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tv   KTVU FOX 2 News at 730pm  FOX  April 26, 2024 7:30pm-8:00pm PDT

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killed in a horrific single vehicle crash in pleasanton. >> plus, i weighed the personal consequence and my own personal beliefs and felt compelled to do what i can to be out here. >> pro-palestinian protest expands to more college campuses where it's stanford with the growing demonstration there.
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>> this is ktvu, fox two news at 730, and the college students have similar demands of their schools. >> stop doing business with israel or any companies that support its ongoing war in gaza. good evening everyone. i'm heather holmes tonight at stanford with the protests there continues. our mark sayer was at the campus earlier today where administrators reminded the demonstrators that after eight tonight, they are in violation of university policy. >> on friday afternoon, students were mostly keeping to themselves in a cordoned off area of the plaza. there were no bullhorns nor speeches. it was just food, music and camaraderie. organizers say the goal of this protest is very focused. protesters want stanford to first disclose its investments related to any corporations profiting from the conflict in gaza, and then to divest from the ceasefire call is definitely a part of it. >> right. but like, i think we understand that within our very local context of being stanford
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university students, we can probably leverage the most effort towards making a cease fire happen by like building on this huge pile of pressure right . of which divestment and that kind of company pressure is a very clear part of that picture. >> on friday, stanford released this statement. while stanford understands students perspectives on an important global issue, violations of university policy will not be overlooked. the submission of student names to the office of community standards and student conduct process has begun. the university also sent a message to the full community, saying that the overnight tents are a safety and security issue and they are a clear violation of university policy at usc and los angeles, campus leaders have taken a different approach and called in the police to break up protests, and now administrators have announced that university wide graduation ceremonies have been canceled. >> i was disheartened, obviously , it has been a possibility for a few weeks given usc's decision
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to pull our valedictorian speech. we've known that it it might happen for a few weeks. is there is definitely some turmoil on campus. >> meera popli is a usc senior who is from pleasanton. while she is holding out hope some sort of smaller degree level ceremonies will still occur, usc's decision means she could miss her second graduation ceremony. >> i was crestfallen because this is a culmination of the four years at usc. >> we've worked so hard for this and for four years this has been our our shot at redemption. we're finally going to get to walk because none of us got to walk in 2020 when we graduated during covid and to not have, you know, the final moment of you know, the moment in sun for the kids. >> i feel terrible for them. >> campus public safety officers can be seen watching over the protest, but so far there has been no direct interaction. reporting on the stanford campus. i'm mark sayer, ktvu, fox two news. >> now, the ongoing protests have led some colleges to move classes online. cal poly
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humboldt announcing today that in-person classes are canceled through the end of the semester as demonstrators continue to occupy several buildings on that campus. protesters were given a 4 p.m. deadline to pack up and go, before the school threatened to have them arrested. that deadline was extended until five tonight. ktvu has reached out to the school, but so far we have not heard back on if anyone has been arrested or taken into custody. we'll continue to monitor that situation there. a well-known author from berkeley was among those arrested in southern israel today, the group of american and israeli rabbis and supporters demonstrated near the border with gaza to demand a cease fire and the delivery of aid. novelist michael chabon and his wife, author ayelet waldman, was among those said that that she was among those arrested and later released. the organizers say the demonstration was in the spirit of passover, bringing people both food and freedom. >> even in this moment, we are not providing the gazan people
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with the basic fundamentals. they need to be able to even envision liberation like we had from egypt. >> un officials say northern gaza is heading towards famine and claim israel has not allowed delivery of food and other critical aid to the region. well, new at 730 tonight, charges for an accused porch pirate in redwood city. the san mateo county district attorney today charging 65 year-old henry fonseca with grand theft. he's the gentleman you see here in this surveillance video. the da says he stole three packages right off the porch of a home. inside one of those packages was a wedding dress worth nearly $2,000. fonseca was arrested earlier this week. that wedding dress, by the way, has been found and given back to its rightful owner. three people are under arrest in connection with a string of 11 robberies that happened in the east bay. the arrests were made in a coordinated effort with several agencies, including u.s. marshals. the robberies took place between august of 2023 and
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this past february 7th were in hayward. the others were in livermore, fremont, san leandro, and castro valley. now the suspects have been identified as 42 year old jerry washington and 24 year old cameron watkins. both are from oakland. the third suspect, 26 year old concord resident deonte hunter. they're all charged with robbery, assault with a deadly weapon, aggravated kidnaping and various other weapons violations. the owner of a donut shop in oakland is hoping that this surveillance video will help police track down the man who brazenly stole a cash register yesterday, the owner of dick's donuts on high street says the masked man came in, bought coffee and a donut and then left. he then returned a few seconds later as you see here in this surveillance video. grabbed that register right off the counter and ran out. he drove off in a waiting getaway car that registered, by the way, had about $1,300 in cash inside temporary farm workers are
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getting more protections. the u.s. labor department says that right now, many of the nation's 1.6 million temporary farm workers under the h-2a program face an unfair labor practices. the acting u.s. labor secretary was in santa rosa today to announce the new farm worker protection rule. she says it allows workers to advocate for themselves or others without fear. >> the farm worker protection rule both strengthens existing protections and expands some protections. they should not be retaliated against for advocating regarding their working conditions. >> this new labor rule will go into effect on june 28th. we are learning more details tonight about that horrific crash in pleasanton that killed ail of four. it happened wednesday nigh foothill boulevard. it's an area that's experienced a number of violent crashes in recent years. our krystal bailey talked with friends of the family who are just heartbroken. >> we were devastated. >> that's how anjali maskey felt
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when she found out her best friends were gone. although officials have not identified the family, she says her friends are taroon and rincy. george and their two sons. seen in these images from social media. maskey says the family was coming home from a birthday party on wednesday night when the crash happened. now she's trying to console her child who played with their kids. >> it's very hard for us to explain to children that a friend of their who is there, like last night and this morning , he's not there. >> maskey says the boys went to donlon elementary school and hart middle school, where school officials have sent grief counselors. one man, who lives off foothill, says he was outside when he heard explosions around 9:00 that night. >> every five to 10s, they boom, boom. so maybe around 5 to 8 times. >> shortly after the sound of sirens. officials say the electric car might have been speeding when it lost control and crashed into a tree. that tree, now wrapped in flowers and debris. a cry from people who
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live nearby need to slow down on foothill boulevard. police in less than two miles away, their home also surrounded in support. meanwhile, those close to the family are gathered in their home, mourning and sharing memories. the family was the most welcoming family to anyone in the neighborhood. >> they would be missed heavily, heavily. >> police say the crash is under investigation, and friends tell me that family members are flying in over the weekend from india, and community members are wrapping their arms around this family as they visit the crash site and pay their respects in pleasanton. crystal bailey, ktvu, fox two news. >> well, it's been a rough start to 2020 for in san francisco's union square, the numbers that show how difficult it is for businesses in this area to keep their doors open, and advocates hold a resource fair to try to help homeless people in the south bay. we're going to hear from some of the participants on
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why today's event was so helpful . >> and in weather, a blustery friday out there, but a beautiful sunset here. as you can see, looking out, of course, toward the west with mostly clear skies. from this vantage point. a bit of a breeze for your saturday forecast, but temperatures will be trending up this weekend and we'll have the update coming up.
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windy is that we're going to continue the wind will it will improve. >> if you're not a fan of the wind, a lot of people are not
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fans of the wind. >> no i'm not. messes up my hair. >> yeah. no. yeah. unless you're a sailor or, flying kites. i guess that's about it. but, yeah. the winds, it was really strong today. no wind advisories, but you're probably thinking there could have been winds over 40 miles an hour. in some spots, you can see altamont pass, 45 miles an hour, oakland airport 44 and hayward about 40 miles an hour. it's still breezy tomorrow, but just not as windy as today. winds. we're thinking tomorrow could be around 20 to 25 miles an hour. sunday should be a little bit warmer temperatures the warmest locations in the mid 70s. so a lot to talk about in this evening's forecast. we have some some snow showers out toward the sierra and some thunderstorms. you can see developing right around the sacramento area. and there's one cell, at least some showers approaching the stockton area. so very close to the bay area, moving from north and to the south as far as those current wind reports. as you can see right now, oakland airport gusting over 40 miles an hour. sfo, we have winds gusting at 44 miles an hour, so it's still a bit blustery for your friday evening. the cameras are shaking around a bit as well, and we'll check out some of the current
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numbers. san francisco has cooled off to 55, concord 62 and san jose in the lower 60s. at 62 degrees. tomorrow morning there'll be a bit of a chill in the air, partly cloudy skies and temperatures. most neighborhoods in the 40s. this is the system responsible for the windy conditions, the cool conditions and the unsettled conditions. since yesterday and into today may have noticed maybe some a few raindrops last night into this morning. a minor warming trend as we move into the weekend, especially by sunday, and that will continue into early next week. so here's your saturday. partly sunny skies, maybe a few clouds approaching the north bay by tomorrow afternoon, and then into your sunday morning. some patchy morning fog and then we'll clear things out nicely by the afternoon hours. so highs tomorrow will bring back a few more 70s out towards santa rosa, out toward concord and antioch. san jose, 69 degrees. and here's a look ahead. your five day forecast sunday will be a little bit warmer at the nice forecast into next week, and definitely temperatures trending up back up to maybe 80 degrees for the warmest locations by wednesday have a great weekend, heather.
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>> thanks you too. mark. a new at 730 tonight, one of the bay area's most iconic shopping areas is seeing a lot of empty buildings. in fact, a historically high number real estate firm cushman and wakefield, releasing a new report about san francisco's union square. it's data shows the square reached a peak vacancy rate in the first quarter of 2024, at 20.6. notable closures such as jeffrey's toys, lacoste and north face have helped fuel this rise. despite though the vacancies going up, the report shows the cost of rent for retail spaces has remained stable at $495 per square foot after several deaths at a homeless encampment in san jose, homeless advocates knew that something needed to be done, so they put together a resource fair for those living at the encampment off of cherry avenue. advocates made this event happen with just three weeks of planning, people living at the encampment had asked for more mental health care as well as narcan training. >> everything here is super
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useful. like for me, like the medical is a big deal. >> i hope that people can see this and see that we do need help. >> although today's fair was just a one day event, organizers are hoping that the resources and education provided may in fact help prevent the next death in jordan. >> always made sure he was there for me and anyone that needed him. >> a fallen oakland police officer laid to rest, coming up the outpouring of support at today's service in castro valley and hoping to make san francisco street safer, we'll tell you about the crackdown on speeding and other unsafe driving ha ul
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- my childhood was tough. i didn't grow up in a warm, supportive home, so the trauma i went through led to something called toxic stress. but it's gonna be different for my son. i'm giving him the protection he needs to defend against it. by taking time to play, even on long days. - by offering extra patience, even when it's running short. - and giving him the assurance that he's safe here. learn more at
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after being seriously hurt in a crash while on duty. ktvu henry lee was at that service today in castro valley, where attendees remembered the fallen officer. >> motor officers escorted the casket of fallen oakland police officer jordan wingate to three crosses church in castro valley, where hundreds of officers gathered to pay their respects. officers, with their badges wrapped in bands of mourning, stood at attention and solemn farewell to wingate, who died nearly six years after he was hurt in an on duty crash. >> your legacy will live on in the countless lives you've touched. we love you and we miss you. we will never forget you. >> interim chief darren allison presented the flag from the officer's casket to his family. wingate was hurt in a crash back in 2018 that involved his patrol car, another car and a big rig parked at the port of oakland. after a years long fight for his life. he died on saturday at the
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age of 28. retired oakland police captain randy wingate paused at his son's flag draped casket before addressing mourners. he spoke of his son asking him to make lunch for him as a 21 year old. turns out it wasn't about the food, which his son only ate half of anyway. it was about the notes that came with it, and it dawned on me when i would make him lunch. >> when i would make the kids lunches, i would write, i love you, or i'm proud of you, or i write a note on the lunch. i then realized that, yeah, we will always remember you. >> the laughs you gave us and your beautiful smile. >> the fallen officer had followed in his father's footsteps, as well as his godfather, oakland officer willie wilkins, killed by friendly fire back in 2001. officer daniel estrada says he finds some comfort that both are together once again. >> the way jordan shared memories of officer willie and how he spoke highly of him, is the way i will ever speak of jordan.
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>> officer daniel juarez, an academy classmate, said her friend, once named rookie of the year, always showed up at big calls and was the ultimate backup. >> when this career starts to take a toll on us, all we have are each other. jordan always made sure he was there for me and anyone that needed him. >> officer wingate was buried at a private ceremony in lafayette. in castro valley. henry lee ktvu , fox two news. san francisco police offering some details on the department's new plan to crack down on speeding. >> some intersections in san francisco are notorious for speeding drivers. well, now, the department says, in addition to rolling out speed cameras, they will also have more patrols on the streets. the pedestrian advocacy group advocacy group walk san francisco says that speed kills and anything police can do to slow down drivers will help to save lives. >> speed is the worst and most
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dangerous driving behavior. it is the cause of most of the crashes that we've seen in san francisco and we're happy that the sfpd is going to start really focusing on that most dangerous behavior. >> san francisco police say its enforcement will come in waves to make sure there is consistent enforcement over a sustained period of time. well, could the sundance film festival be coming right here to the bay area? coming up, the efforts underway to try to move that event to san francisco. and then later tonight on the 10:00 news, san francisco officials said. west portal merchants say they will work together on a new plan to try to improve traffic safety in that neighborhood. plus, a powerful political group in the city will now be looking into sexual assault allegations involving those in the political community. those stori a
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city's film commission says the organization is submitting a request for an information proposal. the bid is in response to the festival's announcement last week that it's looking to potentially move the internationally recognized festival out of park city, utah, where it has been since 1981. drone enthusiasts are set to gather tomorrow on treasure island for a big event that
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educates, pilots and promotes flying safety. this is happening at the gar fields, the drone swap meet and networking event coincides with the faa's nationwide drone safety day. it's an opportunity for new and veteran drone operators to buy, sell and trade gear. >> now there's this new requirement called remote id. so every drone has to. if it doesn't come with remote id in the drone, when you buy it, you have to put a transponder on older drones. that's something people aren't aware of. you have to register the drone. you know, flying over people is generally a, you know, frowned upon by the faa. >> faa officials will be there on site on treasure island tomorrow to discuss the drone licensing process. yes. san francisco mayor london breed wants to waive fees for more night markets, block parties and farmers markets. the mayor introducing two new bills today.
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one would waive city fees for outdoor community events, making them less costly for organizers. the other would simplify health permitting for food vendors. at some events it's currently permitting for outdoor community events can range anywhere from $500 to $10,000. all right, popular horn barbecue reopens today at a new location in oakland after a fire destroyed that restaurant last year and the line as we just showed you, it was out the door at the new spot near the intersection of eighth and broadway. now, the owner, matt horn, says it has been a long journey after the fire. he wasn't optimistic about being able to reopen again, but boy, he is grateful to the community, especially for all their support. all right. that's going to do it for me tonight on this friday evening. thanks so much for watching the news at 730. don't forget to download the fox local app r ht there o
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