights. however, the departure eventually led to the collapse of the pac 12, causing cal and stanford to go to the athletic atlantic coast conference. the acc next season. cal faces extra travel costs and a reduced share of the acc's media rights deal. well, in honor of mother's day, a san luis obispo county hospital hosted a special class for moms dignity health french hospital hosts a babies and bellies class for moms and expecting moms every week. but they had a special surprise for moms yesterday. moms enjoyed lunch, massages, yoga, and you can see a little dancing, some of them with the babies. a childbirth educator and registered nurse helped organize that event. >> this is a wonderful place for parents to enjoy coming and getting some support. we always do highs, lows and goals. >> the bellies and babies class
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meets every thursday. it's designed to help new moms create a community with other new moms. a little yoga, a little dancing. very nice rosemary. >> yes, very important to write. pam. when you're when you've got a little one. very, very busy and tired. good morning to all of you. maybe waking up a little bit tired. we have a fabulous forecast coming your way. temperatures do begin to cool today. we are looking at partly cloudy skies there over the bridge this morning. parts of san francisco, san francisco, a warm one yesterday. but take a look at the change already outside our doors. in many areas . santa rosa down by 17 degrees. petaluma. you're down by 20. so you are noticing outside this morning. down by hayward ten in hayward. i know i felt that a little bit of cooler air moving through the house this morning as the windows were open needed it right. 55 degrees in san francisco right now, upper 50s to start your morning in walnut creek. so we do have that
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localized sea breeze returning. that means along the coast, inside the bay. we are going to feel the changes today. our inland east bay, however too far away to receive that benefit. and today you're likely to be just as warm, maybe even a little bit warmer than yesterday. but today is going to be it. fairfield. the onshore breeze is only about seven miles per hour and we are calm in many spots from the north bay, through the central bay and through the south bay as well. pulling back here just a little bit, we continue with a little bit of that easterly flow there, but again at a localized level, beginning to see that onshore flow return. meanwhile our inner east bay, where we're going to see some of the hotter temps today, livermore, you are expected to go to about 90 degrees for the second part of the day. it's already going to be a warm one by your lunch hour, where we will be sitting about 80 degrees. meanwhile, in the north bay, 85, in santa rosa for today. beautiful day in the city of san francisco. low 70 is expected for you there. upper 70s to low 80. a few mid 80s out there for our bayside
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communities. a better look at what we can expect a four year weekend including mother's day, as we do have a cooling trend that gets underway that in the extended forecast coming up after the break. >> thank you. rosemary president biden arrived in san francisco to prepare for a busy day of fundraising. what we know so far about the campaign events he's attending and temperatures have been heating up here in the bay area. we're going to hear from cal fire about how you can enjoy the warm weather while
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in florida released body camera footage of a black air force service member being shot and killed in his own apartment by a sheriff's deputy. officers say the deputy was responding to a disturbance call at the us
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airmen's apartment building. the video shows the deputy knocking and announcing himself. the us airman opened the door holding a gun, pointing down. the deputy shot the airman almost immediately after he opened the door. family members of the us airman say the deputy went to the wrong apartment. now they're demanding answers. >> went and retrieved his legally registered gun as a gun owner to protect his house. >> i want to assure you that we are not hiding, covering up or taking action that would result in a rush to judgment. >> the shooting is under investigation, and the deputy has been placed on administrative leave. a former top executive at tesla had a message for elon musk after his resignation. rich otto, now former head of product, led the department for nearly seven years. he shared his concerns over the company's recent layoffs in a linkedin post, writing that the cuts are,
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quote, rocking the company and have disrupted its morale for more than 14,000 tesla employees have been laid off since april. now, thousands of job postings are also set to be eliminated. we're following several new developments in the bay area's airport name battle. the port of oakland has now filed a counter lawsuit against san francisco over changing the name of the oakland airport. the port claims the name san francisco bay. oakland international airport does not infringe upon sfo's trademark. late yesterday, port commissioners voted unanimously to make the airport name change official. that decision is getting mixed. reaction from out of town passengers flying in and out of oakland. >> i would guess that maybe combining the names, maybe, teaches people that they are close and affiliated with each other. >> i do know that when i first was flying here, that it was a little confusing which one to go to so i can understand that
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being an issue. >> the port of oakland also contends no one has the trademark rights to the phrase san francisco bay area. the port's countersuit highlights the fact that oakland's battle with san francisco is far from over. well, the office of san francisco city attorney david chu released a statement which reads in part, it is disappointing that oakland chose to ignore our multiple offers to collaborate on alternative names and avoid litigation when we have no choice but to move forward with the next steps in our trademark lawsuit, visitors will soon have to pay a fee to hike a popular trail in northern california. this week, the bureau of land management announced. starting in early november, backpackers will have to pay a $12 fee to hike the lost coast trail in the king range wilderness. right now, visitors only have to pay a $6 reservation fee to hike the trail in mendocino county. the bureau of land management says these fees will be used to help improve access to public lands, enhance public health and
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safety, and better protect the natural resources. we've been having some warm weather if you haven't noticed lately here in the bay area and ktvu. south bay. reporter lamonica peters caught up with residents in san jose, as well as cal fire, as the warmer temperatures start to pick up on how to stay safe. >> with temperatures warming up this week. >> i do like the heat, but not right now. i wasn't ready, i wasn't prepared for it. >> some people in san jose say they couldn't resist a chance to enjoy the water fountains at plaza de cesar. chavez got to enjoy this heat. >> you know, i'm a summer guy myself. i love the heat. unfortunately, their mom couldn't be with us today. she's at work. but i told her we're not sitting in the house. we're gonna come out and go to the water. >> i grew up with my mom and dad bringing me here as a kid, so i have my daughter now. so, you know, just coming full circle, trying to get get her out of the heat. have a good time. the warm weather is forecasted to remain throughout the week. >> jason clay with cal fire says as people head outdoors, they should remember to pay attention to how their body is responding
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to the heat. >> we just need to be mindful of our bodies, making sure that we're keeping up with our hydration, eating healthy meals that will fuel your body, giving yourself a break, and just preparing yourself ahead of time. >> may 5th through may 9th is also wildfire preparedness week, and clay says high temperatures can lead to increased fire danger. he says while people can enjoy the warm weather, being safe at home can prevent house and wildfires. >> when you're out grilling, you want to make sure that you don't have anything overhead so that heat can release. you're not grilling right up against the house and you're keeping your grill cleaned and maintained. is the biggest thing, clay says. >> people should also be careful not to create sparks, like when using a lawn mower or parking a hot car on dry grass. he also says we've had fewer wildfires in the last few years, but we all need to still be diligent to help prevent more wildfires. lamonica peters ktvu, fox two
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news thank you. >> lamonica. well, people taking advantage of the warm weather at crown beach in alameda. dozens of people splashed around in the water to cool down and they could not be happier at this specific beach. >> oh, the sunshine, the friendliness and alameda. it's just a beautiful place to be. it's just warmer over here and it's just a, you know, to take a little trip across the bay and enjoy the warmer weather. >> dozens of people also hit the beaches in san francisco, which can often be socked in with fog, but it was sunny, sunny, sunny. all right, let's check in with rosemary oroczo to see if that sunny weather will continue. >> it is going to continue, pam, but we are going to begin to cool things down outside our doors. this morning. showed you before the break anywhere from 5 to 20 degrees cooler already. this morning, and hopefully you are enjoying that nice breeze giving you a look here over san francisco where we will have temperatures rebound back into the 70s for today. although along the coast, san francisco
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and our bayside communities are likely to feel a little bit of a change as we transition to the cooler pattern. here's a look at the futurecast model. we still have that northeasterly flow here, but as we roll into the weekend, more so on sunday, you're going to notice more of a shift that northeasterly flow is replaced by this. and that's that southwesterly flow that brings in that cool pacific air and cools things down. right now the marine layer is still very shallow, the onshore breeze also very weak and so our inland cities are likely to be just as warm today as yesterday. i'm talking about our inner east bay, our north bay, definitely under the influence of that cooler air already 57 degrees right now in san francisco in the north bay. we're 51 in napa for the inner east bay, 54 in livermore. so relatively mild start to the day. let's go to the north bay where we are cooler at this time compared to yesterday. 49 for you windsor 49 degrees right now. fairfax as
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well as san anselmo into your afternoon. a beautiful day shaping up. we've got upper 60s at the coast, low 70s in san francisco, low to mid 80s for our bay side communities, as well as the north bay. it's the inner east bay that will be baking once again, 90 degrees the afternoon high for you. livermore on the flip side, you have an enjoyable evening coming your way. if you have outside dining going on on your friday. yeah, you've got a nice one for the evening hours. here's a look at your extended forecast. temperatures continuing to drop into your bay area saturday sunday. right now monday looks to be the coolest day before we rebound. just slightly on tuesday, but these temperatures definitely more comfortable than what we have seen over the last couple of days. pam >> all right. thank you rosemary. a rally outside of san francisco hospital coming up. the reason nurses are warning of a possible strike. and the biden administration is rolling out a new rule when it comes to people
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seeking asylum in the u.s. some california lawmakers, th gh, are skeptical
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felons cannot be banned from owning guns. now the ninth circuit court of appeals in san francisco ruled that a federal law banning convicted felons from possessing guns is unconstitu national for those convicted of nonviolent felonies. the ruling says when the second amendment was added to the constitution, the right to bear arms applied to all citizens regardless of their past actions. a new report from the gun safety group everytown says the rate of gun thefts in the us has tripled since 2013. the group says nearly 112,000 guns were stolen in 2022, and more than half of those were taken from cars. cars parked at residences are the most common targets. everytown urges gun owners to lock their vehicles and use gun safes. the fbi is
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watching china, russia and iran as possible sources of election disinformation in the november election, the agency says foreign adversaries could deploy artificial intelligence as a means to spread disinformation. a recent intelligence community report found that russia tried to disintegrate, denigrate the democratic party in the 2022 midterms, and china sought to influence races featuring candidates from both parties, focusing on those with anti-china views and donald trump's criminal trial in new york resumes today, at the end of a dramatic week that included testimony from adult film star stormy daniels. now, daniels faced questions during cross examination. trump's attorney tried to discredit her and point out inconsistencies in her story about her alleged sexual encounter with trump. the defense also questioned daniels about why she accepted a $130,000 payment to keep quiet, instead of going public.
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>> i think you'll see some very revealing things today. and, i want to thank my lawyers. they've done a very good job, but i'd rather thank them after. it's over. >> prosecutors accused trump of falsifying business records to cover up the payments to daniels. trump has pleaded not guilty. the biden administration says it wants to speed up the asylum process at the southern border. a new rule announced it will allow border agents to turn away migrants, who are considered a national security threat or public safety risk during their initial screening. currently migrants can wait out their asylum, their asylum process in the us, even if they have a criminal background or pose a security concern. >> we should not fear immigration as a subject matter. we should lean into it. >> we're going to be dealing with this as a catastrophe and an extreme danger to our homeland for the foreseeable future.
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>> it's not clear what percentage of migrants seeking asylum will be affected by the new rule. now, california senator alex padilla says he is closely reviewing the rule. he says his main concern is that, quote, moving the asylum bars to the initial credible fear interview stage. rixx risks returning legitimate asylum seekers to danger to improve the asylum system, we must fully fund it and provide access to counsel. president biden is withholding arms shipments to israel. we'll tell you how prime minister benjamin netanyahu is responding this morning. and a controversial plan approved by the state's public utility commission, the charge that will now be added t many energy bills ugh, when is my allergy spray going to kick in?
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-you need astepro. -astepro? it's faster, bro. 8x faster than flonase. it's faster, bro! it's faster, bro! it's faster, bro! it's mom to you. astepro starts working in 30 minutes. astepro and go!
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just, hang around and, watch the
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president come in. >> president biden arrived in the bay area kicking off a quick fundraising trip. what we know so far about his plans today and a fire in the east bay will tell you how neighbors jumped into action to keep those flames from spreading from ktvu, fox two news. >> this is mornings on two. >> good morning. thank you for joining us here on mornings on two i'm pam cook. it is friday may 10th. and i think we have another warm day in store. let's check in with rosemary oroczo. >> yes another warm one. even hot for our inland east bay pam. but with that said, we do kick off a cooling trend today. i know it sounds very confusing. off to a cooler start this morning, but in the end, temperatures are still going to be several degrees above average. i'll have a better look at what we can expect for today, and the cooldown that will continue into your weekend. coming up in just a little bit at 430. let's see how the friday morning commute is shaping up with sal. good morning. >> very good commute. it is
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mostly good out there. let's go right to the bay bridge. i'll show you that traffic is very light. so if you're going to get on the road early, it does pay off. usually it does. and there goes, it looks like chp activity. we had a chase earlier, on the freeway. we're going to keep monitoring that. but for the most part, it's light. it's 430. let's get back to the headlines. >> thank you. sal president biden and the first lady are in the bay area. president landed at moffett field at 725 last night. the first lady touched down at sfo earlier in the day. president then hopped on marine one for a quick flight to the marina green in san francisco. now their joint visit is all part of a west coast fundraising trip, as the november election nears. ktvu is tori gaines reports from san francisco, where many people were eager to welcome the president to the city. >> the president touched down at marina green just after 8 p.m,
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where a small but dedicated crowd gathered just to catch a glimpse. >> i came here for a run with, marina run club. and then after i finished the run, i was already out here. it was nice weather. so, you know, i thought i'd just, hang around and, watch the president come in. >> so this is my third time here today, so. yeah, we just came. i live, like, right over there, and we're just hoping to get a glimpse. >> the president was greeted by san francisco mayor london breed when he stepped off marine one. some folks we spoke to saw the president the last time he came to visit in february, but they still made it a priority to see him arrive. >> today we're hanging out at the town of tops just like half a mile away. and he's like, because i live right in the neighborhood. he's like, hey, do you know why they're blocking your street? i was like, what are you talking about? i'm pretty sure probably joe biden's coming by again today. so grabbed our stuff and just walked on over. >> one of these young boys has already seen local political leaders up close, but he was excited to see the president for the first time. what did you boys see just now? >> helicopters and the joe
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biden. >> how many police cars did you see? lots. or just a few? few. i saw populations in san francisco . >> tori gaines, ktvu, fox two news. >> thank you. tori. well, not everyone is happy about the president's visit. a group of pro-palestinian protesters say they will stage a rally outside the site of his portola valley fundraising event. they say they want to send a message that he and the billionaires who support him are complicit for supplying israel with the means to kill civilians in gaza. well, this is president biden's second campaign fundraising trip to the bay area. this year, with six months to election day. president biden and donald trump have been neck and neck in recent polls. both candidates are trying to raise money for political ads. >> money is the mother's milk of politics, and it matters. and this isn't a presidential election where you're going to see north of 6 to $8 billion is spent.
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>> political analysts say much of the money raised will go to increase voter turnout, especially among young people. israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu refuses to rule out a full scale invasion of the southern gaza city of rafah, despite warnings from the us president. biden has warned israel that the us will not supply weapons to attack rafah, where more than 1 million palestinians have taken refuge. however netanyahu says rafah is the remaining stronghold of hamas, and israel will do what's necessary to eliminate the terrorist group. >> we are determined and we are united in order to defeat our enemies and those who want to destroy us. if we need to stand alone, we will stand alone. >> republicans have denounced president biden's threat to cut off aid to israel, with some saying he could face impeachment point. governor newsom is putting the pressure on the city of half moon bay to approve a 40 unit affordable housing project for senior farm workers. now,
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the governor released a statement calling on the city's planning commission to stop stalling. the delay follows a deadly shooting last year that exposed the dire living conditions of farm workers in the area. earlier this week, the county board of supervisors approved funding for the project. the half moon bay planning commission could move the housing project forward next week during its meeting on tuesday, thousands of californians who were set to lose their homeowners insurance are getting some help. mercury insurance says it will work to provide coverage for customers of tokio marine insurance and its subsidiary, trans pacific insurance. the companies are sending out non-renewal notices starting july 1st. the two insure more than 12,000 homes, and mercury says it is working to partner its agents with those losing coverage. california's public utility commission unanimously approved a controversial plan that will change how customers energy bills are calculated. the plan applies to pg and e and other
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investor owned utilities. it adds a $24 charge to most bills in exchange, customers would pay 5 to $0.07 less per kilowatt hour. now, the charges will fund utility infrastructure improvements, mark toney, executive director of the utility reform network, tells us this plan should result in more equitable contributions across the state. >> people who live in the coast, who have cooler climates, who n't use as much electricity. we'll see a small increase, but that is so that people in the central valley who have the lowest income and the highest energy use, get a little bit of a break. >> lower income customers will see a flat rate of six to or $12. the new fees are set to take effect in 2026. investigators in hayward are trying to determine the cause of a vegetation fire that destroyed several cars and threatened dozens of homes. it was first reported shortly before noon in hayward's jackson triangle
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neighborhood, just east of highway 92 and interstate 880. the first firefighters who arrived on scene spotted huge flames shooting up through clusters of eucalyptus trees. one woman immediately took action once she spotted the fast moving fire racing towards her home. i jumped out, got my family out and then i don't know what came over me, but basically i just thought, well, maybe i could slow down the fire. there are no reports of any injuries, and firefighters managed to keep the flames from damaging any homes. but they say at least four vehicles in the neighborhood were destroyed. >> across the bay. oh good morning, pam, across the bay area. at this time we are starting out with partly cloudy skies. and as we get into the afternoon, temperatures are going to be cooler at the coast, a little bit warmer far inland. i'll show you those numbers here. coming up momentarily. we do have a transition underway,
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but it's that time of year when some of our inland cities really don't feel the cool down. it takes an extra day before it reaches you. here's a look over san francisco, san francisco going to be one of the spots where we are noticing a difference, and a big difference in many areas this morning. look how much cooler we are in the north bay. petaluma, you are down by 20 degrees at this time around the bay we're down by ten. inner east bay, though you are just as mild as you were yesterday. at this time. and it's the inner east bay that we do expect. temperatures to be a little bit warmer this afternoon. before you begin to see a drop in temperatures for the weekend, 55 degrees right now in san francisco, a cool 46 at half moon bay as we go to the inland east bay upper 50 already concord as well as brentwood, our winds are generally light, just the very weakest onshore breeze through fairfield right now seven miles per hour. but most areas reporting calm conditions and a light breeze. if you do have a little bit of a
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breeze, you'll notice, at least for most areas, it's a cooler one that localized sea breeze is making a comeback. we overall we're going to continue with this pattern here. sort of that offshore flow, easterly flow for a little while longer. but right at the surface we're beginning again to see a little bit more of a cool push from the pacific. so here's a look at the trend. expected notice pacifica 11 degrees cooler for today. so along the coast definitely going to notice san francisco. you will see a notable drop 73 your afternoon high for today. but areas in the north bay as well as the inner east bay still going to be quite warm. oaklin you're expected to go to 80 degrees. a better look at the afternoon highs for today and the cooling trend that will continue into the weekend. coming up in just a little bit, pam. >> all right. thank you rosemary. fall out this morning continues over the decision to rename the oakland airport. details of the two lawsuits linked to an important vote. and prospective college students beware the new warning from the u.s. department of education about fake univers ies
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as public hospitals are warning of a possible strike. dozens rallied outside laguna honda hospital. they say right now, staffing levels are extremely low and patient care could be affected. they're also warning that if the city does not take action in contract negotiations to increase staffing, a strike is inevitable. >> our patients are, put in an unsafe position, you know, because if we don't have enough staff, they could fall out of bed. we have to make sure they get fed. we have to prevent them from having bed sores. you know, we have to make sure they get their overall care we need. we have to make sure they get all their daily needs met and they we're working short. something is going to fall through the cracks. >> now, the san francisco department of public health says it has hired 166 new nurses since december, and it's on
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target to hire an additional 50 by the end of this fiscal year. in a statement, the public health department says in part, quote, sfpd has made significant progress in hiring and retaining permanent registered nurses as we continue to recover and stabilize operations after the pandemic. nurses are the backbone of care for the agency, and the department is extremely grateful for their commitment. a health care system in the south bay is rolling out a new fleet of ambulances. santa clara valley health care announced it has 12 new ambulances, which it says will significantly improve transportation transport times between its three hospitals and 16 clinics. county leaders say the vehicles will make a tremendous difference for families that have complicated and urgent health care needs. the health care system says these new ambulances were made possible by donations from the community. major repaving work on highway 37 is back on track. caltrans will close the eastbound lanes from highway 121
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near sears point to vallejo, starting 10:00 tonight. the lanes will reopen on monday by 5 a.m, so all weekend long, wet weather forced caltrans to postpone the work that was scheduled last weekend. the final closure is set for the following weekend, starting may 17th. the san jose bart extension project is getting $500 million in federal funding. the valley transportation authority, the agency overseeing the project, says the investment will inch them closer to getting the project complete. construction is already underway. the bart extension will build a subway through downtown san jose. the project is expected to cost $12 billion. >> that means it is a nationally important project. it is one of the most important projects in this budget. is the second highest project with an allocation. and what that means is that this project has huge support.
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>> right now, crews are working on the second phase of the project, expanding the newhall maintenance facility near santa clara university. service is scheduled to begin in the spring of 2037. bart's board of directors says a proposed ballot measure could be the only thing that keeps the agency running. average weekday ridership is still about 40% of pre-pandemic levels. that's according to bart bart officials say by 2027, they could face annual deficits up to $300 million, and that would potentially force the board to make drastic service cuts. state lawmakers have introduced a measure that puts a 30 year transit funding tax on the 2026 ballot. board members say this could be bart's last hope. some riders say they worry about rising prices. >> it's ultimately up to the voters. the voters will decide bart is really the backbone of the bay area and our economy, and the bay area won't be the bay area without transit service. >> we definitely do need a bart system. absolutely. it's really important, i just don't know if i want more taxes to go up
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because of the cost of everything right now, the board of directors does not appear to have a back up plan for the 2026 tax measure. >> fails to pass. bart riders in the east bay should expect delays. this weekend, as workers begin what bart is calling a major track rebuilding project. the construction is happening saturday and sunday in south alameda county, between union city and south fremont. free busses will be provided to riders during that stretch. the green line is closed all weekend. bart says riders should expect delays between 20 to 40 minutes in that work zone. the us department of education is warning students about the growing number of zombie universities that are showing up online now, the department says. stratford university is one of the at least nine shut shuttered us colleges. their names have been resurrected on the online. stratford is a college in virginia that closed its doors, but one investigative reporter discovered it is still accepting applications and has a long list
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of requirements. >> i went through the whole application. they were asking for my driver's license. they were asking for the license number associated with that. they wanted academic transcripts . they also wanted like a passport size image. right. which is a little unusual during the college application process. but they also wanted this $75 application fee. >> the department of education says none of the zombie universities is accredited or cleared to receive federal financial aid, but the federal agency says it often has a tough time tracking down who is responsible for these counterfeit college sites. a group of friends in southern california is helping property owners with the growing issue of illegal squatters. the la squatter squad are called in to remove people who break into homes and won't leave. property owners say current laws often make it difficult to get squatters out of a home. officials say sometimes they create fake leases to live rent free. the squatter squad crew
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say that they are. they have recently tasked with evicting several people from an apartment . >> the apartment was just completely refurnished, refurbished and after someone had been there for decades and they moved in days later and it's probably completely ruined now. they're literally training themselves and they're actually on youtube and other places, training each other. how you can actually take over somebody's home, like what we're handling today. >> the squatter squad advises property owners to take preventative measures. they recommend installing security cameras. the two display a no trespassing sign and have a good relationship with their neighbors. san francisco is one step closer to turning the stonestown galleria shopping center into a new neighborhood. the city's planning commission unanimously approved the development plans, which adds 150,000ft!s of retail space, 350 homes, a child care center, six acres of parks and green space including a town square.
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developers are also pledging to contribute to renovations for playground and fire station. the project still needs approval from the board of supervisors, but is receiving overwhelming support. construction is expected to take eight years and will be divided into phases. all right, let's check in with rosemary oroczo for a look at our friday forecast. >> yes, tgif to you, pam. to all of you out there this morning, off to a cooler start in many spots. and as we get into the afternoon along the coast inside the bay, our communities will begin to feel that shift. but our inland east bay likely to remain very toasty today. here's a view over san francisco. good morning, san francisco. storm tracker two here. not picking up on any fog along the coastline just yet. we have a little bit trying to develop, but it doesn't really stand a chance. not just yet. we will continue with this little bit of a easterly flow here that we have outside at the higher elevations, right at the surface , a very weak onshore breeze.
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notice the arrows coming in from this direction, but they're moving very slowly. fairfield reporting an onshore breeze at seven miles per hour. most areas in the north bay parts of the central bay reporting calm conditions. right now we will continue with the mostly sunny skies for today. notice just a little patch of fog there off the coastline. it doesn't really last getting into tomorrow morning. patchy drizzle along the coast will be a possibility, as well as a little bit of fog and now entering the bay sunday morning, a bit of a different story, a little bit more fog cover, patchy drizzle, a possibility and the cloud cover is now inner east bay through the south bay and the north bay. this also happens to be mother's day. if you have plans to go out, maybe breakfast or brunch, you may have a little bit of fog joining you to start the morning, and temperatures are expected to be cooler compared to what we are seeing out there for today as well as tomorrow. right now, 56 degrees in san francisco in the north bay, 51 in napa, inner east bay,
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starting out 54 degrees in livermore, santa rosa going to be nice and warm for you this afternoon. by lunchtime. low 80s in the forecast. mid 80s expected for the second part of your afternoon for san francisco today. a notable drop coming 73 degrees, especially a cooler along the coastline by five even ten degrees or so, with 69 in pacifica. meanwhile inner east bay, you will be just as warm, maybe even a little hotter in some areas. takes you an extra day before you begin to feel that drop in temperatures. so we'll go low 90s for our hotter spots today. meanwhile, carrying you into the weekend now, where temperatures will continue to drop on saturday. more so on sunday. low 60s at the coast, low 80s inland. a tad cooler on monday. pam. >> all right. thank you rosemary. frustration in the south bay as another baby is exposed to fentanyl. what we are learning from prosecutors about where a couple is accused of storing their drugs and shots fired during a rowing competition on the sacramento river. the bay area athletes and
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parentwho witnessed he (oven ding audio mnemonic) tyson boneless buffalo bites and hot wings have that tasty kick of flavor... they're perfect for any get-together ...if there are any left when your guests arrive. tyson any'tizers® chicken. more kicks of flavor. more smiling snackers. more to love. tyson. i brought in ensure max protein with 30 grams of protein! those who tried me felt more energy in just two weeks. -ugh. -here, i'll take that. woo hoo! ensure max protein, 30 grams protein, 1 gram sugar, 25 vitamins and minerals. and a new fiber blend with a prebiotic. (♪) i love that my daughter still needs me. but sometimes i can't help due to burning and stabbing pain in my hands, so i use nervive. nervive's clinical dose of ala reduces nerve discomfort in as little as seven days. now i can help again feel the difference with nervive.
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moments for teenage boys from the east bay who were rowing in a race on the sacramento river. police say someone fired at least three shots and they landed in the river right near the rowing team. you can see the splash from one of the bullets in the water. just a few feet from the boat. fortunately no one was hurt and investigators still don't know the motive for the shooting. >> no one saw the shooter. there were. there were dozens and dozens of people that were boaters or people fishing. there were, people walking along the path, and the police don't even know where the shots came from. >> the boys on the boat are part
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of a high school racing team called the oakland strokes. they compete in local, state and national rowing races. anyone with information is asked to contact west sacramento police. it was an emotional day at the alameda county sheriff's office regional training center in dublin. liam already there, the 179th academy hosted its memorial run in honor of oakland police officer twan lay. two recruits presented his mom and widow with flowers. the academy class had just started its training when officer lay was shot and killed last december. yesterday lay, his brother in law, thanked the recruits for honoring the fallen officer. this way, saying he knew the importance of crossing the finish line together as a unit and leaving no one behind. this was the last time all 61 of the recruits in the 179th ran together before graduation on monday, a national cybersecurity
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conference in san francisco gave the local economy a boost. more than 40,000 people attended the rsa conference at moscone center. the event ends this week, but it brought plenty of business to the area. city officials say it will bring more than $62 million this year. restaurants near the convention center say they were packed throughout the week. >> they've really been enjoying it. we see people who are regulars for this event, regulars for this convention coming back year after year, and they say how happy they are to be back in san francisco. >> one of the most important things we can do for san francisco is fill our convention center, bring meetings and conventions to san francisco. those folks are staying in our accommodations. they're eating in our restaurants. they're really stimulating the entire economy of san francisco. >> the rsa conference is considered the second biggest annual conference in san francisco, after dreamforce for the first time in 20 years, planet fitness is raising its membership fee. starting this summer, the classic membership will go up from $10 a month to
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$15 for new members. current members will still pay the $10 for the length of their membership. planet fitness did not reveal exactly why it's raising prices, but it had lower than expected revenue for its first quarter. apple is apologizing for an ipad commercial that is getting slammed by the creative arts community. all the things you do give me a reason to build my wall around you. the ad, released on ceo tim cook's x page, shows a hydraulic press destroying musical instruments, books, paints, a television sculpture and other items. the commercial then reveals the company's newest ipad pro. the ad is receiving public backlash with celebrities including actor hugh grant saying it demonstrates technology crushing the creative world. apple says it missed the mark and won't rerun the commercial as mother's
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day approaches business, say it's important for companies to understand the challenges facing mothers in the workplace, especially new moms. while the pregnancy discrimination act of 1978 offers mothers legal protections at work, management professionals encourage companies to go one step further . >> becoming a mom is a huge identity shift for women. and so by acknowledging that something really momentous happened, that's a really important signal to mothers coming back into the workplace that people recognize that that shift has happened. >> research shows companies that have policies that support moms in the workplace have a better chance of retaining those employees. the oakland zoo is welcoming a new baby giraffe, and they want your help to name him the new giraffe is exploring his space and getting to know his five herd mates. the 13 month old male came to oakland from the audubon nature institute in louisiana. the move
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was recommended by the association of zoos and aquariums as part of its species survival plan. zoo officials say giraffes face multiple threats in the wild. >> the predominant factor really is habitat encroachment. you know, there's less and less space, more and more humans, and that creates a myriad of different pressures that make it really hard for those animals to survive. and reticulated giraffes, in particular, of significant portion of their range, moves through parts of africa that really struggle with a lot of civil war, drought, flooding, and various really climate concerns that are affecting their ability to do well in that environment. >> but you can vote on the giraffes name on the zoo's facebook, instagram and x pages. the winner will be announced on monday. cherry picking season is up and running here in the bay area. farms in brentwood are now open and inviting families to visit and pick cherries. orchards are typically open only on weekends from about 8:00 in the morning to 5:00 in the
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evening. if you are planning to visit a farm, you are encouraged to wear closed toed shoes and bring your own buckets. for those cherries. fall out this morning over the decision to rename the oakland airport the final approval paving way for change and two lawsuits. >> plus, this program just makes fremont a safer place. >> we're using technology for good, and we're getting an inside look at the first of its kind drone system, helping one city in the east bay from ktvu, fox two news. >> this is mornings on two. it is 5:00. welcome to mornings on two. i'm andre senior in for dave clark. >> thank you for being here. >> of course it gets a little lonely wordy for me. >> all right, i'm pam cook. it is friday may 10th. and i think it's going to be. do you like the. do you like the heat? no, i don't like it too hot either. we have a little bit smaller comfort zone. rosemary, you like
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the heat usually. right. >> i'm a little fickle. i like the warmth, but only for a couple of days. and then bring back the down. yes, yes, yes. good morning, both of you. happy friday everybody. well, if you do like the heat it'll be on especially for inland cities once again for today, anywhere from 10 to 15 degrees above average. meanwhile a cooldown already underway for parts of the coast. and bay. i'll have a look at the current conditions and what we can expect to afford the weekend. coming up in just a little bit at 5:00. let's see how the morning rush hour. well, not the rush just yet. let's see how the commute is doing with sal. good morning. >> you're right about that, rosemary. it's not the rush yet. we don't have a lot going on. i've been looking here at a lot of these commutes. let's go to our triple a traffic cameras and show you the bay bridge. you can see that traffic is looking very good and we don't have a lot going on. i'm going to take a quick tour here. i don't see a lot of red on the maps, a little, maybe on the altamont
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pass, but not a lot on highway four yet. and that's a good thing. and in the south bay, we're all clear. 501 let's get back to the headlines. >> thank you. sal. the port of oakland officially voted to change the name of the oakland airport. it will now be known as san francisco bay oakland international airport. ktvu james torres live in oakland. with the lawsuits now being filed for and against that change, the debate continues. james >> pam. good morning. well, oakland port officials say the motivation for the name change is simply to let people who are coming into town know that oakland is not too far away from san francisco. they argue that that's not really common knowledge for people who live across the country, and maybe even some who live around the world. san francisco city attorney says that is a trademark infringement. now, port officials, they had their final vote last night. they heard hours of public comment, most of which are coming from people who are arguing against the name change, many saying two airports with san francisco in the name would confuse travelers
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. >> vote no to the name change and no to the airport expansion. please protect the east bay and lead the way to a healthy future with fewer flights and less pollution. >> the slanted survey, written and administered to achieve approval will. it does not at all provide evidence that aucklanders want a name change. >> there is a tiny bit of precedent for this. i mean, there are other cities that have the city in two different airport names. i think places like chicago and dallas. but the port voted unanimously for the name change. it argues, because it's using its own logo, and that oak airport code wouldn't change. there isn't a problem. we asked people at the airport before the vote happened what they thought. >> i would guess that maybe combining the names, maybe, teaches people that they are close and affiliated with each other. >> i do know that when i first was flying here, that it was a
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little confusing which one to go to. so i can understand that being an issue. >> well, now the arguments are going to court san francisco city attorney david chu wrote in a statement, quote, it's disappointing that oakland chose to ignore our multiple offers to collaborate on alternative names and avoid litigation. we have no choice but to move forward with next steps and our trademark lawsuit. oakland port officials immediately filed a counter lawsuit and said in a statement of their own, quote, sfo's lawsuit is a disappointing and anti-competitive effort to discourage competition and choice, and we are confident the court will agree. so the question now is how soon until the name change takes effect? well, technically it was official as of last night after port officials made that vote. the port says it will work on rebranding the airport, but you likely won't notice any real significant differences until all of these arguments play out in court. we're live this
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morning from the oakland airport. i'm james torres, ktvu, fox two news. >> james. thank you. the city of fremont is calling its groundbreaking drone program a huge success. the city's police officers and firefighters are the first in the nation to use drones on a regular basis when responding to emergency calls. the drone program has been in place for more than a year. emergency responders say the drones are now playing a major role in efforts to crack down on crime. it truly has been a such a useful tool for de-escalation, for apprehension of violent suspects, for public safety. firefighters also say the drones have provided a huge boost to public safety. one drone recently took to the skies just moments after a home went up in flames. >> one of our other battalion chiefs was the person operating the drone that was able to give me real life time intel, the drones actually looking for hazards, possible hazards that could affect either public safety in general or responding personnel. >> fremont police and firefighters say the drones are
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only used for critical or life threatening situation, and first responders stress they are not allowed to be used for random surveillance. >> we have an update now on a hit and run in san francisco that injured two people, including a 14 year old girl. earlier this week, district attorney brooke jenkins announced that 54 year-old rodney jefferson has been charged with a number of crimes, including reckless driving with great bodily injury and driving with a suspended license. this is video from the end of the police chase when the driver crashed at embarcadero and jones. police say it all started when he was spinning donuts tuesday morning and hit someone with his car. police say the suspect then raced away and hit another person, a 14 year-old girl who was crossing the street. both victims are expected to survive. >> 506 is your time. an investigation is underway after a man was shot in san jose. it happened at about 545 last night near interstate 280 and mclaughlin avenue. police say the man was taken to the hospital and is in critical condition. it's not clear yet
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what led to the shooting or how many people police may be looking for in connection to the case. >> a san jose couple is behind bars this morning accused of exposing their baby to a lethal amount of fentanyl. the district attorney's office says it is one of the largest drug busts of its kind in santa clara county history. authorities say the two suspects are drug dealers. they are accused of stashing up to 55,000 fentanyl pills under their ten month old baby's crib. investigators say they also found marijuana, cocaine and a loaded gun inside the couple's home. >> i know for so many people in our community, it's frustrating to hear that we still have these crimes existing because it doesn't make sense. like why you don't do everything to protect your child. >> the couple's baby is now being cared for by the child's paternal grandmother. the two suspects are due back in court july 11th. well, in honor of mother's day, a san luis obispo county hospital hosted a special day for moms dignity health french hospital hosting a bellys
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babies and bellies class for moms and expecting moms every week. >> but they had a special surprise for moms yesterday. moms enjoyed lunch, massages, yoga, and a little dancing to a childbirth educator and registered nurse helped organize the event. >> this is a wonderful place for parents to enjoy coming and getting some support. we always do highs, lows and goals. >> the bellies and babies class meets every thursday. it's designed to help new moms create a community with other new moms. and pam, i bet you're remember those days. yes, and rosemary too. >> oh, yes. absolutely. good morning everybody. a happy friday. yes. moms need a little pampering every now and then. and a lot of help outside our doors at this time. we are with mostly clear skies, a little bit of fog out there this morning, but into the afternoon. another beautiful one coming our way. a cooler one for many along the coast. inside the bay. take a
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look at just how much cooler we are. down by 12 degrees in oakland this morning. down by 22 degrees in petaluma. even areas of the north bay. now beginning to see a little bit of a shift. concord you are down by four. however, livermore, you are up by two. a very weak onshore breeze through fairfield. we're talking 5 to 10mph or so. this will be the kickoff of the cooling trend that today impacting our coastline, our bayside communities, the inner east bay. you are likely to remain just as warm for today. maybe even a tad hotter away from the influence of the cool onshore breeze. 55 degrees right now in san francisco, 46 at half moon bay in the north bay. we showed you a moment ago down by several degrees, even a 20 degrees or so in some areas, starting out in the low 50s, i'm even seeing some upper 40s out there in the north bay right now. 49 windsor, 49, rohnert park 48 for you. sonoma. so a chill in the air is back.
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meanwhile, our winds generally light, even calm right now over the north bay again. fairfield reporting just a very weak onshore breeze. partly cloudy skies mostly clear for today. we have a little bit of fog trying to develop. it won't have much luck, but we will see the return of the fog into the weekend. a view of your afternoon highs for today still remaining above average. even though san francisco you're going to be several degrees cooler than yesterday. going to 73. a better look at the afternoon highs for today and the cool down that will continue into your weekend. coming up in just a little bit. >> thank you rosemary. president biden arrived in san francisco to prepare for a busy day of fundraising. what we know so far about the campaign events he's attending. >> and you heard rosemary mentioned how the thermometer is rising across the bay area. we hear from cal fire about how you
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we're talking about cashbackin. not a game. not a game! we're talking about cashbackin. we're talking about cashbackin. we're not talking about practice? no. we're talking about cashbackin. we're talking about cashbackin. we're talking about cashbackin. not a game! we've been talking about practice for too long. -word. -no practice. we're talking about cashbackin. we're talking about cashbackin. i mean, we're not talking about a game! cashback like a pro with chase freedom unlimited. how do you cashback? chase. make more of what's yours.
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are going to be traveling. we've got some nice weather in many areas, including seattle. partly cloudy skies, 80 degrees for the afternoon. my goodness. going to be a beautiful one for you. there with no weather delays expected. meanwhile, los angeles sitting pretty at 73, weather delays unlikely where you may experience a little bit of wet weather and perhaps a weather delays is going to be for folks
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traveling to honolulu today. we've got scattered showers in the forecast and 80 degrees expected there, while the humidity is going to be high in honolulu. meanwhile, a quick, brief look across the nation where the west half of the country fairly quiet, nice and warm in phoenix for today. meanwhile, if you're headed east, we have thunderstorm in the four and the forecast there, with new york coming in at 52 degrees for the afternoon. andre we will mark that. >> we will not rest close that as well. >> hundreds of ucla faculty and staff rallied on campus, calling for the resignation of the university's chancellor. the faculty members are criticizing chancellor gene block over the handling of a pro-palestine encampment and the violence that led to arrests. many faculty members have signed an online petition calling for block to step down immediately, even though he's retiring at the end of the school year. so far, the chancellor's office has not responded. celebrations rang out at the los angeles coliseum for
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the usc's graduation event. there, the university canceled its main stage graduation because of pro-palestine protest on campus. instead, they hosted a trojan family graduate celebration featuring drone shows, fireworks and surprise performances. >> our coverage of campus protests, as well as the latest developments on the war in gaza, can be found online on our website, the uc board of regents meets tuesday and is expected to approve a plan for ucla to cover some of the athletic expenses at cal. now, the proposal calls for ucla to pay $10 million a year for six years. ucla and usc are moving out of the pac 12 conference and into the big ten. the southern california schools will each net about $65 million a year in media rights. however the departure eventually led to the collapse of the pac 12, causing cal and stanford to go to the atlantic coast conference. the acc next season. cal faces extra travel costs and reduced share
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of the acc's media rights deal. >> law enforcement officials in florida released body camera footage of a black air force service member being shot and killed in his own apartment by a sheriff's deputy. officers say the deputy was responding to a disturbance call at the us airmen's apartment building. the video shows the deputy knocking and announcing himself. the us airman opened the door holding a gun pointing down. the deputy shot the airman almost immediately after he opened that door. family members of the us airman say the deputy went to the wrong apartment. well, now they're demanding answers with a retrieved his legal registered gun as a gun owner to protect his house. >> i want to assure you that we are not hiding, covering up or taking action. that would result in a rush to judgment. >> the shooting is under investigation, and the deputy has been placed on administrative leave. >> a former executive at tesla had a message for elon musk after his resignation. rich otto, the now former head of
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product, led the department for nearly seven years. he shared his concerns over the company's recent layoffs in a linkedin post, writing that he cut the cuts, are, quote, rocking the company and have disrupted its morale. more than 14,000 tesla employees have been laid off since april. now, thousands of job postings are also set to be eliminated. >> visitors will soon have to pay a fee to hike a popular trail in northern california. this week, the bureau of land management announced. starting in early november, backpackers will have to pay a $12 fee to hike the lost coast trail and the king range wilderness. right now, visitors only have to pay a $6 reservation fee to hike the trail in mendocino county. the bureau of land management says these fees will be used to help improve access to public lands, enhance public health and safety, and better protect natural resources well, temperatures have been warming up this week, and there's a warning on how to stay safe. >> santa clara valley is expected to hit highs in the mid to upper 80s this weekend. as
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the weather heats up, more people are expected to spend time outdoors as officials are reminding people be cautious as the weather gets warmer. cal fire says people should pay attention to how their body is responding to the heat. >> you just need to be mindful of our bodies, making sure that we're keeping up with our hydration, eating healthy meals that will fuel your body, giving yourself a break and just preparing yourself ahead of time . >> fire officials also say people should enjoy the warm weather, but high temperatures can lead to increased fire danger as well, so be careful about what you are doing with this warm weather. >> it's always the it's always a concern. >> and boy the weeds. i know one thing i've noticed, like the side sides of freeways don't throw anything that might be on fire outside. cigaret window. yes, don't throw cigaret because there's a lot of lot of dry. the brush is drying, right? >> rosemary. yes, it happens very quickly. over a matter of weeks we watch the green hills turn brown right. and then we're dry pretty much for the rest of
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the summer. thankfully, with all that rain we had over the last season, it helps to keep a little bit of moisture there intact under the surface. here's a look a beautiful shot of the golden gate bridge, and we don't have the sun up just yet. that will come just after 6:00, but you can already see in view a little bit of fog trying to work its way into the bay. so there is one indication of change on the way. storm tracker two here. still watching a little bit of the north and northeasterly flow. you can see the arrows still coming from this direction right? but if we get in a little bit closer to home, we're seeing a variable wind. and in some areas it's an onshore breeze including areas like oakland right now, oakland north and south reporting westerly southwesterly breeze at ten miles per hour. so the fog is lurking right off the coastline entering the bay. the onshore breeze is making a comeback this morning. temperatures are much cooler in most areas as a result, and as we roll through the weekend, we're going to continue on this path. here's a
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look at tomorrow morning. a little bit of drizzle out there. the fog is now reclaimed. the coastline and just inside the bay. tomorrow we'll see a subtle drop in temperatures. our inland cities. we know this time of year takes an extra day or two before you begin to feel it right. you're still away too far away to get the influence here. but here's a look at sunday morning, the fog along the coastline and inside the bay. north bay, east bay, south bay. so for mother's day, do expect that cloud cover to be joining us in the morning. if you have breakfast or brunch plans, you may have to, you know, consider a little bit of drizzle along the coastline. maybe inside the bay. and then as we get into the afternoon, we'll call for partly cloudy skies at the coast and mostly sunny for the rest of us, with temperatures expected to be coolest on sunday. right now, temperatures across the bay area, most of us in the 50s, a cool 46 at half moon bay and then into the afternoon upper 60s at the coast. low 70, san francisco, low to mid 80s around the bay. our inland cities, east bay expected to get close to 90,
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perhaps even hit it for today. if you're going to see the giants game a little bit later this evening, we've got 67 degrees at game time with a west southwest breeze at 13mph. a beautiful start at the ballpark, but it will continue to cool off in that breeze we know can get awfully chilly. here's a look at the extended forecast. the temperatures continuing to fall. mother's day looks good to low 60s at the coast to low 80s inland and a tad cooler on monday. andre. >> rosemary. thank you. a rally outside of a san francisco hospital coming up. the reason nurses say they're ready to walk off the job. then seeking asylum in the us about to get a lot tougher because of new rules from the biden administration. the reason some california
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the agency says foreign adversaries could deploy artificial intelligence as a means to spread disinformation. a recent intelligence community report found russia tried to denigrate the democratic party in the 2022 midterms, and china sought to influence races featuring candidates from both parties, focusing on those with anti-china views. donald trump's criminal trial in new york resumes today, capping off a dramatic week that included testimony from adult film actress stormy daniels. daniels faced questions during cross examination yesterday. trump's attorney tried to discredit her and point out inconsistencies in her story about her alleged
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sexual encounter with trump. the defense also questioned daniels about why she accepted a $130,000 payment to keep quiet instead of going public. >> i think you'll see some very revealing things today. and, i want to thank my lawyers have done a very good job, but i'd rather thank them after it's over. >> prosecutors accused trump of falsifying business records to cover up the payment to daniels. trump has pleaded not guilty. the biden administration says it wants to speed up rather the asylum process at the southern border. a new rule announced it will allow border agents to turn away migrants, who are considered a national security threat or public safety risk, during their initial screenings. currently, migrants can wait out their asylum process in the u.s. even if they have a criminal background or pose a criminal concern. >> we should not fear immigration as a subject matter. we should lean into it. >> we're going to be dealing with this as a catastrophe and an extreme danger to our homeland for the foreseeable
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future. >> it's not clear what percentage of migrants seeking asylum will be affected by the new rule. california senator alex padilla says he's closely reviewing the rule. he says his main concern is that it's outs asylum. that is, that asylum seekers are put at risk and in danger. and that, quote, to improve the asylum system, we must fully fund it and provide access to counsel as well. all right. president biden is withholding arms shipments to israel. how prime minister benjamin netanyahu is responding this morning. then a controversial plan approved by the state's public utility commission , the charge that wi a slow network is no network for business. that's why more choose comcast business. and now, we're introducing ultimate speed for business —our fastest plans yet. we're up to 12 times faster than verizon, at&t, and t-mobile. and existing customers could even get up to
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it this morning, what it could reveal about the state's budget deficit. >> plus, i live like right over there and we're just hoping to get a glimpse. >> i thought i just, hang around and, watch the president come in . >> and they did. president biden arrived in the bay area to kick off a quick fundraising trip. what we know so far about his plans today. >> from ktvu, fox two news. this is mornings on two. good morning. >> thank you for waking up with us here on morning sun two i'm pam cook i'm andre senior in for dave clark. >> today is friday may 10th and the heat is on. let's check in with rosemary oroczo. she's in for steve this morning with a look at the rising temperatures. >> yeah, it's going to be well above average once again today
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andre pam good morning to both of you and happy friday everybody. now with that said we do have a cooldown coming. our way and we're already feeling it in many areas this morning. and we as we get into the afternoon upper 60s at the coastline today as opposed to 80 degrees for pacifica, a better look at the afternoon highs for today, the cooling trend that will carry us all the way into a mother's day sunday, coming up in just a little bit at 530. let's see how the highways are shaping up on this friday morning with sal. good morning. >> all right. good morning to you rosemary. right now we don't have any major problems out there when it comes to the morning commute. let's go right to our triple a traffic cameras and show you the bay bridge is still light, and we're expecting it to stay that way on a friday. mondays and fridays tend to be lighter and then tuesday, wednesday and thursday of the workhorse days, so to speak. you can see the east bay commute looks pretty good. 680 and 880 a little slowing on the altamont pass. no slowing yet on highway four. that's a good thing. and
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it's slightly unusual, but we'll take it at 530. let's get back to the headlines. >> all right, sal, thank you. happening today, governor gavin newsom is expected to release an updated budget for the next fiscal year. state leaders are not expecting great news and say the $38 billion budget deficit announced earlier this year. that's likely grown. ktvu sally rasmus joins us live to explain what that means for the governor and the state. >> ali andre, it means there will likely be cuts coming to state programs and benefits now that californians have filed their tax returns, state officials have a much better idea of how much money is coming in and the state's legislative office estimates there is less of it. and the budget deficit has likely grown from $38 billion in january to estimates are anywhere between 68 to 70 billion, according to that state budget office. we don't know the exact number yet. we will find out when governor newsom announces his revised budget plan today. the california constitution requires the state to balance the budget every year. now, at a chamber of
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commerce event earlier this week, the governor hinted at coming spending cuts to balance the budget, saying, quote, we're not just going to try to solve for this year. i want to solve for next year. i think it's too important. we have got to be more disciplined. end quote. now california is not alone in this challenge. there are many states facing tighter budgets. economic growth has slowed nationwide. there is less payroll tax revenue coming in with layoffs and job cuts happening, and sales tax revenue is down because of consumers cuts in spending. the governor is expected to announce his revised budget plan later this morning. and that's when we will get the details going to be cut. back to you, pam. thank you. >> ali. president biden and the first lady are in the bay area. the president landed at moffett field at 725 last night. the first lady touched down at sfo earlier in the day. now the president hopped on marine one for a quick flight to the marina green in san francisco. the visit is part of a west coast fundraising trip. the president was greeted by san francisco mayor london breed when he stepped off marine one at the
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marina green. several people gathered nearby just to catch a glimpse of the president. >> i came here for a run with marina run club and then after i finished the run, i was already out here. it was nice weather. so, you know, i thought i'd just, hang around and, watch the president come in today. >> president biden is scheduled to attend a fundraising reception hosted in palo alto. he will then head to portola valley for an event at the home of a local venture capitalist. last night, first lady jill biden attended a fundraiser in kentfield today, she will travel to los angeles and this is president biden's second campaign fundraising trip to the bay area this year. >> with six months to election day. president biden and donald trump have been neck and neck in at least some recent polls, both candidates are trying to raise money for political ads. money is the mother's milk of politics, and it matters. >> and this isn't a presidential election where you're going to see north of 6 to $8 billion spent politically. >> political analysts say much
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of that money raised will go to increase voter turnout, especially among young people. israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu refuses to rule out a full scale invasion of the southern gaza city of rafah, despite warnings from the us president. >> biden has warned israel that the us will not supply weapons to attack rafah or more than 1 million palestinian ins have taken refuge. however, netanyahu says rafah is the remaining stronghold of hamas and israel will do what's necessary to eliminate the terrorist group. >> we are determined and we are united in order to defeat our enemies and those who want to destroy us. if we need to stand alone, we will stand alone. >> republicans have denounced president biden's threat to cut off aid to israel. >> well, governor newsom is putting pressure on the city of half moon bay to approve a 40 unit affordable housing project for farm workers. the governor released a statement calling on the city's planning commission to stop stalling. the delay follows a deadly shooting last year that exposed the dire living conditions of farm
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workers in the area. earlier this week, the county board of supervisors approved funding for the project. the half moon bay planning commission could move this housing project forward next week. during its meeting on tuesday, thousands of californians who are set to lose their homeowners insurance are getting some help. >> mercury insurance says it will work to provide coverage for customers of tokio marine insurance and its subsidiary, trans pacific insurance. the companies are sending out non-renew notices starting july 1st. they insure more than 12,000 homes. mercury says it's working to partner with agents to cover those losing coverage. >> well, california's public utility commission unanimously approved a controversial plan that will change how customers energy bills are calculated. the plan applies to pg and e and other investor owned utilities. it adds a $24 charge to most bills. in exchange, customers would pay 5 to $0.07 less per kilowatt hour. the charges will fund utility infrastructure improvements, mark toney,
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executive director of the utility reform network, tells us this plan should result in more equitable contributions across the state. >> people who live in the coast, who have cooler climates, who don't use as much electricity, we'll see a small increase, but that is so that people in the central valley who have the lowest incomes and the highest energy use, get a little bit of a break, lower income customers will see a flat rate of 6 or $12. >> the new fees are set to take effect in 2026. >> investigators in hayward are trying to determine the cause of a vegetation fire that destroyed several cars and threatened dozens of homes. it was first reported shortly before noon yesterday in hayward's jackson triangle neighborhood, just east of highway 92 and interstate 880. the first firefighters who arrived on scene spotted huge flames shooting up through clusters of eucalyptus trees. one woman immediately took
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action once she spotted the fast moving fire racing toward her home. >> i jumped out, got my family out and then i don't know what came over me, but basically i just thought, well, maybe i could slow down the fire. >> no reports of any injuries. firefighters managed to keep the flames from damaging any homes, but they do say at least four vehicles in the neighborhood were destroyed. >> across the bay area this morning, waking up a bit cooler. good morning, everybody, and happy friday to you. i'll have a look at your temperatures here in just a moment. first, let's take a peek at what is going on outside over san francisco. a beautiful view for you. there 25 minutes until the official sunrise and already a nice golden hue as we look off towards the north and east. storm tracker two here on the pattern is beginning to shift a little. hard to see it from this standpoint. we could still see a little bit of an easterly offshore flow, but at the surface we already have a little bit of that sea breeze making a
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comeback. and we have a shallow marine layer with fog just along the coastline and trying to enter the bay this morning. and with that, take a look how much cooler we are. already down by 22 degrees in petaluma. you take the prize, at least on this graphic here. down by 12 in oakland, you get farther inland, a little bit less of an influence. livermore you're actually a little bit warmer compared to yesterday. at this time. and it will be the inner east bay that will be just as warm today, even a little bit hotter compared to yesterday. those afternoon highs here coming up 56 right now in walnut creek. low 50s for a novato and upper 40s reported at half moon bay. so temperatures off to a chillier start for many in the north bay we have upper 40s healdsburg windsor, rohnert park , fairfax, san anselmo and a very weak, weak onshore breeze through fairfield at about seven miles per hour. many of us have calm conditions, a light wind out there and again the afternoon highs notice along the coastline going to be 11 degrees
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cooler in pacifica today. oakland you're going to shave off a few degrees. san francisco you will notice the difference. yesterday 81 today 73 santa rosa. you're coming down by a couple of degrees. with the temperatures continuing to fall into the weekend. a better look at the afternoon highs for today and what we can expect for your weekend in the extended forecast coming up. >> all right rosemary, thanks. a sign of relief for some of oakland's homeless community. even though the city is closing one of its largest homeless shelters, a new one is opening in its place. coming up at six. what we know about the plant that transformed jack london inn into temporary housing and prospective college students. >> beware the new warning about what's being called fake universities
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did my legs shrink? i can move them. i mean, i knew alaska airlines' premium class had extra legroom but this... this feels different. okay. crazy idea. on the count of 3... i'm going to try and cross my... ohhhhhhhhhhh boyy that's nice. woooooo!
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( ♪ ) sources at san francisco's public hospitals are warning of a possible strike. dozens rallied outside laguna honda hospital. they say right now, staffing levels are extremely low and patient care could be affected. they're also warning that if the city does not take action in contract negotiations to increase staffing, a strike is inevitable. >> our patients are, put in unsafe positions, you know, because if we don't have enough staff, they could fall out of bed. we have to make sure they
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get fed. we have to prevent them from having bed sores. you know, we have to make sure they get their overall care we need. we have to make sure they get all their daily needs met and we're working short. something is going to fall through the cracks. >> the san francisco department of public health says it has hired 166 new nurses since december, and is on track to hire an additional 50 by the end of this fiscal year. now, in a statement, the public health department says it has made significant progress in hiring and retaining permanent registered nurses as we continue to recover and stabilize operations after the pandemic. nurses are the backbone of care and the department is extremely grateful for their commitment. >> time now 543. a health care system in the south bay is rolling out a new fleet of ambulances. santa clara valley health care announced it has 12 new ambulances, which it says will significantly improve transport times between its three hospitals and 16 clinics. county leaders say the vehicles will make a tremendous difference for families that
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have complicated and urgent health care needs. the health care system says these new ambulances were made possible by donations from the community. >> all right. the plans for the weekend include the wine country you should know, repaving, work on highway 37 is back on track. caltrans will close the eastbound lanes from highway 121 near sears point to vallejo, starting at 10:00 tonight. the lanes will reopen on monday, not until 5 a.m. wet weather forced caltrans to postpone the work that was scheduled last weekend. the final closure is set for the following weekend, starting may 17th. >> the san jose bart extension project is getting $500 million in federal funding. now. the valley transportation authority, the agency overseeing the project, says the investment will inch the project closer to completion. construction is already underway. the $12 billion bart extension will build a subway through downtown san jose. >> that means it is a nationally important project. it is one of the most important projects in
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this budget. is the second highest project with an allocation, and what that means is that this project has huge support right now. >> crews are working on the second phase of the project, expanding the newhall maintenance facility near santa clara university. services scheduled to begin in the spring of 2037 544 now, the u.s. department of education is warning students about the growing number of so-called zombie universe cities that are showing up online, the department says stratford university in virginia is one of at least nine u.s. colleges that have closed, but the names have been resurrected. one investigative reporter discovered it is still accepting applications and asking for money. >> i went through the whole application. they were asking for my driver's license. they were asking for the license number associated with that. they wanted academic transcripts. they also wanted like a passport size image. right. which is a little unusual. during the college application process. but they
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also wanted this $75 application fee. the department of education says it's difficult to track these zombie universities and those responsible for setting up the sites. >> a group of friends in southern california is helping property owners with the growing issue of illegal squatters. >> the l.a. squatter squad is called in to remove people who break into homes and won't leave. property owners say current laws often make it difficult to get squatters out of a home. sometimes they create fake leases to live rent free. the squatter squad recently helped evict several people from an apartment. >> the apartment was just completely refurnished, refurbished and after someone had been there for decades and they moved in days later and it's probably completely ruined now. they're literally training themselves, and they're actually on youtube and other places, training each other. how you can actually take over somebody's home, like what we're handling today. >> the squatter squad advises property owners to take preventative measures. they recommend installing security cameras. the display to display
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no trespassing signs and have a good relationship with your neighbors. >> well, san francisco's one step closer to turning the stonestown galleria shopping center into a neighborhood. the city's planning commission unanimously approved the development plans, which adds 150,000ft!s of retail space, 350 homes, a childcare center, six acres of parks and green space including a town square. developers are also pledging to contribute to renovations for a playground and fire station. this project still needs approval from the board of supervisors, but it is receiving overwhelming support. construction is expected to take eight years and be divided into phases. >> and i checked with our our writers and they're going to add to what is there, add to the mall. that's already which is nice. the stonestown sal has done a really great job of revitalizing, and now they're going to add to it. it sounds amazing. yeah, yeah. >> you know, pam, a certain someone used to wait for the 21 a at stonestown and talk to all
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talk to all the mercy girls while doing so are basically located that job. absolutely. yeah. yeah, it's, it was it's been a cool place, a place of my childhood. so there you go. all right. good morning, everyone, let's go and take a look at the east bay. i want to start with highway four. we don't have any slowing yet. that's unusual, there have been no major problems on 680 south. as you head out toward the walnut creek area. and then 80 westbound has a little slowing in richmond. just a little bit as you get a crash that's reported right near central avenue on westbound 80. i don't know if that's causing it or it's just a normal morning slowdown that we get sometimes times let's talk about the triple a traffic camera showing us the bay bridge. it is nice and light. there have been no major problems. i don't know if that's, a little mist or little fog back there, but, looks like that's going on in the background. 548 let's talk to rosemary about this weekend's weather. >> yes, sal, we do have those changes already underway along
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the coastline inside the bay. we're filling it our north bay locations down by 20 degrees or so compared to yesterday morning. so this is going to be the start of a cooling trend. now with that said, we are still going to be above average today in our inland east bay may not get to the enjoyment of the cool down. today. could take an extra day. here's a look over san francisco a beautiful start to the day we do have a little bit of fog out there entering through the golden gate. we have a weak onshore breeze and a view of storm tracker two here. hard to see what's going on. we do see still a little bit of that northeasterly flow up above, right? let's squeeze in a little bit closer. our winds are variable. we have some areas reporting an onshore breeze including areas over the oakland hills, through the delta here through the carquinez strait, just a very weak one. but it's there a little bit of a northwest flow here coming in from the north over in areas of mount veeder. we will transition again to the cooler pattern
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continuing into the weekend. but for now it's sort of depending on where you live, whether or not you're feeling it just yet, look here at when the fog is expected to return. it's going to be a struggle. today we're seeing a little bit out there this morning, tomorrow a little bit more along the coast, a little bit of drizzle inside the bay. it's trying to form sunday. definitely seeing it a little bit more in sunday. looks like it's going to be the cooler of the two days of the weekend. patchy drizzle to start the morning and more fog inside the bay. east bay, north bay, south bay if you have plans for mom on sunday morning, you may need a light jacket. maybe a you know, i don't know, something to protect you from the drizzle along the coastline and then into the afternoon. partly cloudy skies at the coast and mostly sunny for the rest of us. temperatures right now ranging from upper 40s at half moon bay to upper 50s in brentwood for the afternoon. today, upper 60s in pacifica. low 70s san francisco. low to mid 80s around the bay, as well as our north bay. our inland cities in the
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east bay expected to get into the upper 80s to low 90s. we are looking at a beautiful evening setting up into san francisco 67 degrees at game time for the giants, 715 with a west breeze to about 15mph. but as the temperatures continue to cool in, that sea breeze is with us. it's going to be a cool one. at the ballpark, there's a look at your weekend by mother's day, low 60s at the coast, mid to upper 70s around the bay. low 80s expected inland. a tad cooler on monday. back to you. >> first time as you take off. you got to push the i believe button. >> i napa native aviator in the spotlight next at six when you can watch his journey as a new member of the blue angels and learn about the rigorous training to perform those daring acrobatics and shots were fired at rowers on the sacramento river. >> we're going to hear from the bay area athletes and parents who witnessed th terr ying ♪ ♪
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rowing in a race on the sacramento river. those are the sounds of gunshots. it happened two weeks ago. police in west sacramento say someone fired at least three shots that landed in the river right near the rowing team. in the video, you can see the splash from one of the bullets in the water just a few feet away from the boat.
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fortunately, no one was hurt and investigators still don't know any motive for the shooting. >> no one saw the shooter. there were. there were dozens and dozens of people. there were boaters or people fishing. there were, people walking along the path, and the police don't even know where the shots came from. >> the boys are on the boat are part of a high school racing team called the oakland strokes. they compete in local, state and national rowing races. anyone with information is asked to contact west sacramento police at 555. >> now, an emotional day at the alameda county sheriff's office regional training center in dublin, napa liam. the 179th academy hosted its memorial run in honor of oakland police officer twan lay. two recruits presented his mom and widow with flowers. this academy class had just started its training when officer lay was shot and killed last december. yesterday his brother in law thanked the
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recruits for honoring the fallen officer. this way, saying he knew the importance of crossing the finish line together as a unit and leaving no one behind. this was the last time all 61 of the recruits in the 179th ran together before graduation. on monday, a national cybersecurity conference in san francisco gave the local economy a boost. >> more than 40,000 people attended the rsa conference at moscone center. the event ends this week, but it did bring a lot of business to the area. city officials say it will bring in more than $62 million this year. restaurants near the convention center say they were packed throughout the week. >> they've really been enjoying it. we see people who are regulars for this event, regulars for this convention coming back year after year, and they say how happy they are to be back in san francisco, one of the most important things we can do for san francisco is fill our convention center, bring meetings and conventions to san francisco. >> so those folks are staying in our accommodations, they're eating in our restaurants. so they're really stimulating the entire economy of san francisco. >> the rsa conference is
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considered the second biggest annual conference in san francisco, after dreamforce. >> for the first time in two decades, planet fitness is raising its membership fees. starting this summer, the classic membership will go up from $10 a month to $15 for new members. current members will still pay $10 for the length of their membership. planet fitness did not reveal exactly why it's raising prices, but it had lower than expected revenue for its first quarter. >> apple's apologizing for an ipad commercial that is getting slammed by the creative arts community, including some big name stars. all the things you do give me a reason to build my world of around you. the ad was released on apple ceo tim cook's x page and shows a hydraulic press destroying musical instruments, books, paints, a television and sculptures commercial, then reveals the company's newest ipad pro. the ad has receiving public backlash
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with celebrities including actor hugh grant saying it demonstrates technology crushing the creative world. apple says it, quote, missed the mark and won't rerun the commercial. >> 557 now the oakland zoo welcoming a new baby giraffe and they want your help to name him the new giraffe is exploring his space and getting to know his five herd mates. the 13 month old male came to oakland from the audubon nature institute in louisiana. the move was recommended by the association of zoos and aquariums as part of its species survival plan. zoo officials say giraffes face multiple threats in the wild. >> the predominant factor, really is habitat encroachment. you know, there's less and less space, more and more humans, and that creates a myriad of different pressures that make it really hard for those animals to survive. and reticulated giraffes, in particular, of significant portion of their range, moves through parts of africa that really struggle with a lot of civil war, drought, flooding, and various really climate concerns that are
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affecting their ability to do well in that environment. >> you can vote on the draft's name on the zoo's facebook, instagram and x pages. the winner will be announced on monday. >> it's cherry picking season in the bay area farms in brentwood are now open and inviting families to come visit and pick cherries. orchards are typically open only on the weekends, from 8:00 in the morning to 5:00 in the evening. if you are planning to visit a farm, you are encouraged to wear closed toed shoes and bring your own buckets. for those cherries. the suspects right here. >> so he's hiding behind the trash cans. >> improving safety for people living in alameda county will bring you an up close look at drone, a program that the city is using. city of fremont is using leading the way. leading the way in this one of a kind partnership. we'll tell you more about it. and we're live at oakland international airport, where a legal battle is heating up over the decision to rename the airport. the final approval, paving the way for the change
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and triggering two lawsuits from ktvu. >> fox two news. this is mornings on two. >> welcome to mornings on two. it is 6:00. i'm andre senior in for dave clark. >> good morning i'm pam cook. it is friday may 10th and i love that sight. >> isn't that cool. the fog rolling in rosemary because that means it's going to be cool where i am at least. >> but i think still kind of hot inland. >> yeah, inner east bay will definitely have the heat on once again. and for parts of our south bay as well. but yes, pam, that's definitely a welcoming sight for many. a beautiful view there. the low clouds entering the bay. we do have a bit of a shallow marine layer in place, as we can still see the tops of the bay bridge that with a white week onshore breeze, that again bringing our temperatures down this morning anywhere from 5 to 15 degrees cooler in many areas, even more than 20 degrees cooler over parts of the north bay where santa rosa is now 49 degrees. meanwhile, san francisco, checking in at 56 and san jose at 58. these
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temperatures again, a lot cooler than where we were yesterday. petaluma by 20 degrees or so, oakland by ten and mountain view by two into the afternoon. still going to be a warm one. still going to be above average, but not quite as warm as yesterday. 73 expected for san francisco 80 in oakland touching 90 degrees or so in livermore. i'll have a better look at the afternoon highs for today and the cooling trend that will continue into your mother's day sunday. coming up in just a little bit at 6:00. let's see how those highways are doing this morning with sal. good morning. >> good morning. we have to start with the bart problem. rosemary. that would be a problem with no bart service between richmond and the macarthur station in both directions because of some sort of a wayside track problem. according to bart. and this is going to be a while. they're trying to set up a bus bridge. they haven't done that yet. so if you take bart between richmond and macarthur station, they're advising you to take a different way. you cannot take
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the trains now. the rest of the trains are moving through the system. if you can get yourself to the macarthur station from that line, you should be able to take bart service. but there is something on the tracks between the macarthur station and richmond that is now allowing train service. they do not have a bus bridge yet. they're just advising you to seek another way to get around. this may put more traffic on the roads. we'll see. it's friday. if there's a better day for it to happen, it would be on a friday. westbound bay bridge getting a little bit of a backup. now that we've reached 6:00, it's actually 601. let's get back to the headlines. >> thank you. sal new this morning fremont firefighters say they will remain on the scene of a fire at a commercial building to make sure there are no flare ups. the fire was reported around 2:00 this morning on millmont drive, east of interstate eight. 80 firefighters from fremont and milpitas responded and the fire was knocked down within 90 minutes. now, firefighters were able to contain the fire to the building where it started. no injuries here. the cause remains under investigation. >> well, the port of oakland
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officially voted to change the name of the oakland airport. it will now be known as san francisco bay oakland international airport. ktvu is james torres joining us now from oakland with the lawsuits now being filed for and against that change, jane. >> yeah. strong arguments on both sides. pam, good morning to you. here report officials unanimously made that vote last night. they said the motivation for the change is essentially to let people who are traveling into town know that oakland isn't all that far away from san francisco. they argue that it's not exactly common knowledge to know that if you live somewhere further away from the area, maybe across the country or around the world, but san francisco city attorney says that is a trademark infringement. port officials, they had their final vote last night. they heard public comment for quite a while, most of which argued against the name change, many saying the two airports with san francisco in the name would confuse people. >> vote no to the name change and no to the airport expansion.
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please protect the east bay and lead the way to a healthy future with fewer flights and less pollution. >> the slanted survey, written and administered to achieve approval. it does not at all provide evidence that oaklanders want a name change, but the port voted unanimously for the name change. >> it argues because it's using its own logo. the airport code wouldn't change. there isn't a problem where there is also a little bit of precedent. if you look at some airports in dallas and in chicago as well. we asked some people at the oakland airport before the vote what they thought. >> i would guess that maybe combining the names, maybe, teaches people that they are close and affiliated with each other. >> i do know that when i first was flying here, that it was a little confusing which one to go to so i can understand that being an issue.
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>> san francisco's city attorney, david chu wrote in a statement, quote, it is disappointing that oakland chose to ignore our multiple offers to collaborate on alternative names and avoid litigation. we now have no choice but to move forward with steps in our trademark lawsuit. oakland port officials immediately filed a counter lawsuit and said in a statement of their own, quote, sfo's lawsuit is a disappointing and anti-competitive effort to discourage competition and choice, and we are confident the court will agree. the question now, how soon until that name change will take effect? well, technically it was official after the vote last night here in the oakland port, officials say that they are working on some rebranding to kind of make that name change a little more noticeable. however, you probably won't notice any significant changes until all of those arguments play out in court. we're live this morning from oakland international. i'm james torres, ktvu, fox two
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news. >> james, thank you for that update. law enforcement officials in menlo park are using video technology to help reduce and solve crime. the city council voted to move forward with an automated license plate reader program. dozens of fixed cameras will be installed throughout the city as part of a two year pilot. critics of the license plate reader cite high cost and civil rights community members advocating for the system say the protective benefits of the cameras outweigh the privacy concerns. >> it is coming up on 606 now, the city of fremont is calling its groundbreaking drone program a huge success. the city's police officers and firefighters are the first in the nation to use drones on a regular basis when responding to emergency calls. the drone program has been in place for more than a year. emergency responders say the drones are now playing a major role in efforts to crack down on crime. >> it truly has been a such a useful tool for de-escalation, for apprehension of violent suspects, for public safety.
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>> firefighters also say the drones have provided a huge boost to public safety. one drone recently took to the skies just moments after a home went up in flames. >> one of our other battalion chiefs was the person operating the drone that was able to give me real life time intel, the drones actually looking for hazards, possible hazards that could affect either public safety in general or responding personnel. >> fremont police and firefighters say the drones are only used for critical or life threatening situations, and first responders stress they are not allowed to be used for random surveillance. >> we have an update now on a hit and run in san francisco that injured two people, including a 14 year old girl, earlier this week, district attorney brooke jenkins announced that 54 year-old rodney jefferson has been charged with a number of crimes, including reckless driving with great bodily injury and driving with a suspended license. now this is video from the end of the police chase when the driver crashed at embarcadero and jones. police say it all started when that driver was spinning donuts tuesday morning and hit someone with his car. police say
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he then raced away and hit another person, a 14 year old girl who was crossing the street. both victims are expected to survive. well a san jose couple behind bars this morning accused of exposing their baby to a lethal amount of fentanyl. >> the district attorney's office says it's one of the largest drug busts of its kind in santa clara county. history authorities say the two suspects are drug dealers, and they're accused of stashing up to 55,000 fentanyl pills under their ten month old baby's crib. investigators say they also found marijuana, cocaine and a loaded gun inside the couple's home. >> i know for so many people in our community, it's frustrating to hear that we still have these crimes existing because it doesn't make sense. like why you don't do everything to protect your child. >> the couple's baby is now being cared for by the child's paternal grandmother. both suspects are due back in court july 11th. >> time is 608, and we do have a major problem with bart. there is no train service right now between richmond and macarthur
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station. there's also no red line service right now. so please give yourself another way to get to work. if that's your bart commute. if you can get yourself to the macarthur station, maybe you have a friend give you or use a car service or even a bus, then you'll be able to use the rest of the bart system. we're on it. we're going to tell you more about why bart is expecting this to be closure. that's going to last for at least a few hours. let's talk about our triple a traffic cameras right now, we don't see any major delays at the bay bridge toll plaza. a couple of minor ones and no problems on the peninsula. no problems getting to airports. and if you're driving across the bay area bridges, it looks pretty good at 609. let's go back to the desk. >> thank you. sal. doctors on the peninsula are giving out life saving tools to parents who bring in their kids for checkups. the initiative to give free gun trigger locks to parents of small children, and a sign of relief for some of
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oakland's homeless community. >> what we know about the plan to transform jack london inn into temporary oung ( ♪ ) you made a cow! actually it's a piggy bank. my inspiration to start saving. how about a more solid way to save? i'm listening. well, bmo helps get your savings habit into shape with a cash reward every month you save. both: cash reward? and there's a cash bonus when you open a new checking account to get you started. wow.
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anything you can't do? ( ♪ ) mugs. ♪ bmo ♪
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and with that, we have here alaska airlines weather forecast for you thinking about heading to seattle. a beautiful one here for today. 80 degrees with the weather delays unlikely, obviously la looking just as good, at least when it comes to the weather. you shouldn't
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experience delays with 73 degrees in partly cloudy skies for today and off towards honolulu. a little bit of a different story. showers and the possibility of thunderstorms into the afternoon with a warm day coming to honolulu 80 degrees. a brief look across the nation where most of the nation fairly quiet. we had some thunderstorms over georgia, parts of atlanta earlier today that is moving out. meanwhile, new york is going to be a bit soggy with thunderstorms in the forecast for the afternoon and only 52 degrees. meanwhile, here at home, temperatures have been very warm this week and there are some warnings santa clara valley is expected to remain in the mid to upper 80s for the next few days, and with the weekend approaching, more people are expected to spend time outdoors. cal fire says people should pay attention to how their body is, respond to the heat. >> you just need to be mindful of our bodies, making sure that we're keeping up with our hydration, eating healthy meals that will fuel your body, giving
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yourself a break and just preparing yourself ahead of time . >> our officials also warn high temps can lead to increased fire danger, so take precautions. >> thank you. rosemary. nurses at san francisco's public hospitals are warning of a possible strike. dozens rallied outside laguna honda hospital. they say right now, staffing levels are extremely low and patient care could be affected. they're also warning that if the city does not take action in contract negotiations to increase staffing and a strike is inevitable, our patients are, put in unsafe positions, you know, because if we don't have enough staff, they can fall out of bed. >> we have to make sure they get fed. we have to prevent them from having bed sores. you know, we have to make sure they get their overall care we need. we have to make sure they get all their daily needs met and then we're working short. something is going to fall through the cracks. >> the san francisco department of public health says it has hired 166 new nurses since
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december, and is on target to hire an additional 50 by the end of this fiscal year. in a statement, the public health department says it has made significant progress in hiring and retaining permanent registered nurses as we continue to recover and stabilize operations after the pandemic. nurses are the backbone of care and the department is extremely grateful for their commitment. >> kaiser hospitals on the peninsula are providing life saving gun trigger locks to parents of small children. doctors at kaiser, redwood city and san mateo are giving the locks to parents who own guns and are strong or storing them unlocked. the san mateo county sheriff's office donated 100 gun locks for the program. parents are discreetly offered the locks when they bring children in for checkups and fill out a screening questionnaire. it includes questions about health, safety and guns in the home. >> it's very discreet, so it makes it easy to be able to just easily give it to a parent without them walking out with something that kind of calls out that i came out with a gun lock.
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it looks just like a bike lock, but it is such an easy device that will save children's lives. >> the trigger locks are available in the pediatrics, emergency and psychiatry department at both hospitals. >> two people in antioch filed a federal civil rights lawsuit claiming the city's police officers used excessive force in arresting them. antioch police body cam video shows the arrest of deion smith, one of the people named in the lawsuit, who was tackled to the ground and then bit by a police dog back in october 2021. the lawsuit accuses officers of falsifying their reports to cover up their actions. some of the officers named in the lawsuit are among the nine officers indicted last year on several state and federal charges. >> well, an investigation is now underway after man was shot in san jose. it happened at about 545 last night near interstate 280, and mclaughlin avenue. police say the man was taken to the hospital and is in critical condition. it's not clear yet what led to the shooting or how many people police might be looking for in connection to the case. the days could be numbered
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for the city of danville's bicycle safety commission. this week, danville's town council voted to allow the bicycle commission to continue its scheduled meetings through the end of this year, but the town council says it's considering dissolving the bike commission after that due to rising tensions. the town council says some commissioners are going way too far in their efforts to promote bicycle safety by, they say, tormenting city staff members. >> the san jose bart extension project is getting $500 million in federal funding. the valley transportation authority reports. the investment will inch them closer to getting the project complete. construction is already underway. the bart extension will build a subway through downtown san jose. service is scheduled to begin in the spring of 2037. >> well, we're speaking of bart now at 617. there is no bart service between richmond and macarthur. there is no red line service. people who come in on bart from the richmond, el cerrito and berkeley area have to get themselves to macarthur. so if you are taking bart, let's
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say you want to take bart into san francisco. go get yourself somehow to macarthur. i spoke with bart dispatchers. they do not have a bus bridge set up. the rest of the system looks okay, but again, there's no red line service. we're going to find out more about what the problem is, but it sounds like it's going to be a while. and whenever bart says, hey, seek other ways to get around, they think or it thinks sorry. it thinks that it's going to be a while for it to fix this problem. let's talk about westbound 580. we have a traffic collision westbound right near grant line road, and traffic is slow coming in over the altamont pass. highway four looks a little lighter than usual. perhaps we'll get lucky with the morning commute. it will be lighter. this is the triple a traffic camera at the bay bridge. there's a small delay before you make it on to the toll onto the actual bridge at 618. let's talk about today's weather. here's rosemary. >> all right. thank you so much, sal and happy friday a cool down coming to parts of the bay area for today. in fact already seeing the signs of it a live
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look here at the golden gate bridge where we have fog there. apparently a little bit of fog in my brain. pam says. i called this the bay bridge about 15 minutes ago, but again, there you have it. the low clouds along the coastline coming through the bay. it's a shallow one. you can see the tops of the towers there and the breeze. that onshore breeze is still fairly weak. as we take a look at storm tracker two, you can even see some of that northeast flow up above at the higher elevations at this time. so we are transitioning to a cooler pattern along the coast. inside the bay, we are definitely feeling it. our inner east bay is going to take an extra day or two before your temperatures drop. you may actually be a little bit warmer today. we'll kind of see just how strong this onshore breeze is. we're seeing it a little bit through the delta and the carquinez strait over the oakland hills. we've got a little bit of a southwesterly breeze, but then you look to the north, it's still northeast right now. sonoma mountains. so variable wind out there with the transition occurring today and
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the cooldown for the rest coming into the weekend. the futurecast shows you when by tomorrow morning we do expect a little bit more fog. and then on sunday morning, which happens to be mother's day, is more widespread. the east bay, the north bay, the south bay. patchy drizzle a possibility as we start the mornings as well, with partly cloudy skies and at the coastline and mostly clear skies for the afternoons. temperatures across the bay area right now upper 40s at half moon bay, upper 50s in brentwood and then into the afternoon. 73 san francisco 90 degrees for concord . so along the coast and around the bay, temperatures are coming down. but for the inner east bay, just as hot as yesterday. if you're going to the giants game later today, 67 degrees expected with a west southwest breeze to about 13mph, temperatures will continue to cool. so do bring the layers for that game tonight and your extended forecast here showing you temperatures dropping off as we get into saturday. more so on
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sunday when our inland cities are enjoying a low 80s once again, and the cooldown will continue into monday. people took advantage of the warm weather at crown beach in alameda thursday, where dozens of people splashed around in the water to cool down. >> oh, the sunshine, the friendliness in alameda. it's just a beautiful place to be. it's just warmer over here and it's just a, you know, to take a little trip across the bay and enjoy the warmer weather. >> alameda is very friendly. well, dozens of people also hit the beaches in san francisco, where cooler foggier weather is already returning. >> thank you. rosemary all right, coming up. there's a growing distance between president biden and israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu over arms shipments. we'll tell you what happens next and help for san francisco's housing shortage and retail exodus. the mass development that just ot
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♪ from the mountains to the coast... ♪ ♪ heatin' up the kitchen ♪ ♪ we got somethin different ♪ ♪ spreadin' good vibes all day ♪ ♪ todos a la mesa ♪ ♪ que buena la mezcla ♪ ♪ it don't get no better ♪ ♪ livin' in the golden state ♪ ♪ lovin' this land everyday ♪ ♪ norte a sur lo puedes ver ♪ ♪ nada se puede comparar ♪ ♪ livin' in the golden state ♪ ♪ vive en el estado dorado...yeah ♪
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netanyahu refuses to rule out a full scale invasion of the southern gaza city of rafah, despite warnings from the us. now, president biden has warned israel that the us will not supply weapons to attack rafah, where more than 1 million palestinians have taken refuge.
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however, netanyahu says rafah is the remaining stronghold of hamas and israel will do what's necessary to eliminate the terrorist group. republicans have denounced president biden's threat to cut off aid to israel. we will not stop. >> we will not rest. we will not. >> hundreds of ucla faculty and staff rallied on campus, calling for the resignation of the university's chancellor. they are criticizing chancellor gene block over the handling of a pro-palestinian encampment and the violence that led to arrests. many faculty members have signed an online petition that calls for block to step down immediately, even though he is retiring at the end of the school year. so far, the chancellor's office has not responded. celebrations at the los angeles coliseum for usc's graduation, an event the university canceled its traditional graduation because of pro-palestinian protests on campus. instead they hosted a trojan family graduate celebration featuring drone
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shows, fireworks and surprise performances. the city of oakland is opening a new homeless shelter near jack london square. the oakland city council approved a $6.8 million grant for a nonprofit to manage a new shelter at the jack london inn for the next year. the city will be moving people currently living at the shelter at the lake merritt lodge to the jack london inn. that's because the lease for the lake merritt location expires at the end of june. well, san francisco's planning commission has approved the city's biggest development project since the pandemic. the commission signed off on the plan to transform the stonestown galleria from just a shopping center into a shopping center with a massive housing development. the proposal calls for building 3500 units around the current site of the shopping mall near san francisco state university. the development will help san francisco meet its state mandated goal of planning for 82,000 additional housing units by the year 2031. while
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local cease fire resolutions may not have direct impact on foreign policy amid growing demands from bay area residents, another city has passed e the la
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joe biden, a small but dedicated crowd gathers to get a glimpse of president biden as he touches down at marina green, his fundraising agenda for today. as
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some get ready to protest his response to the war in gaza. and it was already revealed that california's financial situation is not looking great, and some predict an update expected later today will reveal it's gotten worse from ktvu. >> fox two news this is mornings on two. >> all right. as we take you live to the opening bell, shares in novavax are set to open 121. novavax signed a multibillion dollar deal with french drugmaker sanofi. the deal is set to commercialize novavax covid vaccine and to use the research and technology to develop new vaccines. and by the way, the three market indexes are all heading higher as well this morning. so good end to the week. and i was just looking at this zecher ringing the opening bell, celebrating their ipo. so they it's always a good sign when a company decides to go public in this current environment it's a good sign for
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the markets. sure. thank you for joining us here on mornings on two i'm pam cook i'm andre senior in for dave clark. >> today is friday may 10th. let's get right over to sal with details about bart having some major issues in the east bay this morning. sal, can you give us an update on that? >> that's right. there is no bart service right now between richmond and the macarthur station. for more on this, let's bring in alicia trost, who is bart's chief communication officer and alicia, bart is telling people to make alternate plans. if you are the passenger that takes richmond to macarthur station. if i get myself to macarthur, can i get the access to the rest of the system? >> yes, you can. and good morning. so the yellow line service from antioch as well as dublin service and berryessa service, all of that service is running normal. so if you can get to macarthur, you're set. now if you are between richmond and ashby, one of those six stations, there's a lot of great bus service at those stations, and we have lots of staff there
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to point you to the right bus, depending on where you're going. >> so there's no bus bridge, but there are going to be people telling you, hey, take this bus. it'll take you to macarthur. >> that's absolutely correct. >> okay. alicia. what what happened? do do we know i mean, you can you tell us why this is happening? is it a problem with the tracks that a train derail? what's going on here? >> right in this early morning before service started, as we were powering everything up, we were not able to get correspondence, which with that richmond line specifically, the problem is located just outside of macarthur station, heading towards richmond. it's a fiber problem, but we're just describing it as a wayside equipment problem, just to be transparent with the riders. >> got it. so you basically you don't have communication with the trains. and obviously if you don't have communication, it's unsafe to run the trains along that stretch. >> correct. so we've got the six stations closed and pointing people towards busses. but again, all the other stations
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across the system are having normal service. >> got it. so do you have any idea when this problem could be resolved? is this, when i spoke to one of the dispatchers, she said this could be a while. >> you know, we just don't know. i can tell you that crews are working on it right now, but we agree for the morning commute. i think it's just best to let the folks at those six stations know. you know, today's a great day to try the ferry. the weather is great. take a bus or just get to macarthur or west oakland if you can, and take bart from there. >> got it, and does this have anything to do with some of the stuff you're doing over the weekends? along that line, i noticed that you've been doing some. bart has been doing some work, in that stretch of track. >> no, nothing to do with that. and the work that this coming this weekend is near union city station. and so it doesn't have to do with the rebuilding work that we've been doing across the system. >> okay. alicia trost, bart chief communication officer, thanks for your help in getting
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our viewers out to the macarthur station, thank you for being with us. >> thank you. >> all right, so you heard it there, pam. and andre, there is no service. let me just reiterate, no bart service from richmond to macarthur. there's plenty of good bus service. you can take it. all of the six stations affected if you can get yourself to macarthur, then you can use the other bart train lines. the antioch line, which is the busiest, is actually running okay without any significant delays. back to you all right, sal, thank you. >> great information. we really appreciate alicia joining us with all of those updates. also today, governor gavin newsom will release an updated budget for the next fiscal year. state leaders are not expecting great news. they say all signs point to a budget deficit that has grown since the beginning of the year. >> ktvu sally rasmus joins us live to explain what that means for the governor and the state. good morning allie. >> good morning. it likely means there will be cuts coming to state programs and benefits. now that californians have filed their tax returns, state officials have a better idea of
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exactly how much money is coming in and the state's legislative office estimates there is less of it, and that the budget deficit for california has grown from about $38 billion estimated in january to more than 68 to even $70 billion, according to the state legislative budget office. we don't know the exact amount yet. we will find that out when governor gavin newsom announces his revised budget and budget plan today. the california constitution requires the state to balance the budget every year at a chamber of commerce event. this week, shown on the chamber's youtube page, the governor hinted at coming spending cuts to balance the budget. >> we still have a shortfall. we will manage it and we'll manage it. yes, without general tax increases, we're not just going to try to solve for this year. i want to solve for next year. i think it's too important. we have got to be more disciplined. >> california is not alone in this. there are many states facing tighter budgets as
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economic growth has slowed across the country. there's less payroll tax revenue coming in with layoffs and job cuts happening and sales tax revenue is down because of consumers cuts in spending due to inflation. the governor is expected to announce his revised budget plan with all the details on those possible cuts later this morning. back to you, ali. >> thank you. president biden and the first lady in the bay area right now, the president landing at moffett field at 725 last night, the first lady touching down at sfo earlier in the day. the president then hopped on marine one for a quick flight to the marina green area in san francisco. the visit is part of a west coast fundraising trip. san francisco mayor london breed greeting the president when he stepped off marine one at marina green. several people gathered nearby just to catch a glimpse of the president. >> i came here for a run with marina run club, and then after i finished the run, i was already out here. it was nice weather. so, you know, i thought i'd just, hang around and, watch the president come in. >> well, today, president biden is scheduled to attend a fundraising reception hosted in
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palo alto. he will then head to portola valley for an event at the home of a local venture capitalist. well, last night, first lady jill biden attended a fundraiser in kentfield. today, she will travel to los angeles. >> well, this is president biden's second campaign fundraising trip to the bay area this year. with six months to election day, president biden and donald trump have been neck and neck in recent polls. both candidates are trying to raise money for political ads. money is the mother's milk of politics, and it matters. >> and this isn't a presidential election where you're going to see north of 6 to $8 billion spent. >> political analysts say much of that money raised will go to increase voter turnout, especially among younger voters. >> 637 is your time negotiations are ongoing between about 100 pro-palestine protesters and administrators at the university of santa cruz. these talks are taking place as they remain camped out on campus. they set up their tents more than a week ago, and the organizers of the protest say they will remain in
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this encampment until administrators meet their demands involving the war in gaza. >> we are asking for full divestment from all weapons manufacturing companies, all military industrial complexes. we are asking for full transparency about the universities endowments. >> uc santa cruz administrators have released a statement saying they are doing everything possible to peacefully resolve the situation, and they're confident they will reach an agreement with the protesters. very soon. and this week, the south san francisco city council voted to pass a resolution calling for a ceasefire in gaza. the resolution says the city of south san jose acknowledges the suffering of the peoples of palestine and israel. several other bay area cities have passed such resolutions over the last few months, including san francisco and oakland. others, like san bruno and palo alto, have taken the position that foreign affairs is beyond their jurisdiction. >> california's public utility commission unanimously approved a controversial plan that will change how customers energy bills are calculated. now, the plan applies to pg and e and
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other investor owned utilities. it adds a $24 charge to most bills. in exchange, customers would pay 5 to $0.07 less per kilowatt hour. the charges will fund utility infrastructure improvements, mark toney, executive director of the utility reform network, tells us this plan should result in more equitable contributions across the state. >> people who live in the coast, who have cooler climates, who don't use as much electricity, we'll see a small increase, but that is so that people in the central valley who have the lowest incomes and the highest energy use, get a little bit of a break. >> lower income customers will see a flat rate of 6 or $12. the new fees are set to take effect in 2026. >> well, we have a big bart problem here. it is. 639 i want to let you know that if you take bart, let's say from richmond to
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macarthur, there is no service along the six stations here on that red line. in fact, there is no red line service. the richmond station. and here, the macarthur station at the end, and obviously the other stations here, el cerrito, the two berkeley stations and the albany station. not right now. they are not available for you. in fact, if you need to get yourself to macarthur station, you should take a bus or perhaps a car service. you know, uber or lyft to get yourself to the macarthur station. the rest of the system is working. this is because of a community issue with the trains. we're going to have more on this coming up later in the newscast. however, right now, no red line service on bart between richmond and macarthur station in oakland. triple a traffic camera showing us the bay bridge toll plaza. there's not much of a backup. there is a backup for a little bit, but it's not like it would be. let's say on a tuesday, wednesday or thursday. this morning. as we look at the
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rest of the bay commute, things are a little lighter. so this bart issue may actually not be a major one as much as it would be, let's say on a monday or a thursday. westbound highway four. we do have some slow traffic in pittsburg and bay point heading over to concord. 640 what about today's weather? here's rosemary. >> all right, sal, good morning. we are transitioning to a cooler pattern for some of our inland cities. could take an extra day before you feel it, but where are we feeling it? right there where you see the fog entering the golden gate bridge along the coast. inside the bay. our temperatures this morning in most areas is a bit cooler, even down by ten and 20 degrees over parts of the north bay. with all that said, we do have a variable wind still out there, a northerly wind. you can see santa rosa, novato. even though it's calm, you see the arrows and napa reporting six. then you get through the carquinez strait in the delta, and we have a very weak onshore breeze. oakland hills also reporting a little bit of an onshore breeze at
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times. there's a look at the 24 hour temperature change. petaluma by 22 degrees. you are cooler this morning. you are definitely feeling it down by ten. in oakland you go to the inner east bay and concord. a little bit cooler here. having to do with that nice breeze that's moving through the carquinez strait in the delta. but livermore not touching you just yet. in fact, you're a tad warmer 52 degrees to start your morning. 56 in san francisco, upper 40, half moon bay, upper 40s in the north bay. take a shift here and take a look at all those upper 40s rohnert park, novato, ross, fairfax, san anselmo a little bit of a chill for you there into the afternoon , our temperatures are expected to dip, even drop depending on how close to the coast you are. pacifica going to 69 for the afternoon today. yesterday you hit 80 degrees. san francisco 73. the afternoon high. yesterday it was 81. oakland going to shave off a few degrees. santa rosa doing the same. but our inland east bay areas like concord livermore going to be just as warm. upper 80s to low 90s expected for you
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today with a better cool down coming into the weekend. i'll have a look at the numbers for today and the cooling trend that will continue into the weekend. coming up in just a little bit. back to you first time as you take off. >> push the i believe button. >> a napa native in the spotlight when you can watch his journey as a member of the blue angels on the big screen. >> all right, first, let's check in with garcia for a look at the other stories. we're following for you. good morning. >> good morning. when i join you in studio, we know several major universities have canceled their commencement ceremonies due to pro palestinian protests, but uc berkeley is moving forward with its plan. the main commencement is tomorrow, and there's a major event happening this morning at the famous hearst greek theater. then over at stanford, the school is planning a special tribute to the winningest coach in college basketball history. stanford will carry on the name and legacy of tara vanderveer. we'll be back
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apparently heard concerns from tesla drivers and took to social media to respond to worries
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about the supercharging network. musk posted on his x page that tesla is investing $500 million to create thousands of new supercharger chargers this year. however, the comments come just after tesla laid off hundreds of people from its charging team. a former executive at tesla had a message for elon musk after his resignation. rich otto, the now former head of product, led the department for nearly seven years. he shared his concerns over the company's recent layoffs in a linkedin post, saying the cuts are, quote, rocking the company and disrupting morale. more than 14,000 tesla employees have been laid off since april. the annual rsa national cybersecurity conference in san francisco gave the local economy quite a boost. more than 40,000 people attended the event this week at moscone center. restaurants and hotels near the center were packed with visitors from the conference. officials say it brought in more than $62 million to the city this year. >> they've really been enjoying it. we see people who are regulars for this event,
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regulars for this convention coming back year after year, and they say how happy they are to be back in san francisco. >> one of the most important things we can do for san francisco is fill our convention center, bring meetings and conventions to san francisco. those folks are staying in our accommodations, they're eating in our restaurants. they're really stimulating the entire economy of san francisco. >> the rsa conference is considered the second biggest annual conference in san francisco, after dreamforce. bart's board of directors says a proposed ballot measure could be the only thing that keeps the agency running. average weekday ridership is still about 40% of pre-pandemic levels, according to the agency. bart officials say by 2027, they could face annual deficits up to $300 million, and that would potentially force the board to make drastic service cuts. state lawmakers have introduced a measure that puts a 30 year transit funding tax on the 2026 ballot. board members say this could be bart's last hope. >> it's ultimately up to the voters. the voters will decide. bart is really the backbone of the bay area and our economy,
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and the bay area won't be the bay area without transit service. >> we definitely do need a bart system. absolutely. it's really important, i just don't know if i want more taxes to go up because of the cost of everything. >> right now, the board of directors does not appear to have a back up plan. if the 2026 tax measure fails to pass. >> well, investigators in hayward are trying to determine the cause of a vegetation fire that destroyed several cars and threatened dozens of homes. first reported shortly before noon yesterday in the jackson triangle neighborhood just east of highway 92 and interstate 880. the first firefighters who arrived on scene spotted huge flames shooting up through clusters of eucalyptus trees. one woman immediately took action when she spotted the fast moving fire racing toward her home. >> i jumped out, got my family out and then i don't know what came over me, but basically i just thought, well, maybe i could slow down the fire. >> there are no reports of any injuries. firefighters managed
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to keep the flames from damaging any homes, but they say at least four vehicles were destroyed. time now is 649. a napa native in the us navy is being featured in a new documentary about the blue angels. >> first times you take off. you gotta push the i believe button. >> well, the documentary follows paul archer and a group of new aviators through their training process. the film also goes behind the scenes and highlights staff who maintain the blue angels aircraft and keep them ready for shows. it's set for release in imax theaters next week and will be streaming on may 29th. what a cool job. >> a real life top gun. top gun for sure. >> yeah, i love it. >> streaming soon. >> yeah, in imax too. wow very cool. all right, sign me up. let's check in with sal. big part bart problems people should know about, right? >> that's right. there is no train service on bart between the richmond station and the macarthur station. put it up
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here for you on a map. so there's no train service between those six stations here? seven. if you include richmond. so you cannot get to that line. the red line is not running. if you can get yourself to the macarthur station, the rest of the system is operating. we're going to continue to have more on this. the problem, bart says, is it does not have communication with the trains on that line. it's some sort of a communication fiber issue, and we'll keep on top of that. this is a look at the bay bridge. we don't have a big backup, so if there were a better day for a problem, there's never a good day for bart problem. but today seems to be just a little bit less of an issue. there's a lot of people work from home on fridays, and you can tell by looking at the bay bridge toll plaza. 651 let's bring rosemary back in with today's weather. >> all right. so good morning to you and happy friday, everybody. we do have a cooler weekend in store. and we are already
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beginning to see those changes. how about a live look at the golden gate bridge where the low clouds and the fog are back along the coastline? definitely feeling the change already. and inside the bay we're seeing this drift through. this is going to continue into the weekend. our inland cities not going to get the benefit today. as we know this time of year, it usually takes an extra day or so before the inland cities begin to feel it. at least the inner east bay. now in the north bay, we're feeling it already. our temperatures are down by several degrees, even 10 to 20 degrees for some. we do have a little bit of a variable wind out there. let's take a look. we've got mount veeder reporting ten miles per hour coming in from the north. we have oakland north reporting in onshore southwesterly breeze at about eight davis point port chicago. so a little bit of an onshore breeze actually working through the carquinez strait and through the delta. and with that, our temperatures, especially in those regions feeling the cool
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down this morning 49 in novato right now, 53 in oakland, 54 in walnut creek and already a very mild 60 degrees in brentwood, livermore into your afternoon by lunchtime, 80 degrees expected upper 80s to about 90 degrees for the second part of your day. afternoon highs across the region along the peninsula 85. in redwood city in the north, bay, 85 in santa rosa. and for the south bay 87 expected san jose. your extended forecast here. temperatures again beginning to drop today, especially along the coastline. 70 for pacifica today. yesterday it was 80 a low 80s to for our bayside communities to about 90 degrees for our inner east bay. today. temperatures continue to fall on saturday for your mother's day. low 60s at the coast, upper 70s around the bay and low 80s inland a tad cooler on monday. andre. >> rosemary. thank you. prime month at target will look different than last year, but the retailer will cut back on
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this year. hundreds of kids expected to traverse lake merritt on two wheels this weekend. the free event to raise cycling
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if you feel like things don't add up right now... you're not alone. rent is up, and every family outing costs an arm and a leg. well, we want to help. so when prices go up, we find new ways to go low. and now, we've lowered the price on hundreds of your favorite products. designing something beautiful is easy. designing something beautiful with great quality for a low price? that's a different story. it's why we're here. that's a promise. not a promo.
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for companies to understand the challenges facing mothers in the workplace, especially new mothers. while the pregnancy discrimination act of 1978 offers mothers legal protections
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at work, management professionals encourage companies to go one step farther. >> becoming a mom is a huge identity shift for women and so by acknowledging that something really momentous happened, that's a really important signal to mothers coming back into the workplace that people recognize that that shift has happened. >> research shows that companies that have policies that support mothers in the workplace have a better chance of retaining those employees. the us census bureau is considering whether to ask americans about their sexual orientation or gender identity. the bureau says it's seeking public comment through surveys. it says adding a person's sexual orientation or gender identity could be useful to the federal government when enforcing civil rights or ensuring equal employment opportunities. the process to add new questions to an upcoming census can take years. the next census, by the way, is in 2030. if you're around lake merritt tomorrow, you may see hundreds of kids on bikes. the name of the event is
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a play on words called kid masked like critical mass, kid like mask. the bike outing is organized by local cyclists to promote safe and fun biking for youth. it starts at the lake merritt bart station, a parking lot, tomorrow at 10:30 a.m. that is where parents and kids can gather before rolling out together. organizers say the ride will move at a light pace so people of all ages can participate. ride leaders will wear neon colored safety vests for visibility. the oakland zoo is welcoming a new baby giraffe and they want your help to name him. the new giraffe is exploring his space and getting to know his five herd mates. the 13 month old male came to oakland from the audubon nature institute in louisiana. the move was recommended by the association of zoos and aquariums as part of its species survival plan. zoo officials say giraffes face multiple threats in the wild. >> the predominant factor really is habitat encroachment. you know, there's less and less space, more and more humans, and that creates a myriad of different pressures that make it really hard for those animals to
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survive. and reticulated giraffes in particular, of significant portion of their range, moves through parts of africa that really struggle with a lot of civil war, drought, flooding, and various really climate concerns that are affecting their ability to do well in that environment. >> tonight, you can vote on the giraffes name on the zoo's facebook, instagram and x pages. the winner will be announced on monday. cherry picking season is up and running here in the bay area. farms and brentwood are now open and inviting families to visit and pick cherries. they want to buy. orchards are typically open only on weekends, from around eight in the morning to five in the evening. now, if you're planning to visit a farm, you're encouraged to wear closed toed shoes and bring your own buckets for the cherries. >> this program just makes fremont a safer place. so by having drones over the air, we can get a lot, a lot better of a picture, so to speak. >> a first of its kind
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partnership between the fremont police and fire departments. why? officials say a joint drone program is already proving to be a success. and where those drones aren't allowed to be dispatched, then the race for the white house stops in the bay area. today, some deep pocket tech entrepreneurs reportedly on the guest list for two reelection fundraisers for president biden. then california's budget situation went from bad to worse. since just the beginning of the year, the change is expected, and governor newsom's revised budget. what's responsible for the mounting deficit and which programs are most likely to see cuts from ktvu? >> fox two news this is mornings on two, and we're so glad you're here. >> good morning. i'm garcia mcelveen. >> i'm andre senior in for dave clark. today is friday, may 10th. and we're talking about the heat on this friday yet again. warmer weather across the bay area. temperatures are rising rosemary oroczo in for steve this morning with much more on that. >> yes. happy friday to both of you. happy friday everybody. we are beginning to see a transiti t


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