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tv   430am Newscast  FOX  April 18, 2011 4:30am-5:00am PDT

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it's been 105 years since san francisco's earthquake and fire of 1906. the somber ceremony marking today's anniversary. a setback over the weekend for the giants fan brutally beaten at dodgers stadium. why doctors had to place bryan stow back in a medically induced coma. and the deadline has arrived for all the tax procrastinators. what you need to know before you mail them in today. that's all ahead here on the ktvu morning news.
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good morning. thank you for joining us on this monday. it is april 18th. i'm pam cook. will we see rain today? rosemary's in for steve paulson. good morning to you. we will see rain. bottom line it's going to be light but perhaps enough to make the morning drive a little bit slow. take a look at what's happening here over northern california. we are beginning to see woman rain. it's been hard to find in and around our area. where are we seeing it at this point? light returns over areas around hillsburg into santa rosa at times. you can see cool toga perhaps light scattered rain. this is going to continue to work its way south. scattered showers and cooler conditions as well. take a look at temperatures and future models show you how much we expect to get out of this storm coming up in just a few moments. sal. rosemary, good morning. traffic looks off to be -- looks to be off to a good start right now. looks well near 880 near the coliseum. no problems here.
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also if you're on highway 4 right now is a good time to go traffic is light. 4:31. let's go back to pam. a somber ceremony gets underway in just about 40 minutes marking a sad anniversary 105 years ago today a catastrophic earthquake and fire left much of san francisco in ruins. ktvu's tara moriarty joins us now with what's happening this morning. good morning, tara. >> reporter: good morning. this was the meeting spot for quake survivors in 1906. we're here at the fountain at the corner of market and considerny. as you can see behind me there's already a group gathered here. exactly at 5:12 this morning they will observe a moment of silence. 3,000 people were killed on that infamous day 105 years ago. a quarter million left homeless. quake experts say that same today like 1989 loam pet would cause significant damage. the possibility of it happening again, 63%. but the more time that goes by the less it seems to be on our
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conscience. >> the issue of what you do when there's an earthquake drops in priority the longer you go without feeling anything. >> reporter: awareness arose. they heard from a dozen survivors that day but this morning there is only one. 105-year-old bill who was just a baby. the focus of this year's events will be the quakes in japan and a cut in california's preparedness budget. two other survivors are still living, 108 and 109-year-old woman but unfortunately they will not be able to make this morning' ceremony. live in san francisco, ktvu channel 2 news. there's another ceremony this morning to commemorate the anniversary of the great earthquake and fire. it's the annual painting of the fire hydrant that saved the mission district.
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the gold hydrant is at 20th and church streets. last year earthquake survivor did the honors with the help of san francisco's fire chief. the hydrant is credited with stopping that fire from advancing any further into the mission district. early this morning the county hazardous materials team allowed dozens of people living in a redwood city apartment house back in their homes. hours earlier they evacuated the building on regent street after getting calls of dangerous chemicals spreading through the complex. emergency crews later learned that a young man used the chemicals to take his own life. several paramedics, firefighters and police briefly became dizzy but were checked out at a nearby hospital. a former uc davis baseball pitcher has died after falling and hitting his head at a party. police say 22-year-old scott fell saturday night while at a party celebrating picnic day which is the annual campus open house. he recently graduated with an economics degree and was a
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volunteer baseball coach at a davis high school. police are still investigating the circumstances surrounding his death. injured giants fan bryan stow is back in a medically induced coma after a setback over the weekend. doctors in los angeles stopped giving the 42-year-old the drugs that are keeping him sedated last week with the hope that he would wake up. but on saturday morning stow suffered some seizures that forced him back on the drugs. doctors say they will monitor him for the next few days to see if they can once again reduce that medication. stow's medical setback comes as people continue to come together in his honor. south bay firefighters faced off with stow's paramedic and emt co-workers last night in a charity event in san jose. stow's girlfriend started the game by dropping the puck. >> he would be amazed. he would be amazed right now. and i hope when all is said and done and he wakes up hopefully that he'll be able to bask in the flurry and see how loved he
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is. he was just loved by everybody. >> many of the people who turned out had never met stow but say they want to show their support. the event also included a silent auction and raffle featuring items donated by the san jose sharks. a 32-year-old man is under arrest accused of shooting a romantic rival outside a san leandro restaurant. police say moore shot a 22-year- old oakland man several times late saturday night in the parking lot of the restaurant at bay fair mall. the victim is listed in critical condition this morning. investigators say moore was upset that the victim was with his ex-girlfriend. that woman left the scene with moore after the shooting. but police later arrested both of them at moore's oakland apartment. this morning police in sacramento have arrested a man they say opened fire at a house party killing one person and injuring four others. police say 23-year-old michael walton was asked to leave the
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party early yesterday morning because others said he was too drunk. witnesses say he got angry and pulled out a gun and started firing. well, today north carolina's governor will tour more areas devastated by those violent storms and tornadoes. the video that we're showing here. look at that. there's a funnel cloud touching down in the city of wilson. you can see debris flying everywhere. now a north carolina alone storms claimed at least 21 lives and damaged hundreds of homes. survivors describe some terrifying moments. >> when i looked out the front window, i seen this twister coming. it was just twisting. i told my wife hit the bathroom. soon we hit the bathroom the whole roof just flew off. >> i was just so sure that we were at death's door. i was scared. >> tornadoes and high winds have killed at least 45 people across six states between last thursday and saturday. well, we are following overnight news from
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afghanistan. an afghan soldier opened fire inside the defense ministry building in kabul. soldier killed several people before being shot and killed in return fire. the taliban is now claiming responsibility for that attack. it's believed that the afghan soldier may have been targeting a french government official who was scheduled to be in the building at the time of the attack. this morning's attack comes after a deadly weekend for american troops in afghanistan. the u.s. military now says the five nato troops killed in a suicide bombing on saturday in the eastern part of the country were members of the army's 101st airborne division. the families of the five soldiers have been notified about the deaths, but their identities have not been released. well, today a federal mediator is scheduled to hold talks with native americans and vallejo's park district to try to solve a dispute over an ancient burial ground. native american activists are camped out at glen cove
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waterfront park. they're protesting plans to add a parking lot and public bathroom at the site. the activists say that would desecrate the burial ground. the park district says it has plans in place to protect the historic site. now ktvu's allie rasmus is in vallejo following that story for us this morning as the activists continue to camp out this morning. she's going to have the very latest on this situation coming up in a live report in our next hour. well, today is the deadline to file your taxes because of a washington d.c. observed holiday the usual april 15th deadline was extended. we found people relieved to have the extra three days. tax officials say many people are taking advantage. >> i tried to file an extension on friday and realized i had a little more time to breathe. >> we have been much busier than we expected this time of year. >> people always kind of wait don't they? and if you are waiting today to file your taxes, it will cost you more to mail them in if everything fits in a standard
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envelope. it will still cost you 44 cents. but if you have a lot of paperwork to mail in, rates for bigger packages are going up an extra 20 cents per ounce. you have until midnight tonight to file or mail in your taxes. several post offices will have extended hours tonight. we have a list of them on our website. just go to and scroll down to the right now section. 4:39. sal, you can also e-file which is pretty quick and easy. >> that's right. you have to -- pam, i'm having trouble speaking on this monday. >> it's monday. >> yes. i think i'll just get into the traffic. >> just go ahead. how's traffic? >> welcome back. >> thank you. >> the traffic is light this morning. if you are driving around the bay area this is a look at 80 westbound as you head to the macarthur maze. it's not bad. if you want to get on the road early and get this monday off to an early start, right now's a good time to do that. when you get to the bay bridge it is light. there are no problems on that span getting into san
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francisco. and this morning's commute on 280 northbound getting up to highway 17 that traffic is moving well. here's someone who never gets tongue tied. it's rosemary orozco. i was just saying i hope that's not contagious because once we all get started it could be messy. speaking of messy may be a little messy on the freeways for today. scattered showers in the forecast. here's storm tracker showing very spotty in nature. we do expect it to stay that way. right now we're looking at just a little bit of light rain over the north bay. and as we cruise along highway 101 through novato, san raphael seeing a little bit of rain as well. this will continue its southerly track over the course of the afternoon. as i back it up just a little bit it is going to be just hit or miss as we move through today. plenty of clouds overhead. and we are going to be cooler as we enter the afternoon. this morning we're very similar to where we saw our numbers over the weekend. maybe even a tad warmer with all those clouds out there. the satellite view showing you this long plume of moisture stretching all the way back to
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near the hawaiian islands. notice the pinks that we use to determine the energy not a lot riding over our area. so not a lot of dynamics with this. we aren't expecting any heavy downpours or anything such as that. temperatures this morning sitting in the 50s. 52 san francisco. 54 redwood city. mid-50s in concord. and your afternoon highs below average for this time of year. upper 50s for the coast. low 60s inland. your extended forecast soggy today. dry tomorrow. temperatures begin to rebound but not for long. wednesday scattered showers back in the forecast. we're going to be even cooler entering wednesday and thursday. friday looks to be dry but cool. and then the weekend really questionable. partly to mostly cloudy skies. perhaps a few sprinkles in the forecast for the weekend. >> oh, boy. well, a wake up call from the f.a.a. the new rules going into effect this week aimed at keeping air traffic controllers from falling asleep on the job. and it's been almost exactly one year since the bp oil spill began in the gulf of mexico. what scientists say about the
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current health of the gulf and what they're still worried about. good morning. golden gate bridge foggy this morning. if you're going to be driving there any time soon, you should be aware of that. also fog on the bay bridge. tell you more about all of that straight ahead.
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welcome back on this monday. scattered showers in the forecast. little bit of light rain over
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the north bay this morning. and our afternoon temperatures five to ten degrees cooler than yesterday. dozens of homes have been evacuated in texas as hundreds of firefighters continue to battle several fires this morning. this is one outside of austin where firefighters are battling gusty winds and some of the driest conditions in nearly a century. a homeless man has been charged with starting this fire after his campfire got out of control. one firefighter has been killed and more than 700,000 acres have burned in fires across the state. rescuers in idaho continue to work around the clock to reach a trapped miner. 53-year-old larry is more than 6,000 feet below the surface. he was trapped after the silver mine collapsed on friday. a remote controlled digging machine has been brought in to help in the rescue efforts. people in mullen say they've
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turned to prayer to cope. >> make sure you tell your family every day that you love them before you leave for work because you don't know. god can take you at any time. >> the miner that's trapped has more than 30 years of experience. this morning police are looking for the gunman responsible for a deadly shooting inside a san jose home. it happened early yesterday morning on capital avenue. investigators say a woman called police saying that an armed intruder had burst into her home and shot her friend. the 25-year-old man was later pronounced dead at the scene. the killing was san jose's 14th homicide of the year. this week the f.a.a. is giving air traffic controllers across the country a wake up call. new scheduling rules go into effect this week designed to keep air traffic controllers from dozing off at work. those rules include giving controllers at least nine hours off between shifts instead of the current eight.
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more managers will be on duty during the overnight hours. and transportation secretary says he shares the public's concern and outrage. >> i've been in this job two and a half years. i don't know when i've ever been madder. i'm outraged about this. and i want the flying public to know that we're doing everything we can 24/7 to correct this problem. >> now the changes come after five recent reports of air traffic controllers sleeping on the job. the most recent incident occurred this weekend in miami. well, this week marks one year since the bp oil spill. scientists say the overall health of the gulf of mexico is nearly back to normal. now more than three dozen scientists give the gulf a 68 average score in terms of overall health right now. it was 71 before the spill. but scientists say there are some concerns such as the mysterious deaths of hundreds of young dolphins and turtles strangely crabs and dead patches on the sea floor.
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well, japan's nuclear safety agency sent robots into two reactor buildings at the damaged nuclear plant to test radiation levels. the robots recorded high levels of radiation inside the buildings but the agency says not too high for humans to work. now according to the agency the radiation levels indicate that workers trying to restore the plant systems will only be able to stay in the reactor buildings for short periods of time. organizers of san francisco's cherry blossom festival reportedly raised about $200,000 for victims of the japan earthquake and tsunami. larger than usual crowd attended yesterday's grandpa raid. and organizers say people wanted to help. many donated money or bought t- shirts and hoodies sold along the parade route. proceeds will buy medical supplies, water and other essentials for northern japan. >> it wouldn't be right not to care. imagine if that happened to you? how would you feel? put myself in their shoes.
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i'd want someone to help out too. that's how i feel. >> even before yesterday's parade started, board members with the japanese cultural and community center of northern california say they'd raised $1.6 million for the relief efforts. well, there are now six states with gas prices that top $4 a gallon. yesterday new york joined the list which includes alaska, here in california, connecticut, hawaii and illinois. now the national average for gas is $3.83 a gallon. in san francisco, triple a reports that a gallon of gas goes for $4.25. that's up 23 cents from a month ago. in oakland it is also up 23 cents to $4.20 a gallon and in san jose gas averages $4.21 that's up 24 cents in the last month. well, changes are coming to dating website the new policy they're instituting in the wake of one user's lawsuit. and a 5-year-old is
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expected to survive after being shot on a hunting trip. what that child was mistaken for out in the woods.
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welcome back to the morning news. will begin checking users against the national sex offender registry. the online dating site made the decision after a lawsuit filed last week by a woman in los angeles. now she says she was sexually assaulted by a man she met on the website. but says the background checks are flawed because the sex offender data base is unreliable. the company also says users should not develop a false sense of security. a 5-year-old wisconsin boy is recovering this morning after he was shot while hunting with his dad. officials say another hunter thought the child was a turkey. the boy was sprayed with shotgun pellets from about 40
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yards away but was talking at the scene and is expected to survive. the hunter who fired the shots called 911. authorities say this is a good gun safety reminder. >> make sure of your target and don't shoot unless you have a positive target on what you're shooting for. obviously a little 5-year-old's not a turkey. >> the wisconsin department of natural resources is investigating the incident. time now coming up on 5:00. 4:54. let's check in with sal for the early commute. how does it look, sal? >> looks pretty good, pam. right now off to a nice start almost everywhere you look. let's go outside and take a look at the bay bridge for example. it is light. no problems getting across the bay into san francisco along that span. also this morning we're looking at interstate 880 in both directions. traffic is moving along very nicely north and southbound on 880 as you drive past the coliseum. and this morning's drive continues to look good if you are driving in the south bay or on the peninsula. the traffic is moving well on
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101 heading down to palo alto and northbound 101 from san mateo to burling gap. let's go to rosemary. good morning to you. waking up with the clouds and fog. little bit of light rain over the course of the last few hours we have watched it move in. this time lapse about 3:00. notice at the beginning no rain and now we are beginning to see it right around cool toga into petaluma, novato perhaps seeing a few light scattered showers. and it is stretching in towards san raphael and about to move through the peninsula. scattered showers in the forecast for today. our temperatures are going to be cooler. i'm going to run you through the forecast because in addition to the rain a little bit of cloud cover that really isn't going to go away, spotty showers. not a whole lot expected with this. and you can see because i run you through and you don't see a whole lot of green. we're here monday night. still cloudy. but the rain pretty much out of here s. what are we expecting with this system? anywhere from a tenth to two tenths. more rain will fall over the north bay. temperatures are going to cool and our winds will be anywhere from 10 to 20 miles per hour in
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the afternoon. so a little breezy at times. it's just going to be maybe sort of uncomfortable for the afternoon. through the 7:00 hour we'll be sitting in the 50s. most of us sitting in the 50s at this hour. noontime numbers mid-50s. for the coast 60 degrees or so close to inland and then for the afternoon widespread upper 50s, low 60s. generally below average for this time of year. your extended forecast goes like this. we're soggy for today. we'll be dry for tomorrow. but we'll be in between systems. that's because another one is going to move in wednesday afternoon. keep us with a possibility of a few scattered showers thursday morning. by friday we are looking at dry conditions. but we're really unsettled for the weekend. with the easter bunny on its way we'll be tracking this for you. notice afternoon temperatures very cool for this time of year at times. 60 on thursday looking at low 60s in time for the weekend. overnight lows sitting at right about mid-40s. that's not too bad. >> all right. thank you, rosemary. in just a couple hours the 115th boston marathon gets
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underway. runners spent yesterday loading up on the carbs in preparation for the run. more than 20,000 runners are expected to participate in the world's oldest annual marathon. by the way, the temperature in boston is expected to be in the upper 40s. minutes away from a solemn anniversary. we're going to take you live to the preparations to honor the victims of the 1906 san francisco earthquake. and it's deadline day. and tax procrastinators have a new concern. what you're going to want to double check before mailing in your taxes.
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>> reporter: in exactly 12 minutes these folks will mark the 150 year anniversary of the 1906 quake. we'll tell you what the chances are of another big one hitting the bay area coming up. it is tax day today. but why is it three days later than we normally pay? also pg&e faces another deadline and more fines today. why officials say missing documents are creating major safety concerns for customers. waking up to scattered showers this morning. what you can expect for your monday in just a moment. good rn


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