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tv   KTVU FOX 2 News at 4pm  FOX  March 28, 2024 4:00pm-5:00pm PDT

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her love of ice cream in this thing too. then i'll definitely have what i know. but yeah, yeah, you go down that route and see if you end up got it. if i end up to five, the city's downtown drug markets. details on this proposal and reaction, plus a community turning grief into a gift and hoping to save lives. >> we're live with more on the public health campaign launching today to honor a beloved restaurant owner who choked to death on the job. >> and the oakland a's kick off what will likely be the team's last season at the coliseum. we are live with fans on opening day from ktvu, fox two news this is the for it is a controversial proposal to call in the
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california national guard to try to deal with san francisco's open air drug markets. the idea stirring up a lot of discussion this afternoon among the city's mayoral candidates. the proposal just the latest policy announcement from a candidate in what is shaping up to be a very tight race. welcome, everyone to the for this afternoon. i'm heather holmes and i'm alex savage. >> those candidates publicly debating what should be done to transform the city's tenderloin neighborhood. >> ktvu. christian captain live now for us in the city and christian, one of those candidates today outlining a plan to draw in more state resources to try to address street conditions. >> yeah. exactly. right. candidates are telling me that they want to declare a state of emergency here in san francisco. and again, as you said, one candidate even saying that they'd bring in national guard, all in an effort to try to make
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the streets in the tenderloin safe and clean. street conditions in the tenderloin and south of market have been a challenge for years in san francisco. now, with a mayoral race picking up steam, the candidates are pitching their plans to make the streets safer. mayoral candidate mark farrell said he would declare an emergency to bring more state resources to address street conditions in the tenderloin, since the city doesn't have enough police officers to do it on its own. >> and therefore we've been letting this drug crisis continue to fester and continue to grow on our streets. to me, that's unacceptable. we need solutions. we need results. and if that requires asking the state and the federal government for additional law enforcement personnel, i'm prepared to do exactly that up to and including national guard. yes, absolutely. >> san francisco's current mayor, london breed, says the state already has assets on the ground here that are making a difference. she says a lower overall crime rate last year is an indication that her
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administration is beginning to make progress against a problem. decades in the making not only have we made arrests of over 2000 dealers and users, with the goal of getting people treatment and holding drug dealers accountable, but even just last night, there was a big operation of over 50 arrests because of the work that we're doing. district 11 supervisor and mayoral candidate ahsha safai says the solution to resolving issues in the tenderloin is to responsibly use the resources the city already has, and says his plan to use police and sheriff's deputies on foot patrols will achieve results. >> the other commitment i made when i was out there was i would have a satellite office of the mayor at the tenderloin police station. the mayor needs to be on the ground seeing that on a day to day basis, marshaling the resources of the city, no other person is talking about that, candidate daniel lurie says the
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idea of armed national guards on the streets of san francisco would do irreparable harm to the city's image. >> he's pushing his plan to keep out drug dealers using geo fencing and a combination of medical services and law enforcement to maintain order, he says. he, too, called for a state of emergency to address street conditions in the city. >> i'm the only candidate in this race with a comprehensive plan backed by law enforcement and behavioral health experts, to tackle the crisis on our streets, and so we need to do this. we should be doing it now. i will do it on day one of my administration advocates for the homeless say this isn't an issue. >> the city can arrest its way out of. jennifer friedenbach from the coalition on homelessness says all of these plans are law enforcement heavy and don't address the underlying issues of mental health and drug and alcohol dependency. so there's a lot of work that's been done on figuring out how to address the crisis. >> the problem is the resources have not been put into the solutions. they've instead been put into a criminal justice response. >> as you heard, there is consensus that something must be done. the debate over how,
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though, continues. we're live in san francisco. kristen kafton, ktvu, fox two news, and no doubt about it, that debate will certainly heat up as we approach the election. >> all right, christien kafton live for us in the city. thank you. >> a 65 year old woman attacked while working at a laundromat, was surrounded by community members during a rally today, where they urged city leaders to do more to protect small businesses. our crime reporter, henry lee is joining us now live from the newsroom. after speaking with the victim as well as her supporters. henry. >> hey, alex. he was just doing her job when she was confronted by two women. they believed some of their clothes were missing. the attacks that happened afterward, people said today, were absolutely uncalled for. dozens of people showed up today at woodies woodies laundromat on park boulevard in oakland. that's where 65 year old ruth wild was attacked by two women back on march 16th. wild says she told one of the women they had arrived too late to start their laundry. they left with their clothes and drove off, but
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came back 40 minutes later and began yelling at wild, saying that some of their clothes were missing. they demanded she checked the laundromat surveillance video, but wild does not have access to the video, and both women ended up pushing her and shoving her several times. the woman in blue also attacked wild in the parking lot as she waited for oakland police to arrive. officers ended up only sighting the woman in blue, and that's frustrating to wild laundromat owner robert mar and those who showed up today to support them. >> for everybody that you have to think of the victim and you have to do something about it to put criminals away. and i'm afraid i want to go to work, but i'm afraid. but you got to change it. so victims have rights. >> we have to show our elders that we are willing to fight for them. yes, especially from our young people. yes. a fight for your elder is a fight for your own future. yes. because one day
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you will go and you will meet the same fate. >> now, the victim has spent 27 years helping customers at the laundromat. but she hasn't been back to work since the attack. afraid that the women will come back now it'll be up to the alameda county da's office to determine whether either or both women will be charged with crimes. >> guys. and, henry, what are the chances that the oakland police department might take another look at this case to see if what they see on that video rises to the level of a felony? >> yeah, it's always possible because i'm told the citation they gave that one woman happened before they saw the video. but one thing of note, i did show that video to a retired oakland police officer who says based on what he saw, because the victim didn't suffer what's known as great bodily injury, which of course is fortunate, it may simply be a misdemeanor incident. yeah, that makes
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sense. >> but what do we know about the timeline here? on when a decision could be made on charges. >> now, if this case remains at the misdemeanor level? technically the da's office has up to a year to make a formal charging decision. >> all right, we will wait and see what that decision may be. henry lee live in the newsroom for us. henry. thank you. >> well, four of oakland's largest employers, all joining forces for a $10 billion plan to try to improve safety downtown. so leaders at blue shield of california, the clorox, kaiser permanente and pga announced today that they will roll out additional safety measures in the coming weeks. now, this will include funding the creation of a safe zone. they're going to work with oakland police to bring in more law enforcement, both on and off duty, to downtown, also making an ambassador program available for on demand. buddy escorts to downtown destinations, as well as employee safety training. now, the companies say these changes will benefit residents, visitors and their employees. it
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is a move that blue shield of california ceo paul markovich says is designed to offer people peace of mind. >> the bottom line is we're trying to keep our employees safe and we have seen rising crime, particularly in 2023 over 2022. in oakland, that's contributed to a sense of concern amongst our employees, and we just want to make sure that they can come to work, be safe and be productive. and that's really what it's all about. we're not alone in that. and we thought cooperating would make this more effective. >> oakland mayor shengtao, applauding the announcement as an example of public private partnership. she said in part, quote, collectively, we share a deep love and commitment to this beautiful city. i know we will, will, will be successful in quickly bringing safety, growth and vibrancy back to our streets. now, that sentiment of oakland pride echoed in the company's motivation for this partnership. >> we have a lot of pride in being in oakland. we look and plan to stay in oakland and, we feel like we need to be a part of the solution here. there's been some challenges post covid, and oakland is not alone in those challenges. so trying to
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help the city through this any way that we can, is something that we feel is important. and when you look at some of these programs, particularly the patrols that are going on, they won't just benefit our employees, they'll benefit the entire community. and i think a healthy community starts with a safe community. >> as part of this partnership, the four companies have agreed to financially support oakland's measure z. that's the public safety and violence prevention act that was established back in 2014. all right, turning now to our weather. >> and we did get some rain overnight and into the early morning hours here. as we give you this live look at mount diablo in the east bay. still a lot of clouds out there. let's bring in meteorologist roberta gonzales with more on what to expect here in the coming days. another system for the weekend, right? >> oh, yes. and as early as in just a few hours from now. alex. hi, everybody. good afternoon to you. let's get right to it. we have a beautiful live weather
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camera to share with you at this time. notice the cumulus clouds stream in across the horizon. there roughly about 3500ft above that. we do have clouds at 18,000 and 20,000ft. the bottom line is it is mostly cloudy. and look just how green the mountain range is. and we have a smattering of rain for our lovely green lawns and mountain ranges and hilltops right now, especially around the middletown area. clear lake and hidden valley lake as well. napa, you have a few raindrops on the rooftops right now, as does benicia, backing through pretty much rodeo. and at this time, with the mostly cloudy skies, temperatures are in the 50s and low 60s. it is 63 degrees, and that's in san jose. and that has been the warmest temperature we've seen all day. and the winds are now increasing up to 13 and 14mph. occasionally we're seeing a stronger gust like mineta international airport with 18 mile per hour gusts. at this time, it's an onshore push right now in half moon bay and
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also at sfo around the peninsula. winds will be increasing tonight, overnight and rotating to the southeast, 15 to about 25mph during the day for your friday. so we do have a wind advisory in place for these blue highlighted areas, which does encompass san francisco, the peninsula, also the tip tops of the mountain ranges of the east bay and also the santa cruz mountains, monterey bay. you will be buffeted as well. this is our storm tracker here, and it does look like it's pretty unorganized. but what it is, is a cut off low. it's departed from the jet stream, which gives it that real big push, so you can tell when the rain will be arriving. and before sunrise tomorrow we'll track all this together. coming up a little bit later, and i'll tell you just how much more rain to expect and how it will affect your easter heather and alex. that's still coming up. >> all right, roberta, thank you it business. it's not a nine-to-five proposition. it's all day and into the night. it's all the things that keep this world turning. the go-tos that keep us going. the places we cheer. and check in.
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bounced from one doctor to the next. did they even send my lab work...? wait, was i supposed to bring that? then there's the forms. the bills. the 'not a bills.' the.... ”press 4 to repeat these options.” [chaotic music] [inspirational music] healthcare can get a whole lot easier when your medical records, care and coverage are in one place. at kaiser permanente, all of us work together for all that is you.
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and some new beginnings. sky fox nine now live above the oakland coliseum, where they are getting ready in just a bit to open the gate so you can see folks already lined up again. this is set to happen the game tonight in just a few hours at 7:00. however there is a big dark cloud overshadowing today's festivities. that is the team's planned move to las vegas as we give you a different live view of the coliseum. a lot of fans really frustrated and protesting the season, declaring it the summer of boycott. we get more on the oakland a's fan situation from our bailey o'carroll. >> it's the beginning of the end of an era at the oakland coliseum. with the a's set to move to las vegas, this evening's game between the oakland a's and the cleveland guardians will likely mark the last opening day that the a's play at the ballpark, and it's exactly where thousands of fans are expected to boycott. >> we're hoping to get 15 to 20,000 people in that parking lot, and it's going to be a
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huge, huge party. and basically it's an opportunity for people that weren't going to give their money to fisher anyways, to have an opportunity to come together, celebrate as fans. we got tons of activities, planned. there's going to be food, there's going to be games, there's tons of giveaways. >> instead of spending money on tickets, which organizers say a's owner john fisher will use to help pay for the team's relocation. instead, they're hoping to send a clear message to fisher by having more fans outside the stadium than in it. >> we just want to let mlb know that we're here, we're ready. we've got money to spend on on a on our season tickets. when they get a new owner, when they get somebody who wants to invest in the team, in the roster, in in a stadium. >> in a statement, oakland mayor shang tao said oakland sports fans are the best in the world. i'm proud of the a's fans efforts to demonstrate to the baseball world that professional baseball belongs in oakland. some organizers and fans are planning on showing up as early as noon, even though the team is opening the parking lot much
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later than normal. just two hours before first pitch. >> i think it's a direct response to the boycott and trying to thwart, our efforts and the amount of fans that will be there, they they the only comment they said was that, it was due to low ticket sales. and so the gate times, you know, and what time they open, is warranted, however, it doesn't take into account into account the 15 to 20,000 fans that will be in the parking lot. >> organizers of this event say they're actually concerned for public safety. and that traffic could back up into the freeway, if not beyond. we reached out to oakland mayor tao about the potential backup, but she pointed us to opd. they did not respond to our request for comment in oakland. i'm bailey o'carroll, ktvu, fox two news. >> all right. the san francisco giants opened their season on the road today with a loss. the giants are in san diego, where they just wrapped up a game against the padres. the padres won this one 6 to 4 here with the bay area. some giants fans gathered at momo's right across
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from oracle park to watch the season opener. today's game was san diego's home opener and the first of a four game series between these two teams. the giants home opener is one week from tomorrow. it will be a day game with the team again facing off against san diego this saturday. join us as fox local presents women's soccer a new bay era. ktvu is taking a closer look at the inaugural season of bay fc, the new national women's soccer league expansion team representing this region ahead of the club's first ever home opener. we're hearing from current players the team's co-founders and general manager. we're also catching up with bay fc head coach albertine montoya, who is no stranger to the bay area. >> i absolutely love this game. it's changed my life and when i coach, that's ultimately what i try to do. regardless of where i'm at. but the fact that i'm able to do it where i grew up playing in, where i have
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friends, where i have family, i went to school at santa clara university. i played professionally here in the mls for a bit. >> so make sure you tune in this saturday morning, 8:30 a.m, for our bay fc special. and it is happening right here on ktvu up next on the four this afternoon, the white house releasing a new set of rules for artificial intelligence as the use of ai skyrockets among federal agencies. we'll have the details on those regulations after
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it all starts with a chevy truck. chevy silverado with the turbomax engine and best-in-class standard torque. and the chevy silverado hd with up to 14 available camera views. do more in a chevy truck, get yours now. get $5000 total value on silverado ltz & high country models when you trade in an eligible vehicle. or during chevy truck season, get as low as 0.9% financing on all 2024 silverado 1500 pickups. chevrolet. together let's drive.
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a long sentence in a federal prison for the multibillion dollar ftx fraud. as fox's kelly o'grady tells us, the peninsula native was sentenced today to 25 years in prison. >> well, in the end, no one appears to be buying sam bankman-fried's good boy crypto act. not the jury. when he was convicted last year and certainly not the judge today. now he was sentenced to 25 years behind bars. the max he could have gotten was 110 years. the prosecution was looking for something in the 40 to 50 range. he is also required to pay over $11 billion, though that is a formality at this point because he is pretty much broke. and we did hear from sam himself today. it was rather surprising given his poor performance during the trial. he said he was sorry that he made a lot of bad decisions, but he never admitted fault. that's important because his legal team does intend to file
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an appeal. there was also a lot of focus today on harm, the defense argued there was none, given customers are expected to get their money back through bankruptcy. but the judge bought none of that. he held sbf responsible for 8 billion in customer losses and 3 billion for investors and lenders. i will note new york law. it is all about intent, not actual loss. it doesn't matter if victims will get their money back. in the end, not everyone, though, feels that 25 years is enough for the former crypto king. >> he's going to do about 15 years, maybe less. yet i think the sentence should have been way closer to the 40 or 50 that the government asked for in the case to judge kaplan, i'm next up. >> sam bankman-fried's legal team will likely file an appeal. i know 25 years. it may not seem much, but legal experts i'm talking to are saying that this is the equivalent of throwing the book at him when he is just 32. i'm kelly o'grady in new york. >> cranes are now making their
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way to the patapsco river in baltimore to begin the process of removing all of that metal and concrete from the collapsed francis scott key bridge. divers recovered the bodies of two of the six victims yesterday, and they were expected to return to the site once the debris has been cleared. the divers say the victims vehicles are under the metal and broken pavement. maryland officials also say they're hoping that removing the debris will allow them to reopen this channel so that ships can move through to the port. >> this work is not going to take days. this work is not going to take weeks. we have a very long road ahead of us. >> you know, the port kind of the industrial heartbeat of baltimore. you know, it's what puts the majority of the blue collar workers in baltimore to work. >> the ntsb is still examining the data recorder from the ship that collided with the bridge. officials say a full investigation into the collision could take up to two years.
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today, the biden administration took steps to combat the misuse of artificial intelligence. >> it issued the first government wide policy to mitigate the risks and harness the benefits of ai. fox's caroline shively has the details now from washington. >> the use of artificial intelligence is overflowing from teaching machines how to make better beer to transforming the us military and the entire federal government, which increased ai contracts by almost 1,200% over just a year ending last august. so now the white house is unveiling three new requirements for federal agencies. they now must publish a list of the ai systems they're using, verify there is no danger to the public, and name an ai chief for each agency. >> the american people have a right to know that when and how their government is using ai. >> the private sector has already felt the shady side of artificial intelligence, with stars like taylor swift and kelly clarkson having their likenesses used to hawk diet supplements and fake giveaways.
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while other artists have had their voices copied. >> i heard a demo a while back, i said. i don't even remember writing that song. they went, you didn't! >> but now some republicans in congress say the white house approach is an overreach and could put the us behind other countries in the race to lead the world in ai. >> unnecessary new laws could stifle ai innovation, slowing the arrival of life enhancing and life saving breakthroughs. not to mention, we don't want china on our heels. >> the treasury department has also released a report that says banks are struggling to fend off ai powered scammers trying to get to americans money. in washington, caroline shively, fox news. >> caltrain is retiring some older rail cars to make way for a new fleet. caltrain moved 32 older generation passenger cars from its san jose and san francisco rail yards up to a sonoma-marin area rail transit facility in petaluma. these rail cars debuted back in 1985, and they were taken out of service last year. this retirement
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clears space for caltrans new electrification project and new rail cars in september, improving safety around schools. >> we've got details on a new proposed bill that would get some drivers to slow down, plus, turning the tragic death of a well-known restaurateur into a call to action, a live conversation about a new campaign to teach restaurant workers how to save someone from choking charged with style. the fully-electric audi q4 e-tron. get exceptional offers at your local audi dealer.
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two. quinteiro can find a way aboard dard hunter while she would be next. the three one for miller and hit him and the bases are loaded with. two one half. is down to with that left hand down it off first base and first base. umpire steven mithen is going to give him a little time to shake off that discomfort. and kayleigh mcenany, who? is going and his wilder who's a monster ball game on sunday for
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the five rbi. >> the bases juiced and wilder watches one two letter high on the outside corner for strike. accident on us. now here's trailing 9 to 6 here in the bottom of the seventh inning. wilder today has reached base twice. a double and a walk. beloved owner and coach is able to keep it close. one and one and take those. so, to. work it. miller has his mind. the one one high and tight, two balls and a strike with zamora waiting to hear it. now the rest of the. and now we're getting ready in a little bit of a hurry here we
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got wilder and pounds it to second base, but right there is hundreds. and he will make the play on the first on the mountaineers. leave him loaded here in the seventh in preventing appstate an does play to run on one hit leave no about three and we're off to the ring. >> it's missed it. it's marshall nine and appstate six. if the fans when you play the lottery you're playing for north carolina here in. this you're electric cooperative is different as. we're local not for profit you point out and owned by we serve is and serve really it our mission is to provide power at the lowest possible cost with the highest standard of service. >> we're different in a good way. he worked at in the world of app state sports, a malt in the rise of individuals dazzled
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the adoring crowds of boone. but one celebrity star shines the brightest of all, even when simply returning from the grocery store. >> so do your. cup for. his. treat ingles out of app state athletics. >> by the power of the choke iridescent and this very evening we are going stadium with the mountaineers. down by three to sit. is this to the thundering herd and we will do this three games. mountaineers are going to try to get as much as they can out of collin welch today, and seem sure that the rest of their bullpen into for the next two three. welch, the third pitcher of the ballgame, tut also hill
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started things off. those are four runs in the two and a third inning third goes the baseman. three of them coming on that swing of the bat from elijah song back in the third. the first pitch bouncing ball towards the hole at shortstop, sliding stop by quinteiro long throw. he got him to you just in time to get parole. to be honest . long throw from deep and the hole at short stop to find defensive play by quinteiro. although it might be overturned. >> we'll have a review here on bang bang. it first base. i'll tell you when i saw peralta go by at at the naked eye, i thought he was saying. and we'll see if the umpires can find that to be the case as they take another look. how it does not diminish how impressive a play it was at shortstop by mcquinn. >> see if we see you. anyway. tuthill's started two and a third innings, then cody little worked three and a third two
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gave up three runs on five hits, struck out two and one year. collin welch right now. backs it down for his to get third inning. he's gone an inning and two thirds thus far led wasn't it. and then two unearned runs allowed two hits two strikeouts for the welch. yes it might be done now to find them. and don't let it fool you. if you're welch, will you take a couple of tosses, try to stay in the flow of things as the umpire has to take a look at the video replay system beyond the third base dugout, and for that, we will have the verdict here in just a minute as they have emerged. >> here's the call. and he's safe at first base. peralta able to beat it out of reeves for a ground ball single. so.
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>> three to pianist filch. just back to looking to the top of the lineup. top of the air. marshall first baseman up the new rlca here. >> the. chis miles reached base for three times in four to the plate as he looks at a strike. nothing in one. only two doubles in the ballgame for kaiser, who came in with just three doubles in his first 16 games of the year. >> he also walked and scored a runner takes off. >> good jump, throw down nicely in time, but quantrill able to knock it down and put his tag on it as peralta stayed on the base . that's two pitch errors. have not done a very good job today at holding runners out, sometimes to steal on a catcher, sometimes he steal on a pitcher,
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and it's certainly been the ladder for that will bring her in here today. >> it. children out clear time now. >> stolen five bags in the ballgame and peralta dancing well off second now. >> and kaiser takes it in the dirt. one of two in this one in the. >> lineup for two teams again tomorrow. 5:00. first pitch from bradley wilson for the mountaineers. bryce blevins is district for the thundering as kaiser fights it fouled by adding and the line for the. >> said it is not in it. inning get hit by a car.
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>> a. runner in scoring position on top of inning number nine. and peralta dancing again is welch throws back him and that their tag put on late. >> so we will sum it up
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it all starts with a chevy truck. chevy silverado with the turbomax engine
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and best-in-class standard torque. and the chevy silverado hd with up to 14 available camera views. do more in a chevy truck, get yours now. get $5000 total value on silverado ltz & high country models when you trade in an eligible vehicle. or during chevy truck season, get as low as 0.9% financing on all 2024 silverado 1500 pickups. chevrolet. together let's drive. bounced from one doctor on all 2024 silverado 1500 pickups. to the next. did they even send my lab work...? wait, was i supposed to bring that? then there's the forms. the bills. the 'not a bills.' the.... ”press 4 to repeat these options.” [chaotic music] [inspirational music] healthcare can get a whole lot easier when your medical records, care and coverage are in one place. at kaiser permanente, all of us work together for all that is you.
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whole area. light snow all day yesterday caused low visibility for drivers heading up on the mountain passes. chain controls are currently in effect on both highway 50 and interstate 80, so keep that in mind if you are planning to head up to the mountains. high winds might also hit the sierra as well, so you should expect some delays and potentially even some road closures. the mountain resorts are touting great spring conditions up in tahoe. there is heavy snow in the forecast for friday and saturday and earlier today on mornings on 2 to 9, we talked with someone from boreal and he told us that right now the snowpack is just about average for this date. for skiers and snowboarders who
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can't make it up this weekend, boreal has set its closing date for april 14th. yes. >> some others yes, some others. also extending their seasons because of all the snow they've received. okay, back here in the bay area, bit cool and cloudy, especially in oakland as we take a live picture now at the coliseum for opening day. the season fully kicking off tonight around 7:00. that's when the a's take on the cleveland guardians. roberta is back now with us with a look at your game day forecast. >> yes. opening day. and we have that forecast as promised. heather we do have the probable pitchers on the mound. shane bieber for the bad guys for the guardians. and we do have alex wood on the mound for the oakland a's first pitch at 707 56 degrees. there is a possible shower, more or less. you will have the cloud cover and you will have the winds picking up. you need to dress in layers. heading out to the game right now. look at out towards san francisco. the rain is to the north. this is our storm tracker. this is our live data. we have the sweep. the radar sweeps up and going. you see the
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precipitation in earnest right now around clear lake. also middletown, hidden valley lake, just outside of vacaville. also martinez. we do have some light rain showers there. spotty hit and miss showers beginning to dry up, but then the next round after midnight. current air temperatures in the 50s and 60s 63 in san jose, the winds are picking up 17 mile per hour gusts in nevada. when you get that gusty wind, boy, it adds a chill in the air. we have a 18 mile per hour wind gusts right now near oakland international airport, as well as mineta international airport. a wind advisory goes in effect for your friday. the winds up to 25, gusts up to 45. the advisory takes place at 11 a.m. until saturday at 5 a.m. for the san francisco area, the peninsula, the east bay hills, the santa clara valley, all the way to santa cruz mountains and into monterey bay. so there the sweeps going looks unorganized. let me play it out for you. like this. this is futurecast, and by tomorrow morning's commute we
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will have the rain beginning around the immediate coastline of the north bay, around the central bay as well, and into the santa cruz mountains. and here's the stuff that moves in in earnest during the midday hours. that's some pretty heavy rainfall, with the potential of an isolated thunderstorm containing small hail. then during the evening commute, it's spotty hit and miss scattered showers, primarily around the central bay to the north. but this this is really complex because this is a cut off low, which means it has separated from the jet stream, so it doesn't have that support to push it through. so you'll notice the core just meanders off the coast. so that could interfere with our timing for your friday and saturday. but this gives you a timeline to guide your planning. and there you have saturday. during the afternoon, more showers, especially on the coastal areas with the winds will be gusty. monterey bay into big sur is going to be hammered with up to five inches of rain around the big sur mountain areas. the gusty winds on top of that, we're talking about three inches around the santa cruz mountains
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and again, those wind gusts up to 45mph, about an inch of rain for the most part around the bay area, lesser amounts around all, let's say the eastern portion of our bay area. as far as your tahoe forecast is concerned, we do have a winter storm warning that goes into effect 11:00 tomorrow morning until 5 p.m. sunday. yes, we're talking about six inches to a foot at lake level. and higher amounts. the higher you go with the gusty winds. so if you're traveling, make sure you take a look at the road conditions and you'll definitely need the chains tonight. overnight it will be colder than it was last night into the 40s. tomorrow, a much cooler day. temperatures barely even reaching 59 degrees for the warmest location. sporadic showers continue on your saturday. partly cloudy for easter sunday spring weather. we're talking 70. heather and alex by monday and tuesday. but meanwhile, there is your easter day forecast. enjoy. >> all right, roberta, we will
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thank you. our celebration of women's history month is coming to an end with a closer look at one of the bay area's literary pioneers. >> she gained fame as california's first poet laureate. jana katsuyama shows us how ina coolbrith broke with many conventions of her time and how she celebrated today. >> just past the mason street cable car line, halfway up san francisco's russian hill is a park where occasional tourists and neighborhood dog walkers take in the spectacular views. the park bears the name of a once famous san francisco woman who many people now don't know. >> okay, that is. no, i have no idea. please. >> i know coolbrith no idea. ina coolbrith was a literary legend in her day, a poet whose life reads like an epic novel, a pioneer who became california's first poet laureate. >> it was bestowed on her in 1915, during the pan pacific
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international exhibition, which was a really big deal. >> christopher pollock is san francisco's park historian. >> she lived just a block away, down, down the hill to the south, he says. >> coolbrith's friends were some of the most well-known writers of the west. bret hart, joaquin miller, mark twain is another person that she got to know over time. >> so she she really gets to know the cream of the crop of the poetry and literary set in san francisco. >> but ina coolbrith also had a secret in her past. alida george wrote a biography about coolbrith, who was born josephine smith, the niece of joseph smith, who founded the mormon church. >> she was very feisty and she stood up to people and she said what she thought, and george found examples of her feistiness. >> at just 15 years old, in a letter to her cousin about polygamy. >> is it right for a girl of 15 or even 16 to marry a man of 50 or 60 to be taken into his harem
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and enjoy the pleasure of being his favorite sultana for an hour and then thrown aside? this is of god, is it? no. never, never, never. >> for ina did marry at age 19, but after losing a child and divorcing her husband in 1851, she took her mother's maiden name and found solace and joy in writing about nature and san francisco. in one poem about the california poppy, she wrote her golden glory thou of hills and plains, lifting exultant every kingly cup brimmed with the golden vintage of the sun. evie groch, president of the ina coolbrith circle, says those poems still inspire. >> i saw her as a trailblazer. there is a universalism about her messages anticipating death and loneliness and loss, and yet not losing hope. at the same
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time, many of coolbrith's manuscripts were lost in san francisco's 1906 earthquake and fire. >> but at oakland's main library, the ina coolbrith collection preserves the photos, newspaper clippings, and poems that did survive her poems in the overland monthly literary magazine now sit on the shelves. another chapter of her pioneering life, she was oakland's first library, and for 20 years she mentored oakland's youth, including a young boy named jack london. >> she had an influence on jack london's life asadora duncan. all of these people had oakland ties, and so i think that's her, her lasting legacy. >> that legacy lives throughout the bay area. in quiet corners in berkeley, there is an ina coolbrith path with a marker at the stairs up to grizzly peak in oakland. her bronze statue stands with other humanity heroes at a park on 13th street and in san francisco, there is a special place in ina coolbrith's
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park with a plaque called poet's corner, where visitors can sit and contemplate life and love and the natural beauty that inspired one of california's pioneers, jana katsuyama ktvu. fox two news. >> all right, we have more news headed your way. but first, we want to give you now another live look at traffic conditions outside the coliseum in oakland, where the a's are set to play their first game on opening day in just a bit. we're expecting a little bit of a traffic backup because they were going to wait to open the gates until 5:00, but i just saw on social media that they have now opened those gates. so fans are starting to pour into the coliseum. and if you are headed in t t direction, looks like if advanced lung cancer has you searching for possibilities, discover a different first treatment. immunotherapies work with your immune system to attack cancer. but opdivo plus yervoy is the first combination of 2 immunotherapies for adults newly diagnosed with non-small cell lung cancer that has spread, tests positive for pd-l1,
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regulators to keep potatoes classified as vegetables, not grains. the debate over spuds has been heating up ahead of next year's release of updated us dietary guidelines. republican senator susan collins and democrat michael bennet are among lawmakers urging the department of agriculture to keep potatoes classified as vegetables, noting that they're packed with potassium, calcium, vitamin c and b6 and fiber. the senators also argue that a reclassification could confuse consumers and disrupt the supply chain. >> 7-eleven says it's launching
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a unique flavor of sparkling water. the convenience store chain says it's collaborating with miracle seltzer to debut a new line of sparkling waters, including one that is hot dog flavored. 7-eleven says the big bite hot dog is meant to taste like its popular snack. 7-eleven. yeah, is planning to release more details about the product coming up on april first, and that does have some people speculating if this might , in fact, be an april fool's joke. >> okay, okay, okay, okay. yeah, yeah, that makes sense. >> we need hot dog sparkling water. >> okay. in this ktvu idea of the day, we asked image generator midjourney to imagine other unusual flavors of sparkling water, including macaroni and cheese, a brussels sprout flavor. sparkling water. sounds interesting. and salmon flavored sparkling water. >> refreshing. >> i'm going to pass on all of you love salmon, though i do, but not
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three years ago, the officer found three brothers in horrific living conditions. >> now they are together as part of a loving family. ktvu amberleigh tells us that family invited the police officer to be part of an adoption ceremony. >> james lancaster is starting a
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new chapter with his sons. he and his wife may, recently adopted three biological brothers they fostered. >> we're hunter sent all in. >> three years ago, vacaville police received a call from the boy's biological mother, who reported that one of her sons went missing from her apartment. officer isaac stevens, a rookie at the time, decided to do a welfare check. he went to the apartment and described it as being filthy. >> i was shocked to believe that kids were living in conditions like this. >> stevens tells me the boys ages two, four and eight at the time, were left with no adult supervision. the lancaster's distant relatives of the children's biological mother took in the boys, and they actually met me here at the police department, just outside those steps in the middle of the night. >> after the initial call for service, the lancaster's tell me they knew they wanted to keep the three brothers together. >> i felt like a duty to these three kids. >> may tells me she's lucky to have the boys. >> it's very rewarding watching them grow and play sports and
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you know and do good in school academically. >> a second chance at motherhood after the couple's son was killed more than a decade ago. >> they've given me life, my life back. >> the proud parents say they want to give the boys a happy life, and has seen the impact of a stable home. >> complete 360 and everything and the way they carry themselves, their confidence last friday, the couple officially adopted the boys and invited officer stevens to join them for the ceremony. >> at the courthouse. >> it was something i couldn't imagine, you know, three years later, the lancaster's tell me there's a shortage of foster homes and encourage others to open up their hearts, because at the end, we're trying to raise good citizens and good people. >> the couple tells me, to be honest, this journey has had its challenges, but they say the most rewarding part is just spending time together as a family. what's next? a trip to southern california to visit amusement parks in fairfield.
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amber lee ktvu, fox two news, ktvu, fox two news at five starts now. >> now at five. the beginning of the end of an era at the oakland coliseum. a's fans are flocking to the stadium, but not to watch their favorite team. >> for a lot of us, we feel like the team is being stolen from us with no say in it. so this is kind of how we're voicing our displeasure. >> good evening. i'm julie julie haener and i'm mike mibach. >> it is opening day in the city of oakland, and right now sky fox is above the oakland coliseum, giving us this live picture down at the parking lot. the a's set to kick off their season in just a couple of hours here, but there is a big dark cloud overshadowing today's festivities. that is the team's planned move to las vegas. >> yeah, a lot of fans are frustrated and protesting the season, declaring it the summer of boycott. we have team coverage for you on this opening day.


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