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tv   KTVU Morning News  FOX  July 22, 2010 5:00am-6:00am PST

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good morning, right now, crews in the process of taking away another burned-out car. one of 7 burned in an overnight fire. investigation now underway. fatal bus accident in the central valley. five people killed, 10 people taken to the hospital. this freeway will be closed for quite sometime. more details coming up. temperatures have been cooling off all week long, but the weather pattern could soon be changing. search happening right now for a missing autistic boy who may have run away. morning news continues. complete bay area news coverage continues. this is "ktvu channel 2 news." good morning, thank you for joining us. it's thursday, july 22. >> good morning. let's check weather and traffic. mark here for steve.
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good morning, mark. >> solid deck of overcast over most of the bay area. cloudy skies, possibly some drizzle. temperatures have reached their coolest point. we'll begin to warm things up, especially inland. that sea breeze kicks off cede. sal is standing by right now, he has an update on traffic. . traffic does move well right now if you're heading west. getting to the toll plaza, traffic is still light. 6:01. back to dave and pam. thank you, arson investigators busy now at sfu, we're out there with new information about this information. >> reporter: good morning, investigators are still trying 20 figure out how this fire started. the tow truck crews trying to take away another car. there were 7 out here in total, the damage is significant. you can take a look at several
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cars around here and see just how hot this fire was. it broke out after midnight this morning, and this car you're looking at, that's where the fire started. >> that's the main one, that was the start of the fire, that was the source of ignition for the other cars around it. that's what our team is interested in right now. >> reporter: the parking lot attendant spotted this after midnight, saw the flames, called firefighters, but six cars destroyed, one suffered minor damages, really from the heat of the flames. the fire has been out. arson investigators are looking at surveillance cameras, certainly security is an issue because people coming here, they've parked their cars here, there's a fence, they expect them to be safe. cars don't usually start on fire often their own. there's still a lot of questions at this point. right now, they are going to
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tow these cars away, but will pay special attention to this vehicle right here. they are using license plates to let the owners know what happened. "ktvu channel 2 news." we are learning new information about the extent of the damage from a large water main break in richmond. the water flooded several homes last night. ktvu's craig on the scene. >> reporter: right now, crew members just getting out here. right now she's finding gas lines and marking them so they don't hit a gas line and rupture it. very important part of the business. a lot of people here are glad they showed up, because once they begin their work, it will take 8-12 hours to fix this.
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talked to a spokesperson this morning, it was a 6-inch main and they orangely got the call at 3:52, which was a half an hour earlier than estimates, we want to show you this here. this is what's -- where the water is flowing out of. if you take a look at the video, you can see the contrast. this is an example of what was happening for about an hour. this is the actual leak. crows were out here, and they fixed that leak, but they were putting water through the pipe because they want a positive flow so there's no contamination. i want to show you three houses that have damage. this house right here had damage, water is flowing out and going into the garage. i spoke to the son of the woman who lives here. his mother lives in that garage, so that was quite a
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surprise for her, then the two other houses down here have some damage as well, but those garages are used for cars and storage. so crews out here, mud crews due around 8:00, but it will take 8-12 hours after that. in the meantime, customers do not have water. time now, 6:04. hayward police want your help this morning finding an autistic boy who left school yesterday morning. he left class to use the restroom. police say he's run away from school several times in the last two years. usually he's been found riding bart trains. he's about 5' 7, weighs about 180 pounds. has the mental capacity of a 6
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year old. also, police in oakland looking for suspects in a deadly overnight shooting. it happened at 1:30 in the morning. witnesses report hearing at least 4 shots. they then found a man lying in the street with a gun shot wound to the head. still not clear what led up to the shooting, and police have not released the victim's name. police have now posted shark warning signs. signs went up after several fisherman and surfers reported seeing a great white in the area. we did speak to one surfer who says he had a close encounter just yesterday morning. >> as i'm paddling over, i see a tip of the fin break the surface and see that zigzag,
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and i looked over and saw a torpedo, a gray torpedo silhouette in the water. >> the beach is still open, but life guards are warning swimmers and surfers to enter the water at their own risk. more shark attacks than any other county with 11 since 1926. nine shark attacks in monterray, # on sanmateo, and 6 in santa across. time now, 6:07. police are telling residents lock your windows and doors after a series of early-morning burglars. there have been six in the last nine days. police say in each case, the burglars get into the house
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through an unlocked window or door and steal home electronics, mostly laptop computers and video games. they've been targeting houses and apartments. there will be a final vote this morning on potentially rolling back sales. they have a surplus of $4.5 million. bart asked riders how to spend that money, many said they'd like to see the money used to clean trains, extend service, or put it away into a rainy day fund. sal, busy this morning, including a big water main break in san francisco. >> reporter: that's right. right now we have lumbard street partially closed in buchanan. it's a broken gate valve according to someone who works at dispatch. they told us there is no water
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in the area. they are working on it as fast as they can. so if you are coming off the golden gate bridge, you may want to use a different way. let's go to live pictures now, westbound highway 4 as you drive through the grade. this morning, 280 at 9880 interchange, that traffic is moving along nicely. this is a picture in fresno, northbound 99 shut down at mckinley after a greyhound bus accident. 35 passengers, 5 were killed, 10 taken to local hospitals, this scene will be here for awhile. 99 is the major southbound
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highway, so it splits the state traffic and is causing a huge inconvenience. it's in fresno at 99 at mckinley avenue. 6:09, go to mark. more clouds this morning. except today is different than yesterday because we'll begin our warming trend. this is not a heat wave, temperatures will be trending upward. as far as current numbers, mainly in the 50s. san francisco 50 52 degrees. this weather system to our north has been the source of our cooling. you can see what happens, gradually lift out today and tomorrow. it's a gradual process and we'll begin to warm things up on average, high pressure rebuilds and will translate to
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mid-80s inland, so as a result, not a dramatic warm-up for the beaches. here's a look at our forecast model this morning, show you some of the overcast out there. temperatures 53-58 degrees. possibility of some drizzle, more sunshine inland, coastal fog and partially sunny skies over the bay. more 80s towards fairfield and keeping it cool for the beaches, only in the upper 50s. look ahead, temperatures up friday and saturday. by saturday, warmest locations at 90 degrees. we cool things off sunday and monday to next week. another weather update in a few minutes. transit riders can expect more delays as a worker sick- out enters its 4th day.
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union leaders say a newly imposed contract has reported drastic changes. some 233,000 riders are caught in the middle and they say buses are either late or not showing up at all. >> the bus that was supposed to show up at 11:45 because they serve lunch at noon, it never showed. >> reporter: you missed your meal. >> yeah, i went hungry today. >> i think the drivers aren't using logic. why punish us? >> a transit spokesperson denies allegations that drivers are being placed on unfamiliar routes without training. a judge will rule on the contract, and if it is thrown out, $15 million lost and jobs will have to be cut. up next, california state fair turned into a crime scene
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last night. we'll tell you how thieves disguised themselves and how much money was stolen. after the anger and protests about it, arizona's tough new immigration law goes before a judge this morning. we'll tell you how republicans tried to keep it from court coming up as the morning news continues.
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welcome back, bp has shut down work on a relief well in the
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gulf of mexico because of a approaching storm. it won't enter the gulf for a few more days, but officials ordered work suspended in case ships need to evacuate. still to be decided, whether the bad weather will require reopening the cap. 400,000 californians whose unemployment benefits that run out could start receiving payments as early as next week. today lawmakers are expected to approve the bill. president obama will sign the measure as soon as it arrives on his desk. california's development department says people will receive payments starting next week. today a federal judge will hear arguments for and against arizona's immigration law. that law is due to take effect one week from today. allison burns is live in our
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washington, d.c. bureau. she has that story. good morning, allison. >> reporter: good morning, dave. republicans here on capitol hill made a last attempt to keep this lawsuit from going to court, but they failed in a 55- 43 senate vote last night. the law makes illegal immigration a state christmas and gives police authority to question a person's immigration status if they are detained for another crime and there's reasonable suspicion. today the justice department and civil rights groups and individuals will challenge it in two cases in court. cities like san francisco that protect immigration should be challenged too. >> it's interesting the obama administration is suing arizona for enforcing federal law while ignoring many sanctuary cities that openly flaunt their
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resistance to federal law. >> the feds want to block the law before it takes effect next week. it's unclear if the judge will issue a ruling during today's hearing. reporting live from washington, d.c., allison burns, "ktvu channel 2 news." time now, 6:17. new ktvu field poll that show most californians support the death penalty. 70% of voters say the death penalty is an appropriate punishment for six days veer and violent crimes. -- severe and violent crimes. 42% said life in prison without parole. 41% say the death penalty, executions in california have been on hold since 2006 because of legal challenges to the lethal injection procedure. . this morning, law enforcement officers throughout northern california are on the lookout for two men who stole
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money from the california state fair last night. according to witnesses, the two men targeted the office of the fair's catering company as workers were wrapping up business for the night. the two men were armed during the attack, police searched cars, but the suspects got away. . we have major traffic news in and around the bay area. sal, what's happening. >> reporter: right now we're looking at the bay area getting busier. you can see a little bit of a backup building here. no problems on the bridge itself and no problem in the way of accidents are stalled vehicles. let's move along, traffic in both directions moving along well. san francisco, traffic problem on lumbard street right there in that area, the san francisco water department is doing some emergency repair, one of the
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valves is not working. some of the customers in that area are without water. again, lumbard street at buchanan is where the closure is, causing a traffic jam. you might want to consider using another way. 6:19. here's mark. morning to you. we have a plenty of overcast over the bay area. we've been talking about the cooling trend all week long. san francisco only 52 degrees, warming up to 60 in the afternoon hours, but we begin our warming trend now. inland spots back up as you can see with our forecast into the afternoon hours to reach the low to mid-80s. 90s could be inching closer to the bay area as we approach saturday. this morning, cloudy skies on the cool side. into the afternoon hours,
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partly to mostly sunny. definitely bundle up for the beaches. inland spots around 85-86 and you'll see a couple of those, the usual spots. san francisco 61, there we go with the upper 50s for pacifica and san jose around 79. 5-day forecast, temperatures warming up a bit friday and saturday. still the clouds a factor in the morning, gradually pulling back towards the shoreline and another cooling trend that could kick in sunday or monday. another update minutes away. lawsuits are building against bp and now new york and ohio want to lead the way to recover money lost. government leaders in the two states say pension funds have lost nearly $2 million and claim investors have been misled by the oil company. three california pension funds have already filed separate
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claims and asked for lead plaintiff status, but new york officials say they should lead because they handled more money. consumers union say blue cross/blue shield stockpiled millions of dollars at the same time they had triple digit increases. blue cross and blue shield argue this is a dangerous time to limit cash available to health plans because of the uncertainty of the effects of health care reform. later today, zip reality will release its report on which markets in the country are the hottest. zip reality says one zip code in berkeley leads the nation for the highest amounts paid over the listing price. oakland and san jose also make the top ten. it may soon pay to use cash. up next, find out why stores
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and restaurants will soon offer some incentives.
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good morning, traffic is moving well at the toll plaza of the bay bridge.
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no major problems, although a little bit of a backup, bridges doing okay, but the overcast is with us this morning. 6:25. back to the desk. thank you. menlo firefighters filed a lawsuit over whether or not firefighters should be paid for the time spent traveling to and from their home stations to pick up gear. a spokesman said that lawsuit came as a surprise because it happened in the middle of negotiations over this issue. the berkeley city council voted to extend hours of a local city school. the west campus school will now be opened friday evenings for lap swimming and weekends for general swimming. consumers could soon see a big benefit new financial reform law, lower prices. that's because it allows retailers to give discounts for
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customers who use cash. it costs amanda more than $200 a month. >> because if someone pays for a 75-cent cookie with their debit card, we maybe charged 15- cents for that transaction. >> the law allows individual retailers to set minimum purchases for customers, something that is already common here in california. but a coalition of banks and credit card companies say consumers are liking to pay higher fees when they use their debit and credit cards. we're still following tragic news coming from the central valley freeway. new information about this. a deadly bus accident in fresno early this morning. investigators here are still trying 20 figure out what started a fire that damaged seven cars in the long-term
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parking lot. latest when the latest news continues.
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welcome back, there it is, right on time. the opening bell, live in new york this morning. green dot is there. at the new york stock exchange. california company there, celebrating a bit. we also can celebrate a couple of god earnings reports. caterpillar and eli lilly, two big stocks there could see a much higher opening. numbers will appear momentarily. feeling good after some losses yesterday. we made it to thursday, july 22, i'm dave clarke.
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>> i'm pam cook. time now, 6:30. >> arson investigation happening this hour at sfo. fire destroyed 7 cars there overnight. we're out there and have the latest on this investigation. >> reporter: good morning, dave. tow truck crews making quick work of this. they are in the process of towing away the fourth of 7 cars, arson investigators have spent hours out here and have targeted their focus the the damage is significant. we don't know what started it, but we know parking attendant spotted the fire after midnight, called 911, but six cars suffered heavy damage and others suffered minor damage. right now, the airport is trying 20 get ahold of the owners of these cars. they are doing it by getting license plates and running them
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through the dmv, but clearly these people are on a trip somewhere so it's unclear how difficult it will be to get ahold of them. investigators are going to look at surveillance tapes and want to see if there's suspicious activity in and around this parking lot at the time of these fires or shortly before. the parking attendants didn't see anything suspicious. but we will continue to follow this story. it's very active out here and we'll continue to keep you updated. live here, "ktvu channel 2 news." an investigation is also underway into a deadly offer- involved shooting that took place during a raid on a suspected pot-growing operation. that happened yesterday morning in a remote area near the santa clara county line. they were confronted by a man they believed was armed and
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fired at him. the suspect's name has not been released. police hope a surveillance video will lead to some answers. investigators say the footage shows a man and woman walking towards the scene where a 45 year old man was shot and killed during a robbery. it happened sunday night at about 11:30 on webster street. police described the man and woman as african americans in their late teens or twenties. . time now, 6:33. board of san francisco is canceling a lease of a water front nightclub following a deadly shooting earlier this month. this is located on pier 50 near at&t park. a 59 year old was shot and killed in an argument outside the club, making it the second fatal shooting there in two years. the board is planning to
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terminate the club lease in august. a man in jail for what he did behind a bar. the plaza county sheriffs office said he broke into a historic club bar that had been shut down for more than a year. he put up an open sign in the bar's window and spent the next four days selling drinks to customers. he's now in jail facing charges of burglary and selling alcohol without a license. voters in the cities of rodeo and crocket will decide on a school parcel tax. the board of education voted to move ahead with the tax this fall, hoping to offset the state budget cuts. it will be $96 a year for four years. senior citizens will be exempt from that tax. oakland city council set to discuss the tax on marijuana.
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it comes two days after they were given the preliminary go ahead to license four large marijuana cultivation facilities, a first in the nation. tonight the city council will begin discussions on taxing them and whether or not to increase the current tax on medical marijuana dispensaries. there's been a horrifying greyhound crash this morning, sal? >> at about 2:15 this morning, a bus traveling from los angeles to sacramento, on its way to its fresno stop, actually crashed in fresno, northbound 99 at mckinley, the bus left the fresno station and was heading to its next stop when the collision occurred. five people killed, ten people taken to the hospital, and northbound 99 is closed. they are not letting you get
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through. 99 is one of the major highways in california and carries the bulk of traffic. it carries more than highway 5 does, so this is a major problem for the entire state, especially the trucks that travel on 99. we'll have more information as the morning continues. i want to show you the phone number if you have a friend or family member traveling on this bus. look at the bottom of your screen. 1-800-972-4583. this was bus number 30601. call that number and find out the condition of your friend or family member that was on that bus. 6:36, let's go to the freeway at westbound 80 as you drive out there. no problems, bay bridge getting a bit of a backup, especially in cash lanes. now here's mark. good morning to you.
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once again starting out with quite a bit clouds out there over a good portion of the bay area. you can see the clouds and even some drizzle once again. not a big change from yesterday at this time, and we're all in the chilly 50s. santa rosa 52. the overcast a factor this morning, by 12:00, partly cloudy, by 3:00 we'll have more sunshine, temperatures on track to reach the lower 70s. this area of low pressure to our north has been cooling off the bay area since sunday. that will gradually move out to the north and east. see what happens for today. 4-8 degrees warmer, that will mean more 80s inland, but you can see we have the fog painted in here, as a result, not a dramatic warmup by a few degrees and still struggling to
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make it to the 60-degree mark. this morning, clouds out there by 3:00, patchy fog, around the bay, mostly cloudy skies, at 7:00 we'll have partly sunny skies. bit of a breeze, probably not as strong as yesterday, then by 3:00, at either side at 85 degrees. santa rhoda 78 and san francisco 61 degrees. san jose, 79 and morgan hill in the mid-80s. still keeping it relatively cool coastside and cooling back down again on sunday and into monday of next week. another forecast update minutes away. . water use here in california might have to be cut in half to keep the sacramento delta healthy for the future.
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state water officials say 75% of snow melt and rain should be flowing into the bay, but right now, only 50% of the water drains into the bay. the delta supplies much of the state's drinking water, and these new findings could affect water supplies in the bay area and other parts in the state. part of san jose will be sprayed for mosquitoes tonight. the area to be sprayed is bordered by pain avenue, highway 17, and rincon and bud avenues. mosquitoes in the area did test positive for the west nile virus. . a bay area baseball coach accused of knocking out an umpire says there's more to the story than meets the eye. details when we come back. good morning, jade
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hernandez, santa clara police have a warning for their residents. find out what it is.
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channel 2 stock report brought to you by welcome back, here's a quick look at some of the stories we're following right now. bp is suspending the work on the relief well in the gulf of mexico because of a big storm
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in the gulf, it could force ships in the area to clear out. at least five people have just died this morning in a horrible bus crash in fresno. you're looking at pictures of the remains of it. this happens about 2:00 this morning at highway 99. the chp says two cars collided with the greyhound bus heading to sacramento from los angeles. water department crews at the scene in richmond. water flooded several homes at the intersection. >> warning for people living in santa clara after a series of early-morning burglars. joining us now with details from police, jade. >> reporter: we just learned police say the burglars are spread out in southern santa clara, and right now the warning is for residents to close their windows and doors in the night.
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it's a big warning for folks here in the city. there have been 6 burglaries since july 15, and residents became victims while they were in their homes sleeping. fortunately no one was hurt, but the thieves are targeting houses in southern santa clara. the burglars are sneaking in and carrying out easy to carry electronics. we have contacted police this morning and we'll have an update in about 45 minutes. residents are asked to report anything suspicious, and again that warning is just to close your doors and windows at night so police can make sure they can investigate these burglaries and make sure they catch whoever is doing it. reporting live, "ktvu channel 2 news." federal officials extending a travel warning to texas because of continuing drug-
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related violence. the warning is cautioning travelers. major resort areas and other parts of mexico should be safe with the normal amount of common sense precautions. the drug wars have killed 23,000 people since 2006, most of those people were involved in drug trafficking in that border region. nobel peace prize winner has just announced he plans to retire from public life. the former archbishop of south africa turned 79 years old in october and says it's time for him to slow down and spend more time with his family. he received a nobel peace prize in 1964 and used it to step up a campaign. baseball coach who is accused of assaulting a umpire during a game could face jail time and a fan.
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he allegedly punched the umpire in the face for calling one of his players out. the alleged incident happened last sunday. davis reportedly says he never threw a punch and claims he was defending himself by putting his hands up during an exchange. the team manager says he is no longer with the league. time now, 6:45, sal has more about the horrifying greyhound bus crash. >> reporter: just getting information another person has died, bringing the total of dead people to six. this crash happened overnight at 99 in fresno. northbound bus was traveling with 35 passengers, got into a collision, six people were killed. 10 people sent to the hospital, and the 99 freeway, northbound 99 is closed in fresno for an undetermined period of time. they haven't told us when they
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plan to reopen it. but we'll show you pictures later on, it is horrible. they will not be opening that for awhile. let's go to san francisco, we still have lanes closed, we're hearing that could be picked up any moment, but again, avoid the area, causing a bit of a traffic jam there. live pictures of the bay area commute. more problems heading to 580 on the richmond bridge, it looks good. and this morning's drive is getting slow on 237 as you head out to highway 101. 647, here's mark. . live camera and view out towards the bay point area. currently mid-50s. here's the cloud cover moving into the bay area. yesterday, coolest day of the week, temperatures will be warming up inland as we approach the weekend. no major heat waves in sight. this is a view towards oakland, still the same. weather story coming up for you
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right now, clouds this morning, and warming trend begins, lasting to saturday, then beyond saturday, we could be talking about another cooling trend. spot forecast, for livermore, by 12:00, 72 by 3:00, an an afternoon high. some of the current numbers, 52, fairfield, 53 and san jose reporting overcast skies. here we go, see what happens, putting this into motion, big temperature range once again from the upper 50s to the immediate coastline. temperatures inland to the low to mid-80s. there's that 90-degree contour. it will be moving in, inching closer to the bay area as we approach saturday. warmest locations could be 90 degrees. this could lift out to the north and east and this will be
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the area of warmup, minor warming, nothing too extreme out there. as far as throughout today, 8:00 this morning, mostly cloudy skies, still lingering fog, then by 4:00 this afternoon, there's the eventual temperature range, we'll go with 73, 76, neighborhoods with freemont mid-80s. here's a look ahead, temperatures up a before it takes for your friday, gradually pulling back over the next few days. another check coming up in a few minutes. 6:49 the time right now. the number of people applying for first-time unemployment benefits jumped. 465,000 people filed this last week, a jump of 37,000, which is twice as large as was
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forecasted. checking in on wall street. very nice day, especially for the dow jones. taking a live look at the new york stock exchange. caterpillar and at&t are both part of the dow jones inconclusive. at&t increased its quarter, and eli lilly and ups also with good reports. general motors announced it will buy out a finance company and will increase leasing and make more loans to buyers with lower credit scores. the deal is expected to close before the end of the year. . a piece of san francisco history now back with its rightful owner. up next, they'll tell you about it. find out how far giant's fans will have to travel next year to catch the season opener. good morning, westbound 24, traffic looking okay as you
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drive through the tunnel, but we already have some difficulties for your thursday- morning commute.
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they used to spend hours on the couch, watching t.v., playing video games. and with all you hear about childhood obesity, i was concerned. now i take a more active role in their health like insisting on lots of play time and making sure they eat right. like when i make burgers i use lean jennie-o ground turkey. i'm proud i got them off the couch. well, sort of. anncr: be well... with all the great tasting ways to eat lighter. only from jennie-o. a street right now at buchanan, closure because the water department was doing overnight work. they had to fix a valve on the
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system. they were there all night doing it. now they are closing up the street, but the street is down to one lane. we are catching them at the tail end of this project, and it looks like this could be open in the next 15-30 minutes. they are working hard to get this open. for awhile, people out water service in the area. we're hearing that service has been turned back on. back to the desk. time now, just turning 6:54. now here's what's coming up with mornings on 2. >> coming up in minutes, new details on that horrible crash in fresno that killed 6 people overnight and injured 10 others. we'll hear from passengers and how it's affecting traffic in that area. crews in the process of removing 7-burned out cars. we'll find out what happened in a live report and about the effort of letting the owners of the cars know their car has
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been destroyed. and the hottest zip codes in the country when it comes to real estate. those stories coming up. thank you. time now, 6:54. reigniting a dispute over an effort to -- the deer are making a comeback after a controversial campaign to shoot the non-native deer, there then there was a program to control their population over birth control. much of the debate is about removing the non-native deer in the first place. >> this whole proposal was about saving a native species. >> there's no reason to accept from this mindset that says non- native species shouldn't be here, whatever the reasons. now the park services run out of money for the birth control idea.
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that will probably reignite the whole debate about what to do when the deer population continues to grow. >> it has been three years since a mannequin arm disappeared from a san francisco restaurant, but it has suddenly reappeared for a reunion. it appeared in a package, along with photos showing where it has been and a letter. the kidnappers took the arm on a three-year joyride through the midwest. the restaurant held a reattachment ceremony yesterday afternoon, and the owner plans to insure the arm for $1 and plans to send bloody mary and margarita mixes to the return address on the package. time now, 6:56. giant's fans may have to go overseas to catcnext year's season openers. they are debating a two-game series in taiwan. this wouldn't be a first time.
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the oakland a's opened their 2008 season in japan against the red sox. coming up on 7:00, sal has been covering a lot of things this morning. where are you starting, sal? >> reporter: in the eastbound, bay bridge getting more crowded as we approach the heart of the commute. let's move along and take a look at the toll plaza, it's improved a bit. on lumbard street eastbound, we have a closure at buchanan, they they are just ability about to reopen it, it's down to one lane on lumbard street causing a traffic problem. let's go to mark. notice cloudy skies on all your traffic cameras, mostly cloudy skies over a good portion of the bay area. today warmer than yesterday, still some 80s inland, but keeping it cool for the
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beaches. if it has been a little too cool for you, we're going to warm things up beginning friday and saturday, saturday warmest locations on either side of 90 degrees. it's going to seem like a heat wave. you're following steve's lead letting us do the weekend. stay with us, we are following a mystery at sfo. take a look at that. cars went up in flames. we'll tell you what arson investigators are saying. since i've been doing roller derby for the last three years,
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i'm more brash, more confident and i love this. can i use my hands? is that alright? i take good care of my body and i do it so i can do this. [ male announcer to keep doing what you love, keep your heart healthy. cheerios can help. the whole grain oats can help lower cholesterol. i, i want to be doing roller derby until i break a hip. and then i'll do it for a little bit longer. hahaha. [ male announcer it's simple, love your heart so you can do what you love. what do you love? see how cheerios can help you do it.


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