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tv   FOX News Sunday  FOX  April 21, 2024 6:00am-7:01am PDT

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right here, and that's a easy lay up. there it is. so let's uh so once you feel the pressure, you spin base right there. there it is. pau gasol. there it is. great move! great lesson for everybody out there. there we go. can you dunk it? let's try it, ok? i am a little heavier now. oh there it is. i'm ready for the lakers. meta world peace , greg. thank you so much for watching the issue is metta world peace. thanks for all the activism that you do. absolutely. we'll see you next week with more >> shannon: i'm shannon bream, a house build green lighting billions of age ukraine israel and taiwan passes the house. and it heads the senate. but at a potentially high cost for the speaker mike johnson.
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>> return or by -- bags are now the consequences. >> and don't support him khakis already a lame-duck. >> risks his leadership position to her with democrats to pass contentious foreign aid legislation. as ukraine struggles to hold the line against russia. and israel strikes back at iran here at home... police are called in to try and control anti-semitism on campus and meal speak with senators from both sides of the aisle, and de graham and richard blumenthal in the house democrats on weather members of his party will step in to help the speaker johnson overcome a leadership battle. then. >> this is a rigged casing one that was put in. >> shannon: the jury that will decide president trump's face -- fate is set. we'll break down what's on the horizon for opening argument and beyond.
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and... >> wanted all -- donald trump's decision is one of anger and hate and retribution. >> shannon: joe biden takes the swing state trail -- trail as he takes this but could they shake up the race. we'll bring in the sunday panel to discuss. plus... could one of america's fastest growing sports bring washington together? >> the senate pickle ball caucus k. could solve their worlds problems for the countries. >> all right now on fox news sunday. ♪ >> hello from fox news in washington. praise firm israel and ukraine and condemnation from russia as a ruse billions more in funding for israel, ukraine, taiwan an aid for gaza on saturday. a coalition of democrats and republicans passed the 95 billion-dollar foreign aid
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package with nearly $61 billion for ukraine. with the 8,000,000,004 taiwan another endo- pacific allies. another bill passed in the house would force china to divest from the us version of tik tok and it imposes new sanctions on beijing, russia, and iran. in the moment we will talk with senators that will begin debating those bills on tuesday. their public and lindsey graham and blumenthal. we have coverage from israel with ukraine fox news senior foreign affairs and greg we will start with you. >> shannon kathy kremlin reacting very quickly to the words of war with military aid being sent to ukraine. they call this a road to escalation which will deepen the crisis around the world. but as we found out on the ground here for the past couple days, this funding is coming just in time.
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>> reporter: desperate times and ukraine russia is gaining ground. with a massive advantage in artillery, ukraine is short of air defences leaving those shattered and locals desperate. >> thing it's a lifeline for ukraine and for the army because it's getting critical. >> reporter: outsiders are worried too. they are fighting and training alongside ukrainians any speech from the front line in the country's east. >> we need aid to solve the current russian offensive actions happening. >> reporter: and they are getting that help along with israel and taiwan the house of representatives or king $61 million of aid stuck in congress for months replenishing empty ammo stocks and military into the loans. mentoring assistance. despite resistance had many saw the thread. >> is a dangerous time. three of our primary adversaries russia and iran and china are working together and they are
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being aggressors around the globe. >> not soon enough for zelensky and his team as they tackle with president putin they been warning that they will lose now they have hope. >> thank you chair one who supported our package. the solution to protect lives. >> while the new us military assistance does not include any american boots on the ground, a new piece this morning finds at the military staff at the us embassy in kyiv will be beefed up to as many as 60 servicemembers. not in combat roles but a crunch they get the job done. shannon? >> shannon: thank you. now returning to our correspondence in tel aviv israel. hello très! >> good morning, as a conflict in the middle east develops they are is it -- sure to receive
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funding to support their war efforts. >> the age of 366 with the days with a threaded 60th bill is passed. >> passing the house of representatives on saturday. the plan to send 26 billion to america's key middle east ally. now heading to the senate and is expected to reach president biden's desk. >> we have language that prevents it from going to hamas or any other bad actors. is a very important element of oversight. >> micah johnson estrie no sceptical of the bill that the money won't end up in the hands of israel's enemies. as israel's prime minister benjamin netanyahu thanked lawmakers for their support. he posted to x. saying that the u.s. congress overwhelmingly passed a much appreciated aid bill. but -- it demonstrates but it's -- strong bipartisan support for israel and defends western civilization, thank you friends hi thank you america.
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with the war between israel and hamas there is emerging regional threats that the leadership says must be immediately addressed. mainly that of iran and its proxies who fired hundreds of missiles and drones into israel earlier this month. >> we have been very, very clear from here from the beginning that we do not want to see this conflict escalate. >> reporter: the bye demonstration continues to support israel amid calls for de-escalation and the us state department plants the sanction with the israeli military battalion for the human rights violations. the sanctions will promote the unit from receiving american training or support due to actions of the west bank before the current war began. >> reporter: the prime minister benjamin netanyahu reacted to the sanctions expected calling them the height of absurdity. shannon? >> shannon: we will talk more about this. thank you très. south carolina republicans
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lindsay graham and democrat senator blumenthal, thank you for being here this morning. we know you have travelled to ukraine together. let's talk about what's going on. yeah, this package car back to the senate. jd has some questions about this. with a piece in the new york times he said the math doesn't add up and ukraine needs more soldiers then i can field even with the jurco enion subscription policies and needs more material then the united states can provide. the sooner americans confront this truth, the sooner we can fix this mess and broker for peace. even with us doing our production here we are not getting a fraction of what we say we need. why prolong this? >> with underestimating america. with the greatest country in the world, we can produce the artillery shells and long-range artillery and attacks necessary. with the patriot systems and you
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didn't -- need many more to protect cities and also we can enforce sanctions. and sell these assets and we are building this measure strongly bipartisan sends a message to the world with the foreign minister of lithuania yesterday said good to have you back america. i think america's back on all fence and this sign we can come together in a bipartisan way for our national security and send a message to vlad -- vladimir putin two showed the people of the world it's too late to be popping her champagne, america's protecting democracy. >> shannon: with the 155 millimeters shells, he talks about these things and says even if we ramp up to the goals we have for next year, we won't even get to a third of what ukraine says they need. yeah, the russian foreign ministry staying out there saying lb a fiasco and turning into vietnam and that we are
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finding something that will just lead to more lost lives. >> if they want american military members to stay out of the fight with russia they will be praying. if they go into a nato nation, with all due respect he's wrong. we were told within four days kyiv would fall. >> as they -- are they wrong about the math in the production? >> yes, he's wrong with the whole concept that we can deal with multiple problems. in world war ii we fought the germans and the japanese. we have an industrial base that needs to be retooled. but the ukrainian military, with our help, has killed about 50% of the combat power with the russians. this is the year of more. they have more weapons but we want them to also have new weapons. knocking the bridge down but crimea and russia and they will have f-16s. this idea to give up on ukraine makes the world safe -- safer.
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of people do this because they don't have enough capabilities there goes taiwan. ukrainians are fighting like tigers to stay they have a component to it and this would not have passed without donald trump. i want to thank the house speaker ranking jeffries with giving weapons to ukraine with the fire that matters to us and president trump has created a long component to this packaging gives leverage down the road. this idea that we can't have ukraine and israel and taiwan at the same time, i reject that. i reject that fully. and he is also wrong with his numbers on the production we use in the korean war that this can convert civilian production capacity to produce the artillery vehicles, all of the industrial base can and will produce if it's given the right demand signal. and we know on the armed
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services i consistent demand was necessary to produce the kind of investments that it's necessary for those numbers or change. >> shannon: okay what we are not there. >> thank goodness that her parents and grandparents and have this attitude in world war ii. we can only fight one thing i did time. >> he's not saying that! what he's saying is ukraine doesn't have the manpower it needs. >> that's garbage! i just got back from being there two weeks ago they changed their conscription laws. they have all the manpower they need. they need the weapons that's what they don't have as the weapons. they just added 200,000 people by changing their conscription laws. it's one thing to talk about ukraine over here is another thing to go. i challenge jd vance to go to ukraine and get a briefing from the ukrainian military and talk with ukrainian people, then tell me what you think. >> 's maybe we could go together. >> yes, they could go in your
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next trip! >> you're welcome to come, stop talking about things you don't know until you go. >> shannon: i wantagh but what you have worked on, this happened late friday night and there has been a lot of blowback to that. you're calling mike was a conservative and in some ways we have a libertarian bet is very worried about where this will go like you all, he is an attorney and said this as a warning about this getting passed without that requirement for americans. >> not only are the bills reported reformist mostly fake and where they are not fake they are woefully inadequate, egregious fourth amendment violations. against us citizens and they will increase dramatically. >> shannon: is not just the conservative senator but also the aclu joining rank saying this last night that they reauthorize the section creating even more ways for the government to secretly survey last. our leadership protect our right and not make it easier for the
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government to trample on them. both attorneys at what was said is what would you say what the fourth amendments with these searches for americans who know there is evidence out there in the public tens of thousands of times that this has been abused against american systems? >> i have great respect for mike lee as i do for jd vance and for the aclu the problem here is the adversaries we have around the world's who want to do us harm have to be stopped. and this kind of surveillance of foreign adversaries, non-americans, this applies only to americans if they are in touch with those foreign adversaries, this is absolutely necessary. 60% of the morning briefing for the president, when he's -- what he sees when he comes in comes from this kind of surveillance. it's not a perfect bill.
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in an ideal world, we wouldn't need it. but i think the department of justice has shown that this will have some of the abuses that have been the source of complaints from the aclu and others but this is necessary in today's really dangerous and daunting world. >> shannon: so there was an amendment to plug it in that piece. i thank you all voted against that. so, yes. we understand the struggles of security and those things. but these rights are sacred for a reason. >> we are at war in case you missed it. i've never seen more threats to the homeland that i do right now. he says everywhere he looked cc blinking lights. this applies to foreign people on foreign soil that we believe mean us harm. >> shannon: but they often scoop up americans and those searches. >> yes, we are following some
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guy overseas who we think could be a terrorist, of east talking to somebody in the united states, we can clear the system and find out what is up. maybe they are threatening me, i'm on the threat list. one of the reasons they told me about what they want to do to me is something overseas. if two foreigners are talking about lindsey graham or something we can clear the system and find what they are talking about. if they think i'm involved with them they have to get a warrants. but before 911, the fbi and cia could not talk to each other. we are at war, they're coming to kill us all, we have a broken border and i want to know what they are talking about over there before they kill us here. and if you shut this thing down, you turn the war into a crime and we are not fighting a crime, were fighting a bunch of people who would kill all of us if they could get here. so when you intercept information from a foreigner overseas talking about attacking
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america, i want to know what they are talking about and if you believe in american -- americas involved you need to get a warrants, we are at a war -- at war these people also want us out of afghanistan. i like jd vance, they all said we need to leave afghanistan. here is what i will tell you, if you give putin ukraine, he will not stop. this is not about containing nato, and if you give him ukraine kite there goes taiwan because china is watching to see what we do! and if you shut down seven '02, you are making it so easy for the terrace to talk to each other with killing us we are at war. >> shannon: i think it's different from a tugboat shutting down seven '02 and having the requirements. >> i'm trying to tell you don't shut down if there is information about america picked up, you have to give up -- get a warrant if you think america -- americans are for know good helping terrace but i want to know what they are talking about when it comes to lindsey graham. >> first of all been a
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prosecutor for most of my career. i was the u.s. attorney and i was attorney general for 20 years. i know what it takes to get a warrants. often these kinds of surveillance actors -- ask how to be done quickly and exit actually without going to the foreign intelligence surveillance to get a warrants. i have great respect for the need to have strong oversight. we need to do a better job in the congress of overseeing these programs so there are no potential pieces because nothing is more important than privacy. >> shannon: exactly, we had to leave it there but there is number americans obviously concerned with the conflict with those things and the court has had abuses. we know you all can have this. >> they are ready any men now. >> well, let's hope that's not true. you know there is imposing threats at all time. thank you. the four democratic congressman, welcome.
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to -- welcome to fox news sunday. >> good morning chan, are you doing? >> shannon: it's good howdy with us. a number of your fellow democrats voted against this, a joint statement saying this, benjamin netanyahu appears willing to sacrifice the hostages while inflicting externally suffering on the people of gaza and he's willing to expand the conflict to preserve his power. most americans do not want to governments to run a blank check to netenyahu's waringa zub. how do you answer these concerns? >> this war going on wright now in gaza is not about one man, it's about the survival of the state of israel. right? when you have iran launching ballistic missiles hundred and 30 of them towards the state of israel, a member, ballistic missiles could carry a nuclear payload if iran ever got nuclear weapons. when people think this is the first time israel and iran are at war, those were the first attacks directly.
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but iran has proxies all over and surrounding israel between those in yemen and hamas in gaza and has below a 11 on. so, this is really about israel's survival end as far as my colleagues on the left of voted against it, i would say the same thing to the 20 republicans that voted against aids to israel. now is not the time to abandon our allies. everyone is wright -- watching. iran, russia, the statement we pass the aid package it was not just about ukraine. the spokeswoman for the foreign minister said you know, united states is standing by its allies, taiwan, israel, and ukraine. they put it together. this is what we have known all the time. we know these things are connected and we know russia and china are trying to destabilize the country, trying to destabilize the world and we need to make sure the united states stands for western
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democracy. it's no surprise to me that the left and right found themselves, use when this happens it means the rest of congress passed a pretty good bill. >> shannon: the concern conservatives have is the flow that will go into gaza. there was guard rails on and he's confident it will get to the right place but then democracy has some reporting on this and they looked into it and said there's a video of the idf taking these aid trucks as they come over, they say hamas is threatening people and some with death if they help israel distribute this aid. are you confident you can tell the american taxpayers what we are spending and sending over there is not going to end up in the hands of terrorists? >> that's wife in the very beginning i favor defunding and making sure we make -- making sure we put subs in place to get humanitarian aid and without it winding up in the hands of hamas. unites states and israel will do the best they can along with their allies in the region and
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make sure that the humanitarian aid gets to the palestinians in the region. looking again, this is about hamas wanted to hurt innocent palestinians. hamas taking aid away from the innocent palestinians just like the weapons in hospitals and schools, just like telling the innocent palestinians not to leave otherwise they will be shot just like the fighting, locating themselves, hamas fighters amongst the population using them as human shields so yes, we will do everything we can but i do think it's critical that we make sure we get humanitarian aid into gaza because wright now, there is his notion out there that israel is committing genocide which is 100% false. there's a genocide going on in sudan we don't hear about but there is no genocide in gaza. we do need to make sure that we do prevent famine. so this is why getting the aid and is critical. >> shannon: i want to play something that happened on the house for yesterday. this is a moment when things are
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getting past and people wave ukrainian flags, there was cheering, numerous times they were told this is against protocol for them to be doing this in the congresswoman margie taylor greenwich i know is maybe her nemesis the two of you at this point to. [ laughter ] she said they showed a sellout of america. folks in congress waving the ukrainian flag on the house of representatives floor. with nothing to secure this for its what is your response? >> first of all, marjorie taylor green is not a serious person catch no serious legislator, quite frankly, that's why thing the way we treat her now is she is putin special envoy to congress. the idea she would criticize anybody else as somehow was not respecting america, the way you disrespect america is not by standing by our allies, not by strengthening us, what margie taylor green and white thomas massey and those others do win trying to accomplish by removing the speaker of the house in this
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very moment after october 7th would only embolden china and only embolden russia and only embolden iran. she would let's them take israel and she would let putin take europe, not just ukraine. i don't want to be criticized by her. i think it was a big moment that republicans came together but i understand waving flags on the floor is against protocol. >> i think that's a lot to accuse her of giving up israel to iran and ukraine to putin. >> she's word against all those packages! >> thing that's a leave from there but she's welcome to come here and you guys can have a debate congressman, we always appreciate your time. >> appreciate it, thank you. >> up next for tomorrow and with the legal panel is here. ♪
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>> they've taken away my constitutional rights to speak and that includes me to you. i have a lot to say to you in on not allowed to say it. on the one, are going and say whatever they want about me, say anything they want, they continue to make up lies after lies. >> shannon: four president trump lashing out against the gag order placed on him in do you -- new york hush my trial. it's time for a legal panel. university law professor and contributor and four principal deputy assistant attorney general, welcome back gentleman! >> we are into the hush may try we think arguments will start up tomorrow. there's a back-and-forth about the fact that the defense says they don't know who the
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witnesses will be. and the washington post reporting on this said they sparred saying that they would not provide witnesses in advance because of the repeated violation barring him from talking about witnesses and the casing we have a look at some of the potential witnesses. how deep river day one if you don't know who might be on the witness stand? >> this is problems with kernel defense attorneys, stenta problem for the prosecutors holding on last minute to make disclosures. what upsets me is the judges response he said you should air on the side of disclosure and also to point out whatever sanctions there are for the gag order, those will come at my judgement after we have a hearing. is not on the menu of options you cannot restrict the fairness of the trial or disclosures of witnesses because you think you violated in order. i think they could've done that is one of those times where they do say that they could've done
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more. there's no reason to do this in my view but it works against due process and a fair trial. you want the parties to be prepared and here you have the attorney saying i will withhold them because i think there is a violation. >> what jurors we'll get to we think witnesses we don't know starting tomorrow potentially with the opening arguments we're talking about this that includes multiple lawyers. they say that trump's legal team might see lawyers on the jury and say they are nonemotional thinkers it's what one trial consultant says and they require them to do analysis and emotional thinkers get more easily suede by the side that goes first in the silo tells a good story. is a plus or minus that he has some lawyers on this? >> i think is a +4 trump that there is lawyers on the jury. prosecutors natori say don't like that wand juries because they are independent thinkers boot that thank they know better than the prosecutors do.
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they can be a bit of a wildcard coming to the jury service with a lot of legal education and you never know what goes on in the jury room. having chosen juries and tried cases in front of juries they'll spend the next six weeks trying to read the tea leaves and watching the jurors reactions to the witness testimony as a comes in. but no one will ever know what the jurors are truly thinking until it's time to deliberate and render a verdict. the five that there will be lawyers participating in deliberations with the verdict definitely a +4 the defense. >> with the crime at the motivation of the alleged misdemeanor under the law. to hand the lawyers and there they could be given undue influence with the jury. and if they say oh, no,, this is
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clear and standard, that may sway them. that's why in some states they would save you did more than one year of law school then you wouldn't be on a jury. i think it's not a good thing for a defendants because of the influence i can be exercised. >> shannon: i think it's got me out of jury duties made time. that being a member of the media. eyes could be very critical to the federal cases which is the supreme court on thursday has added this expedited arguments about immunity, about whether president trump has immunity. the atlantic says if this is granted is why the most dangerous assertions they say he would have license to do things like use the us military to subvert democracy like endeavoring to remain in power with the legitimate term and avoiding accountability and they would have little to know recourse. >> this may not be gained the attention with those out does but it is a critical case for frankly the future of our public about how much presidents can do an office without potentially
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being in terminal jeopardy. this is telling the supreme court, somewhat surprisingly, has not definitive -- definitively resolved. i think ill be route wrestling with these questions including having a president order a political assassination. and they need some degree of protection i'm unsure they will go the full route of granting absolute immunity to any president but they might say that the district courts was too narrow and possibly send it back to the district to make a closer examination of if president trump should be immune from these charges. >> that drags this thing out even further for goes to the court and one of the postings that he likes to do, president trump said that if immunity is not given to a president every president that will leave office will be indebted by the opposing party. and then they would not be able to properly function. how does this land with the justices? >> every thing is contractual at these moments and i think the
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democratic district attorneys had made the case for trump and have shown how presidents can be taken from pillar to post across the country to be hit civilly and criminally. with these types of charges and they have made the case for the need of self protection. it's doubtful that they will go all the way the president win in terms of absolute claims of immunity. but he will win significantly if they sentence him. they could simply say look, we thank you went too far. you didn't give us the record and creates a more meaningful approach. that will throw a wrench into the plans over the trial in bc with the special council. and i think there is dangers on both sides and i think some of these justices will be as concerned with the sweep in the equality with the district court opinion that they are with the former president. >> all right, i will see you there thursday, at least in spirit if you are not there. i will be there." is appreciate your time. up next, new fox news polling
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shows biden and trump in tight races in several battleground states with a four president pulling ahead in key races that propel president biden to victory in 2020, our panel is next on the state of the race. ♪
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>> this is the favorite president of all time, there is bad weather heading and then we are flying in in a few minutes. we want to make sure everyone is safe. >> shannon: disappointing crowded storms and lightning rolled in shutting down a plan trump rally were made the -- many gathered for hours. he promised a rain check. it is time now for our sunday group with the guide benson show and are fox news contributor guy benson. we have jessica chambers and the rider and fox news contributor, and the heritage foundation president welcome to all of you you made it safely here which is a good thing! we have a slew of new fox polls out there want to put these up from swing states that are important to both of these campaigns. georgia pennsylvania and wisconsin you have a head start.
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pennsylvania and wisconsin though, tied up at this point. we knew the polls would go as we got down to the actual campaign. >> ethic the trump campaign would happily take all those numbers at this particular moment. they are up six in georgia and if you include the wider view. pennsylvania is a tough stay for publicans and has been for a long time to be tied there. not surprising, always tight and wisconsin feels like in recent decades, decade and a half. i continue to believe that if this election were held this coming tuesday, the day after tomorrow, i think trump would win or would be favored to win but we have six-month steep go and one of the key issues hear that the trump campaign i think needs to grapple with is... the democrats and biden, they have a bonus when it would be those who are the likeliest book voters. they say that trump might be the most unsure buyers -- voters or
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they are not registered either. they need to get to the polls either way. >> shannon: the question is the issue that matters the most is where president trump is bigger, we have that coming up looking at these states when you look at disapproval for the president, he is way underwater in all of these. richard, weighed ten points are more. >> yes a telling thing. i think for the trump campaign, with the trouble is is in the last election in 2020, trump has to make up the 7 million vote gap and he has to figure how to turn his base. and the good news for biden's you are tied in pennsylvania and tied in wisconsin and also ten points into the hole when it comes to approval rating so the biting campaign what they have to do in this moment does go to these states visit the states on the regular began to talk about things they are doing that will be popular to the most unlikely voter. during the state of the union i spent time with some voters who
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are not sure what they will do with this election and what i found after 25 minutes of him giving the address the loudest applause line with this -- was this he will calculate fees on credit cards to eight dollars. that's a big deal to these voters when they can go in how these conversations with the voters and that will be all the difference. where the state of florida for example with abortion being on the ballot there, with the abortion law in arizona being a big issue for those voters that will also help with those. it does not mean they don't have to work for this. they have to do a lot of work on the ground. to get those voters out in places like georgia and places like ohio and places like michigan. >> let's get to the issues there. here is where and why these states they rate who is better to handle the issues. biden had the advantage on abortion healthcare and election integrity and trump has foreign-policy economy, and immigration and the border.
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it's a mashup there of things people care about with who they think is better equipped to handle this. >> really is calhou on the consistencies you see with the polls we have seen in the polls of other outlets is the election as a couple of issues. the economy which which husband terrible and lawlessness of the border in the lawlessness on those issues president trump is widely ahead but also there's nothing president biden will do to change his performance on these things. i'm very confident about president trump's ability with this election i spoke to him about a week ago and he's not overconfident -- overconfident about this but ultimately american people when they wake up each day the american dream is slipping away. and they say the border still open and the democrats are waving the ukrainian flag when
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we send $60 billion to protect other countries border, were not our own, president biden is in deep trouble and deserves this. >> they continue to add onto the state ballots including in michigan which is a very critical stay where he has had trouble. kennedy secure that spot on a ballot in michigan with the battleground states by desperately needing to woo win where he appears quite vulnerable if he win -- if candy even wins small number of voters this has to be giving them some hard burn at the white house. >> their wing to see what happens on till labor day time period but what i would expect you to hear from the democrats is that you're so when you want to abandon biden in the democratic presidential primary kite they will argue he is not your candidate he's a staunch supporter of israel, he has reiterated this repeatedly so he is not your guy fewer upset with president biden about that issue. the biting campaign is trying to
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overcome this difficulty by turning out his support among black voters by turning out his support among union voters, what he does have a problem in that state with young people and that's something i wrote about this week. he is having difficulty with young people the state of michigan as well as nevada and a bunch of other state so that is absolutely something the biting campaign has to focus on with these battleground states including michigan, wisconsin and what else. >> maybe they don't go to either and they stay home. that's also probable. okay panel, don't go anywhere, next is anti- israel sparking prague -- trouble this week leading to dozens of arrests in a showdown over free-speech and campus safety.
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>> we are hamas. >> you are hamas wow! >> we are all hamas! >> just a sampling of anti- israel protesters. more than a hundred were arrested thursday after being repeatedly asked to break down the encampment on campus. we are back now with the panel.
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they talk about this problem and how it's going to be a problem probably through the summer two. they say liberal and democratic leaders have tolerated such behavior for too long. the test now is if liberal elites especially democratic mayors have the courage to enforce norms to protect their own cities and nominated conventions. protesters are betting they don't we are seeing what this good morning for them. >> anna looking forward to the one i'm attending if i'm invited to the eye when i look for that one for other reasons what the point is, anti-semitism is running rampant in hate crimes against jewish americans are at a 30 year high for all of us across the political spectrum from left to rates but as a recovering academic as you know, having let an institutional -- institution of higher learning have seen the societal rot in colleges and universities for a long time its not just anti-semitism. it's a long march through the institutions that the radical left has done so what we need to do is recognize as a society with those in conventions as you
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mentioned, it's time for us to stand up. as we cast her gaze little higher than washington dc in the policy and politics here in our own communities and neighborhoods, get back to getting to know one another and exterminating this hatred and making sure we take her back or institutions. >> and on higher education there's another big issue making headlines which changes to title ix. this was for miller to a lot of folks out there, college athlete superstar speaking on issues of gender and sports. she says a bye demonstration is just officially abolished title ix as we knew it. now sex equals gender identity and that weigh the new right means that the academic scholarships for women and men will have full access to bathrooms and locker rooms and they can be house and dorm rooms with women and faculty must compel their speech by requiring the use of preferred pronouns if the guidelines above are ignored or even question then you can be charged with harassment.
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there have been questions about weather or not the menstruation would go this far are kind of soften this pain and election year but not so much. >> doesn't actually include sports and that is one thing we are still waiting to see in terms of the role, where they do about this? whether or not the bynen ministration decides to even act on this. so this deal specifically with sex discrimination and also prevents the harassments of the vita ministration saying women who are pregnant and a whole host of others but i think it's important to separate this from the rule of the body ministration is looking at as to whether or not there can be transgender athletes in sports. >> shannon: this is what they say but the regulation. the official statements, the final regulations will ensure that all students receive appropriate supports when they experience this discrimination and that's procedures for investigating and resolving complaints of sex discrimination are fair to all involved and this has provoked this conversation about due process and the way the trump era rules worked for his -- versus this
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piece. >> they say under the obama's -- demonstration there is a kangaroo court system where there was just a masset -- mass amount of this given to the accuser and not given to the cues that was change under president trump and then the bynen team was flip back to the obama sort of model here on this. i think it's importance, the trump team i think was a lot closer to getting it write and i think this is a regression in the name of progress i think francesca's point is important with the square piece of it politically speaking because i don't think it's a coincidence that the bynen team decided that they were going to sidestep the question of sports because it's politically toxic. because they probably see some internal data showing let's not go this far right before an election. that might be a second term project for this president if he earns one. >> shannon: i want to make sure you get to this other controversy we covered for days now with mpr which is publicly funded with tax dollars.
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he wrote he was at the time a senior editor over at mpr for 25 years but he wrote and lifted the curtain saying this, an open-minded spirit no longer exists within mpr and this wouldn't be for the news outlets serving a niche audience but considering all things, it's devastating for it's journalism and business model. he was suspended, he quits, mathers questioned on capitol hill to defund or at least scrape some of the funding that a lot of people say this doesn't seem to be a neutral outlet. >> adding this is a tough position and i thank you have to go beyond just npr to have a conversation about this statement in journalism as a professor when i talk to my journalism students we have a conversation about what it means to be objective and what it means to be calling the balls and strikes and put this in context for the audience and i think that's what journalism is about. i think because of a polarized nature of our country we have been caught in the middle of
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these two things and also with commentators who been caught in the middle of these two things and forced to talk -- to the conversation around truth. anti- what this and not having the conversation that the congress looks very likely that congress will ban tik tok right? that's also part of the freedom of expression and speech which leads to a slippery slope when other countries decided to ban facebook or decide to ban ask which is the -- x and this is the american property. how do we have this conversation a card we have free speech and stuff? >> well, when we are paying for that changes the conversation to. thank you very much we'll see you next sunday and up next looking at how efforts of bipartisanship in the capital are taking a form i want the country's fastest growing sports. yes, i played, i'm terrible, you will see for yourself next. ♪
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♪ >> shannon : most americans agree there's too much the divides right in blue america these days, but i spent an afternoon with a bipartisan group of senators trying to bridge this gap on the pickle ball courts. >> i would just say to my republican friends, you don't like listening and you disagree, get a new job. >> i see nothing but complete
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hypocrisy on the other side of the aisle. >> on capitol hill you often see lawmakers settling scores. but watmough's don't get to see or the debates settled on the fifth floor of the dirksen senate building. on the pickle ball courts. >> without it be a good way for us to do bipartisan things together that are fun and don't take a whole time and is not too complicated. >> the capital cochair pickle ball caucus. >> nice shot. >> it's a nice way to get off the talking points and connect with their colleagues from both sides of the aisle. >> we are always looking for other ways to lower the temperature and do what is best for the american people and you do this by working together. >> reporter: on this day they were joined on the courts. >> when i first came to senate i thought it would be all hard wall. but of course pickle ball is a softball and you see sometimes a softer approach can get more results. >> reporter: the father pickle ball even once served in the
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halls of congress. it's creation in 1965 via jewel preachers was then serving in the washington state senate and was later elected to the u.s. house, has a goal of curing summer boredom. steve valliant and they are cofounders of the dc pickle ball league. they explain why this is the nation's fastest growing sports. >> you can be playing slow or as fast as you want, it so social and i really breaks any difference backgrounds and it's really fun. >> reporter: the game really took off to her and the pandemic. >> when covid hit and everyone went outside simultaneously all across the country at the same time. there was groups of hundreds of people every day all over the country playing this game outside. >> reporter: it soon took hold on capitol hill. >> how did this get started anyway? >> we are always looking for an opportunity to be active and find some way to get members to come together. >> do you solve discuss things
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here? is is a chance to get your aggression out? >> well we rise each other, that's a good thing,. >> this bipartisan group of lawmakers say they have learned a lot about one another. and build bonsai carryover off the courts. >> it does build some positive energy we can put it that way. it's also a certain level of humility that's absolutely required because in the course of an hour all of us will do so thank silly or stupid and stumble. >> this is the great equalizer. >> despite the competitive reside or to crush their opponents, these lawmakers say the caucus really is about forging relationships. connections that have strengthened even in the short time the caucus has been around. >> nice olek so. >> serve and point. >> shannon: they even let me play a pointer to. >> that's game, good game. >> shannon: just to know my team lost holy because of me.
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also, my podcast is out today, livin' the bream. i sat down with candace cameron marie and rebecca st. james to discuss a new film unsung heroes which tells the incredible story of a family that lost nearly everything except their faith in each other. it is a fantastic film out friday and that's it for us today. have a great week in place and pickle ball and we will see you next on fox news sunday.
7:00 am
police officer critically injured in a crash six years ago has died. what the department is saying about the officer, who always had a smile on his face and it is the end of an era. bart says goodbye to the old and welcom


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