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tv   KTVU FOX 2 News at 4pm  FOX  February 21, 2023 4:00pm-5:01pm PST

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this is a live look at jack london square in oakland. you can see those flags blowing in our wind. even our camera is shaking. it's all happening right now on the floor. from ktvu. fox two news. this is the fourth. today's strong winds already causing a number of trees to come crashing down, leading to some outages throughout the bay area. welcome everyone to the four on this tuesday afternoon. i'm heather holmes and i'm claudine wang. we are already seeing some issues from the wind. several large trees came crashing down this afternoon and we spoke to the driver of that crushed cars and faster city. and the driver told us he was just driving on center road on his way to costco when he heard a big noise, and then that tree came crashing down onto his car. thankfully, no one was hurt. and those heavy winds also brought down this tree in san francisco. security camera video shows the moment that several cars as you see right there or damaged when that tree came crashing down. this
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was in the parking lot there in the mission district are christian captain actually spoke to a man who narrowly avoided being crushed by that tree. you'll hear from him coming up in just a few minutes at five. and another down tree to tell you about making for a massive traffic slowed down for drivers headed this afternoon into san francisco at the treasure island tunnel along the bay bridge. giving you a live. look now at the back up that's heading into san francisco boy. what a mess. the strong winds will pick up throughout the evening. thanks to those winds, downing trees throughout the area. we're already seeing a number of power outages. here's the current look at some of the outages affecting parts of the bay area more than 70,000 customers are currently without power with more than 30,000 outages also reported on the peninsula. about 16,000 in the south bay and at least 7000 people affected in san francisco and the north bay and east bay as well urging people here in the bay area to make preparations for this series of
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storms now making its way through the region as we've been talking about those strong winds and even some rain expected and those could cause more trees and limbs to fall another debris to crash right into power lines like we've already seen. be genie has activated its regional and statewide emergency operation centers, and the utility is moving resources to areas that could be most affected by the storms here in the bay area, as well as in the santa cruz mountains. we are staging our crews. we are preparing for deploying our resources. whether it's cruz materials, anything that we need to restore power to our customers over the next few days. now if the power goes out here are some tips from pg and he never touched a live power lines. we've heard that time and time again. also, it's a good idea to keep a battery operated flashlight and radio within easy reach store waterfield plastic containers in your freezer and use safer led candles if you can. okay so we've been talking
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a lot about these highwoods. i have to say, mark. i was a bit surprised at just how gusty things were on my drive in from san francisco to oakland just a few hours ago, especially go ahead. claudia feels like it's just the beginning to yeah, that's right. that is the problem. this is kind of a long duration event. and the wind advisory is that we're talking about yesterday have been upgraded to a high wind warning. so, yeah, the winds kind of over performing, at least compared to what the forecast for anticipated. at least we were expecting that yesterday, so strong winds easily going up about 40 up about 50 miles an hour and keep in mind these visuals you're seeing with the down trees. these are all linked to the january storms. of course that weakened quite a bit with all the rainfall doesn't take much for those threes to come down and the winds really doing doing their thing for today, take a look at some of the gusts already. ocean beach 68 miles an hour sfo 62 oakland, hayward close to 60 miles an hour san jose 48 so typically, we're talking about oh, just near the immediate coastline or for the higher elevations. that is not
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the case. this is wide spread over the entire bay area. the high wind warning as you can see closer to the coastline to this was the area under a wind advisory. this is now a high wind warning indicating gusts up above 50 miles an hour, so we do have that in place until nine o'clock wednesday morning, a wind advisory until one p.m. wednesday winds going up about 40 approaching 50 miles an hour . this is all linked up to a pattern change a significant pattern change. yesterday we had the mild temperatures. now you can see that speckle cloud cover up to our north. that is a cold pattern is going to bring in some rain and some very low elevation snow here in the bay area as we check out some of the current wind reports. this is the first step the first stage with that change. you can see the winds picking up oakland airport right now. gusting to 45 miles an hour sfo gusting at 58 san jose. in fact, we have to update that that peak gust because you can see right now. upwards of 53 miles an hour current numbers. it's a cooler pattern out there as we take a look at our current temperatures
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, and here is our live camera, looking out toward the golden gate bridge, the flag moving around quite a bit, and i was actually driving across the bridge earlier for the first time, i could hear that whistle with those strong winds. kind of a moving right on through what the golden gate bridge the winds. still a part of our forecast the strong damaging winds for tonight into tomorrow morning and eventually we're talking about some rain and some snow showers here in the bay area, a lot to talk about. we'll have more on your full forecast coming up in a little bit. all right, mark. thank you. back down to that holly contested senate race for senator dianne feinstein seat coming up in 2024 . yet another person is jumping into that contest. that's right. oakland's barbara lee made the announcement with a video posted to twitter and then sat down with ktvu is greg lee for her first television interview to talk about that decision, and her message for voters. the senate needs a perspective that i bring with my life experiences as a progressive black woman. congresswoman barbara lee makes it official. she's running for us senate, the oakland
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representative, joining the field to replace senator dianne feinstein, speaking to ktvu in the first tv interview of her campaign. how do you appeal to democrats? republicans independents, especially in this state, up and down our state? as you launch this campaign, i'm going to go everywhere i can so that people can understand that i see them. and then i want to be their champion and put forth my work that i have been doing all along and congress on their behalf currently serving her 12th term in the house, points to her work, championing social justice issues. she also famously was the lone member to vote against the war in afghanistan. in 2001, she hopes to share her personal experiences with voters, including integrating her high school cheer team, having an abortion and being a survivor of domestic violence. on the issues, she says california's priorities are her priorities. the climate crisis has got to be a priority for me. it is now. secondly housing. i mean, it's unconscionable. it's a moral
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disgrace that we have so many unsheltered people, and i think the federal government should do more to launch her campaign during black history month. there are currently no black women in the u. s. senate there have only been two in the upper chambers history. not only do i intend to fight ah, for people who look like me. i intend to fight for the whole state and for everyone, because i know what challenges are, and i know what people are faced with with their everyday lives. i don't quit. i don't give up. come on. that's not in my d n a jumps into a race that includes southern california representatives, katie porter and adam schiff, all of them touting their progressive values . the problems of climate change the risk to our democracy. we are all rivals of the same flag all progressives what sets you apart as it pertains to the idea of being a progressive when you look at the issues that i have championed over the years some call me the o g. and who? those who don't know what o g means. it's not original genius, its
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original gangster. i've been out there fighting for structural change institutional change, not tinkering around the edges as the three candidates and whoever else joins in the field, making their case to voters. endorsements are being rolled out. former house speaker nancy pelosi getting behind shift respect the speaker and she has the right to endorse who she wants to endorse, will be rolling out my endorsements also, but let me tell you the point about and the election is you connect with the voters connecting also costs, money and latest reports show lee's campaign has about $52,000 compared to porter's 7.4 million and shifts. 21 million lee contends she's raised millions for others in the party and says she has a winning strategy going to raise money to run the campaign. that's going to be a campaign of getting people to the polls, i'll have enough money to do the media very expensive. i'll have enough money to do everything the traditional way but also will have enough money to go directly to the voters. one issue some donors have raised her age. the
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three confirmed candidates trying to replace 89 year old feinstein porter is 49 shift is 62 lee is 76 i say, well, try to keep up with me. first of all, but secondly, let me just say experience counts for something . congresswoman lee thanks her constituents for their continued support and says she's ready to get her message out there. people have to be inspired, and i know how to inspire me because i'm authentic and i'm going to tell the truth. i will engage them, and i want them to i know that they again are going to be seen. all right. joining us now is roger salazar, democratic consultant. so we just heard from gregory's interview with barbara lee. she certainly talks about her experience. she's confident, ready to fight for this job, but she is against a few things. let's talk specifically money and endorsements. she's got some catching up to do. are you do you think she can do it? yeah no, i think look, barbara lee has been very active in democratic politics for a long time, and she's she's uh,
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builders of basic support. and she obviously is the only northern california in the race that's going to be helpful. she's the only african american in the race. that's going to be helpful, but we have three candidates here who are ideologically almost identical. you know that, where they differ is on on the emphasis of the of, you know variety of different issues that that that they are backing, but i think all of them have, you know become, you know. darlings of the progressive movement in one way, shape or form, so it's going to be interesting to see how these these three candidates decided they want to differentiate themselves. and what do you think that strategy might be when we're talking, for example, about a barbara lee here? well again. it's gonna depend on exactly you know what they decide is going to be that their strongest selling point we already see you know, obviously, with that, with shift leading the money, raised puerto cup quarter behind him, and then li, uh, coming in third in that money race so far, you already see an independent expenditures independent expenditure committees starting to be formed
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to help barbara lee out and make up some of that gap. so i think you know there. i think we're lee is gonna want to differentiate herself. from from shift is, for example, on military intervention. you know, she's been, uh, strongly against that 11 of the few dissenting votes during the iraq war, if you remember whereas shift, for example, has been a little bit more willing to, uh, to go with some military intervention, so they're going to be little things that they're going to want a different to try and differentiate themselves. but we don't have you know, a reagan democrat or something. you know what we used to call it. a blue dog democrat in this race, so it's gonna be these these three progressives really trying to sort of figure out how they're going to try and play themselves up to the base as much as they can. and remember, republicans in california will get about 25 to 29% of the boat. so if there's a one single republican candidate in the top two primary , these three are gonna have to duke it out to figure out which one is going to be faced off
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against them. so how do you feel about the other parts of this if their platforms are very similar? what about her age? i mean, that certainly has been an issue with dianne feinstein and even when they talk about the president or the fact that there are no female black senators. how much does that play in the role when you're talking to voters and saying i'm different or i am i am not. this is not a challenge for me. well those are both selling points. as you know, in terms of being the only northern california the only african american in the race and the african american woman in the race, and then there are obstacles overcome the age thing given that you know that there are a lot there was a lot of concern about dianne feinstein. just just, uh you know, there is a having that just step away after her many, many, many years of service. i think the way that barbara lee is approaching this, you know, talking about her vigor, talking about the fact that can you keep up with me? i think that's the right approach. you know, it's what reagan used in his presidential race back in the eighties. um you know, so he
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she's gonna she's gonna work on trying to push experience as a positive for her and again as long as she continues that show the energy she has. i don't think that'll be a huge of a problem. but it is something to think about and then and it was something that we at the back of a voter's minds. quickly before we let you go. barbara lee has been a long time congresswoman from here in the east bay. she represents the 12th district. those in themselves are going to be some big shoes to fill, if, in fact, she does win the senate seat. um, but what are you hearing about potential replacements candidates for her 12th district there in in congress. well it's gonna be interesting that that's another interesting one to watch because you saw today i think assembly member buffy wicks, for example , came out and did a dual endorsement of both katie porter and barbara lee. so it kind of hedging her bets. but she's been a name that's been bandied about as potentially running for that seat. i'm sure they're gonna be plenty of others as well. this
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this is for those of us who are political consultants and love that that this kind of game this musical chairs is always exciting. so it may be. it may not be as fun for the constituents but for those of us in the in the you know, in the political world. we love watching this kind of stuff. congresswoman lease district obviously very progressive, representing berkeley, oakland, emeryville in other parts of alameda county really appreciate your time. roger. it's going to be fun. bun race to watch. thank you. absolutely thank you. and next on the four, russian president vladimir putin says russia will suspend its participation in the new start nuclear treaty. we're going to take a closer look at the growing tension as russia looks to break ties with the west. also back here in california republicans now calling on governor newsom. to take some steps just stop a surgeon gas prices this summer we'll tell you about their three request that the believe will
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go the extra mile this presidents' day in a volvo mild-hybrid vehicle. with reliable covid-19 results in just 15 minutes, presidents' day in a volvo everyone is making room for binaxnow in their medicine cabinet. do we still need these pregnancy tests? (kids yell and giggle, a dog barks and a vase breaks) yeah, no. out with the old, in with the #1 covid-19 self test in the us. with the same technology doctors use to test for covid-19. binaxnow president. emphasized nato
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allies unwavering support for ukraine in a speech in poland, the president spoke in warsaw after his surprise visit to ukraine yesterday, he says russian president vladimir putin underestimated the resolve of the ukrainian people and the unity of nato. president biden fired back at the russian leader after putin accused the west of starting the war. the west was not plotting to attack russia as prudent, said today. and millions of russian citizens. i only want to live in peace with their neighbors are not the enemy. this war is never assess itty. it's a tragedy. president putin chose this more. every day. the work continues is his choice. in his state of the nation address, putin denied any wrongdoing for the invasion. he also announced that russia would be suspending the new start treaty. the only remaining nuclear arms agreement with the us president. biden is expected to announce more sanctions
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against russia later this week. okay so let's talk more this afternoon about these dueling speeches and welcome back to the show, steven fish political science professor at uc berkeley , okay, these two speeches could not be more different as expected. we heard president putin today, claiming that ukraine and the west provoked the conflict to take a moment here and listen to putin during his state of the nation address. we are not fighting the ukrainian people. the people of ukraine became a hostage of the key regime and its western masters. okay he dismisses any blame from moscow almost a year after the invasion, stephen yes , heather claudine and black as white and up is down. and this is this is putin for you. look, biden is owning putin right now . and you know if he dealt with trump and dissenters, and the republicans like you deals with putin and the russians right now , nobody will be talking about the danger of a trump second term or do santos presidency. i think in fact, he has to bring
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this message home. one thing biden has to do is he basically has to prepare the american people for the fact that this war is going to go on for you. years he's doing a tremendous job in foreign policy, but he still hasn't like given us the speech at home that he's giving the people in kiev and warsaw. americans need to hear this because we're going to have to be in this for the long haul. he's got to bring it to us and let us know that we're not giving the ukrainians charity. this is about protecting the world order and protecting our own economic and security interests. it's also important to remember that the one thing they can actually defeat ukraine in this war is a trump or dissented presidency and let me tell you, that's what the ukrainians and the europeans and the long term are worried about. seems like a long ways away for us. but in fact, that's just, you know, we're talking about less than two years here in this war is going to go on longer than that is going to happen, actually have to tell this story . but what what would have happened had trump been elected. right now putin would be posed
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to invade poland and ukraine would already be in russian hands. he needs to tell that story and prepare us for further sacrifices. so let's talk about vladimir putin and what he's doing in response. i mean this announcement today that he wants to suspend the new start treaty . i mean, this is in place. it is the last one in place, but the u. s and russia both hold 90% of the world's in nuclear warheads. what does this mean? do you think that he was always going towards us using the president's visit president biden's visit as just a reason to kind of launch where he might have been headed. in any way. for sure he was planning on abandoning this. he has for a long time. he doesn't respected it. this really doesn't have all that big and implication for our security. in the short run. at least, i think in the long run, of course it would be that would be good to get back to arms control with with russia, but there's no dealing with russia right now. russia is not at any rate going to be able to keep up with the united states and the nuclear arms race, so it's in
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their interest. long term, of course, to, you know, concluded treaty with the united states and nuclear arms control. that's not going to happen anytime soon , though. okay, stephen, as we wrap up this conversation, president biden today reaffirming the strength of america's alliance with european countries, a message that you say he needs to bring back home here, but he did say that nato is stronger than it's ever been. and the allies have to be prepared for an even more complicated state of russia's invasion. here's the president earlier today. we have to have a security in europe. it's that basic that simple that consequential okay, consequential here. mr biden, saying that freedom is at stake. he's right. he's absolutely right in. the europeans are relieved to finally have an american leader who actually stands up for them, organizes them and pulls the world together behind this, this cause is absolutely vital to their own long term security. biden is tearing it up. all right, stephen fish political science professor at uc berkeley. we have to leave that conversation
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there. but we know that this will be one that we will definitely continue. and we appreciate you joining us pleasure. alright as we have been reporting prices of just about everything has gone up putting a strain on california families coming up next health state republicans are hoping to stave off prices from going higher at the gas pump.
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use them to take action now to avoid higher gas prices this summer in california republicans sending a letter to the governor ahead of a special session in the legislature tomorrow about gas prices and they're making some specific request. okay, so let's talk more about it with severin bornstein of the u. c. berkeley energy institute. thank you so much severin for being here. okay. gas prices expected to rise once again soon want to bring up on the screen? how republicans say we can avoid that surge in prices in the summer? they say we need to delay the switch to summer fuel . we need to extend the suspension of the diesel tax,
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and we also need to delay the annual gas tax increase are these viable options and will they, in fact helped to keep gas prices low this summer? well they are viable options, but they're not going to have much effect on gas prices. uh the switch to the summer blend does raise costs a bit, but most summers that only raises it a few cents last fall. we got into a very tight market. and that made a much bigger difference. but that's not the normal situation. um suspending the gas tax increase the gas tax increase. we're talking about this, uh in july, 1st is probably going to be around four cents a gallon. that's not nothing. but in the grand scheme of things, that's not what people are really noticing. i think the bigger issue here. is that those taxes actually go for things they go to pay for infrastructure, and the proposal really doesn't address. well, if
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we're going to reduce taxes, uh what? how are we going to pay for roads and bridges? people in the long run, do need to have that money spent on infrastructure, and it doesn't really address that. that means said. i think several, you know when we talk about gas prices, the reason i think this this polls with people is because it's been so painful. you know. last year we had $7 and more than $7. and if it was like a $5 we were we were cheering, which is still ridiculous and really had a huge impact on people being able to buy groceries. right now it's hovering 4 73, according to triple a if it's only four cents in july. where is it headed? and where is the relief if it's not in those options? well the there's a possibility it will go up in the summer, but it's very hard to predict gas prices. they could also go down and they do occasionally. uh the i think that the bigger issue here is that in last year. crude oil prices got very high and drove everybody's gas prices up. then,
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in the fall, we had a real squeeze in california, and it did help to switch over to summer black winter blend, but it's important to note the reason we have a different gasoline blend in california, and the reason we generally use different gasoline. the summer is to reduce pollution and many of the people including many of the people, represented by the ah legislators who signed that bill live in the central valley that is particularly polluted by auto exhaust, so i think that it's a tradeoff we are get. we are paying more for gasoline. we also do get cleaner air than we had before. in the los angeles area, you can see the mountains again because we are not using the same gasoline that's used in the rest of the country. as you know, gas prices always a political issue. we did reach out to the governor's office today about this proposal, and here's why what governor, newsom said. he said republicans are avoiding the core problem here and industry that operates with zero accountability and too much
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power over prices of the commodity essential to most california families again that just coming in to the newsroom from the governor's office. i mean, does he have a point? do there need to be more regulations on the on this industry? i think he has a point in there needs to be more investigation. i've been talking about this for years. now what i call the mystery gasoline surcharge up to 2015. california prices were higher, but they were just hired by that difference in taxes and fees. since 2015. we've been paying an extra 30 or 40 cents a gallon. that is not reflecting higher taxes and fees in california. and nobody has really been able to explain where that's going. it's not going directly out of into the refineries, but it is coming in downstream and we pay it at the pump. and nobody seems to be able to explain it and that i think we really do need an investigation of before we can suggest what the right regulation is. we need to know what the problem is and why
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we're paying so much. we don't know where it's going. but we all know that that we're paying for seven. really, really appreciate your expertise. today. thank you so much. thank you. all right. we are talking about the number one killer of both men and women and coming up. we'll talk live with kaiser permanente about the dangers of heart disease and what you can do to reduce
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here in the us dr rita in is a cardiologist and position in
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chief of the kaiser permanente, oakland medical center. thank you so much for being here. why is heart disease? the leading cause of death? thank you so much for having me and february is always a really important month to raise awareness about heart health as well as black history month. so as a cardiologist, heart health is critical. i always talk about the heart a lot like a house. there's a plumbing system and an electrical system and then the overall structure of the house and any of those things can have difficulty if you're not caring for your body. okay so you mentioned black history. how does black history month? how does race and ethnicity play a role? yes so african american patients are disproportionately being affected by cardiovascular disease. in fact, 55% of all african american patients have high blood pressure and often when they are presenting, this is difficult, disproportionately higher than their white latino as well as asian counterparts. hypertension is what we call a silent killer. it has its
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impacts over weeks to months to years and over time can cause damage to those blood vessels or the plumbing section of your heart and can has it things like strokes, heart attacks as well as death. okay so why are are black and hispanic, especially women at higher risk here? yes so we always talked about a lot about the social determinants of health. yes there's certainly the genetic components that go into leaving a heart healthy life. but there's also a lot of social determinants, including things and types of foods that are available for you to eat and food security, but situations in the home environment that we're living in that can lead to higher stressors and even things like having a safe place to exercise and keep healthy and keeping your diabetes and weight and all those others were specters in the healthy range. okay, we're going to talk. specifically about what you can do to lower your risk in just a moment, but i want to do do go back now to those risk factors you mentioned. high blood pressure, but there are a number of other things that can really elevate your risk for heart disease. yes i always talked to
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all my patients as a cardiologist about knowing your numbers, so these things include number one know your weight and know your blood pressure. typically tell people to keep a journal and check your blood pressure once a day or a couple of times a week. secondly make sure that you know your cholesterol levels. there are molecules in our blood, for example, ldl, which is the bad lipoprotein type of cholesterol levels that can cause clots and ruptures within your heart, leading to heart attacks. third no. your sugars and know your numbers, particularly if you're a diabetic. having high sugar levels in your body can lead to accumulation of unhealthy plaques within your body. okay and family history. the last component that you really need to be aware of. okay as we wrap up this conversation that want to leave viewers at home with with something a little optimistic and that is that there are ways in fact that you can prevent heart disease. absolutely so there are a couple of key core components that i tell everybody to do. number one tries the best as you can to eat
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a healthy diet. when you're going to the grocery store, try to stick to the peripheries of the grocery store where the fresh fruits and vegetables and items with lower salt and less processed foods are so that you can cook and know what you are putting into your body. secondly trying to exercise i typically recommend if you can do it, 30 minutes a day, and this doesn't need you running a marathon. this is a simple walk outside around your home in your garden or in your workplace. try to take the stairs up to your office rather than um, um, elevators if you are able to and have the musculoskeletal capacity number three. make sure you get enough sleep. rest is critically important for our body to rest and recharge. higher stress levels can lead to higher cortisol levels, which can lead to unhealthy events like heart attacks and strokes. finally as best as you can do not smoke and limit your alcohol intake, and if you need help with this come over and see us at kaiser permanente, go talk with your doctor about risk mitigation strategies and how to get back on the right track.
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really helpful tips there and really, especially if you take them one by one little steps. you ultimately see some great progress. dr. ng appreciate your time this afternoon. thank you. thank you. well the supreme court heard arguments today in a potentially groundbreaking case that could dramatically affect content on social media. the cases gonzalez versus google, it stems from the killing of a 23 year old american college exchange student by islamic state gunmen in paris in 2015, the family argued google and its subsidiary youtube did not do enough to remove or stop promoting isis terrorist videos seeking to recruit members. during the nearly three hour session, google's lawyer told justices the company is protected by section 2 30 of the communications decency act. it shields tech companies from culpability over post photos and videos that people share on their services. part of what the goal was was to encourage free speech and free expression on the internet, but also to make sure that if tech platforms
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wanted to screen out bad content , they could do that, without fearing that that was going to somehow trigger more liability for them. the supreme court's rulings in the case are expected by early summer. tomorrow the court will hear a case involving twitter and justices will consider whether twitter can be held accountable for the anti terrorism act for not removing terrorist content from its platform. a federal regulators are now stepping in and taking control of those cleanup efforts at the side of that toxic train derailment. in east palestine, ohio, the federal government is ordering norfolk southern to foot the bill for the cleaning cost. it will also have to reimburse the government for a new program that provides cleaning services for affected residents and businesses. the e p a is promising to continue air and water testing despite data right now showing that both are safe. and to ease concerns over safety, both the epa administrator and ohio, ohio's governor, drank a glass of tap
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water today during a tour of the area. we're not going to leave this community to manage this aftermath alone. we are with you in no way, shape or form will not get off the hook for the mess that they created. the state of ohio was also pursuing legal action against norfolk southern. the railroad has been in contact with the epa and has pledged support for communities in the area of the derailment, taking a look at wall street, where stocks have their worst day in two months on worries that the fed could raise interest rates even higher than expected. and keep rates higher for longer. the major indexes were all down 2% or more. the dow lost 697 points. the nasdaq fell 294 and the s and p was down 81 points. all right, there is another disappointing reading on the housing market. existing home sales declined 7/10 of a percent in january. economists were expecting an increase while interest rates are higher home prices continue to rise. the
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median home price nationwide rose to $359,000 last month. u s household debt is at its highest level since the financial crisis of 2008 american saw household debt surged more than $300 billion in the first quarter of last year. it's at $17 trillion overall and number not recorded since 2008 economists say much of the increase is due to higher interest rates, raising the cost of home mortgages. well excitement on the pitch as schedules were unveiled today for the 2023 usl w soccer league. six bay area teams will be playing in the newly formed nor cal division and next we talk live with the director of coaching for the president rage about what's ahead, going to be exciting for all those folks, okay, we continue to track those high winds and this is not exciting at all. boy you talk about gridlock right now. these are live pictures of the bay bridge where trees have been knocked down along the bridge near the tunnel boy, creating just a massive, massive backup.
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we're going to continue to follow the damage from these high winds coming up on the news at five mark. this is not just an ordinary wind event. those winds really accelerating this afternoon, up above 60 up above 70 miles an hour. in some cases, we're still talking about a high wind warning a wind advisory for tonight and this opens up the door for a cold pattern. we could be talking about some snow in the bay area this ♪ ♪ before the xfinity 10g network we didn't have internet that let us play all at once. every device? in every room? why are you up here? with speeds like this, i can't even dream of what he'll be able to do. get xfinity internet for just $25 a month with no annual contract during our limited time launch celebration. you have no idea how good you've got it. huh? what a time to be alive. introducing the next- generation 10g network. only from xfinity.
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get exclusive offers on select new volvo models. contact your volvo retailer to learn more. alright today, the united soccer league unveiled its scheduled for the 2023 usl w league season , confirming matches for all 65 women's professional teams, six of which are right here in the bay area in the newly formed nor
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cal division. let's talk more about all the excitement ahead of the season. we welcome in aaron sharp director of coaching for one of those teams of pleasant and rage, soccer club. hey erin, exciting day. how are you? i am great. i was excited to see the schedule and you know we haven't we can put it up on the screen and the excitement of actually seen it really seen in print? i mean, a lot of people were talking about this. i know it was kind of quietly talked about them. this big announcement and there, you see, what does it mean to see this happening? i mean, we got six norcal teams. obviously you know, pleasant hints will be the first ever us lw game in on may, 21st and sacramento. what does this mean not just to the bay area but to women's soccer and the sport. oh it's huge, claudine. you know this is such an established league that usl and for them to now be venturing into the women's game and providing you know our women this opportunity within such an already accomplished league is just fantastic. you know, we
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have previously hardest semi professional team, but this league really is the premier pre professional platform and the fact that it's all coming to fruition now and its inaugural year here in northern california, and we couldn't be more thrilled. let's lay out for people what it will be like and what you want the vibe of these games to be. i mean, president rage going to play their home games at the stanford medicine, sports complex and pleasant and for people who are in that area. that's bernal community park when you when people come, what do you want them to see and feel and really, when they look at the pitch and see those players get from from this level of play? hmm so you know, our rosters comprised of a lot of our lums who are currently playing in college or, you know, have recently graduated, so they've got that experience at the next level, so it's definitely a higher level than what you see if the youth came, and we just want there to be that vibe that you're talking about to be one of excitement. we're hoping to pack out the stands. you know, we're not
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charging in our initial years, so we hope that that really helps drive our fan ship out to the stands. you just put a tremendous product on the field . we also have players from outside of our alumni base who, um, again have played professionally already or are currently playing area collegiate programs. so we're just really thrilled that the talent base that we have and again looking forward to putting on a great show and being an inspiration to two young girls and young boys to frankly young soccer players throughout the bay area. so many i mean the soccer community in northern california. it is one of those places that people talk about how strong it is and how many amazing players come out of this , but i also hear young players. women and girls specifically saying, well, you know, there's nothing after right and this does you do you feel like this is really going to allow people to continue the dream right? there are some sports where you say i'm going to play in college. and then that will be. you know, the end the end mark in this this changes that and
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really changes the way we kind of look at the sport in general. mean what are you hearing from the people coming out to trials going? oh, my gosh. i have this option. yeah they're they're absolutely thrilled. and you know, this is a short season. the regular season is six weeks long, but hopefully we get to the playoffs and postseason. after that. we do run training sessions and clinics and things throughout the year. so this is a critical next step. and again. we're hoping that that eventually bridges the gap into see professional, uh, you know, level for our girls. and more of that, and this is where we're starting. we're growing the game . we're continuing to add more opportunities for women. and ultimately we hope that a lot of women will have a very natural option and pathway to go play. full professional soccer and have that be their career for a stretch. i love it. i love it. i hope you and i are having a discussion where we say, remember when it was only a
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month long and that was just the beginning of a long and successful and just growing trend for the sport because i love watching a soccer match and a big fan. so good luck to you in the season. thank you so much. we appreciate your support. absolutely right. it is going to be exciting to watch. not exciting to see the right now. this camera. i mean, it is just bouncing around like crazy. those winds so strong right now . typically we're talking about a wind advisory or warning because some strong winds. this is kind of up another level. we're talking about a high wind warning and remember the last update, we were excited about a 60 mile mile an hour wind gust within the past hour ocean beach in san francisco over 70. that's significant. that's significant . so it just gives you an idea. this is not this is actually we're still the middle of this this process in terms of the wind event, so look at that camera. it is shaking around so much this afternoon. a tough commute very tough. if you're on the ferry this afternoon as well, so we have those very strong winds. there were remain in place for tonight into tomorrow morning. so we updated
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this map to show you right now. ocean beach at 4 20 this afternoon reporting gusts of 73 miles an hour sfo 64 miles an hour you can see up about of 60 for oakland airport. even up about 50 for san jose mount tam 58 miles an hour, so this is not just an isolated wind event. this is widespread. we're showing you this, the forecast model typically were showing you rain, but now we're talking about snowfall in the wind is kind of the transition to a very cold pattern heading into the bay area, so this might not happen. but as you can see here, this forecast models. actually trying to produce some snowfall at some lower elevations here in the bay area later in the week, because we have some extremely cold air up to our north, moving in from moving towards northern california and the bay area right now, in fact, you can see winter storm warning for later in the week in the sierra, but also out towards portions of mendocino county, lake county up toward humble county later in the week. here's the satellite and the radar. some very cold air moving in from the north. you can see the clouds streaming
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in as well. the speckled cloud covers a sure sign. that we have some cold air approaching and right now, a little bit of some shower activity approaching least mendocino county and maybe a little bit some snow approaching that the hills of the lake county as well, we, until least right now continue to be the big story. fairfield gusting to over 30 miles an hour. oakland airport gusting to over 40 miles an hour. sfo gusting over 50 and san jose over 50 miles an hour. here's a live camera, looking out toward the bay bridge and the windy bay as well. temperatures right now in the lower fifties, get ready for a very cold pattern. setting up overnight temperatures will be the thirties and the forties , but you could see strong winds today. some frost thursday morning rain thursday friday and dropping snow levels as well as the system kind of moves into the region and a winter weather advisory. this is interesting. has not happened too much here in the bay area for the santa cruz mountains. dropping snow levels and also out toward eastern standard clara county and up to our north as well. so
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winter weather advisory essentially especially for wednesday into thursday for the santa cruz mountains, here's the forecast model tonight. now, the story tomorrow we're gonna have some shower activity, but this is not widespread. the book of the activity is offshore. but there's still a chance of a shower in the wednesday but then into thursday, things could change as we track some more scattered showers in terms of a soaking rainfall that is set to move into the region later in the day thursday night. and into early friday morning highs for tomorrow, very chilly, barely making it to the 50 degree market that cool down will continue off and on rain, possibly some low elevation snow on thursday rain and stone here friday, especially friday morning saturday, partly sunny skies and maybe some showers into sunday, but the bay area could look very different over the next several days, with snowfall making a comeback in the rain showers as well. all right. thank you, mark. it is giving day and we're taking a look at the local organizations that are making a difference and in depth look at the mlk foundation and how you can give back that' next. ♪ ♪
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before the xfinity 10g network we didn't have internet that let us play all at once. every device? in every room? why are you up here? with speeds like this, i can't even dream of what he'll be able to do. get xfinity internet for just $25 a month with no annual contract during our limited time launch celebration. you have no idea how good you've got it. huh? what a time to be alive. introducing the next- generation 10g network. only from xfinity.
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it was founded by the late coretta scott king to organize the annual king day celebrations on mornings onto the executive director told andre senior that it is expanded to offer programs ranging from technology to comic book arts. we were approached to start a festival on the west coast that celebrated the work of comics of color and comic artists of color, and it turned out to be just a absolute boon for the community. we've now expanding nationwide. we've been chicago and the like san francisco is our home. we just love it, and it happens every every mlk weekend and this is part of the norcal mlk foundation is this is part of one of one of the things that you you. do you host during the celebration. that's exactly right it's hosted during that
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weekend. um, it's hosted at your buena gardens, and we do we do just some wonderful, wonderful working films and the like there have you have you picked up a lot of steam with with that particular branch of your organization? yes actually. so we have young kids who are now coming in, but even large sort of national popular culture events are now a part of what we do. we host academic panels. do exhibits. we do all of that throughout the year, partnering with them, and you also have another branch of the norcal mlk as a lot under the branch and one of the interesting ones here was the social impact development and global engagement. talked a little bit about that center. yes thank you so much for that. these are the city center. as we call. it is a center that deals specifically with, um, ethics in artificial intelligence, which is a big topic right now. because right, not a lot of blacks or african americans are involved in the field. so there is a fear that
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what's being programmed machines are missing a certain element. talk to somebody about that. that's what we talk about, and that's what we look at, and how we ken. think about, um, creating an ethical framework, not just in a i but in the instruction sets that inform artificial intelligence and that goes back to the algorithms that actually provide those instructions. how do we institute or input certain variables that look at or that quantify ethical principles that we think are important to rebalance sort of those instructions. and as a reminder if you would like to donate to the norcal mlk foundation, just scan the q r code right there on your screen, or you can always head to our website at kgb. ktvu dot com slash giving day. and next on the four neighbors of former
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planes georgia foxes lauren blanchard shows us how his neighbors, friends and total strangers are reflecting about his impact on the country. former president jimmy carter is resting at his georgia home in hospice care so many are reflecting on his legacy. supporters have been making their way to plains, georgia to pay their respects to former president jimmy carter. it's there where the 39th president has decided to spend his remaining days with family by his side, the town of about 500 , now welcoming people from across the country looking to tour, carter's boyhood farm and high school. he was a good president, in my opinion. he did a lot. diplomatic work. carter and his wife, rosalynn, have
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been a fixture in planes for decades. locals describe them as being down to earth often seen riding bikes or taking walks. too many. the former president is more than just a neighbor american. i've worked closely with him for about 20 years here in planes and so i consider him a very different carter served as georgia's governor and later became president after defeating gerald ford in 1976. he served a single term in office, helping to poker, a peace deal in the middle east and advocating for human rights, though some say his biggest contributions are those he made after leaving washington like habitat for humanity. going over and taking care of guinea worm and eradicating that overseeing elections around the world. last year, the former president's nonprofit the carter center celebrated 40 years of serving people around the world in washington. lauren blanchard, fox news. ktvu fox two news at five starts now. that was in the
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bedroom up there at the corner noise. big loud bang at five, the bay area getting hammered with strong, gusty winds powerful enough to rip a roof right off of the home, and plenty of trees are also coming down across the bay area. good evening, everyone i'm mike mibach julie julie haener, but the weather is already causing problems. tonight trees and power lines have toppled across the region. here's what it looks like, right now in fremont, and there's more of the same in the north bay, south bay and on the peninsula and check this out a downed tree. on the bay bridge. that tree took over three westbound lanes of traffic at the yerba buena island tunnel , and this is what traffic headed into san francisco. looks like right now. you can see the westbound direction. it is bumper to bumper in his ben bumper to bumper now for a few hours, san francisco firefighters are out there helping clear that tree, but there's no estimated time for when all of those westbound lanes will reopen more than 71,000. pg and e customers
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across the


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