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tv   KTVU Mornings on 2 at 9am  FOX  December 12, 2017 9:00am-10:00am PST

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including mayor sam liccardo, myself. we had booked dinner reservations in napa to show our support for that region and to encourage people to support the napa valley and help them recover from the devastating fires. again, the mayor of san francisco driving up to napa just to have dinner to show his compassion, his support for other political leaders. no benefit to himself. but that's just the kind of guy he was. >> okay. oakland mayor libby schaaf. thank you for joining us on the phone. we know you have business at the oakland airport. we will be covering that later in the day. thank you. >> thank you. >> a look back at mayor lee's
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political life. it is a somber tuesday morning in the city by the bay. the great city of san francisco. mayor ed lee died at 1:11 this morning at zuckerberg san francisco general. the mayor, a fighter for affordable housing for civil rights for the homeless. someone who helped create the tech boom that the city is going through right now. a true innovator, bringing innovators to the city of san francisco. flags at half-staff outside of city hall. mayor lee also took a lot of pride as an international beacon. he is a true leader. this morning, san francisco mourning the loss of its first asian-american mayor. with that, we welcome you to the 9 on this tuesday morning. just woke up this morning for myself at 4:00 and we heard the word shock a lot from willie brown and now from libby schaaf. that's what it was for me. >> that was the case for so
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many. it is really important for us to think back to what san francisco was in 2011. we had just come out of the recession. the mayor said to me that he was the jobs, jobs, jobs mayor. back then, double digit unemployment. we talk about the mid market quarter being one of the hottest spots in the city. ten years ago, you didn't want to walk there at night. now you have twitter and many others thanks to mayor ed lee coming to san francisco and make thanksgiving a beacon for jobs. >> -- making it a beacon for jobs. >> right. >> it will forever be changed because of mayor ed lee. >> being a reporter and trying to work on a deadline, i think we have all hit the streets of san francisco. >> uh-huh. >> and mayor lee, and i told the story earlier, he would always make time for you. even though some of his handlers would, you know, try to push him along. >> as you chased him down the halls. >> right. >> he would know your name. and one of the fun things that i got to see mayor ed lee
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outside of his role at the chinese new year's parade. he was there. this is a photo that we took a couple years back at the parade. you know how the cable cars line up before. and ktvu is a big part of it. he would go and say hello to everyone. we took a selfie and just got to see him outside when he was somewhat more relaxed. we didn't talk policy. we talked about our kids. he was a gentleman. >> a quiet leader but a great leader. ktvu's christien kafton has been covering the story throughout the morning and joins us live from zuckerberg san francisco general where the mayor died earlier this morning. christien. >> reporter: yeah. it is funny, sal was just talking about his personal interactions with mayor ed lee. and i was recalling the exact same kind of interaction with him. i have seen him at the chinese new year's parade. he always asked how my family was doing. the last time i saw him, i told him how my son was walking to
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school, one of the events where they encourage kids to walk to school for fitness. the mayor was there. he looked very fit himself. he was walking students to a school. i will always remember that interaction with mayor ed lee. if you take a look here, you can see motorcycle units arriving to escort mayor lee for one final ride through san francisco. from what we understand at this point they are waiting for some family members to arrive. you can see that we're starting to get a significant police presence here. the motorcycle unit showing up. some lieutenants already showing up as well. and, again, they're saying that they're going to try to work with the family, give the family the space they need and do whatever the family wants at this time. this, though is the same location where we confirmed news this morning about the mayor's death. the city confirmed overnight that mayor ed lee died at 1:11 this morning. the city sending out word by e-
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mail at 2:30 this morning that the mayor had died. that word coming from the former president of the board of supervisors, now acting mayor, london breed. >> mayor edwin m. lee passed away early this morning, tuesday, december 12th, at 1:11 a.m. at zuckerberg san francisco general hospital. family, friends, and colleagues were by his side. the 43rd mayor of san francisco, ed was 65 years old. our thoughts and prayers are with his wife anita, his daughters tania and brianna, and his entire family. >> reporter: now, mayor ed lee was brought here to zuckerberg san francisco general hospital last night sometime after 10:30, after visiting a
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safeway. safeway workers say while the mayor was there with his wife between 10:30 and 11:00 last night, he collapsed. they say before that, the mayor was in good spirits, smiling, talking with people there inside of safeway. it was not unusual to see him there at that time of night. he would show up at that time couple times a month shopping with family. now prominent san franciscans are reflecting on the mayor's death and his legacy. >> someone asked me about a legacy for ed lee. and in my mind of course i think the strongest one would be that he was our first asian mayor. and i think that meant a lot to a lot of people. certainly to our own asian community. and i know right now people are very concerned about if we're in shock, what his wife anita must be feeling and his two daughters. and i think ed was a grandfather too. i'm not sure. but i know that family was
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important to him. >> reporter: coming back to our live look. this is one more live look at the honor guard beginning to gather here at zuckerberg san francisco general hospital. no word at this point in time when they will be escorting mayor lee one final time through the city. we will stay here on scene and get the very latest on that. we're hoping to get some word on that later this morning. keep in mind that we're expecting and anticipating that 10:00 a.m. news conference by acting mayor london breed. she has said that she will speak at that time. hopefully we can learn more about what happened overnight. hopefully we can learn more about the plans for the future here in the city. for now we will continue monitoring developments here at the hospital. fact to you. >> certainly when the news conference happens, we will bring it to you live on ktvu. san francisco's police chief scottish you'd a
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statement regarding the death. mayor ed lee cared deeply about our city, the safety of it's people and the men and many of the san francisco. we're shocked and saddened by his passing. during this time of sore owe, our thoughts and prayers are with his wife and kids and family. schools will be flying flags at half-staff in memory of mayor ed lee. a cherished member of the school communities. governor brown released a statement that says on behalf of all californians, we extend our deepest condolences to mayor lee's family, his many friends and the entire city of san francisco. ed was a true champion for working people. he will be truly missed. >> fleet week sf tweets we are deeply saddened by the passing of mayor ed lee. a true friend to all of our active military members and veterans and a close member of our fleet week family. >> joe garofoli joins us now.
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i keep thinking about the moment when he didn't want to be mayor but then was convinced to be mayor. >> right. >> and that conversation that he had either with his family or with himself. because i said to gasia earlier, i got a sense of a lot of pride when i first met mayor lee. >> right. >> because of that pride, he became this leader for us since 2011. >> i remember i did a commonwealth club with him right about that time. are you going to run? are you not going to run? there were other people that talked to him, willie brown who were much more influential. he was kind of like a normal person. or close to a normal person. because he was a real person. he didn't grow up as a politician. he was a bureaucrat. he grew up in public housing. >> did that make him a better man. >> it give him a sense of what
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people are struggling with. now, his legacy, there is duality to that. unemployment is very low. the city is booming economically. but there is still -- the jury is out. the homeless situation is very difficult still. he didn't build the affordable housing that he wanted to. but he set in motion for that stuff to happen there. is a duality to his legacy. >> when i spoke to him at city hall a few months ago he made it clear that the trump administration coming in changed his scene as mayor. the work that he had before him changed that day. and i saw him in my mind pushing up his sleeves. can you talk about what mayor lee did in san francisco was seen on a national level. >> well, everything that happens in san francisco, we're at the leading edge of what happens. you have a responsibility to be a role model here. as is sort of the vanguard of the progressive america, you can do things. and he took that responsibility seriously, especially when it came to immigration and issues like that.
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he definitely was a fighter. a very calm person. you weren't going to get a lot of fiery speeches from ed lee. but in his heart he believed a lot of these things. >> this opens up an interesting period here. the election was coming up. and just as a life long san francisco, you have seen this before. someone gets appointed and then that person will just stay with it. do you think that london breed will decide, you know what, i'm going to stay with this because the people of san francisco need continuity. >> it's going to be a very interesting six months in san francisco. and a very interesting year and a half in san francisco politics. so london breed is the acting mayor right now. if the majority of the board members say that she can continue as mayor, she will be mayor. or they can pick somebody else. they can pick anybody. then we go to that person will be mayor until june 2018. and then there's a mayor -- a mayoral election was originally scheduled for november 2019. >> right.
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>> mark leno. >> mark leno is already in. >> right. >> we could see other people. we could see david shoe step in. a tipping point. certainly has a long time connections with the city. >> mark ferrell could be running. >> london breed may be running. we will see. it will definitely be another -- in most cases, leno has been a long -- been around a long time. >> she is acting right now. let's sates they do not appoint someone else. so she will hold that position as interim. >> until june. >> until june. have the election. does that mean we still have the election in '19. >> yes. there will be two elections. leno may run again. he may run in 20 -- next june. and as will other people. we will see. this is going to be some crazy few months in politics. craze yes, sir than usual. >> do you know what it remines
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me of? i remember i was in high school when mayor was shot and killed. the breast came to each individual classroom and told us. i remember that feeling the mayor of san francisco can't die. and i'm much older now. i'm an adult, a grown man. i still had that feeling this morning when i found out, wait a minute, ed lee can't be dead. >> right. it is shocking. especially as gasia said, we saw him yesterday. >> right. >> he was doing his job. and as an example what a real guy he is, he is shopping at 10:00 p.m. at safeway with his wife. >> you don't see a lot of politicians doing that. >> you don't. >> we will hold you here for a second. there are things happening in alabama that we are going to talk to you about. >> we will be back after the break. sfx: tinny headphone music
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>> well, the polls are open in the state of alabama for the special election in a senate race that has attracted national attention.
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>> take people with you to the polls. grab folks. as we all know, this election is going to be one of the most significant in our state's history in a long, long time. >> new video into our news room of doug jones voting this morning. if jones wins, he will become alabama's first democratic senator since 19926789 the republican candidate roy moore has been accused of sexual misconduct with teenage girls when he was in his 30s. >> we're alabama. we're republicans. and we're not going to stand by and let other people from out of state and money from california control this election. >> president trump endorsed moore but other republican leaders including mitch mcconnell, the leader of the senate, believe the women who are accusing roy moore. we're joined again by joe garofoli. on this race. if alabamaians vote him in,
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will the senate welcome him with open arms. >> that's what they said. republicans say he will not be seated. he will go through an ethics committee discussion. we will see. that was three weeks ago when they said that. if you win, it might -- the situation may change. >> the newest polls we found from overnight had doug jones leading by 10 points. polls don't always tell an accurate story. >> yeah. >> can you tell whoas is happening in alabama. >> the answer is no. no one can tell us what is happening in alabama. there is a very little polling that goes on there. very little credible ongoing polling. this is like the opposite of california. >> they always knew it would be a republican. there hasn't about a democrat elected to the senate there in 28 years. trump won by 28%. it is a very, very red state. and plus, this is an election
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two weeks before christmas. they expected the turnout to be 20 to 25%. and then -- but for jones to win, the democrat to win, he's got to really thread a needle here. he has to win -- the african- american vote has to be 25%. and he has to win a third of the white voters. for perspective, obama won 15% of the white voters when he ran for president there. it is tough. >> what do you think finally persuaded president trump to come out and endorse him. at first he was staying away obviously. and then he came back and actually did a robocall and now endorsing him fully. what changed. >> a couple things. number one, these guys are one in the same on many issues. the border wall, immigration and up. he needs a republican in the senate. he has plainly said that. he set i need a republican. we don't want someone with chuck and nancy. so he -- that is his bottom
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line. so there -- and plus steve bannon has -- you know, the president's former top adviser has said this is about trump. we need a republican here to support the president. >> because the agenda will take a hit. >> the agenda could take a hit. now the margin is narrower. it would be 51-49. all the democrats need to do is peel off a couple republicans and they could change the vote. >> what about elections in the future. let's say that roy moore wins. with all of the allegations of sexual misconduct hanging over him but he wins the senate race. looking down the road to -- just yesterday people were telling stories of harassment by president trump. how does this affect elections in the future if roy moore wins. >> the message is deny, deny, deny if you're accused of sexual harassment. president trump denied and he won. it is a message -- >> al franken didn't deny and
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he is out. >> well, he kind of denied but he is still out. >> right. >> two different strategies. one from the democratic party and one from the republican party. the democrats are taking the moral high ground. nothing in a court of law. >> there was a republican congressman who stepped down the other day. >> from arizona. >> yeah. but this is going to send a major message, i think. and i fear a bad one. >> does roy moore, is he ever able to move past this or is this his headline forever? >> well, yes. this is his headline forever because things never -- things never go away. he also has a history of conservative viewpoints about homosexuals and slavery. he said families got along better during slavery. weird stuff out there. >> if he wins, can he be an effective legislator. he will be a republican vote.
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he will be a reliable republican vote. you won't see him out there leading the charge on any legislative changes. but he will be what trump wants, a reliable republican vote. >> okay. joe garofoli. so much to talk about. we will have you back tomorrow to talk about the results. >> thank you. >> we will take you back to southern california to focus on one of the biggest fires in california history. we have an update on the thomas fire and how it continues to grow. plus new details about the man who set off a suicide bomb in manhattan yesterday. what we know about the suspected bomber and how the city is coping this morning.
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>> fire investigators will spend the morning to look for the cause of an overnight fire near the tunnel that started just before 11:30 last night at a house under construction on snake road in the montclair neighborhood. two homes side by side burned
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to the ground and embers blew to a neighboring street and damaged three homes on that street. crews have been on stand by watching for flare-ups this morning. no reports of injuries from the fire. now to southern california where 400 square i'lls have burned in the southern california wildfires. the biggest fire keeps growing. the thomas fire in ventura and santa barbara county has destroyed 800 buildings and damaged hundreds more. it is now 20% contained. there are concerns that it could run over the fire lines because more high winds are forecast for today. the fires burning in los angeles and san diego counties are more than 90% contained. fire crews could have at least one of the l.a. county fires contained by tonight. the sonoma county government will face a $21 million shortfall because of the wildfires in october. the estimate includes the loss of property taxes on burned homes and businesses and an additional $10 million spent by the county on staff overtime
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for the disaster response. and the paper says the budget shortfall could be even higher. the county doesn't know how much of the cost of debris move al of 750 until dollars it will have to pay. an immigrant from bangladesh has been charged in federal courts. he said he did it for the islamic state. rick has more from new york. >> reporter: a mostly ineffective terror attack. a man strapped a pipe bomb to himself and debt named it in a pedestrian tunnel between the sprawling port authority bus terminal and the times square subway station, the busiest in manhattan. eyewitnesses describe a frantic scene avenue the bomb went off. >> it was so scary. and then everything slowed down. and police started arriving. >> reporter: the suspect, 27- year-old akayed uliah was born
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in bangladesh and moved to the u.s. seven years ago. he as isis sympathizes. now strongly condemning the attack. >> our people are peaceful. we do not accept any sort of terrorism or violence against another innocent human being. >> reporter: security ratcheted up across the city as the investigation continues with heavy armor teams guarding the transit hubs. but most commuters are taking it in stride, trying to stick to their normal routines. >> i was nervous coming into manhattan. i have never been nervous before. >> it is frightening. at the same time, you know, it is the times we live in. >> reporter: authorities believe akayed uliah acted alone and has been charged with possession of a weapon, supporting acts of terrorism and making terrorist threats. outside of port authority in new york city, ktvu fox 2 news.
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coming up next on mornings on 2 the 9, our coverage continues into the sudden death of san francisco mayor ed lee. up next, more reaction and what he told us were some of the biggest issues facing his legacy. an expansion at oakland international airport. in a moment, how many more passengers the terminal can handle. and nonstop flights from oakland to popular european cities. make the holidays a treat with kellogg's rice krispies.
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>> we continue our coverage of the break being news that san francisco mayor ed lee died early this morning. he was 65 years old. he died at 1:11 at zuckerberg san francisco general hospital. there are reports that he suffered a heart attack last night and collapsed at a safeway in city. mayor lee became the city's 43rd mayor and the first asian- american mayor when he was appointed back in 2011 by the board of supervisors after newsome resigned to become the
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lieutenant governor. he was reelected in 2015. reaction on mayor lee's death has been pouring in throughout the morning. allie rasmus is live at san francisco city hall. we're waiting for a news conference to happen within the coming hour here. allie. >> reporter: yes. and in the meantime, we've been hearing from san francisco former city leaders, political leaders from across the state and public figures in san francisco. we were talking to giants ceo larry bear who reflected on his fond memories of mayor lee, talking about how he was a champion for city and the city's baseball team. the news conference will start in the next hour at san francisco city hall. talking to some san francisco supervisors about the plan for the meeting, they said the goal and message is to assure san franciscans there is no gap in leadership. he passed away around 1:00 this evening. the board of supervisors' president london breed was sworn in as the habiting mayor.
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we are expecting to hear from her at the news conference. we will hear from words of condolence and sadness of those who worked alongside mayor lee for years. we are waiting to hear what funeral plans are in the works so far. if there will be an opportunity for supporters, voters and residents of san francisco to say good-bye to him. >> i have to imagine the answer is going to be yes. what form that will take, i think it is still being worked out. i think what we want to make sure today is that we remember mayor lee as a person. time will come it talk about him and what he did politically or not. but i think today should be focused on him, on his wife anita, on his daughters and family. and this is a human story today. >> reporter: and that was san francisco district 2 supervisor mark ferrell talking about how there will be a time to talk more about mayor lee's tenure
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as san francisco mayor. there were certainly some controversies as there always are with any public official. talking to people today and public figures today, everyone is saying pretty much along the lines of what you heard supervisor ferrell say. that regardless of if there was any disagreement with the mayor about policies or certain types of politics, political issues, everyone agrees that he was generally speaking a really good person who got along well with all of the people that he worked with. again, 10:30 we're expecting the news conference to begin. and we will bring it to when you it happens. >> thank you, allie. >> i went to san francisco city hall so many times that i can't to talk to the mayor about a number of issues. our most recent conversation focused on the economic forces that made san francisco one of
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the most expensive places to live in the country, even the world. since he took office in 2011, the unemployment rate has dropped from double digits to below 3%. the cost of living unfortunately has sky rocketed. he talked about why living in san francisco is so desirable and the challenges that come with that. >> that intense willingness to want to live in an urban city like san francisco, when all of the culture and all of the -- it drives up that cost. and what we have to do is do the right things to make sure that all of the people that are here can stay here, we preserve their housing. make sure that there are good reasons for small businesses to go through the red tape to survive and succeed. and we're doing everything that we can on all fronts that make sure that happens. >> you don't sound apologetic at all. >> we take reality for what it is. and i think we try to give everybody an opportunity to grasp on and be part of that reality. >> and the mayor was very aggressive in bringing big
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businesses, including many tech companies, to is a not fran, soon after the recession. he told me months ago he considered himself the jobs mayor when he took off. and now he sees it as his responsibility to make sure that all san franciscans are able to stay in the city. we hear about stories of people being priced out of the beautiful city. he was troubled by that. >> i just asked for a statement. didn't think she would get back to me right away. she says we are saddened by the news of mayor ed lee's sudden passing. it goes on to talk about his legacy project and thoughts and prayers are with his family. it is a long statement. we will have it up coming up soon. basically just like all of another sports teams, as you heard, he was a huge sports fan. he played a major role getting the warriors to san francisco. >> the giants said this morning number one fan. ed lee. a lot of reaction on social
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media. sacramento's mayor tweeted my deepest sympathies for mayor ed lee's wife and daughters and city of san francisco. he was a wonderful man who gave so much to his city. 65 is far too young. his life, laughter and leadership will be deeply missed. >> hunter pence says my thoughts and prayers are with his family. we always appreciated your great support and passion. >> samely car go says a dear friend and colleague. he was a good man when goodness and graciousness and civility are not valued in public life. my heart goes out to his family. i'll mention quickly mayor sam liccardo, oakland mayor schaaf and ed lee worked together so closely. though i think people who live in the cities don't realize that. so many issues are regional problems that they were working on. >> didn't we just hear that he wasn't eyeglass mayor. >> right. >> he want today work together
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with all of the cities. he had the region in mind as well. >> right. >> for more on the headlines we have been working on, let's go to dave clark. >> thank you, sal. torres who was convicted of kidnapping and killing morgan hill teenager sierra lamar is due to be sentenced today in san jose. torres is facing a mandatory sentence of life in prison without the possibility of parole. the jury decided against the death penalty. that very same jury convicted him of kidnapping and killing 15-year-old sierra lamar in 2012 as she walked to a school bus stop. her body has never been found. the defense failed to get the judge removed and get a new trial. well, the oakland city workers strike has been suspended. the workers went back to work today. they still don't have a contract with the city. but the union says the new mediator is making a difference. so as they keep talking, the 2700 striking workers go back to their jobs today.
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there was a ribbon cutting at oakland international airport this morning for the expansion of the international arrivals building. it is part of a $45 million project that includes new baggage carousels, new security check points and a check-in area. with that expansion, the airport can now handle as many as 600 passengers arriving on international flights. next year the oakland airport will add nonstop service to paris and rome. those are just some of your morning headlines. hey, mike, sal, gasia, i'll send it back to you. >> thank you, dave. let's check in right now with our meteorologist steve paulson and a look at what to expect outside today. hey, steve. >> lots of sunshine. >> okay. >> it was cold this morning. there are major hints maybe the middle of next week we will see a big-time pattern change. we will see. the forecast models this morning were bullish on a change. until we get to next week, we have to deal with chilly temps. brent johnson says i hope for a white christmas. if we had precip and
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temperatures this low, we would. as it was, it was under clear skies. east petaluma, 24. 20s for many. too many to mention. there were many, many 20s this morning. cold morning, a lot of smoke and haze from the fires down in southern california. the warmest temps over by the coast. yesterday was a record-setting day. santa cruz was 78. 66 in san francisco today. that's a nice day. average is 57. so they're well above there as well. there is nothing for us to talk about right now. even the slight offshore breeze. a little less than yesterday. 30s, 40s and 50s. high and dry. a little low off of baja that sends in high clouds. otherwise nothing going on until the mid of the of next week -- middle of next week. there is not much happening here. next week we could be looking at a big change. let's hope so. >> ready for it. >> knee. >> coming up next on mornings on 2 the 9, the right man for
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the job. the hollywood star helping new business owners open marijuana shops in the golden state. tickets on sale for the figure skating champions at sap center. we are live with one of the young ladies competing for a spot on the olympic skating team. even if no one in your home smokes, secondhand smoke can be closer than you think. secondhand smoke from a neighbor's apartment can enter your home through air vents, through light fixtures and even through cracks in the walls and the floors.
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secondhand smoke is toxic. especially to children. protect your family. visit
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>> in just a couple of weeks, the nationally ranked skater that's want to represent the u.s. at the olympics will be in the bay area. >> competing at the u.s. figure championships at the sap center january 3rd to the 7th. tickets are now on sale for the event. >> one of the skaters hoping to make the team is here. welcome. thanks for coming in. we appreciate it. just a few weeks away.
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can you take us through your mind-set. do you get nervous when you're this close? do the butterflies go away or do they come as you get closer. >> it changes every time that i compete. skating is really important to me. i've been skating for 19 years. making the olympic team again would be a dream come true. i think i'm ready for it and excited to see what san jose has to offer. >> you just want it to get here. >> i do. >> what makes this time different. >> this is the first time at nationals. but i will be trying a triple axle. that is something that none of the other girls will be doing. >> you landed one in an international competition. >> i did. i want to do it at nationals. i'm excited. >> do you practice a triple axle every time that you're on the ice? do you save it for when it counts. >> it is a harder jump for me. it is harder on my body.
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it adds an extra rotation. i have to feel good. but i practice it every single day. >> when you landed it in that international competition, what was the emotion at that point? >> it was like yes! but then i have to focus. >> you have to focus. >> yes. a momentous victory. >> we're watching video of you skating. do you ever watch yourself and look at the tape as other athletes do. you look at the tape and you say, oh, and you notice things? >> yes. i think i'm my biggest critic. and so i see so many things that i want to improve and get better on. other people don't see my mistakes and i appreciate that. >> how do you pick the music that goes to your routines? it is such an important part of the routine and most of us focus on the skating. >> i want to pick things that i can relate to. this year i'm skating to miss saigon. i just saw it on broadway.
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it was absolutely beautiful. i love the story of kim falling in love. of course i'm all about diagram a i love that she sacrifices herself at the end. >> did it come to you during the broadway show, this would be perfect. >> no. i work with my choreograph and we picked something that will make me look good. but my choreograph can make something beautiful. >> to point out, is it shut down with regards to relationships with other competitors? you may be friends throughout the year but do you just stop talking to each other? it is game time right now. >> i think i'm my biggest competitor. i know that as long as i deliver out there, i will be on the team. >> i like that attitude. >> that is a good attitude. very, very good. >> tell me a little bit about last night. >> i skated at the downtown arena with a bunch of the public. and it was really great because they made me feel like i was really good at skating.
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>> well, you are. >> do people know you are who you are? or were they like she is really good. >> a little bit of both. >> you probably get little girls and boys say i want to do what you're doing. >> i tell them to keep at it. >> tell me about your fitness routine. what kind of nonskating exercise do you do or is it all skating. >> if i could, i would be at the skating rink all day. but i have to go to the gym to strengthen what is weak. and i always have to strengthen minutes because landing on them all the time, i'm -- i only land on one foot. i have to strengthen the other side to keep at it. if i could, i wouldn't be at the gym. but helpful so i'm there every day. >> what are your thoughts about the russian ban for the upcoming olympics. >> i just watched on netflix. i think i was mind blown that they had such an elaborate
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plan. the ten years that i've been competing internationally, it has been important for me to keep clean. all i can focus on right now is making my own team. and i want to go out there and show that i complete clean all the time. >> put the blinders on at some point. thank you so much. >> thank you. good luck to you. we put more information about the tickets to the national championships on you can also find it on the good old ktvu mobile app. we'll be right back after the break. sorry. i can't make it.
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it's just my eczema again, but it's fine. yeah, it's fine. you ok? eczema. it's fine. hey! hi! aren't you hot? eczema again? it's fine. i saw something the other day. eczema exposed. your eczema could be something called atopic dermatitis, which can be caused by inflammation under your skin. maybe you should ask your doctor? go to to learn more.
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>> hanukkah the eight-day jewish celebration begins is the sundown. there are lighting ceremonies at union square, lake merritt hanukkah ends on the evening of december 20th. it is also known as the festival of lights and rededicates the sacred temple in jerusalem when the jews their rulers 2,000 years ago. they found only a day's supply of olive oil to burn but miraculously it lasted eight days. our warm coat drive is going on right now. we ask you to doe night a new or gently worn winter item at several locations throughout the bay area. you can also make clothing donations at participating ups
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and big o tire stores. friday is a big day for star wars fans. adam housley has more from the cast. >> reporter: it was a star studded spectacle fit for a galaxy far, far away as they took over the shrine auditorium in los angeles saturday night for the premiere of star wars the last jedi. getting use today this out of the world experience. >> i was with a lot of the other cast which was awesome. we got to experience it together. it is very odd watching a film that you're in. >> reporter: this is the eighth film in the series. and ninth overall in the blockbuster franchise. it brings back most of the cast from the force awakens including carrie fisher in her final role. >> her amazing is amazing.
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with -- her performance is amazing. >> when you see this film, you will remember her so beautifully. i was shocked when i saw her come out in the first scene. there is carrie and i was so touched by it. >> reporter: after 40 years since first playing luke skywalker in the film, mark hamill believes this one stays true to the original. >> he called the original star wars the low budget movie ever made. that is $9 million that. is like catering on a d.c. movie now. the most important thing, you can throw all the movie in the world at it but you have to have characters that you care about and a story that is interesting. >> this is not going to go the way you think. >> reporter: expect a galactic opening this friday. in hollywood, adam housley, fox news. cheech marin is teaming up
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with california secretary of state to register marijuana businesses. appropriate, right? cheech encouraged pot businesses to sign up on the website. the secretary of state says registering with his office should be the first step for any marijuana business following -- followed by getting proper state and local licenses. >> jimmy kimmel's 7-month-old boy joined him on stage last night one week after he underwent his second heart surgery. >> daddy cries on tv but billy doesn't. it is unbelievable. >> jimmy kimmel holding back tears last night. the late night host returned to his talk show and brought out his little boy billy. he kept up his advocacy for children's health insurance. the program has been left unfunded since september. parents, teachers and
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students gathered in san jose last night for a community forum, fighting to save elementary schools in the oak grove school district. the school board has identified eight campuses for possible consolidation with plans to close as many as five of them. school district officials say they are forced to make tough decisions due to declining enrollment. there is one more forum next monday and then they will make the recommendations early next year. the school board has the final say on which of the eight schools will close. we will move back to the breaking news we have been bringing you throughout the morning in san francisco. the sudden death this morning of san francisco mayor ed lee. the mayor died at 1:11 this morning at zuckerberg san francisco general hospital after he was believe today have suffered a heart attack. the 65-year-old collapsed at a safeway store where he was shopping with his wife. he was taken to the hospital where he was pronounced dead. he was the 43rd mayor of san francisco and is being honored for more than his politics and policies.
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>> he was down to earth and easy to talk to and be with. >> he did not want the job of mayor at first and needed to be persuaded. we leave you with a look at his lasting legacy. we will be back live at 10:30 to bring you the live press conference from the now acting mayor of san francisco london breed. >> i edwin m. lee. >> ed lee was sworn in as interim mayor on january 11th, 2011. then mayor gavin newsome resigned to become lieutenant governor. the board of supervisors unanimously appointed had i am to lead the city. >> there are 11ayes. >> motion is approved. >> ed lee was born in seattle, washington to blue collar parents that came to the united states from chinese. his father was a cook. his mother a seamstress. >> the grittiness that my
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father had to raise a family of six. >> lee became a say criminal rights attorney known for helping low income tenants, women and immigrants. >> i wanted to use the law to open up doors for a lot of people who laws prevented them from being successful, being equal, and this drives me a lot personally. >> ed lee worked in different city agencies before becoming city administrator in 2005. he was reappointed for a second term in 2010 and then became interim mayor a year later. san francisco's first asian- american mayor. >> i will do my very, very best to represent all of the communities that you -- that you live in, that we cherish, that make this city a great city. >> lee first described himself as being anti-establishment, fighting against social injustice. once he was in office, he said he was going to work with the establishment.
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>> i love the city. and we're not going backwards. >> lee won a mayoral election in november of 2011 and a second term in 2015. political analysts say his accomplishments include luring more technology jobs to san francisco, lowering the city's unemployment rate, bringing the warriors to san francisco, and redeveloping the mission bay area. >> you know, i have three more years. and, you know, three years is actually quite a bit of time. but at the same time, i'm feeling that i've got the energy to start sprinting because i need that 30,000 units of housing. >> issues that he was still working on included battling homelessness, finding more afordible housing and reducing the number of pedestrian traffic collisions. lee says his political philosophy was based on his upbringing. >> he learned sacrifice in the beginning. we learned mod he is tee. we learned to be humble with
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people that may have even less. >> dave clark, ktvu fox 2 news.
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>> announcer: happy holidays live from "the wendy williams show." now, here's wendy! [ cheers and applause ] ♪ >> wendy: thank you. thank you for watching the show. [ cheers and applause ] fabulous! say hello to my studio audience. how you


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