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tv   KTVU FOX 2 News at 4pm  FOX  March 6, 2024 4:00pm-5:01pm PST

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unknown is a line like a rolling stone. alright alright. there you go. half half credit that's going to do i for us. we'll s analysis. we're live witht- >> also ahead, insurance here in california. we're live with an expert to talk about how long the spike will last as insurance companies see an improvement onf their bottom line. >> coming up from ktvu fox two news, this is the four. >> first, though, at four, thunderstorms forms for parts of the bay area. >> a live look now at mount diablo, where east bay community seeing some rain this afternoon, including some under a flash flood advisory. welcome everyone to the four on this wednesday afternoon. i'm heather holmes and good afternoon everyone.t& >> i'm frank mallicoat areas in the east bay, including danville, blackhawk and san
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ramon. seeing a flurry of lightning strikes this tamayo joins us now with more on that. it's been a crazy couple of weeks, mark. >> yeah, kind of capped off with this afternoon with some pretty heavy downpours, some lightning strikes detected on the radar. so very active radar over the past few hours since about since about lunchtime. we'll show you some coming up. these are numbers just over the past six hours, and a bulk of the bulk of the reports coming withinújust one hour. so that's a lot of rain. you can see this afternoon. clayton 0.74 concord. over half an inch of rainfall. saratoga 0.47 and now looking above san francisco. and look at all those different cloud textures out there. a lot spof instability in the bay area atmosphere,úand as a result, numerous only in the east bay, but also in portions of the south bay as well. this is the radar imagery over the past few hours and quite a few stormt& reports as well. we'll talk about those storm reports in a little bit. now, in terms of thl these areas, the inland east bay
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that's in place until 515 out toward the peninsula that's in place until 530, and then portiz county. that is out until 515 some of the storm reportsan see scattered around the bay, all linked up with those heavy rain showers. you can see some areas reporting 2 to 3ft of water flowing across an entire roadway. this was from this morning in the south bay and also out toward portions of the peninsula, out towards san mateo . you can see reports of the flooding there. so this was thet one hour. still quite a bit of some coverage in portions and tn see, some of the action and portions of the south bay right now, especially approaching the southern santa clara valley, as we back the maps right now, you can see the main system of low pressure just off shore. this will move out of the bay area for tomorrow. we are expecting some drying conditions. we'll have more on that coming up in a little bit.c >> all rightn thank you. well, san francisco voters concerned about crime and public safety
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passed a pair of measures that were on the ballot yesterday. >> those totals are still being tallied following super tuesday. but some are already saying the results are showing a shift ktvu christien kafton joins us live at kristen. the city is taking a hard look at the results to figure out where the city is headed. yeah that's right. >> there have been headlines saying that progressivism is out for now, but candidates and political experts are saying it's a lot more complicated than that. with san francisco voters approving proposition e, granting police new powers and proposition f tying drug screenings to public assistance, some are questioning if the city has shifted from its most progressive policy as mayor. london breedl who backed both measures, says there passage does not indicate that the city is straying from its progressive principlesúin its push for safety, san francisco continues to push forward our values in extraordinary ways, and we have not abandoned those.
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>> butc supervisor asha safai, who is running for mayor, says the results show a city hungry for change. >> voters want change. they want spto see new leadership around l the different issues. san francisco's facing. people are concerned about public safety, rightfully so. they're concerned about the homelessness crisis on the streets, the mental health, drug abuse. mark farrell, the most recent candidate to jump into the mayor's race, also sees voters looking for change. >> look, san francisco needs to change directions. the last six years have literally seen our city crumble. we need to do an about face as a city. incredible momentum. >> last night, daniel lurie, also running for mayor, says the policies that voters approved reflect a more nuanced snapshot spof the city's electorate than simply looking at it as progressive or moderate the electorate,c the citizens and residents of san francisco are absolutely, absolutely looking for change from the outside. >> that's what we saw yesterday. and that's what they're going se
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university political science professor jason mcdaniel said, looking at the election results to gauge if voters have fundamentally shifted their positions is too simplistic. he said the results need to be looked at in context. >> i wouldn't say that progressivism is out, but i think the electorate has certainly rejected some of the policies that progressive organizations and leaders have been put forward. had pushed for one last night. that organization said being progressive, a city and being a well policed city aren't at odds. but the aclu of northern california said the measures that passed last night, weakened oversight and undermined reforms that were put in place to protect the public. we're live in san francisco, christien kafton, ktvu, fox two news. >> all rightl christian, thank you. and now we go to the race for senate here in california.t& and voters in november will be deciding between democrat adam schiff and republican steve garvey in the general election.
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schiff, focusing much of his primary campaign on elevating garvey and preventing a runoff with another democrat. >> and that strategy worked, knocking out katie porter and barbara lee. and now two men are focused on their matchup in november. ktvuúpolitical reporter greg lee joins us nown greg both candidates got a lot of work to do. >> yeah, certainly. it's ant& uphill climb for steve garvey. but adam schiff also has work to do in this race. both campaigns turning their focus now to the next eight months ahead of the general election. this runoff marking aúmajor shift for this u.s. senate seat in many ways. thank you. and let's go on and win this thing. >> on 2nd november. >> everybody, we haven't come this far to only go this far. democratic representative adam schiff will meet republican and political newcomer steve garvey in the general election for the right to fill the long held by the late dianne feinstein. >> now,úit's a different race. essentially, adam schiff could run steve garvey's campaign in
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the top two primary system. now steve garvey has to find his own voice. >> the two men emerged from the crowded field in the most expensive senate race in state history. schiff elevating garves campaign, much to and barbara lee. >> remember the old saying, be careful what you ask for. he's like the pitcher that throws me 70 mile an hour. and then watches me run around the bases. >> garvey, aware of the challenges ahead. the last time a republican has been elected to the u.s. senate from the state was in 1988. registered democrats outnumber republicans 2 to 1, and he'll continue to be asked if he supports donald trump. and for more specifics on his positions, he's going to have to find a place to do more than just slap a couple of singles. >> he's going to have to bang one off the wall. let's see if he can do that. >> i want to acknowledge the right of our protesters, and i
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look forward to working with you all. >> one challenge facing schiff evident at his victory party pro-palestinian protesters interrupted most of his speech. schiff has supportedúaid into gaza, but not an immediate cease fire, something progressive barbara lee is still calling for . >> adam schiff, ironically needs the two women that he beat up on or virtually ignored this particular primary, and they could provide political cover for them. why would they? no matter who wins in november, california will not have a female senator for since 199r. >> so it's a function of who the donors get behind early. it's a function of the consultant class and all those things. really did their work to keep barbara lee and katie porter, you know, outc of the general election. >> amy allison is the founder of network for women of color. she says schiff and national democrats need to work to reach women and rebuild a diverse
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coalition. >> if we go back to 2020, it was women of color, not only in california who were the margin f victory for democrats. if you shut them out now, democrats can't win. >> in a statement released this afternoon, congresswoman lee congratulateúschiff and said despite being outspent by my opponents, our values never wavered. she said she will continue to work for her oakland and california.e in >> okay, national democrats viewing thest thisl right. and the reason becs a en dem race in november, porter versus schiff or lee versus schiff, or any combination that you could come forward with in what we have right now, a ton of money would have been spent on this race, and now they can spend less on this race because they believe they have garvey. but moving forward, they can spend that on otherúdown ballot races, control the house, some key races in central and southern california and in other states because, as we know, schiff has a giant war chest. and now he can spread some of
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that money around. >> very good. all right. we'll see you again at five. right? greg lake. thanks, gregn all right. >> and this afternoonl the fate of proposition one, that's the only statewide measure still upe air. here are the latest results. and you can on prop on. but by a really thin margin, there just about 14,000 votes. the measure was championed by governor newsom. it aims to change how tax revenue from the mental health services act and allow the funds to cover housing and treatment for those with addiction. the proposition would also allocate more than $6 billion in bond funding to help build mental health treatment facilities. again theúyes on prop one campaign leading here with the latest results. all right we'll have much more election night results throughout this newscast, as well as full super tuesday results right there on our website at >> meanwhile, a major shakeup in the race for the white house. former south carolina governor nikki haley has officially suspended her presidential campaign. >> her exit comes after former
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president trump won nearly every race on super tuesday. >> and as rebecca castor reports, this all but guarantees trump will be the republican presidential nominee. >> i am filled with the gratitude for the outpouring of support we've received from all across our great country. but the time hasúnow come to suspend myúcampaign. >> this announcement wasn't evitable. nikki haley lost state but one to former president donald trump on super tuesday, yet she's holding her head high. >> although i will no longer be a candidatel i will not stop using my voice for the things i believe in. >> but voters made their voicesk to become theúrepublican nominee , a biden trump rematch is spnearly guaranteed. november fifth is going to go down as the single most important day in the history of our country. in a general election, fox news power rankings put trump just ahead of biden. but now the question is where will haley's supporters go
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from here? haley wished trump well in her exit speech, an outt endorsement up to donald trump to earn the votes of those in our party and beyond it who did not support him, and i hope he does that. >> i feel like it's a lot of republicans versus republicansc rightúnow. if people support nikki haley, i hope they can unifyc around donald trump, because at thec end of the day, it is better to have a republican in president than a democrat. by and large, president biden reacted to the news saying there is a place for haley supporters in his campaign, while trump also welcomed them, insisting biden is the enemy in washington. >> rebecca castor, ktvu, fox two news minnesota democrat congress dean phillips, congressman rather is also dropping out of the presidential race. >> his decision following president biden's clinching every democratic primary state on super tuesday. phillipst& campaign as an alternative to president biden. he threw his support behind the president. in
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a post today on x, phillips said, quote, it is clear the alternative is not me. and it is clear that joe biden is our candidate and our opportunity to demonstrate what type of country america is and intends to be. >> all right. more airstrikes in the middle east. this is peace talks continue while the white house now says it will prepare a new draft resolution for a cease fire in gaza
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israel and hamas. worldc leaders are urging for a temporary pause in the violence and an exchange of more israeli hostages for palestinian prisoners. we want this resolution, but we're not rushing the resolution because, as i've said in many, many, engagements that the real action is what is taking place on onc the ground, but we also want this resolution to support what
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is taking place on the ground. >> the draft calls for an immediate cease fire of roughly six weeks in gaza, together with the release of all hostages. linda thomas-greenfield, the us nations, says the ball is now in hamas's court to accept the deal, which would also bring a surge of humanitarian aid to palestiniansúin dire need. well, tensions continue to build on the israel-lebanon border as hezbollah fires dozens of rockets and it comes as negotiators in cairo work to in cairo work to secure a potential ceasefire ceasefire deal. fox fox's trey yanks reps says. trey yates reports at a tel aviv. >> israel's iron dome sho. israe shooting down rockets fired fron lebanon southern lebanon tuesday night.h says hezbollah says it launched the k attack in retaliation forion foa deadly israeli airstrike airstrike earlie earlier in the day. day. in response in response, israeli a hezbollah launch post. post. the sp the latest round of of violem violence comes as lebaneseese oy officials say they're studying a proposal from f the us envoy
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designed to calm tensions atione border. there is no suchhere isg as a limited war escalatemited l not help the the lebanese and israeli peoplele returnn home. escalation will not will not resolve resolve this ts crisis. meanwhile, negotiatorsas in cairo are still trying to secure a six week ceasefire deal between israel and hamas. with less than a week to go before the start of ramadan on wednesday. hamas says it will continue talks while still pushing for a complete withdrawal of israeli forces. some western officials remain skeptical. we think the proposal that israel put on the table, in consultation with the united states and with qatar and egypt, is one that hamas should agree to, and it's one that would alleviate the suffering of the palestinian people. but there's an urgent need to reach an agreement soon, with the un warning gaza is at risk of famine due to a limited amount of humanitarian aid entering the territory from others. our children are hungry and they want food. life is expensive in general. we only think about how
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we can feed them. on tuesday, the us and jordan conducted their second airdrop of aid over gaza, delivering more than 36,000 meals in tel aviv. trey yingst, fox news. turning now to bay area weather and a live look across the oakland estuary this afternoon. you can see san francisco. that's always a very good thing. we've seen a little bit of everything today a little rain, some clouds and some thunder in the east bay as well. let's check in with mark tamayo now and find out when the sunshine is going to hang out for a little while. hi there frankie, it looks like you can plan on that tomorrow as we head into your thursday forecast, but yeah, just looking at that camera shot looks like there's not too much happening out there, but it has been a very active radar all afternoon with multiple thunderstorms. aims quite a bit of a lightning strikes as well. the focus in the east bay and also the south bay. this is the radar loop over the past six hours or so. there's a circulation out here in the pacific providing the lift and the instability to generate those showers and thunderstorms. you can see the radar imagery over the past six
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hours, and all of the lightning strikes detected over the bay area. as we come in closer right now, we will show you this, the flood advisory. so all these areas right now under a flood advisory, all these areas in blue, so out toward the east bay, that's in place until 515. we're seeing rainfall accumulations around a half an inch and over an inch within a short amount of time out toward the out, toward the san mateo coastline here, actually out toward the peninsula that flood advisories in place for san mateo county, santa clara county, i should say, until 530, and then closer to morgan hill. that's in place until 515 this afternoon. here's the radar imagery just over the past one hour. you can see the progression of these cells moving from the north and heading to the south. so here's some of the coverage right now closer to the fremont area. some heavier cells showing up on the radar. and then we'll continue to move the maps around. and we'll show you some action in portions of the south bay. once again, moving from the north and heading to the south. right now, the focus approaching morgan hill and gilroy. in fact, if we just click a radar estimate with some of these cells, we could be
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talking about a rainfall rate of over an inch an hour. compare that to this shot. looking out toward the golden gate bridge and up toward the north bay. some breaks in the clouds, but still some lingering instability out there. this afternoon. current numbers in the upper 50s to the 60s. here's the forecast for this evening, mostly cloudy skies. we're going to hold on to some shower chances, but a dry pattern thursday and into friday. the weekend though, we're tracking a weak system that will send in more clouds and maybe some more showers. we'll have more on this with your full update in a little bit . all right mark, thank you. march for meals has begun here in the bay area. coming up next here on the four, the executive director of an east bay meals on wheels program is here live to talk about the goals it hopes to deliver during the month of march. and are you to side coverage continues with a look at the results from the 16th district congressional race in the south bay, where sam liccardo has taken the top spot, followed by joe simitian. more news coming up right after the break . a crackdown on junk fees
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that will help save billions of dollars in fines tomorrow. a financial expert weighs in on the new rules. now in motion for major credit card companies. on mornings on two, the most anticipated event of the year
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dennerlein, executive, and cordray manny, who is the spchief, operating officer of sc meals on wheels, based in san leandro. gentlemen, thank you so much for being here. charlie, before we talk about this really amazing effort that's happening this month. can you talk about what seniors, especially in alameda county, are experiencing right now? >> absolutely. in rapidly growing numbers, seniors are facing, uncertainty as to whether or not they can afford to live in their homes and thatc food insecurity, social isolation and loneliness are three of the factors that that can lead to someone over 60 or older to have staying at home where they want to be, where they choose to be. not being the best option, not being the healthiest option. and programs like ours help seniors they cho. >> yeah, it really provides that connection. as i mentioned to the outside world, when you talk about what this organization does, i mean,úthe numbers are really impressive. 600,000 meals year to something like 3500is
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seniors, all the way from from oakland to fremont. how how do you make that happen? >> yeah, eight cities is quite impressive. i think what we do, while we have a large workforce, we rely heavily onc community routes per day from oakland down to fremont, and about 50% of those routes are all driven by volunteers. and so we rely heavily on community resources and support from packaging the meals to training the meals tot& delivering the meals to the door. >> yeah, and that's really the message today is that if you're if you're interested inúhelping now is the time especially to ds annual campaign this march for meals. sure. >> so march for meals is a national effort led by meals on wheels america to highlight the importance of senior nutrition programs throughout the country and to fight funding cuts every single yearn as we >> yeah, though, when you talk about the importance of what this organization does, elaborate a little bit more on how this, for some seniors, is really the only one on one
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personal connection that theyt& have. >> definitely what we do is we provide one meal a day for moste third of what a senior actually needs in terms of nutrition. and so aiming to do as much as we possibly can with that, there is more work to be done. the lack of resources or the lack os really to bring awareness to pr. and tot& community to get involved, to help out as much as we can. so we can aim to provide eacht& senior with what they actually need. yeah >> and really to highlight the importance of this, charlie, though, when you talk about the funding cuts, how significant have they been overúthe lastc couple of years it's how severe it's going to be. say fortunate, but funding wise, fortunate throughout the through the pandemic. until about today, with all the additional stimulus packages that came through, we're facing a funding cliff.t& our state is not doing well. our
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cities aren't doing well, but our seniors need and deserve to& be doing well. so kadrey said that means we really have to turn to our communities and ask for help in as many ways as possible. >> yeah. and whatúare the consequences, though, if there is this substantial loss of additional funding? >> yeah, we've tried to be as strategicúas possible to respond to the funding cuts. so some of the consequences have been we've been previously able to deliver to every senior, every single day, meaning a senior gets five knocks a week. we've had to drastically cut back and now seniors are experiencing 2úto 5 deliveries a week. and it's become unpredictable. and so the more support that we get, the more we can provide the senior with some stability. >> okay. and charlie, final question for you. what are you hearing from those who do? in fact get that knock on the door and how much they to these visits. >> for the majority of the seniors that seniors that i get the opportunity to speak to, it's one of, if not the highlight of the day. it's not the meal that they look forward to as much as it is that in-person interaction with that
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person that they get to expect, that they get toúknow, that they get to look forward to. we hearm our volunteers. it's the best part of everyone's day is those moments that they get to spend together. yeah, and hopefully folks at home will be moved by that and help you guys out and come in and volunteer again, that is the focus of march for meals to really raise awareness. >> and charlie really appreciate what you're doing in our communities. keep folks at homel step up to help you as well. thanks for having us, frank. >> thank you. heather. next on the for premium pricing affecting californians. bottom line, we're live with an expert to talk about the latest developments as insurance rates continue to rise statewide. sta right there
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a new policy. state farm insures some 27% of properties here in california, and last year it made the decision to stop personal and business properties. all that after insurance giant reported a loss for 2022 and another 13ing billion at 2023. but here's the kicker insurance companies are still making money. so how does that work? and what lies ahead for us consumers with little insight, we say hello to carl sussman, the president of sussman insurance services int& southernúcalifornia. carl, good to have you with us.
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>> hi, frank. thanks for having me. i appreciate well, the numbe staggering. billions of dollars in losses, but still making money. carl, how how does that work? >> it's actually easier than it sounds. you know, when you hear that the insurance industry is making money, that's sort of is it's raining and say, well, it must be raining everywhere. if it's raining here, there are parts, parts the insurance industry can still make profit. there are states new hampshire, north dakota, vermont, ohio where they're able to turn profits. however, there are other states like california, florida, texas, colorado where they're losing money to, you know, to staggering numbers. and that's why you're seeing them pull back in the areas where they're not able to make a profit. >> so with insurance companies are making a profit, why are they not writing policies or because of who we are here in california and what happens here or what are you saying? >> people don't like california? what do you mean? no, the best
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we know that mother nature's been brutal. i can giveúyou. they have? well you know what? like. it's unpredictability. and we're having rainstorm after rainstorm, wildfires and tsunamis and all, and major water eventsúcoming in off the pacific ocean, these are not things that carriers have been prepared for, and they're paying out claims that they haven't priced into their pricing models. so what they're doing right now is everyone is sort of in this retreat mode, trying to figure out how to properly price a product in california and they're dealing with some regulations and some propositions and laws that have been on the books for s0 years that just don't work anymore. so i think we're seeing right now is the culmination of all of the carriers that are losing money. we've had companies go bankrupt and leave california. we've had companies that have simply a way solvent, and they're waiting. and when you have, you know, mat offering policies, you can spimagine what the price is goig
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>> yeah. well, let's talk about that. whatc can consumers do to make sure they're not only insured, but they'rec not gettig overcharged too well,úwe used t, which, you know, you check with different go to a broker and thy look around. and now we look at it more like hunting. you look, you aim, you fire. ifc you hit something, grab it and hug it and hold on toúit tight because coverage. so if you have at- policy, the most important thine likelihood, if you let that policy cancell you miss a payment, the insurance carrier, because they're actually losing money. by keeping that policy in effect is not going to reinstate you. so take all of the options you can to put the policy on autoúpay, auto credit card, auto checking out something so you can't possibly miss a payment. so that very good advice there. >> how about the future with inflation mother nature has in, can we ext our premiumsúto continue to skyrocket and lose carriers change?her? when's that going to >> it's the news is actually good and it's so nice. after 3
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or 4 years of gloom and doom, to be able to say this, that the future is bright. what's happening now is the department of insurance is rolling out new regulations. it's called the and it's updating some of they. regulations to allow insurance companies to actually underwrite and to price risks based on their risk, where they actually are, and other characteristics that previously they couldn't. of the carriers are going to all slowly come back. and when we have all of the carriers back, you know what so we're going to continue to see premiums increasing until we reachúthat point where the carriers start reentering the market. then competition kicks in and then we can expect to stl out again. >> bit of aúwaiting game, i guess? >> unfortunately, yes.úbut we're already at that point. i think spwe should start to see carries reentering the market before the end all right. very good. we got to leave it there. carl sussman with sussman insurance. thank you very much. alwaysúa pleasure, carl. thanks, frank. take care. >> well, a free speech protest today at uc. the group,
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by any means necessary, led that rally. it's trying to call attention to a uc regent proposal to ban uc faculty and staff from publishing political statements. the group says the proposal is a way for uc to censor speech on the issue of palestine. >> thisúattack by regent shaw's is a heavy handed attemptc to censor and repress all pro-palestine speech, and we condemn it in the strongest possible terms of the uc regents have not yet commented on today's protest. >> however, uc officials behind the proposal say it is necessary spto ensure that the opinions oy are not mistaken for the lawmakers is trying once again to make big changes to theúvideo sharing app tiktok. they say the chinese government could be harvesting personal data from millions of americans, and they worry that china is already using tiktok to influence elections in other countries to
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fight back. ten republicans and ten democrats have come together with a bill that aims to separate the social media platform from its parent company, bytedance. >> the chinese communist party and its leader, xi jinping, have their hands deep in the inner workings of the company, with devastating consequences for our own personal freedoms. >> i certainly think it's a dangerous, app that can influence this with chinese propaganda. our population, should the ccp want to do that? >> well, the bills authors say this is not a ban on the popular app. it basically is. the american app stores fromt carrying it if it stays under the current ownership. in response, bytedance and even some other lawmakers say forcing the separation. the bill is pas. bytedance would have six months to divest itself from tiktok. >> all right. boeing under
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of the national transportationir safety board told lawmakers today that the company is not cooperating with investigators blowout on one of boeing's planes. >> fox david spuntúis in washington with the information the company has failed to provide. it's absurd. >> heard that two months later, we don't have that ntsb chair jennifer homendyúnot holding back her frustration at boeingn >> at homendy told lawmakers the company is withholding information from her investigators, including records indicating who worked on the door plug that flew off a 737 max nine mid-flight in january. >> we know for a fact that there is a team that deals with the doors in renton. there's an entire team of 25 people in a manager. >>úa preliminary report last month found four bolts that helped keep the door plug in placeúwere missing. after the panel during a
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repair job last september, homendy says despite repeated requests, boeing never provided records on that repair or even said if they kept those records. lawmakers were stunned at hammond's testimony. well, i spwillc say that is utterly unacceptable. hours after the hearing, boeing submitted a full list of its 737 door team. it also addressed the issue of documentation door plug removals undocumented, there would be no documentation to share. we will continue to cooperate fully and investigation. while hammonds didn't suggest any intentional wrongdoing, she did stress the delay would hold up the ntsb's overall probe. investigators began interviews with workers at boeing's plant in washington state on sunday that will likely comes after the faa gave boeing 90údays to respond to quality control issues raised by the agency and industry experts in
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washington. david spunt, fox news. >> all right. more election results to bring you this afternoon in the race for the district 12 congressional seat, the lee. jennifer tran are moving on to r . for lee, byúthe way, has endorsed simon, who is a bart board director. let's take a look now at county. results showing that voters are approving this measure. with the early results coming in, it would change the recall rules to align with the state's recall guidelines. it would raise the number of signatures required to get a recall on the ballot, and also give local election officials additional time to schedule a vote. >> well, barry, weather there wh numerous showers, thunderstorms and lightning strikes. a pattern change tomorrown we're actually going to dry things out. we' mr. box? i had this idea... is it giving people lots of great food for 6 dollars,
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and letting them choose between two delicious sandwiches? great idea, devon. run with it! that went well. and you run and get my $6 jack pack. welcome to jack in the box!
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4:43 pm
oh hey, jack. going up? actually, no, justine... my famous 2 tacos are still just 99¢ when you order on the jack app or online. could you press 6, please? i'm going up. get my famous 2 tacos for just 99¢. only on the jack app or online. ♪ in three weeks. the dow rose 75 points, nasdaq was up 91, s&p 500úfinished the day up 26. >> okay. as spring weather approaches, hard for us to imagine with all of the rain and stuff that we've seen lately, drivers, though, should prepare for those gas prices to start to go up. >> yeah, there they go. fox's jeff flock reports with the price increase and what you can expect with a change of season,
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if you've had to fill up your car lately, you probably already know this. >> but rise sometimes happens this time of the year, but pretty sharp increases in some places. take a look at the latest numbers. the average gallon of regular now $3 and s8, if you take in all 50 states, that's about a dime more than it was a week ago and about a quarter more than it month ago. worst offenders in terms of the states. well, the usual suspects. california, about a dollar and a half more than the national average. hawaii, washington also pretty high the price of oil has gone up that. however, according to oil analyst andy lipow, is not because of a lack of us production in spite of the biden administration policies that seek to limit fossil fuel production. >> we've seen the oil industry rise to the occasion and now is producing a record day of crude.
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>> indeed, inovember of lastt& year, we set an all time record for us oil production 13.319 million barrels per day. that's more than saudi arabia produces, more than the russians produce. we also had a similar numberúin december,úa lot is made sometimes of president biden's he's fighting a war on oil, he's doingúabout as well as the sprussians in ukraine. he's losg in philadelphia. i'm jeff flock with the foxc business network. >> okay. i mentioned that rainy weather that some parts of the bay area experienced. we want to talk more about our unsettled weather that skyline or that the clouds, they're really telling the story.úit was kind of unpredictable today. let's bring tamayo, an unpredictable in the sense that you didn't really know what you were going to encounter. generalities how we say thek in possibility of some thunderstorms, but boy, yeah,
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those thunderstorms really popped up by this afternoon. there as well, leading to flood advisories across portions of the bayúarea. so if you did not encounter anyúrainfall, other areas definitely experiencing some heavy downpours. earlier this afternoon and we still have some rain to talk about on the radar as we take a long range here. the system over the bay area right now is going to move out of town, so we have a dry weather stretch tomorrow and into your friday into the weekend. we'll see some changes. we'll definitely see some clouds roll into the area. this is saturday. we're going to keep an eye on this energy upstream because by sunday we could be tracking a few scattered showers, especially maybe by sunday afternoon into sunday tht chance into monday of next week. so not a major system, but we're not going to take a look at aft. since about the 12:00 hour. multiple lightning strikes, as you can see and still leading to these flood advisories in place right now across parts of the bay area, out towardc the inland east bay, alameda and contra costa county until 515. for san mateo and santa clara county
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until 530, and then closer to watsonville. that's in place until 515, over the past one hour the lightning strikes kind of fading away, but we still have some pretty good downpours out there. as you can see from the san ramon out toward fremont, you can see spthese these these cells still impacting the bay area still soe coverage. once again, the activity moving from the north to the south. and here's some of the coverage in the santa cruz d morgan hill and gilroy. so over the next few hours, these showers should begin to taper off. but we still have at least the possibility in the short terms of some pretty good downpours out there. here's a circulation driving all of this unsettled weather, this area of low pressure offshore here. this already producing some rain showers in southern california as well. and for us, we still have some lingering is the viewe our south bay camera. we'll go ahead of the current numbers out there. santa rosa in the lower 60s, concord,e
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upper 50s reporting 59 degrees. so this evening, mostly cloudy skies, the chance of some showers thursday and friday. it's a dry weather pattern. we get a chance to get outside the umbrellas, get a break. this weekend. no major storms, butc definitely some more clouds. and the chance of some showers that would and into sunday night. overnight temperatures will be in the 30s and the 40s. partly cloudyúskies, maybe some patchy fog out there today, though we have theúunsettled conditions. the showers and the thunderstorms all due to this area of low pressure. this will move out to the east to for tomorrowúin this area of high pressure. wants to return. so the storm track for thursday and friday will be lifted up north and we have a dry weather pattern forecast model reflects all those changes headed our way for your thursday. we'll have mostly sunny skies by the afternoon hours. pretty much the your friday. and then by theto weekend we'll definitely send in some more clouds. we'll be watching out for this activity up to a slight chance of a sprinkle, but the probably the better bet will be sunday afternoon will
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be upper 50s to the lower 60s with mostly sunny skiesn and look ahead. your five day forecast. we get a break from tl take it for thursday and friday. saturday. the slight chance of a sprinkle. and then on sunday we do bring in some shower chances and a slight chance could last into mondayúof next week as well. but it'll be weird to see the sunshinec back in thet& forecast tomorrow. i think it's a welcome sight for us. >> i agree. >> oh yeah, no complaints on much mark. appreciate it. well,- we have much more news headed your head outside now to check on the weather but traffic. and these are the current conditions along the san mateo bridge as the evening commute gets underway. and for commuters, it is a mateo bridge this afternoon.t- >> alameda, california 76l000 people with a relatively small police department, but they helped lead one of the biggest busts of the fencing pe
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stay mayor london, breed and the irish consulate consulate at city hall, mayor breed says the flag raising represents the city's bond, commitment, work and growth with the irish community in san francisco, san francisco has been celebrating saint patrick's for 173 years. >> we've been celebrating that
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rich history and valuing the relationship that brings us together. >> there will be saint patrick's day events around the city over the next week and a half, including the 173rd annual saint saturday, march 16th. >> and we'll keep that theme going as spring approaches, so spdoes saint patrick's day, anda new list shows the best cities across the u.s. for celebrating. according to data toúwallethub, boston came in at number one, followed by chicago, where the river, of course, is dyed green each year for the festivities out here on the west coast, ren. okay, santa rosa came in at number ten on the list at san francisco, down the list at number 28. nationwide, more than 31.3 million people in the u.s. claim irish ancestry. that's more than six times the population of ireland, and consumers are projected to spend some $7.2 billion on the
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>> well, in this ktvu idea of the day, we asked image generator midjourney to imagine the bay bridges or the bay bridge if it was green. here's a of green lights to celebrate. maybe theyúcould do that with that. that looks cool. yeah, and here's whatc it came up with for the golden gate bridge. looks like it brought the lush greenery of ireland along with the color change there. that was a little spooky. >> that does. yeah. i'll take the bay bridge is better. >> yeah. tay with s. ( ♪ ) you made a cow! actually it's a piggy bank. my inspiration to start saving. how about a more solid way to save? i'm listening. well, bmo helps get your savings habit into shape with a cash reward, every month you save. both: cash reward? and there's a cash bonus when you open a new checking account to get you started. wow. anything you can't do? ( ♪ )
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did my legs shrink? i can move them. i mean, i knew alaska airlines' premium class had extra legroom but this... this feels different. okay. crazy idea. on the count of 3... i'm going to try and cross my... ohhhhhhhhhhh boyy that's nice. woooooo! ( ♪ )
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now proposition g, which has been approved by voters, encourages the school district to bring back algebra to middle schools and offer it to eighth graders learning to read is a crucial part of your childhood, but as students continue working to make up for learning gaps created by the pandemic, academic professionals say most kids could still benefit from additional reading improvement. fox's connor hansen takes a look at how not just teachers, but parents can play a proactive role in improving improving reading proficiency. >> while many young kids are still trying to claw back from setbacks to their reading proficiency triggered by the covid 19 pandemic, data from the national assessment of educational progress reveals reading levels over the last two
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decades have mostly remained flat. >> there's always room for improvement. we have most of the children not necessarily reading at levels of proficiency that we'd like to see academic experts from across the country are trying to implement different strategies to combat the problem with education. >> officials in georgia, for instance,úlooking to send literacy coaches intoúlow performing schools. >> we always say universal screeners wave the red flag. coaches can help by providing demonstrations on lessons. you know, walking side by side with the teacher. >> but shayne piasta of the ohio state university says helping ko read, parents are usually their first teachers, adding it's critical kids are surrounded with a variety of literacyc materials inside the home, whether those are children's books, adult books, magazines, newspapers in the house, seeing your your grocery list to help s
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, piasta also recommends focusing on these skills, in particular being able to understand that print on the page is connected to sound. meanwhile, having conversationsd their vocabulary and that can spalso help strengthen their reading abilities. connor hanson, fox news ktvu. >> fox two news at five starts >> super tuesday now in the books and now the november election. picture much clearer tonight from the race for the white house to who will represent california in congress . good evening. i'm julie julie haener and i'm mike mibach here are some of the election headlines this evening. >> proposition one, the only statewide measure that was on the ballot. and that would provide billions of dollars for mental health funding. still too close to call. a series of ballot measures in san francisco did pass that could signal a move toward more moderate policies. also, there's just one republican left in the race for the white house, and it's down
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to two people in the race for the us senate seat. once held by the late dianne feinstein here in california. and that is wherm schiff will face off against republican steve garvey in our g lee, is here now. greg, both candidates have some work to do. >> julie. mike, it's certainly an uphill climb for steve garvey, but adam schiff, he still has some work toúdo to build his coalition. both campaigns turning their focus to the next eight months ahead of the this runoffúmarking a major shift for this u.s. senate seat in a lot of ways. thank you. >> and let's go on and win this thing on and over, everybody. >> we haven't come this far to only go this far. >> democratic representative adam schiff will meet republican and political newcomer steve garvey in the general election for the right to fill the senate seat long held by the late dianne feinstein. >> now it's a different race. essentially, adam schiff could run steve garvey's campaign in the top two


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