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tv   KTVU Mornings on 2 The Nine  FOX  March 27, 2024 9:00am-10:01am PDT

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years old, says he's willing to play in sacramento for the giants minor league team. sandoval was on all three of the giants teams that won the world series back in 20 1012 and 14 san francisco giants seeing a spike in sales after a productive off season, the team's senior vice president of ticket sales told sfgate. >> the giants will sell out opening day at oracle park, he says compared to other years, they're trending ahead of where they were. the giants are no stranger to selling out crowds. they sold out 530 straight games between 2010 and 2017. >> plans are in the works for an electric bike lending company library actually in richmond. the nonprofit's urban tilth and rich city rides are working on a project at unity park. the new facility will be located in an empty field east of the edible forest garden at unity park, a city commission is reviewing this proposal later today. >> tragedy continues in baltimore this morning as six people are presumed dead after a cargo ship rammed into a bridge,
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causing it to collapse. now, recovery efforts are underway in the waters below. >> then, following the collapse of the francis scott key bridge, questions are coming up about the safety of bridges here in the bay area with past incidents of ships striking our structures. we'll talk live with an expert as those concerns loom . >> plus, more than a year of waiting comes to an end in a matter of hours, oakland's new police chief is scheduled to be introduced to the public. we'll have a live preview. amid concern over crime from many residents and business owners. >> live from jack london square. this is mornings on two. >> the nine. >> today is wednesday, march 22nd 27th. pardon me. we're looking live from downtown or at downtown san francisco from twin peaks. and you can see the salesforce tower. the weather is going to change. we might have
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some rain moving in. we do have some rain moving in. we'll talk to steve in just a little bit. nearly 1 in 10 homeowners nationwide say they have taken money from their retirement savings to cover the down payment and closing costs to buy their home. that's according to a new survey from bankrate. the survey found that younger generations were most likely to do so, with 16% of gen zers and 12% of millennials reporting they took money from their 401 k's, compared to just 7% of gen xers and 8% of baby boomers. experts say this financial move is not smart in the long run, because retirement programs can be a great way to build wealth and taking money from the retirement fund. you're essentially taking money from yourself. also comes with tax penalties. welcome to the nine andre and gasia here. and still, i do understand that people, you know, getting a house for a lot of people is something that is the american dream. >> it feels so immediate. you're like all my friends are buying houses. i need to buy a house
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right now. you don't think? but when i'm 65, will this money have done better for me? then i know how that feels. i think the crucial ingredient here is time, right? time is so important. if you're able to just kind of sock it away, and then it grows and grows on its own. but you know, when you're in your late 40s, you don't have that option. i get it, i get it exactly. >> so that, you know, it's different for some people. and then you have to do the calculation to, you know, it's taking out the money and investing it in the house. will that get you the same return or a better return if you own the house or if you just kept the money in the retirement account? financial advisor it's all i'm saying. they've got to be able to figure it out for you. >> yeah, some get professional help with professional help. >> that's exactly right. all right, let's move on to this story now. happening today. people in oakland will hear from their new police chief. ktvu. amanda quintana is in oakland this morning with what we already know about floyd mitchell. amanda >> yeah. well, andre, besides a written statement, we actually haven't heard from floyd mitchell yet. so today will be the first day that we actually get to hear from him. hear his
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plans, what he plans to do to address crime here in oakland. and there will be a ceremony today. mayor shengtao, who selected mitchell to be the police chief, will formally introduce him this afternoon. now, it's been more than a year since tao fired former chief lauren armstrong, and it's been a long process to find his replacement. that included friction between tao and the police commission residents. i've been speaking to this morning. hope mitchell will be able to bring some change here to oakland. and the main thing they're saying is they don't see police when they call 911. officers don't always show up. >> i go up on the trails, there's broken glass, there's, you know, smash and grabs. there's, people getting their bikes stolen by gunpoint. there's just no, no policing, no, no awareness of, you know, or just no visibility of the police around. >> mitchell comes to oakland from texas, where he was most
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recently the police chief in lubbock for four years, also a police chief in temple. and before that, he was a police officer in kansas city for 25 years. he left his position in lubbock in september of last year, after the department was criticized for an increased number of unanswered 911 calls, local leaders have said mitchell will need to do his homework and learn the culture of the city and department here in oakland, and he's stepping into a tough position with high expectations. now there will be a ceremony at city hall that will be at 1:00 today, but that does not mean that he starts today. we still don't have a start date yet, but it seems like sometime late april, maybe early may. that's when he'll officially take over the position. live in oakland. amanda quintana ktvu, fox two news. >> amanda, thank you. and we'll talk live with an expert to talk more about oakland's new police chief coming up. in just a few minutes. we'll be speaking with tommy tucson, a former police chief himself, in another california city. all right. now to this story. a former police
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officer in pittsburgh confessing to several crimes and to destroying evidence in order to cover his tracks. now, patrick bergen pleaded guilty to several felonies that include wire fraud and selling steroids. he also enrolled his then girlfriend to take online college courses for him, so he could receive a pay raise. court documents revealing that after successfully scamming the system, bergen promoted it as a service to other officers. he's scheduled to be sentenced in july. >> brentwood police say a swat team recovered several guns and drugs during a raid. it happened around seven yesterday morning on applewood common near brentwood boulevard. police say two people were detained, but they didn't make any arrests. we've learned the raid is part of an ongoing police investigation. once completed, the results are expected to be sent to the contra costa county district attorney's office. >> the collapse of the francis scott key bridge in baltimore is leading many to question what would happen if something similar would have happened here in the bay area. there have been
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some cases of ships striking bridges in our region, though nothing as disastrous as what we saw in baltimore back in 2013. you likely remember an empty oil tanker glanced off the fender bumper of one of the bay bridge western span towers. in 2007, a container ship glanced off as well, different than in baltimore. neither collision here was a direct hit to a tower. let's get some more insight by turning to john goodwin from the metropolitan transportation commission. thanks for being with us. >> good morning. gasia. >> good morning. it's good to see you again. we'll note here that the mtc owns all but the golden gate here in the bay area. let's focus on the workhorse of our region, the bay bridge. you've called what happened in baltimore a worst case scenario. if a ship of that size were to hit the bay bridge, would it have the same effect? >> well, i would like to think not because we have got a very robust system and you pointed it out in your open, of the, of the fenders or the, the bumpers, if you will, that can absorb the
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impact of a collision and, and, deflect the momentum of the ship, and so you cited the 2007 case of the cosco busan, which damaged the bay bridge fender, quite severely, but did even more damage to the ship. and that, of course, precipitated the oil spill, and that so that is probably the closest, episode that i can think of here in the bay area to what happened yesterday in baltimore, the bumpers, the fenders, did their job in that case. and we're confident that they'll be up to the job in the future. that said, she ships are getting bigger. and so we are looking to bolster the, the protection for bay area bridges. in fact, we
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are, we in the bay area, mtc and partnership with caltrans are applicants, for a grant from the us department of transportation to upgrade the, the fender system on bay area bridges. in large part because ships are so much bigger, longer, heavier than ever before. >> i remember i was here, i remember covering the cosco busan back then. i thought was that was a really large ship. i've seen some new video of the disaster in baltimore. that ship is monstrous compared to what we used to see going underneath the bay bridge. how how much of close contact are you in with? let's say the port of oakland, because it feels like the bridge has to stay one step ahead. but, you know, the bridge is locked down. i mean, she's you know, she's been there. we can't dramatically change that structure, can we? >> no, we really we can't, and that's why it's so important to protect it. because it's going to be there. it's been there for
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88 years, and we want it to be there for 88 more and even longer. yeah. >> what do you say to people who look at that very dramatic video of what happened in baltimore and think, wow, could that happen here? i'll think back to what you said just a minute ago. you'd like to think the bay bridge could withstand a ship strike, but really, are there any guarantees? >> there are no guarantees. and, the reason that we have the fender systems on bay area bridges is, to minimize to the greatest degree possible, the risk of such an event happening here, but but just like the port of baltimore, the port of oakland is a very busy port. there are thousands of ships, that come in and out of the bay every year. >> the investigation into what happened, we know the ship lost power. it issued a mayday, really is in its infancy. what are you hoping to learn from the
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investigation? either what was happening with the ship, what condition the bridge was in, what are. what are your first questions? >> that's a. that's an excellent point. and i am particularly interested in, in what sort of a , of a fender system was in place in baltimore? i don't have any information about that, and i would really like to learn more. so, in this case, you know, was there a fender system in place and was it overwhelmed by the impact of the ship, or was there an absence of a fender system? and i don't know the answer. >> okay. one of many questions. i'm sure that will eventually you know, be looked into there in baltimore. john goodwin, i know you've been a leading voice here with the mtc for so long. i appreciate the chance to connect even on something as terrible as this. thanks for being with us. you bet. thank you. coming up
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here on mornings on two, the nine a new decision on tall buildings and parts of san francisco. the battle between the mayor and the board of supervisors and who came out on top. then, as we are just hours away now from meeting the new police chief in oakland, we're about to talk live with a former chief about the pressures of the incoming top cop is already facing, and what the [luxurious music] ♪ treat yourself to rich, ghirardelli chocolate and luscious caramel. ♪ experience ghirardelli caramel squares. in a bag and a bar. makes life a bite better.
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oakland's new police chief, floyd mitchell, is set to address the public today. it's been more than a year since the city has had a permanent chief& on the job. so with us now is tommy toussaint, who's a retired police chief, tommy, thank you so much for joining us this morning. >> absolutely, andre. >> so. so, tommy, you've been a former police chief yourself. so when we're looking at floyd mitchell here, coming into the job, kind of paint a picture of what that would look like. what did it look like for you? >> well, you know, being a police chief in california, i'm pretty much know about oakland, la, san francisco, san diego, all the major cities. and when you come into a new job as a chief, the first thing you got to do is assess, what you have and assess your political climate and your political atmosphere, coming from outside of california into california is a whole different world. it's like going into a new country and so you need to understand all the political aspects of
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your job, coming in your city council, your city administrator, your mayor, when you have strong mayoral cities. >> and when you say that, like, i'm curious about what you mean, like what will what could potentially be the problem with not learning those things? what could he run into on the job down the road? >> it's really clear, i think history, it's history has shown in oakland that police chiefs don't last very long because there's a very strong political climate. it's not because of the training, education or experience of the chief coming in, because the chiefs are all they wouldn't be selected and they wouldn't apply, if they weren't all qualified. but if you don't understand that you have, city officials that are elected that are not law enforcement professionals, they may tend to want to do things the way they subjectively feel should be done, rather than allow the expert, the police chief, to do his or her job. >> and then you also have the police commission, you know, on top of that as well. you have
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the mayor, you have the city council, and then you have the police commission. so you have those to manage as well. so this is a seems like, you know, it's a whole other job to manage that side of things. in addition to managing the police department as well. >> it's extremely difficult when you have a commission on and for the most part, they're not sworn law enforcement. they're training, education, experience, background is not in that yet. they're making decisions over a career that would be like somebody who's not in the military, making a military decision, and they don't have the slightest training or aptitude about what strategically, placed, areas events should be so it's very challenging. i absolutely commend and salute, floyd. and coming into the environment, it can work. and if you've noticed, i haven't talked a lot about the community people because that's a given for a new police chief in the 21st century. but that's not what's important for a chief coming in. he or she needs to
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understand the political climate that they're walking into and assess the political climate. all right. >> so we have this chief coming in here. he's going to be introduced at 1:00 today by the mayor. he's also got to convey a message to the public as well, because as we've talked about here so many times, and residents have expressed this, businesses, business owners have expressed a concern over crime issues in oakland right now. so what message does he have to get across to the public? because that's also just as important as managing the politics of this whole job. >> and that is the two pronged approach. the second prong will be the crime, crime reduction, crime intervention in crime interdiction. there's a lot of tools that are at his disposal and i'm sure he's going to learn that quite quickly. california is really good about task force operations, combining different cities at county, state and federal level, i had task forces when i worked at my chiefs of police jobs, and all of our
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partners came together to help. and so if the input has to be made and this is a this is a gentle 21st century strategy about community based, transformational based policing and crime reduction and crime interdiction. >> one thing that stood out during the process here with floyd mitchell was at his last job in lubbock, texas, which he left last year. he was dinged for issues with the way he dealt with the 911, system there, there was a rise in the number of abandoned 911 calls there. i'm curious to know how do who manages 911 call system. does it vary from from municipality and municipality? does the police department run it? does he does the city run it or does it vary depending on where you where you work it? >> it varies. it varies. you have regional, communication centers. and in regional communication centers you have several agencies, different municipal agencies, different county agencies and state agencies that regulate and manage it. 911 calls. we
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understand the severity of them. but you get so many of them, a lot of times a task force has been set up just to monitor 911 itself. and i'm sure he's going to understand that coming from what he came from in the background. but the 911 calls should be monitored. there'd be somebody over that. and a lot of times it is not a direct police function, but it can be a police function. he'll just have to learn what that, resources is. and california, i mean, we're pretty close to silicon valley, in oakland. so there's a lot of resources and references that you wouldn't have in the middle of texas that are available to him here. and i'm sure he'll he will leverage those, and take care of that. all right. >> retired police chief tommy tucson, thank you so much for your insight into this. this morning, a big day for the city of oakland. and you've provided some insight into what he could be dealing with when he does take on the job full time. thank you so much. appreciate you. >> and i wish city of oakland
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community the best. and floyd, please reach out to me. i have a lot more i can, gleam to you on this, but i wish you the very best. all right? and i know he's going to do a great job. all right. thank you, andre. >> appreciate it. all right. coming up on mornings on two. the nine, a city on the peninsula is on high alert after one man says he saw a mountain lion in his backyard. why? some wildlife experts, though, are questioning that recent sighting. then a police officer rescues three children during a welfare check. now their story has led to a new beginning. the heartwarming reunion with the ville
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two decades. over the weekend, two brothers in el dorado county were attacked by a mountain lion and one of them was killed. now, a man in south san francisco claims he saw a mountain lion in his backyard. he called south city police, who then posted a photo of it on social media. however, experts say the man say he may have mistaken what he saw on his camera for a house cat security camera. >> the lighting can be funny, there can be distortion, but to me it looks a lot like a house cat. >> i'm curious where it came from, yeah. i haven't seen any mountain lions here before. >> the bay area puma project also looked at the photo and agreed that what the man saw was not a mountain lion. the group says the number of sightings of mountain lions do increase after recent attacks or incidents. >> a man in orinda shared with us some video from his ring camera of what he says is a
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mountain lion near his home. take a look. they're kind of between the cars in the back, says this camera was taking the video back on february 13th. now we have yet to get any feedback here from the experts, but the animal does appear to be larger than a house cat. >> all right, let's turn things over to steve paulson right now because the weather is going to change today. if you see sun now, you might be dealing with something else. >> a little later on we will get in on rain, but for it may take a while for some areas to the south. here we had some clearing. there's still some and lows dropped areas to the south instead of the north this time because they had too much cloud cover. south gilroy, 36 to boulder creek, woodside, morgan hill, stanford, hollister, lahonda and east of alum rock between 36 and 39 this morning. there you go. cloudy to the north. cloud covers increasing but san jose some areas still have sun. a little bit of fog on the coast, but again the cloud cover will continue to roll in here. some light rain has been reported to the north. it always happens here, especially marin county north for the morning. but for the majority of people here, this is going to be afternoon, evening, if not
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tonight. a couple of systems, one coming in today and then a stronger one which will give us wind and rain and colder temps, arrives friday, friday night into saturday. not a bad looking system here. we'll get some i think quarter inch amounts to maybe three quarters of an inch from this system coming in tonight. early tomorrow. the winter storm warning starts at 11 a.m. and by the time we get to friday night and saturday, could be a couple feet up there. so that winter storm warning will definitely apply. but not right now. but it will soon. clouds continue to increase, turning cloudy. rain north already, but sun to the south. which means by this evening then we'll cloud it up. 60s on the temps. it is going to be darn cold around here on friday, but a rebound as we head towards sunday. you guys. >> thank you steve. coming up on mornings on two the nine we head straight back to baltimore. as the investigation into that bridge collapse is underway. what we know about the six people presumed dead and why crews on the scene are racing to recover evidence that could be altered or lost forever if they don't act quickly, then staying ahead of a similar disaster here in the bay area, ships are getting bigger, bridges are being fortified. we'll look at
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the engineering of the francis scott key bridge and learn if there was anything that could have prevented the disaster
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will have rain by around dinnertime. others will still have kind of gray, gloomy but dry skies. we're dialing in the weather and we'll have updates for you throughout the day. rideshare company uber has announced its newest feature for young riders. it's now offering uber car seat, which allows users to ask for a vehicle with a car seat. the san francisco based company says the feature will make traveling stress free for families. i mean, not all the way stress free, but you are. you are taking care of one major factor. uber partnered up with the car seat company nuna to provide these car seats at this point is only available in new york city and los angeles. i am so grateful to be out of those car seat years, the booster seat years, because you can't just say, hey, can you grab my sons on your way home? it's like, here's their booster seat. make sure to click in. the three point did it? >> i mean, it's i do that for my nephews. >> i remember how it was a headache. >> yeah. but so it's interesting that the normally. could you just bring a seat with you. you can before the, before you, when you hop into a rideshare car, you bring a booster seat with you. >> a lot of parents do, but it's cumbersome. >> it's a lot to carry the baby.
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and the and the seat. my goodness. >> we had to carry the car seat. and then you get the uber gets there. and then we have to like, you know put it in a way of putting it in. it's like, oh, interesting. >> a lot of younger people don't drive. so, you know, and some people don't want to some people live in the city and you have kids and you still don't want to drive. you know, you have to pay for parking here. >> so it came late for our families, but i'm glad it's there for the other families. yeah. >> all right. >> nice. all right. let's swing back to baltimore here. as recovery efforts are well underway as the search for six construction workers has now turned to a recovery effort after a cargo ship hit a pillar of the francis scott key bridge, causing that bridge to collapse. connor hanson live near at the site of that bridge with an update. connor right. thank you. >> take care. >> gasia. the coast guard unfortunately has gone from its rescue efforts to recovery efforts for the six construction workers who were on the bridge at the time of that catastrophic collapse. they're now searching for the remains, but they are presumed dead. no update on them right now as you can see behind
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me, difficult weather conditions, making an already tough situation for divers, even harder. and for those investigators trying to get to the bottom of what exactly started this expect later today, we'll have a lot more information to share. >> the national transportation safety board recovering a data recorder from the ship that rammed into the francis scott key bridge on tuesday, causing parts of the structure to collapse. >> that information will help officials determine whether the vessel lost power prior to the crash, the agency says it is also looking into whether contaminated fuel played a factor. >> there has been an increase in recent years in these deficiencies noted in ships and propulsion. >> divers are returning to the patapsco river on wednesday to look for the bodies of people still missing, maryland officials say. prior to the crash, police were able to warn workers and stop traffic after
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the ship issued a mayday call. >> had these police officers and these law enforcement officers not done that, what was a catastrophic incident that we saw would have been even more catastrophic as the investigation continues, vessel traffic into and out of the port of baltimore is suspended. >> federal officials say they will work to reopen the port as soon as possible, but warn we could still see supply chain disruptions. >> there are tunnels that work as alternatives, but there's going to be some impacts on traffic. >> and president biden says he does plan to visit baltimore soon. he also expects the federal government to pay for the rebuilding of this bridge. now we are expecting another press conference here within the next hour or so. we'll be watching to see if there are any updates there. garcia, garner. >> we've heard that the workers were filling potholes in the middle of the night on that bridge. do we know yet if they
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were alerted of the disaster or the timing between that mayday call and the actual strike? >> well, officials are still trying to nail down the exact timeline there. what we do know is the ship was able to make that mayday call, likely saving lotsf lives. drivers were stopped from entering both sides of the bridge. normally a very busy highway running over this bridge. we're not sure if all of the construction workers were notified or not. we know two of them were able to were rescued and six of them are still missing. so, that part is still a little bit unclear as as that search continues as connor hanson live in baltimore. >> thank you. >> we want to dive deeper now into how the bridge in baltimore collapsed so quickly. joining us now is curt mcmillan. mcmullen who is a structural engineering design professor at san jose state. curt, thank you so much for joining us. >> hello. good morning.
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>> good morning. so, curt, is there anything that stands out to you about the collapse of the keys bridge in baltimore? >> not in particular here. i mean, bridges are vulnerable to this type of an accident, fortunately, does not happen very often, but, major ship like this hitting the side of a bridge straight on is generally catastrophic. >> so, speaking of that protection, i mean, could there have been any kind of protection around this bridge or around the parts of this bridge that could protect it from being hit by a ship of this size? >> sure. we've heard people talk about the bridges here in the bay area often have fenders around them. you know, of various materials, concrete. different materials to slow the bridge, slow any boat down ship. and obviously that makes a huge difference in what's going to happen to the actual bridge. so certainly, you know what limited pictures i've seen of the bridge
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in baltimore? it didn't seem like it had very much of a fender system to protect it where our bridges do. so that would be a major influence. kurt obviously, if the if the ship is too big, it's going to be trouble, right? >> it wouldn't matter what's there. but kurt, i wonder, do we know why a bridge would be built without those fenders to begin with? i mean, i seeing the ones here in the bay area and knowing that this one is a key for a port. so you get a lot of cargo ships going under there, our fenders, not a normal part of a structural design. when you build a bridge. >> well, i wouldn't want to speculate too much about what the designers were doing. it is 50 years ago. sure. obviously, the fenders are expensive. you know, they're not, a small expense and there's no structural reason why you have to build a fender to be able to
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build the bridge. so it's kind of a it's an additional safeguard. gotcha. so, how common that is without fenders, i, i couldn't really speculate, but obviously the cost would have been a major, point when they originally designed and built the bridge. >> gotcha. so when we look at our bridges here and we see those fenders, it's not necessarily done to be part of holding up that bridge and keeping it stable. >> correct. >> gotcha. all right. so a large chunk of that bridge collapse, you've probably seen the video that we've been playing over and over again. that was pretty stunning to many people who saw it happen here, can you tell why such a large chunk of the bridge collapsed just based on your your viewing of this video that everyone has seen so far? >> you know, this is a cantilevered truss bridge, similar to the old bay bridge that was replaced here in the bay. and they tend to be built kind of. each side of the bridge
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is balancing the other. and so unfortunately, when i watched the collapse, it's quite evident that, you know, as one portion of it collapsed, then it it loses that counterbalance on the next piece. and it just kind of creates this chain reaction where it looks like they lost three, three spans, maybe four. i am i'm not sure. >> so they're all they're all interconnected i suppose is what i'm hearing you say. and when one one loses, you know, that tension, the other parts of it collapse. >> exactly. and that's why it quote stopped at those piers was that's where the, the next segment was not so tightly connected. so my expectation is the pieces that are still remaining are probably in, in very good shape and probably will not be replaced, which will
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certainly speed up any type of reconstruction. >> yeah. the federal government said they're going to be helping out here and reconstructing that bridge. interesting details to know about this and learning more about why, you know, both sides of the bridge still remain standing while that middle part of the bridge totally collapsed. kirk mcmullen from san jose state, thank you so much for your insight. we appreciate your time. thank you. thank you. all right. >> san francisco mayor london breed is criticized the board of supervisors for overriding her veto of a bill that limits construction in some san francisco neighborhoods. the measure restricts density limits along the waterfront. but supervisor aaron peskin says the legislation protects small historic districts on the bay from super sized, massive luxury towers. three supervisor voted against the measure, including matt dorsey. >> i think this risks opening the door to more problematic steps in the wrong direction, and i think there are many other neighborhoods in san francisco that can lay claim to similarly legitimate, arguments for being
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historically significant mayor breed called the veto override a setback in the push to build more housing, saying in a statement, our current housing shortage is a result of decades of bad policy decisions and inaction, and it will take years of consistent and relentless work to make the necessary change to get more housing built. >> that's the work ahead of us. aaron peskin, the president of the board of supervisors, disagrees. and he also issued a statement saying developers will still be able to build bigger and higher, but they won't be able to demolish buildings on certain blocks and replace them with towers that are the same height as telegraph hill itself. >> there will be no official 420 celebration in san francisco this year, but that likely won't prevent people from showing up at hippie hill. the main reason? event organizers say they can't make it work this year. and what we know will happen in the park this april 20th. and permit me to brag, my sweet son and i made hot cross buns this past weekend and it was an all day thing. we even candied our own orange
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peel. but if you do not want to spend time in the kitchen, i get it. i totally do. a bay area bakery is doing all the work so you can have incredible easter treats on your table. you will be stres ee and y r
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mylowe's rewards credit card saves us 5% on the things we need. 5% off. - 5% off. 5% of. and, as loyalty members, we get points toward mylowe's money for the things we want. oh, we want this. the all new mylowe's rewars loyalty program is her. download the app to joi, earn and save toda. wendy's orange dreamsicle frosty, this takes me back man. it's like taking a trip down memory lane. i didn't know they sold dreamsicles on memory lane. for the flavor that takes you back, get wendy's new orange dreamsicle frosty. [luxurious music] ♪ treat yourself to rich, ghirardelli chocolate and luscious caramel. ♪ experience ghirardelli caramel squares. in a bag and a bar. makes life a bite better.
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organizers of previous events say they don't have enough funding. the event, a celebration of cannabis, usually attracts thousands of people to hippie hill in golden gate park. back in 2017, it became a city sponsored event with security and fencing. this year, though, the city says the money isn't there to help with the event itself or recovery. >> the city is in a budget crunch, so we just couldn't. we couldn't cover the extra staff times, the overtime of rangers, the cleanup. so it was going to be more expensive. >> and unfortunately, you know, with the cannabis industry so, so bad right now, we didn't have enough sponsorship support with the cannabis industry like we did in the past. >> the rec and parks department says it's issued a permit for saturday, april 20th to a volleyball and kickball tournament at the same site. even without an official 420 event, many people still are expected to show up on hippie hill that day. as a avid pot smoker, i don't think that it'll
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be crazy. >> i just think that the city isn't going to be prepared for it without having something organized. >> organizers of the 420 event say they hope to be back next year. >> a popular seafood restaurant from southern california is coming to the bay area and opens today in san francisco. the broad street oyster company opens today at ghirardelli square. the malibu based company is known for many seafood dishes, including lobster rolls. the menu will largely be the same as its other southern california locations, with the addition of 5 to 10 more dishes. the new cadbury bunny has been crowned, but typical to the company's funny ads, it is not a bunny at all. louie the raccoon was chosen from the sixth annual cadbury bunny tryouts. the two year old will be featured in the 2025 cadbury bunny tryouts commercial. louie the raccoon is actually a pet and was rescued in 2021 after being deemed unfit to live in the wild. he captured
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the hearts of fans who voted for him on instagram. >> easter is coming up this sunday and if you don't like to bake or don't have time to. we have some delicious treats for you. from traditional favorites to creative new twists, every easter treat has its own unique story and flavor profile, with us now is brian wood, who's the head baker and owner of starter bakery here in oakland. brian, thank you for coming in. it smells delicious here. you just walk over here. smells like a bakery. >> thanks for having us. these are the smells of easter, we have a best of lineup for this holiday weekend. >> now, all of these look good, but you say this is the star of easter. explain why that is, sir. >> so that's our colomba di pasqua. it's a traditional italian holiday bread, very similar to panettone. and it's made using a natural starter. so it's a highly technical bread. even though it's made with a sourdough starter, it shouldn't have any sour flavors to it, right? >> sourdough starter is what i thought of immediately when i
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heard the name of your bakery, so i didn't know this. i've eaten your food before. you sold to the public because you were a wholesale bakery up here at peerless. they sell your stuff and philz coffee, so people have been eating your stuff, but now people can get your stuff direct to the public. where can they do that? >> sure. so on college ave 5804, college ave, we have our retail store. we've been open for about a year now, and we're still delivering fresh daily to about 350 accounts a day. >> so this is i would say, gourmet. i can tell by looking at this, i know my way around the carrot cake. so you can see the little carrots in here. it's fresh, it's moist. this is not something you get from a box mix or even from a supermarket cake. tell me what goes in this a lot of time and effort into the r&d. >> our team came up with this cake in the last several weeks, we're using fresh carrots. one aspect of this that i really love is that it has a pineapple curd. i grew up with pineapple and carrot cake, this though puts that element within the
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layers instead of in the cake. >> this pie here is a sister rhubarb. >> this is a strawberry rhubarb pie. a great pie to introduce springtime, with the strawberries and rhubarb. classic easter treat. >> do you ever bake at home, brian? i do for the holidays. >> okay. yeah. >> i just wanted to ask. i was wanting to ask a professional baker that, does this business pick up during easter? >> it does. we definitely see a lot more traffic. people want to come in to get pastries for their easter brunch or quiche, we sell a lot of the columba as well. >> you're going to be responsible for me going off my no carbs diet. i'm going to try. i've been dying to try this, so while i'm trying this carrot cake, can you tell me another special item that you may have for people coming in to see you for the first time on college avenue? >> sure. so besides the items we have here today, we'll have a lot of queen lemon at the retail
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shop this weekend. the queen of marin is our signature pastry. oh my goodness. sorry. go ahead. go on. no problem. yeah. so we'll have some different seasonal easter flavors for the queen lemon. in addition to these special items this weekend at the bakery. >> the last question is a pretty important one because you have taken, you know, you are based in oakland. you have you're doing business in oakland, you're doing well in oakland, and i suppose to a certain degree, you really like oakland. you want to stay there and see the city, you know, turn that corner 100. >> i started the bakery in oakland 13 years ago. i live in oakland, we have our first retail shop in oakland at and. yeah, i mean, the hope is that things can continue to pick up and, improve. >> oakland has good food, good beer, amazing good bakeries, amazing food, amazing bakeries, for sure. >> brian, thank you for coming in. >> the place is called starter
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bakery and you can find them on college avenue. you can also get their treats at many of the local shops like philz coffee or peerless coming up on mornings on two. the nine a police officer who rescued three children after a distressing welfare check has an emotional, heartwarming reunion. how his compassion played a role in the children's
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from arresting and deporting migrants suspected of crossing the border illegally. the ruling is the latest development in the back and forth legal battle over texas governor greg abbott's strict new immigration law. the law was in effect for several hours on march 19th because of a procedural order from the us supreme court, but the court sent the case back to the appellate court for further consideration. those appellate judges blocked the law again. they're keeping the block in place as the case proceeds. >> executions are on hold
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indefinitely. here in california, hundreds of condemned inmates are waiting to be transferred out of death row at san quentin. some 3000 inmates are held at san quentin. now, there are some 400 people on death row. in 2019, governor newsom ordered a moratorium on executions and a dismantling of death row. the condemned men at san quentin spend all but a few hours a week inside their four by ten foot prison cells. >> your day you find yourself sitting, sitting down a lot, laying down a lot. and when you do that, you just think. when you think, you start thinking about everything and you start realizing, like, i'm here to be executed. i'm here to be killed. >> san quentin is planning to convert its death row to separate wings where well-behaved inmates can earn some liberties. >> typically, they have not had any disciplinary in over a year. they are attending school, working and things like that. >> so far, more than 200 of the men previously on death row have been transferred to other prisons with adequate security. prison officials are now in the process of determining where the
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other men will go. sonoma county sheriff's deputy seriously injured during a chase and shooting has been released from the hospital. >> nick delia has a traumatic brain injury and serious burns. the 31 year old was hurt when he was trying to lay down spike strips to stop a shooting suspect, and became pinned under another patrol car. the deputy is now headed to a rehabilitation facility to continue his recovery. >> sunnyvale is getting some help to deal with a shortage of paramedics. >> i certainly would want us to be in a better place with more paramedics, overall for the county, because because it does impact all cities. in terms of the response times. >> sunnyvale's department of public safety officers are cross-trained as police, firefighter and emergency medical technicians, but not as paramedics who can administer life saving medication. sunnyvale leaders just announced the city will not have an additional quick response vehicle staffed by paramedics from american medical response when that call gets dispatched
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to county ems. >> they need to have a paramedic on scene in seven minutes and 59 seconds, and acv is one of the tools that county ems and amr uses to meet that performance metric. >> the amr response vehicle will be on duty seven days a week. >> police officer reunited with three children he met three years ago who were living in horrific conditions. isaac stephens took pictures with the three brothers in a courtroom where adoption papers were signed. he first encountered the then eight, four and two year old age children during a call for a welfare check of a minor. police say they were living in a grossly unsanitary apartment with no adult supervision. stephens promptly got solano county child welfare services involved here. it was a turning point for the brothers, who were placed with foster parents. they've been living in a safe and loving home since meeting officer stephens. >> the giants are finalizing their team ahead of tomorrow's
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opening game in san diego against the padres. leading off for the giants, third baseman carlos sanchez going to get about his third or fourth standing ovation. longtime fan favorite pablo sandoval might make will not make the final roster, but he did receive a loud ovation last night in the bay bridge series between the giants and the a's. last night may have been sandoval's last game in a giants uniform, although the 37 year old says he is willing to play in sacramento . the giants minor league team sandoval was on all three of the giants teams that won the world series. of course, that's 2010, 2012 and 2014. the san francisco giants are seeing a spike in sales after a productive off season, the team's senior vice president of ticket sales told sfgate. the giants will sell out opening day at oracle park, he says compared to other years, they're trending ahead of where they were. the giants are no stranger to sell out crowds. they sold out 530 straight games
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between 2010 and 2017. the oakland a's home opener is thursday night, and we here at ktvu want to celebrate all the loyal and die hard a's fans. we also want you to share your favorite memories at the oakland coliseum, or anywhere you've celebrated your biggest moments as a's fans. a's fans are a big part of our sports coverage. tag us or use hashtag ktvu on any photos and videos on any social media platform we may use your post on the air. >> nasa's first indigenous female astronaut is now taking her story to college campuses, hoping to inspire young people to follow their dreams. >> and i didn't have it all figured out. i didn't know that i wanted to be an astronaut. i didn't even know that that was a possibility for astronaut. >> nicole mann was born in petaluma last year. she spent six months at the international space station, completed two spacewalks. her story is now inspiring. the next generation of astronauts, engineers and scientists. >> she really showed me that there are a lot of opportunities
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for people of indigenous backgrounds, and it's not a detriment where you come from or you know, your who you are. >> mann is also a colonel in the marine corps, served as a combat fighter and test pilot. says she tells young people they can do anything they put their mind to. >> and just over a week from now, a total solar eclipse is expected across several states. millions will try to see it, scientists say during the eclipse, the air pressure will drop and often it becomes comes with an eerie silence. and there will be two gazers will experience up to 4.5 minutes of complete darkness as the moon covers the sun. >> it's going to be a little bit longer because the moon's a little bit closer and its orbit to earth, so you can hear kind of the crickets might start chirping as if they would kind of during a dusk time, you might see bats come out because they think it's darker, birds may be quieter or more active. >> that total eclipse will not be visible here in the bay area.
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the path of the eclipse stretches from texas to maine. we should be able to see a partial eclipse, though, but make sure you wear your protective viewing glasses if you do venture out to go, check out that pretty cool sight in the heavens. >> it'll be happening for a minute here for four minutes, which is a good long time if you're in that path. exactly. we are not in that path. gotcha >> yes. >> i have a question for you. i forgot to ask the baker here. yes how? how soon before. when should i buy the easter? >> oh, you know, what are they? no. probably saturday, if you can. just the day before easter. are you guys open on saturday? i'm getting a big nod. a big enthusiastic nod from the good people at starter bakery. if you don't want to spend time in the kitchen, you don't have to. this can be on your table here. thanks to their magic in the kitchen, you can stream ktv news on your smart tv anytime. l k t ♪ we're gonna have a real good time ♪ ♪ feel good time ♪ ♪ spreading love and joy and


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