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tv   KTVU Fox 2 News at 5pm  FOX  May 9, 2018 5:00pm-6:00pm PDT

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this happened around 3:00. we are told in 7th period, students and staff complaint of getting sick. this has not yet been confirmed. someone may have sprayed something in the classroom, possibly pepper spray. again, the fire department is still investigating the cause of what may have caused these folks to get sick. the students and parents are saying it may have been some sort of school prank. this is what the parent had to say about her daughter. she is concerned about her asthma and her anxiety. here's more on what she had to say about the situation. >> my kid is my life. this is their education. i don't play around when it comes to education. that's my kid. you put my kid in jeopardy, you put everybody's kid in jeopardy. that's a joke? do it outside, not inside the class when you can harm people. be smart. you're a junior. this is your education.
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>> reporter: hazmat is trying to figure out a cause. this is video of a daughter on a gurney being taken to valley medical center. again, fire officials are out here. they are trying to determine if it was in fact pepper spray or something else and they are telling other students who were in that classroom and may not have been treated out here on the scene to, you know, take a shower, wash their clothes and if they have any problems with breathing, do not hesitate to call 911. that's the very latest. i'm staying on top of it. i'll provide you more updates as we get them from the fire department. >> i'm curious, the people who were taken to the hospital, the six people, do we know how they're doing? >> reporter: well, the one girl that was taken on the gurney, she was complaining of itchy eyes and trouble breathing. the students that i have seen, they are alert and they appear to be okay. but, of course, you don't want
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to take any chances and so as of right now, we know that six folks have been taken to the hospital. their conditions are unknown at this time. >> thank you, azenith smith in the south bay, thank you. an ac transit bus driver arrested for bringing a loaded gun to work in the east bay. our crime reporter henry lee live at the sheriff's office in dublin with more on what happened there. reporter: that ac transit bus driver notified his supervisor beforehand that he planned to bring a gun to work. and that led to a trip to james. we'll show you a mugshot of the bus driver. his name is steve williams. the 53-year-old oakley man was arrested yesterday afternoon by alameda county sheriff's deputies at the bay fair bart station in san leandro. investigator say they seized a loaded glock 17 9-millimeter semi-automatic pistol from him. he was arrested without incident by himself on a bus
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between routes. authorities say williams had emailed his supervisor saying he planned to bring a gun with him because he was scared for his safety at work. ac transit then notified the sheriff's office. >> we highly discourage anybody from carrying a weapon onto the bus, especially a driver, and thinking that they are going to use it when they don't receive the level of training that's required to carry such a firearm. >> reporter: the suspect was arrested on suspicion of carrying a concealed loaded weapon a misdemeanor. he has since posted bail. we have not yet heard back from him nor the bus driver's union. now, ac transit declined comment. live at the alameda county sheriff's office, henry lee, ktvu fox 2 news. >> you said he was afraid for his safety at work. do we know why he was afraid for his safety? >> reporter: yeah. julie, we don't have any details as to whether he had encountered anything in recent weeks or if some specific threat was made to him. >> did it have to do with another employee or something
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along the route? anything on that? >> reporter: yeah. we don't know if he was facing any threats from a passenger or the community or perhaps another coworker. we are working to get that information. >> thank you, henry lee in dublin. tonight we have the results of a report on police shootings in santa clara county. the report found that mentally ill people are often involved in confrontations with police. but the report also detailed what should be done to help. ktvu's jesse gary is here now with more on the report and the recommendations. jesse. >> reporter: frank, good evening to you. county mental health experts say the problem comes down to who makes first contact in a crisis situation. if you dial 911 when there's a fire, you get the fire department. if you dial 911 when there's a crime, you get a police officer. however, if there's someone with a mental health episode, you call 911 and you get a police officer, the same police officer who is there to uphold the law now has to manage a mental health crisis.
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>> we are launching mobile crisis teams in santa clara county for adults. >> reporter: county behavioral health service director hopes to increase the size of that current team by 25% in the coming months. that's one of the recommendations in the 16-page report. police and the mentally ill, improving outcomes, compiled by the current santa clara county grand jury finds of the 31 deadly officer-involved shootings from 2013 to 2017, one-third involved individuals with mental health issues. that was the case in january when a sword-wielding man approached two police officers and refused to drop his weapon forcing police to fire. >> we closed our state mental hospitals and the individuals have to find treatment from limited resources or more limited resources so there are more individuals who will likely come into contact with police officers. >> reporter: the grand jury
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said three recommendations were made including the funding of additional mobile crisis units beyond what the county already has in place and an additional crisis intervention training for all police officers. san jose's police chief eddie garcia says his department is already offering that training but only half of the department's 1,000 officers had the training. >> for the longest time, you know, it was not a mandatory type of training that we had to take here and i made a commitment when i became the chief that the entire department would be trained with crisis intervention training. the classes will have to be bigger to get as many officers as i can through the academy until we have this entire department trained. >> reporter: the chief estimates it will take until the end of the decade to get all of the officers trained, for the county they say maybe the next couple of months by the end of summer with the additional 25% of members on that crisis team in the mobile units. we're live in san jose this
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evening. jesse gary, ktvu fox 2 news. back to you. >> thank you. a man at the center of a landmark case on a judge's ability to set bail amounts walked out of a san francisco jail today and into a treatment facility. >> feel pretty good. nice fresh air, sun shining. i'm planning on being out of here. i'm loving it right now. >> 64-year-old kenneth humphrey is expected to spend the next 6 months at a facility for senior citizens undergoing treatment for alcohol and drug addiction. humphrey was arrested last year accused of stealing $5 in cash and some cologne from a neighbor and threatening him. the judge set humphrey's bail at $350,000 but a state appeals court found that amount was unconstitutional and excessive because there was no way humphrey could pay for it. humphrey was in good spirits today as he left the jail. he said it doesn't bother him that he has an ankle monitor.
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>> it doesn't bother me. i'm not going to do nothing wrong. my whole life is going to change for a better life, peaceful life. >> the state attorney general decided not to fight the ruling on appeal. now judge has to take a defendant's ability to pay into account when they set bail. humphrey said he could never have imagined the impact his case would have. uc workers were picture getting on day three of the three-day statewide walkout. today workers at san francisco general hospital rallied in solidarity with their uc counterparts. the sticking points for the striking service workers, job security, retirement and wages. in a statement, the university of california said the union is demanding a 20% raise over three years and the university cannot justify such a raise. uc has hired replacement workers during the strike and has postponed some surgeries and medical treatment. coming up tonight, three american families have a big reason to celebrate. right now three hostages are back in the u.s. after being
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released from captivity in north korea. >> plus, a new requirement for new homes in california. what homebuilders will now have to install on each and every new house. >> and amazing video of a kayaker in monterey bay as a great white shark circled underneath. eventually that kayaker ended up in the water. coming up, we'll talk with him about that experience. >> the forecast is coming up.
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one of the santa rosa neighborhoods hit hard by last year' firestorm in the north bay -- last year's firestorm in the north bay became the focus of wildfire prevention. the message today to all
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californians is to get ready. this is wildfire week. state officials are warning people to expect another bad fire season and they are calling destructive fires the new normal. >> this is the new normal. it is not just here in the north bay. statewide, throughout california, we are experiencing more fires, more acreage burned, more homes destroyed, and just in general more intense fires. that's the normal. >> officials are asking homeowners to help them by keeping brush and flammable materials away from their homes. they also recommend that residents sign up for emergency alerts and set up an evacuation plan including go bags for your family. there is a new plan to turn a huge piece of land into the cash that's needed to help solve a housing crisis in a north bay community. ktvu's tom vacar joins us now from santa rosa where that plan is under serious consideration. >> reporter: like much of the bay area, land values here in the north bay and in wine country have gone way, way up.
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well, now one very large piece of county-owned government property could go a long way to addressing the housing crisis here. >> reporter: it was county employee appreciation day at the sonoma county administration center in santa rosa. this vast 26-acre complex is almost section decades old with all the probable -- almost six decades old with all problems that older buildings have. there's more than a quarter billion dollars of deferred maintenance here. the county board of supervisors has decided to ask private developers if they are interested in erecting a modern ecofriendly half million-square-foot multistory high-rise. the vast administrative area would be leveled and likely sold off to make way for the construction of 1400 to 4,000 badly needed affordable and middle class living spaces. >> by all accounts, we're at least 25 to 30,000 units short of dealing with our
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affordability issue. >> reporter: four sites are under consideration including a small part of the sprawling existing site, a site downtown, the business partner sonoma county airport, or some other developer-chosen site. >> there's no reason to incur debt or use government investment or even cash out of our general fund just to kind of, um, make us a new temple to local government. we have to do something big. >> reporter: this project and the rebuilding of coffey park would get the county about a third of the way to its goal. one county resident worries that this might cut into the funds needed for firestorm recovery. >> but i think as a forward plan that's not a bad plan to think about what do we do when something is going to cost so much to fix up and is this the best time to move it? maybe that does make sense. >> reporter: back in the '50s and '60s, this was really the cutting edge of rural government architecture. but that was a long time ago. >> we're spending probably two to three times more to keep it
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running than it's actually worth. >> reporter: now, if the supervisor has his way, the board in a year is going to try to put out a request for proposals, bids to actually start doing this. we shall see what happens. tom vacar, ktvu fox 2 news. a day after president trump's withdrawal from the iran nuclear deal, defense secretary james mattis is trying to reassure congress and the american people that a new deal with iran can be reached. he testified before the senate appropriations committee today. mattis initially supported the deal but now he says there's an opportunity for the united states and its european allies to address the shortcomings in the deal and, quote, make it more compelling. >> we'll continue to work alongside our allies and partners to ensure that iran can never acquire a nuclear weapon and we'll work with others to address the range of iran's malign influence. >> the big question is whether iran will still abide by the
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deal with the parties to the agreement. businesses will have three to six months to cut their ties with iran before sanctions are reimposed by the united states. north korea released three american hostages today. the three landed in alaska in just the past hour and right now, they are with secretary of state mike pompeo headed to meet their families later tonight. these are pictures of pompeo in north korea before their release. he was there to finalize details of a historic meeting between president trump and north korean president kim jong-un while also helping to win the release of those three americans. that plane with three americans on board will land at andrews air force base at 11 p.m. greg palkot tells us the president and vice president will be there to greet them. >> they will be landing at 2:00 in the morning at andrews air force base and i'll be there to greet them. mike will be with me. it will be i think a very
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special time. nobody thought this was going to happen. >> reporter: today secretary of state mike pompeo meeting with kim in pyongyang securing the release of three detained americans. president trump tweeted in part, quote, secretary of state mike pompeo is in the air and on his way back from north korea with the three wonderful gentlemen that everyone is looking so forward to meeting." it comes a day of after the president announced the u.s. is pulling out of the iran nuclear deal. some lawmakers say that will make kim less likely to trust america's word on another nuclear pact. >> you're probably making it harder to come to a north korea deal. >> reporter: the white house says the president's maximum pressure campaign brought the north to the bargaining table and will continue the america first policy. >> he believes in peace through strength. when he says something, he carries through on it so he is optimistic. >> reporter: tensions along the border are at their lowest point in decades. tourists now flocking to the dmz with most feeling
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optimistic about the upcoming talks. >> i feel like unification of north and south will be great. i think it will be wonderful to live united. >> reporter: president trump says he will be there to greet secretary pompeo and the three former detainees when they arrive at joint base andrews at 2 a.m. tomorrow morning. in london, greg palkot, fox news. a confirmation hearing took place today on capitol hill for president trump's nominee to be the next cia director. gina haspel wasted no time talking about her role in leading a controversial interrogation program following the 9/11 attacks. she used the opening statement of her confirmation hearing to definitively tell senators that she would hold herself to a higher standard now pledging to never again use brutal interrogation techniques. that was not enough for several protestors who had to be removed by capitol police for causing disruptions. senators also probed her on how if confirmed she plans to
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balance the director role and her relationship with the president trump. >> if you were ever approached by the president and asked for personal pledge of loyalty, what would you respond? >> senator, my only loyalty is to the american people and the constitution of the united states. >> a full senate vote to confirm haspel is expected next week. all righty. we're taking off into our bay area thursday now. and temperatures are on the warmup. they did drop down a couple of degrees today. they warm a few degrees tomorrow into the weekend with highs, eh, about in the 90s, the upper 80s and low 90s. we are going to be mid-80s on the weekend but it's still going to be nice. at least that's how it looks now. mid- to upper 80s. it's all the same. it's going to be beautiful as we head towards the end. week here. so temperatures tomorrow -- today's the transition day. tomorrow will be a warmer day. highs will easily make it into the 80s tomorrow. we have already got a couple of low 80s today. the forecast for down the road as i said saturday and sunday, especially saturday, pretty warm. upper 80s in some of the
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inland valleys or mid-80s. the fog is not really a big deal at the coast but it works back in tonight as you would expect. and the lid is starting to come down a bit. so temperatures are starting to warm up. air quality is becoming less desirable. 73 in fairfield right now. 75 in santa rosa. 75 in santa rosa. we are five degrees cooler today in fairfield and in concord than we were yesterday at this time. so that completes our cooling trend and now we start to warm up. look at the winds, wow. sfo pumping at 40 miles an hour on the gusts. that's significant. 30 miles an hour sustained. that's significant. there are no flight delays because they are set up for that wind direction, but that's heavy wind. blowing on the great highway. the atmosphere is getting sticky, isn't it? that's because we're seeing the air starting to compress. by tomorrow we'll have a hard time seeing from here from twin peaks, might have a hard time seeing all the way out into the napa valley which is
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what we're looking at there now. forecast overnight lows, 48 in napa, 53 in fairfield. fog comes back to the coast. and as you go through the microclimates, tomorrow, thursday, what you would expect. upper 60s around the bay. livermore valley in the mid- 70s. if you squeak far enough east, north and south you might get a couple of low 80s. so temperatures tomorrow will be on the warmup with numbers warmer still on friday and saturday. i'll see you back here with all the specifics and the five- day forecast. 10 new bart cars will be in service next week after passing state tests. because of technical issues in january, state regulators ordered bart to put the new cars through additional testing. that new 10-car train passed a systemwide test stopping at every station and automatically opening and closing its doors. late yesterday, the california public utilities commission sent an approval letter to bart officials. this means bart will have 20
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new cars in service. the california energy commission today voted unanimously to make solar panels mandatory on all new homes. they would be required on homes, condos and low-rise apartment buildings. this could add more than $10,000 to the construction cost of new homes, but the commission says the costs would be made up in energy savings. the requirement will go into effect in the year 2020. first it was the lava. now a sort of volcanic fog is creating more concern for people living on hawaii's big island. coming up next tonight details about the latest problem that's making for a dangerous breathing condition. >> and later coming up new at 6:00 a bay area councilman facing allegations of sexual misconduct. now the city is looking for more possible victims. what we're learning about the claim. he's been called a rockstar lawyer. he tops the charts on progressive causes...
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winning pro bono battles for immigrants and the homeless. defending gay rights and gun control. democrat jeff bleich. after columbine, bleich led president clinton's youth violence initiative. with joe biden, bleich took on domestic violence. served president obama as special counsel and ambassador. maybe bleich can't pull off the rockstar look... but his progressive record is solid gold.
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pomona who live on the big island of hawaii are dealing with a new threat from the dylann dylann dylann which has been erupting for a week. as william la jeunnesse tells us, toxic fumes are leaking out of the opening in the ground creating volcanic smog which is dangerous to breathe. >> an aerial view of kilauea volcano as it spews lava on the big island. now more fissures have opened up endangering residential neighborhoods and two dozen homes destroyed. >> you lose perspective until you're on the ground seeing the lava flow and how it
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erupted in the middle of the subdivision. you know, the vents are still steaming and there's gas coming and you can see how close the homes are to the vents. >> my kids are safe. and our dogs are safe. and we have each other. >> reporter: nearly 2,000 have been asked to evacuate though not all have left. the new vents are emitting dangerous gases. officials ordering stragglers to leave now. >> make sure that people went in there and started evacuating, went door to door, police, civil defense, all trying to get people out. >> reporter: this resident tried to check on her lost pets and came face to face with toxic volcanic gas. >> like choking on rotten egg fumes. it's thick. makes your eyes water, your throat hurt, your lungs ache. so you have to run. >> reporter: there's also a concern that lava could threaten new areas of the big island. they are asking for help to deal with the disaster.
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william la jeunnesse, fox news. a flat tire and then a gun pulled on a westbound highway 24 lane just outside the caldecott tunnel. coming up next, new details about the man who reportedly pulled a gun on a caltrans employee. plus -- >> the san francisco police officer who says he was harassed by his fellow officers is now facing charges he impersonated a cia agent. we'll have details coming up. >> and coming up next, an update on a hazmat situation at a high school in the south bay. we just got new information from the school.
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life, lived victor's way. chase. make more of what's yours. breaking news from south san jose where 12 people are being treated for exposure to a chemical at oak grove high school. we received a statement from the school district saying that the chemical is believed to be pepper spray and says that inside a classroom a teacher and 11 students started coughing and had trouble breathing. they also had teary and itchy eyes. at first there was fear of a gas leak but students at the scene tell our reporter azenith smith that a student may have discharged a bottle of pepper spray. fire officials said that six of the students were taken to the hospital complaining of shortness of breath. the san francisco police officer who filed complaints saying he had been harassed because he is muslim is now
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facing allegations he impersonated a cia agent. christien kafton tells us there was an investigation launched five years ago. >> reporter: the officer who says he was harassed by fellow san francisco police officers now facing scrutiny with allegations he impersonated a cia agent to impress a woman in napa. last month the rookie officer born in afghanistan came forward saying he was harassed by fellow officers. >> i told them many times their racist comments and actions to me needed to stop. when their behaviors escalated, i decided to make a formal complaint to human resources. >> reporter: now this bulletin is your fashioned from 2013 warning of a cia agent impersonator. we have obscured the name and photo of the man named in the bulletin. in it, napa police tell a story that a man using the name danny costello met a woman on a dating website and convinced that woman and her family that he was a high
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level cia agent that he had been involved in the killing of osama bin laden and the investigation of general david petraeus. the bulletin warned the man had applied to be an officer at several different sheriff's offices. today we talked to the attorney who represents the officer at the center of this. he said his client denies any allegation that he impersonated a cia agent or claimed to have killed osama bin laden. his lawyer says he hasn't filed a lawyer over the original harassment claims but that he is continuing to investigate on his client's behalf. meanwhile, san francisco police did not comment today beyond their statement released last month saying the department is taking the allegations of harassment very seriously. this afternoon we were able to determine that a cadet with the same name was dismissed from and oakland police academy in 2015. because it's a personnel matter, opd won't say why he
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was dismissed. christien kafton, ktvu fox 2 news. the busy streets in san francisco will soon be safer to walk across. this morning, the sfmta and the group senior and disability action announced a citywide increase in crossing times and crosswalks to give slower moving people the time to safely cross the street. they say hundreds of pedestrians are injured by cars each year and about 20 are killed. most are seniors or those with disabilities. >> it isn't just seniors. it's disabled people, too. it's also families crossing with young children and bicycles. it is everybody kind of using that intersection to cross and we just want to make sure that people have enough time to cross safely. >> officials say the increased crossing times will help in the city's efforts to reach its goal of zero traffic deaths by 2024. a 21-year man from concord is under arrest after he allegedly threatened a
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caltrans worker on 24 this morning in oakland west of the caldecott tunnel at 2:15 a.m. the chp says the man got a flat tire and pulled over along the center median. a car driven by a friend of the man with the flat tire pulled up a short time later. a caltrans tow truck driver saw the two and went to offer help. investigators say for some reason, the suspect got into a physical confrontation with the caltrans worker then pulled out a gun, pointed it at the caltrans employee and fired twice in the air. the caltrans worker escaped in his truck. the suspect got into the second vehicle and left the scene. the chp arrested 21-year-old tomas torres a few hours later. caltrans released this statement saying: this morning's incident is a prime example of the hazards that caltrans workers face while performing their duties. by coincidence there was no accident in that same area of highway 24 shortly before 3:00 this afternoon where a car spun out and went through the guardrail. the contra costa county
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coroner has positively identified the high school student found apparently drowned in the school swimming pool yesterday. he is 15-year-old benjamin curry. ktvu's rob roth is at the school with more. reporter: frank, here at san ramon valley high school, there's a gate outside that's turned into a memorial. it's filled with student notes and messages for ben curry. authorities are still looking into what happened to him. reporter: it was a day perhaps like no other here at san ramon valley high school in danville one filled with grief and grief counselors. >> the halls were a lot quieter. you could tell a lot of people were mourning. some friends were hugging each other. >> reporter: students visited this gate. it's become a memorial of messages left for their 15- year-old classmate ben curry. his teammates on the freshman basketball team paid special tribute. >> they actually have all of their basketball shoes laid
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out with comments like rest in peace, ben, et cetera. so they really are connecting with him. >> reporter: danville police say they are still trying to figure out what happened to curry and why. he was found drowned in the school pool. >> he seemed happy and popular with friends. you could see that today when we're all coming together for him. >> reporter: others students said he was troubled and perhaps bullied. one message on the memorial included a phone number for a suicide hotline. authorities have not confirmed suicide or reports of bullying. but the fact that curry's death happened on campus can be especially troubling. we spoke with a behavior counselor who works with troubled children. she says parents of curry's schoolmates should make sure their child knows they are there for them. >> the important thing for them to hear from you is, i love you. i care about you and i want to help you. and the only way to communicate that is to really
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just create the space for them to talk or not talk. >> reporter: according to social media, a vigil is being planned for ben curry here at the school at 8:00 tonight. frank? >> your heart goes out to his family. rob roth in danville tonight. rob, thank you. marin and contra costa are among the california counties suing dozens of pharmaceutical companies alleging they didn't do enough to prevent the opioid crisis. the two state the companies misled the public about addiction, overdoses and making huge profits. 30 california counties are taking part in the lawsuit against two dozen drug manufacturers. among other things, the lawsuit seeks reimbursement of taxpayer funds that have already been spent responding to the opioid epidemic. in san francisco, the police department today said chief bill scott is focused on his job, this despite reports that he is a finalist to become the chief of the lapd. the "l.a. times" reports that chief
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scott is among three people on the short list to take over the department when the current chief of lapd, charlie beck, retires at the end of june. chief scott actually moved to the bay area from los angeles to take the chief of police spot in san francisco in january of 2017 after spending 27 years in los angeles. survive and advance with the goal another nba title. coming up next, the warriors head to the next round and they are already focusing on their opponent. but it may be a tough series ahead as the houston rockets end the regular season with the best regular in the league. >> plus, this is the fear of a lot of folks, look closely at that picture there. that's a kayaker and a great white shark circling nearby! coming up next, we talk to the man in that kayak after this close encounter this happened in monterey bay.
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let's talk about nba play- off basketball. the warriors are halfway to the goal. last night they knocked out the new orleans pelicans. they have now won eight play- off games in the first two series. of course, it takes 16 wins to win an nba title. >> and next up the houston rockets a team the warriors had a losing record against during the regular season. joe fonzi reports. >> interesting how this has
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gotten routine isn't it? if you had talked about this five years ago, oh, my goodness, the warriors are in the western conference finals! now it's the expectation. the warriors are in the western conference finals for the fourth straight year. but there's one difference this year. unlike the last three seasons, the warriors do not have home- court advantage. they played the rockets three times during the regular season, all three games memorable. on opening night the warriors unveiled a new championship banner, needed one last hoop to win, steph curry shot won't go the warriors keep it alive, looks like kevin durant has pulled one out at the buzzer but they reviewed it and it was still in durant's hands when time ran out. the rockets ruined the warriors' opener by a point. they met twice in houston in january. the warriors won in the fourth and then 16 days later down three needed to stop. james harden beats the shot clock and nails the three. in addition to taking two out of three from the warriors, the rockets finished 7 games better in the standings. harden, chris paul and the rest feel this is their time.
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they have been looking forward to this matchup. the warriors say they aren't gunning for anybody. >> we don't have to say nothing. >> what are you doing? >> we know about the runoff talking about how bad we want to play somebody. we want to win another championship. and it don't matter who is in the way of that. you in the way of that, you in the way. it don't matter to us who we play. however, we got them! all right? now let's get it. we get to it now. but we got a goal. whoever is in the way of that goal, you know, then we got to see you. you got to see us. all right. now they in the way. perfect. >> that's called knowing the expectations. the warriors open up in houston and then come back to san francisco. >> i love that. it's just like bring them on. >> last night they have the
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four all stars, when all four are playing the way they are capable of playing, pretty tough for anybody in the nba to beat them. what you have to hope if you are an opponent that one or two of the guys have a bad shooting night and then you have a chance. >> do you think that houston down inside in their hearts believes they can beat the warriors? that's one of the things about the warriors they have so much confidence. >> alvin gentry addressed that last night for the pelicans. of course we came in here and thought we could win. if we don't think that way, we don't deserve on the floor with these guys. now they have chris paul, players with career seasons. you're darn right they believe they can. >> they had a better record in the regular season. >> they did. that's tainted when you look at it. there was a stretch when the warriors knew the best they were ever going to be was number 2. and you still have a handful of games left to play. so you're going to get excited about the sacramento kings when the worst thing that can happen is you can get hurt. >> as soon as it gets to the
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play-offs, the warriors just turn on a different switch. >> you're not supposed to be able to do that but they have been able to so far. >> will it continue? we'll find out monday. thanks, joe. coming up, look out below! we talk with this kayaker who got up close and personal with a great white shark in monterey bay. why he even ended up in the water outside his kayak. >> that's a great question! >> isn't it? >> why? >> what are you doing, pal? >> so we got a little bit of fog out at the coast. we'll check that out and the warmup coming up.
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a dead gray whale was discovered today on angel island the third time the carcass of a dead gray whale has washed ashore this year. scientists are trying to figure out what killed the whale. back in march, a dead gray whale was found on the same beach. it died of malnutrition. in april another dead one was discovered after it had been killed by an orca. right now they are migrating north from baja to alaska passing angel island on the way. a scary sight in the waters off of monterey bay. a kayaker with a big shark circling in the water and then all of a sudden that kayaker gets into the water with that shark still nearby! the question, why did that kayaker a local marine biologist and captain get into
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the water? ann rubin talked with him today to find out why. reporter: it was like something out of the movie. one minute he was in the kayak, the next, overboard all with a great white shark. >> my glasses fell in and i leaned too far and fell in. >> reporter: a helicopter caught what he could not. still the marine biologist knew sharks will be spotted the day before near secret state beach in aptos. >> i hit the nice warm water and realized, oh, wait a minute, yesterday i thought there were 15 great whites in this area. maybe i should get back in the boat. >> reporter: he often studies the sharks from the kayak in monterey bay. he documented close encounters before. >> right under the kayak. >> reporter: shark sightings used to be a rarity but over the last four years, water temperature, currents, concentrations of food have been drawing the sharks farther north. >> most of these are the same
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sharks that i have been seeing year after year. and the only difference is, they are getting bigger. >> reporter: lifeguards say they will post warnings with sightings within 200 yards from shore. some locals are thinking twice about getting in the water. >> i wouldn't do it. i used to. i used to surf all the time here. but -- and i surf at other spots but i wouldn't go out in the water here. >> i got to be vigilant. it's their home. >> reporter: the shark warning signs have growth go up this year. the locals we talked to say even without them, they understand now is the time to start being cautious. in aptos, ann rubin, ktvu fox 2 news. >> i guess he didn't know the shark was there? >> i -- i goes not. um, now, what let's bring in our chief meteorologist bill martin. i know you surf. you're in there with sharks all the time. i just could never surf because i would be scared. >> that's why -- >> he says he knew of 13
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sharks in the area before. >> that area is rife with young juvenile sharks. a lot of white sharks down in that area. we don't see them schooling up like that. seems to be the younger ones doing that up here. >> why would the shark in that case, here he jumps in the water -- >> doesn't care about him. >> not hungry? >> not interested. sharks know what they're eating. no, we have seen some -- i have seen -- in 34 years, you have seen a lot, you have been around. they don't really want you. it's almost like a bear attacking you. bears don't really want to attack you. it's rare. if you think of how many bear attacks? not very many. >> younger sharks maybe have more access to food where the older slower sharks are more the ones that attack because they are hungry? >> the younger sharks are the ones that attack. they're not very savvy. they go that looks like something -- they doesn't recognize a surfboard so younger sharks are more prone to attack. >> i wonder what he thinks. here he goes into the water after his glasses and then later sees that video and
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things, holy cow, take it away from me! that was a big shark! >> i know. >> well, i think with drones now you see them more, too. i don't know if that is a helicopter drone but in the old days you would be out in the water there would be sharks around and nobody he would see them. now there's cameras everywhere so sharks didn't just show up there this year or last year. it coincides with the amount of videocameras out there. so it's warming up to. these are the highs from today. highs tomorrow on the increase. 82 on thursday in santa rosa. so a warmer day. and warmer still as we get into your bay area friday. weather systems to the north. clouds to the north. even showers to the north. but we're good. we got temperatures tomorrow on the warmup. fog returns to the coast. friday warmer than thursday. these are the "right now temperatures." gusty winds at sfo, 40-mile-an- hour winds a live picture -- live camera shot. and the fog forecast for tomorrow morning. you can see it here.
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kind of burns off pretty quickly and that allows things to warm up even more. so there's 80 in fairfield tomorrow. 82 in brentwood and the five- day forecast. and yesterday a couple of days ago i said something about wild indian up in butte county. that's incorrect way to refer to native americans. i feel bad for that. >> now you corrected it. >> thank you. when hurricane maria devastated puerto rico last fall, law enforcement there lost many vital tools for keeping the peace. for months, many walked wearing jeans and t-shirts because uniforms reflective vests and police vehicles were destroyed. today, thanks to the el cerrito police department and the latino peace officers association, a black and white crown victoria police car is headed from the port of oakland to puerto rico. organizers say it is greatly
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needed by police there. a decades old cold case may be heating up. up next the search is on, on this remote michigan property for 7 missing girls. >> a bay area councilman facing allegations of sexual misconduct now the city is looking for more potential victims. what we're learning about the claims. >> plus, continuing coverage of the developing news. several students suddenly sickened at a south bay school. coming up at 6:00.
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because antonio villaraigosa millions got it he defended women's healthcare, banned military-style assault weapons, banned workplace discrimination, and more. antonio for governor.
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an intense search is going on in michigan for the remains of the girl who went missing a decade ago. and as fox news correspondent bryan llenas reports, she may not be the only one buried in the woods. >> reporter: 30 miles north of detroit in warren, michigan, fbi agents and local police are working to uncover clues in several cold cases dating back to the 1970s. >> hopefully this is it. like i said, i know they were out 8 years ago. >> reporter: police are searching for the body of 12- year-old kimberly king. cathy lucas' memories of her sister coming to an abrupt end in september 1979. >> it got to be too much to sit and think about --ponder her last moments, what could have been the possibility. i'm going to leave it to the cops and be there whatever the heck they need. >> reporter: but officials say kim may not be alone. >> we do have a general probable cause to believe that this is a gravesite, no question about it that kimberly king and other young female victims who were murdered are buried here.
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>> reporter: police say after months of conversations with suspected serial killer arthur ream, he led them to this site. he is currently in prison for the murder of 13-year-old cindy zarzycki, her remains were found near the escape area in 2008. >> the suspect in this case also did brag about murdering 46 people. he did fail a polygraph test and the investigation is just in its initial stages. >> reporter: police say kimberly king went missing while visiting her grandparents in michigan. so far he hasn't been charged in connection with any death. bryan llenas , fox news. a major diplomatic victory for president trump. three american prisoners released by north korea are now on the way home setting
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the stage for a landmark summit between the president and north korean leader kim jong-un. >> nobody thought this was going to happen. and if it did it would be years or decades frankly. nobody thought this was going to happen. >> the three prisoners along with secretary of state mike pompeo are on the way to washington, d.c. at this hour. good evening, everyone. i'm frank somerville. >> and i'm julie haener. late today, the state department released a statement from the three americans who were freed. it reads in part, we would like to express our deep appreciation to the united states government, president trump, secretary pompeo and the people of the united states for bringing us home. >> heather holmes has the latest. >> reporter: president trump says he will be there to greet those former detainees when they arrive at joint base andrews early tomorrow morning. and even as those americans were being released, diplomats
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were busy working on that planned meeting between president trump and north korean leader kim jong-un. >> we picked a time. we picked a place for the meeting or summit as you like to call it. >> reporter: president trump and kim jong-un set to make history as the final preparations are now under way for their upcoming summit. today secretary of state mike pompeo met with kim in pyongyang to secure the release of three detained americans. >> we're honored by the fact that the three gentlemen are coming home. to me, it's very exciting. it represents something. it represents something very important to this country. people never thought a thing like this could happen. it can. people never thought you were going to have a situation where we're having serious and positive communication with north korea. and we are. >> reporter: the meetings today come a day after president trump announced the u.s. is pulling out of the iran nuclear deal. some lawmakers say


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