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tv   KRON 4 News at 11pm  KRON  May 10, 2024 11:00pm-11:31pm PDT

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news station. this is. news 11. now at 11, firefighters are responding to a fire involving at least 2 buildings in oakland. this is video shared on the citizen app. it captures that big plume of smoke. >> you can see it from nearby freeways. good evening, everybody. thanks for being with us tonight on kron 4 news at 11, i'm grant lotus. the oakland fire department first reported this fire about 8 o'clock tonight near 27th and west streets. firefighters say. >> a single family home and the church burned the home is considered a total loss. the church suffered significant damage. both buildings fortunately were empty at the time of the fire. so no one was hurt. the cause is being investigated. >> we're learning of a death investigation at san jose's animal care center. staff members say a city contractor was found dead at the facility this morning. san jose police fire and cal osha are
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investigating. the animal care center was closed all day today, but plans to reopen tomorrow. they say pets were not involved in this incident. >> more protests in the bay area today over that ongoing war. this group of protesters gathered in portola valley earlier today where president biden attended a fundraiser at the home of billionaire venture capitalist. you know, coastline. >> we want him to know that we do not support the genocide is happening right now and we want the donors to know that we hope that they would fund other things besides the war and the site's genocide. and so we're here today to just make sure he knows that people are unhappy about this genocide in palestine. >> the president that left 4 palo alto to visit the home of former yahoo. ceo marissa meyer. he is now in seattle. the pro palestine student protests on college campuses are continuing throughout the bay area, even as students
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graduate from stanford. uc berkeley sf state demonstrations have now reach san jose state's campus. kron. 4 is jack moment. reports. >> so students here at san jose state are going on day number 2 of the campus sit in support of people in gaza. now, as you can see, the san jose state university administration has already given to students warning about the policy regarding camping on >> some engaging in prayer and others sitting to show support as students protest the ongoing war between israel and hamas. e responsibility of the terrible genocide that is occurring in palestine and in the gaza. >> right now is a responsibility that falls on. >> all of our shoulder today marks day 2 of the sit-in at san jose state. students say this banner is the only communication the school has sent. that basically says that gatherings of any kind that
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are >> not approved of will be met with a request to disperse. students have 6 demands for the school, including disclosing and divesting from any companies that benefit israel. >> we do not abstain ourselves from this. harmful to our community's well-being. they're also getting support from neighbors. and it's a great injustice to the palestinian people. nancy so says she lives in the area and wanted to show up for student protesters around the nation who are met with suspensions and even arrests. >> so we should support we got is because we don't have expulsion of all kind for the university administration sent kron 4 statement saying in part. >> we expect and anticipate that our students who participate in demonstrations will be peaceful and responsible. and the following the university's time place and manner policy. >> so students here at san jose state to me, they really are under no specific timeline as when they want to end the sit-in protest. meantime, the
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last of classes is on may 13th with graduation ceremonies happening over the next several weeks. for now, we're in san jose. jackie moment. kron 4 news. >> despite the encampment in berkeley, calif law school graduated today, the commencement was at the greek theater while demonstrators remained said nearby sproul plaza. the event comes as many colleges have decided to cancel or change commencement cal's main graduation for undergrads at memorial stadium tomorrow. it's san francisco. 2 people were taken to the hospital after a fire at a senior center. you're looking here at citizen app video of the scene. it happened just before 11 o'clock this morning on fillmore street in japantown fire. crews say the center has 51 units with more than 100 residents. the fire started on the 3rd floor went up to the 4th and then the roof. no word tonight on what caused the fire. new video tonight of the chp rescuing a climber from a cliff in marin county. they found this person sitting on the side of the
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mountain at tamales point precarious positions. so they lower the rescuer who put the person in a harness and flew them to safety. nice day to be out by the coasts. not too hot, not too cold. just right for goldilocks. as we take a live look there at coit tower chief meteorologist lawrence karnow is here after if you're in landlords another hot day in the bay. yeah, boy, those temperatures are running on the hot side. had a couple of 90 show up inland for today. looks like the atmosphere starting to change a bit, though. you can see it outside. check out the patchy fog that has moved. >> even inside the bay tonight. so that's a sign that onshore wind kicking in bringing that cool air from the ocean waters. but that's a very thin layer of clouds so not able to penetrate inland. so wide variety of temperatures. 54 in half moon bay, 69 in san jose right now. still 71 degrees in concord. 73 in pittsburgh. 74 brentwood, 16 now and nap and 59 and cooling off. now in petaluma. so a very nice
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numbers outside. now you're going to find a beautiful day tomorrow. just a little more fog and some cooler temperatures along the coastline and just inside the bay, many of the interior valleys. well, that suddenly surge of fog finally going to do its work along the coastline, but inland, it is still going to say on the warm to hot side. so high pressure is here. looks like for tomorrow in the weekend, too. that is going to crank up the temperatures again, but along the coastline, much cooler 50's maybe some 60's as you head out toward the beaches. in fact, san francisco is in the 70's tomorrow. probably about 60 to 80 in oakland about 87 degrees in san jose. thank you, larry. it's closing arguments have wrapped up in the attempted murder case of the man accused of intentionally driving his car. >> over 300 foot cliff with his family in sight. this unique case hinges on the judge's decision about what kind of mental health crisis tarmacs patel was suffering from when he drove off highway one. this is january of last year. his wife and 2 kids were in that car when it plunged over devil's slide in san
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mateo county, they all survived. miraculously that tells wife now says she does not want her husband prosecuted. the judge could decide to divert tell us case out of criminal court and into a mental health treatment program. instead, the judge will make a ruling june 20th. more than 2000 pot plants and 100 pounds of processed marijuana were seized today at a santa clara county property right near the san benito county line, a special unit with the santa clara county sheriff's office has been focused on this operation for months. 4 people were arrested. 2 guns were found there. oakland's new top cop starts tomorrow. floyd mitchell began his career with the kansas city police department served as the police chief in temple, texas and lubbock, texas. mitchell is the app's 14th chief in just the last decade. parts of highway 37 between vallejo in sonoma county are shut down
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once again tonight for repaving. caltrans says eastbound lanes will reopen monday morning. so that's closed all weekend. now, eastbound. happening tomorrow. bart trains will be shut down between union city and the south fremont's stations. bart says crews will be working on the tracks between that area. buses will take the place of train spartz's. that rain should be back up and running by monday. the group of women is putting on hard hats and building a home in the east bay. several of them today was the annual women's leadership build. it is habitat for humanity's event for women to serve their community by building or repairing homes. today volunteers worked on and affordable housing community in walnut creek named esperanza place, one of them women's put in more than 200 hours into what is now her new home. it's nothing like being able to be part of building your home with so much love. i don't know many people that are able to see.
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>> say i built this house from the from the ground. >> very cool and rewarding. no doubt. phase one of the project is already done. so 23 families will be moving in next month. today the volunteer started making the walls for phase 2 of the projects which is set to be completed next year when all the houses are finished, the community. we'll have 42 hopes. >> still to come at 11 beautiful video, the aurora borealis in place is not near the north pole. why we're seeing it all over the world. we introduce you to an asian american designers hoping to inspire a new fashion trend reduces waste. plus can make >> international, confusing. i want to revel particular open. >> oakland's airport name change is not making everyone happy as tensions continue to rise between san francisco and
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oakland with law experts think will happen next.
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>> legal experts are predicting oakland airports new likely won't last long. the airport officially changed its name yesterday, too. san francisco bay, oakland international airport. the approval came despite the city of san francisco's lawsuit that claims the new airport name infringes on sfo, trademark. but you see law, san francisco professor says he doesn't think the name change will survive this legal fight. >> one of though, really worst
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points for oakland is that they seem to have been doing this in a conscious attempt to divert traffic away sfo and in trademark case is the fact that the defendant is intentionally seeking to capitalize on the goodwill of the trademark holder is often a very important factor in training lawsuits. >> decision from the courts regarding the lawsuit could be months down the road. the world is currently under a geomagnetic storm warning. you heard that right? the sun has led off large amounts of energy creating extreme conditions. this is rare. this level of storm hasn't been seen since 2003. it could disrupt things. we use cell phone networks, gps satellites, internet service and power grid. it's probably not here. not on a wide scale level, but in other parts of the world. you bet. already some parts of the world that normally don't get to see. the northern lights are posting photos and videos on social media from new zealand to
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parts of the u.s. the most recent coming here from the lake tahoe area. earlier tonight, i talked to a solar astrophysicist about why tonight is so special. >> so normally if you get one eruption like this coming tuesday, ed or limited to regents way close to the north way close to the south poles. but i have many more charged particles coming in due to these combined are options over a start to become visible. you have to know that attitudes. >> the storm is expected to last through the weekend. so at night get to a rural area in look up, look north. our chief meteorologist lawrence kartow is here with more large. this is just fascinating. it really is amazing. and rarely do you get a chance to see it, especially at to where we live. but >> this might be one of those events. definitely worth a walking outside and take a look for while letter eyes
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adjust. and you may actually see some look to the north and you may actually see. here's the latest forecast for this event is going to see much of that already taking place right now. they're seeing the aurora, northern parts of the u.s., but the possibility we've heard about it being reported in the tahoe area reading the forecast is maybe about 4% chance of seeing it there. but these are very unpredictable events. and so if this is a little bit stronger, we get a little more of that magnetic field coming our way. all of a sudden maybe we can see it in the bay area to so get out there and check it out. if you can out there tonight that started to drift back on shore. and that will be more of a story as we take you through the weekend as we'll see plenty of that on the way that will help to cool down temperatures just a little bit. but boy, that's compressed so far down near the surface is not to be able to reach well inland. that means we're going to keep those temperatures on the toasty side in many of the interior valleys. otherwise, yeah, along the coastline plan on 50's 60's for highs inland 80's, maybe even a couple low 90's by tomorrow afternoon.
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you see it on the model here to overnight tonight. just a thin layer of fog developing inside the bay pulling back toward the coastline about the middle of the day. thickening up. i think tomorrow night into sunday morning, some more fog on the way for sunday morning. that means some cooler temperatures in or out, but numbers around the bay area in san francisco said a 70 look at the 60's by tomorrow afternoon in downtown san francisco along the you can see that fog kind of dance along the coastline during the day 50's and some low 60's. a little cool. get inside the bay. the temperatures start to heat up. 75 degrees millbrae about 81 in san carlos. 80 in mountain view. the south bay filled up with 80's, maybe in a couple low 90's by tomorrow afternoon. the east bay also going to be a very, very warm about 88 degrees in pleasanton. 88 to live more. 79. there will be a bit of a wind and the hayward by tomorrow afternoon, even inside the bail feel those winds kind of kicking up late in the day as that sea breeze really start to kick in. but many interior the state on the hot side. well inland numbers 60's along the coastline next couple days. how about that? the temperatures begin to cool off just a little bit through
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monday and then warm up as we get in toward a tuesday of next week. but mother's day is looking good. make sure you treat or special should be a nice day out there. just plan on some cool fog along the coastline. if you're worried about that, you want the sunshine to stay inside the bay and the valleys. 2 quick things. better night to see the northern lights tonight or tomorrow. i think tonight's the better night. just because less cloud cover. and the second thing just to hammer home sunday. mother's day. >> whatever mom wants right what ever mom wants? i think that's exactly and then everything's ok, should be happy no matter happy mother's day to share in your mom and all the women. thank you that you have major that's right. all right. thanks. lines. >> lots of people love fast fashion. >> and our changing styles and moods. but what about the price tonight for our api heritage month, we meet a woman who's making fashion that is sustainable. adaptable. pretty cool. kron four's vicki liviakis reports.
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>> so we called this year's campaign beauty in every stitch. bernice pan has a thing for style. she's a phd in fashion. innovations is an cotton. worried that fast fashion is creating mountains of discarded clothes dumped in places that are out of sight. out of mind. she looked for ways to look good and do good that all 100 billion garments produced every single year. yeah, on. yeah. of which most of it gets into the landfill or incinerators within one year of being produced as that, the waste that comes out unsold comments. bernice created a clothing company called deploy. sure the garments are sustainable and organic, but that's just part of it. >> and then you can actually take this apart. and where it has almost could jacket. >> creating outfits that are well convertible. can take this each piece is adaptable
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and multipurpose. we really try to design waste out of office based in london from east pan travels, the world here in san francisco for a climate conference and the catwalk of for earth friendly fashions. >> when he says sharing her id staying stylish while being ethical. >> co-authoring this book and even speaking to the un is actually dress will impact and where your values ultimately, byrne says we're hard wired to want to look and feel great and dressing up is certainly one way to express yourself. well, now you can imagine unlimited possibilities. i'm comfortable piece to left that sustainable in san francisco. vicki liviakis kron. 4 news. >> all right. pretty cool story there. thank you to vicki. the and beats night
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market has returned to downtown san francisco. the event happens for friday's each year and tonight was the first of 2024. it's located the clay and battery streets. they they're getting on. look at that. the free event transforms 3 city blocks into a vibrant marketplace for locals and visitors. it features south asian longer music as well as food and street vendors. the next night market is july. 12th. and tune into kron 4 every thursday this month for stories highlighting the bay area's api community. >> all leading up to our special. it is thursday may 23rd at 6, 30 at night. up next, the giants back from a disappointing roadtrip hosting the reds. >> at the ballpark in san francisco hope and some good home cooking will help start a win to garlic fries. do the win to garlic fries. do the trick.
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♪ (ominous music) ♪ yes, ahh!! mom: what is going on with you? get out! andy! get out of my room! get out! mom: andy. fight! fight! i didn't say anything. yes you did. ♪ (ominous music) ♪ ♪ (ominous music) ♪
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>> and now kron 4 sports. >> well, we've got a little bit of everything happening for bay area sports night. so let's start with some baseball because the giants, they were back home hosting the race tonight with a familiar face on the diamond. this it did you he's brought back from a aaa team in sacramento, replacing nick ahmed, who actually went on the aisle today. maybe you can help to spark the giants offense help load. and we have tonight. let's talk about it because the reds, they jumped out to a one to nothing lead. but i trying to write. he responded with shout out to left up and over the wall, his 6th homer of the season that we're all tied up at one apiece. same score in the 3rd man over tyler fitzgerald who hit the flare into right. if all. between 3. defenders scenario
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ramos comes into score. but then the giant they lead 2 to one logan williams been adams sorts of late. well, he gave up this lead. he gave it right back to the reds game was tied to a man on the tj friedl. you see that the pfizer, the lays into the gap in left center field and will that put the rams up 3 to the red. they added a run late beating the faltering giants 4 to 2. >> bob melvin said they have to play better and obviously they haven't the memo just yet. meanwhile, the a's they're in the emerald city actually on the road visiting the mariners and there, you know, going up against the bay area's brian he actually went to alameda high school and he's a graduate from there. he gets a crack at pitches get the team grew rooting for when will start the moment. they're bryant's teammate. >> well, he gave a little breathing room in the 4th off a starter. paul blackburn too long luke raley who rifled a shot into the gap in left center field and mitch haniger scores in the mariners. they grab a one. nothing lead while
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ty france. >> well, he's up next. called the shot down the line in left. it goes into the corner and it to more mariners and they take a 3 to nothing lead and the next that killing more. he does more damage with a man on it's a shot right here watching high in way out to left. they put up 5 runs in the 4th on blackburn with he could actually not finish the game. he actually left in the 5th inning the mayor said, it was some of taj unerring reasons. so of course, we're hoping that nothing serious is going on there. but the mariners they did go on to win this one, 8 to one was the final. we won't the forty-niners. they held their rookie mini-camp today at santa clara its new crop of players to know there are some pick wide receiver, ricky parse all who. >> well, he was targeted 4 times and he called 0 passes. meanwhile, cornerback bernardo green had a a plus day on the field. he was never targeted by the offense and was very aggressive. all of that is great for the new defensive
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coordinator, nick sorensen, who talked about his defensive philosophy with the media today. take a listen to what he to say. it. >> i think i think you learn every year. i think for me it's more just getting prepared for the season getting our players prepared and our staff and everybody prepared that we're playing and presenting it to our players in you know, with one voice we're doing it all. it was the same direction and again, like i said, it's p violence and finishes what i want to look like. >> well, it was an eventful day down in clair. knew was war. yeah. knows? i love a warm day in the bay on my gosh. are you in heaven now as i loved every everybody was like, oh, my gosh, really? they see. and i was like, no, this is good. this is like a nice spring day in the south. others in a mini camp was very eventful. i actually enjoy watching the free agency. how you think the niners are going to do this year coming off that great season but disappointing surprisingly, they're still pick to be the favorite team going into this season in still picked to go to the super bowl yet again. so hopefully they can allow
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this motivation of getting to the big game and that finishing the way they want to get them over the hom. hopefully that's what they're after this season. let's hope so. thanks, and thank you for watching. have a great weekend to have a great night. be safe and want to see
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