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tv   KTVU FOX 2 News at Noon  FOX  March 27, 2024 12:00pm-1:00pm PDT

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a lapse in baltimore. what we know about the six people now presumed dead, and why crews on the scene are racing to recover evidence that could be altered or lost forever. if they don't act quickly. then in about an hour from now, we'll hear from
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oakland's new top cop. the experience he brings to his new city, and the changes oakland residents are hoping for as oakland continues to grapple with violent crime and rising public safety concerns. the news at noon starts now. >> this is ktvu fox two news at noon. >> good afternoon. i'm gasia mikaelian. we're following breaking news for you in pacifica. this is where francisco boulevard is closed due to a police investigation. we sent sky fox over the scene. this video taken just moments ago. there is a heavy police presence in the street. is roped off with crime tape. this is all happening on francisco boulevard between clarendon road and lakeside avenue, right near the north end of sharp park golf course. at this point, we don't have much else to bring you as an official word from police, but we do know that people are being told to avoid the area here in pacifica, we have a camera on the ground and we're sending a reporter crew as well. we will bring them in for the latest as soon as they arrive.
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now to the rain that's making a return to the bay area later today. and a warning for anyone who wants to travel to the sierra. meteorologist mark tamayo live now with a much closer look as you're dialing in these changes to the weather. >> hi there guys. yeah, the rainfall taking its time to move into the bay area for today. at least. the main rain band there. you may have encountered a few sprinkles or maybe a few light showers, but the main activity is still up to our north. but clearly the weather story for today is we are expecting the rainfall to pick up, especially for this evening. so rain there's a possibility up in the north bay or a few sprinkles throughout the afternoon hours. but for everyone, we're going to bump up the rainfall coverage and the activity as we move into the evening hours. not a major system, but rainfall could be about 2/10 of an inch to about three quarters of an inch. winds no wind advisory, but there is a bit of a breeze out there. we could have winds around 20 to 30 miles an hour. and the sierra. this will be a snow producer. a winter storm warning just started about one hour ago. it's going to remain in place for today right on into your thursday morning. here is our live camera looking out toward
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the golden gate bridge. solid cloud cover here. not much in the way of rainfall just yet, but as i mentioned, the best chance of a few light showers or a few sprinkles will be focused up in the north bay. here is the satellite and the radar. in fact, as we put this into motion, you can see the main activity is up in northern california, right around eureka, right around cape mendocino. there is a little bit of activity on the bay area radar right now as we come in closer. not all this reaching the ground, but that will be changing as some of that moisture moves in from the north. so this is the first system, and then a stronger storm will move in by friday and into your saturday. we'll have more on that with your full update coming up in just a little bit. garcia. >> mark, thank you. we continue to follow the latest developments in baltimore, where six people are now presumed dead after a cargo ship rammed into a bridge yesterday morning. investigators on the scene trying to piece together a timeline of what happened. connor hansen has the latest developments. >> the coast guard has ended its rescue mission, now moving on to recovery with the six people missing in that bridge collapse
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now presumed dead. >> expect later today we'll have a lot more information to share. >> the national transportation safety board recovering a data recorder from the ship that rammed into the francis scott key bridge on tuesday, causing parts of the structure to collapse. that information will help officials determine whether the vessel lost power prior to the crash. the agency says it is also looking into whether contaminated fuel played a factor. >> there has been an increase in recent years in these deficiencies noted in ships and propulsion. >> divers are returning to the patapsco river on wednesday to look for the bodies of people still missing. maryland officials say. prior to the crash, police were able to warn workers and stop traffic after the ship issued a mayday call. >> had these police officers and these law enforcement officers not done that, what was a catastrophic incident that we saw would have been even more
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catastrophic. >> as the investigation continues, vessel traffic into and out of the port of baltimore is suspended, and federal officials say they will work to reopen the port as soon as possible, but warn we could still see supply chain disruptions. >> there are tunnels that work as alternatives, but there's going to be some impacts on traffic. >> president biden says he'll travel to baltimore soon, and says he expects the federal government to pay for the entire cost of repairing the bridge in baltimore county. conner hanson ktvu, fox two news. >> here at home in just about an hour, oakland residents will hear for the first time from their new police chief. he is floyd mitchell. he'll be introduced this afternoon at a ceremony at oakland city hall. mitchell comes to oakland from texas, where he was the police chief in both lubbock and temple, texas. he has 30 years of law enforcement experience in coming. chief mitchell says he wants to build a stronger, safer oakland and looks forward to working with residents, business owners, city leadership and the police commission. ktvu is
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amanda quintana shows us what oakland residents want to see floyd marshall address here in oakland's montclair village. >> the people i spoke to hoped that the new chief brings change, and what they want to see is more police. >> lots of friends have had, you know, cars stolen and guns pointed to wives heads. and it's getting pretty lawless out there. >> residents like mario difalco say despite a rise in crime in their neighborhood, they rarely see police officers. >> i go up on the trails, there's broken glass. there's, you know, smash and grabs. there's people getting their bikes stolen by gunpoint. there's just no, no policing. no, no awareness of, you know, or just no visibility of the police around. >> and when people call police, they don't always answer. >> so that's all i'm asking, is the city start answering the phone with show good faith that maybe someone's really there. and someone cares. >> for craig perry, this is personal. the city's violent crime pushing him to leave. >> i've been held up. they took
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my wallet. they took my money. they took. they had guns pointed to my head. it's scary. and i've . i've worked all my life to live up here in montclair. and now i'm moving. i'm going to move and i'm going to go live in santa barbara because i don't feel comfortable living here anymore, he says. >> the people of oakland need more protection, something police just aren't giving them right now. >> i called them, they never even came to my house. they never even came and took a report for others. >> the hope is that under a new chief, police can put a focus on stopping gun violence. in issue one resident wants to see taken more seriously. >> if you're caught shoplifting and you're caught with a gun in your possession, i think any crime, if there's any sort of gum involved, the that they should prosecute those very, very, very firmly in oakland. >> amanda quintana ktvu, fox two news downtown oakland continues to struggle in its post-pandemic recovery, the chronicle reports. >> the starwood capital group, a miami based private equity firm, recently surrendered a $500 million deal on a trio of office towers just blocks away from
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lake merritt. experts say high commercial vacancy rates, shuttered businesses and a lack of activity during weekday business hours is putting pressure on the city's merchants trying to recover from the pandemic. a former police officer in pittsburgh confessed to several crimes and says he destroyed evidence to cover his tracks. patrick bergen pleaded guilty to multiple felonies, including wire fraud and selling steroids. he also enrolled his then girlfriend to take online college courses on his behalf. so he could receive a pay raise. court documents reveal that after successfully scamming the system, bergen promoted it as a service to other officers. he is scheduled to be sentenced in july. san francisco mayor london breed is criticizing the board of supervisors for overriding her veto of a bill that limits construction in some san francisco neighborhoods. the measure restricts density limits along the waterfront. supervisor aaron peskin says the legislation protects small historic districts on the bay from supersized massive luxury towers. three supervisors voted against the measure, including matt dorsey.
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>> i think this risks opening the door to more problematic steps in the wrong direction, and i think there are many other neighborhoods in san francisco that can lay claim to similarly legitimate, arguments for being historically significant. >> mayor breed called the veto override a setback in the push to build more housing, said in a statement. our current housing shortage is the result of decades of bad policy decisions and inaction, and it will take years of consistent and relentless work to make the necessary change to get more housing built. that's the work ahead of us. aaron peskin, the president of the board of supervisors, disagrees. he issued a statement saying developers will still be able to build bigger and higher, but they won't be able to demolish buildings on certain blocks and replace them with towers that are the same height as telegraph hill itself. new at noon. the acting secretary of labor is in the east bay today, focusing on green energy. jobs secretary julie su visited the livermore headquarters of the bus manufacturer gillig. she met with company leadership to
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discuss and showcase the company's production of all electric and hybrid transit busses. secretary su says the biden administration sees gillig as a good example of a commitment to good jobs in the clean energy economy. >> we see the transition to the more electric busses and zero emission vehicles as part and parcel of creating a country in which working people do well. it's not a zero sum game where we have to choose our climate or our working people, and gillig is an example of exactly how that happens here. >> gillig is one of the nation's leading bus manufacturers, serving transit agencies across the bay area and nationwide. frustration continues surrounding a possible ban on tiktok. the rally today in san francisco and the heated battle between those for and against it, plus christien kafton and coming up for the first time in eight years, we will take you behind the walls of san quentin to look at what the future is
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(fisher investments) in this market, you'll find fisher investments is different than other money managers. (other money manager) different how? aren't we all just looking for the hottest stocks? (fisher investments) nope. we use diversified strategies to position our clients' portfolios for their long-term goals. (other money manager) but you still sell investments that generate high commissions for you, right? (fisher investments) no, we don't sell commission products. we're a fiduciary, obligated to act in our client's best interest. (other money manager) so when do you make more money, only when your clients make more money? (fisher investments) yep. we do better when our clients do better. at fisher investments, we're clearly different.
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inmates are waiting to be transferred out of death row. ktvu christien kafton talked to inmates about their future and the future of san quentin's death row. >> san quentin holds about 3000 convicted criminals behind its gates, but inside there is a prison within the prison. the
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court inside condemned row. the incarcerated men get just a few hours per week outside of their four foot by ten foot cells, all under the watchful eye of armed corrections officers. for decades, this facility housed men facing the death penalty, men like kevin bernoudy, convicted of murder in 2011. >> your day, you find yourself sitting, sitting down a lot, laying down a lot. and when you do that, you just think. when you think, you start thinking about everything and you start realizing, like, i'm here to be executed. i'm here to be killed. >> in 2016, voters approved proposition 66, allowing the state to transfer the condemned to other prisons with adequate security. then, in 2019, the governor ordered a moratorium on executions and has now ordered death row to be dismantled. and just last year, the state began transferring the inmates. >> basically, we are having the condemned population transferred out to these other facilities in order to take advantage of rehabilitative programing. >> more than 200 of the state's 640 that have been sentenced to
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death have already been transferred. the prison is now in the process of determining when and where the men still housed here will go, jay richardson says. after more than a decade inside this five story facility, he's looking forward to moving day. >> even people that have been here forever and don't want to go like mr. carpenter right there. he's like almost 9700 years old. like some never been anywhere else or been here for 35, 40 years. even if they don't realize it. this is the best thing in the world that could have happened for them, because now they get to at least have a little bit of taste of. okay, let me live a little bit again. >> prison officials say they hope to get the 400 or so inmates that are still incarcerated in condemned row, cycled out of this area and put into new facilities. so that this area can be repurposed. san quentin is planning on converting condemned row into something similar to an already existing wing. donner earned living unit, where the well-behaved saved can earn some liberties. >> typically, they have not had any disciplinary in over a year, they are attending school, working and things like that.
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>> as the condemned cycle out of san quentin, they'll be able to begin expanding some of their options inside san quentin. most jobs are vocational training for those on death row are out of reach because inside san quentin, the condemned population must be handcuffed anytime they leave their cells at their new facility. many like daniel landry, who's been here since being convicted of murder in 2001, will be able to begin learning a new trade. >> i'm hoping to get in the dog program to help train dogs and things. i've always had dogs growing up, christien kafton, ktvu, fox two news. >> the lawyer for music mogul sean diddy combs says his client is innocent after his homes in los angeles and miami were raided by homeland security agents. the raids reportedly were part of a sex trafficking investigation. the attorney for sean combs called the searches an excessive use of military level force and according to tmz, federal agents questioned combs at the miami airport he was trying to fly out to the bahamas. >> the fact that there was only a search and seizure leads us to
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think, okay, they didn't have enough for an arrest to be made. >> so far, no one's been detained or arrested in connection to the raids. sean combs has been the defendant in several sexual abuse lawsuits in recent months. it's not clear whether those searches are related to any of the allegations raised in the lawsuits. back now to the bay area weather nothing but gray behind me here along the oakland estuary. and mark tamayo is sort of dialing in when and where we should be starting to see the rain later today. >> yeah, that's right, garcia, today so far, just kind of some teaser raindrops paying us a visit, some mist or some drizzle. but the main system is going to move in late this afternoon, primarily into the evening hours. and this is not a major storm at all. but two systems are watching this week. so more rain on the way, showers develop today. rainfall expectations about 2/10 of an inch to possibly three quarters of an inch up in the coastal hills. and then a stronger storm that's scheduled to move in friday and into saturday now will definitely be stronger with some stronger winds. and we could have maybe the coastal
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hills picking up over two inches of rainfall. here is the latest on the satellite. you can see a nice circulation up here. and we're picking up this trailing front moving into northern california and the bay area, i encountered a little bit of a myth to some drizzle out there, but nothing too significant. and as we come in closer right now, we are showing you the radar coverage and nothing too widespread, but a little bit of activity and not all of this reaching the ground, but not out of the question that you could have a few scattered sprinkles, or maybe a light shower. parts of the east bay and the south bay. this early portion of wednesday afternoon. now checking out the wind reports. we do not have wind advisories, but there is a bit of a breeze out there in a few spots. novato gusting to 20 miles an hour. and some more reports for you with sfo. a southerly wind at about 13 miles an hour. here is our live camera looking out toward the golden gate bridge. you can check out the cars as they approach the toll plaza here. and you'll notice probably not a lot of windshield wiper activity showing up here, but there's the chance of some mist or some drizzle. current numbers in the 50s and the lower 60s right now, san jose checking in 63 degrees. so here's the overall weather
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pattern. the storm track is racing across the pacific. here is of course, hawaii. here's the bay area and also up in the pacific northwest. we have that circulation, that area of low pressure. so we had a dry start this morning for the most part with some cloud cover out there. and then rain returns, especially for this evening. and then there's that stronger storm already showing up on the on the forecast maps here on the satellite that's going to move in by friday and into the weekend. now, this first system will be a snow producer in the sierra. snow levels around starting out around 5500ft or snow. so and then dropping and the winter storm warning is in place until 11:00 tomorrow morning. projections could be around 10 to 20in of a snowfall, so here we go with the forecast model. it's trying to bring in a few scattered light showers up in parts of the north bay this afternoon. this is 4:00, probably a better bet. and then into the evening hours we're going to ramp up that coverage. so this is 7:00 this evening. it moves to the south, as you can see, by ten and 11:00 tonight. and then on thursday some cloud cover out there, some breaks in the clouds and the possibility of some scattered showers
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throughout the day. and then here's that the next wave of rain linked up with that second storm that will move in on friday. highs this afternoon, upper 50s to the lower 60s. chance of some showers this afternoon. those chances will definitely be going up this evening. we'll hold on to those shower chances into thursday. rain and wind by friday, showers likely by saturday. we're going to keep an eye on easter sunday. right now. looks like a sun cloud mix with maybe some gusty winds out there as well. a slight chance of a sprinkle, but this this second system should be moving out of here as we head toward the second half of the weekend, a $1 million donation to a project in oakland.
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continues. israel's defense minister met with us secretary of defense lloyd austin at the pentagon yesterday amid rising tensions over the war in gaza. fear is escalating in rafah following israeli airstrikes that killed more than a dozen people. israel's prime minister benjamin netanyahu is vowing to move forward with a planned invasion of the region. it's a move the us has strongly discouraged, saying it would only add to instability. uc berkeley police hope the public can help them identify people who took part in a pro palestinian rally that turned violent. uc police released these images of the people they're looking for. authorities labeled the protest a riot, saying members of the crowd forced their way into zellerbach hall, where an israeli attorney was giving a lecture. guests and police officers were injured.
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the inside of the building was damaged. the speaker returned to campus a few days later and presented without issue. the east bay city of albany is the latest bay area community to pass a resolution calling for a ceasefire in gaza. city council members passed the resolution last night. several residents in the small city of 20,000 people between berkeley and el cerrito testified both for and against the proposal. several other bay area cities, including richmond, oakland and san francisco, have passed ceasefire resolutions. sacramento just became a sanctuary city for the transgender community. last night, the sacramento city council unanimously passed a resolution that prevents the city from detaining people for seeking or providing gender affirming health care. the ordinance also prevents the city from cooperating with out of state jurisdictions that criminalize gender affirming care. back in 2022, governor newsom signed legislation that made california a sanctuary state for transgender children seeking care, a resource decades in the making aimed at helping low income families and those who were formerly incarcerated.
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now, officials say it's more than just housing. the project is creating opportunities for those who need it most. it just received a big donation. ktvu amber lee shows us how the $1 million will be used. >> these were just sketches and notes on paper and now it has turned into a building, a new building to house low income tenants and offer employment opportunities for the formerly incarcerated in west oakland on seventh street that is now known as the black panther. >> it's a continuation of a decades long dream for the former chairwoman of the black panther party, elaine brown. she now heads up oakland and the world enterprise, a nonprofit. on this night, a celebration of her work, we can create opportunity for economic survival, the opportunity for economic survival was boosted by a historic $1 million donation to brown's project from black lives matter. >> it's about making a difference in the lives of people who need it. it's about creating community where black people can thrive, money that brown says, will launch a
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handful of businesses to be run by the formerly incarcerated, such as michael lewis. >> he says he was paroled from prison in georgia late last year after serving 27 years. i came from the streets, my mom smoked crack. >> my dad was wasn't around, you know, so i came from nothing. so this is my opportunity for my first opportunity. and i'm gonna take advantage of such a great opportunity, brown tells me. >> it took almost ten years and $80 million in grants to turn a vacant lot into a center to help those who are marginalized, she says the donation from black lives matter will make it possible to launch an urban farm tech center, a market and others. >> i was stunned by it because no black organization has given us a dime. brown tells me construction of the building is expected to be completed in may, and that it should be ready to welcome tenants in july. >> in oakland, amber lee, ktvu, fox two news waking up a billionaire. >> we'll tell you where a
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winning ticket was sold for last night's mega millions drawing, and the big lottery jackpot still up for grabs tonight. then, following that deadly bridge collapse in baltimore bay area residents are concerned about what could happen in our region. in the event of a similar ship strike. what experts say about the strength of the bay bridge and the golden gate, and the protections built into those spans, then we continue to follow that breaking news in pacifica. skyfox up above a neighborhood that's blocked off for police activity on the north end of the sharp park g f course. we'll have
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is due to a large police investigation. we've been showing you pictures from sky fox taken just minutes ago. we do have another crew on the ground and this is a live picture of what's happening from that viewpoint you can see some police vehicles. there is a crime scene tape roping off the street there. this is all unfolding in the area of francisco between clarendon road and lakeside avenue. this is right up near the north end of sharp park golf course in pacifica. at this point, we're not getting too many more details to share with you. we know people are being told to avoid the area and that is still the case. we do have a reporter just arrived on the scene. we're letting crystal bailey do her work, get new information. as soon as she has that, we'll bring her in for more of our
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live coverage of this breaking news unfolding in pacifica. meanwhile, the search area is expanding near the baltimore bridge collapse for six missing people now presumed dead. the coast guard has now changed its rescue mission to a recovery effort near the francis scott key bridge. meantime, the national transportation safety board says the data recorder from the ship that crashed into the bridge has been recovered. it could help officials determine what happened on the vessel prior to the crash. ship traffic into and out of the port of baltimore is suspended. federal officials say they're working to reopen the port as soon as possible, and they warn of likely supply chain disruptions. >> there are tunnels that work as alternatives, but there's going to be some impacts on traffic. >> this port is responsible for over 51 million tons of foreign cargo. that's the largest in the country. >> transportation secretary pete buttigieg says there's no immediate dollar estimate on bridge damage or timeline for reopening. he also says the parties found liable for the bridge collapse will be held accountable. what happened in baltimore has many people wondering if something similar
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could happen here in the bay area, ktvu tom vacar looks back at two ship collisions involving the bay bridge and the safety precautions now in place. >> in 2013, the 751ft long overseas reymar empty oil tanker glanced off the fender bumpers of one of the bay bridge's western span towers. in 2007, the 902 foot long cosco busan, a container ship, also glanced off as well. the hard but glancing blows to the fender bumper systems at the tower bases kept the ships from damaging the bridge towers. bart ney speaks for caltrans, the owner and caretaker of the bridge. >> all of our bridge columns are surrounded by extremely robust, protection systems, that, that absorb the energy of the ship before it actually can touch the bridge. our fenders actually do more damage to the ship than the ship is done to the bridge. in the past, but unlike baltimore, neither bay collision was a
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direct hit to a tower. >> retired uc berkeley engineering professor and now consultant robert be has built many bridges and consulted on damaged ones worldwide. b does not agree with caltrans. our bay bridges would be in the same trouble. what kind of speed are we talking about, do you think ten knots now in the case of this other one, it was going between 7 and 8 knots. would that still result in serious damage to the bridge? >> yes, definitely. either failure or near failure. >> caltrans adds that the bay bridges are stronger so they can resist earthquakes. >> the seismic systems would always also dampen some of the impact. >> peter yanov is an internationally renowned earthquake engineer. >> the earthquake loads are very different. they cause the structure to be beefier overall. now if you hit it with something too big, obviously anything you'll fall down. >> ships like the cosco busan
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are older, smaller, and far lighter than today's behemoths that carry more than four times as many containers. yanov says we should rethink protecting the bay bridges due to this huge change. >> what has changed to change our protection? >> the golden gate bridge district writes the golden gate bridge has perhaps the most robust ship collection protection of any bridge on the west coast. one towers on land, the other surrounded by a massive concrete ring full of sand deeper than any ship bottom tom vacar ktvu fox two news. >> a sonoma county sheriff's deputy seriously injured during a chase and shooting has been released from the hospital. 31 year-old nick delia has a traumatic brain injury and serious burns. he was hurt when he was trying to lay down spike strips to stop a shooting suspect, and was pinned under another patrol car. deputy deli is now headed to a rehabilitation facility where he'll continue his recovery. san francisco police are offering a $250,000 reward to help solve a double homicide was a deadly shooting in 2022. happened near
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a playground. two gunmen firing at a group of people killed 22 year old brandon cheese of san mateo county, and 20 year old kieran carlson of san francisco, to other people were injured in that shooting to the east bay, where brentwood police say a swat team recovered several guns and drugs during a raid. this happened yesterday arod sen in the morning on applewood common near brentwood boulevard. police say twoeople were detained, but they didn't make any arrests. we've lrnedhe raid is part of an ongoing police investigation. once complete, the results are expected to be sent to the contra costa county da's office. new at noon a rally is taking place now in san francisco to voice opposition to representative nancy pelosi's support of a ban on tiktok. members of united front committee for labor party and alliance for independent workers are rallying outside representative pelosi's home. they say her support of a ban to prevent uncensored information and news about us funding to israel during the war in gaza. they want to control social media to get to stop voices getting out about what's going
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on that she and others are supporting by supporting more military aid to israel. >> so it's not known if representative pelosi is in the bay area today and she's not commented about the rally. >> sunnyvale is getting some help in dealing with the shortage in paramedics. >> i certainly would want us to be in a better place with more paramedics, overall for the county, because it does impact all cities, in terms of the response times. >> sunnyvale's department of public safety officers are cross trained as police, firefighters and emergency medical technicians, but not as paramedics who can administer life saving medication. sunnyvale leaders just announced the city will now have an additional quick response vehicle, staffed by paramedics from american medical response. >> when that call gets dispatched to county ems, they need to have a paramedic on scene in seven minutes and 59 seconds. and acv is one of the tools that county ems and amr uses to meet that performance
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metric. >> the amr response vehicle will be on duty seven days a week. back to that breaking news. we've been following here in pacifica, and there is new information on what drew a heavy police presence. ktvu crystal bailey joins us live now with new information. you've just learned crystal. >> orientation right off highway one here at the corner of clarendon and francisco. now district attorney, police inspectors, pacifica police, san mateo sheriff's deputies and are all here centering around a white ford escape. there is a body on the ground covered by a tarp and what looks like at least four bullet holes in the car door there appears to be an investigation also around a home and an apartment complex off of francisco boulevard. police closed francisco boulevard between clarendon and lakeside. witnesses here at a coffee shop in the corner say that police did turn this corner around 8:00 in the morning, heading towards francisco. they say that they
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heard between 6 and 8 gunshots shortly after that. now we're still working to learn more information about this scene. obviously very, very much active. and people are still very much questioning what happened because it is a very quiet neighborhood. we'll bring you the latest as soon as we learn more. garcia i'm live in pacifica. crystal bailey, ktvu, fox two news. >> crystal, i know you arrived very recently here, but have you been able to either ask or tell by movements? is there still a sense of urgency? is there still believed to be a threat out there, or are officers sort of moving in a more, you know, sort of in the second phase of, of, of what may have happened? >> garcia definitely, very much seems like that second phase. the action has definitely taken a pause, and police are definitely still investigating, but it doesn't seem like there's some sense of urgency just yet. we have yet to hear more from pacifica police, though, and we'll continue to ask those questions. >> okay, we'll break you loose. we'll let you do more good reporting. crystal bailey for us live in pacifica on that breaking news now to new jersey, where someone bought the only
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ticket that matched all the numbers in last night's mega millions drawing. the jackpot reached an estimated $1.13 billion. it's the fifth largest jackpot in that game's history. the lump sum would be more than half $1 billion. now, someone in california matched five of the numbers and thus will win $1 million. now, the winning numbers for the powerball jackpot will be drawn tonight after there was no winner monday. that jackpot is $865 million. it is also the fifth highest jackpot in that game's history. we're at less than two weeks away here from a total solar eclipse. what's expected to happen? and what experts say will likely see here in california and in barry. >> whether solid cloud cover out there and even a few scattered light showers. the first system comes on board later on this evening. then another one is going to move in by friday and into your ekend. we'll have the ll
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♪ heatin' up the kitchen ♪ ♪ we got somethin different ♪ ♪ spreadin' good vibes all day ♪ ♪ livin' in the golden state ♪ ♪ nada se puede comparar ♪ ♪ livin' in the golden state ♪ ♪ vive en el estado dorado ♪
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the center top of your screen here. this was the recording taken on february 13th. now we've yet to get any feedback from experts, but the animal does appear to be larger than a house cat. a vacaville police officer is reunited with three children he met three years ago when they were living in horrific conditions. isaac stephens took pictures with the three brothers in a courtroom where adoption papers were being signed. he first encountered them at eight, four and two years of age during a call for a welfare check of a minor. police say they were living in a grossly unsanitary apartment with no adult supervision around. stephens promptly got solano county child welfare
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services involved. this was a turning point for the brothers, who were placed with foster parents. they've been living in a safe and loving home since meeting officer stephens. there will be no official 420 celebration in san francisco this year. organizers of previous events say they don't have the money to hold the annual event that celebrates cannabis. the events usually attract attended by thousands of people there on hippie hill in golden gate park, starting back in 2017, it became a city sponsored event with security and fencing. this year, though, the city says the money just isn't there. >> the city is in a budget crunch, so we just couldn't. we couldn't cover the extra staff times, the overtime of rangers, the cleanup. so it was going to be more expensive. >> and unfortunately, you know, with the cannabis industry so, so bad right now, we didn't have enough sponsorship support with the cannabis industry like we did in the past. >> the rec and parks department says it's issued a permit for saturday, april 20th to a volleyball and kickball tournament at that same site.
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it's not clear if people want to celebrate for 20 will still go to hippie hill, even though the official event has been canceled as a avid pot smoker, i don't think that it'll be crazy. >> i just think that the city isn't going to be prepared for without having something organized. >> organizers of the 420 event say they hope to be back next year and in years to come. nasa's first indigenous female astronaut is now taking her story to college campuses, hoping to inspire young people to follow their dreams. >> and i didn't have it all figured out. i didn't know that i wanted to be an astronaut. i didn't even know that that was a possibility. >> astronaut nicole mann was born in petaluma last year. she spent six months at the international space station, completed two spacewalks. her story is now inspiring the next generation of astronauts, engineers and scientists. >> she really showed me that there are a lot of opportunities for people of indigenous backgrounds, yeah. and it's not a detriment where you come from
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or you know, your who you are. >> mann is also a colonel in the marine corps, served as a combat fighter and test pilot. she says she tells young people they can do anything they put their mind to in less than two weeks, a total solar eclipse will cut a path across 13 states, darkening parts of the country for several minutes as the moon passes between the sun and the earth, conor hanson has more on what to expect during this celestial event. >> on april 8th. millions will be flocking to parts of the country from texas to maine, hoping to catch a glimpse of the total solar eclipse. as the moon covers the sun and darkens the sky, the moon is going to cast a shadow across earth and as the moon traverses earth, that path is known as the path of totality . >> so folks that are in that you'll have 100% obscured view of the sun. >> a lot more people will get to see the eclipse over previous ones. with the 115 mile wide path of totality occurring over
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a highly populated area, gazers will experience up to 4.5 minutes of complete darkness. >> it's going to be a little bit longer because the moon's a little bit closer in its orbit to earth. >> everyone else across the country will witness a partial eclipse where the moon covers most, but not all of the sun, meaning they'll see a variety of crescent shapes for those in the path of totality, scientists say the air temperature will drop and often an eerie silence will blink at the area. in return, they'll be rewarded with a spectacular show, likely able to catch a glimpse of the sun's corona or outer atmosphere, which is usually obscured by the brightness of the sun. this is in part due to the sun's solar cycle. >> when we hit solar maximum, the sun is more active, so we're expecting that we'll see kind of more wisps coming out from around the moon, and wildlife is in for a rude awakening. >> their daily routines will be unexpectedly interrupted when
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the moon blocks the sunlight. >> you can hear kind of the crickets might start chirping as if they would kind of during a dusk time, you might see bats come out because they think it's darker. the, birds may be quieter or more active. >> it's not just a sensational sight. scientists will use the celestial event as an opportunity to learn more about space. >> the reason why it's so important is that this area of the sun, the corona that's where space weather starts, and it can move out into the rest of our solar system. so we can help the astronauts on the es and other spacecraft that may be in the path of that. even how it can interfere with earth's atmosphere. >> we won't see another total solar eclipse here in the us until 2044. here in new york, connor hansen, fox news back in the bay area, gray skies are the theme and rain is moving its way in mark tamayo. >> what parts of the bay are going to be seeing at first? >> well, so far gasia the main areas will be up in the north bay, although we've had a few with scattered sprinkles. even
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reported into hayward so far this morning. so for the most part, nothing too organized, but still some scattered light rain out there up towards santa rosa, up toward ukiah. and that's the best chance of picking up some rain showers early this afternoon. but everybody gets into the action later on today, especially as we head toward your wednesday evening. as that rainfall kind of expands over the bay area. so it's kind of linked up with the first system. it's not the strongest storm, but there's definitely a stronger storm coming in. and that will be friday and into saturday. that could be tracking, that could be packing some stronger winds as well by that time frame. here's a satellite and the radar right now. so you can see a circulation out here in the gulf of alaska. and then this trailing frontal band producing some rainfall up in eureka, up in portions of mendocino county, and a little bit of a light shower activity or few sprinkles across other portions of the bay area, as you can see on the radar right now, in fact, this was kind of centered out over the east bay about a half hour ago. it's kind of moved on out of town. but as i mentioned, some light rain reports up in santa rosa and ukiah, or you may
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have encountered some mist or some drizzle out there as well. so far, as far as the winds, there is a breeze out there. no wind advisories, but still winds up there. you can see novato gusting over 20 miles an hour and the wind coming in out of a defined direction out of the south. so it's a southerly wind. half moon bay winds at about 15 miles an hour. here is our live camera looking out toward the golden gate bridge. we're checking out the windshield wipers here as people head into the city, and there's not a lot of heavy rainfall right now, but i'm thinking the rainfall will definitely pick up by this time by in that area later on this afternoon, especially late this afternoon and into the evening hours. here's a storm track kind of racing across the pacific. and along that track we have multiple systems headed toward the bay area, so we had a cloudy start this morning into the afternoon hours. rain returns this evening and then that stronger storm is showing up here. and that's going to move in by friday and into saturday. this first system will definitely be a snow producer in the sierra, and a winter storm warning is in place right now, although it's fairly quiet in the sierra right now. seen mostly sunny skies at south lake tahoe for the 12:00 hour, but the snowfall will pick up later
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on today, and we're expecting accumulations between about 10 to 20in in the mountains. so in the short terms, there's the chance of a few scattered showers or a few sprinkles. we're going to bump up those chances, though. by 5:00. and then especially by the evening hours here by seven and 8:00, the focus it will be in the south bay and parts of the east bay late tonight into early tomorrow morning. and then on thursday we'll have some clouds, some breaks in the clouds and the possibility still of a few pop up showers quickly moving across the bay area. and then here we go on friday, that second stronger storm wants to move in. more rain and more wind , and this could be linked up with some thunderstorms as well, especially as we move into saturday. so temperatures this afternoon upper 50s to the lower 60s. lots of cloud cover out there, maybe a few light showers or a few sprinkles. this afternoon, but definitely as we head into the evening hours. chance of some showers for your thursday. here we go with rain and wind by friday. showers likely by saturday. already looking toward easter sunday and there's a slight chance of a sprinkle. but for the most part,
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this system will be out of here. we're just talking about some extra clouds to start things off and maybe some gusty winds as well by sunday. so the timing this year could actually be working out for all the easter egg hunts by sunday morning. i've never been on a plane before, so this is like something crazy. >> i've never even been in an airport. yeah the opportunity of a lifetime for some high school students in east oakland. >> how they'll help out in japan an
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(fisher investments) at fisher investments we may look like other money managers, but we're different. (other money manager) how so? (fisher investments) we're a fiduciary, obligated to act in our client'' best interest.
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(fisher investments) so we don't sell any commission-based products. (other money manager) then how do you make money? (fisher investments) we have a simple management fee, structured so we do better when our clients do better. (other money manager) your clients really come first then, huh? (fisher investments) yes. we make them a top priority, by getting to know their finances, family, health, lifestyle and more. (other money manager) wow, maybe we are different. (fisher investments) at fisher investments, we're clearly different. the boulevard near clarendon avenue. the san mateo county sheriff's department and the san mateo county da's office are both on scene investigating. these are views from up above taken just minutes ago. we have a reporter there on the ground. we'll bring you any new information as soon as we get it on and certainly in our next newscast at four. a
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tiger cub being cared for at the oakland zoo is now strong enough to head to a big cat sanctuary. the zoo posted video to social media showing the tiger, named lily playing with her toys. as a sign of her recovery. lily was rescued from a private facility last month, was found to be suffering from some fractures that hadn't healed properly. she was barely able to walk then. now to the adventure of a lifetime for some high school students in east oakland. right now, they're on their way to japan, where they'll spend the next two weeks. as ktvu crystal bailey reports, the trip is part of a program to bridge east oakland with the rest of the world. >> these castlemont high school students are heading across the pacific to asia, sporting matching jackets for this year's theme, stop aapi hate. >> this was a club that started out in my classroom. it was students who really just wanted to travel. >> for the last six years, the pacific bridge club has created a space for east oakland kids to learn about different cultures described as the bridge between east oakland and the rest of the world. >> we've been to turkey, china,
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you know, egypt, thailand, costa rica. >> we started off by like helping people in our community, like food banks and, you know, volunteering at other places and things like that. and then we take what we practice here all over the world, and then we take what we learn there. >> back here last week, nearly 30 japanese students visited east oakland, shadowing castlemont high school students as part of the pacific bridge club. >> that makes a friend in another country. that's crazy. now it's time for 15 castlemont students to return the favor. >> the kids will be spending 14 days traveling across japan, taiwan, and the philippines, volunteering and doing a number of cultural events, including visiting the kids they saw last week from japan. they say that some of these students have never even left the bay area. >> i've never been on a plane before, so this is like something crazy. i never even been in an airport. >> i'm the first to travel out of the country. in my family, it's a trip that costs more than $40,000, but it's paid for by fundraising, sponsorships and donations.
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>> also, look with your passports and as they get ready for their adventure, they say they'll make memories to last a lifetime. >> i'm most looking forward to philippines because we're going to these islands, and i'm looking forward to for the beaches, that's something i'm really excited for because i heard that the water is really clear. i'm equally excited for both japan and the philippines to try out different foods and see how the culture is out there. >> crystal bailey, ktvu, fox two news, bay fc's women's professional soccer team is preparing to kick off its historic first season at home here in the bay area. >> the team is in the middle of events across the bay area ahead of a saturday inaugural home game. they attended a celebration yesterday in san francisco this morning. bay fc held its media availability before heading out to practice. so far, the team has played two games on the road. players say they're looking forward to playing in front of fans during the home opener at paypal park in san jose. >> i think that we've had a really good start to the season. our chemistry is there. i think that we're playing really good soccer. you know, obviously
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there's a lot of things that are going to keep improving and that's super exciting to see where we are already at the beginning of the season and to know that we're going to we're going to be a force to be reckoned with in this season. >> bay fc's inaugural home opener is this saturday, 7 p.m. at paypal park. we will have bay fc specials for you on saturday morning. watch it here on eight right here on ktvu fox two. that's starting at 830. join us then. the giants are finalizing their team ahead of tomorrow's opening game in san diego against the padres. leading off for the giants, third baseman pablo sanchez going to get his third or fourth standing. longtime fan favorite pablo sandoval will not make the final roster. got a loud ovation last night in the bay bridge series between the giants and the a's. what was likely his last game in a giants uniform, sandoval is 37 years old, says he's willing to play in sacramento for the giants minor league team. sandoval was on all three of the giants teams that won the world series. during that incredible time back in 2010, 12 and 14, just ahead of what could be the last opening day for the oakland
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a's at the coliseum. we here at ktvu are celebrating that team's die hard fans. we also want you to share your favorite memories at the oakland coliseum or anywhere you've celebrated your biggest moments as a's fans. tag or use the hashtag ktvu on any photos and videos you put on social media. we may share them here on our air. easter is just days away, and with the growing interest in making celebrations eco friendly, experts say there are some ways to make it a greener holiday. according to a recent study by nielsen iq. 78% of consumers say a sustainable lifestyle is important to them. experts say there are several ways to make easier more easter, more earth friendly, starting with those easter baskets instead of getting a new one, try repurposing an old basket or putting goodies in a canvas bag or glass vase. they also say to stay away from one of the most wasteful easter traditions that plastic easter grass. easter, of course, wouldn't be the same without the colorful eggs and experts suggest skipping the dye kits and instead turning to natural ingredients to add color to your holiday. also, save any
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of those plastic eggs from your egg hunt this year and use them again next year. a new cadbury bunny has been crowned, but typical to the company's ads, this is not a bunny at all. take a look at louis the raccoon was chosen from for the sixth annual cadbury bunny tryouts. the two year old will be featured in the 2025 cadbury bunny tryouts commercial. louis the raccoon is actually a pet, was rescued in 2021 after being deemed unfit to live in the wild. captured the hearts of fans who voted for him on instagram. we do so appreciate your spending your noon hour with us here at ktvu you. a quick reminder rain is moving into the bay area, starting up there in the north bay, but it's one of the big stories we're following today. you can get our live newscasts and watch stories on demand on your amazon fire tv, roku, apple tv, and android tv. scan the qr code on the right side of your screen. of course, y can always search - [tammy] can you guess what this is? if you guess baseball, then you'd be a great contestant on pictionary. our first celebrity captain can cook a mean bowl of grits,


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