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tv   KTVU FOX 2 News at 5pm  FOX  January 5, 2023 5:00pm-6:00pm PST

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including a two year old boy. i talked to him about two hours before it happened. and he told me he missed me and honey, and then we he was just like, always loving and telling you how much you loved you, everybody. and good evening, everyone. i'm mike mibach julie julie haener. we have team storm coverage. tonight at least two people in the bay area have been killed by the storm. a two year old boy died in sonoma county after a tree fell onto his family's home and a teenager died after her car hydroplaned in fairfield. damage is extensive along the santa cruz and capital coast tef customers across the bay area are without power. ktvu is jesse gary is live in capitola crews are working around the clock to clear out storm debris, but we begin with our chief meteorologist bill martin. bill what can we expect? next we're getting a bit of a break right now. mark tamayo mentioned on the four o'clock news, so it's
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still showering out there now, but we're heading into a period that's going to be relatively dry as we move forward, so that's helpful. right. creeks come down trees come, things have a chance to dry out. but we are saturated, and that's why we are having tree issues. here's the storm total so far. yeah they're much less than forecast in this atmospheric river event, which is fortunate. actually you hate to be wrong, but it's good to be wrong on something like that. but the idea that the winds last night and yesterday that was the story i mean wind gusts down to near just above sea level of 100 miles an hour and a cossio hills 101 miles an hour. mount diablo 74 miles an hour, so we had some street flooding because the ground saturation we had some trees down because of these ridiculously strong winds and in the mountains of snow is really just started going. i think the story, though, with yesterday's storm, and i think you would agree as the wind lots of problems and not we're just we're going to cover a bunch of these problems for you're going to see pictures of trees down. but that we didn't get to your backyard backyards. there's a
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lot of trees down lots of issues and more stuff in the storm range. now with the trees when i come back, we're going to look at the forecast. we've got an interesting long run of rain coming our way. we got some breaks, too. so there's some kind of good news will drag i'll track that will open that up when i get back. all right, bill. thank you. and a quick reminder. you can always stay on top of the storm tonight and throughout the weekend with the ktvu weather app. it has current conditions alive radar and the extended forecast it is free to download for your iphone in santa cruz county, the coastal town of capitola got absolutely slammed the storm driven. see surge ripped the wharf in half a major damage also seen in the downtown village along monterey avenue. ktvu is jesse gary live tonight in capitola with more on the damage and the clean up work, jesse that might take a while here. mike yeah, that cleanup work that began this morning continues into the evening hours. when we first arrived, they were using front end loaders to remove large pieces of debris from monterey avenue tonight, using street
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sweepers to try to clear the last of the mud that's caked the street. however her businesses like the landmark zelda's, it's going to take months, not hours to recover. capitola thursday, storm surge has transformed the esplanade of the village district into mostly beach with few functioning businesses damage right now. i've seen really severe dominic kings bay bar and grill is barely accessible, storm driven waves pushed high tide four ft, higher than normal and over the protective seawall. what we saw at that point was water coming out of the banks of so called creek and inundating people's homes, inundating businesses in the capital village. strong waves also damaged capital, a centuries old landmark worf and sent at least one piece of lumber into zelda's restaurant. beachside eatery now has plenty of beach but no way to open its
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doors. upwards of nine businesses are in the same boat. business owners around here are trying to kind of help each other out. what's going on? i know we have another week of rain. every day. it's just about trying to see how bad things are shocking. yeah i've worked here for almost two decades, and i have not seen that before. during the morning news conference capitalist city officials reiterating a mandatory evacuation order for the area remains in effect. we're also looking at the erosion on the cliff sides, too. so there was some concern about some of the erosion so we have crews out kind of taking a look at that evaluated. back at the village and angry ocean remains a threat to the businesses that have already been damaged and to the ones that are still intact, type of damage that we're seeing. worse than anything. we that was gonna happen. and i checked in with the police chief
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. just a short time ago. i'm told that the evacuation orders that they had issued. they hope to rescind those sometime tonight, perhaps within the next 1 to 2 hours. the big problem. there's no electric service down here. so the waiting for pg and e to turn back on the power checked in with pg and e. and they say they have to get the all clear from the city to make sure it's safe to do so because there was so much water and so much mud that slammed this area so the headline of the hour. mandatory evacuations here could be lifted sometime tonight, perhaps within the next 1 to 2 hours. officials are checking on that right now. the businesses you see behind me have all been rug had red tagged. excuse me. i've seen pickup truck pull up, and they're starting to put up boards behind zelda's because the back of the restaurant is just open to the elements in the sea, so they're starting to board up the back of the businesses. they're red tag right now. they have to check to make sure these businesses are structurally sound. otherwise they may have to be taken down. rely on capitol a jesse gary ktvu. fox two news. we'll head
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back to you a lot of work to do, jesse. thank you. but we are getting a closer look at some of the damage in neighboring santa cruz, mark woodward posted these videos on twitter rough surf crashing against the wall of the ideal bar and grill at the main beach there at the boardwalk, the volleyball nets. those are still standing, although it doesn't look like anyone will be playing for quite some time. the debris also piling up at nearby seabright state beach and westcliff drive, which runs along the water looks more like a river and is expected to be closed for days. evacuation orders have been lifted in areas of santa cruz county. people were told to go to higher ground. people were all allowed to return home in watson, ville city crews went through evacuated neighborhoods to assess the damage, they say. fortunately the situation was not as bad as they had feared. a number of other evacuation orders and warnings in santa cruz county have also been lifted tonight, including areas of rio del mar, which sustained some flooding this morning. and in monterey county, an
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evacuation order for people who live in the mission field community of caramel has now been downgraded to a warning. here's a map of that area near the carmel river state beach. the neighborhood is near the caramel lagoon, where there is potential for flooding with the carmel river when it flows into the ocean, sonoma county family is facing unimaginable grief. after a two year old boy was killed during last night's storm. he died when a redwood tree crashed right down onto the family's home in the community of occidental as ktvu s evan sernoffsky reports, the boy's family called him, goldie. the boy's name was dionne and friends and family described him as a joyous boy brought light into the lives of everyone around him. but today they're grieving after losing everything he brought life. leon. and. we're all in. we're all in shock family of eon toki ni is
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overwhelmed with grief thursday after a redwood tree collapsed on their home during wednesday night's storm. killing the boy. ian's grandmother flew in from idaho to help the family try to pick up the pieces. his life was a short life, but his life has made a difference, and it will continue. to make a difference. obviously leave for many generations. and a on means forever. it happened around five pm. the boy's mother, who didn't want to go on camera, said she was feeding the horses on the property along joy road when she heard an explosion. a large section of this nearby redwood tree crushed the family's doublewide trailer and landed directly on top of eon, who is sitting on this couch. the father was also in the house and climbed out of the rubble. they couldn't move the tree off the boy and neighbors had to cut the trunk into pieces before they
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could free. his body stayed up all night just because i couldn't get her cries of anguish out of my head. kipper couple lives down the street and recalled the horror from the night before little bit. the ambulance came. and then in a little bit, you can hear the wife screaming. because that's when she was told. they did a lot of work trying to revive the little one. and it just was never breathing. as the family was trying to free the boy. a second tree collapsed on the home killing eons. pet cat leo seen here. nickname was goldie. because of his blond hair and the light he brought into everyone's life. his grandmother remembers the last conversation she had with him before he was killed. i mean, i talked to him about two hours before it happened and he told me he missed me and honey and we he
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was just like, always loving and telling you how much you loved you to everybody. friends of the family have organized a go fund me page where they're collecting money to help pay for funeral costs and help this family rebuild their lives. now eon is survived by his two older half brothers, who are unharmed in the accident. in occidental. evan sernoffsky ktvu, fox two news. and police say they believe the weather and speed may have been a factor in a deadly crash and fairfield officers say in 19 year old woman was killed while driving on vanden road yesterday morning. investigators say the road was flooded and the driver likely hydroplaned and lost control of the vehicle. police have not yet released her name. public works. crews in san francisco have their hands full , repairing down meunier lines and clearing tree branches and other debris. ktvu christien kafton is live in the city and christian. it sounds like cruz moved in quickly. yeah it's been a busy 24 hours here
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in san francisco, as you can possibly imagine. we're at the intersection of slowed and unit pro sarah. this intersection was closed from about nine o'clock last night until after noon today, while crews had to try to clear a downed tree that impacted munich service. if you take a look over here behind me, you might be able to see that there is still one closed lane. that's one of the south bend lanes on unit pro sarah and this again all this work because of a downed tree in the area. a day and a half of rain on top of a wet weekend turned some of the streets of san francisco into rivers and finally proved to be too much for a cypress tree on slowed. the tree came down wednesday evening, blocking the intersection and dragging down 500 ft. of money lines. community trains, the roadway is closed. we had to bring ukraine in last night to start to move the tree, and then we took another tree out as well. just for safety considerations. so our crews are still here working as the biggest job we had with the storm. crews used heavy
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equipment to remove branches and pull up tree trunks around the city. the department of public works says it had reports of some 300 trees or tree branches down over the last day and a half with the likelihood of more to come down with more rain in the forecast. when you have high winds with saturated ground that makes the trees more vulnerable to failures, vehicles trapped by down trees as dps crews scrambled from one incident to the next, the department of public works says if trees fall into the public thoroughfare, they'll hand but when they fall on private property, it falls on the property owner to clear it. a common sight around san francisco this tree down in saint francis wood, city, crews say, with saturated ground and more wind and rain in the forecast, residents can expect to see more trees and limbs come down, impacting travel and power lines. stay away from the power lines called 911. and then the city officials and the utility crews come out and deal with it. city crews say that they're
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scrambling from one down tree or branch to the next, they say if residents see a down tree or a down branch, and it's not impacting traffic, and it's not down on some power lines or money lines, it could be up to a week or more until they respond to those incidents. those non emergency incidents because they say they are simply so many trees and tree limbs down. we're live in san francisco. christien kafton ktvu fox. two news, logjam of repairs and things that need to get taken care of christian. thank you. and for homeowners and landlords with even minor damage. it could take awhile as we just mentioned to make repairs at 5 30 the reason behind a backlog for restoration crews also ahead. two teenagers are in custody in connection with the killing of a security guard in san francisco. what witnesses said they saw in a moment leading up to the shooting. but first the storm caused a number of issues for caltrain this morning. the work needed to get trains running smoothly in time for the afternoon commute.
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attract caltrain service on the peninsula was fully restored about two hours ago. ktvu is brooks jarocz has been keeping tabs on the clean up all day, and he joins us now live from berlin game with an update on how things are going, brooks well, julie for more than 10 hours, not a single train was rolling through here in burlingame. and here's why can you see these trees up way up there? one of those giant eucalyptus trees came crashing down across the tracks and to make matters worse for hours, big downpours and whipping winds created added challenges for crews to clear it all up. i write caltrain everyday i buy a monthly pass. and you know this is an enormous inconvenience. seeing that train can't run.
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saturated soil took a toll on this tree and ultimately, caltrain without warning. the 80 ft eucalyptus fell, pulling down power lines, smashing through a fence and crashing across the tracks. i was planning to go to san francisco on the train i heard about the tree falling. irvin dawid lives here in burlingame and says he never thought the destruction would be this bad or the cleanup last this long because of the poles and the wires. it becomes one #### of a job. i mean, just look what they're doing right now. they're they're not working on. they haven't even started removing the tree. step one reduced tension in the un electrified power lines intended for cal trains. future fleet. just look at these wires. i've watched these wires go up. it sort of breaks my heart seeing them in this terrible, terrible condition. but you know, mother nature. all morning. long thursday, caltrain was forced to
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stop service between hillsdale and millbrae. workers dealing with damage and disruptions. basically it's all hands on deck until this storm is done. we're just going to make sure things stay clear as possible and keep those trains running as best we can. cruz cutting, chopping and chipping, knowing with more rain could come more work if other trees toppled. ultimately there's a lot of trees along our corridor. it is a potential concern, so we're just putting eyes on the ground, making sure we can keep an eye on things and dealing with any problems that may arise. and by mid afternoon , the problem was no more trains back on these tracks back to business as usual. now there still is a lot of repair and restoration work that has to happen to that overhead electrical project. no estimate on when that will be completed, but caltrain did say it is running back on its regular schedule. live in burlingame, brooks jarocz. ktvu fox two news . yeah that was quite a tangled
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mess of wires there, brooks. thank you. jeannie is making progress at restoring service to those still without power within the last hour, a pg and e spokeswoman told us there are about 46,000 bay area customers without power. our that includes tens of thousands of customers. in the north bay as well as the peninsula, which were disproportionately affected by the storm. alright you got some showers going on out there now? some light showers continue. you can see the roadway behind me here just kind of slow going in the afternoon commute. not as whereas the morning commute and even some sun breaking out just a little bit. so getting a little break and like i talked about all the time breaks or what you need and i'm going to show you now mark put this together. it's a map of the pacific obviously, and it's going to show you these systems lined up out in the pacific that are poised off the coast. so this is where all the hypes coming from by the way, because obviously it's an atmospheric river, and we've just experienced that and experienced one a week ago are less new year's, but what you're seeing here is a lot of storms lined up
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one right after the other. significant storms, and they're going to bring significant amount of rain over the course of a number of days, so it's not happening all at once. and the key to these is the break. so here's a break right here. so that gives us a break, probably until saturday, sunday, and then we get this thing on saturday, sunday, then we're gonna get a slight break, hopefully on sunday night afternoon into tuesday more into monday morning , and then we get hit with this, but they're lined up. lots can happen between now and then. but it's a very active pacific. one thing to notice. see how the jet stream like this, so this is a zonal flow drawing there. so it's kind of like this right? that's that's that's an atmospheric river path, right? and it's in a straight line. jetstream has a tendency it can easily buckle and change. in other words, go from this pattern to go to this pattern and get a wave on it. and when you get a wave on it, you're going to change the forecast out three or four days. so what i'm just pointing out to you is a lot is going to happen between
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saturday and monday and tuesday and wednesday and thursday. next week. we're lined up. the storms are lined up where they hit is a whole nother deal. um okay, so here's the model for tomorrow. i want to show you. the clearest clear skies are not clear skies but relatively dry conditions. santa cruz late tonight, you get late tonight early tomorrow morning. maybe some thunderstorms. but for the most part pretty dry and then watch it on saturday or friday. see that it's right there in the north bay, but it's not a day luge, and that's a bit of a break. and then there saturday, so again the whole game here and i've been doing this a long time is the brakes. if you get breaks in these storms, you can manage a lot of water and we're going to have to see you back here a little bit, with the full forecast. all right. we'll see you then. bill thank you. the winter storm continues to be a welcome sight at crs ski resorts. the snow has been falling steadily in mammoth lakes, the mammoth mountain ski resort has received up to 24 inches of new snow over the past 24 hours and more is expected to fall. it already has more than 14 ft of snow at the summit in
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castro valley road that closed during the new year's eve storm remains closed tonight. redwood road is shut down from camino altamira. the skyline boulevard on saturday, heavy rain led to mudslides and huge chunks of the roadway fallen right into the san lorenzo creek below. alameda county's public works agency says that roadway will remain closed until further notice. the agency also dealing with the number of storm related road closures across the county. 15 year old is accused of shooting and killing a security guard in san francisco. what investigators know so far about what led up to that shooting.
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oh ms flores. you're the leader of many and pet wrangler, too. so becoming a student again might seem impossible. national university is here to support all of you. national university. supporting the whole you. 15 year old boy ktvu crime reporter henry lee live tonight in japantown. with the latest on the investigation, henry mike. this teenager is in custody as well as a second boy accused of helping him after the security guard was shot and killed.
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flowers and candles mark the spot where 40 year old security guard gavin boston, was shot and killed in san francisco's japantown. it's a tragedy. it really is a tragedy. i think japan town as a whole and surrounding neighborhoods. shooter of 15 year old boy was arrested by san francisco police a second suspect, a 14 year old boy in custody as an alleged accessory. we all lost not one life, but really you know the two the two suspects, so three lives were lost a little after five wednesday afternoon at this japantown mall at webster and post understand? why is it that a little he looked like a little tiny kid and he looks so small, right? is the guards sister she tells me he was escorting a troubled 15 year old boy out of the mall once outside, police say that teenager opened fire. why have you got a gun? why? why is a kid in this neighborhood walking around with a gun? the guard died at the scene shattered glass and bullet holes, marking where he gave up his life while protecting others
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kind. he was a kind, nurturing person he loved being in nature . he loved nurturing people. francisco police captain derek jackson and officers from northern station are showing a visible presence to calm nerves in japantown. to come out. let them know we're supporting them. you know this was a tragic event . more than sad. everybody every cannot do sad suzuki on the bonsai shop in the mall. she didn't want her face shown the victim and only worked at the building for two months after management change security firms, but in that short time, tenants say the guard had made a difference. best of the security guy when we need already there. always so fast, unfortunate situation. the loss of another life, cause somebody was not discipline. trained exposed. and given guidance. i feel sorry for that security guard made us and he died. it's just sad. now the
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names of the two teens allegedly involved had not been released because of their ages. they're being held at the juvenile justice center live in san francisco, henry lee ktvu. san francisco police are investigating a hit and run crash that killed a woman and left a man seriously hurt on new year's day. that crash happened at about 8 15 on sunday night at potrero avenue in alameda street . the woman killed has been identified as best tweet. her friends tell us she was leaving a block party at the great northern music venue. nearby friend's captured a blurry photo of a blue honda civic they believe that the driver was responsible. the man who was also hit is expected to survive . anyone with information is asked to contact the san francisco police tip line. homeowners and landlords are finding out that storm damage even minor, not always an easy fix the signs that smaller repair jobs are piling up. also ahead tonight, the house just voted minutes ago to adjourn for
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the night after failing yet again to agree on a house speaker how kevin mccarthy is trying to convince some holdouts and there is more fallout from concerns about rain choice voting in alameda county that calls to ensure future elections run more smoothly. for just $6 you could get your choice between two sandwiches plus my classic taco, curly fries, and a drink. [muffled] i can't hear you. oh sure... for just $6...! try my $6 jack pack today. ♪
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note the unprecedented neurophysiological response. your grilled chicken sandwich with good good sauce really stimulates craveability. dumb that down for me. big and squiggly is good. big and squiggly is real good. all i needed to hear. my grilled chicken sandwiches, tasty and healthy-ish. urban water rescue teams very busy san rafael police shared this video of its marine unit, rescuing a boat in distress, along with two crew members.
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people across the bay area are dealing with damage from minor issues to major repair work. and tonight we are talking with homeowners who say the storm is causing a backlog for restoration crews and we are learning insurance may not cover some of that damage. ktvu damaged damage caused by wind. you are likely covered, but regular flooding from rising water. you're likely out of luck. that's not that ben marcus is a landlord dealing with storm related repairs in oakland, one apartment union is temporarily unlivable carpets are stripped the toilet removed. markets shared pics of what the unit looked like after last week's storms. that ain't mud. that's all i can say overflowed from the toilet covering the floors, he says. oakland's sewer division came to fix the problem, but he's had a hard time finding a clean up crew. i called like six different mold remediation company. mta years and they're like, oh, you know, let me see if i can find someone
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for you. and then they'll call back. i'm sorry. you know, we're just too booked. we can't even send an estimator over at another property a new leak overnight in the bathroom ceiling. this is on top of two roof leaks he fixed recently and spent 12,000 on new drywall homeowner in oakland's glenview neighborhood shared these pics with us showing flooding in her home. she has no heat or hot water and a pump in the basement . to make matters worse, insurance won't cover it. homeowners ensure rinse policies exclude flood damage is the executive director of united policyholders and insurance consumer nonprofit. tells us wind driven events are different . the water got in through a broken window or torn shingle or torn siding. um then it very well may be covered should be covered box says now is a good opportunity to take stock of the protection you have and maybe tighten it up. marcus says insurance isn't covering the damage to his property, either. right now. his focus is on his tenants who are likely displaced
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for roughly two weeks. they're worried about their possessions. they're worried about their health. and it's been challenging. you're wondering why standard flooding is not covered boxes that insurance companies have taken steps over the years to protect their profitability. flood coverage was cut in the 19 sixties, and the national flood insurance program was created like a claim . i mean, there's always that debate. do i file a claim? do i not file a claim? depends if the damage is less than your deductible. then your insurance is just not going to cover it. so you may not want to file a claim, because then it's just gonna be on your record, it could result in increased premiums box says. do the math. make sure that you're choosing the best option on whether or not to file cristina rendon live tonight. here in studio, christina. thank you. alright here's a live look at capitol hill, where, after multiple rounds of voting, the house of representatives still does not have a speaker for the third day in a row. gop front runner kevin mccarthy fell short multiple times in his bid to become house speaker. the house voted to adjourn in the last hour after
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mccarthy failed to secure enough votes to become house speaker after 11 rounds of voting in the past three days. fox news caroline shapely reports now from washington on what this means for congress and the country. where is he going to keep working until we solve it? republican leader kevin mccarthy , sounding upbeat heading to the house floor. but minutes later, his seventh attempt to become speaker ended in failure. speaker has not been elected so far. we can't quit. we can't quit. you don't fire a guy who's winning. in that round. 201 republicans voted for mccarthy 19 voted for conservative byron donald's never. kevin, ringleader, matt gates said. watch this to colleague marjorie taylor green, then voted for donald trump. this comes after mccarthy made concessions wednesday night, including a super pac aligned with him, agreeing not to get involved in house primaries against conservative members that still wasn't enough to move the needle
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. does it look like i'm ready to make a deal? i had a deal to offer on january 2nd that provided kevin mccarthy 218 votes and the gavel on the very first ballot. and he smugly rejected that offer. democratic leaders claim they're not considering a compromise with republicans on a speaker but say the longer the chair is vacant. the greater the danger to the country. national security vulnerabilities. this is a dangerous moment. for americans and for the world. one of the reasons why the congress needs to organize. this still isn't the longest leadership battle on record, not even close in 18 56 . it took nearly two months and 133 votes to elect a speaker in washington, carolina, shibley fox news the alameda county board of supervisors today held a special meeting to discuss the controversial process. of rain choice. voting in this process has been highly scrutinized following a twist in the oakland school board race, the alameda county register, his office announced an error in the tabulation process that showed mike hutchins in we thought he
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lost in district four had actually won. now mike resnick had already been certified as the winner and today, the county register told the board of supervisors that he is working with the california secretary of state to try and ensure such errors are avoided in future elections. contra costa county, the health department has asked the district attorney to pursue legal action against martinez refining company for hazardous materials release on thanksgiving. the company did not notify the county after their refinery released more than 20 tons of metal laden dust into the community. the accidental release of spent catalyst from the refinery began thanksgiving night and continued into the next day. samples of the dust taken later showed it had elevated levels of aluminum and other metals officials say this could have potentially caused respiratory symptoms in some people to recovery. buffalo bills player damar hamlin showing small but noticeable signs of improvement what doctors said just today about his long term prognosis also had
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the idaho murder suspect makes his first court appearance what prosecutors have laid out in the case against him, and tens of thousands of catholics pay their respects to the late pope. emeritus benedict what mourners remember about his life and
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it is benedict. it was a rare mass for a pontiff. presided over by a living one boxes lauren green as the details from vatican city. i need to be here because he is my pope. thousands of mourners gathering here in vatican city for the funeral mass of pope emeritus benedict the 16th funeral making history as pope francis presided over a rare mass for a pontiff officiated by a living one battery together. we want to say father into your hands, we
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commend his spirit, benedikt mayr joy be complete as you hear his voice now and forever. benedict who died on new year's eve at the age of 95 requested a simple service. but some 50,000 people attended, including heads of state royalty and clergy from around the world before and after the requiem mass. the praise for the former pope was universal. in some, the crowd even held banners reading sainthood now beautiful celebration, and i think it represents a lot about his life . and what will he expected? a simple celebration, but very beautiful, well known as a brilliant theologian, benedict will be best remembered as the first pope in more than 600 years to resign his decision controversial at the time, but in recent years it's been praised as a revolutionary move that could make it easier for other popes to do the same in the future and active unselfishness, some clergy say was in line with jesus' teachings more or less, said look, i'm not in this for the prestige and if i can't serve in a robot us vigorous way. perhaps it's better to step aside. i
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think those will all be legacies . benedict's coffin will now rest in the underground grottoes of st peter's basilica. alongside the remains of other popes. in vatican city, lauren green. fox news. president biden and build a new border plan today, urging migrants to apply to enter the us legally. the new policy applies to people hoping to migrate to the us from cuba, haiti, nicaragua and venezuela. the president says people from those nations may get most of the people traveling to mexico in an effort to cross into the u. s the u. s will admit up to 30,000 migrants per month from four countries as long as they apply through a legal process and undergo background checks. the president says the move will decrease the number of people entering the u. s illegally. if you're trying to leave cuba, nicaragua, haiti have we all have agreed to begin a journey to america. do not do not just show up at the border. stay where you are and apply legally
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from there starting today. if you don't apply through the legal process, you will not be eligible for this new parole program. at the same time the u. s plans to send about the same number of people about 30,000 to mexico each month if they enter illegally through the title 42 policy. president biden is set to visit el paso, texas, on sunday. he is accused of killing four college students nearly two months ago today, the suspect at his first appearance in an idaho courtroom, plus last night, he was able to, um, emerge and follow commands and even ask who had won the game. doctors give an update on buffalo bills player damar hamlin's condition the signs that he is slowly improving. and i'm tracking some raindrops are still out there. we're getting a little bit of a break, which is also important with this next series of storms moving in. we'll look into all
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wait. you're a night manager and mom and birthday cake baker? so adding “and” student might feel daunting. national university is here to support all your “ands.” national university. supporting the whole you.
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november made his force our first court appearance today, brian co. burger appeared in a courtroom in idaho after being extradited from pennsylvania reporter jennifer dowling from our sister station kcpq is in moscow, idaho. tonight jennifer what did you see in court today? well i can tell you it was a packed courtroom, not an empty seat available and it was an emotional day as you can imagine for the victims families. meantime the judge denied brian co. burger bail after she read him his charges. the maximum penalty for that offense if you plead guilty or found guilty it is up to death and or imprisonment for life. do you understand? yes burger looked alert as he listened to the charges against him, including felony burglary and four counts of first degree murder, with the victim's names and ass charges. read one by 2022 may, k county state of idaho. did
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willfully unlawfully deliberately, with premeditation and with malice, aforethought kill and murder murder. caylee on solves human being by stabbing from which she died. some members of the victims, friends and family guest and wept as the names and charges were read in violation of i don't code 18-4001. 400 to 40034004. brian first entered the courtroom, he greeted his defense attorney with a brief smile. the judge later finding him eligible for a public defender. i have a court appointed counsel burgers attorney did ask the court to set a bond, adding that he had a big family that supported him, county prosecuting attorney bill thompson argued against the request arrested on $3000 away across the country where it's happening. this massive, deeper name it has. i am going to leave . the bail set of this case has no bail at this point in time,
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gonsalves family explained whatr the family seeing the defendant for the first time. um this is the beginning of the criminal justice system. and the family will be here for the long haul. and the judge also issued a no contact order for the victims, families as well as the surviving roommates. meantime the new scheduled court date for next for brian co. burger will be on january 12th. and just a couple of things before we let you go was brian co burgers, father or family in the courtroom. and also do we know why those four was there any link or relationship between co burger and those four college students? i couldn't see the family members of brian co burger in the courtroom. it was very full. i tried to scan it. i
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was in the back. like i said there was no seats available tight and cramped quarters in there, and i don't think that his family was in attendance. also we don't know the connection yet between perhaps the victims and brian co. burger. that is still waiting to be sorted out. there was a number of items that have not been released yet. they've been redacted from that official probable cause affidavit that was released and so we're still waiting to lear brian and some of those four college students. just an absolutely heartbreaking story. jennifer dowling reporting for us tonight in moscow, idaho. thank you. marvel star jeremy renner continues to recover in the hospital after being injured over the weekend. he posted video today while receiving head massage and said he was having a spa day with his mother and sister. renner is recovering from two surgeries after being injured by a snowplow on new year's day right near his home in reno. the sheriff says renner was hit by that plow after using
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it to tell a car. stuck in snow . doctors treating buffalo bill safety tamara hamlin say he has shown remarkable improvement over the last 24 hours, even asking in writing who won the game in which he was injured. foxes stephen going with the update today from doctors about ambulance progress. what's your message to the tamar hamlin and her family wondering father of man. support for damar hamlin pouring in from fans, fellow players, even the white house. the buffalo bill safety collapsed after suffering cardiac arrest on the field during monday night's game here in cincinnati. he remains in critical condition, but thursday brought good news. his position say he's shown what they call a remarkable improvement over the past 24 hours. the bills writing in a statement, quote while he's still critically ill. he's demonstrated that he appears to be logically intact. is beginning to awaken, and it appears that his neurological condition in function is intact
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. and last night he was able to, um, emerge and follow commands. uh and even ask who had won the game is agents also say he's opened his eyes and his gripping the hands of family members. while his fans wait for more news. they're showing their solidarity by flooding his holiday toy drive with support. raising more than $7 million since monday night. tomorrow would want to use this to help other people he would hate for all his attention to just be on him and there not be a positive outcome. meanwhile doctors are asking hard questions about whether this tragedy could have been avoided. some are pushing for new rules to limit unsafe tackles, while others say it's the nature of the game. think there are probably some subtle uh, ah! uh tweaks they can do to equipment but i think that a violent sport you're never going to eliminate the risk. now the bills are scheduled to return to practice on thursday for the first time since hamlin's collapse and cincinnati stephen golan fox news. already i hope
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you have a nice stay dry for part of it, or kind of dry a bit of a break today and a bit of a break tomorrow into tomorrow night and throughout the evening , and then we get back into rain on saturday. some sprinkles out there right now, just enough to slow you down the afternoon commute. i'll show it to you one more time. this is the model because that's what you care about, right? i mean the showers event and when is it going to rain again? here we are right now. here comes basically nothing. santa cruz sea down there about 11 o'clock tonight. so then maybe there's something there. this is the computer model. right so this is what we're going into the future. few scattered showers, but this is relatively a dry 24 hour period for us friday. looks like something's going to happen. but that all stays north even north of santa rosa, and then i'm enjoying this because even though it's cloudy and maybe a little drizzle the heavy rains not there. this is when we get back into rain here. on saturday morning, so that's a good 36 hours easy but of drying out opportunities, so that's going to help quite a bit, and then we get a little bit of a break and then something on sunday with it
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looks a lot? i just show you that i just showed you that we're going to get a break because this systems are lined up on the pacific. i showed you that earlier and the way they're lined up, they're going to come through north south central somewhere. they may miss us by a little bit, but they're going to get through the bay area and they're going to bring rain. it's just a matter of how much and that's the key is the brakes right? so tomorrow is a big break. okay here is right now that's raining. it's coming down to half an inch, an hour rainfall rates and those oranges and reds out by san ramon over by concord. scattered showers. heavy showers just east of livermore downturns, pleasant hill and then a pleasant and pardon me and then in the city, it's relatively dry right now. so the five day forecast looks like this, and here's the key. right so friday, there's your break. that's good. this returns. this rain on saturday looks pretty pretty good, maybe an inch inch and a half. it's going to cause problems because the ground saturated and then sunday that's i'm gonna call that a break. even there's a few scattered showers. and then this
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is the one right now that seems to be the most concerning and again now, if anything changes, which it will if this little yellow thing goes away, and these storms scrunched together , it's a whole nother story, right? but when you can get 12 to 24 hours of breaking between the bay area. i've seen it personally first hand it can handle a whole bunch of whole bunch of water and we're going to have to because we got a whole bunch of water and a whole bunch of weather that's going to continue to come marching in off the pacific over the next 8 to 10 days. start to the new year. indeed all right, bill. thank you now, even if delayed airline passengers made it home over the holiday. many of their bags. didn't now southwest is trying to get those bags to the right places after the holiday meltdown and coming up tonight at six o'clock, martinez refinery refining lays out why it had to push water into t ca
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national tonight today have much better day to fly into and out of sfo. no ground delay or ground stops were in effect, though there have been a few flight delays and cancelations. 26 flights were canceled. their at sfo more than 200 have been delayed. in oakland. three flights were canceled and more than 60 were delayed. and at san jose manetta six flights have been canceled and more than 60 have been delayed. delta airlines will soon start offering up free wifi to all of its passengers. delta ceo making that announcement at the consumer electronics show in las vegas today. starting next month, passengers enrolled in delta's frequent flyer program will be able to access wifi for free on more than 700 aircraft. the airline hopes to offer it on all aircraft by the end of next year. currently jetblue the only other major u s airline, with
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free wifi airline, passengers across the nation, are waiting for their luggage to arrive in days after southwest meltdown over the holidays. grady trimble has we're now on southwest plan to return luggage to customers and also how people are now taking matters into their own hands to ensure that bags aren't lost again. if passengers haven't arranged to pick up their bags at the airport themselves, southwest is shipping them. they're using fedex ups even volunteers to get them to passengers. southwest wouldn't tell me the total number of lost bags they've dealt with during the holiday operational meltdown, but they do expect to have all bags shipped before the end of the week after that customers should get them in a matter of days. in addition to doling out refunds and reimbursements, reuniting passengers with their lost bags is just one more huge expense for southwest airlines. when nobody in the baggage sort area knows what flights are operating, what flights are not operating, or where the customer
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is. we have a real cocktail for total confusion here, and we're talking tens of millions of dollars to try to sort it out. we're probably looking at 3 to $400 a bag trying to get it back to the customer. then again, we have the other issue. lost bags and bags will never be seen on this planet again. because nobody wants their check bag lost forever. a lot of frequent flyers are taking matters into their own hands. using these apple air tags to track their luggage. in fact, google searches for air tax for luggage have increased drastically over the past several weeks and over on amazon, the number one selling item in the electronic section right now. you guessed it. apple air tags in chicago. grady trimble, fox business. this is ktvu fox two news at six. all the business owners around here are trying to kind of help each other out. damage from the powerful storm mounting across the bay area and beyond.
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tonight good evening, everyone and mike mibach julie julie haener with another storm on the way people scrambling tonight to clean up what they can santa cruz county, santa cruz county's coast is taking a big hit tonight. a combination of strong waves, high tide and rain is leaving a lot of areas battered in the bay area. new flooding, mudslides, power outages and down trees are the biggest problem and we do have live team coverage of the impact of the storm. ktvu christian captain in san francisco, where there is a lot of cleaning up to do tonight, chief meteorologist bill martin track in the rain still headed our direction, but we begin with our jesse gary live in cap capital a where we are seeing most of the extensive damage, jesse mike and julie. good evening to you. headline of the hour. i just got an update from the capital of the police department. they are not repeat . they are not lifting the mandatory evacuation orders tonight. the order stays in effect, at least until tomorrow . meanwhile the cleanup that had been going on all day has stopped, but they have gotten
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most of the debris out of the street got most of the mud out of the street. but you see behind me. darkness because pg and e still has not been able to turn on the power not until it is deemed safe by city officials. the restoration and cleanup for businesses such as zelda's going to take a lot longer. capitola thursday, storm surge has transformed the esplanade of the village district into mostly beach with few functioning businesses damage right now. i've seen really severe dominic kings bay bar and grill is barely accessible, storm driven waves pushed high tide four ft, higher than normal and over the protective seawall. what we saw at that point was water coming out of the banks of so called creek and inundating people's homes, inundating businesses in the capital village. strong waves also damaged capital, a centuries old


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