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tv   The Eleven O Clock News on KTVU FOX 2  FOX  March 5, 2024 11:00pm-11:31pm PST

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want to go there or not. yes. all right joe, thank you. you bet. next at 11. >> what you are feeling tonight, it is what it's likeúto hit a walk off home run. >> republican steve garvey moves on to november in the california senate race to face off against front runner democrat adamc schiff. but not everyone happy with tonight's results for all of your support. we built an amazing grassroots team and the 11:00 news on ktvu. >> fox two starts interrupting congressman adam schiff's victory speech in southern california tonight. and one of the most widely watched races nationwide on this super tuesday. good evening everyone. i'm mike mibach and i'm julie julie haener. >> let's take a look now at the latest numbers coming in. adam schiff currently has if we can put up the numbers on the screen. there they are. he has 36% of the vote right now. steve
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garvey, the republican, has 30% of the vote tonight. congresswoman katie porter and barbara leec are officially knocked out of this race. ktvu jana katsuyama joins us now live with reaction from all four of the candidates. jana incredible evening tonight. disappointment& from porter and lee. and some say garvey's win division ship was of emotion tonight. all four did speak todayc. >> i congratulate congressman schiff for joining me in the generalúelection. >> speaking on election night former l.a. steve garvey pitches come from behind campaign as a win for moderate california republicans. >> we feel good about where we are right now. i'll say tonight it's the first game of a doubleheader, the second game is going to be daunting, but with results still coming in, and in a state where republicans between garvey and democrat adam
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schiff seems more likely to spclinch seat for schiff. >> in november, schiff spoke from his campaign party in southern california after polls closed. >> it looks like we're going to the general, ladies and gentlemen, myúgreat gratitude to all of my wonderful supporters. i want to acknowledge the right of our protesters, and i look forward to working with you all and onward to victory in november, schiff cast his vote in burbank earlier in the day, the southern california congressman with bay area roots in danville and stanford university. >> his sights set on november with strong endorsements by speaker emerita nancy pelosi, labor unions and the l.a. times. his closest democratic competitor, congresswoman katie porter, who voted over the weekend in irvine, cast her campaign as a progressive one, one that didn't take money from pacs and was endorsed by senator elizabeth warren and the san francisco chronicle. >> we know that tonight we will come up short. let me also say
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this our opponents, through everything, every trick, millions of dollars, every trick in the playbook to knock us off our feet. but i'm still standing in high heels.úanother top democrat, congresswoman barbara lee of oakland, said on tuesday her campaign has built a multiracial, progressive movement. >> what's important in terms of barbara lee for senate is that people understand that i see them, i hear them that i want be to get the public financing the campaigns because, well, you can see the disparity in the money. i mean,úcome on, the establishment money doesn't pro. >> the congressional vote that she will be watching the votes being counted. she did not say what she would do after her 26 years in congress. if all of that does come to a close. and,
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you know, earlier we mentioned the protesters at adam schiff event saying chanting gaza. and be a really tricky situation for democrats going into november. >> indeed. all right, jana, thank you for that. >> thank you. jana well, when we're representative lee decided to run for the senate, she forfeited her seat in the house. lee has endorsed lateefah simon to be her predecessor. simon has served on the bart board of directors and has also picked up endorsements from the governor. newsom and attorney general rob bonta. right now, simon is in the lead right now with 43% support to her opponent with 17% of the vote. >> i went back. an amazing legacy of the incredible ron dellums, the incredible legacy of barbara lee is one that i will deeply attach myself to. >> i deeply understand that this race still has not yet been
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called, but simon is favored tol election. >> meanwhile, in silicon valley, congresswoman anna eshoo, retiring after 32 years in office in a crowded field of 11 candidates vyingúfor her seat. remember, the top two candidates here move onúto the general election in november. taking a look at the latest results, former san jose mayor sam liccardo, with 22% of the vote and santa claraúcounty supervisor joe simitian with 18% of the vote, 50% of the precincts reporting here. california state senate inet- district seven, which covers much of alameda county, as well as part of contra costa county. incumbent state senator nancy skinner is termed out. here's a look at the results right now. berkeley mayor jesse arreguin, with 32% of the vote in oakland. councilman dan kalb again right now with 17% of the vote. the top two again heading off to the general election in november. >> two seats are up for different alameda county districts. jennifer esteen is up
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for against longtime county supervisor nate miley. this seat represents castro valley, most of pleasanton and large parts of oakland. on the board of supervisors, you can see nate, miley winning big here with 63% of the vote. so far. the other supervisor seat is district five. here's ac look. now at where those votes stand tonight. oakland city council member nikki fortunato bass is in the lead there with 27% of the vote, with emeryville city council member john borders coming in second, not too far behind with 20% of the vote. all right, now to the race for the white house, where president joe biden andt& former president donald trump have both secured a win in california tonight. >> all right. first, let's take a look at the results from the republican. donald trump with 76% of the vote here in california to nikki haley's 20. >> meantime, on the democratic side, president biden has also locked in california. big time with 90% of the vote here so far this evening. >> now, nationwide, voters in 15 states plus the territory of american samoa cast ballots this
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super tuesday for both the democratic and republican parties. about a third of all >> it was a big night fort int- president biden and former president trump as they marched biden now has an estimated 593c delegates, with many more to be allocated from tonight. he needs 1968 to become the presumptive nominee. so far, mr. trump has an estimated 751 delegates, 1215 are needed to clinch the republican nomination. well, a final look now at tonight's major takeaways. at the top of the ticket, we're joined by our political reporter, greg lee. greg, the focus has now shifted toward the general election. julie. >> mike, good evening to you. trump and biden dominating the contest tonight and honing in on each other as polls closed around the country. both men fell just short of a sweep of super tuesday, but certainly began setting the stage for november. mr. trump, at this point only losing vermont to haley. he watched the results
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roll in from his mar a lago estate in florida, and it changed from his previous victory speeches. he did not single out nikki haley or call for her to drop out. he didn't even mention her by name. the former president instead called for unity in the party. trump will bounce between the campaign trail and the courtroom as he faces 91 felony counts. tonight, sphe centered his attacks on president biden as he turned the page to november. >> there's never been anything so conclusive. this was an amazing an amazing night, an amazing day. it's been an incredible period of time andc our country's history. it's been sad in so many ways, but i think it's going to be inspiring because we're going to do something that, frankly, nobody has been able to do for a long time. november 5th is going to go down as the single most important day in the history of our country. >> president biden also focused on november, releasing a statement that said in part, tonight's results leave the american people with a clear
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choice. are we going to keep moving forward, or will we allow donald trump to drag us backwards into the chaos division and darkness that defined his time in office? now back to the republicans. nikki haley did not give public remarks tonight. she watched the returns from south carolina with her staff, her campaign releasing a statement saying in part there remains a large block of republican primary voters who are expressing deep concerns about donald trump. here's what she said this morning about. >> i don't know why everybody is so adamant that they have to follow trump's lead to get me out of this race, you know, all of these people deserve to vote. 16 states want to have their voices heard. let's let their voices get heard. i think that's it's as pro-american as it gets. that's where democracy we don't anoint kings in america. we let people have choices. >> now, while biden cruised through tonight's primaries, an effort that started in michigan carried over into a few states,& spmost notably in minnesota, voters choosing uncommitted instead of the president, a
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protest vote over his handling of israel and gaza. again, nikki haley still in the race tonight. the next major state. excuse me? the next major contest will be on march 12th. four states will hold nominating contests, and that is when donald trump's campaign believes that he can clinch the nomination in studio. greg lee, ktvu, fox two news.t& >> all right, greg, thank you. well, california voters have one statewide ballot proposition on today's ballot. proposition one would allow the state to borrow $6.4 billion to use to build mental health and substance abuse treatment facilities. it would also build supportive housing for the homeless. the proposition has the support of governor newsom, law enforcement question the constitutionalitys of the measure, as well costs. the results tonight showing so far that voters are saying yes to proposition one, 52% to 48% voting no. all right. >> for an overview of all the races here and what to look out for as the polls have closed, we're joined by ktvu political
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analyst brian sobel. let's get right to the presidential race. it does appear as if donald trump will get the nomination, maybe in the next week or so, if that happens for president biden. are those nikki haley voters, those voters who went to the polls tonight and voted nikki haley? are those gettable for president biden moving forward? >> well, whether they're gettable or not, that is going to be an effort by the after peo just don't feel like they can vote for donald trump and so he has to be the alternative. the problem with the alternative is he's got his own set of issues, and republicans don't necessarily want to vote for him. i think we're going to see maybe a record number of people sitting it out onúthursday, president biden has the state o& the union address. >> how important is that speech for him moving forward? >> julie, it's very, very important. he's he has to look like the president. he has to really get through the speech. now, of course, it's on prompter. and he's pretty good with that. but people are going
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to be watching the way he walks in the how he deals with people, how he delivers the speech very carefully. itgs a him. ñ> now turning to the senate race here in california, republican steve garvey, didn't spend a dime, i believe, on any political advertising for so fae is making it toúthe top two and to the general election. your thoughts about steve garvey and adam schiff and how thisúracet& will will pan out here? >> well, it was kind of a walk off home run. there you go, the former dodger. >> but if what's your strategy right now moving forward to the general. >> you know, he he has to get very serious about this really quickly. he has been weak on the issues, to be honest and he he needs to put out a plan that will attract california voters. and it's not enough that he's, you know, a great baseball player and all of that. he'súin a different arena now, and he's obviously running against a very seasoned and very clever, by the
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way, politician in adam schiff. look what adam schiff was able to do with elevated garvey. and now has has the race in his hands. >> and to think about the future here and but adam schiff, remember, was the democratic face of president trump's first impeachment trial. if he were to win, if donald trump were to win a second time, could what kind of role would adam schiff play in the united states senate, and possibly foiling maybe, you know, donald trump's next time if he if he were to win. well, he's having those two come together. >> yes. i you an ongoing fight i think. but but schiff is not going to have ranking in the senate. you know he's going to he added in the house he had it in the house. but now he goes to the senate different, different body. but he isn't going to let up on donald trump and donald trump has no time for adam schiff. so there'll be a lot of fireworks there. >> all right. it's been a busy day, a lot to talk about. brianl
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thanks, asúalways for joining us tonight. i appreciate your time. thanks brian. well, as the polls closed earlier tonight, election results in california tend to take a bit longer to tally largely mail balloting. those ballots put into mailboxes today orújust before election day can take a few days to arrive in the mail. california law dictates that ballots postmarked by election day must be accepted for up to seven days, meaning the total number of ballots cast won't even be known until well into next that counties have 28 days to complete the official tabulation process. so we all have to be patient and you can stay up to date on the races here in california and other super tuesday states by heading to our website, pg e customers lost nearly $900,000 last year in fraudulent payments. >> the utility major warning about scammers also hadúa substantial amount of trash cleaned out of lake tahoe. >> on the nevada side. a look at the nonprofit behind those cleanup efforts disruptions in e
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polling process. what experts are warning about how artificial intelligence could have a role in misinforming voters deep breath. cancer is a journey you don't take alone. you did it! our cancer care team works together to care for all that is you.
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going to drive, send multiple people to the hospital after crashing into oncoming traffic, and police say the car was driving at high speeds before it struck a guardrail, then veered into traffic and hit a minivan.
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>> two women were in the van. they suffered serious injuries but are expected to survive. police say there were three other people in the car. the 14 year old was driving ages 12. the 14 year old was driving. other people 12 and 16. all four hospitals. police say parents of the teen driver did not know he had taken outúthe car. >> and in utah, a massive neighborhood after a windstorm caused tumbleweeds to pile up right outside people's homes. people there say it started with 1 or 2 and then became a much bigger problem. some of them even span bigger than four feet in diameter, and now more residents frustrated because recent snowfall has turned the cleanup efforts into a mess. officials say it will likely take all week to clear out the debris, and you can hear about the west coast top stories every weekday right here on ktvu. wes& 7:00 monday through friday. ors, pg and e says utilityt- scams are on the rise, with
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scammers swindling nearly $900,000 from customers just last year. >> pg and e says it received nearly 43,000 reports from customers who were targeted by scammers impersonating the company, and customers lost about $875,000 in fraudulent payments,údata shows. the average customer lost about $800 pg and says scammers may threaten to disconnect your service and demand you purchase a prepaid card, or say you owe a refund or. >> new at 11, the environmental nonprofit responsible for a 72 mile cleanup of lake tahoe, is releasing data from their two year survey of the lake. clean up the lake, says their dive teams revisited 20 litter hotspots within the 0 to 25 foot shoreline. there were nearly 880 pounds of litter in these spots last year, a significant improvement from the nearly 3,000 pounds of litter in 2021. this means divers did remove about 77% of the litter. future
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cleanup projects will focus the5 foot zones, and historic bakery sold in the east bay for just $1. >> look at who the new owner is and his intention behind the new business venture. caught smuggling ammunition tos south america. the long investigation leading to his arrest. >> and we come back. we'll take a peek at the radar. there's on. we'll take a look at what you can expect tomorrow. there's a little green
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day is from wet today, especially in the north bay. check out kentfield 8.35 san rafael, 1500. santa rosa a quarter inch and much less santa
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rosa or san jose. san francisco point zero, 2.01.0103 and fremont. so it just depended where the heck you were. tomorrow is going to be very similar.úthe rain is going to be more or the potential for sprinkles is like, today is going to be more. seems like it's going be a little more towards south central peninsula and then more towards thec south bay as well. soúwe'll see how that goes. but tomorrow is very similar day to today, except we're going to be warmer. we're going to see a little more sunshine, but we're also going to see a little bit of that green. there's the current green on the map now, mainly to the north. the forecast model. here we are tonight. and you can kind of see the green, the rain. and then you see it's a low i don't know if you can see it's hard to see.úthere's a low. it's spgoing like this and it's backg up and going this way. so that's that rotation and this moisture is going to come up over the top. you'll see it right here. so 2:00 tomorrow afternoon. right. so there's a chance. and even that looks like convection like maybe they want to throw a thunderstorm in there or something. or at least something
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with some, some, some heavy rain. we'll see. but again there's going to be lots of breaks. and then again at 7:00 the afternoon commute, maybe some sprinkles and drizzle, then gone. so we'll see. that's a tough one, especially with that low moving off the way it is. it's going to be interesting. that's going to be wet in southern california because that's where the low is going. but we again are getting another drive by system that drives right by. and then we get another one on saturday and then another say drive by i mean just going o be a direct hit. kind of like today's thing. these are the forecast numbers for tomorrow. so how do you plan your day tomorrow? whatever you did today, just double up and do it again tomorrow. there's just scattered showers back in the forecast. it should keep the kids. kids should be able to walk to school okay. and be able to walk home. the five day forecast shows some chance of showers on saturday. and again, you don't see that, but on monday asúwell. but none of it is high grade stuff. it's all kind of just drive by light stuff. see you back here tomorrow night. >> all right, bill, thank you. well, new at 11 tonight. a richmond man is charged with
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smuggling ammunition from the united states to brazil. a federal grand jury in indicted dia de souza ferreira on february 27th. prosecutors say he smuggled thousands of rounds of ammunition in two containers shipments out of the port of oakland in 2021. the suspect faces felony charges for smuggling ammunition without an export license. if convicted, he could face up to ten years in prison. he was released on bond and is set to appear in court tomorrow. >> menlo park headquartered meta reports it resolved a service outage that hit a couple of their social media platforms today, but some users say it hasn't been fixed. an email from a company spokesperson said the outage was due to a security breach, but did not provide further details is continuing tn the issue. their outage page lists the outage as fixed, but facebook users continue to report problems accessing the site. a senior u.s. cybersecurity official says they are not aware of any connections between today's elections and the outage. the bay area's oldest and possibly very last
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kosher bakery in the area now has a new owner, having acquired the business for just $1 closede deal on the historic grand bakery, taking over the business from san toby's. we brought you the story back in october when toby's initially announced he was selling the grand bakery, his priority was finding the right owner. more than 200 submissions poured in to acquire the business. ultimately baer silber was chosen as the new owner. he comes with a long background of running other bay revive his family's businessot- legacy. >> this election day, a new concern over disruptions in the polling process. when we come back tonight, how artificial intelligence could have a role experts say we needers. whatt- to
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could play in the process, even possibly disrupting future elections. back in january, a fake version of president biden's voice was used in a robocall to deter voting in new hampshire's primary. after that, the us federal communications commission made it illegal to use ai generated voices for unsolicited robocalls, with the could be used to misinform voters. now, earlier today, we did speak with an internet security expert artificial inten elections. >> we do anticipate that generative ai certainly has the potential to increase misinformation the risk today, super tuesday, it's very quiet. we are not hearing of any spread of misinformation. but we know as we get closer to the
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general election,úthat will all change. >> election officials say theyt& are more worried about the use of ai technology to deceive voters than they are about hacking of their voting systems. >> okay, before we leave you tonight, here's one last look at some late night election returns in the race for california adamd republican newcomer steve garvey are expanding to the general election in november. here's a look. now at the latest numbers. you can see adam schiff in the steve means a tight race, 35.t- spkatie porter and barbara lee e finished up right now in the race for the white house. president biden and former president trump the republican primary results. donald trump easily beating nikki haley with 76% of the vote. nikki haley showing 20% of the vote. okay, on the democratic side, president biden has easily locked in california.
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he took home 90% of the vote so far. this is with 35% of the estimated votes in so far appeat president biden and former president trump are heading sptoward a rematch of 2020. >> all right, that's it. thank you for joining us. everybody on the ten and 11:00 news. our next newscast is mornings on two. and of course, they will have all spthe very from this very busy super tuesday. >> yeah. from national to local races. and to stream the latest news and weather onúyour smart tv anytime, download the fox local app to your tv. again, thanks for joining us everyone. good night what? i'm frank maica. welcome to like it or not a show where


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