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tv   KTVU FOX 2 News at 6pm  FOX  March 17, 2024 6:00pm-6:31pm PDT

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as a motherl i know what she must be feeling like in. >> sitting there tonight, a community heartbroken and a memorial growing after an adult and child were killed by a car while sitting at a bus stop. and now we are learning a third person has died. the latest on full freeway closure as work, a continues on a portion of interstate 680 in the east bay.
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>> we'll have the latest on when caltrans will reopen this stretch of interstate. >> this is ktvu, fox two news at six. >> good evening everyone. i'm mike mibach and igm julie julie haener. >ñ we begin with the new information in the deadly bus stop crash in san francisco. police nowúsay a third person has died after being hit by a car while sitting at a bus stop. >> and tonight, we're also learning that an infant is in criticalúcondition. ktvu is amanda quintana has the story.t& >> a small memorial is set up at the and lenox way, just across from what used stop shelter. now, in pieces. one neighbor came by to leave a stuffed animal. entire family. it's been for the destroyed. and, i just saw this sleeping stuffed animal, and i just thought of the baby. >> caution tape still surroundsd pieces of the car in a pileúwith broken glassc scattered on the sidewalk. there were four people at the bus stop when the car
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crashed into it just after noon on saturday. an adult and scenes spwere sent to the hospital, including the driver. >> it's such a loss. it's our communityc. we have a beautiful community here in west portal without knowing their names. right now, i'm sure we know them because we have just such a beautiful group of people. >> the car came up on the curb here, took outúthis pole before hitting the side of the library. it then hit the shelter of the bus stop before landing at the fire hydrant. >> i was walking my dog and i, heard a horn and thenúthis all mighty loud boom. i mean, it was, how would you put it? you know, people say like a bomb going off. well, this one was sort and other neighbors rushed to help. >> when i got here, the vehicle itself, the fire hydrant, was basically in where the motor would be, and there was an infant that was laying right
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here. i think the deceased adul& was knocked clean across the intersectionúwas in the street . >> the cause of the crash is still under investigation. police haven't said if alcohol medical emergency, but the car - was clearly going fast. harvey wishesútherec was a stop sign as drivers come down this curve, there's no stop signs around five blocks coming down here into an area that's a transit center. there's a vigil planned for 5:00 monday evening. >> it just breaks my heart that this family is just gone. you know, as a mother, i know what she must be feeling like in that hospital, sitting there in san francisco, amanda quintana, ktvu, fox two news, new atc six >> the petaluma police department is investigating more than 30 vehicle break ins in just the past 24 hours. police say the vehicles were burglarized from around 6:00 yesterday afternoon to 6:0p this
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morning.c the reports came from several locations, including the outlet mall, saint vincent's high school, capri creek apartments, and the sheridan hotel. the police department, currently investigating and collecting hopes of finding a suspect or suspects. anyone with information is asked to call petaluma police tonight. >> new information about at& teenager arrested in connection with the killing of an oakland store clerk, 46 year old mohammad al-husayni was shot and killed in early january while working at orlando's market on 30th and linden in an apparent.y one juvenile was arrested on february 27th in connection with the case, and now, according to the bay area news group, the 13 year old juvenile also went on to allegedly commit a second armed about 40 minutes later. the boy is also suspected of robbing a target in detectives are searching for a possible male accomplice in all three robberies. lanes of interstate 680 areound
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unscheduled to reopen tomorrow before the morning rushúhour. caltrans posted video of the work that has been happening today. a section of southbound 680 in pleasanton has been closed this weekend to allow crews to repair the pavement there. traffic has been rerouted to highway 84 and interstate 580 during the closure. the lanes are scheduled to reopen tomorrow morning at t a.m. well, boeing external panel when it landed. united airlines flight 433 arrived in medford, oregon, from sfo friday morning with a spmissing panel on the underside of the aircraft. it's unclear when the panel broke off the boeing 737 800 was carrying 139 passengers and six crew members. it is the faa isúnow investigating this incident. >> well, today is saint patrick'súday, a day to commemorate and observe saint patrick and theúarrival and over the years,
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turned into one ofúcelebration. this is what it looked like in downtown pleasanton around noontime today. a little slow they saw yesterday, but even so, restaurants and bars, they've been all packed all across the bay area this warm weekend, and with saint patrick's day falling on a weekend this year, spending for the holiday expected to reach record levels, expected t2 billion on food and drinks. >> celebrated last night. here they had a great band, we had a fantastic time. little slow moving this morning, but all good. >> oh thank you. >> 6re of americans say they plan to celebrate this year, and that's more than 20 times the population of ireland. one of the larger celebrations fort& saint patrick's day in the bay area takes place in the east ba. hundreds of people laced up their shoes for most of them weg green for this five k run and walk. the city also hosted its celebration, featuring a than 250 different booths andre
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plenty of food and drink. that event wrapped up at& special saint patrick's day celebration at the hiller aviation museum in san carlos. the museum hosted a flying leprechaun skydive. people got the sky, and also take part in plenty of other activities. >> president biden hosted a saint patrick's day brunchúwith catholic leaders today. mr. bide about his own heritage as an irish catholic and how the teachings have helped shape who he is. he thanked the leaders in the for all americans and all people around the world, even in the face of enormous setbacks and it convinced millions of irish immigrants, including my ancestors and many of you here who areúhere today,úto leave their beloved homeland and began a new life in america. cardinal christopher pierre recited the saint patrick's breastplatet& prayerúalong with those in spattendance. and you're looking at a saint patrick's day tradition now in chicago. all that green water, thousands
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gathered today for the city's annual dyeing of the chicago river. yesterday is harmless ans away in about five hours. dyeing the river green is a tradition that goes back to 1962, when the plumbers union used green dye to identify the source of leaks into the river. since then, event has remained ever green. >> now to washington, white house national security adviser john kirby says the us senate should swiftly advance a bill that would force chinese technology company bytedance to sell tiktok. the bill, passed in the house last week. congress's push hereúto separate tiktok from itsúchinese parent company, bytedancel has focused largely spon protecting us national security. but tiktok content creators say lawmakers should consider what a ban would mean the app.g on >> tiktok is 50% of my income.t& there's one side for the influencers, but again, there's another side on the businesses and that we are really helping locals and drive so much foot
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traffic into these local spbusinesses that they wouldn't have. >> lawmakers insist banning heas currentlynate, but there ist- there could be a vote. well thousands of people headed to solano county this weekend as the annual air skies overútravis air force base and the clear the crowds, ktvu is tori gaines has more fromúsolano county. travis air force base welcomed over 100,000 visitors here up close d personal with our military skilled pilots who fly them, going, going, gone. >> military pilots stunned crowds with incredible twists, turns and dives. what doesc it feel like to be this close to >> iúlove it, it's just it's exciting. yeah, yeah. scaryn >> any time i can get a chance to go see these guys, i'm all about it. >>úzach greg grew up going to
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air shows in redding. he drove nearly three hours to enjoy his favorite part of the show. >> the feeling that you get when they're flying by fast and loud. ñ> while some folksúcame out for theúair show, some visitors were most excited about getting a closer look at the planes. the you see davis senior design team for the aerospace engineering department. >> we have our little groups. we're working on redesigning the c-5m super galaxy, and so it's cool to see it in person. >> military families came out for the show too. >> we can see it but, it's nice. it's different. it's a wholeúdifferentc on the flight d being able to feel it and see >> visitors had the chance to sit inside the cockpit of the kc ten, a highlight of the event. >> the experience of getting to walk on planes, watch them fly around. that's really cool. >> visitors could also speak with pilots in the flight crews spwho operate the powerful plan. robert lizama has served with the military for almost nine years. >> i grew upúin guam, so just traveling was always big to me. just growing up on a small island, i really want to see the world, so i went to the air
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force academy, graduated from there, and went to pilot training and became a pilot and been able to see the world >> the event also honored the kc ten, a military plane used to refuel in midair, which saw its last airshow at travis air force base on sunday. the plane will be phased out of military use this fall. >> it's somber. it isl but you know, it's legacy, and that's why we're here today. you know, at the airshow, celebrating that legacy and ushering in a new era of tanker with the kc 4v, welcomingúover of over 1500 airmen and two years of planning. >> but the travis says it was ah it. >> we're also very grateful for spthe opportunity to say thank u not only to the community who provides such incredible support, but also to the who've come before us. wees shoulders as we carry the lineage forward in solano county. >> tori gaines, ktvu, fox two news. >> still ahead tonight, a path of destruction in parts of the midwest. up next, the damage from a series of tornadoes and why the recovery has only just
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begun hot cheetos from school campuses hereúin california. the reason the days may snack among childra beautiful weekend out there today. temperatures a little coolerl the fog returned to the coast, and this week it's going to be interesting. a litt [alarm rings] ♪ ♪ ♪ [alarm rings] ♪ ♪ get exclusive offers on select new volvo models. contact your volvo retailer to learn more.
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historic neighborhood of washington, d.c. the shooting happened around 3:p0 this morning, right near the kennedy recreation center. five of the victims were taken to the hospital. the gunman, who fled on foot remains on the run. the victims identities have not been released, and the motive for the shooting remains under investigation. >> israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu is sharply protesting against growing criticism from his top ally, the united states, over his leadership amid the war with sphamas. netanyahu says u.s. senate majority for israel to hold a new election is wholly inappropriate. netanyahu who says an election would force israel to stop fightingc and paralyze the country for months. this comes as warnings grow against an israeli assault on gaza's southern city of rafah, after mr.únetanyahu said it couldcúbe weeks away. in russia& another six year terms asd tot-
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president. four candidates were in the race, but the outcome came as no surprise after antiwar candidates were barred from running. the election drew some protests. some people set fire to voting booths and poured dye into ballot boxes during the three days of voting. in power t a quarter of weekend, vladimir n spoke publicly about the death of opposition leader alexei navalny for the first time. mr. putinúsaid his death was an unfortunate incident. he also said he supported an idea to release navalny in a prisoner exchange. as long as the 47 year old navalnyúdid not return to russia. navalny died at a penal colony in the arctic last month. earlyúdiscussions on the possibility of a prisoner swap . >> a rescue charter flight carrying americans has landed in miami as violenceúescalates in haiti, the us government announced the arrangements yesterday for those from the united states with valid passports. meantime, another
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group of marines arrivedúin haiti to bolster security at th& us embassy in port au prince. theúpentagon says the marines will relieve forces already stationed there, adding that the marines were not deployed to help americans escape. >> forúyears, we have been telling americans, do not go to haiti, do not travel there. it's not safe to doúso. >> we have installed additional security personnel there, but that's all they're doing is jus& securingúthe embassy. >ñ florida launched its to helpd floridians. the biden administration says it plans to send an additional $25 million in humanitarian assistance to haiti. cleanup efforts are underway following deadly tornadoes in the central part of the united states thursday night's storm killed three people in ohio's logan county. it was one of theúhardest hit regions in one community. there dozens of homes damaged thed an- families that lost people. there's three deaths in our community and you know that breaks our heart. but it could
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have been so much more. so much more. yeah >> the storms also damaged dozens of homes in the state of& indiana. the tornadoes also reported in illinois and missouri. >> capitals historic wharf is being put back together after it was damaged more than a year ago during winter storms, demolition of the wharfc house and bait and boat and bait shop began last week after they were deemed to be a total loss. the demolition is expected to cost more than $800,000. the wharf is scheduled to reopen in the fall. >> all right. wow, what a weekend as we get into spring. spring is going to be this tuesday, is this tuesday evening when thet& sun is at its highest point over the tropic of cancer. isúthat right? you know capricorn. no equator. oh, i messed that up a little bit, didn't i? yeah. it's dead center on the equator. okay. so as you look outside today, you can see temperatures running in the 70s by a few degd
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with that you got temperatures in the mid low 70s and mid 70s, but not mid and upper 70s. we did have a few of those yesterday. temperatures tomorro, maybe a little bit warmer. fog'& kind of an onshore flow which is setting us up with a kind of, you know, cooler pattern, a milder pattern.c and that's what allows the fog to form. so thursday and a little bit into thursday, we're going to have this same pattern. this this is going to stay put. so the weather isc going to beúreally range pretty seven days or so. and you canxt see a change that's your scattered showers. andcet- definitely aúbig flip flop in the weather. but until then, right through wednesday we're in. we've gotúsome great weather to talk about. this model shows you the fog that comes back tomorrow morning. this is monday at 10 a.m. and you can see that's right there. fog, fog yo,
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you know, again the beginning of spring on tuesday. but it's also a very spring pattern. so it's sort of coinciding with the actual time that spring begins coastal fog this season beautifr conditions outside, the forecasl for tomorrow calls for more of the same and right through wednesday thatgs that big high pressure just doing what it does. but high pressure also sets you up with the fog. and that's what we're looking at along the coast. kind of patchy at timesn it broke off today. it was it was at the golden gate bridge. then it broke off current temperatures a little cooler than yesterday. overnight lows mild to cool. for this time of year.úit's not hard to get temperatures in the in the 3ps this timeúof year. and then the forecast you get 76 out in antioch, fairfield, and then the five day forecast things change aroundn
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activity right little into sunday. we'll see how that goes. that was showed up on the long range model. lots can change between now and then. we'll keep you posted. >> in the meantime, enjoy the nice weather. yeah. thank you. well, spring break, it's officially underway now. >> once considered a mecca of spring break, miami beach is throwing in the towel this year, hoping to reinvent itself and transform its image after too much rowdiness from college students this time last year. >>úyeah, now they're seeking out the sound. further north in fort lauderdale, fox news madison, scarpino has the story. >>úwe're only about 30 miles from miami beach, and with all of the new restrictions this spyear, the partyc is really mog up here to fort lauderdale. the crowdsúhave been growing all day long at the beach, at the bars. but the mayor here says that they're excited about all the spring breakers in town. >> we welcome people. wec want o make sure that when people come here that it's safe and it'st& clean. we're excited about hosting spring break, mainly becauseúpeople are just here to have a goodútime and they're not
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here to create problems. >>úlast year's chaos in miami beach is breaking up with spring break. there were over 500 arrests last example of spring break violence this year happened just south of daytona beach thursday. police say a 16 year old pointed a gun at spring breakers on a beach. thankfully, no one was hurt and the state attorney says the teen will be charged as an adult here in fort lauderdale. police say they haven't run into mucht& trouble yet, but they are running into a lot of spring breakers willing to take up a push up challenge. they're using these next few weeks as an opportunity to recruit theúnext generation of officers. >> the vacancies exorbitant, soe thought by being a destination city and with young, college bound or college educated people coming down, we wanted them to consider not only vacationing here, but maybe making this their home and spring breakers
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here say things have been relatively calm but really fun. >> i feel very, very comfortable everywhere i go. i don't really you know, wonder about something going wrong. so it feels amazing . that's one of the big reasons why i love comingúout here. >> the mayor says that this weekend and next weekend will bring in the largest crowds in fort lauderdale, madison, >> well, the days of students snacking on flaming hot cheetos on california school campuses may be numbered. state lawmakers are considering a bill that would ban california public schools from servingúfood products that contain artificial dyes that would include the snas signature yellow and red colors. the proposed ban is part of the campaign to provide healthier school or healthier foods in california school cafeterias. >> today, runners hit the pavement for the a5k and ten k race around lake merritt, thr& the marathon route included a trip across the bay bridge, and
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it all started at 7:00 this morning. 8000 people participated in this year's event, which compared to last year. organizers say than 40 and down0 runners took over the streets for the 39th annual los angeles marathon. the 26.2 mile course started at dodger stadium and then ended in century city, kenya, dominating marathon, taking the top two spots in the men's field and the top spot in the women's race. in the second largest field in the event's history. all right, we now know where the saint mary's man and stanford women stand and who they will be playing inúthe ncaa tournament. bailey o'carroll is going to break it down for us sports coming up next. >> and we're also learning more about a string of break ins in a north bay community tonight at ten. hear from some of the victims. after more than vehicles were b glariz
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o'carroll tickets have been punched, the brackets finally sized, and now the madness begins. >> we get the five seed saint mary's. >> is the scene in moraga this
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afternoon when the gaels were selected and the team is hot? they've won the wcc regular season and tournament titles. they've only dropped one game since the start of 18. this also marks the gaels third consecutive ncaa tournament appearance this year. they take on the 12th seeded grand canyon university friday in spokane, gaels fans, southwest does have a direct flightc from oakland to spokane. so if you want to witness that madness in person, you can tip time there. >> 7:05 p.m. in the west is nice, real nice, and you don't have to change time zones. i was hoping they weren't calling us for brooklyn or pittsburgh or any of those. so yeah, it's and our fans can get out there. that'll make a difference. we'll have we'll have good support out there. >> it's a hard tournament. you know you're going to play a really good team. the first round and then if you win, you're going to play a really
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good team in the second round. last year we drew uconn and they ended up winning the whole thing. really just taking it that, you know, every team is no joke. >>úand then visible shock on the faces of the stanford women's number twoúseed in the fourth region. the team who finished ft having lost inc the pac 12 tournament championship game to usc, they were expecting that coveted one seed, but they were was excited? that was norfolk state right there who got the 1d company will host norfolk stake at state at maples pavilion either friday or saturday. exact day and time are still yet to be determined. and final round play from tpc sawgrass in florida today. par four. fourth hole here. second shot approached by scottie scheffler. he would land this one right where he wants to on the green. it would roll in for an eagle there. what a shot by scheffler. and then par fours
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chance to force a playoff there. the ball lips out though. right there. heartbreaking momentc for clark. he thought that one was going to be good. but scottie scheffler wins the players championship for the secondúyear in a row. i think that's exactly what's been done. >> yeah bailey thank you. thanks for watching everybody. don't forget to stream the latest news and weatherúon your smart tv anytime. download the fox local app to your tv, and we'll be back tonight at for the late night news. >> thanks for joining us. good night. good night. (robert) - there are many reasons to visit the philippines. a few thousand actually. the philippines is made up of over 7,000 islands with a plethora of cultural influences. the food, like its people, is a virtual melting pot of flavors from indigenous, asian, spanish, north american and many more. delightful, diverse and absolutely mouthwatering, filipino cuisine is just one more reason people are flocking to the philippines.


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